What you need to know about the LAN Finals of Warface Open Cup: Season XI. Format of Masters League matches

1.1. Game version: Russian version of Warface.

1.3. The team consists of 5 players of the main squad, it is allowed to add 2 players as substitutes.

1.4. Tournament cards:

  • lanes;
  • D-17;
  • bridges;
  • Factory;
  • outskirts;
  • Destination;
  • Castle.

1.5. Players over 14 years of age who have reached level 30 in the game and have citizenship of the following countries are allowed to participate in the Tournament:

  • Russian Federation;
  • Armenia;
  • Abkhazia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Belarus;
  • Estonia;
  • Georgia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Moldova;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Ukraine;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • South Ossetia.

1.6. When registering, each team member must provide a digital copy (scan, photograph) of their passport, otherwise the team will not be admitted to the Tournament.

1.7. The digital copy must show a photograph, full name, full date of birth, citizenship, series and passport number. The image size is at least 500 by 500 pixels, but not more than 1000 by 1000 pixels.

1.8. All data must be readable.

1.9. A team and/or a player can only participate in one stage of the Tournament at a time: Masters League or one of the Challenge Cup (the registration process can take place in the format of one stage of the Tournament on pvp.mail.ru).

1.10. If at the time of completion of registration the player is blocked on the main server or if during the check it turned out that he intentionally provided an incorrect copy of the document (third-party images), the organizers reserve the right to remove such a player from the team. If after that the team has 5 or more players, it continues to participate, otherwise it is removed from the Tournament.

1.11. An account on which suspicious activity was recorded before the start of the Tournament is not allowed to participate in Open Cup series tournaments (including Masters League and Challenge Cup). There are no fixed terms for banning participation in tournaments. In the event that suspicions are removed from the account, the account owner is notified separately.

1.12. Issues of obtaining visas (if necessary) are decided by the players on their own.

1.13. The fact of participation in the Tournament means that the participant agrees to the processing of his personal data, namely their collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, blocking, destruction by the organizer solely for the purposes of this qualifying stage and in accordance with requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.14. All personal data provided by the participants of the Tournament will be stored in accordance with the terms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Permitted weapons and equipment.

2.1. It is allowed to use weapons and ammunition that are not listed in the prohibited list.

2.2. All allowed items, except for items available from suppliers, will be automatically credited to the tournament server when copying a character.

2.3. The character will be copied to the tournament server with all the progress from the suppliers and with the allowed items.

  • all items and weapons for crowns;
  • all automatic and semi-automatic sniper rifles;
  • all machine guns;
  • anti-personnel mines, stun grenades, red and blue smoke grenades, smoke grenades (white smoke) for warbucks, underbarrel grenade launcher;
  • a special appearance that hides the items worn on the character;
  • seasonal items;
  • combat helmets;
  • combat vests;
  • combat boots;
  • silent shoes;
  • combat gloves;
  • golden versions of items;
  • tournament masks of the season "Autumn-2015";
  • all items that protect against the first hit;
  • Type-97;
  • Saiga-12S;
  • USAS-12;
  • Tavor CTAR-21;
  • XM8 Compact;
  • McMillan CS5;
  • Type 97 "Magma";
  • McMillan CS5 "Magma";
  • Remington R11 RSASS "Euro 2016";
  • all items that restore health / armor (exceptions in paragraph 3.11).

3.2. All prohibited items will be automatically deleted when copied to the tournament server.

3.5. It is forbidden to use an undeclared player or a player from another team participating in this tournament.

3.7. Incorrect public statements about the game, organizers and participants of the tournament are prohibited.

3.8. The organizers reserve the right to increase the period of stay of the team in the ban list.

3.9. It is forbidden to provide information about the hall where the fights take place to anyone other than the referee and members of his team.

3.10. Any deviation from the rules is prohibited. This may result in disciplinary action up to and including disqualification.

3.11. Allowed to use:

  • some weapons of the Magma series;
  • helmets "Open Cup: Spring 2016";
  • some weapons of the Euro 2016 series.

3.12. It is forbidden to make calls to judges through the contact software where you keep in touch.

3.13. It is forbidden to intentionally use any in-game errors, as well as errors in related software.

4. Disciplinary sanctions.

4.1. For violation of clause 3.3 - team disqualification, account blocking on the main server.

4.2. For violation of clause 3.4 - exclusion of the player from the tournament server.

4.3. For violation of clause 3.5 - the team is disqualified, the player who was called up to replace is also disqualified.

