What needs to be pumped to make the blow stronger. The most effective exercises for strong and fast punching

For athletes involved in various martial arts, a well-placed blow is important. In this article, we will look at what impact strength depends on and how to train correctly in order to achieve the desired result.

What it depends on, and which muscles are responsible for the force of a hand strike

The impact force in simple words is the mass of the body multiplied by the speed of movement. In this case, the mass of all the muscles involved is important, and not just the arms. Let's figure out which muscles of which parts of the body are involved during a hand strike:

  • legs(calves, quadriceps, hips) - when striking, you need a good fulcrum, push and turn, balance, translational movements that will ensure speed;
  • abs and back muscles- allow you to maintain balance, transfer energy and directed force of the lower extremities to the shoulder and hand, hold back the impact;
  • thoracic region- this is endurance, which affects the time of holding hands on weight during a long fight;
  • hands (shoulder and forearm)- their flexion and extension ability is more important in order to be able to switch to defense in time after a blow. Hands transmit the speed and effort of the whole body. The forearm is responsible for the correct position of the fingers clenched into a fist. The stronger the forearms, the more firmly fixed the bones of the fingers and, accordingly, the less risk of injury.

Hand power exercises

To develop the necessary strength, there is a set of training. Let us consider in detail how and what muscles to train: examples and execution techniques.

Kicking the ball

To perform, you will need space and a heavy, better basketball. Technique:

  1. Feet shoulder width apart, body straight.
  2. The ball in the hands is raised above the head.
  3. With maximum force, you need to hit the projectile on the floor, catch it after the ball bounces.
  4. Repeat the action at least fifteen times.

Jump up squat

Squats can be started without weighting, and then perform actions with additional weight in the hands, for example, with dumbbells. Technique:

  1. We stand straight, arms freely along the body, feet a step wide.
  2. We do a squat until the angle between the thigh and the knee joint is 90 °.
  3. From this position, we jerk the body up, raising straight arms above the head.

Video: jump squats This exercise, as well as those described below, is performed as many times as the level allows. physical training. In the course of regular training, sets and approaches are increased.


When training for the development of impact force, unlike the usual ones, the setting of the palms is wider than the shoulders. The best result is achieved if you increase the load by performing an action with weights.

Push-ups with claps

This plyometric action is used in training professional athletes(gymnasts, bodybuilders, boxers) for the development of speed and endurance of muscle tissues. Sequencing:

  1. IP - emphasis lying.
  2. As you inhale, bend your arms, approaching the floor.
  3. On exhalation, we forcefully push off the floor, making a clap with our palms.

Video: push-ups from the floor with claps: technique and nuances

Power outputs from the bar

A strong jab or hook is, first of all, a sharp movement imperceptible to the opponent. Next exercise will help you develop speed and sharpness. We perform according to the following scheme:

  1. IP - “bar on the elbows”.
  2. Push the body sharply, forcefully, taking a handstand.

Hannibal Pushups

The next lesson, in addition to training almost all the muscles of the body, develops a sense of balance. Instruction:

  1. Take an emphasis lying down.
  2. Raising the body on the palms, at the same time pull the feet towards the hands with a jump.
  3. Standing on your feet, touch your knees with your palms.

Video: Hannibal push-ups, how to learn

Reverse push-ups

Reverse push-ups are performed using a sports bench. Sequencing:

  1. Stand with your back to the bench.
  2. Rest your palms on the edge of the bench.
  3. Bending and unbending your elbows, perform body lifts.


Kettlebell training is very good at developing the muscles responsible for flexion and extension. Snatch instruction:

  1. On an outstretched arm, place the weight between the feet.
  2. The back must be kept straight.
  3. With one jerk, the arm with the kettlebell must be raised above the head.

The exercise is similar to the previous one, but there is a difference: in a snatch, the weight is thrown back over the head on the shoulder, and then thrown up with a sharp push.

Lifting the kettlebell up from a seated position

This set, in addition to strength, develops balance. Technique:

  1. With a projectile on the shoulder, they squat, fully bending their knees.
  2. To maintain balance, the free arm is extended in front of you.
  3. Lifting the kettlebell, fixing for a couple of seconds.
  4. Repeat on the other limb.

Did you know? Samoan boxer David Tua is considered the record holder for punching power, the force of his hook in kilograms is calculated at 1300.

Kettlebell lift forward

This action is similar to the “snatch” exercise, but in the snatch, the kettlebell is raised to chest level and fixed in that position. At correct execution the angle between the body and the arm extended with the projectile will be 90 °.

