What is a set of physical exercises definition. Daily set of basic physical exercises for men

Physical exercise are certain motor actions intended for physical development person, strengthening his health and improving the shape of the body. The main types of exercises include: strength, cardio and muscle stretching exercises. Strength training increases muscle mass body and give more strength to the muscles. Cardio training (running, swimming, etc.) is good for the heart, improves endurance, burns fat and reduces body weight. Muscle stretching exercises are aimed at improving the flexibility of the body. This section contains exercises for various muscle groups. Each exercise has detailed description, the technique of its implementation, as well as recommendations, advice and other helpful information associated with this exercise and the group of muscles involved in it. I wish you success!

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The deadlift engages the muscles adjacent to the spine, thighs, and buttocks. This basic exercise for the back and legs serves to give them strength and volume. In bodybuilding deadlift It is used for shock building up the mass, strength and power of both the back muscles and the muscles of the legs. In addition, the deadlift is an excellent means of strengthening all the muscles that hold the spine: the stronger they are, the more weight you can handle in other exercises without fear of injury.

Oblique twists

Oblique crunches engage the oblique abdominal muscles. This basic exercise defines the waist and strengthens the abs. Oblique twists are important for the balanced development of all abdominal muscles in general, as well as for strengthening the lumbar region and preventing spinal injuries.

Bench press from the chest lying

In the bench press, the middle, bottom, and also the top of the chest are involved. The bench press is the best basic exercise for building chest mass and strength.

Barbell pull to chin

The pull of the bar to the chin works out the middle deltas, top and middle of the trapezium. This shaping exercise separates the trapezius from the delts. The chin pull draws and refines the shape of the trapezium, delineates a clear dividing line between the trapezoid and the middle delts, improves the detail and “banding” of the trapezoid.

Sumo deadlift

In the sumo deadlift, in contrast to the usual classical lifting of the barbell from the floor, the quadriceps femoris and the adductor muscles of the thigh work more intensively, and to a lesser extent, the back muscle, which does not bend enough at the beginning of the exercise. The sumo barbell lift is one of the three lifts in powerlifting competition.

Standing calf raises

Standing calf raises activate calf muscle. This is a basic exercise for building voluminous calves. In bodybuilding, standing up on toes is used to build up the mass of the calves, to give them a convex, distinct shape of an inverted heart.

Lying leg curl

Lying leg curls engage the lower back of the thigh, as well as the calf muscle. This is an isolation exercise for developing the shape and relief of the back of the thigh. Lying leg curls thicken the bottom of the back of the thigh, affecting both the inner and the inner thighs equally. outside this area of ​​​​muscles, which visually lengthens and expands the thigh, when viewed from behind. Also, this exercise allows you to achieve a clear separation between the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles (definition) and show their relief (separation).

leg extension

Leg extensions engage the rectus (frontal) as well as the lateral (lateral) thigh muscles. This is an isolation exercise to improve the detail and definition of the quadriceps. Leg extensions draw the rectus femoris muscle (the frontal part of the quadriceps), give it a distinct, convex shape along its entire length, especially conspicuous when viewed from the side of the thigh. In addition, leg extensions allow you to achieve a clear separation between the rectus and lateral thigh muscles.

Physical exercise- a means of physical education of preschoolers.

Characteristics of physical exercises:

physical exercise- these are motor actions (including their combinations) that are aimed at the implementation of tasks physical education, formed and organized according to its patterns.

    The word "physical" reflects the nature of the work performed (as opposed to mental), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

    The word "exercise" denotes a directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the way this action is performed.

Thus, physical exercise is considered, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, on the other hand, as a process of multiple repetition.

    Physical exercises are the main means of physical education, because: Physical exercise expresses thoughts, emotions, needs of a person, his attitude to the surrounding reality.

    Physical exercise is one of the ways to transfer social and historical experience in the field of physical education.

    Physical exercise not only affects functional state person, but also on his personality.

    Among all kinds pedagogical activity, only in physical education the subject of training is physical exercise.