4.4. For violation of clause 3.6 - for the first violation, the team is given a warning, for the second violation, the team is removed from participation in the tournament.

4.5. For violation of clause 3.7 - for the first violation, the team is issued a warning, for a second violation, the player is disqualified from the current tournament, added to the ban list and banned from participating in official tournaments for a period of 6 months (from the moment of adding to the ban list). For the third violation, the team will be disqualified from the current tournament with the addition of all participants to the ban list for a period of 6 months.

4.6. For violation of par. 3.9, 3.10, 3.12 the judge determines the punishment at his own discretion, depending on the severity of the violation.

4.7. For violation of par. 3.3-3.10 the administration reserves the right to permanently disqualify the violator from participating in tournaments.

4.8. For violation of clause 3.13 - for the first violation, the player is warned, for repeated violations, the administration has the right to count the team forfeit defeat in this round or disqualify the player until the end of the tournament.

5. Other points.

5.1. When "departure" the player has the opportunity to re-join the game.

5.2. In case of unsuccessful connection, the match does not stop, the team can make a replacement for the player specified in the application for participation in the Tournament.

5.3. If the team lacks one player, then it is given 15 minutes to get ready. If after the specified time the team cannot put up a full squad for the game, then it will be forfeited.

5.4. If a player "knocked out" of the match before the start of the 1st round, the match starts again.

5.5. A player blocked at the time of completion of registration is not allowed to participate in the tournament.

5.6. Holding matches from a computer club/from a training base for one or more players is possible only after agreeing the conditions with the tournament organizers.

5.7. The venue of matches (computer club/training base) must be equipped with a video camera with Internet access, which allows continuous recording of matches live.

5.8. Links to live broadcasts of matches must be provided to the organizers of the Tournament. If you refuse to provide links, the team receives a forfeit defeat in the match, and may also be disqualified.

5.9. The organizers reserve the right to request photos of the full team from the venue of the match (computer club / training base). If photos are not provided, the team will be disqualified.

5.10. The Organizers reserve the right to change the names of the teams, their logos and squads, as well as the nicknames of the players participating in the Tournament.

6. Procedure for consideration of appeals.

6.1. All claims regarding violation of the rules of the game must be submitted within 20 minutes after the end of the match. The complaint is submitted through a special form on the website pvp.mail.ru.

6.2. When filing a protest for foul play, the specific player, time, reason and reason for suspicion must be indicated. The team captain can ask the referee to analyze the video files for prohibited software from the opponent, while the maximum number of players to be checked is three.

6.3. The referee of the competition has the right, at his discretion, to apply to the players or to the team one or more measures of responsibility, or limit himself to a warning.

6.4. Discussing the final decision on any situation made by the referee may result in the disqualification of the team.

7. In case of a technical defeat, the opposing team is declared the winner of the match. The score is fixed 11:0.

8. Additional terms.

8.1. All captains must be online half an hour before the start of the Tournament.

8.2. To contact the judge, you must use one of the listed messengers indicated by the captain when applying for the Tournament (Skype, Agent Mail.Ru, ICQ).

8.3. Adding a referee to the contact list is a prerequisite for participation in the Tournament. Relevant information is sent to the team captain the day before the tournament to the mail specified when applying for participation in the League.

8.4. Before the start of the match, the captains independently determine the playing room. At the end of the match, the judge is provided with screenshots of the final score.

9. Video broadcast.

9.1. The matches will be broadcast on the official Warface channels.

9.2. Technical accounts will be used to cover matches.

9.3. The organizers reserve the right to independently choose games for broadcast.

9.4. The referee informs the team in advance (before the start of the game) that the match will be broadcast.

9.5. Match broadcasts are carried out with a delay of 90 seconds.

9.6. The start time of the match can be changed at the request of the organizers.

9.7. By participating in the Tournament, the player automatically agrees to the broadcast of the match with his participation.

Masters League: Season X

10. Selection in the Masters League.

10.1. 8 best teams take part in Masters League.

10.2. The Masters League is formed from the participants of the last season and the teams that qualified for the Masters League by points.

