Horizontal hammer row with parallel grip. How to develop back width

For development muscle mass and forming the relief of the chest and back, you can use a lever exercise machine, an exercise on which is called the Hammer press. This auxiliary exercise is aimed at refining target muscle groups with isolated load on them.

Due to the fixed range of motion of the simulator, the work of the stabilizer muscles is reduced and the entire load falls on the chest and back, which allows you to qualitatively refine them to an ideal state.

The lever system distributes the load on each arm separately, thereby working the muscles evenly and correctly. In this connection, systematic training on the simulator, when performing exercises in correct technique, can improve the quality of the target muscle group.

One of the obvious advantages of using a simulator is the variability of its use. Each type of training allows you to develop isolated muscles that require improvement.

Types of exercises on the Hammer simulator:

1. Seated Hummer Press. The classic training option is the seated chest press, which most often is an addition to a full load when the pectoral muscles are unevenly pumped. Together with target muscles, the work includes the shoulders and triceps. The training algorithm will be as follows:

  • You need to sit down at the machine and lean on the vertical backrest.
  • Then you should take air into your lungs to stretch the chest muscles, while the paws move towards each other.
  • As you exhale, you need to direct the levers of the simulator forward, doing this smoothly with concentration on the target muscles.
  • At the end point of the amplitude, you must fix the position for two seconds without straightening your elbows to the end.
  • Then you can smoothly return the machine to its original position and begin the specified number of repetitions.

2. Bench press. This deadlift option is suitable for both beginners and intermediate athletes. Training on a Hummer can prepare you for bench lifting, as it is its lightweight counterpart. When performing a bench press, the muscles of the back and chest, biceps, deltoids, and rotator cuff muscles work. Technique:

  • You need to lie on the machine bench, bend your knees and straighten your back.
  • Then you need to raise the handles of the projectile slightly above chest level and begin their smooth rise.
  • When lowering the handles down, not reaching the lowest point of the amplitude, you need to take a short pause to feel the muscle tension.
  • Repeat the bench press up to 10 times.

The biomechanics for the shoulder joints when using the Hammer on the bench press are very safe, and the body position can be adjusted to create the most favorable position. The main mistake in performing bench rows is choosing too much heavy weight, which can lead to distortion of movement technique.

3. Traction reverse grip. The rhomboid, latissimus dorsi and brachialis muscles work, as well as the biceps. Technique:

  • You need to install the exercise machine so that its handles move in the direction of the abdomen.
  • Then you need to take them with a reverse grip, straightening your back.
  • Moving your elbows back as far as possible, you need to pull the handles towards you, while squeezing your shoulder blades.
  • Return the projectile to its original position.

4. Vertical thrust of the projectile from top to bottom towards the body. It is designed to work the latissimus dorsi muscle. At the same time, if you take the levers with a narrow grip, the load will be concentrated on the lower area of ​​the muscles, and with a wide grip – on the upper. It is necessary to perform rows with a maximum range of motion to achieve muscle contraction. You can change the weight of the weight depending on your preparation.

5. Horizontal back row. The lever load in this training option will affect the middle area of ​​the back. At the same time, reliable fixation of the body will not allow the spine to experience overload. Technique:

  • You need to set the settings to the desired height and sit down, resting your chest on a vertical pillow.
  • Then you need to grab the handles with your back straight.
  • After which you need to pull the handles towards you, bringing your shoulder blades together.
  • Without leaning back, you need to smoothly lower the weight while maintaining maximum muscle tension.

The Hammer press allows you to create an isolated load to refine various muscle groups, and it can be emphasized on any muscle area - lower, middle or upper. And most importantly, when using a Hummer, the risk of injury to joints and ligaments is reduced due to the constant, specified amplitude of movement of the levers.

The lever exercise machine, called a “hummer” among athletes, is designed and created with the main goal of reducing the load on the joints, while increasing the efficiency of working the triceps, shoulder, pectoral muscles, arm muscles and hips. What options for working in a Hummer exist are further in the article.

General concepts and differences from the barbell press

The simulator discussed in this material is simple and effective: the athlete takes a lever to which a certain weight is attached, and then performs the exercise.

Hammer is only a manufacturer of gym equipment, and not a specific type of exercise machine. It just so happened that the Hummer became so popular among iron fans that it earned its own honorary name.

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts in heavy training note that the hummer, in fact, has only one significant drawback: this simulator cannot be adjusted to the individual characteristics of the athlete’s figure.

But the main advantage of the hummer is that the mechanism used to develop the simulator helps reduce the likelihood of injuries.