Physical exercise satisfies the natural human need for movement.

    When choosing exercises, consider the following factors:

    Pedagogically correct lesson guidance.

    Take into account the individual characteristics of those involved (gender, age, health status, etc.).

    Take into account the peculiarities of the exercises themselves (novelty, complexity, load, emotionality).

    Features of external conditions (weather, condition of places of employment, quality of inventory).

    Wellness value

    Educational role

    Impact on personality

Form of exercise- this is a certain orderliness and consistency of both processes and elements of the content of this exercise.

In the form of physical exercise, internal and external structure are distinguished.

The internal structure of physical exercise is due to the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise.

The external structure of physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic (power) parameters of movements. Spatial characteristics:

Starting position (I.p.)- this is a relatively stationary position from which the exercise begins. I.p. creates the most favorable conditions for correct execution exercises. Changing the i.p. You can change the difficulty of the exercise.

Body position in space- the exercise itself is made up of it.

Trajectory- curvilinear, rectilinear, most often it is curvilinear.

Direction of travel- There are six directions: forward, backward, up, down, right, left. And many in between.

Range of motion- this is a range, it is carried out in various joints, which means it depends on anatomical features their buildings. Amplitude is measured in degrees with a goniometer.

Timing- the time to complete the entire exercise, or parts of it.

Spatio-temporal characteristics:

Speed- The result depends on the speed of execution. The speed can be uniform and variable. Plus/minus 3% is considered a uniform speed, which is also more efficient.

Acceleration- this is the change in speed per unit of time, the acceleration is measured in meters / seconds. Acceleration can be positive and negative, that is, an increase in speed or a deceleration.

Power characteristics Power characteristics include the forces that act on the athlete, promote or inhibit the exercise.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interconnected. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. To improve motor activity, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content. As the content changes, the form of the exercise also changes. For its part, the form also affects the content. The imperfect form does not allow to fully reveal the content of the exercise.

Classification of physical exercises

To classify physical exercises means to logically represent them as some ordered set with division into groups and subgroups according to certain characteristics.

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of historically established systems of physical education

Classification of physical exercises according to their anatomical features;

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of their primary focus on the education of individual physical qualities;

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of the biomechanical structure of movement;

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of physiological power zones;

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of sports specialization.

One of the simplest, most effective and affordable means to prevent various ailments, maintain good health and good health is exercise. Regular physical activity makes it possible to improve the functioning of all systems of the human body, saturate the cells with oxygen, and increase the level of human performance. What are the physical exercises, and what program to choose for home workouts, let's figure it out.

The concept of physical exercise

Physical exercises are a series of motor actions and their combinations, which are developed and adapted for the full physical development of the human body. They make it possible to activate the activity of enzymes responsible for burning fat and direct them to the production of energy required for muscle activity. Physical exercise is considered the key to good health and good health.

Today, many different exercises have been developed aimed at performing a number of tasks: losing weight, building muscle mass, developing endurance and strength.


In the theory of physical education, there are several types of exercises, classified according to the type of contraction of muscle groups, through which this or that action is performed.


Static exercises are a series of movements, a characteristic feature of which is fixing certain parts of the body in a certain position for a while. With such training, there is no movement of the body and limbs, but there is tension in the mice.

Examples of classic statuary exercises are:

  • stand in a side lunge or tilt forward;
  • planks with an emphasis on the elbows or palms;
  • side and back straps;
  • planks on fitball;
  • asanas in yoga;
  • plie stand;
  • incomplete "swallow";
  • "Stool" with an emphasis on the wall.

Static exercises have a number of advantages, among which are:

  • the maximum prolonged load on the muscles, without the ability to relax them, which allows you to achieve the effect of burning fat and, as a result, losing weight;
  • all parts of the human body are in a stationary state, which makes it possible to influence a specific muscle group;
  • the ability to conduct training anywhere, without the use of special sports equipment and equipment;
  • increasing the ability to keep the body in balance;
  • development of strength and endurance;
  • saving time for training, since statistical classes last no more than 10–15 minutes;
  • the ability to safely strengthen ligaments, tendons.