10.3. Invitations to participate were sent to the participants of the previous season who took 1-6 places in the Masters League and 1-2 places in the Challenge Cup.

10.4. If there are free places in the Masters League, they are distributed among all applicant teams by selection by points. The teams that scored the largest number points, receive places in the Masters League.

10.5. The selection of teams by the number of points is carried out by the organizers based on the analysis of the individual results of the players in previous official tournaments (" Warface Open Cup: Winter 2015", "Warface Open Cup: Spring 2015", Warface Online Cup, "Warface Open Cup: Fall 2015", "Warface Open Cup: Winter 2016", "Warface Open Cup: Spring 2016" and other tournaments where applicable, including Masters League, Challenge Cup and fast cup). The data for each of the main team members is summarized, and the overall rating of the team is displayed.

  • took 1st place in the Open Cup/Online Cup final — 20 points;
  • took 2nd place in the Open Cup/Online Cup final — 15 points;
  • took 3rd-4th places in the Open Cup/Online Cup final — 10 points;
  • took 7th place in the Masters League - 8 points;
  • took 8th place in the Masters League - 7 points;
  • took 9th place in the Masters League - 6 points;
  • took 10th place in the Masters League - 5 points;
  • took 3rd-4th places in the Play-offs - 9 points;
  • finished 5th-8th in the Play-offs - 8 points;
  • reached 1/2 in Fast Cup series tournaments - 8 points;
  • reached 1/4 in Challenge Cup/Fast Cup tournaments — 7 points;
  • reached 1/8 in Challenge Cup/Fast Cup series tournaments - 6 points;
  • reached 1/16 in Challenge Cup/Fast Cup series tournaments - 5 points;
  • reached 1/32 in Challenge Cup/Fast Cup tournaments - 4 points;
  • reached 1/64 in Challenge Cup/Fast Cup series tournaments - 3 points;
  • reached 1/128 in Challenge Cup/Fast Cup series tournaments - 2 points;
  • took part in 1/256 in Challenge Cup/Fast Cup tournaments - 1 point.

11. The format of the Masters League matches.

11.1. Masters League matches are held in a round robin system: all participants meet each other once, a team receives 3 points for a victory in a match, 0 points for a loss.

11.2. The game is played by 2 teams of 5 people each.

11.3. Teams that take 1st and 2nd places at the end of the round robin receive a quota for participation in the final tournament in Moscow. The team that takes 1st place goes to the 1st semi-final, the team that takes 2nd place goes to the 2nd.

11.4. The quota includes accommodation and travel expenses for 5 team members.

11.5. Teams ranked 3rd-6th at the end of the round robin will play play-offs with the teams ranked first and second in each round of the Challenge Cup and the four teams with the most points in all rounds of the Challenge Cup (for exceptions, see paragraph 14.3).

11.6. Teams that take 7th-8th places at the end of the round robin leave the Masters League, but have the right to participate in the fourth Challenge cup.

11.7. If two or more teams have the same number of points according to the results of the Masters League, places in standings are determined by the results of all personal meetings between disputing teams or by the difference in rounds between all disputing teams (when 3 or more teams argue).

11.8. Game maps for each match are determined by the strikeout method.

11.9. The choice of the starting side in the match is automatically determined by the tournament system.

11.10. When creating a match, you must select the "Clan battle" setting.

11.11. All matches are played with Friendly Fire enabled and Chat After Death disabled.

11.12. The tournament server uses special settings for the Demolition mode. Sides change automatically every 5 rounds.

11.13. The winner is the team that wins in 11 rounds.

11.14. If after 20 rounds the winner is not revealed (score 10:10), the game continues until the advantage of one of the teams is 2 won rounds. Side switching is done automatically every round.

11.15. The number of substitutions within the Masters League is limited. You can make a maximum of 2 substitutions for players who are not active members of the Masters League.

11.16. Replacements are made in transfer window, valid from the 3rd to the 5th round of the Masters League.

12. Requirements for participation in the next Masters League season.

12.1. Teams that took 1-4th places in the previous season of the Masters League are given a priority right to participate in the next season.

12.2. A prerequisite to participate is to keep at least 50% of the players from the squad announced in the previous season in the team.

12.3. If a team cannot satisfy the organizers' requirement stated in clause 12.2, it loses the right to participate in the next Masters League season.