Lifting a kettlebell from a lying position

In this set, you can help yourself when performing with a free hand. Technique:

  1. Lying on your back, raise your hand with a projectile.
  2. Without changing the position of the hand, they begin to lift the body.
  3. The rise is performed by bending the legs in turn.

Video: Lifting a kettlebell with one hand from a prone position

Sledgehammer exercises

Such an activity as stuffing tires allows you to increase muscle endurance of all large muscles body. Helping to lift heavy weight, legs, buttocks, back work. All you need is a sledgehammer or a hammer with a weight that is comfortable for you, an old car tire. You will have to do it on the street, having previously dug the tire half into the ground for fixation.

The scheme is as follows:

  1. Standing directly in front of the tire, grasp the projectile handle with your palms. One palm is closer to the beating end, the second in the middle of the handle.
  2. When swinging your arms, turn your feet in the direction of the swing.
  3. When hit, we take half a step forward, then back.
A similar exercise can be performed standing straight without turning the body or changing the position of the palms: clasping the sledgehammer with both palms with a small distance between them.

Video: working with a sledgehammer - developing impact strength

There are many exercises for developing explosive punches, as well as training recommendations. Let's consider some of them:

  1. Classes with an expander develop the hand and muscles of the fingers well. At the same time, training should be daily, choose a hard simulator.
  2. Jumping rope strengthens the legs, abs, and back muscles. The higher the legs rise, the more effective the workout.
  3. Paw work - great job to develop speed and agility. The same goes for shadow boxing.
  4. In addition to the above types of push-ups, push-ups on fists are also effective.

Did you know? The swing is considered the most ridiculous blow in boxing - it seems that the boxer just swings his arms like a windmill. Although heavyweight Shanon Briggs, thanks to swing, managed to win forty-five knockout victories, while in the very first round of the fight.

Hitting tips:

  1. In the stance, it is correct to keep your knees slightly bent, this will allow you to distribute your own weight.
  2. The feet are always turned in the direction of hand movement (right fist - right leg).
  3. If the contact with the opponent is as close as possible, a turn in his direction with the whole body will give greater strength and speed. There is no need to lean forward.
  4. By pulling your fist back, making a strong swing, you thereby warn the enemy of your intention.
  5. The fist during the blow should be compressed as much as possible.

In conclusion: only regular training and compliance with the rules during classes will give the desired result over time. Remember that you need to train all muscle groups, all movements during impact must be coordinated, simultaneous.

Every person who is fond of martial arts, eventually asks himself such a question. Indeed, the force of impact plays an important role in battles and trains as a separate element.
The impact force develops due to two factors: body mass and speed. The result is mass times speed. Thus, skinny person with a low weight (if he has a high impact speed), he can hit as hard as a heavy bodybuilder. Of course, proper punching technique plays a huge role in mixing these two factors, which involves putting maximum of your weight into the punch.

Basic exercises

- The classic exercise is "shadow boxing" with weights. You will need two dumbbells. Pick them up by weight so that you have enough for at least a few minutes. This exercise for developing the speed of blows was invented more than a hundred years ago. During such training, try to work in a working rhythm, working out the usual combinations of punches. If, after the exercise, you try punches without dumbbells in your hands, then you will feel the speed and ease with which your fists will fly out.

- When punching, the triceps are mainly involved, deltoid muscles, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major and forearms. To develop the strength of these groups perfect exercise are push-ups from the floor. Such workouts will pump the muscles you need, which, together with speed, will give very good results. Push-ups on fists are considered to be the most effective.

- Throws with the ball. Your best bet is a regular tennis ball. Stand sideways to the wall, and feet shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to make a throw with the hand farthest from the wall, try to invest maximum strength, after the rebound - catch the ball, and continue to throw. The main thing is to do it at maximum speed, without slowing down. You will make your strikes fast and agile.

- There is another option with ball throws. But the projectile used here is a little different, it's heavy big ball, which boxers use in their training. It can also be replaced with basketball. You should stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the ball over your head and throw it on the floor in front of you, catch it on the rebound. This well increases the sharpness, speed and endurance of the muscles you need. This exercise can be done 15-20 times.

- Sometimes in the hall you can see people doing a rather strange exercise. They put the bar from the bar vertically and begin to push it away from themselves with their hands. But for people involved in martial arts, and especially boxing, this is one of the main exercises. These neck thrusts are great for developing your explosive power. The blow becomes sharp and powerful. You can do such pushes 20-25 times for each hand.