Important! Static exercises should be practiced with great care, as there is a risk of high blood pressure, the development of arrhythmia in people suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system.


Unlike static, dynamic exercises imply all types of fitness loads that are directly related to the movement of the body and its individual parts, movement in space. It is the dynamics that allows you to develop strength, build muscle. The classics of sports dynamics are: running, different kinds jumping, walking, lunges, push-ups, leg and arm swings, swimming, cycling, etc.
Dynamic exercises are one of the most popular types of exercise, and all thanks to their significant advantages. They:

  • allow you to actively burn fat and fight extra pounds;
  • positively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, train the heart muscle;
  • make it possible to tone the muscles and make the body more embossed;
  • perfectly load the musculoskeletal system, contribute to the development of congestion;
  • improve well-being, cheer up, energize;
  • accelerate metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improve the functioning of the joints.

By the number of contraindications, the speaker is considered one of the safest, however, it also has certain disadvantages:

  • some exercises may be contraindicated for people with a disease of the heart, spine;
  • many exercises require a certain place for training, for example, jumping, running;
  • to build muscle and create a more voluminous body, additional sports equipment is needed: kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, etc.

A variety of dynamic loads allows everyone to choose their own set of exercises, regardless of age, health status, general physical training.


Statodynamic exercises, as the name implies, combine the basic principles of static and dynamic. In this case, all exercises are done very slowly with constant muscle tension and a small amplitude, the so-called "kachem". The result of performing statodynamics is a colossal burning sensation in the muscles, during which steroid hormones are released.

Statodynamic training may include exercises such as static squats and push-ups, lunges and static plies, etc.
The main advantages of such activities are:

  • the ability to exercise almost anywhere;
  • do not carry the risk of high blood pressure, do not have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system;
  • the opportunity to practice training for middle-aged and elderly people;
  • a positive effect on the strength and endurance of the body.

The effectiveness of any physical exercises is determined by their content, that is, the symbiosis of psychological, physical and biochemical processes that are performed in the human body during the exercise. When doing training, a special setting is always assumed to achieve a certain result.
The content of physical exercises determines them:

  • health function. Of course, any training is aimed at specific changes and biofunctional restructuring of the body, contributing to the improvement of well-being and overall health. Through a well-chosen physical program, it is possible to positively influence the development of a person’s physical qualities and his sports training;
  • educational function. During the exercise, a person acquires skills and knowledge of the laws of movement of the body, its individual parts, which makes it possible to better understand the laws of movements in sports, to control their actions. Such skills make it much easier, both physically and psychologically, to adapt to the conditions of the external environment;
  • impact on a person's personality. In the process of physical training, a person learns to deal with difficulties, control his emotions, which in turn allows him to develop new qualities of character, develop valuable properties, for example, willpower, patience, endurance, perseverance, perseverance, etc.

Did you know? To maintain cholesterol levels and arterial pressure at the normal level, American doctors advise three times a week for 40 minutes to engage in aerobic exercise, such as jumping, race walking, swimming.


There are a huge number of all kinds of physical exercises and their variations, which can be grouped according to certain parameters:

Any classification assumes that each of the physical exercises has relatively constant properties and has a similar effect on the human body.


The expediency of physical training is determined by its effect on the human body. Under the effect is meant the presence of positive (desired) changes in the state of the body caused by doing exercises.

Did you know? It has been proven that regular physical activity contributes to the emergence of new brain cells responsible for memory and learning. Older people who are physically active perform better on tests that focus on decision-making and task completion.

There are three main training effects that differ in temporal manifestation:

  • urgent sports effect: it can be observed during the training or after its completion;
  • delayed sports effect: is the result of the transformation of the urgent effect, which is valid until the start of the next training;
  • cumulative effect: a kind of cumulative effect that combines the result of an urgent and delayed sports effect obtained for a fairly a large number of workouts. This effect contributes to the acquisition and improvement of sports form, a good training condition.

