Health disk for quick weight loss at home. Health disc Leg spinner what is it called

Believe it if they tell you that one compact exercise machine weighing 1.1 kg will help you get rid of excess weight and make your waist slim? This is quite possible if you perform exercises on the health disk for weight loss. This rotating metal “pancake” helps not only to lose weight in the waist and lower body, but also trains the vestibular apparatus. After a long time of training, you can go into space with it, but it is better to stay on earth and continue to improve your body.

Features of the simulator

Health disk, health circle, Grace disk - this projectile has many names, but its design is always the same: two fastened metal disks or a metal and a plastic one with edges curved towards each other, which rotate due to steel balls inside. Its diameter is about 30 cm.

The health disk has several modifications:

  1. classic metal circle;
  2. plastic surface with additional points for foot massage;
  3. plastic with expanders;
  4. plastic with music and sensors.

The classic disk model is made of two metal plates. Modern versions have a plastic covering interspersed under the feet. They provide an additional foot massage. Also, there is a model with expanders for additional training of arm muscles, as well as with various sensors to track weight loss and calories.

The health disc trainer is quite compact. No additional space is needed to store it - the projectile is placed under the furniture. And it is also easy to transport.

To train with it, you don’t need a lot of space; it is important that the disc and arms bent at the elbows fit. You can use it in the gym, at home and even in the office. In the latter case, this is necessary, given that office employees lead a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects their health.

10 minutes of exercise with the exercise machine will help lift your mood and stretch your muscles. A 30-minute workout will help you burn at least 250 calories.

The health disc is used for training for weight loss, as well as for warming up before heavy and intense exercise. Classes are conducted barefoot or wearing thin socks. In a week of exercises on the health disk for weight loss, you can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight. There will be no quick effect from this simulator; you need to be patient and persistent. Changes in your figure will begin a month after daily training. To lose calories faster, you need to make changes to your menu - switch to proper nutrition, spend fasting days or choose proper diet.

Benefits and harms

Like all exercise machines, exercises on the health disc have advantages and disadvantages.


This exercise machine is designed primarily for slimming your waist. By performing exercises on the health disk for the abdomen, you can lose weight well at the waist. This will happen naturally and gradually. Regular exercises on the Grace disc have a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  • training the muscles of the core, buttocks, arms, legs;
  • strengthening the back;
  • improvement of intestinal function;
  • prevention of back and leg diseases;
  • development of the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements;
  • getting rid of blood stagnation in the pelvic area and salts in the joints;
  • increasing endurance, plasticity and flexibility.

If you purchase a modern health disc for weight loss with additional points on its surface, additional foot massage will occur during exercise. This part of the body is practically not stimulated when exercising with other equipment. Massaging these areas has a beneficial effect on work internal organs.


Health disc exercises are based on trunk rotations and twisting. Therefore, such activities are contraindicated for the following groups of people:

  • with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with acute diseases of the digestive system, ulcers;
  • after surgery on the legs, back or abdomen;
  • with a very weak vestibular apparatus;
  • with impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  • pregnant women.

Pensioners should exercise very carefully on the Grace disc so as not to aggravate the diseases of old age and not to injure the joints.

Lesson rules on disk

You won’t find a simpler piece of equipment for exercising and losing weight. (they can compete with it or on) except that the simplicity of the exercises with it seems obvious, but there are some rules that should still be followed when performing a health exercise to lose weight in the abdomen and sides.

  1. The duration of the workout is 20-30 minutes daily.
  2. 20 minutes before training you need to drink a glass of warm water.
  3. The disc must be placed on a flat, non-slip surface.
  4. You need to train barefoot or in thin socks.
  5. Clothing should not constrain or interfere with movements.
  6. In most exercises, rotation of the body occurs only at the waist. Therefore, the head and shoulders should be motionless and not droop.
  7. All movements are carried out smoothly. Sudden jerks or turns are prohibited.
  8. Turns occur by twisting the upper and lower body in different directions.
  9. There should be a chair or other furniture nearby that you can lean on.

For those who are trying their hand at the health disc for the first time, doctors recommend making 5 turns when performing various exercises. More advanced athletes perform up to 10 turns on the disc in one exercise.

