What can not be done to have the correct posture. What gives a person the right posture

While improving posture can be difficult, correct posture helps to look good and be in good physical form. If you noticeably slouch, take steps to improve your posture at any time, from walking to sleeping at night. This will require some effort and time. Remember to maintain good posture and engage in exercises that will help you strengthen those muscles.


How to improve your posture when you stand or walk

    Stand up straight to receive correct posture. Keep your chin parallel to the floor, straighten your shoulders and pull your stomach in. Loosely lower your arms to the sides of your body.

  1. Use the wall to develop correct posture. Stand up and lean your back against a door or wall. Just touch the wall with the back of your head, shoulders and buttocks. At the same time, your heels should be 5-10 centimeters from the wall. Put your hands behind your back and determine the distance to the wall.

    • Your palms should be difficult to pass between the wall and the lower back. If there is a greater distance between the back and the wall and the palms are free, pull the stomach towards the back to slightly straighten the spine.
    • If you can't get your palms in, arch your back a little to let them through.
    • Try to hold this position as you move away from the wall. If necessary, once again stand against the wall and check your posture.
  2. Have someone put an X-shaped tape on your back. To help maintain correct posture, attach two strips of duct tape to your back from your shoulders to your pelvis in an "X" shape. Also, stick another strip horizontally between the shoulders. Wear duct tape throughout the day to help keep your back straight.

    • Before attaching the adhesive tape, take the correct posture and straighten your shoulders.
    • Use tape made specifically for skin, such as medical adhesive tape.
    • Instead of adhesive tape, you can use a posture corrector.
  3. Keep the main body weight on the balls of your feet. If you lean on your heels, then involuntarily stoop. To stay straight, shift your body weight slightly forward.

    • Then lean back a little and put your weight on your heels. Pay attention to how you slouch while doing this.
  4. Walk as if you are holding a book on your head. Imagine that a book is resting on your head: this will help you lift your head and straighten your back. If you find it difficult to imagine, take a real book and hold it on your head for a few minutes.

    • Continue to maintain correct posture as you move. When walking, just keep the posture that you adopted when you stood still. Keep your head straight, straighten your shoulders, straighten your chest and look straight ahead.
    • Don't tilt your head forward.
  5. Choose comfortable orthopedic shoes. To stay upright, wear shoes with extra support. Also, make sure your shoes have arch supports. Correct posture starts with your feet.

    • Do not wear high heels as they can damage your posture.
    • If you have to stand for a long time, put something on the floor to make you more comfortable.
  6. Strengthen the relevant muscles with strength exercises. Correct posture is helped by the muscles of the upper back and shoulders. Try the following strength exercises(with or without dumbbells):

    • Stand up straight. Stretch both arms above you, palms up. Bend your arms and bring your palms to your shoulders. Try to reach your shoulder blades with your fingertips.
    • Perform the exercise 10 times for both hands, then another 10 times for each hand separately.
  7. To do the shoulder stretch, pretend you are a penguin. While you wait for the right web page to load or toast toast, spread your elbows out to the sides and place your palms on your shoulders - these will be the “penguin wings”. Raise your elbows up for a count of one or two, then lower them again for a count of one or two. In this case, you should keep your head straight, and your palms should remain on your shoulders.

    • Do as many exercises as you can while you wait. You'd be surprised how many stretches you can do in just 30 seconds.
  8. Do stretching exercises for your aching neck and back. Tilt your head in all 4 directions (forward, backward, right and left) and lightly massage your neck. Do not do it circular motions, as it can increase muscle strain.

    • To perform another exercise, rest your hands and knees on the floor. Like a cat, arch your back up, then arch in the other direction and lower your belly toward the floor.
    • Repeat the exercises several times a day. With their help, you can stretch your muscles in the morning and move away from sleep. In addition, these exercises will help you cheer up and recharge your batteries throughout the day.

As you know, posture is peculiar only to humans. It appeared in connection with upright posture, and in case of its violation and curvature, this is a step back in the process of evolution. Correct posture is not only beautiful, its main role is to maintain the health of the whole body. This is how nature intended. Therefore, the task of a person is to maintain his posture and pass on the knowledge of how to do this to his children, because modern look life is not conducive to maintaining a straight back.

