Making a muzzle for fishing. Fishing muzzle: how to make a trap

Simple and effective trap called muzzle, or top, is prohibited in many regions Russian Federation. Before using a muzzle for fishing, you need to contact local fisheries authorities to find out whether the use of this equipment is permitted in the region.

What is a muzzle for catching fish?

Fishing with a muzzle is used in different bodies of water. This simple trap is installed in lakes, ponds, and rivers with strong currents at great depths. The tip is used to catch most freshwater fish.

There are 2 types of traps:

  • traditional, for catching any fish;
  • specialized for catching a specific type of fish.


Muzzles for fishing classic look They are a cylinder into which cone-shaped necks are inserted. The inlet neck has a round shape; a conical part is installed at the end. Tops or kubari for a particular type of fish can have a square, triangular or semicircular shape. The wings do not exceed 2 m; their length is adjusted according to the depth of the reservoir. Fishing tackle is made for the desired catch.

Traps are made from a variety of materials:

  • flexible rods;
  • reed;
  • network fabric;
  • burlap;
  • wire.

The frame can be made of wooden hoops or metal. The metal frame is light and dense, easy to fold, making it convenient to carry. Traps made of fabric or mesh are easy to transport and fold easily. The rod top is durable and reliable.

Where and when to use

The principle of operation of the top or its version, the mesh, is that the fish swims inside through a cone-shaped throat. To attract it, a feeder with complementary foods is placed in the tackle. The fish cannot swim back. They get it through the catching cone of the trap. Merezha differs from the muzzle more complex design. It must be equipped with wings.

Fishing muzzles are installed near the shore, at the bottom of a reservoir, in reed thickets, between stones, on the surface of the water. The fish often hides in the trap from fast currents or seeks shade in hot weather.

You can catch muskrats with this structure - to catch it in a hole, it is installed near the animal’s house. When catching muskrats with their muzzles, devices made of metal mesh in the form of a cylinder are used. The size of the cells is 4 cm. The animals get inside through 2 trap cones. To catch muskrats, compact structures with a diameter of up to 30 cm and a length of 60−100 cm are made. Cone-shaped entrances have a diameter of 8−10 cm. The shape is maintained by 2 hoops.

The tops can be folding or stationary. Folding devices are made from copper wire with a cross-section of 1 mm or steel wire with a cross-section of 4 mm. The material of stationary traps is galvanized mesh.

To make it easier to reach the muzzle, a wire bow is attached to its upper rim. The bottom structure is installed on the ice in winter, when it becomes strong.

How to make a trap yourself?

Amateur fishermen have an ambivalent attitude towards muzzles. Many of them are categorically against the use of fishing rods, as they believe that this method of fishing causes irreparable harm to fish resources. Their opponents do not see fishing with a muzzle as a big problem for residents of water bodies and often look for sites that describe how to make a muzzle for fishing.

The device can be bought in fishing stores, but many fishermen try to make their own gear. Norot is made from wire, mesh, and wicker. These are mobile traps, they come in screen and tunnel types.

From wire

To make a trap, use thick wire or a metal rod. Step-by-step process of knitting the device:

  1. Making hoops. The wire or rod is cleaned and painted to prevent corrosion processes. After the paint has dried, the wire is bent into a hoop of the required shape. The ends are tied with strong rope.
  2. Wire rods are used on the body of the top. They are cut to size and prepared in double quantities for the body and cone structure.
  3. The chopped rods are tied one by one to the hoop of the body.
  4. The rods of the body are separated and tied through 1 to the catching hoop.
  5. Using cross braiding, the body rods are attached to another hoop, forming a strong frame.
  6. The body is lengthened by attaching additional rods to the hoop.
  7. To extract the catch, a window is cut out in the rods fixed between the hoops.
  8. To hold the fish inside the structure, a special door is woven and attached.


Venteri for fishing with your own hands can be made from mesh. In this option, hoops made of wire with an anti-corrosion coating are used for the frame. You can choose simple metal wire, pre-painted with waterproof paint. The frame can be made in the form of a spring, then the structure will fold for ease of transportation. The frame is covered with a mesh fabric made of durable thread or plastic. The wings of the muzzle are made from the same material.

The front hoop is often made in a semi-oval shape for a better fit to the bottom. The mesh is attached to the outside of the wire hoops using strong twine, which is threaded into the cells. The necks for fish entry are installed on rope guy wires tied to a second hoop. The size of the mesh top depends on the depth of the reservoir at the fishing site. A convenient height of the muzzle’s wing is 2/3 of the depth at the fishing spot.


For a vine trap the following is prepared:

  • hoops for the frame;
  • strong rope or braided cord;
  • wicker rods.

Stages of creating a vertex:

  1. Hoops are made from wooden rods. To facilitate the bending process, they are soaked in hot water, immersing them for several minutes. The soaked material is bent into the desired shape and allowed to dry. To maintain their shape, the hoops are tied together with bast tape or strong thread.

  2. The vine is harvested in double quantity.
  3. The method of weaving a muzzle from willow twigs is similar to creating a top from wire.
  4. A hole is created in the catch body of the required size. The excess length is cut off.
  5. In devices of small diameter, a door is made to remove the catch. Fish in large traps are caught through a fishing hoop.

The use of natural materials makes the wicker top low-cost

How to catch fish on the snout correctly?

When fishing with a snout, it is important to set the trap correctly - then you can hope for a good catch. To ensure that the top is always in the designated place, it is weighed down with weights or tied to a tree or bush growing nearby. In reservoirs with strong currents, structures with wings are installed.

The fish hides in a safe place, often mistakes it for a trap and gets inside. During spawning, the males go to the top after the female that gets inside. The fish cannot get back out because of the shape of the fishing cone.

Are baits needed?

Fishing using bait is more effective, especially one that does not get wet for a long time. This fishing method is used in summer. Dry bread moistened with unrefined sunflower oil, dough, minced meat, peas, potatoes, and corn are placed inside the muzzle. The complementary food is placed in a gauze bag so that it does not spill out of the trap. The fry quickly react to the bait, and predators chase after them and hit the top. An alternative to traditional products is a bite activator with pheromones.

Features of winter fishing

In winter, the top is placed vertically above the ice hole and tied to a pole driven into the bottom. Bait is not used when fishing. The fish goes into the fresh air that enters the water through an ice hole. The success of fishing depends on the correct setting of the distance between the lower edge of the ice and the upper hoop. The trap is attached to the pole with a rope.


Fishing top

In semi-flowing ponds, where, in addition to crucian carp, they live in sufficient quantities and predatory fish(perch, pike), crucian carp in the tops Thirdly, the top should not be placed blindly, but in those places where large crucian carp tend to feed.

All about fishing Versha Merega Dive

The most classic case of using a top is fishing in crucian ponds, when the bait is pieces of dried black or white bread, flavored with unrefined (i.e.

more aromatic) sunflower oil. Fishing is the simplest, and there are almost no misfires in it, even if the top is placed away from the usual feeding areas of crucian carp - sooner or later they will come there, attracted by the smell of bait.