Indications for physical activity

Physical exercises are an excellent means of healing the body and even significant health disorders are not contraindications to sports loads unless prohibited by a physician.

Indications for physical training are:

  • being overweight;
  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity;
  • desire to lead healthy lifestyle life, improve immunity and improve health;
  • diseases associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diabetes mellitus of the second type in the stage of compensation;
  • VSD, high blood pressure;
  • rehabilitation after myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, heart surgery, physical trauma.

Regular classes physical education is an excellent prevention of heart disease, respiratory system, they make it possible to improve blood circulation in the cells, saturate them with oxygen, and thereby eliminate the negative symptoms of a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle.

Did you know? Regular exercise helps improve sexual function and increase libido. Thus, men who play sports rarely suffer from erectile dysfunction, and women often reach the “peak of pleasure”.


Despite all the benefits of physical exercise, there is a list of pathological conditions and ailments in which classes are categorically contraindicated:

  • diseases of a neuropsychic nature;
  • chronic and acute illnesses in the acute stage;
  • severe disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • disease internal organs, for example, heart disease, coronary disease, asthma, lung disease, etc.;
  • ailments of the spine and their consequences (Scheiermann-Mau disease, Calve, damage to large joints, arteries, lymph nodes).

Relative contraindications that require consultation with a doctor are:

  • infectious diseases in a chronic form;
  • lack of iron in the blood;
  • recent bleeding;
  • colds;
  • hypertension and hypotension.

Important! In any case, even if a person feels completely healthy, it is imperative to consult with your doctor before starting training.

Basic physical exercises for women and men at home

Home physical training is no less effective and effective than exercising in the gym. One of the main successes of training at home is its regularity and correctness of the exercises. There are a huge number of different physical exercises, however, in your training program you can include basic, classic, aimed at working out all muscle groups.

Any home workout is preceded by a high-quality, easy and simple warm-up, the main task of which is to warm up the muscles and prepare them for further stress.
Warm-up can be performed in various ways, one of them includes the following exercises:

  • circular rotation of the neck, with an increase in amplitude;
  • lift up/down shoulder joints, shoulder rotation;
  • circular rotations with arms bent at the elbows;
  • body tilts to the sides;
  • rotation of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • working out the legs through swings;
  • light squats;
  • breathing exercises.

Achieving positive results from homework is possible only if you perform complex training. Warm-up is one of the main points of the complex, which allows you to avoid injuries and sprains. It should never be ignored.

Video: Warm-up before training

For the stomach

It is very difficult to achieve the perfection of the figure, especially in such problem areas as the stomach and waist. It is especially difficult to keep flat, toned belly after 40 years. But, this will help a few basic exercises that even the unprepared can perform:

For buttocks and thighs

One of the most attractive parts human body are the buttocks. To keep them in great shape, give them elasticity and volume, as well as make the hips more rounded and beautiful, you can through the following exercises:

For hands

To form a beautiful, graceful line of hands, tighten the muscles and give them volume, the following complex will help:

For legs

To give the legs a perfect shape without the use of any simulators, such simple physical exercises will help:

For the back

The following complex will allow you to "download" your back, improve and restore health to the spine:


No less important final stage home workout is a hitch that allows you to:

  • restore breathing, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase the flexibility of joints and muscle joints;
  • fill the cells with oxygen;
  • distribute blood throughout the body, thereby preventing congestion;
  • remove lactic acid from the muscles, thereby reducing the manifestations of krepatura.

Video: Hitch after workout The hitch must be carried out at a slow pace, which will allow the body to rebuild from an intense state to a more relaxed way. As a hitch, you can stretch for all muscle groups: neck, shoulders and forearms, pelvis, back muscles, etc.

