How to pump up your abs with additional weights? A set of exercises with weights for the abs. Abs with or without weights.

It’s clear that everyone wants to have great abs. The main distinguishing feature of any bodybuilder is a narrow waist, as it creates a number of advantages, including, first of all, appearance, since the width of the shoulders can be emphasized by a narrow waist.

In order to know how to work with the press, you first need to know its anatomy. The press is the surface of the abdomen, which is a rectus muscle on which straight lines of tendons intersect, which are commonly called six “packs”. The press begins under the ribs and ends in the groin area. It should be noted that at the edges of the rectus muscle there are paired oblique muscles. However, when pumping up your abs, you need to understand that the rectus muscle and the paired oblique muscles have completely different functions. When the rectus muscle contracts, the body folds like a penknife, and in the case when the oblique muscles work, the body rotates in different directions. It is impossible to strain the rectus and oblique muscles at the same time, since when twisting the body, the oblique muscles are tensed statically, while the body itself is fixed horizontally.
Thus, rocking the press with additional loads, is strictly not recommended, as in this case, the waist may expand. On the other hand, sports medical experts do not agree with this statement. According to them, the muscles of the lower back, together with the abs, form the so-called muscular corset of the waist. When performing exercises such as, deadlift, as well as various back stretching exercises, the waist muscle corset performs stabilizing functions. In order to be able to perform this kind of exercise, you need a strong abs in any case. Therefore, it is not surprising that a person with weak abs is quite far from an ideal athletic figure. Thus, many, out of ignorance, make the mistake of pumping up their abs to the point of exhaustion, but without additional weights. This ultimately only inhibits the growth of muscle mass.

If we talk about how to properly pump up the abs with a load, it should be noted that the waist can expand only if, using additional weights, you do a set of exercises with a large number of repetitions. In order to give your abs strength, you must first do ab exercises with a low number of repetitions. The same principle works here as in other muscle groups: if you want to increase strength, work hard, but with a small number of repetitions; If you want to increase muscle volume, do an average number of repetitions.

Therefore, you don’t need to listen to various “gurus” who say that you can pump up your abs with additional burden harmful. This must be done, but everything must be done correctly. It is recommended to perform six to eight really heavy repetitions in a set of weighted abdominal exercises. This is how you can develop true abdominal strength.
Also, do not forget that it is better to start pumping up your abs with strength exercises. And then you can begin multi-repetition sets of abdominal exercises to achieve relief and endurance.

However, you need to know that you can work out your abs until you’re blue in the face, but this will have very little effect on the fat layer on top of it. After all, to burn fat, it is most effective to give the body aerobic exercise coupled with following a certain diet. Well, it is also highly recommended to take appropriate sports nutrition.

Yours complete guide on abdominal exercises.

All athletes, whether hockey players, baseball players or football players, strengthen their abdominal muscles by doing basic exercises. This is great for professional athletes, but what about the guys and gals who just want to tone their abs and see that coveted 6-pack? How can they find the most effective abdominal exercises to see six-pack abs? Or maybe a secret flat stomach lies in something else?

First, let's face it: everyone's abdominal muscle structure is different, and most importantly, the amount subcutaneous fat Everyone's metabolism is different. Some guys have to work out to the point of exhaustion before their abs become ripped, while others seem to have a six-pack appearing without much effort.

Regardless of which group you belong to, effective abdominal exercises for training in the gym or at home come down to movements in three planes: frontal, sagittal and transverse. By doing abdominal exercises in cycles, you'll keep your workout intensity high and are likely to burn more fat.

Ready to train your abdominal muscles? Let these 30 abdominal exercises at home and in gym will serve as the best training guide you've ever met.

Roll-outs with a gymnastic roller

Get on your knees and hold the roller on the floor directly under your shoulders. Tighten your abdominal muscles and roll the roller forward until you feel tension in your core muscles. The hips should not sag. Roll the roller back to return to its original position. Do as many repetitions as possible, maintaining the correct technique for performing the exercise.

Partial torso raises with raised arms

Lie on your back, bend your legs at an angle of 90°, straighten your arms and lift them up. Keep your arms in this position throughout the entire exercise. Perform a partial lift of the torso, and then slowly return to the starting position. These movements constitute one repetition.

