What happened to the Brazilian football team. Chapecoense players crashed due to engine shutdown

39 years ago, on August 11, 1979, the one of the worst plane crashes in the history of the USSR: two Tu-134 passenger planes collided in the sky over Dneprodzerzhinsk. As a result, 178 people died, including 17 members of the football team "Pakhtakor". The air traffic controllers were found guilty of this tragedy, although the circumstances of the disaster seem too strange to many and still cause many versions regarding its causes.

One of the liners was heading from Voronezh to Chisinau, there were 88 passengers and 6 crew members on board. The second plane was flying from Tashkent to Minsk. In addition to 14 football players, a coach, a doctor and an administrator, there were 60 more passengers and 7 crew members on board. In this disaster, all 178 people died, including 36 children.

The plane crash was reported in the media only a week later, and even then in passing, on the last page of a sports publication, in a small article that talked about the funeral of dead football players in Tashkent. There was no information about this in the central press. The tragedy would not have become so resonant if members of the major league football team were not among the dead. According to many fans, it was the best composition throughout the history of the existence of the Tashkent club. The team was heading to the next match of the USSR championship in Minsk, where they were supposed to play with the local Dynamo.

miraculously survived Main coach team Oleg Bazilevich, who went to see his family and had to get to Minsk on his own. The masseur of the club, Dvornikov, was also lucky to avoid the tragedy: the day before, he and his friends drank too much and missed the flight. And here is one of the best football players team Mikhail An had been injured a few days before and was not supposed to fly, but he was persuaded to go along with everyone for the company. Accidentally got on the flight and Sirojiddin Bazarov - a player of the youth team, who celebrated his 18th birthday the day before and stayed for a day in Tashkent.

Two dispatchers of the Kharkov control center, Nikolai Zhukovsky and Vladimir Sumsky, were found guilty of the tragedy. Both aircraft went across each other at an altitude of 8400 meters. The shift supervisor Sergeev sent a young inexperienced dispatcher Zhukovsky to a difficult site. According to his calculations, the planes should have passed the conditional intersection point with a difference of three minutes, but in fact the interval was less than one minute. Sumskoy checked the young colleague's calculations and discovered an error. He took control and ordered the Belarusian airliner to take another flight level (go to an altitude of 9000 meters).

The dispatcher received an indistinct answer, but did not require confirmation of the execution of his command. At that moment, 11 aircraft were in touch at the same time. Due to radio interference and overlapping replicas, the Tu-134 board did not accept the dispatcher's command. The collision took place in overcast conditions, and the crews could not notice each other in advance. Dispatchers Sumy and Zhukovsky were sentenced to 15 years in a penal colony. The first served a term of 6.5 years, after which he was released, and the second, according to rumors, committed suicide.

Later, several versions were put forward about the causes of the disaster. According to one of them, the tragedy happened through the fault of the first person of the state: allegedly, the airspace that day was “cleared” due to the fact that Brezhnev was flying south. But, as it turned out, at that time he had already been in the Crimea for several days. Shortly before the disaster, a “literal” flight really took place, as the transportation of dignitaries was called. Echelons of traffic were released for him, but this did not create any additional difficulties - the collision occurred an hour and a half after that.

Coach Oleg Bazilevich later expressed this version: “ It seems to me that Pakhtakor died due to the carelessness of our air defense, became their next victim. The plane, I believe, was shot down where it should not have appeared ... It's just that due to a controller's mistake, the flight with the players flew into the airspace over some kind of defense facility ...". Some relatives of the dead football players also adhered to this version. However, no military exercises were conducted on this territory at that time, and it is hardly possible to view defense facilities from a height of 8400 meters in cloudy conditions. In addition, the nature of damage from an explosion is significantly different from damage from a collision and a fall.

Obviously, the controller’s error was the cause of the collision: having received an indistinct answer from the pilot, he had to duplicate the command and demand re-acknowledgment of its receipt (this is what the court called “a gross violation of the phraseology of the radio exchange”).

After the disaster, they collected new team of players from 15 clubs. It was decided to keep Pakhtakor's place in major league USSR championship for three years. The team finished that season in ninth place. The death of football players shocked Uzbekistan. Journalist Eduard Avanesov responded to this tragedy with a requiem, which included the following lines:
Years fly, but the pain does not subside,
My sadness soared above the mountains.
Birds die in flight
You also died in flight, Pakhtakor.

