What does kickboxing mean. Kickboxing: the history and significance of this martial art in the world

Kickboxing includes several types of martial arts. This is karate, and taekwondo, and wushu, plus boxing: Thai and English. From English, "kickboxing" is translated as "fight with hands and feet", which is used in kickboxing. Here they fight with both hands and feet, both at medium and long distances. You can hit with full force in any part of the body. In kickboxing, you can fight without shoes, this is the classic version, or in special shoes, the French version. On the site http://www.18fit.ru/kickboxing.html you can find out more information about this type of wrestling.
Kickboxing is developing in several directions at once, and at the same time it is included in some types of other activities, as their variety. For example, aerobics uses separate elements of kickboxing.
Women can also practice kickboxing, by the way, they got access to kickboxing earlier than to boxing. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is much more difficult for women to get injured here than in boxing. For them, there are a number of restrictions on strikes in the hull area. Women's kickboxing can include both full contact and partial contact, the latter being strongly reminiscent of taekwondo.
The main advantages of kickboxing over other types of martial arts are that they use different loads designed not only for the development muscle mass but also endurance, coordination of movements, speed, flexibility. In more detail about all the elements of kickboxing:
Muscular development. Training takes place not only in pairs, but also without a pair. In this case, various equipment is used, which can be in a moving and stationary state: pillows, makiwaras, shields, moving targets, etc. This allows you to develop beautiful muscles. It is not for nothing that kickboxers are considered the most beautiful and fit athletes.
Development of endurance.
Practicing punches and kicks, squats, lunges, push-ups - this is not a complete list of the exercises that kickboxers have to perform, which makes it possible to train endurance.
Development of coordination.
Practicing with a speed bag helps to increase the accuracy of punches and develop coordination well.
Two training modes: aerobic and anaerobic are used simultaneously, regardless of which type of kickboxing you choose. Jumping rope is a cardio workout, or anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise includes running. The increase in certain classes is carried out depending on the tasks assigned to you.
Development of flexibility.
In kickboxing, flexibility exercises are also widely used, which make it possible to make blows more accurate and of high quality.
Motor development.
Active movement around the ring significantly improves motor skills. In kickboxing, the athlete is constantly on the move.
Thus, kickboxing is a multifaceted training that can give those lessons that can be useful in Everyday life. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of stress resistance.

Kickboxing is a martial art that originated in the 1960s. This sport is divided into American kickboxing, Japanese kickboxing and solo compositions. If we consider the broad meaning of the concept of this sport, then under it we can understand various kinds of percussion martial arts, the rules of which include kicks and punches using boxing gloves in sportswear.

How did this sport originate? Let's start with American kickboxing. It is logical that the birthplace of this branch is the United States. Back in the 1960s, a wave of popularity of martial arts passed through many countries. It was then that full-contact fights began to be practiced, in which, unlike the then very popular taekwondo and karate-shotokan, it was allowed to strike with any force. Also, after the implementation of any technical action, the referee did not stop the fight. Hits to the head were allowed, both with hands and feet, so I had to borrow some equipment from boxing. Initially, this sport was called “full contact karate”, and the term “karate” meant any kind martial arts- self karate, wushu or taekwondo. Soon, the name was abandoned and the battles received modern name. In 1974, the first organization dedicated to the promotion of professional kickboxing was founded - we are talking about the PKA (Professional Karate Association). The same year is considered official date the birth of professional kickboxing. Later, American kickboxing entered Europe and the whole world. In 1976, an amateur organization called WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organizations) was founded in Europe.

The “Japanese” branch of kickboxing was formed at a time when Thai boxing entered Japan, which, despite the popularity of Kyokushin karate, occupied a very large niche. In fact, Japanese kickboxing is a remake of Muay Thai. Two significant differences were: a ban on elbow strikes and a different scoring system. Back in the 1970s, 3 organizations were involved in the development of Japanese kickboxing: AJKBA, WKBA and the Kakutogi League. After a huge number of Japanese kickboxers were caught in criminal gangs in 1981, most of all Japanese organizations fell into decay, and the development of this sport was continued by the American organization WKA. In 1993, K-1 appears, which turns this sport into one of the most developed professional martial arts in the world.

