Do-it-yourself hyperextension from wood, drawings. Hyperextension: the safest and most effective exercise for back health and strengthening buttocks

Exercises called hyperextension are more popular with girls and women due to the fact that it allows you to develop your back muscles, tighten your buttocks and abdomen. In addition, it also allows you to improve the shape and physical state legs - in particular, the hamstrings.

What is it, what is it for and what is the benefit

Almost every girl, woman dreams of a beautiful belly, strong and toned buttocks, and also about a beautiful back. However, men have the same problems in the trailer and not everyone can boast of a strong, sculpted back, especially at the very beginning of their sports career. This is where an exercise comes in that gives maximum effect– hyperextension, which can be performed even at home with excellent results.

This word translated from English means “hyperextension” or “overextension.”

Who will benefit most from this exercise:

  • Beginner athlete.
  • For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • For those who want to improve their posture.
  • For those who are tired of frequent injuries to the spine and tendons.

In addition, hyperextension is an excellent preventative against the following ailments:

  1. Osteochodrosis of the spine.
  2. Scoliosis.
  3. Hernias.
  4. Protrusions.

To do this, you need to give gradual but regular loads to the back muscles.

After such regular and technically correctly performed exercises, the following beneficial factors are evident:

  • Blood circulation is activated in the thighs, buttocks and lower back.
  • Muscles respond gratefully to oxygen, fresh blood and a surge of warmth.
  • Metabolism is normalized.
  • The training has a positive effect on blood vessels, joints, tendons, ligaments, tissues and nerves.
  • Your mood improves.
  • Sleep is normalized.
  • Immunity increases.
  • The nervous system is strengthened.
  • The figure is being corrected.
  • Posture improves.
  • The strength of the spinal column extensors increases.
  • Strength in other exercises increases as the back, legs and buttocks are strengthened.
  • The spinal column is unloaded.

Considering such a huge number of advantages, the correctness of choosing this particular training is quite obvious.

What muscles work?

Most of the load falls on the following muscles:

  1. The back of the thigh.
  2. Lower back.
  3. Buttocks.
  4. Shins.

How to best use the exercise

Experienced athletes, as a rule, do heavy basic exercises first, and only then superextension, despite the fact that this is also considered a basic exercise.

Beginning athletes use it as a basic exercise three times a week.

Types of exercises in the gym and at home

  • Classic. It is carried out using all kinds of simulators.
  • At an angle. Using the so-called “Roman chair”.
  • On fitball.

All of the above applies more in the gym.

Methods for home training

At home, hyperextension is done in other ways, and there are three in total.

  1. First. Using a bed, stools that are lined up. A surface that is too soft is undesirable, as is one that is too low. In the latter case, so that the athlete’s body hangs freely and the person does not hit his forehead on the floor surface. Here, of course, an assistant who will reliably fix the legs of the training person will not hurt. In addition, a partner is additional incentive to training, because together things will be more fun, and having a team, even such a small one, a sense of comradeship, does its good work.

The starting position will be lying on the stomach, face down, where the athlete’s legs and body are a straight line.

  1. Second . The main advantage of hyperextension at home, lying on the floor, is that practically nothing additional is required for this - no equipment or devices. Here you can even fix your legs, say, under a radiator, sofa, chair or closet - this is in the absence of a partner.

Inhaling, you need to smoothly raise your head, lifting your torso off the floor with your back arched. In the upper phase of the exercise, a two-second fixation is performed, followed by the same smooth return to the starting position. Three sets of 15 repetitions are done.

  1. The third method involves the presence of a gymnastic ball called a fitball. In the starting position, the ball is placed in front of the athlete. Belly and top part The pelvis lies on the ball, the legs are straightened, and the foot is rested against a wall or other vertical surface. The body and legs are a straight line, and the back is slightly arched. The torso lowers down until it feels like the hamstring muscles are stretched to their maximum. This is followed by a return to the starting position by tensing the lower back muscles. 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Benefits of training at home

There are a number of reasons that encourage a person to train at home. Here they are:

  • Distance from the gym. A lot of time is spent on the road.
  • Expensive subscription. Not everyone can afford it, especially if you work with a trainer.
  • Complexes about physical imperfections. There are a lot of people in the gym who look more athletic and are doing much better.

This is what makes me think about doing hyperextension without machines at home.

Of course, exercise machines were not invented in vain, and the effectiveness of any exercise using them is much higher than without them. Many, complaining about their absence, motivate their sports inactivity. However, this is just an excuse and justification for one’s own laziness and inertia. But this is not at all a reason for not doing anything, anywhere, or anything at all.