However, the size of the catch from such fishing is depressing - mostly crucian carp weighing from 30 to 50 g. To catch more decent crucian carp with tops, you should follow the following simple rules.

The majority of Russian fishermen, unfortunately, have very vague ideas about what they, fishermen, can and cannot do on reservoirs. Knowledge of laws, regulations, regional rules fishing is being replaced by numerous myths generated by “public opinion”.

For example, this myth: “Spinning gear is sporting and is allowed everywhere, but a net is poaching and is prohibited everywhere.” And the fishermen, convinced of the veracity of this myth, start screaming, proving to the fisheries inspector: they, they say, were only fishing with a spinning rod, but oh, there is a net behind that bush, and fine its owner.

But the protocol is drawn up specifically for the unlucky spinning anglers, because a tag with the owner’s name and personal permit number is attached to the net, and it is impossible to catch pike with a spinning rod during the post-spawning feeding period in most regions...

There are two types of myths about fishing traps, which are quite contradictory to each other. Some fishermen (mostly urban ones) are firmly convinced that any net or top is a poaching tool, and anyone who uses them is a poacher. On the contrary, a villager throwing a tip into a pond on the outskirts of his village will be very surprised if he is called a poacher... Who is right? Let's figure it out now.

Let's start with the fact that poaching gear, by definition, does not exist in nature. It all depends on what kind of gear - prohibited or not - a fishing rod, net, spinning rod or mesh is classified as according to the fishing rules in force in this moment in this place.

In the same way, by the way, there are no sports gears by definition: in the USA, for example, quite official sport competitions by the purpleness of fish (paddlefish, which feed on plankton and practically do not fall on a baited hook).

In Finland, athletes compete in hunting with a spear... Russian rules strictly prohibit the use of such sports equipment not only by athletes, but also by ordinary amateurs.

To the fishing traps Russian rules fisheries established by different basin departments are also treated differently. In some regions (Western Siberia, the European North of the country), anyone can catch with traps, without permits or licenses (observing, of course, seasonal bans, established gear sizes, catch rates, etc.

d.). Typically, “free” traps in such areas are modest in size; you have to pay extra for the right to catch with more catchy gear.

For example, the Northern Basin Administration allows free fishing with traps with a total wing length of 3 m, and with a paid license - 10 m, the difference is significant.

In other places (the Far East, for example), the use of traps is limited; any fishing with them requires a one-time personal permit or license.

Finally, in the third group of regions (these are the central, most densely populated regions, territories and republics) traps are prohibited.

The third case is the most interesting. It turns out that the grandfather throwing in his village (somewhere in Vladimir region) I'm diving into a pond with crucian carp - a malicious poacher?

Not certainly in that way. The preamble or the main provisions of all fishing rules, without exception, adopted after 2004, indicate the scope of their application: water bodies of a given region that are of fishing economic importance.

Does the pond overgrown with duckweed on the outskirts of the village of Krasnaya Gorbatka, Kovrovsky district, Vladimir region, have fishery significance? Interesting question.

One of the types of fishing tackle is tops, which were known back in Ancient Rus' (you can read about this in “The Wise Minnow” by Saltykov-Shchedrin). This tackle is made from willow twigs and has a frame cone-shaped design. In some regions of our country, the versha is called a muzzle (it has two entrances at both ends), as well as norot, venterem, nersha.

The top does not allow the fish that has swum into it to get out, since the captive’s muzzle is stuck into the cone, and it cannot turn around and break free. Only crayfish can walk backwards. However, this tackle is also used for catching crabs.

Speaking in simple language a top is a bottom fish trap when there are no other ways to catch fish. Nowadays, in addition to willow rods, metal and nylon mesh are also used. The design itself resembles a venter or muzzle, but does not have a guide wing. This gear is usually used to catch perch, and in the Finnish northern rivers they practice catching lampreys.

A review of fishing forums shows that the vast majority of anglers have a very negative attitude towards the use of such traps for fishing. Some statements are striking in their emotionality and venomousness, addressed to those interested in where you can buy a muzzle for fishing, or how to make one yourself.

However, there are those who do not see a crime in the use of the top, citing the fact that recreational fishing causes no less damage to fisheries resources. In their opinion, the pleasure of catching fish with permitted gear is no different from forbidden gear.

Moreover, with significant time savings. They also refer to free sale fishing nets and all kinds of fish traps in specialized stores.

Interested in fishing methods? grass carp? Read more about this in our article. This article will tell you about the best Atmosphere pressure for fishing.

“Our top priority is the optimal solution successful fishing. You can choose a tackle with one or two inputs.

The top has a metal frame with six spacers, which ensures its strong installation at the bottom of the reservoir. A cell of 2 cm, a diameter of 53 cm and a length of 130 cm allows the capture of up to 40 kilograms of fish.

The top is suitable for installation in still and running water of any reservoir. Thanks to the 0.8 mm nylon three-layer cord and the entrance located low to the bottom, the top can also serve as a crayfish catcher.

We deliver to all regions of Russia."

The “Fisherman’s Shop” store offers to buy a 60 cm by 90 cm muzzle that can be conveniently folded using the spring method with two entrances for catching crayfish and fish for 420 rubles. The thickness when folded is 5 cm. Store address: St. Petersburg, Lesnoy Ave. 37. Delivery within the city is expected.

A similar product with article number 80083 can be bought at the KVOK fishing store, which is located at: Moscow region, Fryazino, Vokzalnaya 16. The top with dimensions of 60 cm by 105 cm can also be used for catching crayfish. Price 375 rubles.

In extreme conditions, when life is at risk, the muzzle can become a means of survival. Its use in this case is not only acceptable, but also quite natural. The use of this kind of gear in our time becomes a matter of ethics, culture and attitude towards the preservation of nature in a truly human understanding.

aleks888 Fishing / Traps 08/29/2017, 11:02 8

Dear visitors to the site “Visiting Samodelkin”, in this material you will be presented with the process of making a top-muzzle from a plastic mesh with a 10 mm mesh for fishing in reservoirs.

Muzzle or muzzle is a popular name. Officially, this tackle is called “top”. It is also called venterem, norot, nersha. It is a cylinder-shaped structure with a narrow entrance in the form of a cone directed inward.

Bait in the form of pieces of cake or bread is placed in the center of the trap. Once a fish enters a narrow neck, it can no longer get out.

In contact with

Muzzle or muzzle is a popular name. Officially, this tackle is called a versha. It is also called venterem, norot, nersha. It is a cylinder-shaped structure with a narrow entrance in the form of a cone directed inward.

When there was no modern gear yet, our ancestors used improvised means to make all kinds of devices to catch fish. This is the top.

One of these inventions has survived to this day almost unchanged. Modern technology has made changes and improved this gear, but at the same time narrowed its specificity.

The top was woven from branches and vines. It consisted of 3 parts: the main part resembles a cylinder, the other two parts are made removable - the bottom and the throat.

The bread quickly becomes soggy, the porridge may also crumble and the fry will eat it. We often use boiled corn or large wheat (you need to sift it out on a large sieve), then small pieces fall through the top, luring fish into the trap, and the main part remains in the top. The fish tries to get the main food and remains trapped.