This can be clearly seen when comparing two types of exercises, for example, the barbell bench press and the hummer bench press:

  • the hummer allows you not to overstrain the joint, forcing it to also hold the load in an upright position;
  • the simulator prevents the load from swinging, which frees up the stabilizer muscles;
  • the hummer helps distribute the load evenly on both sides, but free scales can "walk".

Some bodybuilders even complain that they oversize one side to the detriment of the other. They can only advise one thing - a hummer, in which it is impossible to deviate from an already verified trajectory.

If an athlete feels uneven development of his muscles, then he can correct this deficiency in a lever simulator.

Some people think that the machine does not help build muscle mass, but this is not a drawback. Athletes traditionally build muscle with barbells or dumbbells. But when the stage of grinding the reliefs comes, the hummer is irreplaceable.

Based on the above, it becomes clear: the hummer will be the best assistant for people who are not involved in professional bodybuilding. If you just need to develop your chest, maintain beautiful muscle volume, and develop the strength of your pectoral muscles, then don’t pass by the hummer.

It is quite important to remember the safety guarantees that the hummer provides: when bench pressing, the load will not fall on your chest or face - the hummer is equipped with a special bar that secures the load.

Bodybuilders strive to work to failure in the literal sense, and if the athlete’s muscles come to this state, the athlete will not drop the load on himself.

The hummer is designed in such a way that plates from a barbell are used as a load, and in other devices, for example, roller ones, a system of weights built into the mechanism is used. In these machines, the weight is lifted through a winch. Movement through a winch places uneven loads at different points, and lever mechanisms compensate for this disadvantage.

Training rules

For the greatest effect from training, you need to pay attention to a number of nuances:

  • Keep your back straight, resisting the natural urge to arch at the waist as you move your arms forward.
  • If you train while sitting, press your back against the back of the seat. This way, you will prevent the load from being transferred to the back area and reducing the load from the chest area.
  • Press your feet to the floor so as not to reduce the load from pectoral muscle.
  • When performing seated presses, make sure that the handles remain at the middle level chest. Otherwise, the neck muscles will be overstrained.
  • When performing bench presses, lift the load evenly, without pushing it out as if you were pushing a barbell.
  • Exhale as you move up and forward.

He will tell you about the pros and cons of working out muscles, as well as the rules of training in a hummer simulator. experienced trainer Denis Borisov in the video:

Who needs it?

Working with a hammer requires less experience and professionalism than working with a barbell or dumbbells. Working with a hummer is recommended for the following categories of athletes:

  • For beginners who find it difficult to cope with heavy sports equipment. The hammer will increase muscle strength and also teach you how to perform the exercise correctly. After working with the simulator, a novice bodybuilder will be able to switch to a barbell and build muscle mass.
  • Advanced. Considering that the hummer allows you to avoid overstraining the stabilizers, working in the hummer will help experienced bodybuilders get the most out of any workout. This is done most in a simple way: First you need to perform presses with heavy scales without a simulator, and then refine it in a hummer.
  • After joint or muscle injuries. The hummer allows you to change your body position during training, it is safe and adjusts the load. If you need to protect your health, then a lever exercise machine will help you.

Bench press

The hummer bench press is basic exercise which all bodybuilders do.

What muscles work?

The exercise loads a number of muscles:

  • pectoralis major;
  • coracobrachial;
  • deltoid - anterior bundle;
  • pectoralis minor;
  • latissimus dorsi muscle;
  • serratus anterior, located near the scapula;
  • trapezius muscle - lower bundle;
  • elbow;
  • triceps


  1. Lie down on a bench with your knees bent.
  2. Inhale and as you exhale, begin the movement.
  3. Raise the handles, smoothly lift them up from chest level.
  4. At the top point, pause and fix the position. You should feel the greatest muscle tension.
  5. Perform the lift 10 times.

Seated press

A good exercise for training the pectoral muscles. Unlike the bench press, this is an isolated exercise.

The hummer press allows you to work on each side of the chest separately - the arms move independently.

What muscles work?

In the seated press, the main load is directed to the pectoralis major muscles, but the load vector can vary both from the desire of the athlete and from the design of the simulator, that is, depending on the model.

Essentially, there are three main options to consider:

  1. The tension on the middle part of the pectoralis major muscle is concentrated if the arms move in a plane perpendicular to the body.
  2. If the hands move a little higher, it becomes more tense top part breasts
  3. If your arms move a little lower, your lower chest becomes tense.

In addition, the load falls on the anterior deltoid and triceps muscles.


Thanks to the design of the hummer, the trajectory of movement is clearly fixed. The exercise should be performed according to the following rules:

  1. Adjust the seat height to suit your height.
  2. Sit on a bench.
  3. Straighten your back, squeeze your shoulders, raise your head, look straight ahead.
  4. Concentrate on your chest muscles.
  5. Breathe in.
  6. Move your arms apart according to their amplitude.
  7. Do not straighten your arms at the extreme point.
  8. Fix the pose at the extreme point for a couple of seconds.
  9. Inhaling, bring your hands together.

