Why do you need a bike in the city. Safe cycling in the city

Having purchased a bicycle and successfully riding it around the yards and the nearest park, sooner or later other needs for movement appear. For example, a resident of a large city, tired of traffic jams, has a desire to try cycling to work. Someone dreams of getting out of the city on a bicycle, but in order to get to the railway station, you have to travel some distance around the city.

There are two ways to ride a bike around the city. A cyclist, unlike other road users, has the ability to instantly switch from being a pedestrian to being a driver of a vehicle. This unique opportunity must be seized.

Pedestrian cyclist

As a pedestrian, you can only move along the sidewalks or along the paths of the park. The carriageways of the roads are crossed by elevated or underground pedestrian crossings, moving on foot next to the bicycle. When riding on sidewalks, the cyclist is in relative safety, and in this case only a minimum knowledge of the Rules is required. traffic. If the age of the cyclist has not reached 14 years, then in this case the pedestrian way of riding is the only possible one.

The problems with walking are mainly the need to jump off curbs and back before each intersection and yard entrance. If these jumps have to be made every hundred meters, this style of movement quickly tires.

Sidewalk hazards usually come from unpredictable pedestrians.

For example, children, the elderly or drunk. In this case, the pedestrian can instantly be in the trajectory of the cyclist. In addition, under the wheels there may also be a baby doll stroller or a carelessly thrown bottle.

Another hazard when driving on sidewalks is a car driving into or out of a yard. If you follow the Rules of the Road, then the car, when entering the adjacent territory, must pass all pedestrians and cyclists moving along the sidewalk. But this rule is not always observed. In addition, the driver may not notice the cyclist because of a parked car, a tree, or, in principle, may not count on the speed of an object moving along the sidewalk at a speed of 15–20 km/h.

Thus, when driving along the footpath to the entrance to the courtyard, you should slow down and make sure there are no cars.

Another danger is the sudden opening of the door of a parked car. Drivers develop an instinct over time - before opening the door, look back and make sure there are no moving vehicles. But passengers may not have such an instinct.

When approaching a parked car, you should go around it at a distance of an open door.

In addition, we must not forget that a bicycle is on the sidewalk in violation of the Rules of the Road, which explicitly prohibit the movement of vehicles here (clause 9.9 of the SDA). From the point of view of the Rules, a bicycle on the sidewalk is no different from a car. There is a certain contradiction in this - where, then, should cyclists under the age of 14 ride? Therefore, you should always remember that when driving on the sidewalk, the advantage always remains with the pedestrian.

However, traffic police officers, as a rule, do not pay attention to cyclists riding on the sidewalk. Because in some cases the sidewalk is the only safe place for a cyclist.

Cyclist driver

In this case, the bike is the real thing. vehicle(but no engine).

In this case, the cyclist must comply with the Rules of the Road, that is, drive only on the carriageway, follow road markings, traffic lights, etc.

As a driver of a vehicle, only cyclists who have reached the age of 14 and have the skills to confidently control a bicycle can ride.

Jumping or stunt riding skills are unlikely to be useful here, but the ability to drive in a straight line (especially at low speed) will come in handy. The ability to clearly keep the chosen trajectory allows you to be more predictable for other road users and, as a result, ensure safer movement.

There is such a thing as the maximum safe speed of the driver. It applies not only to car drivers, but also to cyclists. As long as the driver is driving at a speed not exceeding his "safe" speed, he is able to notice all the details of the road situation that surround him and have time to make the right decision. When this speed threshold is exceeded, the ability to control the environment is markedly reduced. In this case, the driver may not notice a pedestrian crossing carriageway, a road sign requiring you to give way or a road obstacle.

A person who has just learned to ride a bicycle has a safe speed of about 8-12 km / h. Of course, he can go faster, but all his attention will be focused on keeping his balance. Thus, it is possible to enter the roadway only if the cyclist is able to move at a speed of 25-30 km / h and at the same time fully control the traffic situation. Otherwise, it is better not to rush and start training on park paths, in yards and on sidewalks - that is, as a pedestrian.

The growing popularity of cycling tourism and the problem of urban traffic leads to the fact that the bicycle, previously considered a transport for teenagers, is becoming more and more popular among adults. That is, among cyclists there are more and more those who learned to ride as a child, and now they are re-mastering this type of transport after a long break. It turns out that many novice cyclists have a driver's license and many years of driving experience. Advice to those who know how to drive a car well, but have not been driving a bicycle for many years: a street or an intersection looks completely different from the cab of a car and driving a bicycle. This fact must be taken into account.