Rollouts with a barbell

Place 5kg weight plates on the bar and kneel down. Shoulders should be above the bar. Tighten your abdominal muscles and roll the barbell forward until you feel your hips begin to sag. Return to the starting position.

Russian twist with barbell

Grasp the bar with both hands almost at the very end. Feet shoulder width apart. Rotate the bar to the left, moving your feet as necessary, and then rotate to the right.

Crunches on a fitball

Lie with your back on the ball, place your feet on the floor and place them shoulder-width apart. The ball should support your lower back. Place your hands behind your head, pull your chin back. Lift your torso up until you are in a sitting position.

Leg raises on parallel bars

Take an emphasis on the uneven bars. Bend your knees slightly and then lift them in front of you until they are parallel to the floor.

Lying leg raise

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, place your arms along your body. Lift your heels off the floor and lift them to a height of about 15 cm. At a fast pace, alternately lift your legs up and down (scissor style).

Front Squats

Place the barbell on a power rack at approximately shoulder height (if there is no power rack, then grab the barbell from the floor to your chest). Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip. Raise your elbows up until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Remove the barbell from the racks and support it with your fingertips. As long as your elbows are raised, you will be able to hold the barbell. Take a step back, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and point your toes slightly outward. Squat down as low as possible, maintaining a arch in your lower back.

Lumberjack exercise

Place the handle of the machine at shoulder height (or attach the resistance band to a stable object) and grasp it with both hands. Stand with your side to the handle, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your arms. Stand far enough away from the machine to create tension in the cable. Turn your body away from the machine in a movement as if you were cutting down a tree. The legs must remain motionless.

Lying leg raise

Lie on the floor and grab a bench or the legs of a heavy chair for support. Straighten your legs and lift them up to a vertical position. Lower your legs down, but don't place them on the floor, to maintain tension in your abdominal muscles before starting the next rep.

Russian twist with medicine ball

Sit on the floor holding the medicine ball with both hands. Straighten your arms in front of you. Explosively twist your torso to the side and then return to the starting position. Make a similar movement in the other direction.

“Running” while lying down with a medicine ball

Get into a lying position supported by a medicine ball. Bring one knee toward your chest and then quickly move it back while bringing the other knee toward your chest.


Take a lying position with your toes on the fitball. Bend your body in half, rolling the ball toward you with your feet until your torso is upright. Roll the ball back until your body is straight again. Then place your shins on the exercise ball so that your body is in a straight line and your outstretched arms are above your head but still on the floor. The body position should resemble Superman flying down. These movements constitute one repetition. Tightening your back muscles, return to the starting position (lying up) and begin the next repetition.


Take a lying position, bend your elbows so that your forearms are on the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold this position.

Pull-ups with knee raises

Hang from the horizontal bar using an overhand grip. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, then lift your knees toward your chest.

Push-ups with cotton

Get into a prone position with your feet in the handles of the suspension training straps. Push off the floor so that you can clap your hands in the air.

Reverse crunches with an expander

Lie on your back and place the resistance band around your feet. Cross the ends of the resistance band so that they form the letter “X” and grab the opposite ends of the band with your hands. Bend your legs so that your knees are close to your chest, and then lift your torso off the floor. Straighten your legs while moving your arms back behind your head. Shoulder blades should not touch the floor. These movements constitute one repetition.

Rollouts with fitball

Place your forearms on the fitball, take your legs back and straighten. Tightening your abdominal muscles, roll the fitball forward until your arms are straight. When you feel that your abdominal muscles are no longer tense, return to the starting position by rolling the exercise ball back.

Try others for training at home.

Leg raises while sitting on a bench

Sit on a bench and hold a medicine ball between your feet. Straighten and raise your legs in front of you. Pull your torso back so that your body is straight in line. Hold on to the bench to maintain your body position. Lift your torso up and bring your knees to your chest.

Side plank

Lie on your left side, place your left forearm on the floor. Raise your hips so that your body is in a straight line. Tighten your abdominal muscles. You should rest on your left forearm and the edge of your left foot. Hold this position, tensing your abdominal muscles.