Workouts for development beat speed very specific. With a simple power swing, we only enslave the muscles and lose the speed of impact. Therefore, in other percussion types sports use special exercises, the simplest and most effective of them we will consider in this.

Hand Speed ​​Exercises

Work with your weight

This work is done fairly quickly, done about 2-3 times a week. Four exercises are performed at maximum speed, resting for about 20 seconds between sets with obligatory relaxation of the hands.

1). 10 quick push-ups from the floor on the fists. Runs at maximum speed.

2). 10 explosive push-ups on fists with hands touching the chest.

3). 10 simple push-ups with cotton.

4). Five explosive push-ups on each hand, hands change alternately after one repetition.

Working with a medical (stuffed) ball

Several exercises are performed while sitting with a medical (stuffed) ball weighing about 10 kg.

  1. Sitting opposite each other at a great distance, about 4 meters, the athletes throw the ball to each other with both hands from the chest. 30 repetitions are performed.
  2. From the same starting position, athletes throw the ball with one hand.
  3. From the same position, athletes throw the ball over their heads.
  4. Turning sideways to each other, the athletes throw the ball with the body turned 180 degrees from left to right and vice versa.
  5. From a supine position, with straight outstretched arms, the athletes throw the ball with a change in the starting position to a sitting position.

Watch this video exercise with a stuffed ball to develop the strength and speed of punching.

Working with rubber

For such workouts, you need two rubber bands, not too stiff so that you can pull them with your hand without losing technique in the amount of 10 repetitions, and a mount to which you can attach them. We hold one end of the rubber in our hand, and attach the other to the mount. We begin to perform with the hand in the amount of 15-20 repetitions, then we remove the tourniquet, and we break through without rubber. In this way we train any blow. It is important that the rubber should not be too hard, the technique of hitting is observed.

All the exercises considered are performed separately from each other, since they do not require a lot of time, it is convenient to do them at the end of the workout. Remember to relax and shake your limbs after each set. At regular workouts Athletes have a significant increase in speed-explosive functions, sharpening the performance of strikes and increasing endurance.

Boxing training. Explosive impact force:

Explosive strength and anaerobic endurance training:

Useful Tips - How to develop explosive speed for punches:

Explosive Muscle Strength Training:

4 exercises for the development of explosive strength:

Hand speed exercise with dumbbells:

Punching and movement speed training - the complete guide:

Development of speed and force of impact:

Increasing the strength and speed of impact:

Increase hand and punch speed:

Knockout punch is a set of exercises for developing the speed and power of punches:

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That's all for me. See you on my blog pages.

We wish you success!

In order for a punch to be strong, it is necessary not only to train, but to understand how the force necessary for delivering a powerful blow is formed. There are several techniques that allow you to hit with your fist really powerfully and strongly.

A strong blow is formed not only due to high speed, but also due to its own weight. If you invest your body weight completely, the result will be as powerful as possible. Dislocations can be avoided by observing the correct execution technique, which implies that the arm is never fully extended, but the blows are applied at different angles. They bring really serious damage to the opponent.


They play an equally important role in the impact force. Their position and movement must obey the following nuances:

  1. The feet must be placed wider than the shoulder girdle.
  2. The foot is turned in the direction of the movement that is made by the hand, while the heel always rises first.
  3. When a blow is made with the right hand, the left foot does not move, the heel of the right hand rises and vice versa.

Proper foot position allows for much stronger and more powerful strikes, but is not the only point to consider.

What else do you need to know to give a punch power?

  1. The knees should be kept slightly bent, shifting the weight of your own body forward.
  2. During the strike, the hips should turn in the direction in which the opponent is located.
  3. In close contact, the full movement of the entire body allows you to increase the force of impact.
  4. You can't push forward. The trunk should turn sharply.
  5. Pulling the arm back during the swing allows the opponent to predict and prevent the blow.
  6. The fist, when striking, must be squeezed as tightly as possible.
  7. Each new blow is made with the exhalation of air.

These requirements must be observed not separately, but simultaneously.

Exercises for the development of a strong blow

To punch powerfully and strongly, you also need to train. This is facilitated by a set of exercises.

To complete the exercise, you must have enough free space. The ball should be taken heavy. The one with which boxers train is best. An alternative would be a basketball.

The execution technique is as follows:

  • legs are spaced at the level of shoulder width;
  • the body is kept straight;
  • the ball is raised high above the head;
  • the ball is hit with force on the floor and caught after the rebound.

Stuffing is done at least 15 times.