Kickboxing includes a number of sections that have some differences between them.

Light contact. This section prohibits strong accented strikes, thanks to which the pace of the battle is greatly increased. Victory is awarded to the participant in the battle who showed the best technique and inflicted the largest number kicks and punches.

Semi-contact. This section prohibits strong blows. The fight has a kind of intermittent character - after the athlete has delivered a clean blow, the referee stops the fight and points are awarded.

Full contact. Full contact - blows are applied with any force. As in boxing, knockdowns and knockouts are counted.

Full contact with low kick. This section allows strikes on the inside and outside hips.

Also, there are sections such as solo compositions, oriental, tie-kick, light with low and others.

I would like to end with some clarification. Kickboxing is:

The duel of two athletes is fair sports fight, in which fists and legs can be used with strict rules;

A true sport with the use of high technology with elements of thoughtful tactics, excellent organization conditions, as well as high-willed and moral qualities of all participants;

A modern sport that has emerged and is developing thanks to the achievements of sports science.

Kickboxing is not:

Wild disorderly fight;

A duel of gladiators, which was arranged at the behest of bloodthirsty spectators, without any observance of both sports and moral requirements;

One of some oriental religions or oriental martial arts based on philosophy. Kickboxing does not even try to borrow from martial arts neither the goal, nor the technique, nor the philosophical and religious ideas and values.

Kickboxing - what is it? This sport has absorbed many elements of the classical English school of boxing and traditional karate, becoming a kind of "alloy" of these types of martial arts. A little later, some elements of technology from Thai boxing as well as taekwondo. Describing kickboxing in general terms, they say that these are the most diverse shock martial arts, the rules of which do not prohibit kicks and punches when using boxing gloves. It is necessary to consider this type of martial arts in more detail in order to answer the question: "Kickboxing - what is it?"

The formation of a sporting event

The date of birth of this species martial art consider the beginning of the 70s of the twentieth century. It was at this time that the first section of kickboxing appeared. Places of origin - Western Europe and the USA, where kickboxing appeared almost at the same time. martial art perfectly combines the traditions and experience that have been built up in the West and in the East for many centuries.
The "father" of kickboxing is considered to be Chuck Norris, who came up with the name of this type of martial arts.

By the beginning of the 70s, America had a sufficient number of schools where a wide variety of styles of martial arts were taught, such as wushu, taekwondo, karate, etc. However, each type of martial art obeyed its own rules, which means that a representative of one type could not compete in skills with a representative of another type of martial arts. Then the idea came up to organize competitions in which both wushu fans and admirers of karate, taekwondo and other martial arts common at that time could compete against each other.

Initially, such events were called All Style Karate or Full Contact Karate. The first such kickboxing competition was held in September 1974. Participants competed in four weight categories, and the winners were a resident of Mexico and three Americans. Since that date, kickboxing competitions have become regular. At first, they were held only in the United States, and then migrated to other countries. Athletes who became role models began with a variety of martial arts (Korean martial arts, wushu, karate, etc.).

European kickboxing

In Europe, the first kickboxing section arose with the filing of Dominic Valera. As a result of his disagreements with WUKO management, Dominik decided to abandon sports career on the mat and try to build it in the ring. By the end of the 70s he became the founder National Committee on full contact, which eventually grew into the National Federation of American Boxing. By the beginning of the 1980s, France had discontinued professional fights By French boxing, and many athletes looking for the best place for their training have chosen kickboxing for themselves.

How is this sporting event in Japan?