Many athletes purchase branded or make homemade Roman chairs. Homemade chair it is desirable to have a welded structure in order to avoid injuries due to the unreliability of the projectile, and moderately soft cushions made of foam rubber and leatherette.

Reverse hyperextension at home

There is also a so-called reverse hyperextension, which can also be done at home. What's the difference?

The difference is that in this case it is not the body that rises - it remains motionless - but the legs.

The starting position is that you need to lie on a bench in such a way that your stomach right up to the pelvic area lies on it, and your legs hang down without touching the floor. In this case, the shoulder blades should be compressed, and your hands should hold on to a bench or some other available support.

While exhaling, you need to raise your legs to a horizontal position or slightly higher with a delay of 2 seconds, straining gluteal muscles. This is followed by a return to the starting position. To increase the load, you can use weights.

And again there are three ways to do it:

  1. First. The exercise described above can be performed on two chairs, for example.
  2. Second. Lie face down on the floor, arms extended along the body. The head, shoulders and arms are raised along with the legs so that it resembles a boat or paperweight. After a short delay, the torso and legs lower. To increase the load, you can use a ball, which you need to hold between your feet and try to lift it without missing out on the upper phase of the exercise.
  3. Third. The fitball is used again. You need to lie with your hips on the ball with your hands in front of the projectile. Legs are straight, toes touch the floor surface. They are raised so that they, together with the body, form a straight line, with a delay of 3 seconds. Do three sets of 20 repetitions.

Exercises for girls and boys: is there a division?

Looking ahead, we should immediately make a reservation that all of the exercises listed are universal, that is, suitable for both sexes and almost all ages without any restrictions.

There are contraindications, and they are associated with certain diseases that affect only a small percentage of the population.

What unites girls, women, boys and men in this case? Yes, only one thing: look better, have good health and prevent many diseases. These ailments are directly related to physical inactivity and sedentary in a sedentary manner life. Any sane person dreams of strong and beautiful muscles, a flat stomach and toned buttocks.

That's the whole difference.


Of course, any sport or physical activity generally has contraindications. Here they are:

  • Injuries to the tailbone, lower back or spinal column.
  • Hernias. At the same time, exercise therapy is not recommended in any form, since it will only aggravate the situation, provoking an increase in it. In addition, the pain will increase, and the matter may end in surgery.

The exercise can be done in a light form even in early pregnancy after prior consultation with your doctor.


Home hyperextension (like any other) makes sense only when correct technique fulfillment is an axiom. Many people believe that they can’t do without a simulator, but this is a very common misconception. Anyone who wants to be healthy and flexible will always find an opportunity to exercise, but a skeptic and a lazy person always looks for a reason to do nothing. So, after consulting with your doctor, you can safely move on to home workouts.

Multi-joint exercises, one of which is hyperextension, are more effective when playing sports. It is the back muscles that are worked best and easiest in this movement. Well, they will be a pleasant bonus.

Hyperextension for the back is recommended even after significant injuries. lumbar region. By performing only your own weight under load, the back is not overstrained, blood flows to the spine, thereby improving intra-metabolic processes. But there is one BUT in this fabulous exercise! It must be performed strictly following the technique! Otherwise, at best, you will achieve nothing, and at worst, you risk getting injured.

Technique for making the classic version at home (video)

Ideally, the fitness room has a special bench. But for those who do not have the opportunity to attend, hyperextension at home without a machine would be an excellent solution.

Hyperextension lying on the floor is the simplest and most common option for performing this movement at home. It does not require any additional devices. Just you and your muscle corset. The load is mostly directed to the lower back, without forgetting about. Now let's look at how to do hyperextension at home.

Execution technique

  1. Lay a gymnastic mat, tourist foam or a regular carpet (at least a towel) on the floor. Take a lying position, legs and arms straight extended down and up according to the above limbs.
  2. As you inhale, smoothly lift your straight legs off the floor, hold for a second;
  3. Exhaling, return your legs to the opposite point;
  4. On the last repeat of the hike hold your legs suspended for 15-20 seconds, thereby warming up the muscles even more strongly.

It is necessary to implement from 12 to 15 repetitions of movements, repeating approaches 2-3 times.

For detailed techniques, watch the video:

4 more variations of this movement

In addition to the above option, there are 4 more variations of this movement.

1. On a hill with a partner

All you need is reliable support for the legs - ideally a partner who acts as a “roller”, that is, a securing function for the feet. If there is no partner, your legs can be secured, for example, on a wall bars.