Example of a training program

To make it easier to start the process of training at home, experts have developed special programs classes that are aimed at working out all muscle groups, keeping the body in good shape and general healing of the body. It is recommended to start classes from 3 times a week, for 30-60 minutes, depending on the purpose of the training. An approximate training program is as follows, while it is designed for average level physical training and includes 5 classes per week:

Name of the exercise Number of repetitions Number of approaches
Monday (legs, arms and chest)
Classic squats 15–20 3–5
Forward lunges 15–20 3–5
Rise on socks Maximum 3
Push-ups classic 15–20 3–5
Breeding dumbbells lying on a bench 12 5
Reverse push-ups 15–20 3–5
Tuesday (press)
Twisting 20–25 4
Side crunches 20 times on each side 4
Leg raise 20–25 5
"Bike" 25–30 4
Wednesday (back, arms, specifically triceps)
Push-ups from the floor 15–20 5–7
Reverse push-ups 15–20 5–7
pull up wide grip 10–15 5–7
dumbbell row 20 5–7
Thursday (rest)
Friday (legs, shoulders)
Plie Squats 15–20 3–5
Rises on socks Maximum 3
Classic squats 15–20 3-5
Lifting dumbbells in front of the chest 15–20 3–5
Breeding dumbbells 15 4
Saturday (press)
"Book" 20–25 3–5
Twisting regular 20–25 3–5
Leg raise 20–25 3–5
"Bike" 25–30 3
Sunday (rest)

When conducting the training, do not forget the most important rules - the regularity and correct execution of all exercises.

Today, there are many ways to keep your body in shape. nice shape. And one of these ways is home workouts through basic physical exercises. Such trainings allow, without spending a lot of time and money, to improve your health, lose weight, return sportswear. The more intense the training, the stronger and more beautiful the body will become, the character will be tempered. Don't waste time, get started now.

The emergence of exercise
The emergence of physical exercises is rooted in the distant past. They were directly related to the satisfaction of a person's vital instincts and needs for food, shelter, warmth, procreation, movement, etc.
As man evolved, so did his movements. Labor activity, hunting and even wars played an important role in the emergence of physical exercises. In order to survive, a person had to improve his psychophysical qualities: speed, strength, flexibility, endurance, dexterity.
Hunting and other vital activities required skill, the ability to perform certain actions. Before going hunting, a person depicted on a rock or earth the animal that he was to hunt. He struck the image with blows or shot at him with a bow. It was a kind of training, thanks to which he acquired a strong-willed attitude and the necessary skills.
Man has always strived for movement, optimization of motor activity. Fear of mystical, unknown phenomena of nature contributed to the emergence of various religious rites, accompanied by cult dances, dances, and games.
Many primitive peoples had a rite with a kind of pedagogical orientation - this is a rite of initiation (initiation), associated with the transition of a young man or girl into the age class of men and women. Preparing for initiation, young people trained, tempered themselves, participated in the hunt, and observed strict discipline.
Thus, the emergence of physical exercises was facilitated by labor processes, hunting, religious rites, initiations and many other events and processes taking place in
With the development of human society, the similarity between labor actions and actual physical exercises was lost. From the complex motor activity associated with the labor process, individual actions were gradually isolated, which then began to be used in physical education as exercises (running, throwing, jumping, etc.). Specially created exercises for different muscle groups. They were performed with and without objects. Outdoor games that arose at the dawn of the development of human society (burners, bast shoes, traps, etc.) were widely used. Gradually appear and sport games: basketball, tennis, hockey, football, etc.
The development and creation of physical exercises does not stop. Currently, new systems for the development of a child's motor activity are being created, aimed at his further physical development.
Definition of exercise
Physical exercise is the main means of physical education. They are used to solve a complex of health-improving and educational tasks, the comprehensive development of the child's personality.
Physical exercise is extremely effective tool prevention and correction of the psychophysical state of the body.
The term "exercise" in the theory and practice of physical education has two meanings. They determine the types of motor actions that have developed as a means of physical education, as well as the process of repeated reproduction of actions that are organized in accordance with methodological principles. Although these concepts are interrelated, there are also differences between them. In the first case we are talking about how they affect physical state child in the process of physical education; in the second - how, by what methods this influence is carried out. To clearly distinguish between these meanings, it is necessary to make a terminological clarification: in the first case, it is advisable to use the term "physical exercise", in the second - the term "method (or techniques) of exercise".
The motor actions performed by the child are diverse: these are labor, modeling, drawing, playing musical instruments, playing activities, etc. The totality of his movements, combined into integral actions, is manifested in an active attitude towards life. “All the endless variety of external manifestations of brain activity,” wrote I.M. Sechenov, “is finally reduced to just one phenomenon - muscle movement.”
Motor actions contribute to the satisfaction of the child's need for movement and at the same time develop him.
Physical exercises include only those types of motor actions that are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of physical education and are subject to its laws. A distinctive feature of physical exercises is the correspondence of their form and content to the essence of physical education, to the laws by which it occurs. For example, if walking, running, throwing, swimming, etc. are used for the purposes of physical education, then they acquire the value of a means of physical education, they are given rational forms justified by the purpose of their use. They ensure the functional activity of the body and the correspondence of effective education to psychophysical qualities. Physical exercises are not identified and cannot be replaced by certain labor, household activities.
The number of physical exercises used in physical education is quite large and varied. They differ from each other in form and content, which the teacher takes into account when choosing physical exercises.
The content and form of physical exercises
The content of physical exercise make up the motor actions included in it and the processes that occur in the functional systems of the body during the exercise, determining its impact. These processes are diverse and can be considered in psychological, physiological, biomechanical and other aspects.
In the psychophysiological aspect, physical exercises are considered as voluntary movements, which, according to I.M. Sechenov, are “controlled by the mind and will” (as opposed to “involuntary”, of course, reflex movements).
Performing physical exercises involves a conscious attitude to achieve the result of the action. It corresponds to the specific tasks of physical education, while mental processes, motor representations, memory, attention, imagination, etc. are significantly activated.