You need to perform the exercise 10-15 times, making 3-4 approaches.


  • Pay attention to the smoothness of movement - jerking should not be allowed.
  • In the extreme position, you should feel a stretch in the pectoral muscles.
  • Remember to breathe evenly.

Shoulder press

The hummer is also convenient for working out deltoids.

What muscles work?

In this type of press, the main load falls on deltoid muscle, as well as on the muscles of the chest and arms. The exercise is performed while sitting.

Muscles involved:

  • anterior deltoid;
  • middle deltoid;
  • supraspinatus muscle;
  • trapezoidal;
  • serratus anterior;
  • biceps;
  • triceps


Elaboration shoulder muscles in a hammer - this is a fairly simple level, suitable even for beginner athletes.

It should be performed according to the following rules:

  1. Prepare the simulator - choose the weight that suits you.
  2. Sit on the exercise machine bench, spread your knees, taking a stable position. Place your feet on the floor.
  3. Grab the handles of the machine.
  4. Tighten your abs, chest and shoulder muscles.
  5. Take a deep breath.
  6. Raise your head.
  7. As you exhale, straighten your elbows, pressing the handles of the exercise machine.
  8. Having reached the top point, fixate for a couple of seconds, feeling the tension in all muscles.
  9. As you inhale, return the handles to their original position.

Perform hummer shoulder presses 15 times in 3-4 sets.

The video shows the technique of performing a press for the shoulder muscles using an example of an exercise on the anterior deltoid muscle. Ivan Gutorov shows:

Leg press

The hammer allows the bodybuilder to change the direction of the load, pumping exactly the muscle that needs it. Control of the emphasis depends on how the athlete places his feet on the platform.

The machine leg press is almost the same as a squat, but much easier on the knees and Achilles tendon. It is important that only in a hummer it is possible to relieve excess tension in the back. This allows the athlete to take more weight, but not risk his health.

What muscles work?

This exercise actively loads thigh muscles and buttocks, as well as other leg muscles, but not so actively. At correct execution part of the load falls on the abdominal area.


To perform this type of press, you must follow the rules:

  1. Set a weight that is appropriate for your fitness level.
  2. Sit on the seat, straighten your shoulders, raise your head.
  3. Place your feet on the platform so that the load is directed to the muscle group that needs to be worked.
  4. Remove the supports from the platform.
  5. Bend your knees to an angle of 90 degrees.

Are there any contraindications?

U healthy people There should be no problems with working in a humvee, but it is still advisable to consult a sports doctor about training.

Presses in a machine, which is commonly called a hammer press, are part of the training for experienced athletes - both bodybuilders and other sports. But the hummer is also recommended by specialists and those who have just begun their journey to a beautiful and healthy body.

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The back muscles are the second largest muscle group in human body. She only loses to her legs. The middle part of the back is formed by the latissimus muscles or, as they are also called, wings. The development of these muscles makes the back wider, more prominent and forms a V-shaped silhouette. One exercise to train your lats is the lever row or hammer row.

Advantages of the simulator

The lever action specifically targets the mid-back area. The beauty of performing the exercise in a simulator is that your body is securely fixed and your spine does not experience unnecessary overload. At the same time, you are free to use the vertical and horizontal handles to change your grip and adjust the seat height to shift the emphasis of the load to the upper, middle or lower edge of the lats.

This exercise effectively develops your back.

In other words, when performing hummer rows, you get a fairly large variability of movement, and the spine is safe. The latter, in turn, allows you to work with heavy weights.

The Hummer makes it easy to do rows with one hand. In this case, some athletes prefer to perform the exercise while standing, resting their second hand on the back.

Latissimus muscles.

Among positive effects that you will get by including the exercise in your training program, you can also note that the development of a large muscle group gives the figure a visually noticeable athleticism and sporty appearance.

It is also worth mentioning contraindications. If you have problems with the spine or injuries, any exercises that load the back can only be done with the permission of a doctor. Otherwise the traction is quite safe.

Execution technique

The back row in a lever exercise machine is done as follows:

  1. Prepare your equipment. Adjust the seat height of the machine to suit your height. When performing the movement, your hands should be directed towards the belt.
  2. Sit down and rest your chest on a vertical surface. The spine is absolutely straight, the shoulder blades are pressed. Stretch your arms and grasp the handles of the machine. If you use a close grip, keep your elbows close to your body. When you pull the horizontal handles ( wide grip), elbows are placed to the sides.
  3. Pull the handles towards you, bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible at the end point of the movement. During the movement, the chest is “glued” to the supporting surface of the simulator, the position of the spine does not change. Don't lean back. It is also a mistake to turn your upper body to the side when performing one-arm deadlifts.
  4. Lower the weight, but do not return it to the support. The muscles must be tense all the time.

