Ski competition protocol. Samples of competition reports Protocols of cross-country skiing competitions

Chief Judge__________Chief Secretary___________

Protocol No._____

Finish of the competition ski racing

___________________ « ____»____________2012___

M, F, Y, D______________________km.

Art. finish judge_________ Secretary___________

Final competition report

Ch. judge_______________ Ch. secretary____________


1. Classification of competitions.

2. Competition calendar and its sections.

3. Main panel of judges.

4. The chief judge of the competition and his duties.

5.Admission of participants to the start and medical care during the competition.

6. Starting order of competition participants, forms and types of draw.

7. Rules for accepting participants at the finish line.

8. Summing up the results of the competition.



Structure of long-term training

Ski racers

Sports training is seen as a multi-year process. They become champions in adulthood – from 20 to 40 years. The age of highest sports performance is 27-28 years. To prepare a highly qualified athlete, at least 4 years of systematic training are required. Some people predisposed to ski racing began systematic training at a young age - at 16 years old - and achieved the highest results. Children and youth sports schools are accepted from the age of 9.

All many years of training can be roughly divided into several stages:

1.Preliminary preparation (age 9-12 years). The objectives of this stage should be considered: comprehensive physical development taking into account sensitive periods, promoting health, instilling a sustainable interest in activities physical exercise, mastering various methods of skiing.

2.Comprehensive physical training(age 12-16 years). At this age, systematic specialized training is carried out using a variety of exercises from other sports. Young athletes compete in various types sports, which develops athletic qualities and maintains potential in cross-country skiing. Training and competition volumes are individual.

3.Initial specialized training (age 16-18 years). The goal is specialized training using tools that allow the development of the basic functional qualities of a skier (the basis for future in-depth specialization). At this stage, it is important to follow the principles of sports training.

4. In-depth specialized training (age 19-21 years). At this stage, the foundations of high sportsmanship in special and speed-strength training. It is necessary to strictly monitor the gradual increase in the load on the development of these qualities.

5. Sports improvement (from 22 years old). In practice, athletes of this age can show themselves in individual competitions, but perform consistently in high level They can't yet. Therefore, sports committees create transition groups within national teams to retain promising athletes. For such youth group Competitions are held, including world championships. Training process is carried out at a high level, at maximum loads, taking into account all the achievements of science.

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Protocol ski competitions

from "___" __________ 20___

Group number Last name, first name, child Results (sec) Best result Place
1st round 2nd round

Main judge ____________________


Appendix 4

Scenario Winter Olympics

(with the participation of MBDOU teams















Closing of the Olympiad


aerobics for all children.




Olympic hopes
Admire, look
For cheerful preschoolers.
Olympic hopes
Nowadays they go to kindergarten.
Success awaits them, a record awaits,
They look at the toys with envy
For guys who love sports.
Speed ​​skaters and gymnasts
And there are swimmers in the pool,
And they often go skiing -
Well done!
Olympic hopes
And they mature and grow,
Olympic hopes
Soon everyone will go to school.

Main judge:

and releases balls into the sky.)

Appendix 5


Head of MBDOU
"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 56 "Rainbow""

dedicated to the Year of the Family

Goals and objectives

Place and time

   "        20   G.

Competition program

3.2. Ski race (time spending).

3.3. Hockey competition (time spending).

3.4. Nanai sled (time spending).

3.5. Sled with a task (time spending).

3.6. Ice sled (time spending).

Competition participants

Organization of competitions

main judge __________ ;


Judges for competitions:

ski race (2 people);

hockey _________________________________ (2 people);

Nanai sled _(2 people);

sleigh with a task __________________________________ (2 people);

ice sled __________________________________ (2 people).

Approximate structure of a walk-hike.

Collection and movement until the first stop (15-35 minutes).

Stop, rest (10-20 minutes). Natural history activities.

A set of games and exercises (25-30 minutes).

Independent activity for children (15-20 minutes)

Collection of children and return to kindergarten (15-35 minutes).

Instructions for protecting the life and health of children.

Physical education for children of the senior preparatory group and their parents.