Set of exercises

Before starting exercises on the health disc for the waist, you need to master the basic body position, which is used as the starting position (IP) in many exercises:

  • stand on disk;
  • sit down a little;
  • bend your elbows and keep them at chest level;
  • keep your back straight;
  • tighten your abdominal muscles.

We offer the following classes on the health disk for weight loss.

  1. Place two chairs next to the disk with their backs facing you. IP, grab your backs with your hands and turn your lower body to the left and to the right.
  2. Place the disk next to the wall. IP, lean your hands against the wall. Make turns at the waist alternately to the left and right sides.
  3. IP, turn smoothly on a circle, making turns top part the body to the right, and the bottom to the left.
  4. IP, make turns on a circle, as in the previous exercise. Add squats and straight leg raises when performing rotations.
  5. IP, while turning on the disc, you can alternate raising and lowering your arms: right hand raised up, left along the body, change at the next turn.
  6. Stand on the floor, arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Hold the disc between your palms with your side facing you. Turn the pussies of the hands in opposite directions.
  7. Place the disc on a chair and sit on it with your feet together. Hands raised to chest level. Take small lateral steps with your feet to the left, then to the right. Only the lower part of the body should rotate.
  8. This exercise differs from the previous one in that rotations of the upper body in the opposite direction are added.
  9. Disk on a chair, sit on it sideways to the back. Hands are on your knees. Having pushed off, you need to “fly” to the opposite edge of the back of the chair. Repeat several such turns in each direction.
  10. You need to place two disks side by side on the floor. Become an individual entrepreneur on them. Turn the socks towards each other and return to the IP.
  11. Two disks are also used, IP. Both legs turn first to the left, IP, to the right.
  12. Get into a plank position, resting your hands on the discs. Turn your palms towards each other, straight, in opposite directions.

If you spend at least 2 minutes doing each of these exercises every day, you can strengthen the muscles of the whole body, make your waist slim, tighten your stomach, arms, buttocks and legs.

When performing exercises, you can also use various hand expanders and dumbbells.

Common mistakes

In pursuit of slim figure people often ignore the basic rules for using this or that sports equipment. Grace is no exception. People make a lot of mistakes when using a health disc to lose weight.

Error What does it lead to?
Slouch It is inconvenient to turn around while hunched over. In this position, the internal organs are compressed and do not function well.
Sudden movements There's no hurry. Sharp pushes and turns can pull a muscle or pinch a joint or vertebrae.
Full body turns If turns occur with the whole body, weight loss will not occur. In different exercises, turns are performed either by the upper or lower body.
Head down Load on the neck and spine. It becomes more difficult to do exercises and it is difficult to breathe.
Clothes that are too tight or too loose, pants that fall to the floor Tight-fitting outfits can restrict movement and cause discomfort. Too loose ones can interfere with turning, squatting, and bending. Pants “on the floor” can get caught between the disc plates, making exercises impossible.
Sneakers or other shoes They interfere with foot massage on the grooved or dotted surface of the disc.
Short workouts With a duration of 5-15 minutes a day, excess weight loss will be insignificant.
Uneven or slippery surface You may be injured if you place the disc on a slippery or uneven surface.

Many women are sure that to get beautiful figure enough to lose weight. However, fat leaves our body unevenly, so after excess weight is eliminated, it is imperative to correct your figure. Specialists will help us with this physical exercise aimed at strengthening a specific area of ​​the body.

To become the owner of an amazing figure, use a special weight loss circle.

The advantages of such a device

Spinning the circle for weight loss is very useful for those ladies who have body fat in the waist and abdomen area. IN Lately such sport equipment has become very popular among women and girls losing weight, since the exercises are truly considered effective.

To spin the rotating circle, you do not need a special physical training, you can watch TV or talk with friends on the phone and still lose weight!

Spinning a circle is good for both your figure and your health, so after such regular classes not only weight is lost, but muscles are also strengthened and the condition of all internal organs improves.

The undeniable advantages of spinning a circle for weight loss include:

  • ease of use;
  • ease of moving the hoop;
  • there is no need for special training;
  • can be combined with other physical activities;
  • high efficiency of weight loss.

Despite the fact that there are many exercises for losing weight, spinning a circle is much easier and more enjoyable.