Get into a prone position with your feet in the handles of the suspension training straps. Bring your right knee toward your chest while maintaining left leg straightened. Now take your right leg back while bringing your left knee towards your chest. The movements should resemble running.

Raising the body with a ball throw

Sit on the floor, hold the ball with both hands at chest level. Place your feet under a heavy object to maintain proper body position. Lie with your back on the floor a few tens of centimeters from a brick or concrete wall. With an explosive movement, lift your torso, throw the ball at the wall, and then catch it on the rebound. If you have a partner, you can throw the ball to each other.

Bar in star position

Take a lying position. Spread your arms and legs as wide as possible. Your body should take the shape of a star. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold your body straight for 30 seconds.

Raising the torso with a barbell

Lie down on the floor. Hold an empty or lightly loaded bar over your shoulders, as if doing a bench press. Straighten your legs and place them on the floor. Raise your torso to a vertical position. Hold the bar overhead as if doing a military press.

Place a barbell on the floor to your right and place your feet hip-width apart. Push your hips back, squat down, and grab the center of the bar with your right hand. Tighten your core muscles. Keeping a slight arch in your lower back, push your heels off the floor to stand. Hold the barbell tightly so that the apparatus does not swing. Make sure to keep your spine straight throughout the exercise. Do not lean towards the bar.

Plank with circular movements

Place the fitball on the floor and lie down with your support on it. Place your forearms on the exercise ball, keeping your body straight and keeping your abdominal muscles tight. Moving your elbows, rotate the fitball in a circular motion first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

V-shaped torso lifts with fitball

Lie with your back on the floor. Hold the exercise ball between your ankles. Stretch your arms behind your head. As you lift your legs, simultaneously lift your torso and take the fitball in your hands. Lower your torso to the floor and repeat the movements, lifting the exercise ball and holding it again between your ankles.

V-lifts with medicine ball

Lie on your back on the floor, holding the medicine ball behind your head with both hands. Straighten your legs. Tighten your abdominal muscles. At the same time, raise your legs and reach your toes with the medicine ball. Your body should be in a "V" shape during this phase of the exercise.

Raising the torso with weights

Lie on the floor and hold a weight plate against your chest. Bend your knees at an angle of 90°, but so that the entire surface of your feet remains on the floor. Keep your chin at chest level throughout the exercise.

Lumberjack exercise while standing on one knee

Lower yourself into a deep lunge position with your left leg forward. Reach over your left shoulder to the handle of the expander. Pull the handle diagonally down across your body towards outside right thigh.

Do you want to pump up your abs? For this you will need effective exercise for abs and a suitable diet. Crunches are the most popular abdominal exercise.

It is simple and yet very effective. With its help, you can pump up your abs, tighten your stomach, and speed up fat burning. To perform it in the classic version, you do not need any additional equipment, exercise equipment, or a lot of free space.

  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • osteoporosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • heart problems;
  • problems with the respiratory system.

What muscles work?

The exercise involves the entire abs, but, above all, it loads top part belly. The main thing is to do it in correct technique, otherwise you may not expect results.

When performing twists, the following are involved:

  • rectus abdominis muscle;
  • oblique abdominal muscles;
  • muscles of the middle and lower back.

Execution options

In the classic version, the exercise is performed lying on the floor on a gymnastic mat or on horizontal bench with legs bent at the knees. In addition to this method, there are many other options:

View Short description
On incline bench Allows you to work out the lower zone of the rectus muscle well. To do this, you need to sit on the bench in such a way that your head is lower than your feet. Also, with this method, it is more difficult to lift the body, which means the muscles receive more stress.
On fitball Performed similarly to crunches while lying on the floor. In this case, your back lies on a gymnastic ball, and your feet are on the floor. At the moment of lowering the body, you can stretch it well, thereby increasing the range of movements
With your feet up It is performed lying on a horizontal plane, similar to classic crunches, the only difference is that the legs must be kept suspended during the entire approach. To do this, they need to be bent 90 degrees both at the knees and at the hip joints, so that the thighs end up vertical and the shins horizontal
With weights Suitable for those who need a heavy load. A barbell plate or dumbbell of suitable weight is usually used as a load.
On a vertical block You need to take the handle of the simulator, kneel in front of it and begin to flex and extend your body. At the moment of maximum contraction of the abdominal muscles, the hands should be at the back of the head, when extending the body - above the forehead
In a special simulator for working out the abs Another a good option for those who work out in the gym. Exercises in the simulator also allow you to adjust the load, and the mechanism is designed in such a way that it is quite difficult to perform the exercise with the wrong technique. This means that the press will receive a good load in any case, so the option is great for beginners. There are simulators for horizontal and vertical twisting, that is, for training in a lying and sitting position, respectively. They differ slightly in the nature of the load
Oblique crunches During lifting, the body rotates around the axis of the body. If your hands are behind your head, your elbow should first touch your right knee, then your left knee. If your arms are crossed over your chest, your elbows should reach toward your upper thighs. This version of the exercise allows you to well load the oblique muscles. Whether they need to be worked on is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Girls should keep in mind that with an increase in the volume of the oblique muscles, the waist increases, and the torso becomes masculine