Target: Continue to encourage children to lead healthy image life.

Cultivate the habit of looking after your appearance.
Strengthen children’s ability to correctly take a breath and pronounce words and sounds as they exhale.
Exercise children in the ability to perform familiar movements
(throwing the ball, crawling on the bench, jumping).

Equipment: Balls, gymnastic sticks, an envelope with pictures of attributes for games.

Progress of the lesson.

The children enter the hall (the area). They took their seats. Greeting

Ved.: We gathered today to play and compete. Show yourself and look at others.

At this moment Dunno runs in noisily

Ved.: Oh, who is this? Don't you guys know?

Children: Dunno
Ved.: That’s right, Dunno. Where are you from? Fell from the moon, or what?

Dunno grumbles: From the moon, from the moon: Where else? Yes, it looks like I fell
in the wrong place, and now I can’t imagine how to get home? and you don't tell me
can you help?

Children: Let's help.

Unknown: But the road is long, difficult. Aren't you afraid to go?

Children: no

Unknown: But I'm afraid. Let's invite adults, your parents, with us?

Ved.: That’s good. Let's go. And to make it easier, let's
Let's warm up.

Breathing exercises.

1.Ex. "The house is big and small."
IP: Standing.
Execution: Stand on your toes, raise your arms up, stretch, look
on your hands, inhale through your nose.
The bear has a big house.
Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head - exhale with
saying "sh-sh-sh".
The bunny has a small house.
The bear has a big house,
And the bunny's is small.
Our bear has gone home
And a little bunny.(2-3 times).

A beetle came to visit the bear
2.Control "Bug"
I.p.: Sitting with arms crossed over chest.
Execution: Spread your arms to the sides, straighten your shoulders, hold your head
straight - inhale through your nose. Lower your head, cross your arms over your chest
- exhale, saying “J-J-J”
The beetle flies, buzzes, buzzes
And he moves his mustache(2 - 3 times)
The beetle gave the bear a trumpet, and now the bear plays the trumpet all day long.

3. Ex. "Trumpeter"
IP: Sitting on a chair.
Execution: Inhale through your nose, bring your hands, clenched into fists, to
lips and how to say into a trumpet:
"True-ru-ru" - exhalation.
We came and sat down
We play the trumpet.
Tru-ru-ru, Tru-ru-ru
Let's blow our trumpet ( 2 - 3 times )

4. Ex. "Hedgehog"
IP: Sitting on your knees, head lowered to your knees, hands on the floor -
curl up into a ball.
Execution: Raise your head, inhale through your nose, lower your head,
say as you exhale “Br - r - r” (The hedgehog is frozen) (2 - 3 times)
The hedgehog gave the bear a plane.

5.Ex. "Airplane"
IP: Standing.
Execution: Spread your arms to the sides, palms up, inhale
nose, turns right, left, exhale, say
"f-f-f" (2-3 times)

The animals played with the plane and went home.

Peel: Did you enjoy the walk?

Peel: And we came out of the forest and in front of us was a swamp. You need to cross it
To the hummocks.

Relay race: 2 bumps - moving one at a time you need to get to the other
Side (stand on one, move the other).

Well, we have reached the Flower City.

Everyone stands in two circles (one inside the other).

They sing the song "Sunshine".

A fun competition in the land of "Road Signs".

(sports entertainment with the participation of children and parents)

Target: prevention of children's road injuries; propaganda of the Rules traffic; consolidation of skills safe behavior on road; fostering discipline and a sense of collectivism.

Materials and equipment: Badges for children and parents; team emblems: “Pedestrians” and “Traffic Lights”; colored tape - molar; red and green chips; two boxes for chips; two steering wheels; two large envelopes: they contain 2 integer characters; two signs cut into 4 parts - fold the sign; large traffic light - 3 colors on the handle; 26 white cardboard strips; 26 medium sized cubes with traffic sign stickers; flower - seven flowers; two children's steering wheels; blitz - questions; black box; diplomas.

Leading: Hello, dear friends! Today we are meeting at a sports and entertainment game based on traffic rules. We welcome two teams: “Pedestrians” and “Traffic Lights”.

