How to cover the frame pool for the winter. Step-by-step instructions for the conservation of an outdoor pool for the winter

Preservation for the winter is necessary for all temporarily unused structures that need to be preserved for a time when they are not in operation. Such facilities include outdoor pools, which people actively exploit only in the warm season. Therefore, before the first autumn frosts come, conservation of the artificial reservoir should be carried out.
You need to know that the main danger for the summer pool is moving soils that are adjacent to the walls of the bowl of open reservoirs. To avoid this problem, I use water that is specially prepared and left in open water for the entire winter period.
Before filling the pool bowl with a specially prepared liquid, it is necessary to dismantle the equipment and install plugs. To perform the entire range of the listed works necessary for the conservation of the reservoir, it is necessary to attract a team of professionals.
However, if the owner of a country mansion has a great desire and free time, he can independently cope with all the necessary operations. To do this, he only needs to know in detail in what order to perform the work and the distinctive features of their implementation.

Carrying out work on draining water and cleaning the reservoir

Before draining the water from the artificial reservoir, which was used for swimming and bathing in the summer, the chemicals are removed from the autochlorinator (this is the name of the disinfectant dispenser tank used in pools). Then the entire system is flushed for 10-15 minutes. For this, the circulation mode is used. After the work done, the "summer" water is drained from the thicket of the swimming pool.

After draining the water, they begin to clean the bottom and walls of the reservoir bowl from dirt and sediment, for which they use a viscose sponge or a plastic brush with soft bristles, and also actively use detergents.

When choosing cleaning products for washing the bottom and walls of the reservoir, it is necessary to be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturers of the pool lining material. The most commonly used chemicals are produced by German companies. However, there are many Russian products that have good washing and cleaning qualities.

Particular care should be taken when cleaning film coatings - they are easily damaged if exposed to strong chemicals of dubious quality.

When cleaning the bottom and walls of the bowl of an artificial reservoir, one should not forget about the need to remove adhering deposits from every metal part of the pool structure that is in contact with water. these include ladders, handrails, floodlights and other auxiliary equipment that is used during the operation of the reservoir.

When working with various chemicals, follow the well-known safety rules. Carry out work wearing special clothing (rubber boots, gloves, water-repellent robe with a hood). At the same time, eye and respiratory protection is recommended, for which goggles and special masks are used. When working, it is necessary to exclude the leakage of disinfectants and cleaning solutions into the natural environment.

Carrying out the dismantling of removable equipment

For the winter season, it is necessary to dismantle the summer pool, for which all removable equipment is removed and placed in storage. This requires a warm and dry room. The main elements of the reservoir's hydraulic system are being dismantled:

  1. Filtration plant;
  2. heating system;
  3. Countercurrent devices and others.

Before starting the dismantling of the filtration system, it is necessary to de-energize the filter. After that, the water is drained through the tap, the lid is opened and the filtrate is transferred to another container. The filter is thoroughly washed, after which the remainder of the liquid must be drained, for which the valve switches to the emptying mode. The filtration unit is then stored in a suitable room until heat arrives. The fixed elements of the hydraulic system cannot be dismantled, but they must be freed from liquid.

Before filling out swimming pool with a specially prepared liquid, it is necessary to remove all lighting fixtures that are built into the structure. This is done in the following sequence: the protective glass is removed, the device is removed from the niche, the wire is insulated and brought up, attached to the side of the structure.

Then it is necessary to close the recesses in which the lighting fixtures and the skimmer were located, using foam plugs for this. The nozzles are closed with the same plugs, which remain uncovered with water in the pool for the winter. To close the free ends of the drains, special plugs are used.

Preservation of filter elements

After finishing work on cleaning the reservoir and dismantling the removable equipment, it is necessary to fill the pool bowl with a prepared liquid in which preservative additives are dissolved. These additives include Puripul, manufactured by the German company BAYROL. The use of this drug does not allow algae, fungi, bacteria, silt deposits to appear and develop in a liquid that does not freeze in frost.

To carry out the procedure for the conservation of the filtration system, first bring the water level in the pool to its previous value. The installation of the backwash mode on the equipment is carried out strictly according to the instructions that are attached to the filter manufacturers. It is forbidden to switch the filter valve when the pump is running, as this may damage the entire system.