Each variation of this exercise is slightly different from the others in terms of the load it gives to the abdominal muscles. In addition, it is important anatomical features body: some methods of twisting are better suited for some, others - others. Ideally, you should try them all to find the best ones for you. You can start with the classic version.

Another point worth paying attention to is the placement of the hands. They can either be crossed on the chest, or placed behind the head, clasping your palms at the back of the head. The first option is simpler and good for beginners. In order to increase the difficulty, you need to switch to the second one.

There is an even more complex option, which, however, is used infrequently - twisting with outstretched arms. With this method, straight arms need to be extended in the direction from the body, as if above the head, crossing them at the wrists.

Correct technique

Technique for performing classic crunches:

  1. Take the starting position: lie on your back, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, placing your feet on the floor, cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head.
  2. As you exhale, twist your body, reaching your shoulders toward your pelvis.
  3. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Complete the required number of repetitions, rest for half a minute to one minute and proceed to the next approach.

Number of repetitions

The number of repetitions and the amount of load must be chosen depending on the goals of the training. If you want to build big six-pack abs, do 8 to 15 reps in three to four sets. In this case, most likely, you will need to use additional weights. A weight plate of the required weight works well for this purpose, but you can also use a dumbbell. In the gym, in order to increase the load, the exercise can be done on a simulator.

If your goal is to enhance fat burning in the abdominal area and tighten your stomach, you need to do a lot of repetitions - 25 or more. It is also better to increase the number of approaches; there should be at least five.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistake when performing this exercise, which almost everyone who begins to master it admits - performing body lifts instead of twisting.

If, when twisting, the body seems to be hunched over, and the body approaches the groin, then during lifting of the body, the back remains straight, and the shoulders move towards the knees.

With this technique, anything will work, but not the press. You can do twisting in this manner for months and even years, but still not get the desired result.

Remember also about the measured pace of the exercise. The faster you do it, the less efficiently the necessary fibers will be included. In addition, you need to avoid the appearance of inertia in order to go through every centimeter of the amplitude of movement due to high-quality tension of the abdominal muscles.

Also, when performing this exercise, many people strain their neck and press their chin to their chest. This should not be done - it is an extra burden that is best avoided.

In addition, improper breathing is a big problem for many. At the moment of twisting the body, you need to exhale sharply and truly powerfully; in this case, the load on the rectus abdominis muscle will be maximum. Don't be afraid to breathe loudly, even if you're working out in the gym - this will make your ab workout really effective.

Relaxation of the abdominal muscles at the peak of the extension movement is also common. If you keep your muscles tense throughout the entire amplitude, the effectiveness of the exercise will double.

Currently, there are a huge number of workouts focused on training the abs. abdominals. This article will tell you everything you need to know about building a beautiful, sculpted body.

You can be strong... you can be big... but all the really tough guys have incredibly awesome abs. If you want to get abs like Arnold Schwarzenegger, that's great.

If creating a sculpted figure is so easy, why is it so fit and sculpted belly not everyone has? This means there is some kind of problem.

You know what happens when millions of people want something so badly that it forces them to scan Google for what they want late into the night, with their wallets at the ready.

Of course... it's a siren call for the savvy marketers hiding in the shadows. Perhaps it is better to call them eagles, soaring overhead, searching for weakened prey.