As practice shows, if you drive following all the rules, behave predictably and adequately on the road and do not create unreasonable interference with anyone, then the vast majority of drivers will treat the cyclist with respect, and the ride will become quite comfortable and safe. You should also not neglect the well-known rule of "three de" - give way to the fool.

Turn and brake signals

According to the Rules of the Road, when driving on the carriageway, the driver of any vehicle and, in particular, a bicycle, is obliged to give turn and brake signals.

There are usually no direction indicators on a bicycle, so these signals are given by hand. The hand signal must begin well in advance of the start of the maneuver and can be completed immediately before the start of the turn (clause 8.2 of the SDA).

To indicate a turn, you must stretch your hand in the appropriate direction (clause 8.1 of the SDA).

The arm bent at the elbow indicates a turn in the opposite direction. Cyclists usually do not use this signal: it is intended for car drivers who have turned out to be defective.

Braking is indicated by a raised hand (any). The braking signal must also be given in advance, a couple of seconds before the start of the braking itself, since it is rather difficult to simultaneously brake and give a signal. In practice, the brake signal is only given if a car or another cyclist is following the cyclist, and the maneuver may be unexpected for him.

Turn and brake signals must be given very clearly and clearly.

Which streets should not be driven?

All city streets can be divided into 3 groups:

  • main streets (without traffic lights);
  • streets with heavy traffic;
  • streets without heavy traffic.

Of course, this division is arbitrary - the same street can be clogged with cars in the morning and completely empty in the afternoon.

On the main streets (for example, the Moscow Ring Road or the third transport ring) it is better not to appear on a bicycle - due to the high average speed of vehicles, it is much more difficult not to create obstacles when avoiding obstacles or exits from the main road. Interchanges are often designed so that the adjoining road merges into the main road on the right. That is, a cyclist in the far right lane can suddenly find himself between two busy streams of cars.

If there is a sidewalk along the highway, it is better to walk along it. Usually, the sidewalk along the main streets is separated from the carriageway by protective barriers, and it is much safer to drive along it. Otherwise, it is better to look for another route.

On other types of roads, you can ride a bicycle, guided by the Rules of the Road.

How to ride

The most important rule when driving on city streets is to drive confidently and predictably. That is, all the intentions of the cyclist must be clear to all other road users. To do this, you need to know well the generally accepted rules of the road.

There are several common misconceptions about safety when driving on city streets:

As slowly as possible

This is true only if you drive on an empty road. When driving in traffic, the safest speed is the speed of the flow. When driving on the right side of the carriageway, you should adhere to the speed at which cars in the right lane are traveling. Usually average speed in the far right lane is lower than in the rest - many are parking or preparing to turn right. Thus, moving at a speed of 25-30 km / h, you can minimize interference with other road users.

If you reduce the speed to 10-15 km / h, then for drivers the cyclist will become close to the pedestrian who has entered the roadway. This situation can occur, for example, when driving uphill. In this case, you should leave the carriageway and go to the sidewalk.

As close to the curb as possible

Previously, in the SDA, a cyclist was allowed to ride no further than 1 meter from the edge of the carriageway. IN last years this requirement was practically impossible - the edge of the roadway is often completely filled with parked cars. In this regard, in the new edition of the Rules, this paragraph has been changed - now the cyclist must ride "as far as possible to the right" (paragraph 24.2 of the SDA). Indeed, in many cases the bicycle should be ridden as close to the right edge of the carriageway as possible. But there are exceptions to this rule. Sometimes it is safer to drive in the middle of the right lane. Just remember that in order not to disturb anyone, you need to move fast enough.

A common situation is when a cyclist rides down the street, clinging to the side of the road, and at this time a car leaves the adjacent territory. The driver looks to the left, sees no cars and continues to move. The cyclist could go unnoticed due to limited visibility (for example, due to a parked car or a tree).

You should not constantly ride in the middle of the right lane either - the bicycle will interfere with the movement of cars. It makes sense to change lanes to the center of the right lane only when passing through intersections or exits from adjacent territories, and only if the right lane is free.