The second method (without bait) is used in the spring and is based on the fact that many fish need hard objects during spawning to rub against them, squeezing out eggs and milt. Naturally, for a good catch, you need to know perfectly well where and when the underwater inhabitants of the reservoir you have chosen spawn.

Since time immemorial, man has obtained food by hunting and fishing. Fish were caught with spears, nets and other gear. One such fishing tackle is the top. This is the most ancient fishing tackle, the creation of which goes back to prehistoric times. The Ivanovo Regional Historical Museum houses a top found during archaeological excavations, built 12 thousand years ago.

The top does not allow the fish that has swum into it to get out, since the captive’s muzzle is stuck into the cone, and it cannot turn around and break free. Only crayfish can walk backwards.

However, this tackle is also used for catching crabs. In simple terms, a top is a bottom fish trap when there are no other ways to catch fish.

Nowadays, in addition to willow rods, metal and nylon mesh are also used. The design itself resembles a venter or muzzle, but does not have a guide wing.

This gear is usually used to catch perch, and in the Finnish northern rivers they practice catching lampreys.

Fishing with tops - Let's go fishing

Without any doubt, the name “tench” was given to this fish due to the characteristic feature that it changes its color when taken out of the water - a freshly caught tench immediately becomes covered with large black spots.

This happens because it is completely covered with a thick layer of extremely thick and transparent mucus, which hardens, darkens in the air, and then falls off in pieces, leaving large yellow spots in these places.

The missionary also loved pineapples and asked the natives to plant him a vegetable garden. Everything about it is important: The thing is, you can buy it from the locals. What kind of bait should you put in the tops to imitate a food object? Not what kind of bait to put in the top when hitting the water, but to form an attractive feeding environment for Carp on the bottom until it sinks to the ground, which is so loved by various predatory primates, right in front of me..., which were pre-heated and rubbed with garlic.

It is for this reason that I chose the Kosadaka Mustang Bass Special spinning rod. The fish turned out to be active and lively in summer.

Yak zrobiti ribalsku versu

Forever with nature / network materials / Tops, borders, wings

Proposed tops, borders, wings can be bought from us in Moscow or can be ordered by post after payment.

We are one of the few online stores that sell such large items by mail.

Fishing top (muzzle, yatir, yater, Merega, niretka, kubar, vyatel, secret), as well as the measure and kryla, are all similar in design to the family of standard fishing pastes.

They are based on a top-type paste. The difference is mainly in the guide wings, the design of the top in terms of the number of inputs, their placement, etc.

The tops and similar pastes are used for catching fish due to the increased functionality and simplicity.

The frame of the top is usually made of metal hoops of round or oval shape, which are called katel (rings at the end of the hoop).

The hoops are covered with hemlock fabric, like a barrel, into which the fish has entered.

In the middle of the top there is a throat (inlet) that looks like a truncated cone. This entry top comes in different shapes.

Actors, especially great ones, have a large number of throats, which increases their ability to catch.

In general, the tops are characterized by high-retention properties.

The main advantage of the top of the line lies in the fact that the top has another possible entrance (throat) from the other side of the tackle and the wing.

The frame of the top is formed not from round hoops, as in the hem, but from tightly fastened later ribs. The tackle can be cast directly from the shore and there is no need to stretch it near the water on the pins driven into the bottom, which increases the fishing strength.

Another advantage can be called the depth of the selected place, which does not play a central role, while the stagnation of the soil on adjacent depths is similar.

You can say that the measure


How to make fish traps with your own hands

Fish traps were one of the first to be born, and only then, familiar to us, fishing gear. But fishermen still use primitive traps to this day, especially if the question is how to stock up on live bait. You won’t fish with a fishing rod because the fish will get injured, after which it won’t live long on the hook. Therefore, it is necessary to use non-traditional fishing methods.

How to make a trap

The principle of operation of the trap is that the fish should freely fall into the trap, but it would not be able to swim out of it due to the design of the trap itself. Using such a clever design, you can catch most of the fish caught in the trap.

Nowadays, fishermen use a variety of improvised or unnecessary things for this purpose. Some fishermen weave traps from wicker, others use various nets stretched over a wire frame, and still others use plastic bottles as traps.

A person’s living space is literally crammed with plastic bottles of various shapes and capacities. From such bottles you can very easily build a simple but effective fish trap.

If you need to catch small live bait, then a bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters is suitable for this. If you need to catch larger sizes, you should take a 5-liter bottle.

To make such a trap, you will need a tool and several items such as wire, fishing line and rope.

  • to begin with, remove the paper label from the bottle and wash it thoroughly so that there are no foreign odors in the bottle. Water or vegetable oil bottles are best used for this purpose. You don’t have to wash the vegetable oil bottle: it will attract fish with its smell anyway;
  • then, you should cut off the neck of the bottle, about a third of the body (depending on the size of the fish) and insert the neck inside the bottle;
  • after which, the inserted part of the bottle is fixed in place with a wire. You can fix it in no more than 4 places, so that later you can remove the neck to remove the fish from the bottle.
  • in the bottle itself, you should make a lot of holes of small diameter so that the bottle can quickly submerge in water, especially since with holes it will not resist the water so much if the trap is supposed to be installed in the current;
  • After the trap is ready, bait is placed inside it, and a rope and weight are tied to the trap. The weight can be placed inside the trap so that there are no snags. The trap is ready for use;
  • The trap is thrown with the neck against the current. If fishing is done in calm water, then it can be cast and installed in any position, and the rope can be secured on the shore.

Video lesson on making a trap from plastic bottles:

For more large fish There is a trap of another type:

The frame for the box can be made from any available material: wood, water pipes (plastic or aluminum), aluminum corners, etc.

  • A mesh made of any material is stretched over the frame; the cell size is within 1 cm. You can use a metal mesh;
  • two funnels are formed from the same mesh;
  • Such funnels are installed and fixed from both sides of the box. Funnels should be installed with the narrow end inside the box;
  • In the trap, you can place some kind of bait, depending on the type of fish that can be caught.

After this, the trap can be immersed in a pond. If the trap is metal, then you will not have to submerge it, but if it is wooden, then you will have to tie a good weight so that it sinks to the bottom of the reservoir.


If you analyze the above, you can make such a trap yourself and without much effort, showing ingenuity and resourcefulness, especially since there are a lot of interesting things lying under our feet, but which we do not notice.

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DIY fish traps

Humanity invented fish traps much earlier than our usual fishing gear. The interest of fishermen in catching fish using the most primitive traps has not only not disappeared, but, on the contrary, is becoming increasingly popular every year. Especially when you need to catch live bait.

How to make a trap

The principle of the trap is the most elementary: the prey must swim freely into closed space, attracted by various baits, and the structure will prevent it from getting back out. A cunning device will allow you to take the vast majority of fish caught inside as a trophy.

An elementary and at the same time very reliable and effective trap, which all novice fishermen usually try to fish with, is made from plastic bottles.

If you need small fish to attract predatory fish, take a small bottle (1-2 liters). But if the task is to catch larger fish, a five-liter bottle is used. You also need a small piece of fishing line, wire or rope, as well as a knife.