12.4. A team of 5 players may only substitute 2 players from the previous season's squad.

12.5. A team of 6 or more players may substitute no more than 3 players from the previous season's squad.

13. Schedule "Masters League: Season X".

13.1. Schedule:

  • 1st round: August 23;
  • 2nd round: August 24;
  • 3rd round: August 25;
  • 4th round: August 26;
  • 5th round: August 29;
  • 6th round: August 30;
  • 7th round: 31 August.

13.2. 28 Masters League matches are divided into 7 rounds. Within each round, all teams will play one match.

13.3. The results of the draw and the detailed schedule of game rounds will be published on the website the day before the start of the Masters League.

Challenge Cup: Season X

14. The tournament is a system of knockout matches (playoffs).

14.1. The teams that take the first 10 places according to the results of scoring at the end of the tournament receive quotas for the next season of the Warface Challenge League.

14.2. 8 teams that took 1st-2nd places in each of the Challenge cup, and 4 teams that received the most points on the basis of four Challenge cups will play in the Play-offs with the teams that took 3rd-6th places in the Masters League.

14.3. In the event that the same team wins prizes in more than one Challenge cup, more teams will be selected for the Play-offs by points.

14.4. The number of participants in the tournament is limited. No more than 512 teams will be able to take part in each of the four Challenge cups.

15. Format of matches.

15.1. The team captain must add the referee to the contact list earlier than half an hour before the start of the games. Otherwise, the team will be awarded a technical defeat in the match.

15.2. When creating a match, you must select the "Clan battle" setting.

15.3. All matches are played with Friendly Fire enabled and Chat After Death disabled.

15.4. The game is played by 2 teams of 5 people each.

15.5. Games from 1/256 to 1/8 are played in the Best of 1 format (you need to win one card). Starting from the 1/4 finals, matches are held in the Best of 3 format (you need to win on 2 maps out of 3 possible).

15.6. The cards for each game are determined by the strikeout method. The team located higher on the grid chooses the starting side. The opponent is given the right to be the last to cross out the game card.

15.7. The tournament server uses special settings for the Demolition mode. Sides change automatically every 5 rounds.

15.8. The winner is the team that wins in 11 rounds.

15.9. If after 20 rounds the winner is not revealed (score 10:10), the game continues until the advantage of one of the teams is 2 won rounds. Side switching is done automatically every round.

16. Tournament Schedule.

  • 1st round: 512 teams (1/256);
  • 2nd round: 256 teams (1/128);
  • 3rd round: 128 teams (1/64);
  • 4th round: 64 teams (1/32);
  • 5th round: 32 teams (1/16);
  • 6th round: 16 teams (1/8);
  • 7th round: 8 teams (1/4);
  • 8th round: 4 teams (1/2);
  • 9th round: 2 teams (Final);
  • 10th round: 2 teams (Match for 3rd place).

16.1. The tournament schedule is subject to change if there are fewer registered teams.

16.2. Draw results and detailed match day schedule qualifying rounds will be published the day before the tournament.

Play-offs "Open Cup: Season X"

17. General information.

17.1. The play-offs are played by teams that take 3rd-6th places in the Masters League, 8 teams that take 1st-2nd places in each of the Challenge cup, and 4 teams that have received the most points in four Challenge cups (exceptions see . in paragraph 14.3).

17.2. Characters are copied according to the applications submitted by the teams for the Masters League and Challenge Cup. Additional applications and substitutions of players are not allowed.

17.3. Teams advancing to the second round of the play-offs are required to keep a record of their bouts.

18. Play-off format.

18.1. 1/8 games are played in the Best of 1 format (you need to win one card) in the Double Elimination format. The teams that took first places in the "upper" brackets and first places in the "lower" brackets go to 1/4. Starting from 1/4 matches are held in the Best of 3 format (you need to win on 2 maps out of 3 possible) in the Single Elimination format.

18.2. 2 teams of 5 people each take part in the competition.

18.3. Game maps for each match are determined by the strikeout method.

18.4. The choice of the starting side and the order of elimination are determined by a coin toss by the chief referee of the tournament. The team captain who guessed the side of the coin is given the right to strike out the card last or the right to choose the starting side for the 1st and 3rd matches.