As a rule, lever deadlifts are done in 3 sets of 8-12 reps. It can be included in your workout along with other back exercises: bent-over barbell rows, one-arm dumbbell rows, or cable pull-downs.

An important feature of this exercise is that when pulling the levers towards the body, the biceps are included in the work.

The more force you produce through your biceps, the less it goes to your back muscles. But the biceps itself is smaller and weaker than the back, and accordingly gets tired earlier. As a result, you can no longer pull and the lats are not properly loaded. To avoid this problem, try to pull your elbows, not your hands, back. Focus on working your back muscles and try to turn off your biceps as much as possible. This ability to control muscle function does not come immediately, but every athlete needs it to achieve high results.

The load on the lats depends, among other things, on whether you pull the handles of the exercise machine towards your belt or chest. In the first case, the top of the lats is loaded the most, in the second - the lower and middle parts.

Not so often, but still in the gyms there are lever exercise machines that allow you to do vertical rods. This is actually a lightweight analogue of pull-ups. They allow the latissimus muscles to grow not only in thickness, but also in width.

By training your back, you not only make your figure beautiful and athletic, but also stabilize your spine, thereby benefiting your health.

In this article, you will learn absolutely everything about the exercise - lever traction in the simulator.

Lever rod is an option.

This exercise is also similar (in mechanics) to one-arm dumbbell rows, but due to the vertically positioned body, performing it is much more convenient, simpler and, of course, safer (for the spine).

The exercise is designed to work the latissimus dorsi muscles in THICKNESS (note this, not in width, as in pull-ups, etc., but in THICKNESS).

It also works the teres major, rhomboids, trapezius, rear deltoids and biceps.

Lever pull: execution technique

Before performing the exercise, you need to correctly configure the simulator for yourself:

  • SEAT HEIGHT (where your butt will be located); Your task is to adjust the height of the seat so that when you do rows, your hand is at the level of your waist (at waist level). Also in this regard, watch how you grasp (in height) with your hand the handle (lever) that you will pull. Take it lower (this will help to pull towards the waist and not towards the chest).

Most people make a mistake in this regard. When pulling towards themselves, their hand is at chest level = and this is wrong, because the muscles of the arms (biceps) work in this way, and thus they steal the load from the latissimus dorsi muscles, and you want to work your back, don’t you?

  • SUPPORT (vertical surface) in which you will rest your CHEST. Your task is to adjust it in such a way that you can almost completely straighten your arms at the end of each repetition, as if practically “putting the projectile in place” but not putting it down. This will allow you to increase your range of motion and stretch your latissimus dorsi muscles further.

That's all. These are the basic rules for setting up this simulator for you. The correctness and effectiveness of the exercise depends on the correct settings. So adjust it correctly :)

NUANCE: the exercise can be performed with one hand (and not both at once), this is exactly what I would recommend to you, because this will allow you to work the muscle more efficiently:

  • Firstly, this will result in more concentrated work;
  • Secondly, this technique will allow you to take a little more weight than if you did it with both hands at the same time (two is heavier).

NUANCE: with your non-working hand (the one that is not performing the pull), be sure to hold onto the support lever.

About grips: what grip should you use?

3 grip options: palms down, palms up and palms facing each other.

Use a grip with your palms facing each other. This is how, at least for me, the back muscles work best. That's why I recommend it to you too. You can see for yourself, of course :)

And so, you adjusted the exercise machine correctly, sat down, straightened your spine, rested your chest against the support, grabbed the lever with your working hand, grabbed the support with your non-working hand, and you began to do the exercise.

EXHALEING => you begin to pull the handle of the exercise machine towards you (to your belt), and firstly, during the pull, be sure to keep your hand closer to your torso (do not move it away from your torso, but rather press it closer to your torso) = this will increase the load on the lat muscles, and secondly, pull the handle of the exercise machine towards your waist and move your elbow back as far as possible (so that the shoulder blade comes together and contracts).

This way, firstly, you will increase the amplitude of the exercise, therefore, you will make the exercise harder, and therefore more effective, and secondly, this way the back muscles will work as efficiently as possible.

IMPORTANT: while performing the exercise, keep your body FIXED and MOTIONAL! Those. rest your chest against the support, and when performing deadlifts, do not tilt your body back (do not cheat).