Mesh box trap

The frame of the box is assembled from any available material: plastic water pipes, wooden blocks, aluminum profiles, and so on.

  • A metal mesh with a cell size of about 1 cm is tightly nailed or screwed onto the frame.
  • Two funnels are twisted from the same mesh.
  • On both sides of the box, holes are cut in the mesh strictly according to the dimensions of the wide end of the funnels.
  • The funnels are inserted with the narrow end inside the box and carefully tied with wire.
  • Various bait is also placed inside depending on what kind of fish will be hunted (bread, bugs, wasps, grasshoppers, a glass jar with fry) and the trap is immersed in the waters of the reservoir.

Video lesson on making a trap

In the video tutorial below you will learn how to make a fish trap from plastic bottle. You will also see it in action.

IN different conditions reservoirs and for different types of fish with their unique habits, entire generations of fishermen came up with their own, very unique models of traps. Often their patterns and all the nuances of manufacturing were passed on from father to son as the secret of successful fishing.

DIY float

  • How to make a float with your own hands? ↓
  • Necessary equipment and tools ↓
  • Materials from which a float can be made ↓
  • Feather ↓
  • Plastic straw ↓
  • Foam plastic ↓
  • Cork ↓
  • Tree ↓
  • Reed ↓
  • Requirements for homemade floats ↓

Biting is the goal of every angler. To achieve this, you need to take into account the weather, the characteristics of the reservoir and select correct equipment. Despite the fact that the assortment of floats in the store is large, the sports fisherman cannot always choose the right type for himself. Some, not finding the required sample, order its imported version. It’s easier for an avid hobbyist to make the equipment with his own hands.

How to make a float with your own hands?

Experienced amateur fishing knows well what the float should be. You can achieve the necessary parameters of the product by making it yourself.

  • To do this, you will need the simplest materials that are available to everyone, and tools that can imitate a lathe.
  • With the help of simple manipulations you can make different models. Each of them will meet the specified parameters and properties.

The success of fishing depends on the correct manufacture of the float. Therefore, all components of the model must meet the specified characteristics and fulfill their purpose.

The float design consists of the following parts:

  1. The body is the lightest part and has high water-repellent properties.
  2. Antenna serving as a beacon.
  3. Keel - underwater part and balancer.
  4. Ring.
  5. Dog.
  6. Carbine.
  7. Swivel.

The purpose of the main floats can be classified as follows:

If foreign professional fishermen, considering the float one of the main components of a fishing rod’s equipment, make this attribute with their own hands, then even more so will our fishing enthusiast master this science, passed on from generation to generation.

Necessary equipment and tools

The necessary tools for making floats with your own hands can be found in the home of any owner. If something from the list is missing, then your ingenuity will tell you what to replace it with.

What tools will you need:

  • Vise (needed to fix the drill).
  • Pliers.
  • Drill (replaces lathe).
  • Vernier calipers (to measure the product to the millimeter).
  • Chisel (simulator of a chisel).
  • Drills of different diameters from 1.5 - 3 mm.
  • A well-sharpened knife (can be a construction knife).
  • An awl, which can be replaced with a knitting needle, nail, etc.
  • Sandpaper of different grits.
  • File.

Materials from which a float can be made

To ensure a high-quality float, the following requirements apply to the choice of material:

  1. it should be light;
  2. must be amenable to manual processing;
  3. must keep its shape.

The following materials have these properties:

  • Wood of different species with low density. Balsa (balsa) wood meets this requirement best of all. It doesn’t grow here, but you can buy it in aircraft modeling stores. It is from balsa that ship models are made.
  • Foam plastic and other polymer materials.
  • The most affordable feathers include goose and rook feathers. You can use more decorative ones - swan and peacock.
  • Porcupine quills, cork materials, burdock core and dried stalks of reeds, reeds, and cattails are used for homemade floats.


The most affordable material for making a float is a feather. The main thing is not to damage the rod when the fan is removed. Carelessness will waste all your work if the keel begins to leak water.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

  1. First you need to trim the edges of the plumage with a sharp knife or blade. Burn out the rest using a lighter or candle. After this, sand the workpiece with fine-grade sandpaper. The thin tail can be cut or bent into a ring or loop.
  2. You can start painting. Bright colors should be alternated so that they are visible in any weather. The paint should be waterproof and serve not only as a bright color for the lighthouse, but also as a protective layer for the float.
  3. After the paint has dried, varnish is applied. This is a necessary attribute of all floats. It not only serves as protection against external influences, but also gives greater glide, which increases sensitivity to the slightest movement.
  4. All that remains is to equip the float with line holders. Here you will need two rubber rings (nipple): one is put on the middle; the second - on the thin part of the keel. The float is now ready to dive.

Plastic straw

A plastic tube can be called an artificial feather. The material can be any product similar in shape: a cotton candy holder, cocktail straws, ballpoint pen accessories, etc.

  • Having found a suitable item, you need to trim off the excess length. Seal the ends of the tube using a candle or lighter. To do this, heat the tip of the product until the material softens and twist the tail with a flagellum.
  • Then you melt one edge again and flatten it with pliers. At this point you make a hole for the swivel. You give the product an aesthetic appearance by cutting off unnecessary unsightly edges. Sand with sandpaper to avoid scratching surfaces.
  • Apply water-repellent paint, let the product dry, and varnish. You can make several of these “feathers” at once and please your friends. And the loss of a float will not upset you - making a new one is a matter of a few minutes.


Not only folk craftsmen, but also professional fishermen are engaged in making floats from foam plastic. This material can be used to produce a product of any shape and load capacity. You need to start by selecting the type of foam.

  1. Not just any type will do, but only with a high density, then it is easier to process - it does not crumble in your hands. A piece of foam plastic is cut into pieces of the required size.
  2. You can process it manually, cutting off excess with a sharp knife or using a drill. To prevent the drill from “beating” while working at high speeds, it is clamped in a vice and fixed in the desired position. The “lathe” is ready to go.
  3. Stick a wooden barbecue skewer into the workpiece three-quarters of the way. Clamp the free end with a drill. At high rotation speeds, carefully apply a file or sandpaper, cleaning off all excess.
  4. You can do the opposite - fix the abrasive material in a drill, and hold the product in your hands, grinding it to the required shape. The first option will give a more symmetrical processing of the workpiece.
  5. Having given the product the required shape (ball, drop, olive), use sandpaper to bring the surface to a perfectly smooth appearance. Now you need to seal all the cracks in the foam with waterproof putty to prevent the float from getting wet. After drying, a final sanding is performed with fine-grained sandpaper.
  6. The finished product is pierced through with a new skewer coated with glue. The product is ready for painting. After applying the desired color and letting it dry, apply the varnish. Attach a carabiner to the bottom. Make sure that the water tightness of the float is not compromised.


The sensitivity of the cork float is less than that of the models described above. It is suitable for catching larger fish. The process of making the body of a product is no different from working with foam plastic.