Floor disc

For weight loss, not only a hoop is suitable, but also a floor circle, better known as the “Grace” health disc. It’s quite simple to practice: you need to stand with your feet on the disk and do circular movements body first in one direction and then in the other direction. The disk is very convenient, it is compact and lightweight, so you can even take it with you to work.

The training is accessible to people of any age and size. Spinning on such a health circle will lift your spirits and relieve nervous tension. Two minutes of such activities will lift your spirits and charge you with positive energy.

A special feature of the floor circle for weight loss is its convex surface, thanks to which the feet are securely fixed to the disc. There are bulges at certain points, so the “Grace” disc is not only a kind of exercise machine for weight loss, but also a means for independently performing acupuncture massage at home.

Carrying out simple exercises on a rotating weight loss circle, you will not only get rid of excess weight in problem areas body, but you will also do this beneficial effect on your own body:

  • increase efficiency, relieve fatigue;
  • improve your body health;
  • reduce weight;
  • improve body flexibility;
  • strengthen your leg and abdominal muscles;
  • warm up all your muscles before more serious workouts.

In addition, if you perform body movements using a disc, you will train the vestibular system.

How to exercise correctly

Preparation for this sport is not required, however, you should first familiarize yourself with simple recommendations specialists. By following them, you will lose weight much faster.

A plastic disc is quite suitable for daily activities, but an iron circle is considered more reliable and will last you for many years. So, let's start with these simple exercises.

Exercise 1

  • We stand on the disc with both feet, keep our back straight, look forward at one point;
  • We raise our arms at shoulder level, stretch them forward;
  • We turn our legs and pelvis left and right, involving the abdominal muscles in the work.

Repeat 30–50 times.

Exercise 2

  • We work with the upper part of the body;
  • Imagine that a rope is stretched tightly around you, you need to pull yourself up with your hands behind it, while rotating the body of your body to the right and left;
  • Repeat the exercise 3 times left and right.

Exercise 3

  • We do twisting: we direct our legs and pelvis to the left, and our torso and arms to the right;
  • You can help yourself with your legs, spring them a little and bend your knees;
  • Repeat 20-30 times.

Such simple and accessible provisions will help in short time achieve your goal - to become the owner of an elastic, beautiful tummy! You can also tighten your buttocks and thighs using the floor iron weight loss circle.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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It would seem like a simple exercise machine - a health disk, which is very easy to use, you just need to stand on it and spin. But this approach is fundamentally wrong. There are certain rules, and only if you follow them can you achieve positive results from training and avoid injuries and other negative consequences.

Firstly, the disk must be installed on a flat and non-slip surface. Then, even with intense movements, it will not move and will not create dangerous situations in which it is easy to fall and get injured.

Secondly, when practicing on the health disk, you should not allow too sudden head movements to avoid dizziness. This is especially true for older people, in most of whom the vestibular apparatus undergoes certain age-related changes and can no longer function as before.

Thirdly, before using the disk for its intended purpose, it is wise to install nearby objects on which, if necessary, you could lean (or place the disk in close proximity to them). This could be a chair, table, etc.

Fourthly, you should correctly determine the load for yourself. Fitness trainers recommend that children under 12 years old make no more than 4-5 rotations (rotations) in one approach, teenagers under 15 years old - no more than 6-7, young people under 18 years old - 8-9 rotations, and adults - from 10 to 14 revolutions. However, these are nothing more than recommendations; each person who decides to exercise on a disc must determine the load independently, taking into account his state of health, the presence of diseases and morale.

It is useful to drink a glass of clean water before exercising on the health drive. Then, in addition to the benefits of physical activity There is an excellent cleansing of internal organs and subsequent effective removal of toxins from the body.

A set of exercises on the health disk

Exercise 1. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the forearms and abs. Stand on the health disc with both feet. Move your arms bent at the elbows to the sides so that your elbows are at shoulder level. Rotate your hips to the right/left while keeping your arms in the starting position.

Exercise 2. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the thighs and abs. Place the disc on a chair and sit on it. Move your arms bent at the elbows to the sides so that your elbows are at shoulder level. Move your hips to the right/left while keeping your arms in the starting position.