Okay, okay, this is going to sound a little dramatic, but my point is this:

  • Some people will tell you that you only need to do a few exercises a day to get ripped abs... but that's a mistake.
  • Some will say that you must do squats and deadlifts, otherwise you will not be able to form a beautiful torso... but this is a mistake.
  • Someone will say that you need to eat only certain foods, and everything else is absolutely forbidden... but this is a mistake.
  • Some will say that you just need to lose weight... but this is a mistake.
  • And some will say that it’s all about food additives... but they are also wrong.

There are really only two things you need to do well:

How to get ripped six-pack abs in 2 easy steps

Getting six pack abs is easier said than done. Although it is quite simple if you follow certain instructions.

1. Lose weight

I think this is obvious.

The first reason why six packs are not visible is the presence of a large layer of fat covering the muscle layer.

By losing fat, you will be closer to your goal, if you are not already there. However, this leads to the next question: how to lose weight?

First, you can't get rid of belly fat directly. Losing weight in limited areas of the body is a myth.

Targeted fat loss or "limited reduction" has long been a hot button for selling fitness books, magazines, DVDs, food additives and much more.

One workout is for “slimming” your thighs and the other is for “sculpting” your midsection. This food is supposed to reduce belly fat and this food can somehow make your thighs look slimmer.

I wish it were that simple.

Research showed that muscle training does lead to increased levels of blood flow and lipolysis (the breakdown of fat cells into usable energy) in the area of ​​the trained muscles, but the effect is so small as to be of no significance.

Training muscles burns calories and thus promotes muscle growth and fat burning, but does not directly reduce the amount of fat formed on those muscles.

Thus, fat loss is a process that involves the entire body.

For effective weight loss necessary maintain a calorie deficit, which causes the body to reduce the overall volume of its fat reserves. Contractions occur everywhere, however, some areas dry out faster than others.

The point is, you can work out as much as you want until your abs explode, but you will never see the result until you send body fat percentage to the required ratio.

This ratio should be: 15% or less body fat for men and 25% or less for women.

Here is a visual image that shows what abs look like with different amounts of subcutaneous fat:

As you can see, the abdominal muscles become visible at 15% and 25% in men and women respectively, and especially stand out at 10% in men and 20% in women.

It was mentioned earlier that some areas of the body lose fat faster than others.

Unfortunately, the layer of fat that covers the core muscles, especially the lower parts, is terribly resilient. And the point is not in the individual characteristics of the body, but in physiology.

Reasons why fat cells in this area of ​​the body it is more difficult to burn than others, scientifically based. And fortunately, there are various strategies to improve this situation.

2. Develop all your abdominal muscles

In other words, you need to pump all the core muscles. There is a common belief that people who do a lot of weight-bearing exercises (squats, deadlifts, weight training exercises, etc.) do not need to train their abdominal muscles.

One may not agree with this. Let's take a quick look at the muscles that make up the abdominals.

Firstly, this rectus abdominis (rectus abdominal muscle). This is the name for a group of muscles that look like six “packs”:

Then there are several other abdominal muscles that complete the appearance of the torso, these include the obliques and abdominals (or transversus as it is commonly called), as well as serratus muscle:

Don't discount the need to develop these muscles other than the "pretty" rectus muscle.

Here is an example of abs, with poorly developed lower layers of core muscles:

Yes, it doesn’t look bad, but there is no relief of the oblique abdominal muscles, the serratus muscle is underdeveloped and there is no line of the transverse muscle.

Some people have a different problem: their rectus muscle is weakly expressed or unevenly expressed, while the rest of the abdominal muscles are pumped:

If the obliques are too extended, the rectus muscle is deficient, and the transversus and serratus muscles may be absent.

Now let's take a look at what a good, proper abdominal press should look like:

Of course the model (Greg Plitt) has much better genetics than those two guys, but he's no thinner than the second guy. He just has the perfect balance of development of all the core muscles.

The goal is not just to get beautiful abs, but to have great abs.

I don't look like Plitt, but I have personal experience working on building my abdominal muscle groups. This is me a few years ago:

I was about 7% body fat and, as you can see, pretty good core muscle building. It is worth noting that I did squats, deadlifts, and some abdominal exercises, but this is not what I would like to write about in this article.