  • Having received the workpiece of the desired shape, you need to carefully drill a longitudinal hole for inserting a plastic tube (lollipop stick, ballpoint pen refill, etc.). You secure it with glue. There is no need to solder the ends - such a hole is not a problem for the plug.
  • Next, make the necessary fastening for the fishing line from twisted wire threaded through the hole - a nipple and a hinge system. Paint and varnish the product, let it dry - the float is ready.


The best material is balsa wood or bamboo, but our native oak, birch, aspen, etc. are also suitable. Having decided on the breed, we begin to “conjure” the manufacturing process:

  1. Cut out blanks of the required size with a thickness of up to 2 cm and a length of up to 5 cm. The less excess volume, the better.
  2. Drill a hole no more than 1.5 mm in diameter along the center of the body. Place the body tightly onto the wire, leaving tails about 2–3 cm long.
  3. The “machine” consists of two drills, clamped in a vice and “looking” at each other. Fix one end of the wire in one drill, and the other in the other.
  4. Only one will work - at high speeds. The second rotates freely. Having set the wooden blank in motion, you begin to remove all excess. To do this, you can use a sharp chisel, a file, abrasive devices or sandpaper stretched over a hard base.
  5. Remove excess wood from the workpiece carefully, without sharp pressure. If you manage to get the desired shape, then sand the surface to perfection with sandpaper by hand.
  6. Remove the wire from the float and drill a hole for the antenna about 2 mm in size. Place the lighthouse on glue. In the keel part, screw the wire into the body of the wood, filling all the holes with glue. At the remaining end of the wire, make a loop for the dog.
  7. Before painting, you need to saturate the float with a water-repellent solution. Then you can apply paint and varnish. That's it - the work is finished - you can start testing.


Our ancestors also used reed floats. It is good for long casting:

  • lies quietly on the water;
  • resistant to water flow;
  • has high sensitivity;
  • easy to make.

It can be done right on the pond, using improvised means.

In order for the product to have an aesthetic appearance and serve for a long time, it is better to make it at home, spending a minimum of effort and time:

  1. First, choose the appropriate material. The reed must be dry and undamaged.
  2. Cut the tubes to the required length, about 10–13 cm.
  3. Cut the top part into a cone and insert (using glue) a beacon (a toothpick or a kebab skewer will do) up to 12 cm long.
  4. The lower keel end is weighted to give stability to the float, for which several weights, lubricated with glue, are inserted into the tube and rewound with thread for strength.
  5. All that remains is to paint and varnish the surface of the product. Sometimes a foam ball is placed on the top of the lighthouse, making the float visible at a great distance.
  6. Two nipples will serve as fastenings for the fishing line: one in the middle of the float, the other at the end of the keel part. In this form, the product will last a long time.

Requirements for homemade floats

Making a float with your own hands is not difficult. The main thing is that it has the properties that such products require. There are many types of equipment and each of them is suitable for a different type of reservoir and method of fishing.

A DIY float must be cheap, otherwise there is no point in making it. Except for those cases when they are prepared for themselves by professional fishermen, who can spend a large sum on the product.

Quick tips:

  • When the depth of the reservoir is shallow, it is better not to use a brightly colored float - larger and more cautious fish see it and are afraid to swim close.
  • How to identify a fishing spot?
  1. In places where there is no strong current, but there are sunken trees and snags, there are a lot of fish. Predatory species hunt small fish here. At night, catfish may visit.
  2. When looking for a place to fish, please note that if another fisherman was here before you and fed the fish, then it will not immediately bite the new bait. It will take some time until she gets used to the new type of bait.
  3. When you arrive at a pond, look around - the rising fish will indicate a more favorable place for fishing.

The love of fishing is a call of the soul, inherited from our ancestors. Despite the abundance of the latest accessories for equipping a fishing rod in stores, there is always someone who wants to improve any of its attributes, even such as a float, to suit their needs. The habit of making things with your own hands is very close to the Slavic nature.

A top is a type of fishing tackle, commonly called a muzzle or muzzle. The muzzle looks like a cylinder-shaped structure with a narrow cone-shaped entrance, which is directed inside the structure. The bait is placed in the center. A fish, once it swims in, will not be able to swim back out.

The top has been used since ancient times. Previously, it was made from willow twigs, and later modified to metal. At the moment, the use of the muzzle is prohibited and is considered a poaching tackle, due to its prey.

Types of muzzle

They are divided into two types

  1. Classic – suitable for catching any type of fish;
  2. Highly specialized - used for catching a specific type of fish;

They differ in shape, size, and design of the inlet (neck).

The classic top looks like a barrel with a conical entrance, while the highly specialized one has large sizes and various shapes - from round to triangular.


The muzzle is a universal fish trap. It can be used both in current and in calm water. It can also be installed almost anywhere - near the shore, on the surface, at depth.

You can fish with a muzzle in places with a large accumulation of algae or grass. Its structure and appearance the trap attracts fish because it reminds the fish of a snag under which it seeks shelter.

In commercial fishing, huge sized tops (up to 100 meters) are actively used. Thereby a simple device Fishermen catch a huge amount of fish.


Attracting fish to your face is not particularly difficult. The most popular baits are dough, bread, potatoes, minced fish, cottage cheese, etc. This bait can be used to catch both large and small predators.

Any angler should remember that not all bodies of water allow the use of jigs. You can fish with traps in places remote from civilization, and only if your conscience allows you.

How to catch fish with a muzzle video. Fishing with a homemade muzzle.

How to catch fish with a muzzle video.

How to catch fish with a muzzle video

An excellent catch without the use of traps is guaranteed to you by the fishing station, where you can catch a huge catfish on a donk, or pull out an always hungry snakehead.

Fish with tops can be caught in two ways - without bait and with the help of bait. Device for catching fish [Kubar for catching fish].
Secrets of preparing fish bait

Secrets of preparing fish bait

Attracted by the smell of crucian carp, sooner or later, he will come to this place. But in this case, the catch may be weak, and the crucian carp may be small - on average about 50g. To catch more crucian carp, you should follow some recommendations. First you need to choose a suitable body of water. In reservoirs where pike or perch live along with crucian carp, there is no point in fishing on the tops, since the crucian carp is reluctant to go to the bait and in such reservoirs it is advisable to use other gear. In reservoirs where gold and silver crucian carp are found, it is also useless to place tops. So, take a small amount of raw pea porridge, add a little baking soda and fill it all with water. The peas are kept in this solution for three days, then, without draining the liquid, they are boiled until the foam rises to the edge of the dish. The resulting mixture is cooled and washed with running water.