While driving, avoid sudden changes and movements across the road. If there is a need to move to the left (for example, when avoiding an obstacle on the roadway, a parked car or an open sunroof), then you should give a left turn signal in advance (50-100 meters away) and slowly start rebuilding, looking back (or in the rear mirror). species). It is too risky to start rebuilding just before an obstacle. In this regard, while driving, you should not look at front wheel of your bike, but to the place where the bike will be in 5-10 seconds.

Often you have to drive down the street, the right lane of which is densely packed with parked cars. In this case, you need to drive about a meter from these cars, since a meter is the approximate distance of an open door. Otherwise, you may not have time to slow down when the driver's door opens abruptly.

If the right lane is filled with parked cars loosely and there are gaps of 100-200 meters between them, then it is better to go straight without driving into them - it’s safer. Any maneuver on the road is potentially dangerous, and it is best to keep as straight a line as possible.

If you plan to ride at dusk and in the dark, then you need to make your bike visible to car drivers. Typically, bicycles are equipped with reflectors (front - white, rear - red, sides - yellow or orange). By themselves, they do not shine, but make the bike visible in the light of car headlights. If you move in the dark only in the yards, then reflectors will be enough, but if you have to go onto roads, it is better to install a white headlight and a red taillight on the bike.

You need to turn on the lights on the bike as soon as it starts to get dark. Twilight is pretty dangerous time. It seems that it is still light, but in fact, many small objects are already barely visible. Do not save batteries at the expense of safety. When driving through busy intersections, it does not hurt to turn on the headlight even during daylight hours - this way the vehicle becomes more visible to all other road users.

What is forbidden to do

The traffic rules clearly state that it is forbidden to ride a bicycle without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand, because otherwise the bicycle loses its brakes: the brake levers on bicycles are on the steering wheel, and the foot brake may not be enough for emergency braking. In addition, any slight unevenness in the road can lead to a complete loss of control over the bike.

You can not "hang on the wheel" of the car, although such a temptation exists - behind a moving car, an air flow is formed in which you can go a little faster. The danger of such a ride is that the distance between the bicycle and the car is insufficient. If the driver unexpectedly applies emergency braking, then a passing collision will not be easy to avoid. It is also possible that the driver passes an obstacle between the wheels (pit, stone or other foreign object). If the proper distance is not observed, you may not have time to react to the sudden appearance of an obstacle from under the wheels.

You can not ride on the streets in a low landing, despite the fact that it provides better aerodynamics. The driver of any vehicle should look ahead at the road and not at his front wheel. A low landing is good only for racing, when the organizers of the competition are obliged to provide a free road.

When stopping at traffic lights, you should not approach the car in front closer than 1.5-2 meters. Especially if he stopped on the rise. The vehicle may roll backward before moving off. In addition, an inexperienced driver may mistakenly engage reverse instead of first gear.

The small size of a bicycle is one of its advantages, especially when moving in traffic. But do not abuse this advantage. Sometimes there is a temptation to go around cars standing in front of a traffic light in line: between the right sides of cars and the sidewalk there may be a distance sufficient for the passage of a cyclist. But only as long as the cars are stationary. When the flow begins to move even at a low speed, there is a danger of pressing the cyclist to the pavement. In these conditions, the ability to jump on a curb stone can help out, but it is better not to get into such situations. It is especially dangerous to be near the starboard side of a truck or bus: the cyclist is not visible at all from the cab of a large vehicle. If a long queue of cars has accumulated at the intersection, then the cyclist should cross onto the sidewalk and drive a couple of hundred meters as a pedestrian.

Do not use the player's headphones while driving on the road. The driver must control the situation around him, and hearing is a very important channel for obtaining information. In extreme cases, you can leave one ear free. Also, do not use a cell phone while driving.

It is also important to understand that you should not teach drivers to follow traffic rules, risking their health and life. Despite the blatant injustice and ignorance that often occurs on the roads, proving something to iron with your body is too unequal and, moreover, absolutely useless.

Crossing the rails

If there are tram tracks on the street along which the cyclist is moving, then you should also know all the relevant paragraphs of the Rules of the Road. The tram must give way to you in three cases:

  • if he leaves the depot;
  • if a prohibiting traffic light is on for him, and a permitting signal for a cyclist;
  • if he is on a secondary road, and the cyclist is on the main one.

In all other cases, the tram has the advantage, that is, it starts moving first.

There are some features when passing through intersections with tram tracks. If the traffic light signal allows the movement of both the tram and the cyclist, then the latter is obliged to give way to the tram.