The details of this plane crash became known only a few years later, as well as many other tragic pages in the history of the Land of Soviets. Today is about
, interesting and fun to read. After all, such stories are transferred to a completely different era.

On September 7, 2011, the Yak-42 aircraft of the Yak Service airline crashed on takeoff from the Tunoshna airport in the Yaroslavl region. On board the aircraft was hockey team"Locomotive" (Yaroslavl), which flew to the match in Minsk. According to preliminary data, people on board.

July 15, 2009 A Tu-154M aircraft of the Iranian airline Caspian Airlines crashed in the north-west of Iran while flying from Tehran to Yerevan. Iran's youth judo team was on board the plane. The athletes flew to Armenia for training and then had to fly to Hungary to compete. All 168 people who made this flight died.

August 24, 2008 In Kyrgyzstan, a Boeing 737 plane crashed on its way from Bishkek to Tehran. On board were 90 people, including 17 members of the Iranian youth volleyball team. Ten of them died. 25 passengers and crew members managed to escape.

April 27, 1993 A DHC-5 Buffalo jet carrying members of the Zambian football team crashed into the sea near Gabon, Africa. A total of 30 people died, including 18 football players.

June 7, 1989 At the airport of the capital of Suriname, Paramaribo (South America), a DC‑8‑60 series aircraft crashed, killing 23 Dutch football players of Surinamese origin who were on board the crashed aircraft. A total of 176 people died (out of 187 passengers and crew members).

December 8, 1987 near the city of Lima (Peru) as a result of explosions on board an F-27 aircraft, in full force, died football team"Alliance". The bodies of the dead could not be found, as the plane crashed into the sea. It is known that there were 43 people on the plane.

March 14, 1980 22 members of the US national boxing team were killed in a plane crash of a Polish Il-62 aircraft near Warsaw (Poland).

August 11, 1979 Over the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk (Ukraine), a Tu-134 aircraft flying Tashkent-Minsk collided with an aircraft flying from Chelyabinsk to Chisinau. 178 people (165 passengers and 13 crew members) were killed, from Uzbekistan, which was playing at that time in the major league. The team flew to Minsk to play with local Dynamo players.

November 29, 1975 Graham Hill's Formula One team, Embassy Racing with Graham Hill, died in a plane crash. The Piper Aztec, a six-seater aircraft that the team was returning from a race in France to London, crashed and burned on landing.

October 13, 1972 in the Andes on the way to the capital of Chile, the city of Santiago, part of the rugby team from Montevideo (Uruguay) died in a plane crash.

In total, 45 people were on board the FH-227 aircraft, 16 of them survived.

December 31, 1970 In a plane crash, an amateur football team from Algeria "Air Liquid" died in full force, heading for a friendly match in Spain.

November 14, 1970 in Virginia (USA) in a plane crash killed 37 players of the Marshall University (Huntington, West Virginia) American football team. In addition to the athletes, there were members of the coaching staff, fans, as well as the head of the sports department (75 people in total) on board the aircraft. No one survived.

April 1, 1970 near Krasnoyarsk, an An-24 passenger plane crashed. All passengers (including the youth volleyball team) and crew members were killed.

September 26, 1969 in the Andes, on the way to La Paz (Bolivia), a plane with 25 players from the Bolivian football team "Strongest" crashed. 19 players and club leaders were killed.

April 3, 1961 Douglas C-47A crashed in the Cordillera, Chile. As a result of the disaster, everyone on board was killed - the Chilean football team "Green Cross" and crew members (24 people).

February 15, 1961 A Sabena Boeing 707 crashed while landing in Belgium on a New York-Brussels route. All 72 people on board were killed, as well as one person on the ground. The crash killed the US figure skating team (34 athletes and coaches), which was heading to the World Championships in Prague (Czechoslovakia). World Championship figure skating 1961 was canceled as a sign of mourning for the dead.

February 6, 1958 at Munich Airport (Germany) while trying to take off, the plane crashed, in which the players were English team"Manchester United". A total of 23 people on board were killed, including 8 athletes, a coach, a team secretary, one of the directors of Manchester United and eight sports correspondents.