  1. Starting position - thighs, calves and feet are on any horizontal surface (sofa, bed, bench), legs are supported by a partner, and the body is suspended behind the surface, the back is straight, the body is stretched out;
  2. Taking a deep breath, make an inclined movement of the body downwards (the bend area in the abdomen should calmly move, without being constrained by the support of the legs);
  3. As you exhale, we return to the starting point.

To properly work out the muscles, you need 12-15 repetitions in 2-3 approaches.

This is interesting! This type of exercise is closest to the classic variety on a special bench. But it is very important to learn how to do it correctly.

2. Reverse hyperextension

The exercise is straight back from the previous one. While maintaining the load on the lower back, the scapular region, trapezius and, importantly, the trainee’s abs are used. The difficulty of execution does not change. Again, high endurance and a greater degree of concentration on the work of functioning muscles are needed.

  1. Starting position - sit on a hill, legs bent at the knees, hanging in the air, hands firmly holding onto the support;
  2. Inhaling, lift your legs as high as possible off the floor. You need to hold this position for 1-2 seconds;
  3. Exhaling, return your upper body to the starting position;
  4. After all repetitions of the approach, freeze in the working position for 15-20 seconds, allowing the abdominal muscles and lower back to warm up.

Watch the video for more details:

Perform the movements 15-20 times, rest for half a minute and feel free to proceed to the next approach, the total number of which should be three.

3. Diagonal

Actions that combine all the muscles that will be equally worked: back, back and core. For better tension in the spine, the exercise is performed diagonally. The execution is not difficult, the main thing is to be careful when lifting the limbs.

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach, placing a soft mat under you, the body is relaxed, all limbs are straight;
  2. Inhale and lift your right leg straight up and left hand, we hang at such a point;
  3. Exhaling, lower the body back;
  4. On the next inhalation, we raise another pair of legs and arms, following all the same instructions.

Do 15-20 repetitions and on the twentieth, lift both your legs and arms up, thereby performing the “Boat” pose and hover in it for 25-30 seconds. Rest and repeat the exercise again.

  1. We place the fitball in the abdominal area, rest our toes on the floor, hands behind our head, body relaxed and spread over the ball;
  2. Inhaling, we make movements that favor the straightening of the front part of the body, thereby arching the body into one straight line;
  3. Lower the body back while exhaling deeply;

At the end of the approach, we linger in a straightened position for 15-20 seconds, after which we finally relax and rest.

Learn more from the video:

Before a well-deserved rest, you must perform the movement 15-20 times. Then rest for 20 to 30 seconds and return to battle with your round friend.

5 most common execution mistakes

  1. The desire to lower the body as low as possible to the floor. The ideal angle of 90 degrees is not contraindicated only for those who do not have the slightest hint of problems in the spine. Any scoliosis, curvature or hernia will respond to your efforts with terrible pain. The maximum angle for the average person should not exceed 60 degrees.
  2. Unnecessary arch in the lower back. Returning from a downward body movement (either with the legs or with the body), many strive to make as much of a deflection as possible at the starting point, thereby showing themselves that the exercise is being performed to its fullest extent. But such activity is absolutely dangerous and you can get an unwanted spinal injury. Make sure that your lower back is twisted, pushing your pelvis forward.
  3. Rocking the body like a boat. Full of enthusiasm, the beginner, like a pendulum, either rushes forward, then forcefully returns back, and so on in a circle. Springy movements in the bend of the lumbar region are strictly prohibited and very dangerous. With such a harmless, at first glance, action, it is easy to get a vertebra pinched or, worse, fly out of its usual place.
  4. Legs bent at the knees. Often the legs themselves just ask to bend, thereby, as it were, creating an additional point of support for us. Should not be doing that. In addition to the unnecessary load on the knee joint, you significantly reduce the effectiveness of hyperextension in principle. The load floats around the body without concentrating on a specific area and all the effort spent on training goes to waste.
  5. Using additional large weights. The enthusiasm of newcomers knows no bounds. Burning eyes with imaginary burning shapes instead of pupils. And I want it as soon as possible. And they use weights, dumbbells, and barbells to definitely pump everything up at once. It is forbidden! Especially for people who have not previously been involved in sports. The body is completely unaccustomed to the load. For the first 2 weeks you shouldn’t even think about weights. And only when you are convinced that your weight is no longer effective, you can gradually add weights.

Before the beginning training activities Basically, use your patience to the fullest. And you will definitely be rewarded for it!

The hyperextension simulator, which today is very popular among athletes of any qualification, is one of the most effective and frequently used sports equipment for creating a beautiful body. The main purpose of the hyperextension bench is to develop the muscle bundles of the back, gluteal muscles, leg biceps and abdominals.