Having completed the process of backwashing the filter, its operation is transferred to the compaction mode for 10-15 s, after which it is again transferred to the mode that provides the usual (normal) filtration of the conservation liquid for two to three hours. After that, part of the liquid from the reservoir is drained. Draining ends when the liquid level drops below the side nozzles by 10 cm.

The preparation "Puripula" consists of 20% of quaternary ammonium compounds, therefore it is necessary to add it to the water of the reservoir, strictly observing the dosage. The amount of dose is affected by water hardness, which is measured in degrees of hardness (F) or milligrams equivalent per liter of water (mg-eq / l). The dosage should be as follows:

  1. When water has a hardness of not more than 3.5 mg-eq / l, for every 10 cubic meters of water, 0.4 l of the preparation used to preserve water in the reservoir is added.
  2. With water hardness reaching 5.3 mg-eq / l, the dose of "Pripuly" is increased to 0.6 liters.

Before the process of adding Puripul, it is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:5. Then this solution is evenly distributed over the water surface of the reservoir and mixed with its water. The effectiveness of the drug is affected by the level of chlorine and algicide in the liquid. The effectiveness of the drug is reduced if the concentration of chlorine in water is 1 mg / l. Therefore, do not increase the doses of chlorine and algicide in the water during the reactivation of the reservoir, which is carried out in the spring season, since the use of Puripul makes cleaning the pool after winter inactivity easier.

What are compensators and how to use them

In order to reduce the loads experienced by the walls of the reservoir bowl from the frozen liquid, compensators are used, which are objects that can compress when the water expands upon freezing. Compensators are any empty plastic container (canister, five-liter bottle and others). As compensators, the use of car tires and pieces of foam is widely used.

Compensators connected with synthetic cords are placed in the center of the swimming pool. They are slightly buried in the water, for which they use sandbags or other types of weighting agents. Experts do not recommend the use of metal objects as anchors, because rusty traces may remain on the bottom of the reservoir bowl. Installation of expansion joints is carried out not only in the center of the pool, but also on the sides of its bowl. in these places, foam bars are used - they are tied in the form of a garland and placed along the perimeter of the reservoir, retreating from its sides by 10 cm.

Choosing a coating to protect the water mirror

The last stage of the conservation of the summer pool for the winter is to protect the water surface, for which special coatings are used. This work is not difficult for the owners of structures that use coatings that protect the water of the reservoir in the summer from cooling and debris. Of course, year-round use is possible only with those covering materials that can withstand sudden temperature changes and heavy snow masses.

Which coating to choose for the preservation of the pool in winter?

For the manufacture of tent coverings, tarpaulin, PVC film and other materials are used that protect water from atmospheric precipitation and other contaminants.

An inexpensive type of thermal insulation coating is a bubble blanket that accumulates solar energy. This cover is also used to protect the pool in winter.

The use of automatic pool shutters helps to protect the water from the ingress of pollution, and also prolongs the swimming season, as it keeps the water temperature in the pool comfortable for swimming.

An expensive type of protection for an outdoor pool on all year round is the use of plastic pavilions. They are made of polycarbonate sheets that retain heat. In this case, aluminum profiles with a rounded shape are used.

It is possible to operate an open reservoir in the winter season if you use modern systems electric water heating.

Experts do not recommend covering swimming pools with homemade wooden shields and metal structures that rest on their sides - this raises the risk of damage to the walls and body of the swimming pool.

When is the summer pool open?

At correct execution all conservation procedures, stationary pool overwinter successfully. As soon as warm days come, the ice in the reservoir should melt naturally. It is forbidden to prick it, as this can damage the thicket of the structure. After the reactivation of the reservoir and the purification of water, you can begin to operate the reservoir for its intended purpose.

The end of the swimming season for many owners of an outdoor frame pool promises to take care of preparing the bowl for the cold season. Should I clean the frame pool for the winter? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question.

It is impossible to use the frame pool in winter, so you have two options: perform a complete dismantling of the structure, drain the water, wash and dry all components and install again in the spring, or freeze the tank for the winter. Today we will analyze this point in detail!

Is it possible to leave an artificial reservoir for the winter?

Reservoir in the cold season

So, let's figure out whether it is possible to leave the frame pool in the winter on the street. Manufacturers and experienced owners of artificial reservoirs claim that this is acceptable when necessary conditions. In order not to once again engage in assembly and disassembly of the product, it is worth trying another way to protect the structure during the cold season - conservation of the tank without dismantling.