How to make a kubar from a vine for fishing video

Using this simple recipe, you get a soft bait on the hook: Barley attracts the attention of fish and causes an increased bite. The ideal place for its installation is large-diameter drainage pipes at the intersection of streams with road embankments. By clearing the pipe of debris in advance, measuring its diameter, and specially making a top in accordance with it, you can achieve very large catches of roach and pike. In addition, the top hidden in the pipe is reliably hidden from the eyes of those who like to profit from someone else’s catch. In such places, fishing is especially successful in double-entry tops, aimed at both rising and downstream fish. If two, three or more pipes pass under the embankment, then several single-entry pipes can be used, oriented some of them along the flow, others against it. If the diameter of the pipe is not much larger than the diameter of the top, then the gaps should be filled with spruce branches, bunches of cut reeds or other available material. Summer fishing tops, as already mentioned, is mostly carried out using a variety of baits. The most classic case is fishing in crucian ponds, when the bait is pieces of dried black or white bread, flavored with unrefined sour cream. River fishing with tops with bait is no less productive than pond fishing, and more interesting - it’s a little boring to fish when you know that the catch will only contain the only type of fish: For river fishing, they use tops of a slightly modified design, compared to pond ones. Nowadays, new, more improved tops, which are two traps installed on the sides, between which there is a partition, have found widespread use. Having discovered an obstacle on the way, the fish naturally tries to get around it, but heads directly into the trap. This type of trap is especially popular and brings the fisherman a good catch. Naturally, the second method gives a much better chance of finding the tackle in a day where it was left.

Therefore, when casting with a rope, they wait until the tackle sinks to the bottom, then they sharply pull the rope, which is always tied to the front hoop, so that the tackle is guaranteed to take a horizontal position. Its diameter should correspond to the diameter of the throat. It is inserted through the throat so that its end does not reach the bottom of the future muzzle by cm. Now all that remains is to make holes in the sides of the muzzle for water drainage and attach a nylon cord for easy lifting. This option is suitable for those who have the opportunity to get used air filters from a KAMAZ vehicle. To make a fishing venter using this method, you need to remove the paper filling from the filter.

This leaves a mesh cylinder. One of the spring can smell: For why there are such orgasms. Where can you add what in SMS messages. Excursion facts about the product, nor you should know. Tips and secrets, tricks, fisherman's workshop Add to Bookmarks. Interesting communication - for comments to work, you must have a Java script enabled in your browser: Using site materials without an active hyperlink is prohibited. Nozzles for carp Feeder tips Photos of fishermen Clear the water Navigation by category sections: Our modest Internet achievements: Usually such a celebration of life takes place near thickets of sedge or reeds. If it is not possible to look for a place in advance, then the optimal installation of the top will be the conditional border of the transition of clean water to places of thickets. Should I use bait or not? Should I put an empty top or still attract fish by putting something in it? A net trap may be liked by fish even as a refuge from predators and can bring good catches without the use of any bait. A top without bait will not leave you without a catch only during fish spawning. To do this, you should visit the selected fish pond the night before. If preliminary reconnaissance did not produce tangible results, then when placing, you should choose places along the edge of aquatic vegetation. Fishing using a muzzle is possible without feeding.

Make it home page Add to favorites. Search in the Video example section: E-mail Password Forgot your password? But for some people, including me, the details are important. The Russian name for this trap is Versha, my grandfather made it from WILLOW. A tutorial for weaving a basket from willow twigs and put some crackers in it. There were so many fish that sometimes they pulled them out... And whose name is the muzzle? Really interesting. If it's not a secret, what places is your grandfather from? I once visited my grandmother in the Tomsk region. The sizes were different, crackers were placed inside. From the beginning he lived in the Ryazan region. And we live closer to Siberia. A variant of the Chinese bamboo top. Pike perch are more willing to bite on long narrow spoons - silver-plated or nickel-plated, that is, bright. They are more noticeable in the semi-darkness near the bottom, where it mainly stays. Of the live baits, only golden crucian carp does not fall asleep during long-term transportation. It should be transported in a basket wrapped in damp moss - here it remains alive longer than in a bowl with water. Fishing gear, bait and angler's hands should always be clean. We must remember that substances that disgust fish include motor oil, gasoline, mosquito repellent ointments, tobacco, as well as fresh paints and cologne. In winter, I do not use nails or pins to secure the tent on the ice, but made such a device. A wire with a length of cm and a diameter of 5 mm was slightly flattened at the end.

10 best baits for fishing in spring and summer.

Clamping it in a vice, I turned the flattened end half a turn and sharpened it to the shape of the drill. The other end of the wire was bent into a ring.

This device can be easily screwed into and out of the ice, and most importantly, it stays firmly in it. When making a bait from bread crumb, add a little cotton wool, and then it will not come off the hook even in a strong current. When stored in a metal or glass jar with a lid earthworms quickly die due to poor air access. They breathe through the skin of their body. Therefore, it is better to store worms in a canvas bag or wooden box with small holes in the walls and lid. In order for earthworms, feeding on decaying soil remains, to clean the intestinal cavity and become bright, before fishing for a day or two they should be placed in a box with wet grass, the grass is moistened with weakly brewed tea. Fish are always attracted to turbidity, so dry clay and fine sand can be successfully used as bait. There is often water on ice under snow, and ordinary galoshes will not save felt boots from getting wet. To avoid this, put plastic bags over your galoshes and you will have unhindered access to your chosen place on the pond. To prevent your eyes from getting tired of watching the fishing line and the guard against the background of white snow and to better see their position, spread a small piece of dense dark fabric, burlap directly behind the hole and press it with ice crumbs. Bites will be more noticeable. Readers who try to use tips on hardening hooks may fail: I offer one of the possible options. For small steel products - hooks, fasteners, rings, a simplified heat treatment method is used. The part heats up to a bright red color. Cooling in air - hardening, is carried out by heating the product to a light cherry color.

How to catch crucian carp on top?

Instant cooling, in oil or water. After hardening, the part is heated in molten lead. It is possible to temper the metal by placing the part, cleaned to a shine, on a hot metal plate. As soon as the part turns blue, it is removed and cooled in air. Often new fishing kits do not have rubber bands on the floats. If you have a bicycle, this problem is easy to solve. Damaged rubber bands from nipples should not be thrown away; you need to cut them into equal slices and put them on the float.

An attachment for catching carp fish can be made like this. Take in proportion 1: All this must be crushed into a uniform mass, passed through a meat grinder from which then rolled into a tight bun. A good bait for bream will be obtained if you mix it in proportion 1: The mixture is also passed through a meat grinder. If the bite is bad, you should not use a large jig. Use small tackle. Perch is more often attracted to the play of a jig with a high frequency of vibrations, and bream and roach - with a low frequency and low speed of movement. If the bite is sluggish, the catch will be a dark lead jig. Change the nozzle as often as possible. The relay moth larva is known to have a scent that attracts fish. Therefore, it is useful to rub the jig with crushed larvae before fishing. When fishing from ice in shallow water or on a bright, sunny day, it is useful to darken the hole with snow or just an edge of ice, leaving a small hole for the fishing line to pass through, then the fish will not be wary when approaching it. The wind on a pond often fills the hole with snow, the fishing line gets tangled in a ball, and it tends to get under the fisherman’s clothes, but if you have a small shovel made of plywood or light metal, you can relatively easily protect yourself from the wind by putting a wall of snow bricks behind the hole - it “warms” " not bad.