What is the design

The hyperextension bench is a machine designed to create a beautiful core and a strong back.

The structure consists of:

  • iron body;
  • cushion for lower limbs;
  • roller for the front surface of the thigh.

The simulator is completely cast, the only component that can be adjusted is the axle. With its help, the optimal position of the legs is selected depending on the height of the person exercising.




Hyperextension refers to basic exercises, maximally working the back extensors.

But with strict adherence to the exercise technique, the following muscle fibers are worked out:

  • back extensors;
  • biceps muscle of the lower extremities;
  • semitendinosus femoris muscle;
  • semimembranosus femoris muscle;
  • gastrocnemius;
  • gluteus maximus.

This simulator can be used for training purposes by people of different builds and degrees of fitness. physical training. The possibility of getting injured during exercise is minimal, which is what makes it so popular.

When performing exercises, the load is generated due to personal weight practicing person.

In order to increase efficiency, additional weights are used in the form of:

  • pancakes;

The hyperextension bench is widely used both in professional gyms, and at home. Small dimensions and high performance contribute to the versatility of the bench.


The hyperextension simulator has several types of configurations. When purchasing, you should decide which model you want: horizontal or inclined. But regardless of the modification, any bench must be made of high-quality material and equipped with all components. A modern bench should also be equipped with a moving axis, ensuring that the exercise machine is adjusted to the anthropometric data of the person exercising.

Review of the best models

Equipped with soft lumbar support and reach adjustment. It has a convenient, simple and practical folding design. Has 9 bench height levels. Maximum permissible load 130 kilograms. Cost 8000 rubles.

Promotes comfortable training. The presence of a wide base prevents the simulator from swinging. Used to perform classic hyperextension in a horizontal position. Maximum load up to 150 kilograms. The average cost is 5000-6000 rubles.

The horizontal hyperextension has a durable stainless steel construction and comfortable multi-layer bolsters. Maximum load 300 kg. Cost 8000-9000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of classes

Like any other bench, the hyperextension bench also has a number of positive and negative aspects.

Exercising on a hyperextension bench promotes the formation of an upright posture.

The advantages include:

  • the lumbosacral spine is thoroughly worked out;
  • helps to constantly maintain the muscle corset in good shape;
  • at regular classes strengthens the back;
  • reduces the number of opportunities to injure the spine and tendons;
  • training on the simulator is used for preventive actions against osteochondrosis and other various congestive phenomena in the back, and especially in the lumbar spine;
  • at correct execution exercises can also pump up the gluteal muscles, thighs and abs;
  • It is allowed to exercise on the simulator with minor spinal injuries;
  • distribution of physical load when performing an exercise only on the muscles involved;
  • gradual preparation of the musculoskeletal system to perform more complex strength exercises.

The only drawback of training on a simulator is the presence of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially in the lumbar spine. In case of such violations, permission to perform exercises on a hyperextension bench machine is given exclusively by a doctor.

How to practice

Hyperextension for the following types of training:

  • for abdominal training, fixing the torso and bending the legs;
  • training back muscle fibers;
  • increasing the load by tilting the stop.

There are several types of hyperextension:

  • at an angle;
  • horizontally;
  • lateral hyperextension;
  • reverse.

One of the most common exercise machines is the horizontal hyperextension bench.

Technique for performing classic hyperextension on a horizontal bench

  • Initial position. Position yourself on the machine so that the front roller is slightly below the bend line of the torso and hips, and the bottom roller is slightly above the Achilles tendon. We place our hands behind our heads, looking straight ahead.
  • Doing the exercise. We tilt the body down until an angle of approximately 70-80 degrees is formed. You should bend only in the area hip joint while keeping your back as straight as possible.
  • Return to starting position carried out by raising the body until a straight line with the legs is formed. At the highest point, fixate for a couple of seconds.

Breathing when performing exercises should be like this: when lowering the body, inhale, and when lifting, exhale. The exercise is performed smoothly and slowly without swaying the body.

As for the number of repetitions and approaches, it all depends on the degree of physical fitness and the purpose of the training process:

  • In order to gradually strengthen the lumbar region, it is recommended that beginner athletes perform 3 sets of 15 times.
  • When performing hyperextension, 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions are done as a warm-up.
  • As a finishing exercise, 4 sets of 25 reps.
  • With additional weight, it is recommended to do 15 times in 2 sets, gradually increasing the weight by 5 kilograms. It is not recommended to use heavy weights right away.

Typical mistakes when practicing

At first glance, it seems that performing the exercise on a hyperextension bench is quite simple and primitive. But this opinion is quite erroneous. Many athletes make a number of mistakes when training on such a simulator.