Conservation is carried out taking into account a number of requirements:

  • It is necessary to add special preservatives to the water filling the bowl or carry out shock chlorination;
  • Expansion expansion joints will need to be placed inside the structure;
  • It is important to complete all conservation work before the first drop in temperature below zero;
  • All important details and components of the hydraulic system should be dismantled;
  • To leave the frame pool for the winter, you will need to remove liquid from all parts of the non-removable type;
  • If ice has formed in the tank, then it is forbidden to try to break the ice cover, as this can damage the entire structure. It is best to achieve natural melting;
  • In order for the frame pool not to be damaged in winter, it is necessary to take into account the type of artificial reservoir during the conservation process. Preservation can only be applied to frost-resistant all-weather models. For summer models, this option is not provided and they must be dismantled.

In case of dismantling, do not leave components in the country, since low temperatures can cause significant damage to important components of the hydraulic system.

Requirements for swimming pools in winter

An important question that worries many owners of the structure is how to store the frame pool in winter. It all depends on the type of product. Modern manufacturers offer potential buyers two types of construction:
  • Seasonal;
  • Frost-resistant.

The first option involves the use of an artificial reservoir in the summer. Before the onset of the first cold weather, this structure must be dismantled and individual parts of the tank stored in a special way. The second model involves eliminating the dismantling of the structure even in cold weather and allows you to leave the product assembled throughout all seasons.

We will consider each option separately and determine how to store the frame pool in winter, if it is of a seasonal type, or frost-resistant.

Rules for the dismantling and storage of seasonal frame-type models

It is important to start dismantling seasonal structures by draining the water.

Drainage of water can be carried out in parallel with mechanical cleaning the inner surface of the walls.

Cleaning is a must because all parts of a seasonal model must be kept clean. by the most important points is the disposal of metal coatings of the tank from limescale.

To clean the limescale, it is best to use a non-metal brush so as not to damage the inside of the bowl.

It is not difficult to disassemble the frame tank, however, in order to avoid the loss of various small elements, it is worth placing all parts of the product in separate containers. It is important to dry the pool very well and fold it neatly. It is necessary to take into account the storage conditions of the structural parts. If there is no heating in the room, then the material should be folded as tightly as possible so that the low temperature does not damage the fragile plastic.

Rules for the preservation of frost-resistant models

The frost-resistant frame pool can remain assembled during frosts. If you are the owner of such a model, then you need to use the special instructions that come with the kit.

To perform the conservation of the pool and protect it from damage to the equipment, you must follow the following recommendations and tips:

  • It is necessary to perform all work on the conservation of the tank before the first drop in the temperature mark to zero degrees;
  • Do not leave the structure without water;
  • The next water inlet is carried out according to a special technique and after high-quality cleaning of the walls of the tank, as well as the removal of the necessary equipment;
  • The compositions used to clean the pool should be used in compliance with all safety measures, since they are aggressive to the human body;
  • It is important to carefully and correctly dismantle the important components inside the bowl in order to prevent damage to the hydraulic system.

After following all the recommendations, you must wait for the end of the filtration, which will take at least three hours. Next, you need to drain the water to a mark that is 10 cm below the side nozzles.

At the final stage of conservation, it is important to place expansion joints. To do this, you can use various items, for example, car tires, foam plastic, old plastic canisters. These items are submerged in water using sandbags or other weights.

The last thing that needs to be done is to install an awning over the pool, which will become additional protection for the pool in the winter.

Thematic video

To protect the frame pool in cold weather from possible damage, the owners should take care of dismantling or preserving the bowl. The basis for this or that choice will be the design of the pool. Seasonal pools must be dismantled, and frost-resistant pools are easy to preserve.

Is it worth removing the frame structure or leaving the pool outside in winter? We are sure that now you know the answer to this question for sure.

When building a concrete pool on a suburban area, we immediately start with a clear, competent project. And, as a rule, we think over all stages of construction:

  • Pool bowls.
  • Making the necessary communications.
  • The area around the pool.
  • Fencing.
  • Pool roof.
  • Preservation of the bowl in the winter.

The latter will be necessary in order to keep our stationary concrete pool safe and sound both in the off-season and in the winter. After all, it is impossible to dismantle a concrete stationary pool in the winter, you just need to protect it from unnecessary outside influence. How to maintain a concrete pool in winter? This question should arise at the design stage. After all, all communication lines are actively used in the summer, and in winter they must be clean, insulated and not subject to frost and precipitation. But if you did not take into account all the nuances during construction, then it is not too late to return to this issue after finishing work in your concrete pool. How to freeze the pool for the winter? Learn the rules for the conservation of a concrete pool.