In the East, namely in Japan, the greatest interest in kickboxing was noted in the mid-70s. At that time, the country had about 6 thousand athletes of this type of martial arts. In the process of active development of kickboxing, 3 organizations emerged that became the main ones - the All Japan Kickboxing Association, the World Kickboxing Association, and the Kurosaki League, headed by Kenji Kurosaki.

Japanese kickboxing had its own rules: for example, the round lasted not 3 minutes, but 2. For some time, the Americans and the Japanese acted together, concluding an agreement that talked about popularizing kickboxing and holding international competitions. It is clear that the rules of one type of martial arts could not be different, so Japan had to make concessions. This was partly due to a decrease in interest in kickboxing among the audience. In the early 80s, after a huge scandal involving Japanese athletes, mass interest in kickboxing began to disappear, and Japanese organizations completely disappeared into the American one. Only the All Japan Association remained intact, where a completely new phenomenon of sports was created in the early 90s - “ mixed martial arts» under the code name K-1.

Objectives of the sporting event

The immediate plans of all countries that promote kickboxing (including Russia) are: spreading this martial art among the population and, most importantly, joining the IOC, which means getting kickboxing status olympic style sports.

Can't do it without equipment

To start kickboxing, you should buy yourself equipment, because this sport has clear rules. One of the points of which says that the athlete must have protection. Before an athlete takes part in a fight, the referee must check the presence and suitability of the protective equipment on him. What should an athlete wear?

What to buy

The first step is to buy a helmet specifically designed for kickboxing. It differs from it by greater protection of the top, since in kickboxing there are a large number of elements such as high kicks. In addition to the helmet, there must be a kappa, that is, an insert protecting the teeth. On the hands of the athlete must be wearing boxing gloves corresponding to the section in which the athlete fights (he can also be called a faiter). In addition to boxing gloves, the athlete's hands must be protected in the form of bandages of a certain measured length.

Male feiters must have a "bandage" - girls are advised to have a protective cuirass. In some sections of kickboxing, it is said that the athlete must wear pads. Feet with a closed heel are put on bare feet.

Athlete may be disqualified

If the referee finds that the athlete is unprepared for any criterion, he is given time, not more than one round, in order to bring himself into proper shape. If a fighter is not ready even after this time, then he will simply be disqualified. Such stringent requirements are due to the fact that the risk of injury in kickboxing is extremely high. And in order to minimize it, while leaving the spectacle of the sport, such measures have been developed over the decades to protect the health of the athlete. This should be understood when answering the question: "Kickboxing - what is it?"

Main types of sports event

Kickboxing competitions are held in 6 main sections. They include sections with full, limited and light contact, tie-kickboxing (or oriental) and solo compositions - a rather interesting variety of this type of martial arts, in which the fight takes place to the music, often with the involvement of additional items.

Can be divided into several types of kickboxing. What does it mean? In other words, there are Japanese, American and European martial arts. The last two rules are the same.

Have you found the determination to try to master the secrets of martial arts? Congratulations! You have taken an incredibly important step along the path of self-improvement. This is certainly worthy of respect! We invite you to visit sport Club"Giant", which has an excellent kickboxing section in Moscow. We will help you get started new life filled with impressions, discoveries and victories.

What will kickboxing give you?

Being engaged in our kickboxing section, you will not only acquire effective self-defense skills, so necessary in modern world, but also become more resilient, learn to endure serious physical exercise, as well as control negative emotions and aggression, as well as:

  • Master the technique of applying precise, effective strikes and protection from them
  • Learn how to move properly in the ring
  • Gain confidence
  • Can you improve your response?
  • Learn to remain calm and able to think clearly even in the most extreme situations.

In addition, thanks to complex exercises, in the process of which almost all muscle groups are involved, you can get rid of excess body weight and gain an athletic physique.

Cast aside your doubts, just sign up for kickboxing in Moscow for an introductory lesson right now (it's completely free) and feel like a different person tomorrow!

Duration of training
1.5 h

Trainer experience
5 years

from 14 years old

Timetable of classes
Tue, Thu, Sat
21:00 — 22:30

1.5 hours of training with a trainer + 40 min. self-training - Free!