Posture is a familiar posture for every person, both at rest (standing, sitting) and when moving (gait). Each person can have only one posture, correct or not. This position is regulated at the unconscious level (motor stereotype and postural reflexes). And, as you know, we cannot influence unconditioned reflexes, because they are innate, but with a straight back everything is much more complicated. A person is not born with posture, it is formed in the process of his development and growth, and the most critical moments are early school years when there is an active growth of the spine and the final formation of all its bends.

The statement that the pathological shape of the spine cannot be corrected is fundamentally wrong. This can be done even in adults, but the process will be longer. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the correct position of the body from childhood, so that later you do not have to suffer from the consequences of curvature of the spinal column.

Signs of correct posture

  • the same anatomical landmarks on the body are symmetrical (nipples and shoulder blades on the same horizontal line, shoulders at the same level);
  • the line of the spine is even, there are no bends to the sides;
  • the head looks straight, and not under the feet;
  • two clavicles are on the same horizontal line;
  • no asymmetry of waist triangles;
  • buttocks are located on the same level;
  • no asymmetric skin folds are observed from the side of the back;
  • all physiological curves are of normal size;
  • Both legs are the same length.

If at least one sign is observed that goes beyond the described norm, it can be assumed that the person has a pathological type of posture or there is already a curvature of the spine.

How to check?

If you are not sure that you have an even posture, then this can be easily checked: stand with your back to the wall and determine the following points. Correct posture is diagnosed when you simultaneously touch the wall with the back of your head, shoulders, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. At the same time, you can’t specifically strive for this position - just come up and stand against the wall, as usual.

If your posture does not match the criteria for correct posture, then you need to try to take such a position against the wall. Then step back and try to walk like this - you will feel how your muscles treacherously force the body to take its usual position, even if it is wrong.

The value of correct posture

The functions of the correct posture of a student and any other person, even an adult, are as follows:

  • straight posture provides an even distribution of the load on the spine, which eliminates the possibility of overloading its individual sections and the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes;
  • thanks to her, a person manages to perfectly maintain balance and coordinate all movements well;
  • makes it possible to perform movements in the joints with maximum amplitude;
  • it is very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, conducive to communication;
  • provides ideal conditions for work internal organs and their maximum protection against external influences;
  • acts as an indicator of the mental state and health of a person;
  • to some extent, the character of a person depends on the posture, and maybe vice versa.

As you can see, you need to keep a good posture not only so that you have a beautiful image in the mirror, but also so that there are no violations of the health and functioning of the internal organs.

How to maintain correct posture

Before proceeding with the execution gymnastic exercises to develop or correct posture, you need to remember the basic rules and follow them. By following these recommendations, you can special exercises achieve excellent results.

Beautiful posture is not compatible with overweight. If you are the owner of excess kilograms, then the first step towards beautiful posture is the normalization of the body mass index.

Occupying the correct position of the body, do not strain the muscles of the body. This will lead to rapid fatigue, create an additional load and lead to the fact that further maintenance of the desired position becomes impossible.

On the way to an ideal posture, at first, people forget to maintain it, being distracted by other tasks, and in the meantime, the body takes its usual and incorrect position. To avoid this, there are several options:

  1. Posture Corrector. This is a special orthopedic device that mechanically supports the desired and correct position of the spine. At the first stage, it helps a lot, because such a corrector simply does not allow you to hunch back.
  2. The book is on the head. This useful exercise not only to develop posture, but also to improve coordination. Some time will pass, and the book will stop falling, and you will forget that it is on your head.
  3. Reminder. You can do something that will constantly remind you not to slouch. For example, a ring or a bracelet on your hand.

Carrying a book on your head is a great exercise for developing an even posture.

Perfect standing posture

To become the owner of a flat back, you must monitor your body position. The head should look forward (to the horizon). You don't need to push it up a lot. Shoulders should be straightened so that your height in this position is maximum. The stomach should be slightly drawn in, no need to stick out the chest too forward. You can use a mirror or the wall test described above to periodically check your standing posture.

Good sitting posture

Since most people spend most of their time sitting, it is necessary to carefully monitor the posture in this position.

Sitting posture rules:

  • you need to use a special office chair for sitting, the back of which supports the back well at an angle slightly sharper than a straight one;
  • try to move closer to the table so that your elbows do not hang down;
  • when sitting, the head and the line of the spine should be in the same line;
  • feet should be on the floor, do not throw them one on top of the other;
  • after every 1-2 hours of sitting, you need to do a little warm-up.