Riddle: I blink my eyes, tirelessly day and night.
I help cars, and I want to help you ! (Traffic light)

Leading: Let's start with a warm-up.

There are a lot of road rules in the world,
It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all,
But the main thing from the traffic rules
Know how to do multiplication tables.

Leading: And now attention, attention - let's start the competition.

1. So, the first relay race is “Who can lay out a pedestrian crossing with white stripes the fastest?”

1. Relay race "Autotower" - who can quickly build a tower with stickers out of cubes? road signs, and so that none of the towers fall down.

1. Relay race “Motorists with a steering wheel” - a real steering wheel, not a reference point.

1. competition for captains “Make a sign” from parts (two envelopes with signs).

1. Competition for parents: musical - whose team will sing more songs about roads, cars, pedestrians.

2. Relay race (mental) - two midpoints of a roadside flower are given, blitz tournament:

*Which door should you enter and exit from? public transport?
*Where should I wait for public transport?
* How should you behave in public transport?
* What does a yellow traffic light mean? (get ready)
* Part of the road along which traffic moves? (roadway)
* The animal whose name is used to designate a section of the roadway?
* Sounding tool of traffic police officers? (whistle)
* Silent tool of traffic police officers? (rod)
* Why can’t you cross the road in front of nearby traffic?
* How and where is the best way to cross the street?
* Why can't you cling to trucks?
* Why is it dangerous to play ball near the roadway?

* Where should a pedestrian stop if he or she does not have time to complete the crossing?
* “If I stood up, would I reach the sky?” (road)

* "This horse does not eat oats,
Instead of legs, two wheels,
Sit on horseback and ride it,
Just better drive" (bike)

* "The house is walking down the street, everyone is being taken to work,
Not on chicken legs, but in rubber boots" (bus)

* "Look what a strong man: he walks with one hand,
I'm used to stopping a five-ton truck." (adjuster)

* Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz, the beetle runs down the street.
And two brilliant lights burn in the beetle’s eyes. (automobile)

* His eyes are colored, not eyes, but three lights,
He takes turns with them and immediately looks at me. (traffic light)

* A device that plays an important role in traffic control?
(traffic light)

7. Competition for parents “Name the car brands?”

8. "Traffic light" - the fastest traffic light.

And now attention, black box: in the box are two certificates for team captains and earned candy.

Greetings from the teams.

"Journey through countries and continents"

Progress of the lesson.

Leading. Beyond the seas, beyond the forests, there is a huge country. It is called the land of health! Guys. I invite you on a journey!

Let's go ahead, many discoveries await you.

We follow each other
Forest and green meadow (regular walking)