(If you're wondering why I only have four abs instead of six, it's purely genetic. Some people develop better rectus abdominis muscles than others.)

This rather dramatic improvement was the result of not only training the rectus muscles, but also other major abdominal muscles.

The Real Shortcut to Six-Pack Abs

It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, skinny person must have developed muscles abdominal press.

You can lose weight with proper nutrition and diets, and for the development of the core muscles of the core, training of both isolated muscle groups and all muscles as a whole is necessary.

Use this workout and flexible diet program to lose up to 5 kg of fat and build beautiful muscles in just 30 days... without exhausting fasting or constant training in the gym.

The best exercises to train your abdominal muscles

I have seen and talked to many people who regularly do an incredible number of different exercises, who can plank for an impressive amount of time, but all this does not lead to results - their abs remain underdeveloped.

It is necessary to leave the “comfort zone”, i.e. it is necessary to give increased load on the muscles For their growth. It is worth paying attention to this, and, in the case of weight-bearing strength training, increase the weight from time to time.

One of the biggest mistakes is not doing strength training with weights when working on your core muscles.

Before we talk about training routines, let's look at what individual exercises are.

There are an almost endless number of different abdominal exercises to choose from, and almost as many opinions as to which exercises are best. Luckily, we're only interested in a few exercises that will help build your core.

All exercises listed in this article were selected based on certain research, and also mine personal experience, which was obtained by working with hundreds of people.

I also described several exercises that you can perform, but if you carefully follow the basic plan, then most likely they are not needed.

Basic exercises

Squats, deadlift, bench press, classical military press While they are not abdominal exercises in themselves, they are effective in building and strengthening your core muscles.

They are also the most important exercises for overall building and strengthening the muscles of the body. If you don't do them and don't intend to do them, then you lose the lion's share of progress.

Twisting on the upper block

Crunches on upper block– one of my favorite exercises, which helps well in the formation of the rectus abdominis muscle.

A variant of “twisting” twists is possible, in which, in addition to the rectus muscle, there is a large load on the oblique abdominal muscles. In this case, the sequence of actions is as follows: you need to touch your left knee with your right elbow, then the usual straight twist, and the left elbow touches the right knee, back to the center and so on.

Raising the legs while resting on the elbows

This exercise is considered one of the best, which involves the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles (including their lower parts).

You can start with knee raises, but you should aim to do the exercise with your legs extended. After this load becomes small, you can add weight, for example, clamp medicine ball between the legs.

Hanging leg raises on the bar

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but requires much more effort.

Similar to the previous one, at first it can also be performed with bent knees, but strive to perform with extended legs. Over time you can add weight.


Don't let it light exercise fool yourself - it is an excellent addition to your workouts. When performing a bicycle, the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles are involved.

Ab roller

I'm not a fan of various gadgets and other gizmos for training, but the ab roller is a really effective and cheap tool.

If you want to include this exercise in your regular training program, then you need to purchase a high-quality video, for example, this one:

Although you can use any :)

Weight for this exercise can be added with a weighted vest.

How to create an effective training program and pump up your abs

The rules for creating a workout focused on shaping the abs are very simple:

1. Combine weight-bearing and body-weight exercises into one workout.

Abs capable of deep, separate contractions of individual muscles require much more preparation than many might think. In this case, the approach periodic» exercise is the most effective way to achieve this goal.

2. Exercise regularly

Optimal training frequency is a subject of endless debate. However, the main rule can be identified: The smaller the muscle group, the faster it recovers.

So general exercises like deadlifts or squats take longer to recover than isolated exercises, for example, on the biceps.

So I noticed that just like the calf muscles, the abdominal muscles can do large quantity contractions than larger muscle groups.

I noticed that 2-3 ab workouts per week, and at the same time the overall power training– “golden mean” for obtaining maximum results And preventing overtraining .

If we consider the question of the required number of abdominal workouts per week, then it is worth leaving 1 to 2 days of rest between workouts. If I plan three workouts a week, I prefer to train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesday and Thursday if I plan to do two workouts.

3. Make sure progress is not stagnant

As with any other workout, the main goal of the workout is to become stronger, with beautiful, toned muscles.