A set of exercises for correct posture

royal gait

You should not forget about posture when moving. The gaze should be directed straight ahead, the steps should be taken smoothly and gently. Shoulders should be kept straight and not slouched. Need to land on bent knee for good cushioning. You need to walk in orthopedic shoes, forget about high heels and flat soles.

Taking care of your posture while you sleep

You need to sleep on a flat and hard mattress. The pillow is better to choose elastic and not high. The position is optimal on the back.

If you follow all the rules and recommendations described above, then a beautiful posture after a while is guaranteed to you. But, if it is not possible to achieve perfection in this way, then you should proceed to the second stage of developing a flat back - gymnastic exercises.

Curvature Prevention Exercises

If your back is not yet curved (no organic curvature), then you can try to develop an even posture with the help of simple exercises.

But, if curvatures of the spine are already present, for example, scoliosis, then only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment. Self-correction can only aggravate the situation and contribute to the progression of curvature.

Approximate gymnastic complex

First you need to do a warm-up. Any exercises that each of us remembers well from school physical education will do. Don't forget to stretch too. Warming up prepares the body for exercise and reduces the risk of injury.

The figure shows an approximate set of simple exercises for the prevention of curvature of the spine, which is desirable to perform daily.

Fun exercises for a child

If an adult can still be forced to monitor his body position and do exercises, then there is no child. But in the case of children, there is an excellent way out - charging can be turned into an exciting game, then the child will be happy to do all the exercises.

Exercises for the child should be interesting and with elements of the game.

3 fun kids exercises:

  1. Swan. You need to lie on your stomach, arms extended to the sides and bent at the elbows. Slowly raise upper part the torso from the floor, leaning on the hands, the pelvis and stomach do not tear off the floor. We stretch the neck and head up like a swan. We linger in this position for a few seconds and lower ourselves.
  2. Swimming. I. p. lying on the stomach. We raise our arms, legs and head from the floor and imitate swimming movements.
  3. Cat. We get down on all fours. On the inhale we round the back, on the exhale we bend like a cat.

Thus, we can say with confidence that the correct and beautiful posture is the key to health and success in life. And the assertion that it cannot be corrected was invented by lazy people.

In order to answer all the questions posed, I went to the library.

I started my research with a medical dictionary. It says that posture is the usual position of the body when standing, walking and sitting, which is characterized by a vertical relaxed position of the spine, with a slightly protruding chest and a slightly drawn in abdomen.

In the dictionary of natural sciences, posture is a relaxed, without the need for active muscle tension, the usual position of the body when standing, walking or sitting, determined by the nature of the physiological curves of the spine.

I open the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov. I learn that posture comes from the root -san-. Related words - dignity, dignitary, pose. Posture - the structure, warehouse of a living body, and the commonality of techniques and all its movements, by posture they mean harmony, majesty, decency and beauty. Posture, take posture, cheer up, trying to give yourself a portly look.

IN explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language V.I. By rank and honor. What is the rank, such is the honor. Antique - camp, posture, height. The grandee has all the dignitaries. Dignified, dignified, imposing, prominent, tall and stately. V. I. Dal defined good posture as “a combination of harmony, majesty, beauty” and cited a Russian folk proverb: “Without posture, a horse is a cow.”

In Ushakov's dictionary, posture is appearance, the manner of holding one's figure. Terrible posture and magnificent attire. There are many such beautiful statements in the works of art by Russian writers.

And in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova, posture is a demeanor. So they usually talk about harmony and representativeness. Here I recalled the words from another fairy tale written by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and powerful son Gvidon Saltanovich and of the beautiful Swan Princess”:

And she herself is majestic,

Acts like a pava

A. S. Pushkin bequeathed: "The beautiful must be majestic."

In the Modern Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova, the word majestic is full of solemn beauty, grandeur, having an impressive appearance: tall, proud posture.

Reading fairy tales, epics, you can admire the regal posture of princesses, heroes, knights. It is generally accepted that royalty is distinguished by a proud fit of the head and a straight back. The heroes of many literary works attend balls, where they can whirl in a whirlwind of a waltz or show their beauty and posture in a polonaise or mazurka. For example, Cinderella from Charles Perrault's fairy tale "everyone was amazed by the beauty of an unfamiliar princess", Vasilisa the Wise "everyone marvels at her, admires, they cannot utter a word from surprise." Of course, it is difficult to imagine a beautiful princess with a stoop. However, in life, such "question marks" are very common.

