Fifa 16 android what is the best goalkeeper.

It has already come out, fledged, sold hundreds of thousands, and maybe even millions of copies. The guys from your yard, city or region also bought it, and they are waiting for you in the Ultimate Team mode. And in order to give them a due rebuff, you need to pick up a good team. Well, if you decide to do this, then you need to select from English Premier League. Now let's explain why.

Firstly, this league has almost all the best football players in the world. Secondly, it can offer quite decent candidates for both skinny and fat wallets. If you have a lot of money, then, of course, collect the Spanish Primera. Buy Messi, Ronaldo, mix Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​and you will have the best team in the world, but let's be honest, Messi and Ronaldo are too expensive, super elite players to pay a lot of money for, and without them, Real Madrid and Barcelona are just good teams, but not extra class teams. In Italy, too, everything is difficult. You will have to collect one Juventus, diluting it with Napoli, Inter and Milan. Germany only has Bavaria and Borussia. Yes, and the Germans are slow, you can’t argue here. We'd better keep quiet about poor France. Collecting Russia is patriotic, but not so effective. But in the old, but not at all kind, England, there are at least five teams of the same level, from which you can assemble a very good team. Well, and thirdly, when assembling a team from the Premier League, you will always have in-demand players on hand, who will be much easier to sell than players from any of Holland or Portugal, not to mention more exotic countries.

Like last year, we will not announce the cost of the players, as it will constantly change, and we will not recommend the formation. Instead, we note the most the best players in their positions, we will talk about those who got worse, and those who got better, as well as those who just appeared in the Premier League, like the same Schweinsteiger, for example. We also add that we will consider only key positions: VRT, LZ, TsZ, PZ, LP, TsP (TsOP), PP, TsAP (TsF), FRV. We hope this is clear. Well, if so, then let's get started. Let's start, like last year, with goalkeepers.

Appeared in the Premier League, Valdez is great alternative expensive Courtois and De Gay.

Very little has changed here. The coolest is still Courtois and De Gea, as well as, with some stretch, Lloris. Hart and Cech remained at the level. The first improved a little, and the second gave a little. But Valdes appeared in Manchester United. This is an excellent candidate for his position. In our opinion, both Cech and Hart are much better, so if there is no money for Courtois, buy Valdes - our advice to you.

Begovic, in our opinion, is rather weak. Of the very inexpensive, you can take Caballero and Given. The main parameter, as for us, is POS, i.e. position selection. It is a good choice of position that allows the goalkeeper to save his goal more often. In second place, we note the ability to REF (reflex). Here, in general, and all worthy candidates. Finally, before proceeding to further consideration of candidates, we note that a lot really began to depend on the goalkeeper in FIFA 16, and if in FIFA 15 the score didn’t really depend on the goalkeeper’s toughness, then a good goalkeeper will save your frame more often, than not very good. Conclusion: no need to save.

Baines is the king of the left side of the defense.

This year, this position suffered a significant loss: the Brazilian Felipe Luis left. But Baines has become noticeably better, and he is certainly the best candidate for the left-back role. This is exactly the option when bargaining and bickering are inappropriate. Moreno is fast, but the defender from him is like a sieve from a dog's tail. Clichy is not bad, but there is absolutely no sense from him in the attack. This player has become even less useful in playing along, backing out, and finishing offense when your entire team is playing All Attack. Azpilicueta remained approximately at the same level. There is as much sense in the attack from him as from Clichy.

If you don't have a lot of money, buy a couple from Kolarov and Holebas. The latter appeared only this year, and it is worth saying that he is, in our opinion, one of the most underrated left-backs. This one goes well on the attack, and will catch up with the forward, if necessary. Kolarov, on the other hand, is better to sit in his position, and does not go on the attack, because there is little sense, and he will not always be able to catch up with the fleeing forward. The fastest in his position is the newly minted Baba: he runs fast, but hits very badly. Passes distributes a little better, although not very good either.

Otamendi has become noticeably better compared to his last year's version.

Terry has the highest rating, but let's be realistic: no one needs a defender who has a speed of 34, like Demichelis, and a little higher than Mertesacker. This one won't catch up. But if you prefer to just defend, stand on defense, or score a couple of goals and decide to go on defense, release Terry and Mertesacker, but these are very specific players that you need to know how to play.

Otherwise, we have almost all the same in the arena. Kompany, though not a meteor, but quite a very personal thing. Well, Otamendi also added very well. If you have the means, take it - you will not lose. Otherwise, the author of the article believes that it is impossible to take too slow defenders, so we leave our choice to Cahill, Koscielny, Mangala and Rojo, who, by the way, also added quite well. If there is not much money, then take Mbemba with its excellent speed, and Djilobodji. The first was not in England before, and the second just got a little better, plus relatively inexpensive.