Another feature concerns the left turn at an intersection with tram tracks in the middle. In this case, a left turn on a bicycle can only be made in pedestrian mode (clause 24.3 of the SDA), since following the rules, turning left is only allowed from tram tracks. It’s not worth riding a bike on the way, as you have to cross the rails at an acute angle, and in this situation the risk of falling is very high.

Do not forget that it is best to cross the rails on a bicycle at a right angle. Especially in wet weather.

Bicycle and car

Riding a bicycle as a vehicle is a good practice for future car drivers. Initial cycling skills are best acquired in yards (cars drive there, but at a slow speed) and on quiet streets. As you gain experience, you can move to busy streets.

In addition, looking at the road from the side of the cyclist afterwards helps a lot to notice them better and treat them with special respect while in the car.

Many cyclists use the bike as a practical vehicle and use it to go to shops, to the country house, to nature and even to work.

The only problem is the lack of the required number of special bike paths, for example, there may be only one or two for a million-plus city. There is only one option left - the movement on a par with cars on roads and highways.

For safe movement, every cyclist must strictly adhere to the traffic rules, in which, among other things, it is written in black and white which side of the road the cyclist should ride on.

Riding an unprepared bicycle is ridiculous and extremely dangerous, so it is important to determine how and where a cyclist should ride and what to guide.

Not everyone understands that a bicycle is equal to a car, so on the road a cyclist will need to follow general rules traffic on the carriageway (concerning non-mechanical vehicles).

Along with all other road users - with motorists, motorcyclists, horse-drawn drivers and pedestrians - cyclists must not only know, but also strictly adhere to all traffic rules relevant for 2019.

Let's consider what important factors must be taken into account for the safe movement of cyclists.


First of all, the cyclist is obliged to carefully monitor the serviceability of the vehicle.

Namely, check all the most important parts of the bike (handlebar, serviceable brakes), check whether it is equipped with other important details for driving on the highway:

  • reflectors (rear, front, and sides);
  • lanterns that work at night;
  • a working bell to give an audible signal.

The cyclist must highlight his bicycle on the roadway so that both the vehicle and the driver himself are clearly visible from the side to all other road users.

The cyclist must be especially attentive to the following signs:

  • priority signs;
  • signs of special instructions (informing about the movement of route vehicles, one-way traffic);
  • signs that indicate the direction of movement;
  • no-turn and no-entry signs.

However, at the same time, the cyclist must also know and strictly observe all other signs. While driving, the cyclist should also take into account the road markings:

  • it is forbidden to cross the solid line;
  • do not stand in places that are marked in yellow;
  • give way to pedestrians on the "zebra".

Also, the cyclist must move correctly in the group, be extremely attentive and have a good reaction.


According to the traffic rules, moving in sync with the flow of cars is the safest option for each vehicle.

But on the road, you should develop and maintain a fairly high speed, at least 20 km / h.

It is necessary to adhere to this speed limit, because driving too slowly can interfere with cars, as they have to maneuver around the cyclist.

This is especially true on narrower roads, where passing with oncoming and passing traffic is difficult.

It is worth noting that high speed is justified only if all other vehicles are moving quickly.


For a cyclist, distance is the distance in length between other vehicles and him.

Lateral spacing is the distance across the width. Safe and comfortable riding on the road requires maintaining a distance and interval so that if a dangerous situation develops, the cyclist can turn to the side.

If the distance is reduced with the car in front, you need to slow down, or vice versa - accelerate if the distance decreases with the vehicle coming behind.

In the case of parallel movement, you should not snuggle too close to parked or passing cars, and there are good reasons for this:

  1. There is a chance to fall on the car as a result of bumps in the road.
  2. The car may hit the cyclist in some way.
  3. The door of a parked vehicle may suddenly open.

So, mindfulness is the key to safe cycling. In this case, you should carefully monitor what is happening on the sides and in front.

The road is a movement, so the situation can change every second. It is useful to purchase a special rear-view mirror and attach it to the steering wheel, so that you can also follow the road from behind.

On which side should cyclists ride? This is a rather controversial issue among cyclists: some argue that you need to move in the direction of travel, some prefer to ride “against the grain”, others do not think about this issue at all. Who is right?

The rules of the road clearly and clearly defined the correct position of the bike: along with other vehicles, but to the right. For example, on the edge of the road or in the right lane in the case of multi-lane traffic.