An example of the fact that the seat is not adjusted correctly (pulling towards the chest, and not towards the belt as it should) and an example of the fact that the body is not fixed and leans back (cheating)…

This is one of the most basic mistakes made by the vast majority of people. This is because people are excessively chasing weight, ala: “the more weight = the better, I’ll pump up faster.” Don’t chase the weights too much, and the progression of the load is IMPORTANT (without it, muscle growth is impossible), but not to the detriment of the technique of doing the exercises. Understand? Technology comes first!

RULE: progression of the load is achieved without compromising the technique of performing the exercises.

RULE 2: cheating (in this and not only this) exercise can only be used by professionals. Advanced athletes! And then, at your own discretion. Ordinary people = no!

After which, under control (and not throwing), lower the lever to its original position (to the lowest point), and attention: lower it to such a level that you can almost completely (but not completely, slightly, very slightly bent in elbow joint) straighten your arm at the end of each repetition, i.e. your task is to practically “put the projectile in place” but also not to put it down (so that the load does not go away). This technique will allow you to increase the range of motion and stretch the latissimus dorsi muscles further.

Then repeat everything again for the number of repetitions you need. I recommend 3x4 sets in the 10-12 rep range. And finally, I recommend watching this visual video:

If it’s not difficult/sorry for you, please share the link to this article on social networks (social buttons are below). This is the best you can do, I will be very, very grateful to you.

Best regards, administrator.

Perhaps we should start with the anatomy of the back muscles. I discussed this issue in great detail in my . Read it. She is not big.

By the way, I remembered how I had just started going to Gym, or rather, it was one of the attempts to start training.

One girl once told me at that time (I was about 18 years old) that it wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to pump up my “wings.” In human terms, the latissimus dorsi muscles.

I have always dreamed of the press. And even though at that moment I once again failed to start training normally (I started going regularly in my third year at Uni, when I was about 20 years old), I listened.

"Those. girls like it wide back? – I thought then. Why not the abs, why not the arms, why the back?

I even asked the local jock from my dorm to teach me how to train my back, but since he absolutely did not understand “knew everything about proper training,” especially for a beginner, after a couple of such trainings I stopped training again.

Now I have no problems with my back, it is quite wide, responds well to the load, in general, the muscle group does not lag behind, in my case.

I have tried many different exercises and training programs that specialize in the back, so I have some understanding of effective training.

I won’t drag the cat by the tail for too long and suggest that you immediately start with the best exercises for the back muscles.

The best exercises for the back muscles

As we already understood from anatomy, the back is not one muscle, but a whole group consisting of different muscles. Some muscles are larger, others are smaller. There is some difficulty in this, because if we develop the large muscles to the maximum, they will “steal” the load from the small ones, and this will not allow us to achieve maximum results.

I’ll tell you more about this, but a little later. And now I want to note which back muscles have a particularly strong influence on our athletic appearance.

  1. Latissimus dorsi muscles (“wings”).
  2. Trapezius muscle (“trapezius”).
  3. Back extensors.
  4. Serratus muscles.

So, I ranked the muscles “in order of importance” from top to bottom. Extensors will not be able to change our appearance, so they are in penultimate place, and serratus muscles They look very nice, but are very small, so they stand at the end. The two most powerful muscles are the LATISM and TRAPEZIOUS. These are the ones we will focus on.

Now it will be very easy for us to choose exercises for training the back muscles, because... we know which muscles are most important to us. So let's consider best exercises for back development.

Latissimus dorsi ("wings")

  • Pull-ups (all their varieties);
  • Bent over dumbbell row (with hand support);
  • Lever pull in Hummer;

Trapezius dorsi muscle

  • Shrugs with dumbbells (or kettlebells);
  • Shrugs with a barbell (or in Smith);

Back extensors

  • Deadlift;

Serratus back muscles

  • Diagonal twists;

Competent exercise technique

The back belongs to the “pulling” muscle groups, so when working on it, muscle groups such as the biceps, middle and rear deltoids, and even the hamstrings can “steal” part of the load, so you need to learn to FEEL YOUR MUSCLES. I have already said this many times in many articles.

I've looked at this in great detail. . Don't be lazy and study this issue.

Exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles

Exactly this cool exercise for the development of the latissimus dorsi muscles, which many do not do for various reasons, but in vain.

This is an extremely physiological exercise for you and me, because... our ancestors were forced to spend a lot of time in the trees. However, if you believe that man appeared on Earth as a result of other circumstances, then I cannot convince you of this. But I think it’s pointless to argue that the crossbar appeared on Earth much earlier than rows and dumbbells, this is already clear

Pull-ups develop precisely the WIDTH of the “wings”, and horizontal rods(any) develop THICKNESS (the edge of the lats thickens).