The effectiveness of physical exercises depends on the prediction of results, the choice of ways to perform movements.
Physical exercise activates the work of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems. They require volitional efforts, develop emotions, sensorimotor functions.
The teacher's understanding of the content of physical exercises makes it possible to determine their significance in the implementation of educational, upbringing and health-improving tasks (formation of motor skills, development of psychophysical qualities).
Form of exercise is an internal and external structure. The internal structure is characterized by the relationship of various processes in the body during the exercise.
The external structure is a visible form, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal, dynamic parameters of movement. The content and form of physical exercises are interrelated.
Exercise technique
The technique of physical exercises is a way of performing a movement, with the help of which a motor task is solved *. For example, you can run at different speeds, different ways(on toes, with high hips, back forward, etc.). The choice of the method of transportation affects the effectiveness of its use in various life situations.
The technique of physical exercises is improved under the influence of systematic training. The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of movement technique is the qualitative and quantitative results of the performance of a motor task. Improving the technique of movement contributes to the use sports equipment, taking into account biomechanical patterns.
In the technique of physical exercises, the basis is distinguished, which determines the link and details.
The basis of technology the main elements of the exercise necessary to solve the motor task. The absence of individual elements of the basics of technique leads to the impossibility of performing the exercise.
The defining link of technology - the most important and decisive part of this movement (for example: for a long jump from a place - this will be a push-off with two legs).
Technical details - minor features of the exercise that can be changed without violating the technique. They depend on individual morphological and functional features person and the conditions in which the exercise is performed.