The most common:

  • The body body drops very low. This technique is only permissible if you have a completely healthy back.
  • By lifting the torso at the highest point, a large deflection is made.
  • The exercises are performed in a large amplitude.
  • Flexion of the lower limbs at the knee joint. When performing exercises, your legs should be tense and perfectly straight.
  • Incorrect position upper limbs rigidly locked into a “castle”.
  • Usage additional burden with a lot of weight.

If you perform the exercises correctly, you can achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

Modern life, on the one hand, deprives a person of most natural physical activities; on the other hand, it throws bundles of psychological and emotional loads at him. Therefore, keep yourself in good condition, at least physical fitness absolutely necessary for everyone. To the credit of the current generation, we can say that now most people understand: a healthy mind in a healthy body. They also soon begin to understand: physical exercises, dumbbells and hand expander few; you need to work more with weights on apparatus and machines, so at least a bench is required.

A healthy body is also necessary for a developed mind. Physically undeveloped outstanding scientists, engineers, creative intelligentsia, top managers and businessmen are the exception rather than the rule. Leo Tolstoy at 60 was spinning the sun on a horizontal bar. Niels Bohr, the one in school textbooks, was a famous football player who played for the Danish national team. Things got funny with him: when Bohr was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics, of course, the Copenhagen Tagebladette published a note saying, it’s good, our forward was given a Nobel Prize for football. And a “nerd” in “physics” often turns out to be one in areas of activity that require mental effort.

The abdominal muscles are known to be more difficult to pump than others, because... their ends are not directly connected to the bones. At home, doing abdominal pumping without special equipment, it won’t take long before you get a hernia. Therefore, you need a bench for the press. Structurally, both apparatuses are most often combined into one, with the possibility of conversion for certain sets of exercises.

Sports benches are not technologically complex products. There are enough descriptions of them in RuNet, but more in the spirit of: choose the drawings, and then - this is how you have to saw, pound like this, screw like this. A person who cares about his physical development, as a rule, knows how to operate a tool. But how to choose a prototype so that your training benefits? How to modify it to suit your biomechanics and biometrics? Which sample is more suitable for certain groups of exercises?

This publication is devoted to the questions of how to make an exercise bench in your preferred direction with your own hands using a reasonably chosen model. physical development, and then based on it - home exercise machine. Those who intend to prove themselves in sports or bodybuilding by working out in it will not be ashamed to come to a well-equipped professional gym. In the meantime, the material is designed for beginner athletes and simply for people who understand: you can and should use the benefits of civilization, but letting them turn you into a twitchy “teapot” or a swollen kettle is wrong.

Note: problem at home sports activities V Lately It’s getting more and more acute in rural areas - “physics” is decreasing there, stress is increasing, and it’s sometimes a long way from a well-equipped gym.

What to choose from

A home bench press bench is most often included in a compact exercise machine or is itself a multifunctional sports equipment. Regular exercisers will probably end up with a simulator, so when choosing a prototype bench, you need to keep in mind what it will acquire later. The most common designs of sports simulators are 4-, 3-, and 2-support. “Support” in this case does not mean the number of points of contact with the floor (usually there are at least 4 of them, for stability), but the number of vertical force connections in the structure; it largely determines the capabilities of the projectile.

Types of home exercise equipment

4-support projectiles, pos. 1 in Fig., are intended for developed athletes who operate with large, over 100 kg, weights. The racks for the barbell are located in them at the level of the shoulders of the person lying down, which greatly reduces the risk of injury: a barbell collapsing with the bar on the chest is very serious. 4-support exercise machines are heavy, cumbersome, and you can’t exercise with heavy weights in an apartment: falling on the floor, they give an instantaneous load of 5-8 of their weights, and the load-bearing capacity of the floors is 250 kg/sq. m.

For domestic conditions, 3-support exercise machines are intended, simple and with additional levers for weights, leg supports, athletic desks, etc., pos. 2 and 3. To ensure that the bar of the barbell in a 3-support machine also falls at shoulder level, their benches are made to “break”: it is dangerous to pick up the barbell with your hands behind your head. Therefore, in terms of dimensions, 3-support simulators are generally no smaller than 4-support ones, excluding those in which the barbell is taken from the approach, see below. The permissible working weight in 3-support equipment is usually 100-120 kg, including the trainee’s body weight.

A 2-support exercise machine is actually a bench for the press. For different groups exercises you need horizontal and inclined benches, pos. 4 and 5: on horizontal bench the press itself swings, and on an inclined one they are also well loaded psoas muscles. A more complex structurally universal bench, pos. 6, serves in both capacities.