ADVICE!The signal for the beginning of conservation may be an autumn temperature drop below +10 ºС and the first frosts. However, it is also not worth rushing, because if the autumn turns out to be warm, then premature conservation will promote the growth of algae, which even preservatives will not be able to place.

The swimming season is over, and for every owner of a local pool, the problem arises of how to save your concrete friend from temperature changes, snowfalls, and simply from unnecessary debris. To do this, it is advisable to build a roof over the pool. Decide which one suits you best:

  1. Mobile, portable.
  2. Sliding option.
  3. Stationary.

The latter type is divided into subspecies:

  1. Canopy.
  2. Pavilion - low, high, medium.
  3. Dome or cover. Can be retractable or hinged.
  4. Visor.

The roof can be made as in an economical version: a cover made of fiberboard, chipboard. So is the more expensive one - a sliding dome made of polypropylene. The choice of roofs is also huge in stores - from a simple retractable roof to a complex pavilion. You have the right to choose your option depending on your budget and the area that your home pond occupies.

Any roof will save the pool from unnecessary pollution and precipitation. Which will negatively affect the surface of the structure.

How to freeze a pool for the winter

If you built a heated pool, then nothing changes in the winter - you also continue to swim in the outdoor pool and clean it at the same frequency as in the summer. If you have a seasonal pool - without heating, you need to know how to protect the concrete pool in winter so that it will serve you for many years to come.

So, there are two ways:

  1. Preservation without water.
  2. Preservation with water.

The first option is more risky, since during the winter period the soil is deformed, which puts pressure on the empty bowl and deforms it. In the spring, you will simply be able to spot cracks and leaks in your waterworks. Therefore, experts advise that the preservation of a concrete pool for the winter be with water inside the bowl .

Preservation of a concrete pool for the winter - step by step instructions

The maintenance of the pool can be done by yourself. At the same time, preservatives and special preparations will cost about 400-1,000 rubles. The cost of calling specialists will depend on the size of the pool and the volume of the robot, and starts from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles. (excluding the cost of preservatives).

Before you freeze your pool for the winter, you need to clean it. To do this, drain the water. Before doing this, be sure to clean your water chlorinator of all chemicals. And only then proceed to high-quality cleaning of the inner surface of the bowl. When cleaning, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the surface of the bowl is made. If this is a polymer film, then select the chemistry adaptive to the coating. Do not use chemicals that can destroy or damage the surface material. Read the instructions for use carefully and choose trusted manufacturers. When cleaning the pool from the inside, use hard brushes, sponges, soft cloth. When the bowl is almost shiny with cleanliness, proceed to the following preservation steps:

  1. Fill with water to the usual level for bathing.
  2. At the same time, we set the filter to compaction mode. Then we switch back to normal mode.
  3. We add to the water any agent that will prevent the development of algae and other formations in the water - until frost occurs.
  4. We filter such water for 3-4 hours in normal mode.
  5. We drain the water 10-15 cm below the level of the nozzles.
  6. To prevent freezing water from deforming the inner walls of the pool, we put in the water the so-called compensators for volumetric expansion of water. As compensators, you can use empty cylinders, plastic cans, car tires, foam structures. All this should be sunk by tying a load to them - sand in a bag, stones, etc.

IMPORTANT!Do not fill canisters and bottles with sand, because water, squeezing the bottle, can damage the cork, and then the sand will spill into the water, from where it will be problematic to collect it on next year. And the use of stones or concrete blocks can damage the integrity of the film.

Keep in mind that in freezing water there should be those materials that are not subject to corrosion, rust, that is, waterproof.

  1. We dismantle all components of the hydraulic system: we close the skimmer, trisk, counterflow, etc. with blind plugs.
  2. We disconnect all removable units of the system from the water supply system, in particular, filters. Drain water from filters.
  3. We close the surface of the pool with a tarpaulin. It should be borne in mind that this fabric must withstand snow cover (in case there is no roof).

If there is no desire to do all this with your own hands, then you can call in specialists who will keep your pool with high quality and correctly until warm days. This, of course, is an additional cost. But they will not compare with the costs that you will need to make in the spring for the reconstruction of the pool bowl, if something was done wrong during conservation. Therefore, carefully follow all the conditions of the instructions and save the concrete pool from frost and snow, so that when the heat sets in, it will again please you with the smooth surface of its cool water without problems and unnecessary investments.

