Dmitry Tarasov instagram official page. Dmitry Tarasov

Modern footballers are real minions of fate. They do what they love, sign multi-million dollar contracts and are wildly popular among women. Such lucky ones include the domestic football player Dmitry Tarasov.

Tarasov's biography

Dima was born on March 18, 1987 in Moscow. His father believed that sports must be present in the boy's life. And he gave it to the karate section. And Dmitry was more drawn to football. And in the end, the boy was still sent to football section « Labor reserves».

All free time Dima spent with the ball. Such persistent many hours of training and the desire to play gave the result. The young athlete was noticed by coach Valentin Ivakin and invited to play in his Spartak team. Thus began Tarasov's football career.

Dmitry and football peaks

At the age of 17, due to a conflict with the leadership of Spartak, Tarasov changed football club to "Tom" (Tomsk). Here he did not play too successfully for 3 seasons, and then moved to Moscow. The eminent coach of the national team Guus Hidding drew attention to a promising guy, in whose piggy bank there were still few goals, and invited him to the team's training camp.

In 2009, Dmitry signed his first serious contract with Lokomotiv. It was this team that became the main one in his sports life. In the same year, Tarasov received the title of "Master of Sports of Russia". And in the spring of 2010, having confirmed it, he scored the 1st goal as part of Lokomotiv against a serious rival to the Dynamo club.

In a few years, Dmitry "grew" from a promising young specialist into one of the best central midfielders countries. In the 2013-2014 season of games, he scored 4 goals. He was called to the national team, in which he scored an effective goal against the national team. South Korea(November 2013).

After the stellar year in football career Tarasov went on a losing streak. In the winter of 2014, he suffered a serious leg injury. Because of this, he did not get to the World Cup, held in Brazil. The 2014/2015 season was a failure due to frequent injuries and suspensions. In the next two seasons, Tarasov scored only one goal each.

The personal life of a football player

A handsome guy never complained about the lack of attention from women. In 2006, he met the pretty gymnast Oksana. They dated for several years and then got married. In 2009, the couple had a daughter, Angelina. However, the family union of the two athletes was short-lived. After 2 years, the couple broke up. And the reason for this was Tarasov's acquaintance with the bright blonde Olga Buzova. The football player and TV presenter "Dom-2" began dating, and a few months later Dmitry filed for divorce from Oksana.

In 2012 Olya and Dima got married. This wedding was attended by close friends of the star Russian football and many representatives of show business. Their family relationship was called ideal. Dima showered his wife with expensive gifts and huge bouquets of flowers, and Olga did not get tired of confessing her love to him on social networks. And happiness, as you know, loves silence. The exemplary marriage of a football player and a spectacular blonde ended in a loud scandal and divorce on December 30, 2016. And the reason again was another woman. This time the football player was captivated by the Miss World participant Anastasia Kostenko.

Tarasov's social networks

In one of the recent interviews, the football player stated that he considers people's addiction to the Internet to be abnormal. He does not maintain pages on Twitter, Facebook and Vkontakte. However, Dmitry Tarasov's Instagram ( says that there is still a dependence on the World Wide Web. The football player regularly publishes fresh photos, pictures and videos.

On Instagram, the life of a popular athlete is followed by 800 thousand subscribers. Each of his posts is gaining 25-30 thousand likes and many comments. Most often, the photographs depict the footballer himself, his girlfriend Anastasia, relatives, friends and colleagues. Follow the life of Tarasov on Instagram and fans of his ex-wife Olga. They leave numerous angry comments about Dmitry and his current life partner.

Tarasov has been playing football for many years and shows good results, but he still has the strength and ability to pleasantly surprise his fans. In the future, Dima plans to build a career outside of sports. And most importantly, in this he is supported by his great Friendly family, friends and girl.

ex wife Dmitry Tarasov name is Oksana Tarasova. was born Oksana October 26 1986 of the year. Before marriage at Oksana was a surname Ponomorenko. Oksana Tarasova former athlete gymnast, is a prize-winner Russian Championship and a master of sports, speaks very well English and Italian, has a diploma in sociology, but in this moment works in a men's barbershop and loves her job. Oksana Tarasova does not like to talk about her unsuccessful marriage, and she acts wisely, because they have Dmitry Tarasov have a common daughter Angelina-Anna. The girl loves her father very much, and he in turn loves her, and all the strife between the parents can harm the daughter, in addition Oksana brought up in such a way that she will not take dirty linen out of the hut and publicly wash the bones of her ex. This girl is beautiful, spectacular and unlike the next wife Dmitry TarasovOlga Buzova- smart and educated. In order to make sure that nature has not cheated Oksana Tarasova brains, just read her thoughts on Instagram. All phrases are formulated clearly, life priorities are set correctly. Oksana Tarasova the girl is unusual, for example, she loves to cover her body with beautiful tattoos. tattoo artist Oksana Tarasova, used to live in Moscow and now moved to Belarus, in town Orsha. Oksana Tarasova travels to another state, for the sake of these wonderful tattoos.

got acquainted Dmitry Tarasov And Oksana Tarasova by chance, the girl caught a taxi, Dmitriy gave a lift. In order to get the cherished figures, he even went to the trick, said that he had lost his phone in the car. Oksana dialed a number, and oops, her phone number was stored in the phone's memory Dmitry Tarasov. In general, these two muddied love, got married, gave birth to a daughter and fled. Dmitry Tarasov walked to the left Oksana he was jealous, made scandals. Divorce Dmitry Tarasov I had to leave my ex-wife an apartment and a car, plus good alimony for the maintenance of her daughter.