In addition, I re-read many fairy tales, stories and poems in order to find phrases with the word posture. Here is an excerpt from the poem:

Cockerel - beauties in the courtyard lives.

Before everyone else, he gets up, sings merrily.

Proud posture, on the eyebrows - fluff.

Important and sedate, like a general,

He walked around the yard, stood on guard.

I compiled a Dictionary of beautiful and correct posture: Aristocratic, Noble, Important, Majestic, Proud, Proud, Graceful, Worthy, Healthy, Ideal, Graceful, Royal, Beautiful, Courageous, Laid-back, Victorious, Straight, Drill, Happy, Confident, Regal. Now you can fully imagine a person with a proud posture, to whom everyone immediately pays attention. I believe that a person who has a straight back seems proud and confident, and who is hunched over seems ashamed of himself. I don't want us to end up in the place of the Nose Dwarf. But we are often told: “Do not slouch! Keep your back straight!" Why do you need to keep your back straight? Why is posture so important? I will try to answer this question.

4. What gives a person the correct posture.

You can’t confuse the correct posture with anything: the body is straightened, the head is raised, the shoulders are straightened. Ballerinas and gymnasts can serve as a standard. If a person walks hunched over, lowering his head and shoulders, sticking out his stomach, this is bad posture. It is not only ugly, but also harmful, complicates the activity of internal organs and in most cases is associated with a curvature of the spine.

What good posture does:

Good posture improves self-confidence.

Eases breathing, helping to relax and concentrate.

Improves breathing and digestion: Increases lung capacity by helping the circulation of oxygen and food in the body.

Helps muscles and joints. Good posture helps keep the skeleton and joints in such a position that the muscles work correctly.

Improves thinking. Posture affects our mind. And it can affect the mood. When you are happy and feel good, posture is straight. And sad people often stand hunched over.

Healthy spine. Correct posture is a simple but very important way to maintain a healthy spine.

5. Is it possible for a person to form a posture himself.

“Good posture is not an end in itself, but part of overall well-being.

Ideally, posture training should be part of the life experience.”

Florence Kendall

I found that posture most often deteriorates in childhood: improper seating at a desk, at a home desk, lack of movement and long hours with a textbook, poor lighting that makes you lean towards a book or notebook. Each person can form his own posture.

Good posture for:

Riding a bike with the handlebars high.

Swim breaststroke.

Ride on horseback. During riding, the spine stretches itself, a reliable “muscle corset” is created, and the correct fit is fixed.

Do exercises near the vertical plane: stand up against the wall correctly, and then alternately take your arms and legs to the sides, rise on your toes, squat.

Wear various objects on your head: cubes, pads filled with salt, sand or sawdust. Without dropping the pads, walk on toes, on bent legs, squat, crawl on all fours, climb and descend the Swedish wall.

Train coordination of movements: do a “swallow”, stand on one leg, walk on a log.

For correct posture NOT useful:

Riding a bike with your hands on the handlebars.

Ride a scooter.

Do some sports. Those who have to do asymmetrical movements (tennis, badminton, fencing) can experience lateral curvature of the spine. And also boxing - a boxing stance leads to a stoop and a round back. Acrobatics, artistic and gymnastics and wrestling at primary school age make the spine overly flexible and mobile, which in the future can also have a bad effect on posture.

Standing or jumping on one leg for a long time.

Lift weights while crouching without using leg strength. Hold the load at arm's length.

Posture is correct only if all muscles are fully developed.

It is necessary to perform exercises regularly, and then there will be no reason to blush for your posture.

“The sedentary nature of schoolwork is the first and constant enemy of good posture. Only an adequate amount of special, exercise can resist it." J. Bancroft, 1867

Exercise one. Walk in place while lifting your legs high and swinging your arms vigorously.

Exercise two. Make three tilts forward and to the sides, trying to reach the floor with your hands in front of you, to the left and right of your legs.

Exercise three. Alternately perform an imitation of boxing with the maximum turns of the body to the right and left.

Exercise four. Perform body tilts to the sides with a swing of the opposite arm above your head.

Exercise five. Rise on your toes, as if jumping.

Remember that people with good posture are more confident

To test your posture, stand against a wall and touch it with your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades, and head. The spine is straightened, the shoulders are deployed, the shoulder blades are drawn together, the stomach is pulled in, the buttocks are tense. Here it is, the correct posture! The body must remember it.