Exercise 3. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the chest and torso. Take the health disk in your hands and extend them forward to chest level, slightly bending your elbows. Press down firmly on both sides of the disc at the same time, and then rotate it with your hands in opposite directions.

Exercise 4. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs and torso. To complete it you will need 2 health disks. Place one foot on one disc, the other on the second. Make rotational movements with your legs, first with your feet inward (as if pretending to have a clubfoot), then outward.

Exercise 5. Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the chest, arms and torso. Place 2 disks next to each other. Get into a lying position as if you were about to do push-ups. Place your palms on the disc and press your body to the floor. Straighten your arms while rotating your hands outward (fingers pointing in different directions), press down again to the floor while rotating your hands inward (fingers pointing toward each other).

Exercise 6. Aimed at strengthening the leg muscles and abs. Stand on both discs with your knees slightly bent. Make rotational movements so that the lower and upper parts of the body rush in opposite directions.

This complex, of course, does not exhaust all the possibilities of the health disk. You can diversify the exercises at your discretion, endlessly improve them and complicate them. In the first days, you should not give all your best in training and even beyond that, bringing yourself to exhaustion. Exhaustive exercise does not mean maximum benefit.

The first workouts should not exceed 5-6 minutes a day, especially if you have not exercised before and did not give your body a feasible load. Gradually increase the time you practice on the disc to 30 minutes a day.

Remember, no matter how much you exercise, only if you perform the exercises regularly and with high quality, you can achieve positive (expected) results - normalize weight, tighten weak muscles, improve body sculpture, etc. Just 30 minutes of a good workout on the health disc will help you burn 250-300 kcal and work out the main muscle groups.

The health disc is a simulator that was quite popular back in the Soviet years, but over time, more bulky and effective simulators. However, it is quite a functional and useful tool for combating overweight even at home proper exercises on the disk for health.

This simulator has two metal or plastic round disks with a diameter of approximately 26 cm connected to each other by a bearing. Thanks to this connection, the upper disk begins to rotate relative to the lower one.

Sets of home exercises with a health circle for the waist help to form correct posture and develop coordination, and also tighten muscles.

Benefits of exercising on a simulator

The model is quite compact, so if you have long been planning to purchase a machine for home sports, this is what you need. It will allow:

  • Burn fat deposits;
  • Shape correct posture;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Massage the feet (if the disc has a grooved coating);
  • Develop the vestibular apparatus.

In addition to the excellent effect of exercises on the disc, this simulator is easy to use; for training you do not need specific knowledge, just know how to use the model correctly.

Advice: If you are a beginner and have never played sports before, but really want to start, the exercise machine is perfect for you.

An effective set of exercises for home workouts

For the first time, exercises for the waist on the health circle should be performed slowly, the movements should be smooth, and the amplitude of rotation should not be full. Once your body gets used to the load, you can increase the sets, repetitions and amplitude.

A set of exercises for home exercises with a health disc looks like this:

By doing this set of exercises for weight loss on the health disk, you have a chance to strengthen the muscles of the whole body in a short period of time, improve blood circulation in the body and burn calories.

A more complete and detailed complex can be viewed on the video of exercises on the health disk for weight loss on the Internet.

Now let's look at what experts advise regarding training with such a simple and affordable simulator.

  1. For these exercises with a health simulator to produce results, you need to do it persistently and constantly, about 25 minutes a day.
  2. When performing the complex, you should not forget about the amplitude of rotation, and try to make it maximum - this will add more load and will strengthen the muscles.
  3. Combine exercises on the disc for health with strength training on the abs and remember proper nutrition.
  4. In addition, before starting weight loss exercises on the health drive, you need to drink 200-500 ml of water to improve blood circulation.

The main reason to purchase such a mini exercise machine for your home is the simple and unique exercises on the health disc that will help you work out every part of the body. And if you want to exercise at home, then use this compact exercise machine.

Interested in learning how to combine strength training at home with a health drive? Subscribe to the newsletter and receive useful materials.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Technologies do not stand still; all simulators improve over time. The rotating iron disk from Soviet times has grown to be “tuned” with new materials, musical melodies during classes, and various additional functions. A health disc for weight loss is a floor exercise machine that helps maintain abdominal and back muscles in good shape. Regular daily exercise will help you cope with extra pounds. With the help of a health disc for weight loss, the silhouette of your figure will significantly improve. Find out how to exercise correctly.