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • become straight, legs at shoulder level, and arms are at the sides;
  • squat until the knees form one line with the hips;
  • jump up while raising their arms.

You need to jump as high as possible. Do so many repetitions that there is no strength left. You can enhance the effect with the use of dumbbells that are held in your hands.

Training for triceps, shoulder girdle and back muscles

These muscle groups play an important role in increasing the strength of the punch and are trained through the following exercises.

Hands, pulling up, hold a little wider than the shoulders. To increase efficiency, weights are hung on the belt. They try to do as many repetitions as their own physical fitness allows.

Hands are placed as close to each other as possible. You can't bend your back. It should remain straight. The exercise trains the triceps, pectoral and spinal muscles. The bench press works the same way. To strengthen your hands, you need to do push-ups on your fists.

Performed with a bench. They stand with their backs to her, lean on their palms, squat slightly. They rise and fall by bending and straightening the arms. Do at least 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Strengthen the hands, develop the deltoid muscles. The latter have a significant impact on impact. In addition, the kettlebell is the projectile that contributes to the growth of muscles.

The legs are placed on the sides. In a straightened arm, a weight is held between the legs, and the legs are slightly bent in knee joint. The weight is lifted forward with a sharp movement so that a right angle is formed between the projectile and the body. It is necessary to ensure that the back remains straight at the top extreme point. Do up to 8 repetitions for each hand. Tension should be felt in the muscles.

It is performed similarly to forward lifts, but only the projectile is raised above the head. The recommended number of repetitions on each side is from 8 to 12 times.

The projectile is placed between the legs apart. They put a hand on it so that the hips remain behind. They make a sharp jerk upwards, throwing the weight directly on their shoulders, and then with a push they raise the projectile over their heads. Return to starting position. For each hand you need to do 10 lifts.

Kettlebell lifts from a seated position

The weight is thrown over the shoulder, squat down. To maintain balance, put forward the left hand. The weight is lifted up, wait a second, make another lift, and then change hands. Buttocks with calves should be constantly tense.

Kettlebell lifts from a prone position

They lay down on the floor with their backs down, take and lift the weight in their hand. The arm is held upright and then begin to rise. Bend first one and then the other leg. If the lifts are difficult, help yourself with a free hand from the projectile. Do about 10 repetitions.

Two projectiles are thrown over the shoulders. Having taken air into the lungs, the weights are jerked up above the head, and then slowly lowered. During muscle exercise abdominals should be tense.

To make the punch stronger, you can use the following techniques and methods:

  • deal with carpal expander. Take the hardest one. It is necessary to compress the projectile sharply and with the application of maximum force. Working with the expander contributes to the development of the interdigital muscles and forearms, which makes the fists more powerful and strong.
  • Jump rope daily. You need to try to raise your hips as high as possible, and reach your chest with your knees.
  • Workouts with a sledgehammer also have quite the effects. It is taken in the hand and beaten on old tires, which activates the muscles that work on impact. This should be done on the street, for example, next to the garage.
  • Working in pairs, you need to try to hit the “paws”, imagining that the target is a few centimeters further, trying to pierce it through. This makes it possible not only to hit harder, but also not to lose speed.
  • Do not neglect shadow boxing. This exercise allows you to learn how to deliver unexpected blows, which are the most effective, since the opponent does not have time to react. You need to exercise every day for at least 10 minutes.
  • Explosive punch helps to develop push-ups both on the palms with a separation from the floor surface, and on the fists. The number of approaches should be at least three with ten repetitions each.


The above exercises help to increase endurance and make the tendons and muscles of the hands stronger, develop the strength of the strikes. If they are performed on a regular basis, then the results become noticeable after seven days.

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Some people are naturally gifted with a heavy blow - let's rejoice for them. For those who are not lucky by nature, don’t be too upset, you can deliver a blow.

A knockout punch is formed from several factors:

  1. Technique
  2. Timeliness
  3. Accuracy
  4. Speed
  5. Force

Fortunately, for athletes who do not have such a natural gift, you can still get a strong knockout punch by working on exercises that play an important role in increasing punching power.

Push-ups with claps

  • Triceps
  • Delta
  • Trapeze


  1. Starting from a standard push-up position
  2. Start doing push-ups, but halfway through, push off the floor with a sharp movement and clap your hands
  3. Land on the floor on two hands, get ready for the next approach


If you find it difficult to do push-ups with claps, you can simplify this exercise and do it from your knees. This will strengthen your muscles and after a while you will be able to do a more difficult version of the exercise described above.