Before lowering the bait bloodworm into the hole, it must be cooled a little so that it is not too mobile. Having lost excessive mobility, it will not burrow into the bottom soil so quickly. There is no need to waste food on the attachment. You can also fish with foam rubber, which should be cut into pieces and soaked in vegetable oil. It will peck just like bread and porridge. Make a fire only in an old fire pit. Please note that nothing can grow at the site of the fire for several years! Use dry branches, dead wood, old stumps. When leaving a place of temporary shelter, collect garbage and burn it. Convenient whips for winter fishing rods can be made from fiberglass. To do this, take a broken spinning rod or an old one. ski pole. The blocks cut with a hacksaw are split with a knife along the fibers. Then the workpiece is given a round cone shape using a scraper. Thickness in the butt part - mm. After treating the fishing rod with sandpaper, cover it with nitro varnish or nail polish.

Fish bait

The fishing rod and float are relatively recent inventions of mankind. In earlier times, a variety of traps were used for fishing. One of these is the fishing muzzle. It appeared in ancient times. Unfortunately, today this invention in many places is related to poaching. But in Russia, as in other countries, there are places far from civilization where the muzzle can still be used.

In addition, knowledge of how the muzzle works will help to survive in extreme conditions. The main element of the muzzle is an oval reinforcement; it can be made of wood. For example, from tree branches. The bottom and ceiling of the muzzle have the shape of ovals, which are fastened together by lateral edges. The height of the muzzle depends on their length. The frame is covered with net fabric.

So, finding himself in extreme conditions, the traveler came across a reservoir or pond. You can hear the fish splashing. You can tear several flexible rods. They need to be twisted into an oval shape. Surely there is twine or fishing line in the traveler’s backpack. It holds together the elements of the muzzle.

If possible, use wire instead of flexible rods. It is rolled into an oval shape. In difficult natural conditions, you can even take the thick roots of a tree. If the tree is difficult to bend, then it must first be kept in water. The base for the body of the muzzle is made from twigs. After the base is created, it needs to be dried well.

The shape of the muzzle can be varied. In some cases, two ovals, namely the bottom and the ceiling, are connected to each other by edges. In other cases, a rod twisted into an oval is bent so that the opposite ends of this geometric figure are connected. You can use cord or twine to connect. The catching cone is manufactured separately. Separate rods should be prepared for it. The catching cone is installed in the side of the body of the muzzle. It is through it that the fish will swim inside. A separate oval is taken as the base.

An increase in the vertical dimensions of the muzzle body is achieved by adding additional branches that are screwed to the old ones. A hole should be left in the body of the muzzle into which the catching cone will be installed. In addition, in the body of the muzzle you need to cut a hole for a door through which the fish caught in it will climb. The door cover will be attached to the hole, which should be woven separately. Muzzle is enough simple device in terms of manufacturing, but this process will take many hours. In the wild, the traveler will have plenty of time.

If you know where fish schools move, you can do without bait. It should be said right away that the law does not allow setting such traps during fish spawning, when feeding the fish is unnecessary. The bait will enhance your fishing efficiency. You can use bread crumbs, smaller fish and other foods. To prevent the muzzle from floating up, you need to attach a sinker to its body. In addition, the trap must be tied to a nearby tree on the shore using twine or any other strong thread.

In semi-flowing ponds, where, in addition to crucian carp, predatory fish (perch, pike) also live in sufficient quantities, crucian carp are in the top. Thirdly, the top should not be placed blindly, but in those places where large crucian carp tend to feed.

All about fishing Versha Merega Dive

The most classic case of using a top is fishing in crucian ponds, when the bait is pieces of dried black or white bread, flavored with unrefined (i.e.

more aromatic) sunflower oil. Fishing is the simplest, and there are almost no misfires in it, even if the top is placed away from the usual feeding areas of crucian carp - sooner or later they will come there, attracted by the smell of bait.

However, the size of the catch from such fishing is depressing - mostly crucian carp weighing from 30 to 50 g. To catch more decent crucian carp with tops, you should follow the following simple rules.

The majority of Russian fishermen, unfortunately, have very vague ideas about what they, fishermen, can and cannot do on reservoirs. Knowledge of laws, regulations, and regional fishing regulations is being replaced by numerous myths generated by “public opinion.”

For example, this myth: “Spinning gear is sporting and is allowed everywhere, but a net is poaching and is prohibited everywhere.” And the fishermen, convinced of the veracity of this myth, start screaming, proving to the fisheries inspector: they, they say, were only fishing with a spinning rod, but oh, there is a net behind that bush, and fine its owner.

But the protocol is drawn up specifically for the unlucky spinning anglers, because a tag with the owner’s name and personal permit number is attached to the net, and it is impossible to catch pike with a spinning rod during the post-spawning feeding period in most regions...

There are two types of myths about fishing traps, which are quite contradictory to each other. Some fishermen (mostly urban ones) are firmly convinced that any net or top is a poaching tool, and anyone who uses them is a poacher. On the contrary, a villager throwing a tip into a pond on the outskirts of his village will be very surprised if he is called a poacher... Who is right? Let's figure it out now.

Let's start with the fact that poaching gear, by definition, does not exist in nature. It all depends on what gear - prohibited or not - includes a fishing rod, net, spinning rod or mesh according to the fishing rules currently in force in a given place.

In the same way, by the way, there is no sports gear by definition: in the USA, for example, quite official sporting competitions are held for catching fish (paddlefish that feed on plankton and practically do not fall on a baited hook).

In Finland, athletes compete in hunting with a spear... Russian rules strictly prohibit the use of such sports equipment not only by athletes, but also by ordinary amateurs.

Russian fishing rules, established by different basin departments, also treat fishing traps differently. In some regions (Western Siberia, the European North of the country), anyone can fish with traps, without permits or licenses (observing, of course, seasonal bans, established gear sizes, catch standards, etc.).

d.). Typically, “free” traps in such areas are modest in size; you have to pay extra for the right to catch with more catchy gear.

For example, the Northern Basin Administration allows free fishing with traps with a total wing length of 3 m, and with a paid license - 10 m, the difference is significant.

In other places (the Far East, for example), the use of traps is limited; any fishing with them requires a one-time personal permit or license.

Finally, in the third group of regions (these are the central, most densely populated regions, territories and republics) traps are prohibited.

The third case is the most interesting. It turns out that the grandfather who throws fish into a pond with crucian carp in his village (somewhere in the Vladimir region) is a malicious poacher?

Not certainly in that way. The preamble or the main provisions of all fishing rules, without exception, adopted after 2004, indicate the scope of their application: water bodies of a given region that are of fishing economic importance.

Does the pond overgrown with duckweed on the outskirts of the village of Krasnaya Gorbatka, Kovrovsky district, Vladimir region, have fishery significance? Interesting question.

One of the types of fishing tackle is tops, which were known back in Ancient Rus' (you can read about this in “The Wise Minnow” by Saltykov-Shchedrin). This tackle is made from willow twigs and has a frame cone-shaped design. In some regions of our country, the versha is called a muzzle (it has two entrances at both ends), as well as norot, venterem, nersha.

The top does not allow the fish that has swum into it to get out, since the captive’s muzzle is stuck into the cone, and it cannot turn around and break free. Only crayfish can walk backwards. However, this tackle is also used for catching crabs.