The traffic rules also determined that cyclists over 14 years old can ride in descending order:

  1. On cycle paths, cycle paths or cycle lanes.
  2. On the roadway on its right edge.
  3. Along the side.
  4. On a footpath or sidewalk.

It is worth noting that all subsequent items in the above list are applicable in the absence of the previous ones. For example, you can move along the side of the road only if there is no cycle lane or path, and also if there is no possibility of driving on the carriageway (on the right edge).

In addition, there are a few exceptions:

  1. It is allowed to ride on the carriageway if the width of the load or bicycle exceeds 1 meter.
  2. It is allowed to move on the carriageway also if the movement is carried out in columns.

In some cases, in the event of a breakdown or injury, the cyclist has to walk the roads with the bike. I wonder which side of the street you will be driving on a broken bike?

In this case, it should be remembered that when moving on the carriageway outside the settlements, pedestrians are required to follow the movement of other vehicles. However, persons who are cycling must walk in the direction of other vehicles.

When choosing a route, the cyclist should give preference to roads with low traffic and less heavy traffic, which will make riding easier, safer, and help avoid unwanted accidents.

When driving on footpaths, sidewalks, pedestrian areas and roadsides, the cyclist is obliged not to interfere with the movement of other persons. If necessary, the cyclist is obliged to get off the bike, continuing to move as a pedestrian.

To indicate a maneuver, the Rules of the Road provide for the following signs:

When moving in a column, the leader gives signs first, and all members of the group immediately repeat them. Below we will consider the actions that cyclists are prohibited from doing.

Invalid actions

Cyclists are prohibited from:

  1. Drive in a built-up area on roads, if available bike path. It is marked with a round sign with a white bicycle on a blue background.
  2. Turn left or turn around on the road with tram traffic.
  3. Bicycles are prohibited on motorways.
  4. It is forbidden to tow bicycles (you can not use hitches, cables and other tricks and devices).

The most common violations of the rules of cyclists are driving towards vehicles or moving a cyclist on a pedestrian crossing.

In the above situations, cyclists often simply forget that they have already become drivers, but in their hearts they continue to be pedestrians.

Both of these maneuvers are extremely dangerous, but this applies especially to the movement of a cyclist on a pedestrian crossing.

Unfortunately, children are the most frequent victims of such violations, and the driver of the car is not at fault, since he must give way only to pedestrians, and cyclists do not belong to this category.

So, clear and timely observance of the rules of cycling on the road surface will certainly contribute to safety and comfort. To everything else, we can add that patience and respect on the road is another guarantee of successful movement.

Video: SDA for novice cyclists (the most necessary moments)

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One comment

The bicycle is a popular, affordable, environmentally friendly means of transport. Many know how to ride it since childhood. Those who have kept the habit of regularly riding a bicycle, even in advanced years, remain cheerful and cheerful. Cycling is a great way to keep your body in good functional condition throughout your life.

a ride on the bicycle

Cycling: what are the benefits

For regular cycling:

  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs;
  • the vestibular apparatus is strengthened;
  • a muscular corset is formed, which favorably affects the bone skeleton and internal organs;
  • when fixing the gaze on possible obstacles, the eye muscles are trained, as a result, vision improves;
  • digestion is normalized.

By pedaling a bicycle, we make the whole body work. Blood circulation increases, the blood is enriched with oxygen, the heart begins to contract more intensively, and the endurance of the heart muscle increases. Cycling is widely practiced in groups physiotherapy exercises. Preventive methods have been developed to prevent respiratory diseases, the development of osteochondrosis, hernia, heart attack, and stroke. Programs for rehabilitation after injuries and illnesses have been created. Cycling through the forest and park is shown to smokers. In the process of active breathing, the lungs are freed from tobacco toxins.

At right approach cycling won't hurt. You can ride a bicycle along the forest paths, breathe clean air, enjoy the singing of birds. Stress is relieved, hormonal levels are normalized, metabolism is accelerated. Improves memory, improves performance.

Who is not suitable for cycling?

For a person who suffers from chronic diseases, any physical activity is indicated only if there is permission from the attending physician. Cycling is no exception. Cycling is contraindicated:

  • in chronic heart failure, disorders heart rate, ischemic disease of the third-fourth stage, severe hypertension and hypertension;
  • with any diseases of the spine;
  • with severe osteoporosis, some forms of herniated discs;
  • in case of a brain tumor;
  • suffering from epilepsy;
  • with vestibular disorders.