When analyzing the technique of physical exercises, a number of features are taken into account that characterize the rational performance of the movement.
In the methodology of physical education, an important place is given to the kinematic characteristics of motor actions.
These include spatial, spatio-temporal, temporal and rhythmic characteristics.
Spatial characteristics of motor actions
A person performs movements in space. The spatial characteristics include: the initial position and position of the body and its parts during the exercise, the trajectory of movement.
Initial position - expresses readiness for action, this is a precisely accepted, effective, economical balance of interacting forces. The effectiveness and efficiency of the exercise is largely determined by how rationally the performer uses the internal (his own) and external forces that provide movement.
The adopted starting position creates the most favorable conditions for the correct execution of the exercise and ensuring the effectiveness of subsequent actions. The effectiveness of the exercises performed depends on maintaining the most favorable position of the body and its parts. By changing the initial position of the body or its parts, you can change the complexity of the exercise, increase or decrease the load on different groups muscles. When taking the initial position in the body or its individual parts, static stress is observed. Some starting positions and static postures have independent meaning, for example, the stand at attention.
In working with children, a variety of starting positions are used: for legs - legs together; shoulder-width apart or slightly apart, etc.; for hands - hands along the body, forward, on the belt, etc.
Trajectory the path of a moving part of a body or object. The successful completion of the motor task depends on it.
In the trajectory, the following are distinguished: the shape, direction and amplitude of movement.
By shape trajectories are rectilinear and curvilinear. Rectilinear movements are used when it is required to develop the greatest speed with any part of the body on a short path (hit on a suspended ball). Curvilinear movements are

require the expenditure of additional muscular effort to overcome the inertia of the body, so they are used more often. The complexity of the trajectory depends on the moving mass of the body: the larger it is, the simpler the form, for example, the movements of the arm are more diverse than the legs.
Direction of movement. The direction of the moving parts of the body affects the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises, the performance of a motor task.
The direction of movement is determined in relation to one's own body. They are called pair-opposite terminology - "up-down, forward-backward, right-left."
The direction of flexion movements is determined by the planes of the body, using the terms "forward", "backward"; for movements in the lateral (anteroposterior) plane: for example, tilting back, forward, right-left; for movements in a linear plane: tilts to the side, to the right, to the left; for rotational movements in a horizontal plane: for example, turns to the right, to the left. Intermediate directions are also used (for example, half-turn to the left, etc.).
Amplitude of motion - the length of the path of movement of body parts. It can be defined in conditional values ​​(degrees), linear measures (step length) and symbols (half squat) or external landmarks(bend over, get the toes of your feet), landmarks on your own body (clap on the knee of the right leg).
The amplitude of movements depends on the structure of bones, joints, elasticity of ligaments and muscles. The mobility of the joint, which is achieved by muscle contraction, is called active. Mobility caused by the action of external forces (parterre) is called passive. The value of passive mobility is greater than active. In life and in the practice of physical education, the maximum, anatomically possible range of motion is usually not used. To achieve the maximum amplitude, an additional expenditure of muscle efforts is required, aimed at limiting the stretching of the antagonist muscles and the ligamentous apparatus. If you increase the amplitude excessively, you can damage the muscles and ligaments.
Spatio-temporal characteristics
The speed of movement is determined by the ratio of the magnitude (length) of the path traveled by the body or its part, to the time spent on this. When performing physical exercises, the speed of movement of the whole body is distinguished And individual parts of the body. If the temporal characteristics do not meet the requirements of the motor task, its implementation will be impossible or difficult. The possibility of its implementation and the final efficiency depend on the degree of timeliness and coordination of all movements in time as part of a complex motor action. In the process of physical education, a child must be taught to control the speed of movements: to maintain a given speed (to develop a “sense of speed”), to increase or slow it down.
Temporal characteristics include the duration of the exercise and its individual elements, individual static positions and pace of movement.
Each exercise is performed for a certain time and in a certain time sequence. By the duration of the exercise and its individual elements, you can determine the total volume of the load and regulate it.
Of great importance is the pace of movements - the number of movements per unit of time or the frequency of repetition of cycles of movements. Changing the pace of movements leads to an increase or decrease physical activity. Children preschool age perform exercises at a moderate pace, increasing it increases the load on the body. Each child has their own pace of movement. It depends on his condition. nervous system, mental type, height, weight, etc.
Under the influence of systematic exercises, you can teach children to adapt to the general pace.
rhythmic characteristic
Rhythm is one of the conditions of life, it manifests itself in everything, forming a cycle. Each movement is performed in a certain rhythm. Rhythm is a combination in time of strong, accentuated parts of the movement with weak, passive ones. The exact alternation of muscle tension and relaxation is an indicator of the correctness of the physical exercise. Each movement is performed in a certain rhythm. The basis of the rhythm is the regular division of the temporal sequence of accents. There is no rhythm without accents, the well-known psychologist B. M. Teplov argued.
J. Dalcroze said that every rhythm is movement. The whole human body is involved in the formation and development of a sense of rhythm. Each child has his own individual rhythm. rhythmic movements like the child. He happily jumps over the rope to the poetic rhythm. Under the influence of physical exercises, you can change the ratio of the duration of the active and passive parts of the movement.
The alternation of muscle tension and relaxation is one of the indicators of the correct, economical solution of a motor task. Rhythmic movements are performed easily and do not cause fatigue for a long time.
Qualitative characteristics of movements
In the theory of physical education, quantitative characteristics of movements are widely used. However, their qualitative characteristics are no less important. They are a complex of partial features in their unity. Qualitative characteristics are diverse, however, some of them can be identified. Thus, the concept of "motion accuracy" includes spatial, temporal and power characteristics.
Motion Accuracy - this is the degree of compliance with the requirements of the motor task, which will be performed if the movement corresponds to it in all of the above characteristics.
economical movements- movements characterized by the absence or minimum of unnecessary movements and the minimum necessary energy expenditure.
Energetic movements - movements performed with pronounced strength, speed, power, due to which significant resistances are overcome.
Smooth movements- movements with gradually changing muscle tension, gradual acceleration or deceleration, with fixed trajectories when changing the direction of movement. Smooth movements are characteristic of rhythmic gymnastics.
expressiveness of movement expression of the mental state of the child through the performance of exercises with an emotional reflection of the idea: facial expressions, expressions, etc.
Education of expressiveness of movements is of great importance, because it provides:

  1. management of mental processes;
  2. establishing a connection between internal experiences and external manifestations;
  3. development of the psyche, psychophysical qualities;
  4. development of parts of the cerebral cortex;
  5. harmonization of personality, etc.

Important means of forming the expressiveness of movements are imitative exercises and plot outdoor games.

strength, cardio and flexibility exercises (stretching).

Strength exercises

aimed at developing and increasing lean body mass and increasing muscle strength. Strength exercises are anaerobic, i.e. to exercises performed without access to oxygen. During such exercises, the body experiences a lack of oxygen. Strength exercises are short but very intense. At runtime strength exercises Lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, a product of the breakdown of glucose in the body. When enough lactic acid accumulates in the blood, it begins to cause muscle fatigue. Professional athletes in such cases, the term “soured” is used.

Strength training should be part of your fitness program. Studies have shown that people over 40 regularly power training help maintain the amount of muscle mass that we lose with age.

Cardio exercises

Aimed at increasing stamina, the first remedy for weight loss. Examples of cardio workouts - running on long distances average pace, cycling, cross country skiing, swimming. Cardio exercises are aerobic, i.e. to exercises of sufficiently low intensity, long in time. Oxygen in such exercises is the main source of energy for maintaining the work of muscles and internal organs. The load is considered aerobic if it lasts more than 20 minutes. Unlike anaerobic exercises, aerobic exercises do not give an increase in physical strength. Aerobic exercises are very useful for the cardiovascular system, develop endurance well, and burn fat.

Flexibility exercises

or in other words, stretching exercises. Such exercises are aimed at developing a person's ability to perform any action with a large amplitude. It is believed that flexibility prolongs youth. The muscles of a flexible person contract and relax better, therefore, oxygen is better supplied to them. flexible person controls his body better, more correctly distributes the external load on the joints and muscles. Flexibility exercises are important to do as often as possible, at any time of the day. If you are doing static exercises for flexibility, try to perform each exercise for at least 20 seconds. - it is this duration of execution that is effective for the development of flexibility, muscle stretching.