18.5. When creating a match, you must select the "Clan battle" setting.

18.6. All matches are played with Friendly Fire enabled and Chat After Death disabled.

18.7. The tournament server uses special settings for the Demolition mode. Sides change automatically every 5 rounds.

18.8. The winner of the match is the team that wins in 11 rounds.

18.9. If after 20 rounds the winner has not been revealed (score 10:10), the game continues until the advantage of one of the teams is 2 won rounds. Side switching is done automatically every round.

18.10. The winner of the match is the team that wins 2 games.

18.11. The 16 teams participating in the Play-offs will be divided into 4 groups in such a way that each group will have one Masters League participant, 2 teams that took 1st and 2nd places at different stages of the Challenge Cup and one team that qualified from the Challenge Cup on points .

19. Teams that take 1st and 2nd places in the play-offs receive a quota for the final tournament in Moscow.

19.1. The quota includes accommodation and travel expenses for 5 team members.

Final "Warface Open Cup: Season X"

20. General information.

20.1. The list of game cards is determined by the strikeout method.

20.2. The choice of the starting side and the order of elimination are determined by a coin toss. The team captain who guessed the side of the coin is given the right to strike out the card last or the right to choose the starting side for the 1st and 3rd matches.

20.3. draw semi-final pairs is performed on the playing stage in the presence of the participants.

21. Format of matches.

21.1. When creating a match, you must select the "Clan battle" setting.

21.2. All matches are played with Friendly Fire enabled and Chat After Death disabled.

21.3. All matches are played in the Best of 3 format (you need to win on 2 maps out of 3 possible).

21.4. The game is played by 2 teams of 5 people each.

21.5. The tournament server uses special settings for the Demolition mode. Sides change automatically every 5 rounds.

21.6. The winner of the match is the team that wins in 11 rounds.

21.7. If after 20 rounds the winner is not revealed (score 10:10), the game continues until the advantage of one of the teams is 2 won rounds. Side switching is done automatically every round.

22. The final decision on the distribution of the prize fund within the team is made by its captain.

23. In non-standard, or not described in the current version of the regulations, situations, the administration has the right to resolve the situation at its own discretion.

24. The Organizers reserve the right to make adjustments to the regulations during the Tournament.

Following the weekly fun we've had with the Daily Cups, it's hard to abstain from desiring a little more. After all, being competitive means constantly aiming higher, doesn’t it? As a result, we’re excited to announce the next global event: Warface Open Cup and the Masters League!


Season 1 will consist of four stages: Challenge Cups I through IV, eliminating all but two teams in each Challenge Cup. There will be regional restrictions, and Warface Open Cup will take place in three officially supported regions: Europe, North America and Asia. The winners of the Masters League and the Playoffs will be invited to compete in the LAN finals in Moscow!

There will be up to 128 teams allowed to compete in the European Challenge Cups, 8 selected teams will have a round-robin style of a tournament - each contestant will play against all others - in the Masters League. First six teams move to the next season.

Challenge Cup EU Schedule:

  • Challenge Cup I: 7-8th of October
  • Challenge Cup II: 21-22nd of October
  • Challenge Cup III: 4-5th of November
  • Challenge Cup IV: 18-19th of November

Masters League EU Schedule:

  • 25-26th of November
  • 2-3rd of December

NA Challenge Cup will comprise up to 32 teams, with 4 teams emerging competing in the Playoffs - 2 from each Challenge Cup.

NA Schedule:

  • Challenge Cup I: 4-5th of November
  • Challenge Cup II: 18-19th of November
  • Playoffs: 25-26th of November

Asia Challenge Cup will have an elimination tournament for 32 to 64 teams on the 18th and 19th of November, 4 teams will compete in the final playoffs on the 25th and 26th of November.


If you want to host a competition of your own in Warface, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. As long as your event or competition does not violate the rules, we’re willing to consider providing the tournament server, commentators as well as add to the prize pool (in-game currencies only).

Fill out the application form below if interested:

  1. host name
  2. General event information
  3. Regulations
  4. Schedule (cannot conflict with My.com official tournaments)
  5. Event platform / site
  6. Platforms you are going to stream the tournament to.
  7. Commentators and links to their Youtube and/or Twitch channels
  8. referee roster
  9. Prizes provided by the organizer (Your prize fund up to 5000 Kredits will be doubled)
  10. The amount of participating teams (not fewer than 32)

First time in the final Warface Open Cup 8 teams will participate, and prize fund tournament increased to two million rubles:

1st place - 1,000,000 rubles

2nd place - 400,000 rubles

3-4 places - 200,000 rubles each

5th-8th places - 50,000 rubles each

The following teams will compete for the main prize of the tournament: AG , Arena Stars , Sluper , superstars , Without_Points , h0pe , SinePinte And Airborne. Each of the teams went through a complex selection system lasting 2 months.