Cycling for weight loss

Cycling for weight loss is a popular method. Riding a bicycle has a beneficial effect on the figure. Muscles are strengthened, burned body fat. Cycling training is shown to people who want to lose extra pounds, save ideal weight and not succumb to old age.

In order to lose weight:

  • daily physical activity should be combined with a complete, balanced diet;
  • the calorie content of the diet should be reduced by refusing pastries, cakes, cookies, sweets, fatty meats, sauces, fast food, include greens, fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily diet;
  • it is necessary to ensure that the consumption of calories slightly exceeds the amount that comes from food.
  • cycling trips cannot be interrupted even for a day, only then there will be a positive result, the exception is illness and very bad weather.

One and a half to two hours of training is enough per day. It is better to practice riding on rough terrain. The body quickly adapts to training on smooth asphalt, energy costs are minimized. You can work at a convenient time. Early in the morning, half an hour after finishing breakfast. Evening training should end forty minutes before dinner. It is not worth going on a trip in the summer midday heat. This is uncomfortable and threatens to overheat the body.

What muscles work when cycling?

While you are pedaling your bike:

  • Leg muscles develop well, constantly function quadriceps thighs (quadriceps), biceps, calf muscles. Get into work hamstrings and with the hip flexor. The main load falls on the quadriceps muscle.
  • The buttocks are strengthened. Gluteal muscles involved together with quadriceps, are included in the work while maintaining balance.
  • Fortified abdominal Press. Abdominal muscles are included in the work to keep the body of the cyclist in the correct position.
  • When turning and holding the steering wheel, the muscles function shoulder girdle, tense hands.

How many calories are burned while cycling

The number of calories burned depends on the weight of the practitioner, speed and time. You should also monitor the pulse so that it is between 120 and 145 beats. On average, you can build on the following results for 1 hour of training:

  • With a calm ride (10-15 km / h) - you can burn 200 calories.
  • With an average load (20 km / h) - you can burn 300 calories.
  • With intensive training (30 km / h) - you can burn 400 calories.
  • At interval training(alternating 2 minutes - 35 km / h, 3 minutes - 15 km / h) - you can burn 600 calories

How to choose a bike: which bike is better to buy?

Bicycles offered by sports shops are designed for people weighing up to 110 kg. For amateur driving, various models have been developed:

  • cross-country and endoroo bikes are equipped with relatively small wheels, they are ideal for active riding through the forest, park, unpaved relief roads;
  • A city bike with a high seating position, a wide spring-loaded saddle and a trunk designed for comfortable riding on the streets.
  • mountain bikes ( Mountain bikes general purpose) designed for bad roads, off-road, for aggressive driving on rough terrain;
  • touring bikes are ideal for riding on asphalt;
  • hybrid bikes can be used on all roads, but for steep climbs, a mountain bike is better.

Bicycle trainers - benefits and selection criteria

The big advantage of cycling trainers is that you can train all year round and in any weather. An exercise bike can be used by a person who does not know how to ride a bicycle. No need to learn to balance and steer.

The exercise bike belongs to the group of cardio simulators, which, unlike strength ones, have a milder effect on organs and muscles. Regular classes on an exercise bike help:

  • improve overall functional state organism;
  • increase vitality, endurance and immunity, prevent chronic diseases, get rid of stress;
  • normalize the functioning of the respiratory system, improve blood circulation, strengthen cardiovascular system, muscles, bones and joints;
  • support physical form, get rid of excess weight and shortness of breath, form beautiful figure, fat deposits on the thighs are burned especially intensively, buttocks and leg muscles are strengthened.

Today, exercise bikes are available to everyone. Can be practiced in sports center under the guidance of an instructor, you can buy a personal unit and train at home. With the help of special devices, the state of the body is monitored during training. The heart rate monitor allows you to monitor your heart rate, you can monitor the consumption of calories. Modern exercise bikes provide the ability to adjust the load and choose a training program:

  • imitation of climbing uphill helps to strengthen muscles;
  • riding on a horizontal surface develops endurance.

The upright exercise bike perfectly simulates cycling. The design allows for lift-off acceleration from the height-adjustable seat. Exercising for horizontal simulator, a person pedals, freely sitting in a special chair. The spine is not loaded, the loads are directed to the legs. To get a good effect, you should practice regularly. For people who are not physically prepared, it is better to start with 15-minute workouts 3-4 times a week. In the future, the time of classes is increased to 40-60 minutes.