Learn to TURN OFF the BICEPS from the work when doing pull-ups (due to the “muscle feeling”) so that the biceps does not steal the load from the latissimus muscles. At each point in the pull-up movement, THINK ABOUT YOUR LATS and how they contract at each point in the movement.

If you have no problems with this, and you definitely “bomb” your lats in pull-ups, then it’s time to decide on the following points:


  • Narrow;
  • Average;
  • Wide;

Brush position:

  • Directly;
  • Toward yourself (reverse grip);
  • Parallel;

  • Your weight;
  • With weights;
  • Standing on a support (in the simulator or from the hands of a partner);

The choice, as we see, is very healthy. So, in general terms:

The wider the grip= WORK WIDER more + WORK LESS.

Than already enough= BICEPS works more (back less) + WORK MORE.

WIDE OR NARROW GRIP? The narrower the grip, the greater the amplitude of movement created, but the biceps will work harder. If you have learned to feel your lats well and turn off your biceps, then you can do pull-ups with a narrow grip, because the work in this case will be stronger (greater amplitude of movement). But if you feel that your arms are getting clogged during pull-ups, then take them wider. Also, try using an “open grip” (this is when your thumb does not wrap around the bar), this will reduce the load on the forearms.

In general, try to do pull-ups with a “medium grip”, because... In this case, it will be easier to feel the lats and turn off the biceps.

WHAT IS THE POSITION OF THE BRUSHES? The more the hand is turned (supinated towards itself, as with a reverse grip), the less the load on the forearms, but we won’t be able to take a wide reverse grip because of our anatomy, and the narrower we take it, the more the biceps works. The solution is a PARALLEL GRIP (on a horizontal ladder, for example). This way the hand will be supinated and you can take it wider.

PULL UP TO YOUR CHEST OR BEHIND YOUR HEAD? If you pull yourself up by your head, you use fewer back muscles than when you pull yourself up to your chest. But the advantage of doing head pull-ups is that this way you get more involved in the work. upper muscles backs. In short, chest pull-ups involve more muscles into work (a more basic exercise), and behind the head, it focuses on the upper back muscles (more isolating). At the initial stage, I would not bother with this issue and would pull myself up to my chest.

SHOULD I ADD WEIGHTS OR NOT? In order for muscles to grow, you need PROGRESSION OF LOAD. If the load does not increase, then there is no point in the muscles increasing, because... this is a very energy-intensive process. There are a couple of clarifications. First, you should add weights when your technique is perfect (you feel the lats perfectly). And secondly, you should work in the range of 6-12 repetitions (approximately), so when you can already do pull-ups with perfect form more than 12-15 times, then it’s worth increasing the weight.

These are, one might say, “lightweight pull-ups.” Everything I said about grips, hand position, load, etc. all this applies to this exercise. For beginners, this exercise is BETTER than pull-ups, because, as a rule, they cannot yet do pull-ups properly. Moreover, with this exercise it is easier to control the load and contraction of the lats. If you are an advanced lifter, you should definitely include this exercise in your arsenal AFTER your pull-ups to further fatigue your lats.

This exercise belongs to the “horizontal rows”, i.e. builds the latissimus dorsi muscles IN THICKNESS. The main thing in absolutely all deadlifts is a straight back! This will save you from injury, and will also allow you to work your latissimus muscles more specifically.

Almost everything that I said in pull-ups about the grip is also true for bent-over barbell rows, but there is one BUT. If you take a reverse grip on the barbell and perform deadlifts, you will notice that your elbows do not spread out to the sides, but move in parallel, accordingly, the latissimus muscles can be felt better, but the BICEPS also work stronger. When we take a direct grip, the elbows spread more strongly (especially when narrow grip), therefore the trapezius and rear delta are more involved in the work. So it goes.

Now about the tilt:

  • Stronger tilt= BACK works more;
  • Less tilt= TRAPEZE works more;

In my opinion and experience, it is best to grab with a MEDIUM STRAIGHT GRIP and about 20-30 degrees from horizontal (i.e. ALMOST parallel to the floor). The back MUST be straight, and the bar moves parallel to the bent hips.

Almost the same as bent over rows. But here a deeper study of the inner part of the back (between the shoulder blades) is given. In fact, this is simply a more convenient version of the bent-over barbell row.

There are a lot of different T-bar pulls. The main ones are in the STANDING and LYING positions. When you perform the exercise while standing, it’s practically the same as the bent-over row of a barbell, it’s just more convenient, but when LYING, a number of inconveniences already begin, because For a competent contraction of the lats, you NEED DEFLECTION IN THE BACK (in the scapular region), and this is difficult to do while lying down.