The bridge swayed to the sides
And beneath him the stream laughed,

We'll walk on our toes,
Let's cross to the other side (walking on toes, walking on a ribbed board)
We go one after another
Let's approach the swamp
Let's cross the barrier in a moment -
And jump, jump, jump over the bumps (jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop0
Further, further we walk
We meet a turtle
We place our hands on the floor and quietly crawl (crawl on our hands and knees)
We're walking, we're walking,
We raise our hands higher, we don’t lower our heads,
We breathe evenly, deeply.
You see how easy it is to walk (raise your arms up to your sides).
Leading. So we found ourselves in a fairyland.
They meet a crying Pinocchio.
Ved. Oh guys, it's Pinocchio! But what is he doing here? Pinocchio, how did you get here?
Pinocchio . Oh oh oh! How my eyes hurt!
Ved. What happened to your eyes?
Pinocchio. I was visiting Malvina, we were playing, and after the game she made me wash my face and wash my hands. I ran away from her. On the way, something got into my eye. I started rubbing my eyes with my hands and now they hurt.
Ved. Guys, why do you think Pinocchio’s eyes hurt?
Children. After playing, be sure to wash your hands; do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.
Ved. Pinocchio, don't cry, the guys know how to help you.
Children. You need to rinse your eyes with clean water or chamomile infusion. Bury eye drops.
Where can I get chamomile infusion?
Ved. Don’t be upset, Pinocchio, now we’ll call Moidodyr and he will send us clean water and chamomile infusion.
(The presenter goes to the phone and calls Moidodyr)
Hello, Aibolit? Hello! Please send us fragrant soap and a fluffy towel, chamomile infusion to cure our eyes.
Aibolit (audio recording with his voice). Wait for the delivery service.
A child enters. He brings the car with a box of hygiene products.
Child. Did you call the delivery service?
Ved. Yes, they called. Let's see what Moidodyr sent us.
Ved. He opens the box and takes out soap, a towel and chamomile infusion.
Water to wash.
scented soap,
So that the dirt is washed away faster.
Fluffy towel
So that your face is clean.
Take some soap and a towel, Pinocchio, and go wash yourself. In the meantime, Pinocchio is washing himself, you and I will play. Try to get butterflies hanging on a string with your eyes open, and then with your eyes closed.
Children do the exercise.
Children. It is easier to catch butterflies with open gases than with closed ones, because with closed eyes nothing can be seen.
Ved. This is how difficult it is for a person to live when he sees nothing.
Pinocchio approaches.
Ved. Take Pinocchio’s mirror and admire how beautiful you have become.
Now we will wash your eyes with chamomile infusion and drop eye drops.
Pinocchio. Oh, how well the eyes see.
Ved. And now the children will teach you to do gymnastics for your eyes so that they don’t hurt and you can see well. (Children show and perform eye gymnastics together with Pinocchio).
Look at your finger in the distance (take your finger far away, look at it)
Bring it close to your nose (bring your finger to the tip of your nose and squint at it)
One, two, three - close your eyes (close your eyes)
One, two, three - open your eyes (open your eyes)
Pinocchio. Thank you guys for everything, I promise never to touch my eyes with dirty hands again. And now I also want to play the game “Karabasov’s blind man’s buff” with you.
(The terrible Karabas is sleeping! The dolls are having fun now! They are dancing, jumping and kicking their legs! But then he wakes up and the dolls run away!).
Pinocchio. I feel so good with you! I learned to take care of my eyes. Thank you.

Ski competition protocol

from "___" __________ 20___

Group number Last name, first name, child Results (sec) Best result Place
1st round 2nd round

Main judge ____________________

Chief Secretary _________________________________

Appendix 4

Winter Olympics scenario

(1st team) and MDOU "Kindergarten No. 58 "Teremok"" (2nd team))


  • introduce children to traditions big sport;
  • continue to improve children's health;
  • identify the sporting interests, inclinations and abilities of preschool children;
  • develop speed, agility, strength, accuracy, endurance;
  • develop the ability to win and lose.

The hockey rink is decorated with colorful flags, flags, posters, a flagpole, a bowl for a torch, music, and a microphone are prepared.

Children dressed in sports uniform(with the starting number on the chest and the emblem of the kindergarten on the cap), to the sounds of the march they walk to the site in a column one at a time. Each team follows its coach, who carries a shield with the emblem and inscription of the sport. At the head of the column of each kindergarten is Main coach. A child carries a shield with the kindergarten emblem.

The columns go to the site and form a column of two. Suitable athletic step to the podium, again diverge into two columns and stand opposite each other.

(Invited guests are on the podium. The presenter introduces the guests.)

Presenter: Report to the head coaches that the teams are ready!

Chief Judge: I give permission to open the Winter Olympics! Bring in the Winter Olympics flag!

(The Olympic flag is carried by the champions of last year’s Winter Olympics.)

Chief Judge: The right to raise the Olympic flag is granted to a student at the Pedagogical Institute _____________________

Look up to the flag! Attention! The right to light the Olympic flame is granted to a student at the Pedagogical Institute _____________________________________________________

and champions last year's olympiad _________________________________________

I consider the Winter Olympics open! The right to take the Olympian oath is granted

Olympian oath: “We, young Olympians, solemnly swear to fight honestly, persistently, to be disciplined, to respect the judges!”

(Words of greeting are spoken by the guests of honor. Then the floor is given to the emblem of the Winter Olympics - the agile and fast Bullfinch.)

Bullfinch: I wish you success, good luck and victories!