January 5, 1950 during the third landing approach in difficult weather conditions in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), the Li-2 aircraft crashed. 8 hockey players of the USSR Air Force team, as well as a coach, a doctor and a massage therapist, were killed.

May 4, 1949 as a result of a plane crash near Turin (Italy), the entire team died football club"Torino" and everyone else on board the aircraft (including journalists, officials, coach). A total of 31 people died.

November 18, 1948 6 leading hockey players of the Czechoslovak national team (goalkeeper, defenders and forwards) died in a plane crash over the English Channel.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources


A plane crashed in Colombia, carrying 81 people, including nine crew members and 72 passengers, including 22 players from the Brazilian football club Chapecoense (Chapecoense), 28 members of the club's management, coaches and 22 journalists accompanying the sports delegation. According to the authorities of the country, only six people survived the crash. According to flightradar, the plane flew to the Colombian city of Medellin from the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia and crashed about 45 km from the destination airport.

Representatives of the Civil Aviation Authority of Colombia said that the liner, which belonged to the Bolivian air carrier Lamia, crashed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe town of El Gordo, near the municipality of La Unión (Antioquia department), TASS reports. Rescuers quickly arrived at the crash site.

Later it became known that the South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) suspended events under its auspices, including the matches of the South American Cup final, in connection with the disaster in Colombia, TASS reports. Cup final match South America football postponed.

"CONMEBOL confirms that it has been notified by the Colombian authorities that the plane carrying the Chapecoense delegation was involved in an accident in Colombia," the organization said in a statement. CONMEBOL President Alejandro Dominguez is on his way to Medellin right now.

Chapecoense is a Brazilian football club based in Chapeco, Santa Catarina. It was founded on May 10, 1973 with the merger of Atlético Chapecoense and Independente. Since 2014, he has been playing in Serie A of the Brazilian Championship. "Chapecoense" plays in the major leagues, where it is now in ninth place.

Recall that for last years this is not the first plane crash, which flew members of one sports team. So, on September 7, 2011, a Yak-42D airliner of the Yak Service airline crashed near Yaroslavl, heading to Minsk. On board the aircraft was the main team hockey club Lokomotiv (Yaroslavl). The athletes flew to their first match in the 2011/2012 KHL championship.

Then one person survived the crash - Alexander Sizov, an engineer for aviation and radio maintenance. The remaining 44 people (36 passengers and eight crew members) died.

Other similar tragedies included two more plane crashes. On January 5, 1950, a Li-2 plane crashed near the Sverdlovsk Koltsovo airport with 11 hockey players, a doctor and a masseur of the Air Force hockey team.

On August 11, 1979, two Aeroflot Tu-134A airliners collided in the sky near Dneprodzerzhinsk at an altitude of 8400 m (flights 7628 Chelyabinsk - Voronezh - Chisinau and 7880 Tashkent - Guryev - Donetsk - Minsk), as a result of which all 178 on them were killed. people (94 on flight 7628 and 84 on flight 7880). Among the dead were 17 members of the Uzbek football club Pakhtakor, who flew to Minsk for the game.

On the night of Monday to Tuesday, Moscow time, a plane crash occurred in Colombia near the Medellin airport. On board the airliner was brazilian team "Chapecoense", flying to the final match of the South American Cup with the Colombian "Atletico Nacional". "SE" gives the main facts of the tragedy.

The plane disappeared from the radar screens at 22.15 local time. Later it became known that the liner crashed on the territory of Colombia in the province of Antioquia. The flight crew informed the airport controllers of Medellin Cordoba about the lack of fuel. The flight received priority for an emergency landing but was unable to land.

On board the aircraft was 81 people - 72 passengers and 9 crew members. Among the passengers were the Brazilian team "Chapecoense", flying to the final match of the Copa Sudamericana with the Colombian "Atletico Nacional", coaching staff, technical staff, and journalists.

According to official data, it was found 6 survivors, including three players - defender No, goalkeeper Jackson and defender Alana Rushela.

One of possible causes plane crashes are called fuel shortages.

Football club "Chapecoense"(literal translation of the name - Chapeco City Football Association) was founded on May 10, 1973 when the clubs merged "Atletico Chapecoense" And "Independente", five-time Santa Catarina State Champion (1977, 1996, 2007, 2011, 2016), two-time Santa Catarina State Cup Winner (1979, 2006), Series B Silver Medalist (2013), Series C Bronze Medalist (2012), Bronze Medalist series D (2009).