6. What professions of a person are impossible without a beautiful posture.

It is not difficult for people with correct posture to keep a straight back and shoulders laid back; and the belly is tucked up. We can say that posture is a manner that has become a strict habit. Ballerinas, figure skaters, athletes, fashion models have the correct posture. For people of art and artistic sports, correct posture is vital. The posture of ballerinas fascinates and attracts a huge number of admiring glances. For models, posture is an important way to emphasize individuality. We can say that their posture is simply divine. Good posture works wonders. I believe that regardless of profession, all people should have the right posture. And let the old hunchbacked Baba Yaga remain a character only in Russian folk tales.

Having studied the literature on this issue, I can say that posture is of great importance in a person's life. Correct posture makes a person beautiful appearance and, most importantly, helps a person to be healthy. It is not given to a person from birth, but acquired by him. To do this, a person must patiently and persistently work on himself, so that people can say after him: "Victory pride of posture."

To maintain and strengthen the correct posture, you need to follow some tips.

1. Properly equip the training area:

- the study corner should be near the window;

- furniture must be appropriate for growth;

- the light should fall on the left (for left-handers - on the right).

2. You need to sit at the desk correctly: tilt your head slightly forward, keep your back straight. 3–4 cm should remain between the chest and the table. The legs must be bent at the hip and knee joints at a right angle, and the feet should rest on the floor. Pay attention to posture when writing. Legs, back, arms should be supported. The height of the table should be 2-3 cm above the elbow of the lowered arm when the person is sitting. The height of the chair should not exceed the height of the lower leg. If the legs do not reach the floor, it is necessary to substitute a bench so that the hip and knee joints were bent at right angles. The back should closely touch the back of the chair, maintaining the lumbar curve. So that the distance from the book to the eyes does not exceed 40 cm, it is better to put the book on a music stand, then you do not have to tilt your head.

3. After every 20 minutes of work at the table, you need to take a break.

4. Some oral homework assignments can be done lying on the floor, on your stomach, with support under your elbows.

5. The baby bed should be hard and 20-25 cm larger than the child's height.

6. It is necessary to control the weight of the school bag. It must weigh no more than 3 kg, and must be worn behind the back.

7. It is important to observe a healthy daily routine (alternate study, outdoor recreation, rest at home).

And what else can be done to prevent postural disorders and diseases of the spine?

Strengthen your muscles! To do this, our school is working sport sections, Gym, a swimming pool, daily dynamic breaks in the fresh air, sports and fitness hours, a health cabinet with various sports equipment, trainers.

Poor posture makes breathing and circulation difficult.

With poor posture, oxidative processes in the body are reduced, and this automatically leads to the fact that a person gets tired faster both during physical and mental work.

Poor posture can lead to myopia and osteochondrosis.

A stooped, with a downcast head, the child looks like a loser and mumbling.

Then those around him begin to relate to him in this way, and with such an attitude they may well actually make a loser out of him.

Marina Tsvetaeva wrote: "My posture is simple." And I want you to remember that the more beautiful the posture, the more confident the personality.

We all dream of a royal posture. But today, there are fewer and fewer women who walk proudly and with dignity. If we put aside the congenital curvature and various injuries, then all other causes of poor posture can be eliminated. Wrong working posture, bad developed muscles backs and even uncomfortable clothing can ruin your posture. Follow these rules so that you have perfect posture and avoid spinal problems.

Rule #1: Always keep your back

Whatever you do, your back should be straight: whether you are standing, sitting or talking on the phone. To take the correct position, stand for a couple of minutes standing, pressing against the wall with the back of your head, calves, buttocks and the entire plane of the shoulder blades.

Rule number 2. An imaginary stretched thread from the coccyx to the back of the head

For a beautiful posture, not only strong muscles are important, but also internal control. Therefore, always imagine that a strong thread is stretched from the back of the head to the coccyx.

Rule number 3. Turn your shoulders and lower your shoulder blades

Turn your shoulders, try to lower your head and look at the floor - you will not succeed, because correct posture obliges you to walk with your head held high.

Rule number 4. Control the bend in the lower back

When sitting, try to follow rule number 1. Try to get up from your normal sitting position without changing the position of your back, and look in the mirror. If you see a hunched old woman in the reflection, then you urgently need to do self-control and keep your back straight to avoid clamping in the lower vertebrae.

Rule #5

A light gait contributes to a beautiful posture. Walk like models - moving your feet in one line. But you don't have to twist your hips.

