Champions in synchronized swimming. Olympic champion Olga Brusnikina: “Synchronized swimming is the best sport for girls

In an interview, RT commented on the judicial scandal that erupted after the performance mixed doubles at the World Aquatics Championships in Budapest. According to her, the Russians Michaela Kalancha and Alexander Maltsev, who remained second, losing to the Italians, performed very decently. The famous athlete also appreciated the fact that the father of the world champion Giorgio Minisini was present among the judges.

Synchronized competitions in the mixed doubles at the World Aquatics Championship in Budapest ended in a serious refereeing scandal. The Russian duet of Michaela Calanci and Alexander Maltsev remained second, losing only 0.034 points to the Italians Manila Flamini and Giorgio Minisini. After the end of the speeches, it turned out that the father of Minisini, who became the world champion, was also part of the judiciary.

In Russia, many disagreed with the judges' assessments and called them biased. RT spoke with three-time Olympic champion Olga Brusnikina, who explained that the rules of the International Swimming Federation (FINA) do not prohibit judges from serving performances involving their own relatives.

- What are your impressions of the mixed doubles competition?

I saw only the performance of our duet. I didn’t follow the Italians, because I myself am at the training camp, and I didn’t have the opportunity to sit in front of the TV. I can't paint you a full picture, but Kalancha and Maltsev did everything at a very good level. Unless they had a small blot on the ejection. The rest of the performance of the guys looked very dynamic. As a result, the outcome of the struggle for gold was decided by two or three estimates. Perhaps the Italian judge helped his compatriots somewhere.

Now everyone is talking about the fact that among the judges was the father of the Italian Giorgio Minisini, who became world champion. How normal is this practice?

In synchronized swimming, there are no rules prohibiting parents from judging the performances of their own children. In fact, anyone can do this by going through a special judicial school and passing exams at the International Swimming Federation. I don't think any special rules were applied to Minisini. I am not very familiar with the history of this referee, but referees are usually invited to the FINA Synchronized Swimming Technical Committee for the World Championships. So the presence of Minisini in Budapest is not the result of the efforts of the Italians.

In synchronized swimming, the overall score is added up as follows: 30% of it is technical complexity, another 30% is awarded for execution and 40% for artistry. Is it possible to see how a particular judge assessed the performance of a particular duet?

In the decrypted protocols, such information should be. They contain all the marks of the judges.

- Athletes and coaches can see these protocols?

Naturally. They are placed daily in the boxes for national federations. All members of the delegation can familiarize themselves with the papers. In general, everything that happened really upset me. Attempts to remove the Russian duo from the top were also made at the 2015 World Cup in Kazan. Then the victory was given to the Americans Christina Jones and Bill May. It is difficult to say whether this was done intentionally. But it should be noted that in the mixed doubles, the level of marks is, in principle, lower than that of women who knock out 95 points each. Still, mixed is a very young look.

- Maybe judges-relatives are appointed specifically to interrupt the hegemony of Russia?

In any case, one judge is not able to decide everything, since there are only 15 arbitrators. Plus, I repeat, there are no rules that prohibit judging your own relatives. We can make any guesses, but in response we will be told that everything was done according to the letter of the law.

If we ignore the judicial scandal in the mixed doubles, what emotions did the performances of other Russian synchronized swimmers leave?

The team gave a result, despite a serious update that took place on all fronts: this is both a duet and a soloist. Even in the group, Tatyana Pokrovskaya has only two Olympic champions left. But Russia holds the mark and continues to be head and shoulders above rivals. In many free programs, the gap between Russian synchronized swimmers and competitors is more than two points, that is, almost every judge puts Russia in first place and confirms the country's leadership in this sport.

Of course, it was precisely in connection with their departure that there were certain concerns, but the professionalism of the coaches who train synchronized swimmers for the national team continues to bear fruit. I have already talked about the group, and after all, girls who recently left the junior team also entered its composition at the World Cup. During this year, Pokrovskaya did a great job so that they could complete the Olympic technical program. As a result, the Russian team continues to keep a very high bar.

Where do champions start? Useful tips with readers "SS" shared Olympic champion in synchronized swimming Olga Brusnikina

The famous Russian synchronized swimmer Olga Brusnikina recently opened her own sports school. She works with children, so she cares about how to help them grow up healthy. The famous athlete shared her knowledge with the readers of "SS".