Types of weight loss discs

There are many exercise machines, but why should you buy a spinning disc for weight loss? There are a number of advantages that are characteristic of home spinning exercise machines:

  1. Device dimensions. The exercise machine is small in size, it is not only convenient for storing at home, but also suitable for travel, office or recreation areas.
  2. Availability. In a sports store, you can buy a rotating health disc at inexpensive prices. Prices Treadmills, cycling tracks, in comparison with a disk, are much higher.
  3. Benefit. You will be able to improve your waist, abs, hips, and side areas.
  4. Healthy approach. Regular training will improve the condition of the spine, blood circulation, and will strengthen the general condition of the body.
  5. Loads. Gradually increasing the load, a person approaches the maximum training pace. The result is accelerated weight loss.

There are also a number of contraindications for which doctors prohibit the use of a waist disc. Exercise can be harmful to your body if you have:

  • chronic diseases;
  • circulatory problems;
  • fragile bones;
  • back diseases (sciatica and others);
  • problems with the spine.

Metal health circle

What does a metal exercise machine look like? This is a circle of two metal parts, approximately 25 cm in diameter. The plates are secured to each other with a bearing, which allows the disk to rotate during exercise. The metal health circle is the most inexpensive option, in no way inferior to newfangled innovations in terms of weight loss. The principle of operation on such a simulator is no different from others, so the process of losing weight with proper training runs efficiently. You should train every day, increasing the load gradually.


The version of the simulator with magnetic treatment is almost 2 times more expensive than a regular metal disc. The simulator is equipped with a special diagnostic computer that analyzes exercises and other data. Fans of training on a disc will find this type of device useful to control the quality and quantity of twists during daily training. A home magnetic cardio machine is very useful for joint health and weight loss.

Disc Grace with expanders

With the help of such a device, you are guaranteed an ideal waist; in addition, it is also a trainer for arms and legs at the same time. The Grace disc has a textured surface that additionally massages the legs. During training, you are allowed to drink a little water, and to speed up the weight loss process, you should speed up and change your training regimens. The Grace exercise machine, in addition to its beneficial effect on the figure, further improves:

  • condition of muscles, joints throughout the body;
  • circulatory and cardiac systems;
  • vertebral flexibility;
  • coordination of movements;
  • psychological state of the body.

How to do exercises on a disc

Exercises on the Health Disc for weight loss require compliance with a certain correct technique execution. Things to remember:

  1. Training must be safe, so the circle is installed on a stable and non-slip surface.
  2. If you feel dizzy, you need to slow down your workout and move smoothly. There must be support next to you.
  3. For your waist to become aspen, simply rotating on a circle is not enough: only the lower part of your body should remain mobile. The shoulders remain motionless.
  4. Drinking a glass of warm water before exercise will help improve blood circulation.
  5. It is useful to perform crunches on a circuit before the main workouts as a warm-up.

For hands

An excellent workout for strengthening and tightening your muscles is this exercise: place your hands on the disc as if you want to do push-ups from it. By twisting your palms in different directions in turn for one minute, you will be able to make your arm muscles beautiful and strong. Bonus: By doing movements for the rest of your body, you'll do extra arm swings that will improve your coordination and arm flexibility.

For legs

The following exercises are suitable for strengthening your legs and toning your buttocks:

  1. Squat down until your knees are bent. We bend our back forward and rotate the disk with our legs. To speed up the pace, you need to swing your arms in the opposite direction from your legs. Exercise duration: 3 minutes.
  2. Get on all fours, your knees should be on the disc and your feet should not touch the floor. Move your buttocks for 3 minutes.

For waist and belly

A beautiful waist and toned abs with the help of exercises is easy. Repeat these exercises regularly:

  1. Sit with your buttocks on the disk, placing your hands back on the floor. We raise our legs in a half-bent position at an angle of 90 degrees and move each leg in turn to the other side, touching the heel to the floor. Time: 3 minutes.
  2. Stand on the disk, spread your arms to the sides. Rotate your hips left and right without changing your hand position for three minutes.