First workout is free!

Sign up now and attend the first lesson for free + get a personalized nutrition program tailored to your taste preferences.
Hurry up! Limited number of seats.

Advantages of our kickboxing section in Moscow

Even if you have never been fond of martial arts and sports as such before and cannot boast of good physical condition, this will by no means become an obstacle to achieving your goals!

Our experienced mentors, including exclusively professional athletes with experience coaching for at least five years, they will develop a personal training program and a nutrition system for you.

At the same time, you can not be afraid that you will have to regularly participate in hard sparring. You can try your hand at a fight with an opponent approximately equal in level to you no earlier than three months after the start of classes in our kickboxing section and only if you have such a desire.

At your service:

Free equipment for the first trial lesson.

Our kickboxing section in Moscow practices an integrated approach to training. If your physical training insufficient, the trainer will develop a general strengthening program. The load is strictly according to your capabilities. You will tone up all the systems of the body, and at the same time you will master the basics of martial arts.

If you have never been involved in sports, do not worry, with us you will succeed!

Our advantages

Classes in mini-groups of 8-12 people

Learn to fight, strike, move correctly. Sparring - after 3 months and only on request.

159 champions prepared

Our athletes regularly participate in competitions. We brought up champions in mix-fight, grappling, boxing, etc.

Unlimited club access

Possibility to combine different types martial arts and the price will not increase from this.

Within walking distance. Free parking!

15 minutes. from m. Alekseevskaya and 4 min. from the railway station Moscow-3.

Star coaching staff

All coaches are Masters of Sports of Russia. Winners International tournaments. Moscow Champions. Coaching experience of 5 years.

Personal nutrition program

For free! Taking into account the type of martial arts and your taste preferences. We will improve your health and fitness.

What will you learn at the Giant Club?

  • Lose excess weight.
  • Gain confidence in yourself.
  • Learn how to attack and defend properly.
  • Deliver accurate strikes with all parts of the body.
  • Move correctly in the ring.


  • Fixing technical errors.
  • Let's expand the range of percussion combinations.
  • Increase the strength and speed of the strike.
  • Let's put a knockout punch.
  • Learn how to fight at different distances.
  • Development of strength, stamina and endurance.
  • Strengthening muscles, increasing flexibility.
  • Active weight loss.
  • Increasing self-esteem, self-confidence.

Our kickboxing coach

Leads: Boxing, Muay Thai and Kickboxing

Coaching experience: 5 years
Engaged in martial arts: 14 years

  • Master of Sports of Russia in Thai boxing.
  • Candidate Master of Sports of Russia in Kickboxing.
  • Champion of the All-Russian tournaments in Thai boxing.
  • Champion of Moscow and the Moscow Region in Boxing.

About the club in 2 minutes

Kickboxing classes in the club "Giant" experienced trainer- an international level professional, truly dedicated. We don't just teach you how to fight well and how to stand up for yourself. You improve health, gain confidence, become stronger physically and spiritually. By training the body and emotions, you develop an “iron” will and a fighting character. “The main advantage of this club is a special approach to beginners. Trainings are held in small groups of up to 12 people, it is comfortable to train in the hall, the coach manages to pay attention to everyone and correct mistakes. Often the coach works with students on their paws in group classes and analyzes the mistakes separately, for which many thanks to him!”

Hello! I started kickboxing at the Gigant club 3 years ago. Before that, I trained in two gyms and did not stay there for a long time. The main advantage of this club is a special approach to beginners. Trainings are held in small groups of up to 12 people, it is comfortable to train in the hall, the coach manages to pay attention to everyone and correct mistakes. Often the coach works with students on their paws in group classes and analyzes the mistakes separately, for which many thanks to him! After classes, you can independently engage in simulators, swing absolutely free. Pleases simply human attitude to the client. Come and practice. I recommend!