Power outputs from the bar

The critical moment for a strong blow is the skill to explode sharply. This exercise will help you develop this skill.

Main muscles that work:

  • Triceps
  • Delta
  • Trapeze
  • Abdominal muscles
  • pectoral


  1. Stand on your elbows, get into a plank position
  2. In one explosive movement, push your hands off the floor and stand on your palms.
  3. Return to starting position and repeat the exercise


If you find it difficult to perform this exercise, then do it first from your knees.

Push-ups Hanibal

Hanibal push-ups are a great exercise that involves the whole body. In addition to pumping muscles, it's good to learn to keep balance.

Main muscles that work:

  • Triceps
  • Delta
  • Trapeze
  • Breast
  • Press
  • Quadriceps
  • caviar


  1. Get into a regular push-up position.
  2. As you start push-ups, push your feet off the floor towards your hands.
  3. When your feet have landed touch your knees with your hands
  4. Return to original position (arms return first)


If it is difficult to perform this exercise, do a simplified version, skip the third step.

A fight with a shadow

Proper punching technique is very important for a strong knockout punch. There is no better way to practice proper application than shadowboxing.

Main muscles that work:


  1. Warm up well before shadow boxing.
  2. Don't try to throw too much strong blows, you can pull the ligaments.
  3. Repeat the punch or combination you want to practice.
  4. Work relaxed. But at the same time concentrated.
  5. Imagine an opponent.


Try several rounds of boxing with dumbbells 1-2 kg. You will notice the difference when you box without them afterwards. Hands will fly out at incredible speed.


long jump

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A strong blow starts from the feet. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the force of impact through the development of the strength of the legs. One of the best exercises to develop explosive cutting power - long jumps.

Main muscles that work:

  • All muscles of the legs


  1. Start with an athletic stance. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms raised at chest level.
  2. Swing your arms down while lowering your torso and putting your weight on your toes
  3. In one sharp forward swing, throw your arms forward, push off with your legs and fly forward
  4. Land in the same position you started from. Turn around, repeat.


The main thing to master correct technique performance, so I suggest starting with short but technically correct jumps and increasing the distance over time.

This is a simple exercise that will increase your endurance and leg strength. The change of legs in a jump develops exactly the muscles that are needed for a strong blow.

Main muscles that work:

  • Quadriceps
  • Buttocks
  • Back of the thigh


  1. Start in a position where your front foot is in front of you on a full foot, bent at 90 degrees. back leg also bent at a right angle, but stands on the toe.
  2. In one movement, push off with both feet from the floor and fly off the ground. Swap your legs during the flight.
  3. Land smoothly in the same position in which you started, but with a change of legs.


Try to land as smoothly as possible.If you are doing the exercise at home, jump quietly, do not disturb the neighbors.

Very useful exercise to strengthen leg muscles. Do it regularly and you will notice a difference in how you side kick.
Main muscles that work:

  • Quadriceps
  • Buttocks
  • Back of the thigh
  • caviar


  1. Get up on left leg, the right leg is wound behind the left. Hands as in the first picture.
  2. With a sharp movement, push off with your left foot, wave your arms and jump over to your right foot, bringing your left behind your right.
  3. Repeat the movement. Glide as if you were skiing or skating.


Bend your knees more as you land.Make your jumps higher, further, more intense to increase the load.

Sprint jumps on one leg

This classic exercises, which all sprinters do to achieve explosive speed at the start of a run. It will help you increase the power of your straight punches.

Main muscles that work:

  • Quadriceps
  • Buttocks
  • Back of the thigh

Jumping on one leg

This is perhaps the easiest exercise on the list.

Can everyone jump on one leg? Great. Then jump.

This exercise will increase the strength of your legs, the ability to keep balance. And it will definitely strengthen your blow, because a blow is a redistribution of body weight from one leg to another.

Jump on one leg and knock out your opponents.

Main muscles that work:

  • Quadriceps
  • Buttocks
  • caviar
  • Back of the thigh


All you need to do this exercise is to bend one leg at the knee and jump forward as far, as fast and as high as you can.
To complicate the exercise, you can try to jump not only forward, but also backward and in different directions.

10 meter sprint

  • Fast 10 meter sprints will teach your leg muscles to explode for real.
  • Fast sharp muscle mobilization, the key to high speed and impact power.
  • Do 5-6 sprints, then rest for 2 minutes.
  • Wear comfortable running clothes, good shoes, and always warm up before sprints.


If you want to increase punching power, general body coordination, pump endurance and muscles that a boxer needs -

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