Initially, most cyclists move around parks and squares. It is good if there is a bike path in the area, not far from the house. But sooner or later, everyone wants to use the bike not as entertainment, but as a vehicle that can deliver it to its destination. And before you go on a busy street or freeway, you need to learn the rules for cycling on the highway and the city.

Before leaving

First you need to make sure that the vehicle is in good condition. This is due not only to the troubles that can overtake:

  • outdoor repair;
  • loss of time;
  • the need to transport it by hand or etc.

It all lies in ensuring the safety of their own health and life. The fall now threatens not just bruises, but the possibility of getting hit by a car. Therefore, before you start cycling on the highway or city highways, you need to make sure that the following nodes are working:

  • the wheels are sufficiently inflated and do not lower;
  • efficient and functioning normally;
  • side lights are on;
  • there is no dirt or visible damage on the chain.

It is highly advisable to check all screw fastenings. It won't take long, but it can save a life.

Are sidewalks allowed along busy streets?

Many people are afraid to ride a bike on a highway or roads with heavy car traffic. At the same time, a decision is made to move onto the sidewalk and move along it. The rules of the road consider a bicycle as a full-fledged vehicle, and therefore such movement is prohibited. However, there are privileged categories of persons to whom this prohibition does not apply:

  1. . This refers to persons under the age of fourteen. And then, this can be done under the supervision of adult escorts.
  2. Adults transporting children under the age of seven.

Bicycles, scooters, components

If driving skills on the roads are not enough, and fear does not let you go, and you still drove to footpath, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not signal to passers-by.
  2. Stick to the edge of the sidewalk closer to the road.
  3. Get up and walk if there are a lot of people on the way. In the slightest doubt, eliminate the risk of collision completely.
  4. Always expect unpredictable behavior, especially if there are children on the path or near the path.
  5. Be respectful of mothers with strollers. In this situation, they are 100% right.

Rules for driving on busy streets, highways and highways

Cycling is allowed on highways and roads common use persons over 14 years of age. A short but sufficient list of rules that need to be memorized as “twice two” is as follows:

  1. Move with the flow.
  2. Give hand signals to other road users in advance of your maneuvers.
  3. Study the traffic rules and strictly follow them in relation to traffic lights and road signs and markings.
  4. Slow down at everywhere at the intersection or from a secondary road (from the yard, including).
  5. Always remember the rule right hand. If the intersection is not regulated, you must give way to vehicles coming at you from the right.
  6. Crossing the road on the "zebra" is possible only after getting off the bike.
  7. Make sure the front light is white and the rear light is red. They must always be correct.

When you hit a curb, speed bump, or other small obstacle, slow down and continue driving perpendicular to the obstacle. This will prevent a fall due to wheel slip. And in order not to become a hostage of your own emotions, use the following tips:

  • do not get into conflicts with drivers and pedestrians;
  • keep calm;
  • give way to pedestrians at pedestrian crossings;
  • slow down if you see that someone is going to cross the road in front of you.

These are the general rules for cycling on highways or city streets. You can also add clothing requirements here.

Is equipment needed?

The special clothing required on the roads and tracks includes:

  • helmet;
  • gloves;
  • kit ;
  • special .

Many do not have all this, and in vain. And if there are few requirements for shoes (should “breathe” and be comfortable), then there are more of them for clothes.

Cycling - exercise stress which is why we love him. But in the summer, it is also an elevated temperature. And if you sweat well, you can get sick. And if you dress too warmly, heat stroke can happen, and passing out on a bike while riding on the highway is fraught with an irreparable outcome.

A helmet is the main protection of a cyclist when cycling on highways and city streets, and in no case should it be neglected. We have one head, and we have no right not to protect it. To use our recommendations.

And of course, . All cyclists are divided into those who have fallen, and those who have yet to fall. The palms are the first to receive the blow. Gloves will protect the skin from damage, and joints, phalanges of the fingers and hand from fractures, dislocations and bruises.

And so that your body is not dehydrated, take a bottle of water with you. during stops.

To ride a bike on the track, use the rules:

  1. We go in the direction of traffic.
  2. If you need to make a left turn, it is better to pull over to the side of the road and cross the highway on foot.
  3. Do not stop in places where bumpers are installed. Choose a place where the width of the shoulder allows you to move off the road to a safe distance.
  4. Control with two hands. Do not talk on the phone without a headset, or better yet, do not talk at all. Don't drink water on the go.