Darmian has risen immediately by 7 points compared to last year. Great choice.

The English Premier League has long been skewed to the right. While there is a complete shortage of candidates on the left flank, there is an abundance on the right. This year, however, the balance has noticeably leveled off. On the right, the same Baines got lost and would not have been a clear leader. To top it off, both new guys have joined the favorites of the past, and old ones have grown above themselves, who had not been in sight before.

Despite this, the leader, in our opinion, is still the same: Zabaleta, which continues to be out of competition, despite some slowness. But Sagna has become a little worse, although it is also an excellent budget option. Otherwise, if you have money, buy one of the three: Coleman, Debuchy, Darmian. The latter added especially cool, and from a rating of 74 he reached right up to 81. If you want runners, then take Walker or Clyne. These are approximately equal players, except that the first one is a little faster. In general, it is better to have two candidates in each of the defensive positions: a slow and defensive one and a fast one with offensive inclinations. By changing them from match to match, you yourself will understand which defender you feel more comfortable with.

Depay - great choice for moderate money.

The midfield has begun. It is richer here, although the leaders are still the same: Hazard and Sanchez. Here you need a fast runner, who is completely incapable of defense, but who knows how to hit, and most importantly, to give an accurate pass, since you will have to hang a lot from the flanks.

So, let's look. In addition to the above two guys, we have two very good players: Pedro, who came from Barcelona and the right flank of Chelsea, and also moved from the "close" right flank, Sterling. Pedro is not very fast, and his pass with a shot is not very set, and the second one is a meteor without a normal pass and shot. But in general, Sterling or even Young is still better than Nasri, which has a higher rating. But Sliva left this flank, and, probably, it's good. But instead of him came the fast and very dangerous Depay, which has noticeably better physics and impact compared to its direct competitor Sterling. So if you have a lot of money, take Hazard or Sanchez. If there is less money, take Depay or Pedro. If there is very little money, then it is better to leave your choice on Sako. This one is fast, and at least can clearly hit the ball, and give a pass, unlike the faster Bolasie and Atsu, who run fast, but there is no sense in attacking them. In addition, the strength of the latter is enough for one intense half, and after that it needs to be changed.

Fernandinho is the most versatile central midfielder in the Premier League.


Here, we are not as scarce as on the left flank, especially since several new faces have been added, which we will now tell about. Let's start with the defensive type of players (conditional TsOP). The coolest: Ramires is the fastest player in his position, as a result of which he manages to catch up with the opponent, as well as run away to other people's goals, and Toure. But it's expensive. And if you can save up somehow for Ramirez, then the price for Toure bites.

However, Fabregas is considered the strongest. This is a candidate for the CPU, but not for the DAC, because it needs speed, but it does not have it. The same can be said about the appeared Schweinsteiger (Schweinsteiger, so as not to break your eyes). It's too slow and doesn't really look like its 86 rating. In defense, Matic is still good, but in attack it is completely useless. From defensive-attacking it is better to stop at Ramsey and Fernandinho. The latter is so cool that it may well play on the DAC. Surprise your opponents with an attacking midfielder who will constantly take the balls away from someone else's half of the field. If you don't have a lot of money, buy Dembele - a great all-rounder, or Inler - a defensive player new to the Premier League. If you are staring at Fernando, then you better take M'vila. Just compare their characteristics, and you will see that the latter is noticeably more useful, and most importantly, twice cheaper.

Now consider attacking midfielders. It's all mixed up here. Everyone's favorite Di Maria left, giving way to Silva, who came from the flank. However, we would not recommend Silva to you, as well as Ozil. These players are taken to the team by those who are chasing status and want a high rating for their team. These are slow guys who are of little use when you need to run away, and their stamina is almost indecently small. But De Bruyne has become much cooler. From 83, he grew to 86, and although he lost two points of speed, he increased other characteristics. On this moment this is the best candidate for the position of CAP in the FIFA 16 Premier League.

Oscar is certainly good, but has physics 46. Only Lanzini has worse physics in his position, so we would not advise contacting Oscar either, unless, of course, you want to constantly make substitutions during the break. Santi Cazorla, Coutinho and Eriksen go in a slender, indistinguishable sequence. Good, but expensive. Therefore, if there is not enough money, we advise you to pay attention to Sissoko. This is a chic, versatile player who not only has an impressive reserve of energy that allows him to rush around the field for the entire match, but he can also hit and pass, and his defense, as an attacker, is better than that of many defensive midfielders.
Well, to top it off, if you have a lot of money, then transfer Rooney to the position of the DAC, because on the tip it is still of little use due to slowness.