The famous Russian synchronized swimmer Olga Brusnikina recently opened her own sports school. She works with children, so she cares about how to help them grow up healthy. The famous athlete shared her knowledge with the readers of "SS".

- The idea to open a sports school did not originally belong to me, - says Brusnikina. - My husband is a water polo player Sergei Evstigneev, plays for the Chekhov team "Sturm-2002". And so the leaders of this club suggested that I create a synchronized swimming section on the basis of their children's school. And although it has been working for less than a year, we already have success. So I will try to help you as much as I can.


Pay attention to the child's posture.

Parents bring children of seven or eight years old to my school. And already at this age, many of them have serious violations of posture. This is very bad. If in such early age children have a poorly developed spine, then it will be even worse. There will be displacements of the vertebral discs, internal organs. Not only will the treatment then be very expensive, but also not always the curvature of the spine can be corrected. No need to load the child with heavy portfolios, especially in the lower grades. Make sure he only takes what he needs to school, nothing more. Watch how he sits. And not only when doing homework, but also while eating or watching TV.

Massage and swimming are very useful for the development of the muscular corset of the back.


Water procedures can be taken from infancy, but it’s better to bring a child to the pool already at the age when he will carefully listen to the instructions of the trainer.

If you give the baby to the pool, say, at the age of four, then any training will be turned into a game. Then it will be difficult for him to rebuild his thinking and start listening to the coach. The process will be delayed. So it's better to bring children to the pool at the age of seven or eight.


The formula “if you want to be healthy, temper yourself” is not always true either.

Personally, I am wary of hardening, apparently because I myself do not like the cold. And I advise everyone: before you start tempering a child, consult a specialist. It's best not to do this on your own.


It is better to teach children to exercise from an early age.

If the morning workout becomes a child's habit, it's just wonderful. It will be easier for him to wake up later. Naturally, it is better to show the child its necessity by personal example.

But you don't have to overwhelm your kids either. For example, I never did exercises, because I always went to training in the morning. So if your son or daughter is already engaged in any section or goes to the pool, you can do without charging. The same goes for running in the morning. I would not advise doing this: the load in the sports school will be enough anyway.


Proper nutrition is essential for a growing body.

In winter, it is especially necessary to ensure that the child receives the necessary amount of vitamins. Let's always have fresh fruits and vegetables. Many parents limit themselves to buying apples. It is not right. There must be variety.

I am also against giving up protein. Many families do not eat meat. But kids just need it. Just like calcium, which is found in dairy products, yogurt, kefir.

Can be taken nutritional supplements, but in order to choose them correctly, you need to consult with your doctor.


First, I strongly advise everyone not to neglect physical education in schools, as many do. It won't lead to anything good. These lessons are really needed. Physical education is the same integral part of the school curriculum as mathematics or the Russian language. Pills and pills will not improve your child's health.


When choosing sports school first of all, consult with the child himself.

If you bring him to a sports school by the hand, by force, nothing good will come of it.

Many children often switch from one sport to another. Including on the advice of coaches. Nothing wrong with that. Recently, I myself suggested that one girl go from synchronized swimming to game view sports. This does not mean that she has no ability. All kids are talented! The main thing is to choose the right path. And it is necessary to go to a sports school, because only in this way will your child become truly healthy.

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Angelica Timanina will take part in international tournament on surfing.

Olympic champion in synchronized swimming Anzhelika Timanina will perform in a new sport for herself - surfing.

30-year-old Timanina will take part in the World Championships, which will be held in Miyazaki (Japan) from September 7 to 15. This tournament will be the first international start for a synchronized surfer and the twelfth world championship in her career.

“I still don’t fully understand everything that is happening to me now,” Timanina said. - Only thanks to the support of people who sincerely believe in me, everything that happens today became possible, and I personally thank everyone who helped me get to where I am now. It is a great honor for me to take part in competitions of this level and represent the country.”

Note that Timanina ended her career as a synchronized swimmer in 2016.

Composition of the Russian team at the World Championships: Nikita Avdeev, Yegor Volkov, Sergey Rasshivaev, Polina Malizia, Anna Chudnenko, Anzhelika Timanina.