Chief Judge: In the competition program:

hockey competitions (time – 10 hours 30 minutes, venue – skating rink, senior coach

speed skating competitions (time – 10 hours 35 minutes, venue – skating rink, senior coach            ______________________________________________________________________________

cross-country skiing (time – 10 hours 45 minutes, venue – the main ski track outside the kindergarten, head coach__________________________________________________________________

biathlon (time – 10 hours 50 minutes, venue – small ski track on the territory of the kindergarten, head coach ________________________________________________________________________________

ski relay race (time – 11 a.m., venue – main ski track, head coach            ______________________________________________________________________________

ice sled (time - 11 a.m., venue - slide, senior trainer           

Nanai sled (time – 11 hours 10 minutes, venue – slide, senior trainer           

sled with a task (time – 11 hours 15 minutes, venue – slide, senior trainer           

Teams should approach senior coaches! Go to the competition venues!

Competitions are held at the appointed time at the specified venues. Senior judges note the results in the protocols and summarize preliminary results. The bullfinch “flies” from competition to competition, encouraging the children. Children who are not participating in competitions “cheer” for their teams and play specially organized games (the teachers responsible for the fun games


Closing of the Olympiad

Final formation of teams to the sounds of marching on the skating rink. Demonstration performances competition participants:

dance "Valenki" (children of the preparatory group, responsible music director _______________________________________________________________________________

ice skating dance "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (skating team with adults);

performance by hockey players from the Eureka club;

aerobics for all children.

Responsible: music supervisor ______________________________________________________________________________

senior nurse ______________________________________________________________________________

The chief judge announces the results of the competition for each sport. Guests of honor,
The head of the kindergarten rewards the children with medals and gifts.

(The floor is given to Bullfinch.)


Olympic hopes
Admire, look
For cheerful preschoolers.
Olympic hopes
Now they go to kindergarten.
They walk with a puck, they walk with a stick.
Success awaits them, a record awaits,
They look at the toys with envy
For guys who love sports.
Speed ​​skaters and gymnasts
And there are swimmers in the pool,
And they often go skiing -
Well done!
Olympic hopes
And they mature and grow,
Olympic hopes
Soon everyone will go to school.

Main judge:

The right to lower the Olympic flag is granted to the head of the MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 56 "Rainbow"" and the head of the MDOOU "Kindergarten No. 58 "Teremok"". The Winter Olympics are considered closed!

(Bullfinch with balloons runs past the children, says goodbye
and releases balls into the sky.)

Appendix 5


Head of MBDOU
"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 56 "Rainbow""

(signature) (signature decryption)

from "__" ________________ 20____

Regulations on holding the Winter Olympics,
dedicated to the Year of the Family

Goals and objectives

1.1. Popularization winter species sports among preschoolers and their parents.

1.2. Promoting children's health.

1.3. Identification: interests, inclinations and abilities of children; the strongest skiers, hockey players, lugers among preschool children of the MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 56 "Rainbow"".

1.4. Education in children: speed abilities, coordination abilities, endurance.

1.5. Fostering perseverance, perseverance, camaraderie, and the ability to win and lose in children.

Place and time

2.1. The competition is held on sports ground MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 56 "Rainbow"" "    "        20   G.

The competition starts at 10:00 a.m.

Competition program

3.1. Opening: 9:45 – 10:00

3.2. Ski race (time spending).

3.3. Hockey competition (time spending).

3.4. Nanai sled (time spending).

3.5. Sled with a task (time spending).

3.6. Ice sled (time spending).

3.7. Closing of the Spartakiad: 11 hours 30 minutes – 11 hours 45 minutes.

Competition participants

4.1. Children of older and older children take part in the competitions. preparatory groups who have a doctor’s permission to engage in physical education.

Organization of competitions

5.1. The organization of competitions is entrusted to the main panel of judges:

main judge __________ ;

Chief Secretary ____________________ ;

Judges for competitions:

ski race _________________________________ (2 people);

hockey _________________________________ (2 people);

Nanai sled (2 people);

sleigh with a task __________________________________ (2 people);

ice sled __________________________________ (2 people).