Swimming pools have become an integral part of many people's country houses. These both comfortable and beautiful buildings delight their owners in the hot season. But with the advent of cold weather, all outdoor pools go to winter. However, the preparation for it is different depending on the type of construction.

Small inflatable rubber summer pools

Large inflatable pools with iron supports, ladder, pump and cartridge filter

Such models are not equipped with a water intake device, i.e. debris from the surface is not removed in a timely manner, but settles at the bottom. So, you need to start by cleaning the bottom. Here conservation is a little more complicated:

  1. Rinse the filter in backwash mode.
  2. Now - in compact mode.
  3. Switch to normal operating mode.
  4. Disassemble the structure and hide it for storage until the next season.

Frame (prefabricated) pools

  1. Frame.
  2. A bowl made of PVC film (0.3-0.8 mm) with a service life of 1-2 seasons, which requires periodic replacement.
  3. Filtration system based on a sand filter with a pump and a water intake device (skimmer).
  4. A set of fittings and hoses.
  5. Ladder.

The conservation of this design is similar to the conservation of stationary pools.

Stationary pools

Oddly enough, when the pool is preserved for the winter, the water inside it should remain. It, having turned into ice, plays the role of a kind of "shock absorber" when changing volumes, either freezing or thawing soil. Such sharp and frequent fluctuations can cause damage to the pool bowl. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out conservation measures even before the first frosts at temperatures below 15 ° C.

Basic rules for the conservation of stationary pools:

  1. Bring the pH level to a normal value (7.2-7.6) and enter CL in granules or tablets according to the instructions for use of the pool.
  2. Clean the bottom and walls of the pool using a special bottom vacuum cleaner.
  3. Clean the pool filter by running it in backwash mode.
  4. Switch the filter to compact mode and hold for 10-15 seconds.
  5. Switch the filter to filter mode.
  6. Introduce a preservative into the water, which guarantees the purity of the water (in the absence of frost). It prevents the growth and settling of algae, silt and lime deposits and makes it easier to clean the inside of the pool after wintering.
  7. Filter the water for 2-3 hours.
  8. Drain a little water so that its surface falls 10 cm below the edge of the skimmer and return nozzle.
  9. Dismantle and remove all components of the hydraulic system - filter unit, counterflow device, heating system, etc. When dismantling the filtration unit, turn off the power to the filter, drain the water through the tap, open the lid and transfer the filtrate to another vessel. Then rinse the filter thoroughly. Switch the valve to empty mode and drain the remaining liquid. Now you can hide the filter in a storage space.
  10. Those parts of the hydraulic system that cannot be dismantled, free from water.
  11. Close the free ends of the drains with plugs. Also install foam plugs in the recesses of the lights, skimmer and nozzles that are left above the water.
  12. Place the lighting wires along the sides of the pool and secure.
  13. Place expansion joints in the water to reduce the impact of ice on the pool in winter. These are objects that can shrink with increasing external pressure (plastic canisters, five-liter water containers half-filled with sand, car tires and pieces of foam). Weight light expansion joints with small sandbags so that they, hidden under water, are still in the upper water column. For example, in the center of the pool, sink the canisters and evenly place five-centimeter foam bars at a distance of 10 cm from the edge. Do not use metal products for this purpose! Also, do not use wire for tying loads, it is better to take a synthetic cord. Metal can leave traces of rust on the surface of the pool. In order to distribute the compensators evenly throughout the pool, it is advisable to tie a “garland” of them and strengthen it on the sides.
  14. Cover the water mirror. The ideal option is all-weather coatings that protect the pool from pollution during downtime in the summer, and become a means of preservation in the winter. If the coating, according to the instructions, is designed for use exclusively in winter, it must have certain strength characteristics in order to withstand the weight of snow masses. Do not use wooden and metal structures laid on the sides of the pool to cover the pool. When deciding how to store the pool in winter, you should strive to reduce the load on the bowl and body of the structure.
  15. Reconstruction should only be started after the ice inside the pool has melted by itself.

That's all! Your reservoir is ready for wintering, and you can safely go to the city without worrying about pool storage.

Types of coverage

By the way, in the cold season, the water in the pool will not freeze if you use an electric heating installation. In this case, you can not even turn off the water recirculation system, but use it at a temperature of 2-4 ⁰С. Such actions are especially effective if the outdoor pool has a reliable cover in winter, because in this case the energy consumption is very small.