Note: You can also do initial sets of hyperextensive exercises on an incline bench, see below.

The most advanced type of sports benches is a transforming bench with a breakable board, the inclination of the parts of which is individually adjustable, pos. 7. The transforming bench can be supplemented with a stand for a block with a load, a desk, pos. 8 and other devices. It makes sense to do one for yourself right away if you have the necessary working skills: then adding a barbell rack to the bench, we get a complete analogue of a 4-support exercise machine, only with less weight, pos. 9.

Erroneous design of a transformable sports bench

Note: common mistake when self-production transformable sports benches - their implementation according to the power scheme, as in Fig. on right. When performing exercises, significant forces arise, tending to “spread the bench of the legs,” and the welds turn out to be unreliable. In order for a projectile of this type to become durable, its supporting beams must be connected with a longitudinal beam, or two, from the same pipe.

Special benches

A special type of sports equipment is benches for hyperextensive exercises. Their goal is to achieve slimness and flexibility without excessively building muscle mass. In fact, you can do hyperextension on big ball, or just on a mat, but the best results are obtained on a special bench.

Hyperextension benches

Benches for hyperextension, due to anatomical and physiological differences, are available for men and women, see fig. A strong Amazon can do hyperextensive exercises on a men’s bench, but for ladies whose goal is to get rid of riding breeches, slim posture And slim stomach, you only need a women's bench for hyperextension, on the left side of the trail. rice. To start getting yourself in order without risking your reproductive health, it’s still better to sit on an inclined bench with a curved board in the center, and for “advanced” beauties to do the press with a load, also sitting on a special bench, on the right.

Special benches for sports exercises

Note: drawings of a bench for hyperextension with height adjustment are given in Fig. Materials – profile pipe 40x25x2, 35x15x1.5 and round 25x1.5; desk made of plywood 12-14 mm. For desk lining, see below.

Bench drawings for hyperextension exercises

About sizes

Here in Fig. The dimensions of 3-support exercise machines for people of average height are given. On the left is a fully functional one with a removable desk, hand and foot levers. The main materials are corrugated pipe 60x40x2 and round pipe 30x2; stop for lifting the board – pipe 20x2. The board is 16 mm plywood with sheathing, as described below.

Dimensions of home exercise equipment for people of average height

On the right is a simple compact one. The height of the bench above the floor is selected individually, based on measurements from the heel firmly placed on the floor to the inner bend knee joint. Basic materials as in the previous case; The adjustable rear leg allows you to transform the apparatus for seated exercises. But remember: the barbell from this simulator should only be lifted from the approach!

Various benches

The simplest, but also remarkably durable sports bench, the “Hippolytovka”, can be made according to the drawing in Fig. flooring – durable board from 40 mm. Those who took the young fighter course in the army are well acquainted with it; at least in past times. The “spirits” of the townspeople soon began to look at the Ippolitovka with amazement and apprehension: how many different exercises, it turns out, can be done on it! And it fits perfectly into the 4-support simulator.

Sports shop frame

On the trail. rice. – inclined bench for the press. Due to its compactness and usefulness, it won’t hurt to have a separate one if there is enough space in your home. Due to the absence of right angles, the material is weaker - 40x40 corrugated pipe. Footrests - 10 mm rod with threads at the ends, rubberized to the desired size. The rubber couplings are removable: the lower stop is adjustable, and the top one can be removed if you need to do exercises in which it interferes.

Blueprints incline bench for the press

Next in Fig. – compact power bench with racks for barbells. Exercises on it are done mainly while sitting. You can also pump up your abs by deeply arching your back. In this case, the foot rests will be the transverse beam A, and then it needs to be covered with something soft or put on a rubber coupling. The materials are 40x40 corrugated pipe, and the rod holders are made of steel strip with a thickness of 6 mm.

Compact weight bench

The next example is an athletic bench for strong guys who can confidently handle a barbell of weight equal to their own, the so-called. Scott's desk. The materials, respectively, are corrugated pipe 60x60x2.5 and 50x50x2. The neck holders are made of the same strip as in the previous one. case; seat and table made of plywood from 20 mm.

Bench with desk for weight training

Several simulators

How to tightly connect a hippolyte bench with a barbell rack, turning it into a fairly compact 4-support exercise machine, is shown on the left in Fig. There on the right are the dimensions and design of the transforming bench for the same frame. The main material here and there is 40x60 corrugated pipe. Let's talk about the rack clamps with rod holders below.