In general, if you have a standing T-bar, then you can choose it as an alternative to bent-over barbell rows, but if you have a bench press, then it’s better not to do it, especially at the initial stage.

Bent-over dumbbell row (with arm support)

The technique for performing the exercise should be as follows:

  1. Lean forward and grab the dumbbell right hand, with your left hand and left leg bent at the knee, you need to lean on the bench, and your right leg is put back.
  2. The movement of the hand must be STRICTLY VERTICAL, and the movement must be carried out PARALLEL TO THE BODY (the hand does not move to the side).
  3. The body does not change position! THE BACK IS ALWAYS STRAIGHT (bended in the opposite direction!).

There is a wider range of motion here than with the bent-over barbell row, because... the bar does not interfere with raising the elbow above the lower back. More work and muscle contraction. Support with your knee and hand allows you to unload the spine. And also, because The exercise is performed with one hand, then you can feel your muscles better.

Lever pull in Hummer

Hammer-type exercise machines appeared not so long ago, but have successfully entered all modern fitness centers. This great exercise and the “horizontal thrust” option. The exercise is similar to a one-arm dumbbell row, but because your torso is vertical, it is easier to perform and the weight can be lifted heavier.

It is believed that this exercise specifically affects the lower latissimus muscles, but this is very conditional, because The emphasis of the load will depend on where you pull the handle.

  • Pull towards the navel= BOTTOM LAT works;
  • Pull to your chest= UPPER LATISM works;

But it will be easiest to pull towards the navel, hence this statement.

A few more tips on the technique of performing this exercise. I very often see how exactly this exercise is performed and I don’t even understand how!

My version of this is: Sit with your back straight (slightly arched back at the shoulder blades), lean forward to stretch your lats. Now pull the handle towards you while simultaneously returning your body to a vertical position. VERY IMPORTANT!!! You should pull EXACTLY WITH THE WIDEST, NOT WITH THE CASE! Those. There is no need to pull the handle towards you with your whole body, and then, by inertia, bring it towards you with your hands. The movement begins by PULLING YOUR SHOULDERS BACK, then pull the handle towards you, feeling the lats at each point, and return the body to a vertical position.

Exercises for the trapezius muscle of the back

I have already discussed this issue in great detail in an article about . But repetition, as they say, is the mother of learning.

Shrugs with dumbbells (or kettlebells) or with a barbell (or Smith)

Shrugs from English. shrug - “shaking.” This exercise really looks like a shrug. We must move the shoulder blades vertically upward. This is the main function trapezius muscle. So, the more you lean forward, the more load will go from above to its middle parts (between the shoulder blades). Beginners DO NOT NEED this exercise AT ALL, because... So far, at the beginning, there is no point in worrying about relatively small muscles.

It's better to focus on your lats, chest, for example, and legs. The most important thing when performing shrugs is NOT TO ROTATE YOUR SHOULDERS!!! The movement must be strictly up and down. Our shoulders are poorly adapted to rotational movements, so we can get injured very easily. And in general there is no point in rotation, because... This does not in any way speed up the growth of the trapezius. Hold dumbbells in your hands or a barbell in front of you and perform the movements as if you were shrugging your shoulders, moving them strictly UP and DOWN, so you will feel how your trapezius contracts.

Back Extensor Exercises


An exercise that is highly overrated for growing back muscles. It has a concentrated effect on the back extensors, which are not so large compared to the lats and trapezius.

It works on so many muscles, quads, glutes, back extensors, etc. But for back growth in general, this exercise is at the bottom of my list. I believe it should be done at the end of a workout.

The back is always straight. The bar should move strictly along the legs. Grip straight, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Be sure to use it weightlifting belt and traction, so as not to get a hernia. Look in front of you, butt down, knees bent. At the same time we straighten our legs, back and lift the barbell along our legs.

This exercise works the spinal extensors quite well, but I put it at the very end because... You shouldn’t overdo it with it, you can seriously injure your lower back by simply pulling your body up a little at the bottom point, so you need to progress the weights very carefully.

There are many variations of this exercise, but I will tell you about the one that I think is the best, when you lie face down with your legs secured to the bolsters.

The back is straight, you lower yourself down and, feeling the tension in the lumbar region, rise up, contracting the extensors of the spine.

This exercise is best done as additional exercise for abdominal training, because the spinal extensors are antagonists of the abdominal muscles, which means the abs will receive better recovery.

OK. As you can see, there are plenty of exercises. But how to pump up your back muscles if we are talking about a specific workout?

How to pump up your back. Back training program

As you understand, training program- a very individual thing, especially when we talk about how to pump up the back muscles, because this is a very large muscle group. More than half of the questions that I receive by email and in comments are questions related to the training program.