The World Surfing Championship will be the qualifier for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Related: Surfing competitions in Japan and Indonesia postponed Olympic champion in synchronized swimming to perform at the World Surfing Championships

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Water sports always attract with their entertainment. The freedom of movement of the human body in an unusual aquatic environment is always impressive. Among many aquatic species competitions, perhaps the most feminine can be called synchronized swimming. The essence of synchronized swimming as a water sport lies in the strict synchronous performance of certain figures and exercises in the water to the music. This artistically refined and choreographically elegant form of water gymnastics seems easy and simple only at first glance. If you look closely, you can understand how demanding the rules are in this sport. Athletes involved in this sport experience significant physical exercise. In this regard, they must have serious endurance and strength, while demonstrating grace, flexibility and absolute control over their own breathing.

Initially synchronized swimming appeared to the public at the beginning of the last century in Canada and was then called water ballet. Then went the spread of synchronized swimming across the continent and across Europe. In 1948 on Olympic Games ah in London first appeared demonstration performances swimmers in synchronized swimming, but then this sport was not included in the program of the games. Only in 1984 in Los Angeles, at the Summer Olympics, synchronized swimming was officially included in the program. Olympic sports sports. At that time, representatives of single and pair performances competed in synchronized swimming.

The program of synchronized swimming competitions includes compulsory (technical) and free (long) performances. Compulsory performance implies the performance of certain elements in the prescribed order. IN free program there are no restrictions in choreographic or musical compositions. The judging staff, evaluating the performances of swimmers, includes two groups, the first of which awards points for the technique of performance, and the second - for artistry. Maximum rating is 10 points on both sides.

Until 1992, when the Olympic Games were held in Barcelona, ​​the synchronized swimming program included single and doubles. But after 4 years, at the games in Atlanta in 1996, there were changes: singles and doubles performances were excluded and group performances came to replace them. This means that there was one set of awards at the games in Atlanta.

Russian athletes in synchronized swimming led by the head coach of the national team of our country Tatyana Pokrovskaya, won all the gold medals at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, 2004 in Athens and 2008 in Beijing.

This beautiful sport keeps the big names that made Russian synchronized swimming famous.

Maria Kiseleva is a Russian synchronized swimmer. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, three-time Olympic champion, three-time World champion, nine-time European champion, multiple champion of Russia and World and European Cups, champion of the Goodwill Games, member of the Presidential Council for Physical Education and Sports.

Olga Brusnikina- Russian athlete - swimmer. Honored Master of Sports of Russia in synchronized swimming. Multiple World and European Champion. Three times Olympic champion in 2000 in Sydney in the group and doubles event, and in 2004 in Athens in the group event. Currently, a member of the Presidential Council Russian Federation for physical education and sports.

Daria Korobova - Russian athlete - synchronized swimmer, member of the Russian national team. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Five-time World Champion, twice European Champion, 15-time Russian Champion, World Cup winner. Hope of Russian synchronized swimming.

Angelica Timanina- Russian athlete - synchronized swimmer. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Member of the Russian team. Five-time World Champion and two-time European Champion.

Natalya Ishchenko is a Russian synchronized swimmer. Member of the national team of our country. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Olympic champion of the 2008 Games in Beijing, sixteen-time World champion, seven-time European champion, absolute champion Europe 2010, the only synchronized swimmer to win all 4 events in the history of the European Championships.

Svetlana Romashina- Russian athlete - synchronized swimmer. Member of the national team. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Olympic champion in 2008 in Beijing, ten-time World champion, four-time European champion.

Anastasia Davydova- eminent Russian athlete - synchronized swimmer. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Four-time Olympic champion in synchronized swimming, thirteen-time World champion, seven-time European champion. The best synchronized swimmer of the first decade of the 21st century.

Our synchronized swimmers have always been a powerful competitor to athletes from other countries. With the current generation, Russian synchronized swimming will always be at a decent level.

After the 2016 Olympic Games, which ended with another triumph for the Russian synchronized swimming team, a major update awaited the Russian team. The main stars - five-time Olympic champions Natalya Ishchenko and Svetlana Romashina - announced a pause in their careers. As a result, the coaching staff during the World Cup had to go to bold experiments. So, for the first time since junior age, Svetlana Kolesnichenko performed in the competition of soloists and won gold. Alexandra Patskevich had to make her debut in duets, but she did not flinch either, winning in a pair with the same Kolesnichenko. Group competitions were next in line - by the way, Kolesnichenko and Patskevich were not included in the Russian team. However, Svetlana herself thanked the head coach Tatyana Pokrovskaya for such a decision, explaining that it would be “morally difficult” for her to perform in the group as well.