Dmitry Tarasov chooses spectacular, long-legged, pretentious beauties. But Oksana Tarasova a non-public person, she, of course, posts her photos on Instagram, but all this is of a calm nature. No boasting or pretense. But still, she is a glamorous, luxurious woman.

Did you take Buzova Tarasova from family? It's hard to find the answer to this question online. But I think that was the case. Already at that time Tarasov began to walk to the left and quarrel with his wife because of this, a crisis was brewing, it is possible that the spouses had been communicating for some time with the help of on-duty phrases and accumulating resentment against each other. It is possible that Oksana waited and hoped to the last that Dmitriy come to her senses, almost every woman who finds herself in such a situation would like this. But Dmitriy went to the dressing, it was already unstoppable. Well, yes, if Buzova was an angel in the flesh, she would start rubbing Dmitry Tarasov about the importance of family, "come back to the family," she would plead with him. But Buzova- the shark of show business - she turned up the right option: rich, on the verge of divorce, young, but promising football player, and she did everything to ring him and fulfill her dream - to become a successful, beloved, married lady. One that everyone would envy. Because I decided that she it does not, then someone else will get a tasty morsel. But that is another story.

On this photo Oksana Tarasova with daughter Angelina

And in this photo you see Oksana Tarasova who decided to recall some element from rhythmic gymnastics, and for one thing, she showed her excellent physical shape to her subscribers on Instagram.

And in these numerous photos you see that the body Oksana Tarasova cover numerous tattoos and they are done superbly.

And in these photos you see Oksana Tarasova with one of his suitors. Once upon a time Oksana Tarasova there were modest monochrome wings on her back, but now her back is all punctured up and down.

And in this photo you see Oksana Tarasova at work at the barbershop.

On this photo Oksana Tarasova and her daughter. Angelina Tarasova going to first grade for the first time.

And in this photo you can see an amazing body Oksana Tarasova.

This is a photo from the wedding. Dmitry Tarasov And Oksana Tarasova once these two were happy.

Dmitry TarasovRussian football player, player of the Lokomotiv team, ex-husband socialite and presenter,. Born March 18, 1987 in Moscow.

Olga Buzova is the second wife of Dima, thanks to whom all of Russia learned about him and he himself became a famous media personality in domestic show business. The first wife of a football player is Oksana, the former spouses have a daughter, Angelina (born in 2009).

Photo from ex-wife Oksana Tarasova

The football player's relationship with the star presenter Olga Buzova was one of the most discussed in the Russian media, and their couple was almost the standard of a strong family union on the star Olympus. Recall that Dima and Olya met in early 2011, and already in next year lovers played a luxurious wedding. But, the family happiness of the “gibberish”, as the fans affectionately called this couple, did not last long and ended in 2016, it was then that it became known about their separation and imminent divorce.

Exactly a year later, the name of Dmitry again appeared on the front pages of online newspapers. Such attention to the football player was caused by his new romance with a model, whom he proposed to at the end of 2017. At the beginning of 2018, Dima and Nastya got married, and Kostenko officially became his third wife.

Dima and his current wife Anastasia Kostenko

Dmitry Tarasov keeps up with his wife and is also an active user Instagram. More than 900 thousand users have subscribed to his account, and Dima has already posted about 1000 photos here. Basically, this is a photo from football matches, trainings and with friends-football players, but, of course, the focus of the young handsome man is always his beloved young wife, whose photos are the most here! And, sometimes, Dima uploads a photo with his daughter Angelina.

Account: tarasov23

Occupation: Russian football player (halfback), master of sports of Russia

Dmitry Tarasov Instagram profile fills with photographs of various meanings, these are key points that are directly related to the profession and interesting moments of his personal life. He really has a lot of subscribers and every day the number of fans is increasing, because Dmitry's life is really interesting to watch.

Dmitry Tarasov's Instagram is updated frequently, almost every post has its own signature - a kind of name or description of a particular situation that Tarasov has been in. In the tape, the athlete has a lot of photos “on the other side of the field”, he often shows moments of his training-preparations in the gym and on the football field. Beyond all sports success Dmitry is also a very good friend, a wonderful dad, this is evidenced by regular Skype communication screens, where Tarasov shows himself from a completely atypical side for an athlete, because he is caring, capable of compassion, empathy, excitement, a kind, sincere man is always 24/7 in touch. It is with such real emotions in the photo that he bribes his fans and wins even more. The athlete tries to make his tape diverse, thereby showing himself from other sides. Dmitry Tarasov openly shows photos from Instagram to everyone. A man never hides his emotions and always shares interesting events of his life without any unspoken phrases and faces hidden by shadows, there is no intrigue. Tarasov is honest and frank with his subscribers, he does not maintain a profile for the sake of PR, but simply shares interesting moments of his life.

Biography of Dmitry Tarasov

Dmitry Tarasov biography, - briefly about the main thing:

  • The athlete was born on March 18, 1987 in the city of Moscow.
  • For several years he played for FC Spartak, being in this team he revealed himself as a talented football player.
  • After completing the contract with Spartak, he played for FC Tom for 3 seasons.
  • In 2009, he played 27 matches at the Russian Championship, where he scored 2 goals.
  • After these fateful goals, Tarasov signed a lucrative contract with the Moscow Lokomotiv.
  • In 2009, Dmitry was awarded the title of Master of Sports of the Russian Federation.
  • In the 2014-2015 season he was recognized as the best defender.
  • Was married twice.

Biography of Dmitry Tarasov good example how, thanks to your work and efforts, you can achieve everything you want on your own, without outside interference!