Home exercise machine and transforming bench for it

On the trail. rice. – drawings with a bill of material for a simple 3-support stationary non-adjustable simulator with horizontal bench. It is more suitable for private households with a sufficient usable area. The highlight of this design is the connection of the far leg of the bench with its supporting beam with a link at 45 degrees. Thanks to the optimal distribution of operational loads, it was possible to make a projectile on which you can do exercises with weights of more than 100 kg, from a 50x50 corrugated pipe.

Simple three-legged home exercise machine

Finally, further in Fig. – drawings and specifications of elements for a full-functional home exercise machine with a transforming bench for bench press and abs. Notice the node highlighted in red. This is the simplest and most reliable way to fix barbell racks for use at home. The locking pins (with a diameter of 12 mm or more) will, of course, wear out little by little, but they will never jam or bite.

Full-featured home exercise machine

More about the barbell

As already mentioned, a barbell that is not supported by weight can cause severe injuries, even death. And in such cases it is unrealistic to direct its neck into the holders. But it’s realistic to provide 2 pieces of chain, securely fastened to the rod racks. At the other ends of the chains there are carbines, they are thrown onto the bar. The length of the chain safety links is taken such that, holding the barbell with fully extended arms, the chains sag, but the bar of the released bar does not reach the chest. To prevent the carabiners from slipping on the bar, it is enough to tape them with tape. Suddenly the barbell collapses, the tape, of course, won’t hold up, both carabiners will move to one end of the bar, but the result will be fear and, possibly, a broken floor.

About wooden athletic benches

With a barbell on wooden sports equipment You can’t do it, their structure won’t hold up. But in situations that arise as a result of the awkwardness of the trainee, wood “radiates” through the body much less sensitively than metal. Therefore, it is preferable for beginners and minors to use wooden benches for bench press and abs. In addition, wooden sports benches and exercise equipment can be built at the dacha or in a country house from leftover building materials.

Drawings of an inclined wooden bench for the press

The design of an inclined wooden bench for the press and the specifications for it are shown in Fig., and on the next. rice. – drawings of a wooden exercise machine with an inclined bench and a lever for leg exercises with a load. In order for the tree to support operational loads, a block system for hanging loads is used: they hang on the descending branches of cable A. Cross beams B are rubber-coated steel.

Wooden home exercise machine

About covering boards and seats

The boards and seats of industrial sports equipment are covered with leatherette or plastic for a similar purpose on an elastic lining. Such covering is durable, but does not prevent the reabsorption of sweat, which is in no way beneficial; that's why modern sports uniform sewn 2-layer, with a mesh that immediately removes sweat directly from the skin.

In gyms, this lack of cladding does not have a noticeable effect, because... the gym is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation (PVV) and air conditioning. At the very least, it must be equipped in accordance with sanitary standards. It is not always possible to exercise at a comfortable temperature at home, and it is simply technically impossible to arrange PVV in many city apartments. Therefore, it is advisable to cover homemade athletic benches in the form of such a “pie”, following from the base outwards:

  • Microporous rubber with a thickness of 12 mm;
  • Furniture foam rubber with density 45 (grade 45) with a thickness of 8 mm;
  • Sintepon with a thickness of 7 mm;
  • Denim or material like the old-style flannelette soldier's blanket.

The rubber damper is glued to the base with Moment glue or hot glue from a glue gun. The remaining layers of sheathing are folded to the underside and pinned with a furniture stapler. The disadvantage of such cladding is that it needs to be changed once a year, at the end of spring; the rubber layer remains. The soft layers will not harden, perhaps within 3-4 years, but according to sanitary and hygienic requirements, the service life of the textile lining should be reduced to a year.

About the technology of work

The scope of this publication does not include a description of the technological details of manufacturing benches for physical exercise. However, even if the reader is a good mechanic and welder, give an idea of ​​how to make a homemade one with your own hands. sports simulator, necessary. Therefore, we offer a video course in 3 parts from the author, who made himself a very good simulator, as they say, from scratch in every sense:

Video: do-it-yourself simulator, manufacturing
Part 1

The main goal of people who play sports is to maintain muscle tone and maintain health. An attractive, fit look is created by the texture in the area and the absence of excess fat deposits at the waist. A highly effective simulator such as a hyperextension bench allows you to achieve similar results.


The hyperextension bench is effective when it is necessary to eliminate fat deposits, sagging and folds in the abdominal area, and tone the abdominal muscles. The simulator provides thorough training of the muscles of the back, buttocks, and thighs. Exercises on a bench stimulate work internal organs, in particular, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart muscle and lungs.