As a result, the composition of the Russian G8 appeared to be radically updated. Of the Rio Olympic champions, only Maria Shurochkina and Vlada Chigiryova remained in the roster. At 22, they found themselves in the role of veterans of the national team, and the whole burden of responsibility fell on their fragile shoulders.

The rest are even younger. Twin sisters Anastasia and Daria Bayandin will turn 21 only in November. 20 years old and Maria Golyadkina with Darina Valitova. Veronika Kalinina is only 18, and Polina Kamar is 17. Valitova, however, two years ago in Kazan managed to become the world champion in mixed doubles paired with Alexander Maltsev.

With the sharply rejuvenated composition of the Russian national team, it was necessary to reaffirm their own hegemony in synchronized swimming. However, when such a person as Tatyana Pokrovskaya is at the head of the team, there can be no doubt about the success of the case. Tatyana Nikolaevna has been working with the Russian national team since 1998 and during this time she has trained more than one golden team.

“Of course, it was in connection with the departure of Ishchenko and Romashina that there were certain concerns, but the professionalism of the coaches who train synchronized swimmers for the national team continues to bear fruit. I have already talked about the group, and after all, girls who recently left the junior team also entered its composition at the World Cup. During this year, Pokrovskaya did a great job so that they could complete the Olympic technical program. As a result, the Russian team continues to hold a very high bar, ”the former ward of Pokrovskaya, three-time Olympic champion Olga Brusnikina, told RT.

  • Reuters

Gold in the heat

As a result, the performance in Budapest turned out to be difficult for the updated Russian team. In the Hungarian capital that day thermometers showed above 30 ºC, and the competition was held in an outdoor pool. As luck would have it, the domestic team received the last, 12th, number and had to wait for all the rivals to perform.

But the girls were not embarrassed. Once in the pool, they did everything perfectly. The elements in their performance looked simply amazing. It seemed like they had been performing together for many years. Of course, this team is still far from the one that won Olympic gold in Rio de Janeiro, but the next games are still three years away. However, even now the Russian team has turned out to be inaccessible to competitors. The domestic eight scored 96.0109 points and was almost two points ahead of the second Chinese women (94.2165) - a whole gulf in synchronized swimming. It is curious that the representatives of the Celestial Empire chose a technical program with Russian folk motives. Bronze in a stubborn struggle with Ukraine was won by Japanese women (93.1590).

"There is a team change"

But Tatyana Pokrovskaya, after the end of the competition, finally agreed to call her wards a team.

“I was very worried about this group. Training is one thing, but I didn’t know how athletes would behave in competitions. At the preliminary stage, they seemed to be warming up, a little cautious. And they did well today. I am pleased. There is a team. Before the championship, I said: “There is no team, there is no team ...” And now I can say that the team was born. There is a change to the team that I called “animals” - when the girls came out - everyone was trembling, energy was in full swing from them, ”the All Sport agency quotes the coach as saying.

Pokrovskaya also said what she thinks about the Chinese women who have chosen the music to which the Russians once performed.

"For technical program Chinese women chose Russian folk motifs. And for the free program they took "Prayer"! It was our favorite Olympic program. The girls even asked not to put her with anyone else. Alas, this music is not only written for us. We ourselves found it on the Internet and cannot prevent others from using it. But still, it's embarrassing. After all, I processed it, specially accelerated it at the end ... And now it seems that the Chinese took it and simply added another 30 seconds to our version. Here is the music for our current programs - this is an exclusive. It was written by Denis Garnizov, who collaborates with the Todes ballet. A very promising young composer in particular in working with dance groups. His father, Alexei Garnizov, used to write for Todes, and now Denis continues his work. I’m already taking his third melody - he wrote two especially for us, and the third one, Dinosaurs, I found on the Internet and asked permission, ”added Pokrovskaya.

In turn, the Olympic champion Vlada Chigireva, who won the seventh gold of the world championships, admitted that she was still worried.

“Each performance is exciting for us, and today the sunny weather also made its own adjustments - it was very hot. But it was also hot from the support of our fans. We go to the start without confidence in our victory, the main thing for us is to fight with ourselves. Every time we worry that something might go wrong, but we worked to the maximum, so we got such marks, ”TASS quotes Chigiryova.