Instructions for the conservation of the outdoor pool for the winter

1. Pool conservation should be made before the first frost (up to 0 degrees).

Conservation of the outdoor pool for the winter(including filling it with water) is necessary for several reasons.

Firstly, if there is water in the pool, the surface of the bowl is better preserved, and secondly, the presence of an ice mass inside the pool compensates for the loads from the outside.

Since the main danger is a change in the volume of soil surrounding the pool when it freezes. The soil adjacent to the pool outside during freezing and thawing increases the load on the walls of the pool, which can lead to the destruction of concrete and metal structural elements. The presence of ice in the pool bowl is able, although partially, to compensate for this.

2. What has been said does not mean that pool conservation produced without draining the water that you have been using all summer. It is not worth freezing this water for the winter, even if it meets all the requirements for the main indicators of water for swimming pools - it is advisable to drain this water completely. Before re-filling with water, the bottom and walls of the pool must be thoroughly cleaned. After cleaning all inner surface pools are thoroughly rinsed, and then the remaining water is removed manually.

In addition to the walls and bottom of the pool, the metal parts that are in contact with water (spotlights, railings, stairs, etc.) must also be cleaned. While the pool is empty, the lighting devices built into the walls are dismantled. The protective glass is removed, the device is removed from the niche, the wire is brought up over the side of the pool and carefully insulated.

Conservation water is filled initially to the previous level.

When the bay is over, proceed to measures to preserve the filter system.

3. Water filtration.

The filter enters the backwash mode. In this case, the instructions for this process must be strictly observed, since, for example, switching the filter valve while the pump is running can cause system breakdowns. After the end of the backwash, the filter is put into compaction mode. Then - in the mode of normal filtration.

At this time, a preservative (such as Purilul or Algitinn) is added to the water to prevent the development of algae. It ensures the purity of the water in case the expected frosts are delayed. And be sure to add a water hardness stabilizer to prevent the formation of lime deposits on the pool bowl - KALCISTAB. Conservation water, with the agents dissolved in it, is filtered in the normal mode for 2-3 hours. After that, part of the water from the pool is drained until the level drops 10 cm below the side nozzles.

4. Installation of compensators for volume expansion of freezing water.

As compensators, objects are used that can compress with an increase in external pressure and take on the load from the ice formed in the pool, these can be plastic canisters or bottles filled with air; slightly inflated car tires or foam bars. The best option is to melt plastic canisters in the central part of the pool and place foam plates about 5 cm thick along the sides of the pool at a distance of 5-10 cm from the side. The foam is distributed evenly, and its total length in plan should not be less than half the perimeter of the pool. Usually installed along the sides along the perimeter of the pool and along its diagonal "garland" of plastic bottles(volume not less than 1.5 l), filled with sand (for 2/3 bottles) and interconnected with a cord every 40-50 cm.

You can use factory-made compensation floats - this is a plastic hollow container with a weight at the bottom

5. After the installation of the compensation system for the volumetric expansion of water in the pool piping, all parts of the hydraulic system are dismantled - a counterflow device, a filter unit, a heating system, etc. Parts of the hydraulic system that are not subject to removal are freed from water, and the free ends of the pipes are isolated with plugs. Styrofoam plugs are installed in our lighting fixtures, in the skimmer niche and in nozzles above the level of conservation water. The filter is disconnected from the hydraulic system. The water from the filter is drained, the sand is removed into another container or into a linen bag. The filter housing is cleaned of sand residues and removed for winter storage.

6. The last step is to close the water mirror. The coating must have adequate strength and withstand the severity of the snow cover. It is practiced to cover the pool with a winter awning (the awning can be thrown over logs placed along the length and / or width of the pool

7. When placing the pool equipment in a technical room, where in winter the air temperature can be below 0 C, it is necessary to dismantle the pump, electric heater, filter head and transfer them to a room with an air temperature above 0 C.

8. The reactivation of the pool is carried out after the ice finally melts itself in the spring. Do not speed up this process and cut it - you can damage the inner lining of the pool.



  • Finished concreted polypropylene pool

leave without water

  • Use as ice expansion compensators

metal objects

  • Perform forced ice crushing
  • Use detergent to clean the surface of the bowl

facilities,containing abrasives

  • Allow heavy, hard and sharp objects to fall into the bowl