The weight used during training should gradually increase as the number of times you can do the same exercise with the weight equals the number of times you can do the same exercise without the weight.

Now that we know the “rules,” let’s take a closer look at how to plan your workouts.

The training scheme is elementary. It is necessary to do the exercises cyclically. One cycle contains 3 exercises that must be performed continuously one after another. We rest only between cycles; we do not rest between exercises within a cycle.

Abdominal training program

How to build a loop:

  1. It’s worth including in the first set strength exercise, such as crunches in the upper block, lifting legs while resting on the elbows or lifting legs while hanging on the bar - only 10-15 repetitions.

If you cannot do the exercise at least 10 times, then you need to reduce the weight. If you do it 15 times, it’s time to add a couple of kilograms.

  1. We immediately move on to one set of exercises without weight and do it maximum amount once.
  2. We move on to another set of exercises without weight and do it as many times as possible.
  3. Rest 2-3 minutes before a new cycle.

For example, here's one of my favorite loops:

  • 1 set of crunches in the upper block, 10-12 times
  • 1 set of leg raises resting on the elbows as many times as possible
  • 1 bicycle set maximum number of times

Rest 2-3 minutes

I usually insert ab circuits between sets of common muscle groups to save time. For example:

  • 1 set of deadlifts
  • 1 cycle per press
  • Rest 60-90 seconds
  • 1 set of deadlifts
  • 1 cycle per press
  • Rest 60-90 seconds

It’s better to set yourself a goal of 3 abdominal cycles during one workout (and 2-3 workouts per week). It's actually not as easy as it seems!

Can sports nutrition supplements help you get bigger abs faster?

No natural substances can “burn fat,” no matter how complicated or pseudo-scientific the explanation may be.

Supplement companies most often talk about increasing fat oxidation levels (while muscle mass preserved) while supporting the thyroid gland, inducing thermogenesis, blocking enzymes related to fat storage, inducing enzymes that cause fat loss, managing hormone and neurotransmitter levels, reducing water retention, improving nutrient absorption and much more.

Okay, while these aspects do have an impact on weight loss, this type of marketing is nothing more than an attempt to blind us with terminology and scientific half-truths in hopes that we will believe it.

If you look at the science of fat loss, you'll find that the right supplements can help, but they won't compensate for poor nutrition and exercise. If you follow the advice in this article, and don't torture yourself with exhausting diets and workouts, you can reap benefits from supplements that will truly accelerate fat loss.

Let's summarize the ab training

Almost every fitness guru and workout program promises to give you a six-pack for a very short time, but few can actually deliver on that promise because it's not really that fast of a process.

There is no panacea for creating a beautiful torso. If you want a lean, sexy belly, then you need to be patient, eat right and exercise. If you are willing to wait months rather than days, you will get the results you want.

Now you know everything you need to eventually get a six pack, get out of your comfort zone and get to work!

I think we should start with the benefits of strengthening your abdominal muscles. For many, doing abdominal exercises is a means of getting six-pack and ripped. But not many people know that strong abs are the basis healthy spine on par with the lower back and. Therefore, abdominal exercises are necessary for absolutely all athletes, regardless of their goal - relief or weight gain. The main thing is strengthening the abdominal muscles correctly and safely for the spine, and thickening the cubes or fat burning depends on other factors. Next, we will consider the types and techniques of twisting, recommendations for performing exercises for each goal.

Benefits of crunch exercise

The main advantage of the exercise that sets it apart from others is its safety. The fact is that when twisting, the abdominal muscles contract as much as possible without putting stress on the spine or other joints. Perhaps this is the safest, technically simplest and most understandable exercise. There are more complex versions of the exercise, but they should be performed by trained athletes.

The exercise strengthens, which is a spinal stabilizer muscle.

Another benefit is improved abdominal circulation and massage internal organs.

Harm and contraindications to the twisting exercise

The exercise itself is safe, even with problems in lumbar region Twisting is not prohibited. But there are contraindications to performing the exercise in case of diseases and inflammatory processes in internal organs, recent operations, injuries, chronic and infectious diseases. It is also forbidden for pregnant girls to curl, and even for gynecological diseases.

What muscles work during abdominal crunches?