The Avro RJ-85 is a commercial mid-size jet aircraft manufactured by British Aerospace (UK) from 1983 to 2003. The liner carrying Chapecoense was in operation for 17 years. It is also reported that the same plane transported the Argentina national team to the match with Brazil (0:3) in qualifying tournament World Cup 2018.

In Brazil, a three-day mourning has been declared, and in the state of Santa Catarina - a 30-day mourning. The celebration of Christmas and New Year is in question.

Rescuers found the "black box" of the crashed plane.

The condition of the survivors is said to be critical.

Football - "Pass from abroad"

Ex-coach of CSKA Zico honored the memory of the victims of today's disaster near Medellin by posting a black square on his Instagram. Message legendary football player began with the phrase "I've never lost so many friends."

Football - "Pass from abroad"

Atlético Nacional head coach Reinaldo Rueda said that his team flew six times on the plane that crashed today.

I deeply regret the loss of all passengers, including the Chapecoense. I especially regret the death of the crew, which was well known to us. We flew six times with them. The last time we flew on this plane was on November 3rd from Asuncion, returning from the match against Cerro Porteño. This is all very difficult to accept.

Football - "Pass from abroad"

The Colombian Department of Civil Aviation has issued an official statement regarding the downing of the aircraft carrying the Brazilian Chapecoense. On this moment known about 75 dead and six survivors. All of them were taken to the hospital.

70% of the bodies were found in the fuselage, 30%, including survivors, were found near the aircraft. The search operation involved 150 people. The black box has not yet been found.

Football - "At their gates"

Terek expressed his condolences.

Football - "Pass from abroad"

A young Chapecoense fan.

Menino fica sozinho na arquibancada da arena Condá em Chapecó (SC) durante tributo aos jogadores da Chapecoense mortos em acidente aéreo na Colômbia Veja mais fotos ==> http://glo.bo/2gsk2Rk #G1 #ForçaChape #Chapecoense #luto #tragédia #acidenteaéreo #quedadeaivão #Colombia

For nearly 23 years sports world did not declare mourning due to plane crashes that killed members of football teams. Brazilian club Chapecoense, which was supposed to deliver team members and journalists to the match against Atlético Nacional in the Copa Sudamericana. There were 72 passengers and 9 crew members on board the aircraft. Rescue operations are currently underway at the crash site. According to preliminary information, six passengers managed to survive. The South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) has suspended all matches under its auspices. Let's look at other cases of mid-air disasters that have affected the world of football.

1. May 4, 1949. "Torino"

In the late 40s of the last century, Torino was one of the top clubs in Italy, ahead of even its neighbors from Juventus in fame and popularity. From 1946 to 1948, the Bulls took the championship three times under the captaincy Valentino Mazzola, father of the legendary Sandro Mazzola.

May 3, 1949 "Torino" held a match with "Benfica" in Lisbon, which ended in defeat - 3:4. The mood of the players was raised by a meeting with friends from Milan in Barcelona. The Turin plane landed at the local airport for refueling, while the Milanese were transferring to a flight to Madrid. As it turned out, the Rossoneri were the last to see the Torino players alive. The team's plane fell into a zone of increased nebula, the pilot lost his orientation in space and touched the fence of the basilica built on the hill with his left wing. The plane turned around and hit the ground with force. All on board died. Of the players, only Lauro Toma remained, who did not fly to the match due to injury.

2. February 6, 1958 "Manchester United"

One of the most resonant disasters in the history of world sports. "Busby Babies" forever entered the annals English football and left an indelible mark on the hearts of fans around the world. The more terrible was the tragedy that occurred on February 6, 1958 at Munich Airport. Despite the fact that at that time air travel fell into the high-risk category, Manchester United flew all over Europe, combining games in England on weekends and European matches on weekdays. The club booked a charter flight for the match against Red Star in Belgrade. The problems began in Munich, where the plane landed for refueling. After two unsuccessful takeoff attempts, the crew was ready to reschedule the flight, but in the end a third attempt was made, which ended in tragedy. The plane did not have time to take off in time and rammed a house with a hangar, in which there was a car with fuel. 21 people died on the spot, including eight United players. In 1960, a clock with the date "February 6, 1958" at the top and the inscription "Munich" at the bottom was installed in the south-east stand of Old Trafford, which is still there today. Every year on February 6, when their hands show the time of the plane crash - 15 hours 4 minutes, a minute of silence is announced at Old Trafford in memory of the victims of the Munich disaster.