Kickboxing(English kickboxing, where kick is “hit”, boxing is “boxing”) - a type of martial arts in which punches and kicks are allowed. Boxing gloves are a must. There is male and female kickboxing.

Major international kickboxing federations:

  • World Karate and Kickboxing Association (WKA).
  • International Sports Association of Amateur and Professional Kickboxing (IAKSA-IAKSA PRO).
  • World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (Professional) (WAKO-PRO).
  • International Sports Karate Association (ISKA).
  • World Kickboxing Network.
  • International Kickboxing Federation (IKF).

The history of the emergence and development of kickboxing

The birthplace of kickboxing is considered to be the USA and Western Europe, and the year of birth is the 60-70s of the twentieth century. Name sports direction invented by Chuck Norris, he is commonly called the "father" of kickboxing. Initially, kickboxing combined karate and English boxing. A little later, Thai boxing and taekwondo techniques joined him.

Already in the early 1970s, many schools were created in the United States that taught different styles martial arts. Due to the fact that each type of martial art had its own rules and it was impossible for representatives of different directions to compete with each other, it was decided to organize general competitions. Initially, such competitions were called All Style Karate or Full Contact Karate.

Official competitions in compliance with all the rules of kickboxing were held in September 1974. Athletes competed in four weight categories.

In 1974 - 1985, kickboxing was actively developed in America and Europe. Championships and tournaments were held in many countries and cities. And 1985 is considered the year of the birth of women's kickboxing.

1990 - official recognition of kickboxing in the USSR. It was marked by the creation of the All-Union Kickboxing Federation and entry into WAKO.

kickboxing rules

Initially, the rules of kickboxing allowed everything: any blows, grabs, sweeps, throws, trips. Over the years, the rules of combat have changed. So, at first the rule of “eight strikes” appeared, and then “six”, which regulates during the round to make at least six kicks. The emergence of weight categories was also an innovation. The winner in each weight category is determined by participating in rating battles. The one who became the winner more once gaining the highest rating and has the right to go to battle with the reigning champion.

Victory in kickboxing is determined by:

  • advantage on points;
  • clear superiority;
  • the inability of the opponent to continue the fight;
  • disqualification of the opponent;
  • by knockout;
  • non-appearance of the opponent;
  • refusal of the opponent or his second to continue the fight;
  • resolution of the main judiciary.

The duration of the fight and the number of rounds

The number of rounds in kickboxing and their duration is determined based on the age and qualifications of the athletes:

Fights take place in the ring. There is a 1 minute break between rounds. If we are talking about the fight for the title of champion, it lasts 12 rounds.

Legal and illegal kickboxing

In kickboxing, kicks and punches are allowed, but they must meet the following requirements:

  1. The blow must only be delivered with a gloved fist.
  2. You can strike with your feet and hands only in the lateral and front parts of the body above the waist.
  3. Blows delivered to the sides and front of the head, covered with a helmet, are considered to have reached the target.
  4. Blows to the shoulders and arms, as well as tricks delivered in violation of the rules, are considered invalid.
  5. Undercuts are allowed only in the area of ​​the foot at the level of a foot.

It is forbidden to strike:

  • an open glove or its inner side;
  • wrist, forearm;
  • head;
  • knee, legs;
  • in the back, below the belt and on the back of the head;
  • the side of the fist;
  • top or bottom side of the fist;
  • the inside of the hand.

The last three positions are only allowed in semi-contact bouts. No action can be taken after the "Stop" command. Do not push or step on the opponent's feet. You cannot attack an opponent who is knocked out.

Kickboxing punches

Kickboxing kicks:

  • back kick - back kick;
  • jumping kick - jumping kick;
  • crescent kick - reverse side kick;
  • low-kick - a circular kick with a shin to the opponent's thigh;
  • round kick - a circular kick, usually to the head;
  • side kick - side kick;
  • ex-kick - blow from above;
  • front kick - direct blow;
  • hook-kick - hit hook;
  • undercuts.