When twisting target muscle is rectus abdominis muscle, mostly the middle and upper part. But it is a mistake to consider this exercise for the so-called. Since the rectus abdominis muscle is only conditionally divided into parts, this does not mean that its lower part is completely disabled. On the contrary, the lower abdomen also strengthens, but the characteristic burning sensation is caused by twisting in the upper part.

Also auxiliary muscles are:

Technique for performing variants of straight twists while lying on the floor

Straight crunches

  1. Lie down on the mat.
  2. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  3. Place your hands behind your head.
  4. Press your lower back firmly into the floor and do not lift it during the entire approach.
  5. As you exhale, twist your torso, lifting thoracic region from the floor, but only to the lower back, the lower back should not come off the floor.
  6. At the top of the twist, contract your muscles as much as possible and hold for a second.
  7. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself onto the mat and repeat the crunches.
  8. When lifting up, do not help with your hands, do not touch your chin to your collarbones and do not bring your elbows to the center.
  9. Try to look up, aiming your chin at the ceiling.

Straight crunches with legs raised

This is a more difficult variation compared to the previous one, since the abdominal muscles are constantly tense due to keeping the legs suspended. You can hold both straight legs vertically and bent, it all depends on the elasticity of the muscles and ligaments, this does not affect the technique.

  1. Lie on the floor, pressing your lower back to the floor, lift your legs up, keeping them in one position.
  2. You can hold your hands behind your head or stretch them forward. Another option is to reach your palms towards your toes.
  3. Exhale and twist your body without lifting your lower back from the floor, keeping your chin hanging and looking up.
  4. At the top point, pause a little.
  5. As you inhale, smoothly return down, but do not lower your shoulders to the floor, thereby maintaining tension in the muscle.
  6. Repeat the crunches, keeping your legs as motionless as possible, and most importantly, do not arch your lower back; for this, your abs should always be tense.

Double crunches

A more complex version of the exercise that is suitable for physically fit people. The difficulty of the exercise lies in the simultaneous twisting of both the upper torso and the pelvis. In this case, the lower abs, which do not seem to work in straight crunches, begin to be actively involved in the exercise along with the upper and middle rectus muscles.

  1. Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, and lift your legs up, bending your knees at right angles.
  2. As you exhale, simultaneously perform an overhead twist as usual and twist your pelvis, bringing your knees closer to your chin.
  3. When twisting the pelvis, do not try to lift the pelvis up or twist the lower back too much; here it is important to contract the rectus muscle while pushing the chest closer to the knees.
  4. Exhale and return to the starting position without lowering your legs and shoulders to the floor, maintaining tension in your muscles at all times.

Straight crunches with weights

This option is used only by trained athletes who have fully mastered the above options. At the moment when the load becomes insufficient, there is no burning sensation and fatigue with repeated repetitions, then you should add a load in the form of plates for a barbell or dumbbells. In this case, a pancake or dumbbell can be held on the chest with your arms crossed on it, or held suspended on straight arms.

  1. Lie on the floor and take the necessary weight, starting with the minimum load weight.
  2. Place your feet on the floor; in the future, this option can be complicated by keeping your legs suspended.
  3. As in the previous variations, twist your upper torso without lifting your lower back off the floor.
  4. Breathing and technique remain the same, it is also important not to sink to the floor all the way, maintaining tension.

At the initial stage of training, regardless of gender, it is necessary to perform crunches from 15 to 25 repetitions. This amount develops and strengthens muscles without overload, gradually adapting muscle fibers to a specific load. It is enough to perform 2-3 approaches. Then you can add weights and complicate it with other exercises and techniques.

Remember, if you work on the relief, that is, on the cubes, the main task will be to reduce adipose tissue, and this can be achieved not by the number of repetitions or abdominal exercises, but by a competent diet. Therefore, if the goal is to lose weight, then train as indicated above, while watching your diet. If the goal is, usually for men, then perform the exercise with a load of 6-12 repetitions for 3-4 sets.


Strong abdominal muscles not only improve the appearance of an athlete, but also support beautiful posture and the health of internal organs. Needless to say, uneven muscle development, and many neglect the development of the abs, worsens the functions of the musculoskeletal system, since the stronger muscles bear the brunt of holding the corset, and the lower back suffers first of all.

Ab crunch in video format