Rule #6

Try practicing the vacuum exercise. Do it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Rule #7

Perfect posture: doing exercises

Hanging in the doorway will help strengthen the muscles of the back and neck and correct posture. Put your feet on the line with the jamb of the doors, the heels can be torn off the floor, the main focus is on the shoulder blades. Keeping your hands on either side of the door frame, bend forward and hover for 30 seconds. It is important that you feel the spring return. After the exercise, stretch the muscles of the arms.

Lying back extension: lie on your stomach, arms along the body. Raise your head by arching your back.

plank- an exercise that helps out in many cases: look forward, back and legs form one line.

Roller exercise- Lying on your back, place a towel roll under your lower back. Connect the big toes and little fingers on the hands. In this position, you need to lie down for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 10 minutes.

Rule #8

Don't be shy and don't hide your eyes from people. Always walk with your head up.

Rule #9

When walking, transfer the load from the heel to the part of the foot closer to the toe. You will see how soft your walk becomes.

Rule #10

Self-respect and self-esteem, coming from within, will help you always feel like a queen. So - and your gait will be royal.

What does correct posture give? Firstly, a slim, fit and beautiful appearance. Secondly, the most important thing is health! Correct posture will help you get rid of problems with the spine, neck, normalize digestion, increase tone, and, as a result of all this, improves mood.

Learning to keep a taut appearance is not at all difficult, you will need a minimum of effort when performing simple exercises to form the correct posture and follow some rules.

First check your posture
Strip down to your underwear and stand in front of a large mirror. Stand as you normally do. Now carefully look at your reflection: your shoulders and hips should be symmetrical, without distortion. Now turn sideways and look at the reflection again (a trellis mirror works best for this): with proper posture, you can draw a straight line from your earlobe over your shoulder, thigh, knee, to the middle of your ankle.

For the next method, lean back against the wall. With proper posture, you will touch the wall with the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, and heels.

Some posture correction exercises
Exercise "Book"
You will need a book in a hard rough cover. Stand in front of the mirror and take the correct posture, put the book on your head and try to stand like that for several minutes, making sure that the book does not fall. When you can do this exercise with ease, complicate it - try walking, maintaining your posture and balance so that the book remains on your head.

Exercise "Penguin"
Spread your arms to the sides, bend them at the elbows and touch your shoulders with your fingers. In this position, press your hands to the body and spread apart at the expense of one or two. Follow. So that the hands do not fall forward, but remain divorced to the sides. This exercise can be performed at any free moment at home or as gymnastics at work. Try to do the exercise for at least a minute.

Exercise "Cat"
Get on all fours. Arch your back like a cat while tucking your chin into your chest. Then arch your back and at the same time lift your head up. Perform movements smoothly, without jerking, try to feel how the back muscles stretch.

Exercise "Cobra"
Lie on the floor (preferably on an exercise mat) face down. Slowly raise your upper body on your hands, legs remain pressed to the floor. Bend in the back, raise your head (imagine that a rope comes out of the top of the head, which is slowly pulled up). Slowly return to the starting position. Perform at least three times.

Hanging on the crossbar
If there is a horizontal bar at home, be sure to hang on it at least once a day for 1-2 minutes. Perfectly unloads the back, helps to straighten the posture.

In addition to doing exercises, you can and should train your posture throughout the day, doing everyday things. It is important to ensure that you sit, stand and walk correctly. Over time, the need for constant self-control will disappear, as your body will quickly get used to the correct posture and you will simply feel uncomfortable in the wrong position.

How to stand

  • Feet should be about shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees
  • Try to shift your body weight onto the balls of your feet.
  • Hands should hang freely in a natural position
  • Shoulders back, keep your back straight
  • Pull in your belly
  • Do not twist your neck with unnecessary forward or side bends.
  • When standing for a long time, it is necessary to move the main body weight from foot to foot and periodically bend slightly, preferably with arms stretched up

How to sit correctly

  • Don't cross your legs
  • Feet should be firmly on the floor, never hanging - if necessary, use some kind of footrest
  • The knees should be at the same level with the hips or slightly lower.
  • There should be a small gap between the inside bend of the knees and the seat.
  • The back should be straight and firmly pressed against the back of the seat.
  • Shoulders relaxed
  • It will be useful to have a small roller between the back of the seat and the lower back.
  • Avoid prolonged continuous sitting, every 15 minutes slightly change the position of the legs and back, and it is best to walk a little (maintaining the correct posture)