In simple terms, a top is a bottom fish trap when there are no other ways to catch fish. Nowadays, in addition to willow rods, metal and nylon mesh are also used. The design itself resembles a venter or muzzle, but does not have a guide wing. This gear is usually used to catch perch, and in the Finnish northern rivers they practice catching lampreys.

A review of fishing forums shows that the vast majority of anglers have a very negative attitude towards the use of such traps for fishing. Some statements are striking in their emotionality and venomousness, addressed to those interested in where you can buy a muzzle for fishing, or how to make one yourself.

However, there are those who do not see the use of fishing rods as a crime, citing the fact that recreational fishing causes no less damage to fish resources. In their opinion, the pleasure of catching fish with permitted gear is no different from forbidden gear.

Moreover, with significant time savings. They also refer to the free sale of fishing nets and all kinds of fish traps in specialized stores.

Interested in ways to catch grass carp? Read more about this in our article. This article will tell you about the best atmospheric pressure for fishing.

“Our top is the optimal solution for successful fishing. You can choose a tackle with one or two inputs.

The top has a metal frame with six spacers, which ensures its strong installation at the bottom of the reservoir. A cell of 2 cm, a diameter of 53 cm and a length of 130 cm allows the capture of up to 40 kilograms of fish.

The top is suitable for installation in still and running water of any reservoir. Thanks to the 0.8 mm nylon three-layer cord and the entrance located low to the bottom, the top can also serve as a crayfish catcher.

We deliver to all regions of Russia."

The “Fisherman’s Shop” store offers to buy a 60 cm by 90 cm muzzle that can be conveniently folded using the spring method with two entrances for catching crayfish and fish for 420 rubles. The thickness when folded is 5 cm. Store address: St. Petersburg, Lesnoy Ave. 37. Delivery within the city is expected.

A similar product with article number 80083 can be bought at the KVOK fishing store, which is located at: Moscow region, Fryazino, Vokzalnaya 16. The top with dimensions of 60 cm by 105 cm can also be used for catching crayfish. Price 375 rubles.

In extreme conditions, when life is at risk, the muzzle can become a means of survival. Its use in this case is not only acceptable, but also quite natural. The use of this kind of gear in our time becomes a matter of ethics, culture and attitude towards the preservation of nature in a truly human understanding.

aleks888 Fishing / Traps 08/29/2017, 11:02 8

Dear visitors to the site “Visiting Samodelkin”, in this material you will be presented with the process of making a top-muzzle from a plastic mesh with a 10 mm mesh for fishing in reservoirs.

Muzzle or muzzle is a popular name. Officially, this tackle is called “top”. It is also called venterem, norot, nersha. It is a cylinder-shaped structure with a narrow entrance in the form of a cone directed inward.

Bait in the form of pieces of cake or bread is placed in the center of the trap. Once a fish enters a narrow neck, it can no longer get out.

In contact with

Muzzle or muzzle is a popular name. Officially, this tackle is called a versha. It is also called venterem, norot, nersha. It is a cylinder-shaped structure with a narrow entrance in the form of a cone directed inward.

When there was no modern gear yet, our ancestors used improvised means to make all kinds of devices to catch fish. This is the top.

One of these inventions has survived to this day almost unchanged. Modern technology has made changes and improved this gear, but at the same time narrowed its specificity.

The top was woven from branches and vines. It consisted of 3 parts: the main part resembles a cylinder, the other two parts are made removable - the bottom and the throat.

The bread quickly becomes soggy, the porridge may also crumble and the fry will eat it. We often use boiled corn or large wheat (you need to sift it out on a large sieve), then small pieces fall through the top, luring fish into the trap, and the main part remains in the top. The fish tries to get the main food and remains trapped.

The second method (without bait) is used in the spring and is based on the fact that many fish need hard objects during spawning to rub against them, squeezing out eggs and milt. Naturally, for a good catch, you need to know perfectly well where and when the underwater inhabitants of the reservoir you have chosen spawn.

Since time immemorial, man has obtained food by hunting and fishing. Fish were caught with spears, nets and other gear. One such fishing tackle is the top. This is the most ancient fishing tackle, the creation of which goes back to prehistoric times. The Ivanovo Regional Historical Museum houses a top found during archaeological excavations, built 12 thousand years ago.

The top does not allow the fish that has swum into it to get out, since the captive’s muzzle is stuck into the cone, and it cannot turn around and break free. Only crayfish can walk backwards.

However, this tackle is also used for catching crabs. In simple terms, a top is a bottom fish trap when there are no other ways to catch fish.

Nowadays, in addition to willow rods, metal and nylon mesh are also used. The design itself resembles a venter or muzzle, but does not have a guide wing.

This gear is usually used to catch perch, and in the Finnish northern rivers they practice catching lampreys.

Fishing with tops - Let's go fishing

Without any doubt, the name “tench” was given to this fish due to the characteristic feature that it changes its color when taken out of the water - a freshly caught tench immediately becomes covered with large black spots.

This happens because it is completely covered with a thick layer of extremely thick and transparent mucus, which hardens, darkens in the air, and then falls off in pieces, leaving large yellow spots in these places.

The missionary also loved pineapples and asked the natives to plant him a vegetable garden. Everything about it is important: The thing is, you can buy it from the locals. What kind of bait should you put in the tops to imitate a food object? Not what kind of bait to put in the top when hitting the water, but to form an attractive feeding environment for Carp on the bottom until it sinks to the ground, which is so loved by various predatory primates, right in front of me..., which were pre-heated and rubbed with garlic.

It is for this reason that I chose the Kosadaka Mustang Bass Special spinning rod. The fish turned out to be active and lively in summer.

Yak zrobiti ribalsku versu

Forever with nature / network materials / Tops, borders, wings

Proposed tops, borders, wings can be bought from us in Moscow or can be ordered by post after payment.

We are one of the few online stores that sell such large items by mail.

Fishing top (muzzle, yatir, yater, Merega, niretka, kubar, vyatel, secret), as well as the measure and kryla, are all similar in design to the family of standard fishing pastes.

They are based on a top-type paste. The difference is mainly in the guide wings, the design of the top in terms of the number of inputs, their placement, etc.

The tops and similar pastes are used for catching fish due to the increased functionality and simplicity.

The frame of the top is usually made of metal hoops of round or oval shape, which are called katel (rings at the end of the hoop).

The hoops are covered with hemlock fabric, like a barrel, into which the fish has entered.

In the middle of the top there is a throat (inlet) that looks like a truncated cone. This entry top comes in different shapes.

Actors, especially great ones, have a large number of throats, which increases their ability to catch.

In general, the tops are characterized by high-retention properties.

The main advantage of the top of the line lies in the fact that the top has another possible entrance (throat) from the other side of the tackle and the wing.

The frame of the top is formed not from round hoops, as in the hem, but from tightly fastened later ribs. The tackle can be cast directly from the shore and there is no need to stretch it near the water on the pins driven into the bottom, which increases the fishing strength.

Another advantage can be called the depth of the selected place, which does not play a central role, while the stagnation of the soil on adjacent depths is similar.

You can say that the measure