It is worth noting that regular physical exercise using a hyperextension bench promotes relaxation nervous system, relieve stress, force a person to fully reveal his own moral and volitional resource.


A bench for hyperextension must have a fairly powerful and even massive design, since during training the elements of the system are subjected to impressive loads. The reliability of the simulator is of particular importance for users who are heavy.

It is desirable that the hyperextension bench has increased stability. This quality becomes invaluable when performing movements with high intensity and wide amplitude, as well as in the case of using additional weight. The frame of the exercise machine should not slide on the floor covering, sway, or come off the surface. Therefore, before choosing a particular option, it is worth testing it on site.


Must have upholstery made of non-slip high-quality material. The optimal solution would be Genuine Leather or a good leatherette. Preference should also be given to synthetic materials that are resistant to tear damage, abrasion, and mechanical stress.

It is recommended to choose a simulator with upholstery made from hypoallergenic bases. Since during exercise the area of ​​contact of the user's skin with structural elements is quite large, contact with poor-quality material can cause unpleasant irritation.


Elements that are designed to fix the limbs in a static position during training must contain a durable coating. It is better that the press bench has cushions with a soft and at the same time extremely elastic filler that can restore the same form. Only in this case can you ensure increased comfort when performing exercises, avoiding the appearance of bruises and bruises on your legs.


A good bench for abs and hyperextension necessarily contains mechanisms that make it possible to adjust the range of motion, change the angle of the frame, and set the foot rests to a comfortable position. Such opportunities facilitate the organization of classes for several users who have various parameters bodies.

A striking example of a functional trainer is the Kettler Axos bench. The simulator provides comfortable conditions for athletes who have different heights, weights and need to perform exercises with different intensities.


In addition to the capabilities of the simulator, importance should be given to the manufacturer. It is recommended to give preference to products of famous brands, since only in this case can you obtain certificates that confirm high quality products open up the possibility of subsequent warranty service.

As noted above, the American Kettler bench deserves special attention. The palm in the field of manufacturing high-quality and functional devices for the back is also held by such manufacturers as Finnlo, Hoist, Interatletica.


Hyperextension for the press should be selected based on the width of the free space in which the machine is planned to be installed. Based on this, it is worth paying attention to folding or solid structures. The first option has limited functionality, but is ideal for use at home. The choice of a large, universal device of a non-folding type should be made when arranging a gym.


To perform backbends on a special hyperextension bench, it is enough to place the support of the machine under the hips so that the latter is slightly below the bending area of ​​the torso. In this case, the legs are placed on the platform and fixed with the help of bolsters. To make bending as comfortable as possible, you need to find the optimal point of support for the hips.

When performing the exercise, the elbows are spread to the sides. At the same time, your hands should not be locked behind your head, since in this case unprepared muscles will receive excessive stress, which can lead to injury. Just a slight touch of the fingers when spreading the elbows is enough.

Particular attention should be paid to the position of the back. It is desirable that the latter remains level during deflections. It is recommended to perform bending for 4 counts, and lifting the body for 3 counts.

To pump your back using a hyperextension bench, you need to take a face-down position. In this case, the adjustment of the simulator is carried out in such a way that the legs are in a somewhat suspended state. The exercise involves doing it slowly without throwing your head back. Lowering the body is performed while inhaling, and moving it to the upper position while exhaling. When pumping your back, you are encouraged to have a partner who will hold your ankles in a static position.

The hyperextension bench is especially good for beginner athletes. Classes on a regular basis can bring a whole lot of inconvenience. Increased discomfort in the spine, lack of ability to securely fix the limbs - all this can completely discourage the desire to continue training. Abdominal and back benches do not have such disadvantages, so they are ideal for those who decide to keep their own body in good shape.

It is recommended for teenagers to exercise on the simulator. At this age, excessive vertical load on the back, since the children's spine is still at the stage of formation. Training using hyperextension opens up the opportunity to organize training in a gentle manner, which helps strengthen the back and increase muscle mass.

A bench for the press and back looks like the optimal solution for athletes who are at the rehabilitation stage after injuries. Fine adjustment of the position of the structural elements allows for a leisurely, systematic development of the damaged spine without the risk of causing even greater harm to the body.

Since the simulator is a universal tool for organizing training, it is advisable to use it as a means of warming up. This approach to the operation of the device allows athletes to quickly bring their muscles into working condition, increasing their elasticity before serious loads.


Based on the above recommendations, you can choose a truly reliable, effective and safe exercise machine for organizing classes at home or in the gym. As you can see, deciding on a suitable option is not so difficult. The main thing is to objectively assess your own capabilities and come into agreement with your desires and needs.