Hand punches:

  • uppercut - a blow from below with the left or right hand;
  • backfist - spinning punch with the right hand;
  • jab - a direct blow with the hand closest to the opponent;
  • punch - a direct blow with the hand farthest from the opponent;
  • swing - side kick from a distance;
  • hook - side blow with the left or right hand to the head;


Kickboxing is divided into two types, each of which has its own directions:

  1. American


  • full contact, characterized by full power strikes and knockout movements;
  • full contact with low kick - similar to the previous direction, but with the addition of kicks to the legs;
  • seven-contact or limited contact, in which full contact strikes are prohibited;
  • light contact, characterized by light strikes without the use of force and without knockouts.
  1. Japanese

It is characterized by one format - K-1, which has received the greatest popularity due to its entertainment. Fights last for three rounds lasting three minutes. If the winner is not revealed, a decisive round is assigned. A draw is declared only in the event of a synchronized fall of both athletes. K-1 also has a three-knockdown rule, which means winning by technical knockout.

Also, a separate direction of kickboxing, called solo compositions, has gained wide popularity. They are elements of martial arts to music in the form of an imitation of a fight with an opponent. The compositions last from half a minute to a minute.

Kickboxing equipment

Each athlete must be equipped with protective equipment:

  • a helmet on the head, protecting the top and back of the skull, ears, jaws, cheekbones, temples, eyebrows, cervical vertebrae;
  • kickboxing gloves = 10 oz boxing gloves in the 75 kg weight classes and 12 oz in the rest of the weight classes;
  • elastic bandages on the hands, which should have a length of no more than 2.5 m and a width of no more than 5 cm;
  • foot - a special device for protecting the foot, covering the heel and instep and having a thickness of not more than 1 cm;
  • pads or pads for kickboxing (shin protection) without the use of hard materials;
  • capa-protection for the mouth and teeth;
  • groin protection;
  • chest protector for women.

From clothes on athletes, only shorts or kickboxing pants.

Ring for kickboxing

The kickboxing ring has the following parameters:

  • each side of the ring should be equal to 5-6 meters;
  • its area should be limited to ropes 3-5 cm thick, stretched between four pillars;
  • the floor of the ring should be without excessive elasticity, well fortified and even;
  • in the corners of the ring for kickboxers there should be a stool, a container with water, an urn;
  • spectators can be no closer than three meters from the ropes of the ring.

Weight categories in kickboxing

Type of kickboxing


Weight, kg.

Semi-contact, light-contact

Juniors (16-18 years old) and men over 19 years old

Juniors (16-18 years old) and women over 19 years old

Senior youth (13-15 years old)

Senior girls (13-15 years old)

Junior boys and girls (10-12 years old)

42, 47, 52, 57, 63, 69, over 69

Less than 42, 46, 50, 55, 60, 65, more than 65

28, 32, 37, 42, 47, +47

Full contact regular and low kick

Juniors (17-18 years old) and men over 19 years old

Juniors (17-18 years old) and women over 19 years old

Senior youth (15-16 years old)

Senior girls (15-16 years old)

Junior boys (13-14 years old)

Younger girls (13-14 years old)

57, 63, 69, 74, 79, 84, 89, 94, over 94

Less than 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, more than 70

42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 70, 74, 79, over 79

40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 65, over 65

36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 70, over 70

36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, over 60


The panel of judges is completed by the referee commission of the Kickboxing Federation. It is approved by the organization that organizes the competition. Home panel of judges includes:

  • main judge;
  • chief referee of the ring during competitions at several sites;
  • deputy judges;
  • chief secretary;
  • a representative of the company holding the competition, who has referee category in kickboxing.

Each bout is judged by three side judges, two foot counters and a referee.


We tried to cover the topic as fully as possible, so this information can be safely used in the preparation of messages, reports on physical education and essays on the topic "Kickboxing".