Black date in Manchester United history

51 years ago, a plane crashed at Munich-Riem Airport, on which football players were returning home from an away match of the European Champions Cup English club"Manchester United".

3. July 16, 1960 National team of Denmark

In the early 1960s there was no professional football in Denmark as such. Players were not even allowed to play for foreign clubs under the threat of not being called up to the national team. Nevertheless, the Danes diligently prepared to compete for getting into Olympic Games in Rome. From Copenhagen Airport to Herning for a match national team eight players dropped out. The board crashed 50 meters from the coast due to bad weather conditions. Only the pilot and footballer survived. Sig Windelov found by the fishermen off the coast. Lucky and another player - Eric Düreborg, who was removed from the flight due to disgusting behavior at the airport. The Danish national team seriously considered withdrawing from the tournament, but eventually won silver medals in Rome.

4. April 3, 1961 "Green Cross"

A year later, another football team crashed in a plane crash. Playing in the first division of the championship of Chile "Green Cross" flew out of Santiago airport for the match of the next round. The players were not destined to get to the place - the entire crew and passengers died after the plane collided with the Las Lastimas mountain range in the Cordilleras.

5. September 26, 1969 "Strongest"

On September 26, 1969, a military coup took place in Bolivia. However, this event faded into the background when on the same day the country experienced the largest air crash in history. The passenger liner collided with a mountain in the Cordillera massif. All 74 passengers, including the 16 players on board and the coaching staff best team countries "Strongest", perished. The South American Football Federation declared mourning and allocated $ 20,000 to the club. Many players who previously played for Strongest returned to the club for a reduced rate. Five years later, the club again won the championship of Bolivia.

6. December 31, 1970. Air Liquid

A few months later, the plane that carried the Algerian Air Liquid team to Spain for a friendly tournament did not reach its destination. All passengers and crew members were killed.

7. August 11, 1979 "Pakhtakor"

In the late 70s, one of the most terrible sports tragedies in the history of Soviet football. Tashkent "Pakhtakor", flying to the match in Minsk, got into a plane crash, which became one of the largest in the history of the country. Two planes collided in the sky over Dneprodzerzhinsk - none of the passengers of both aircraft managed to survive. Among the dead 178 people were 17 members of Pakhtakor. Due to the fact that the team was popular in the country, it was impossible to keep silent about the tragedy. All members of the football team were buried in Tashkent at the city's Botkin cemetery, where a monument was erected to them. And Pakhtakor itself, according to the rule introduced into the regulations, for three years retained its place in the elite division of the USSR.

The first Russian football publication and the debut of Dick Advocaat in the Russian national team. What else was remembered on August 11 in the history of football?

8. December 8, 1987 Alliance Lima

In December 1987, 43 people - football players, executives, coaches and fans of the Peruvian team "Alliance Lima" - died in a plane crash. Their plane, carrying passengers home after a national championship match, crashed into the sea six miles north of the country's capital, Lima.

9. June 7, 1989 Dutch football players

The football world could lose Frank Rijkaard And Ruuda Gullita at the height of their football glory. Fortunately, both stars did not go to their historical homeland in Suriname in order to participate in a tournament with three local clubs. Rijkaard, Gullit, Aron Winter And Brian Roy refused to fly, citing the desire to properly prepare for the new season. This decision saved their lives. The pilots of the plane that took off from Amsterdam, when landing in Paramaribo, made a mistake and caught a tree with their wing. As a result of the crash, 11 people out of 187 survived. All 15 players on board died.

10. April 27, 1993. Zambian national team

The Zambian Air Force organized a special flight to deliver the national team of their country to Dakar, where they were supposed to play the 1994 World Cup qualifying match with the team of Senegal. During the first refueling, problems were discovered with one of the engines. However, the pilot decided to continue the flight. As a result, a few minutes after takeoff, the engine caught fire, and the plane fell into the water 500 meters from the coast. All passengers died. Of the Zambian national team, only the one who independently traveled from the Netherlands remained alive Kalusha Bvalya and an injured goalkeeper Charles Musonda.