Adhering to these simple rules means saving your life and health and enjoying cycling for many years.

Many car owners are annoyed by cyclists moving along the roadway. Are they allowed to drive on roads at all, what rules and prohibitions apply to them, and what can a cyclist be fined for?

1. Who is considered a cyclist?

According to clause 1.2 of the current traffic rules, a cyclist is a person who bicycle driver. A bicycle, in turn, is considered to be “a vehicle other than wheelchairs which has at least two wheels and is generally propelled by the muscular energy of the occupants of the vehicle, in particular by means of pedals or handles, and may also have an electric motor with a rated maximum continuous power not exceeding 0.25 kW, automatically shutting off at speeds over 25 km/h.

Thus, a bicycle can, firstly, have more than two wheels, and secondly, an electric motor with a power of not more than 0.25 kW: if the power of the installed motor is higher, the vehicle (vehicle) will already be classified as a moped.

It is worth noting separately that according to the rules, pedestrians are considered to be persons “using roller skates, scooters and other similar means for movement” - that is, a vehicle with a wheel (or wheels) drive is considered a bicycle. In addition, if a person does not ride a bicycle, but leads it next to him, then he is also considered a pedestrian, not a cyclist.

Another remark concerns the classification of a bicycle as a vehicle: the bicycle itself is a vehicle, but it is not a motorized vehicle, as the latter is understood as a “vehicle driven by an engine”. This is important in terms of the rules and penalties that apply to cyclists.

2. Are cyclists allowed to travel on roads?

The answer to the key question that worries many is yes. The SDA has a separate section 24 containing "Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists and moped drivers." Paragraph 24.2 of this section allows the movement of cyclists on the right edge of the carriageway. This, however, is allowed if "there are no cycle and cycle paths, a lane for cyclists or it is not possible to move along them."

Moreover, when driving on a highway, a cyclist uses the standard priority rules, and a car moving on a secondary road must give way to a cyclist moving on the main one. And also paragraph 24.5 allows “the movement of a column of cyclists in two rows if the overall width of the bicycles does not exceed 0.75 m.” The only condition for this is that “the column of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists in the case of single-lane traffic or into groups of 10 pairs in the case of double-lane traffic”, and “to facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80-100 m” .

Under normal conditions, according to clause 24.1, “the movement of cyclists over the age of 14 must be carried out on a bicycle, cycle path or lane for cyclists.” And one more thing: cyclists under the age of 14 are not allowed to drive on the roadway and on the side of the road.

3. What are cyclists not allowed to do?

The list of additional prohibitions for cyclists is regulated by clause 24.8 of the current traffic rules, and besides it, there are other clauses in the traffic rules that mention restrictions on the movement of cyclists. Here we will highlight the main prohibitions regarding their movement on the roads.

To begin with, clause 2.7 applies to cyclists, which stipulates a ban on driving a vehicle, as well as talking on a mobile phone without using “hands-free” devices. The only caveat here is that the fines provided for violation of the rules by cyclists are significantly lower than those for motorists - this will be discussed below.

Paragraph 16.1 prohibits the movement of cyclists on motorways, as well as on roads marked with sign 5.3 - “Road for cars”.

Well, the notorious paragraph 24.8 forbids cyclists “to turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in this direction”, as well as “to cross the road at pedestrian crossings”. Thus, to turn left, a cyclist will either have to do it “in two passes”, crossing the road to which you need to turn, and then, stopping, go to it at the next traffic light, or dismount and cross the current road at a pedestrian crossing.

In addition, it is worth remembering that cyclists also have their own prohibition sign 3.9 “Movement on bicycles is prohibited”, which is supplemented by the standard “brick” (3.1) and “Movement is prohibited” (3.2).

4. What are the penalties for cyclists?

Violations by cyclists of the rules and prohibitions indicated above, as well as other rules that are not related to the movement on roads and are not listed here, are regulated by parts 2 and 3 of Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. According to part 2, violation of traffic rules by a cyclist "entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of eight hundred rubles." If the bicycle driver was drunk at the time of the violation, then a fine “in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles” will be imposed on him.

As you can see, the punishment for drunk driving here is much less severe, but it, however, became significantly tougher in 2013: before that, a violation could be got off with “a warning or an administrative fine of two hundred rubles”, and a drunk cyclist was punished with a fine “from three hundred to five hundred rubles.