The qualifying round was divided into 3 parts. 10 teams played in the Pro League, 10 in the Masters League and 4 stages of the Challenge Cup, each of which involved 1024 teams. More than 4,000 teams took part in the entire qualifying round. It is worth noting that seven out of eight finalists are representatives of the Pro League and only Airborne represent the Masters League, which is lower in rank.

4 slots were given to teams from the Pro League, who took the first 4 places in their league. These teams are: AG, ArenaStars, Sluper and SuperStars. The other 4 slots were played in the WildCard play-offs, where the remaining 6 teams from the Pro League, all 10 teams from the Masters League and the finalists of the Challenge Cup qualifiers competed.

4 quotas to the final were played in WildCard play-offs. The joints took place in 2 stages. 16 teams participated in the first stage: the rosters that took the last places in the Pro and Masters leagues, as well as the silver finalists of the Challenge Cup.

Teams advanced to the second stage: e2sport, Fray_NDzona, DarkMatter and Dynasty. They joined 12 teams: Challenge Cup winners and teams from the Pro and Masters leagues.

The winners of the WildCard stage and the holders of tickets to the LAN finals are: Without_Points , h0pe , SinePinte And Airborne .

Lan-final will be held for 3 days. 8 teams will be divided into 2 groups of 4 each. Group matches will be over within two days. The 4 teams that will advance from both groups will advance to the playoffs, which will take place on the third day of the competition. The playoffs will be played in the best-of-5 format.

Presentation of participating teams

The main favorite is the team AG which says a lot:

    It is the only team to have won every tournament it has competed in;

    Leonid "CaptainPanic" Pozdnyakov is the only winner of three MVP titles. Part-time captain, sniper and founder of the tag;

    Mikhail "Dino" Fokin is the only five-time winner of the Warface Open Cup series tournaments, as well as an excellent attack aircraft;

    AG didn't lose a single map at the LAN finals;

    AG players received the MVP title four times - 4. In addition to Pozdnyakov, Andrey "Shao-Lin" Kiprsky, the roster engineer, once again became the MVP.

    The composition of AG has remained unchanged throughout its existence;

Commentary by Leonid "CaptainPanic" Pozdnyakov:

Initially, we were preparing very hard for the Pro League, after which we took a short break and started preparing for the LAN finals with renewed vigor, for which we are preparing to this day. For us, there are no opponents that we fear or are afraid of, we are ready and will play with those who fall out as a result of the draw. Naturally, we have a scheme of actions for each team, starting from picks and bans of maps, ending with the tactical component. And it just so happened that with the ArenaStars roster we already have, one might say, a derby. But we must not forget about the composition of Sluper. They can be called a dark horse. When we got together a year ago, we trained to win. A year later, nothing has changed. We are only going to win.

superstars- an excellent squad that plays two snipers (a standard set of classes when playing in tournaments: 2 attack aircraft and one medic, engineer and sniper each). Three players of this team have won tournaments, and they have no shortage of experience. Special attention deserves the team's sniper - MasterYoda. He is considered by many to be one of the best shooters in the game, along with AG's sharpshooter. His excellent shooting, huge experience and the MVP title in one of the finals can tip the scales in favor of the SuperStars team in a game against any opponent.

Commentary by Vadim "MasterYoda" Tovstenko:

Training went well at first, but this moment The team is in decline. I consider teams from the Pro League as competitors: AG, ArenaStars, Sluper, Bezpontov and h0pe. SinePonte and Airborne are outsiders. Like all the teams that participate in this final, we are going for the first place.

Without_Points- the second clan in the game by the number of titles. Champions of the first LAN-final of the Warface Open Cup in Moscow. In the 11th season of the Warface Open Cup, the Bez_Pontov team, like SuperStars, played with two snipers. Initial skepticism turned to surprise and approval by the end of the season. the team was successful and won the right to participate in the final of the tournament. The team has every chance of winning, since not all competitors know how to act against such tactics.