I considered in great detail the issue of choosing a training program .

I want you to understand that almost any program will work in certain time and on a specific person. I can only give a training program that will suit the MOST.

Rules for creating a training program for the back:

  2. UPPER + LOWER LINK (to develop muscles in width and thickness).
  3. HEAVY WEIGHTS(for 6-12 repetitions + load progression).

So, the very first complex for a beginner will look like this ( COMPLEX No. 1):

All? Yes all. These two exercises will be enough to avoid overtraining and cause a great response in your lats. You can do these exercises for six months or a year and not worry. There will be wonderful growth.

The next option is for a beginner ( COMPLEX No. 2):

Deadlifting will stimulate the growth of your back extensors, as well as the growth of your body as a whole, because... it increases blood circulation in the lower body, which promotes increased testosterone production. The trapezoid is also strongly involved in the work, which will also contribute to its excellent growth.

Another option for the intermediate level:

Well, the third option for the intermediate level:

So, I want to point out very important point! You shouldn’t switch to using 3 or 4 exercises if you are progressing well with just two exercises! There is no need to change what works great.

Now several ADVANCED COMPLEXES for people using a very deep split (splitting the body for 4 or 5 training days), COMPLEX No. 4:

Another option for the advanced athlete:

Or the third, also a cool option for an advanced athlete:

There are a huge number of advanced complexes, but I brought those closer to ordinary people, i.e. for those who are already quite well trained, but do not use steroids (with steroids, the volume of the training load can be safely multiplied by two).

Many professional athletes divide their backs into two training days. On the first day they do vertical rows, pull-ups, etc., i.e. exercises that increase the width of the back, and on the second day, various horizontal rows that increase the width of the back muscles, but, as you understand, the average person does not need this.

How to pump up your back muscles. About combining back training with other muscles

The question is very important, because... directly affects your progress. Many people train 2-3 times a week, which simply does not allow for a separate day for their back. Although the back deserves a separate day for training, because... it is the LARGEST MUSCLE GROUP in our upper body, and the second largest in our body (after the legs). That is why I decided to consider this issue in detail.

So, how to combine back training with other muscles?

I would combine it this way:

  • BACK + DELTS(do not interfere with each other, because the shoulders push and the back pulls);
  • BACK + CHEST(antagonists, work well together, Arnold’s method);
  • BACK + BICEPS(classic push-pull split, both pulling groups);
  • BACK + REAR DELTS(professional method, then train CHEST + FRONT DELTOUS);

BACK + HANDS - this is not very good, because... Most likely you are undertraining one of these muscle groups, I would better connect the back with the shoulders (deltas). In general, try to set aside a separate day for your back if your fitness levels are already high enough.

Some important issues worth highlighting

At this point, the topic of back training is almost covered, but I feel that some questions may still arise. I decided to collect all the questions that I was once asked about back training and highlight them below:

“If after I trained my back over the next few days it doesn’t hurt, does it mean that I didn’t receive the necessary microtraumas for growth?”

Indeed, pain in the next days in a previously trained muscle group indicates microtraumas that will lead to growth, but this is NOT AN OBLIGATORY SIGN OF GROWTH! The better trained you are, the less pain you will feel. The sign of growth is an increase in load! If the load is constantly growing, then you are growing.

“Should I stretch my back extra between sets?”

Yes. This works great because... thus further stretching muscle fascia back muscles, better blood supply, and, accordingly, better growth.

“Which exercise for developing the back do you consider the best, if you can only do one exercise on the back?”

Of course, pull-ups. They perfectly grow the latissimus muscles in width.

“Which exercise is better to choose for increasing the thickness of the lats: bent-over barbell row or bent-over dumbbell row?”

It’s better, in my opinion, to do bent-over barbell rows, because... It’s easier to progress the load there.

“If you have to combine your back with another muscle group, which one?”

With deltas. Or with biceps (NOT WITH HANDS). This is perhaps the most popular combination.

“What should I do if my wrists hurt a lot while doing pull-ups and vertical block rows?”

Experiment with grips, reverse or straight. Also, a parallel grip easily solves this problem. Well, the traction (straps) should help a lot.

“Do I need to use a belt for bent-over barbell and dumbbell rows?”

I use the belt in almost all exercises where I feel tension in the abdominal cavity (except for abdominal training, of course). This avoids intervertebral hernia and increasing the waist. Why do you need a big belly?


Hmm, well, that's it, friends. Today we looked at how to pump up your back in great detail.

If something was not clear to you or you still have any questions, then ask them in the comments.

The back is a muscle group that should definitely be emphasized, because... it gives our figure an impressive look. Happy training!

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

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