Walcott is beyond competition.

Here the choice is no longer as huge as in FIFA 15. But still, the right flank of the midfield in the Premier League is pretty good. First of all, he is famous for runners. Among those who are not just a stupid runner, but also can hit, these are Walcott and Shaqiri. It was precisely because of the huge distortion and deficit on the other flanks that Sanchez, De Bruyn and Pedro left from here, Cuardado, who was in close competition with Walcott, left England.

The worst thing you can do is throw money at Jesus Navas. He has a completely unacceptable 50-point physics that makes him useless in the second half. For cheaper options, take Lennon, or Zaha, or Dyer, or Campbell. Weakness this four - hits and passes. Dyer has the best shots and Campbell has the best passes, although Lennon is pretty much the same. Ibarbo and Deufleu, by the way, are also from this series. And Oxlade-Chamberlain is too expensive for their hitting and passing culture.

Sturridge stands as 1/5 Aguero. Take Sturridge, he's not that bad.

Well, we finish with forwards. Three forwards are required for a minimum reserve: a main, a replacement, and a deep reserve. For a full-fledged team, you need one superstar, two stars, but less, and two more worthy, but more modest candidates. This is if you play one striker. If you have a more attacking formation, then you will have to fill the entire bench with forwards.

This year there are big changes at the forefront of the attack. Rooney and Costa became a little slower, and Falcao was generally cut for a bad season, reducing the speed from 77 to 72.

The best you can buy is Aguero. There is no doubt about it. Rooney is slow, as for the tip of the attack, not to mention Giruod, who has a speed of 67 at all. Therefore, if there is no money for Aguero, then buy Remy or Sturridge. The Remy that got into Chelsea is a particularly good purchase in terms of price / quality. Weak dribbling and not very good hit, offset by a speed of 90. This is cooler than Sturridge and Aguero. Diouf has the same speed, who, unfortunately, has a weak shot, and no passing at all, coupled with disgusting ball control, and Mane, who has better dribbling, but the shot is so bad that you are provided with a lot of wasted chances.

In general, the situation with good forwards in FIFA 16 is symbolic: pay or play weak forwards and waste your nerves. Putting together a good midfield is much easier than a good attack, so it makes sense to focus on one, but a very good forward. It seems that Sturridge should become it, since Aguero is at the moment almost 5 times more expensive.
The option “if there is not a lot of money” does not work here. Even for not the best, but relatively good Welbeck or Lukaku, you will have to shell out a considerable amount, so get ready.

This was a guide to the most the best football players English Premier League in Ultimate Team FIFA 16. We hope you found this material helpful.


Age: 18

Force: 76

Potential: 88

Who is in reality. Striker who scored 10 goals in 27 games in his first full season. The player was born in the capital of Cameroon and only recently acquired a Swiss passport, but has already played for the Alpine team three times. Last fall, Embolo was named among the possible replacements for Seydou Doumbia at CSKA. The army team eventually decided to replace the Ivorian by Doumbia himself, but this is probably for the best: the composure of the killer Embolo is not always enough.

What can: work with the ball, look for free space and push through defenders


Where: "Manchester United"

Age: 20

Force: 77

Potential: 88

Who is in reality. The defender who made Manchester United fork out €37.5m. Last season, like all the Red Devils, he left the “everything is difficult” category, but Shaw started the new championship at an excellent level - until he met with Hector Moreno and PSV and suffered a double leg fracture. Now the defender will miss six to nine months, and United are looking for a replacement. But, as Roy Hodgson rightly pointed out, in the future this guy can make 100 caps for England.

What can: run fast, make long passes and generally attack

Who: Daniele Rugani

Where: Juventus

Age: 21

Force: 78

Potential: 88

Who is in reality. Center back who played all 38 games last season without substitutions. Then he played for Empoli, but now he is trying to break into the base of Juventus, which has long had its eye on the player. It turns out so-so, but comparisons with Nesta, Shirea and Baresi make it clear that Rugani will get his chance. Moreover, in November 2014, Antonio Conte called him to the Italian national team.

Who: Paolo Dybala

Where: Juventus

Age: 21

Force: 78

Potential: 88

Who is in reality. A newcomer to Juventus who broke all possible records of the Argentine Instituto and sparkled brightly in Palermo. The “old lady” started the season disgustingly, but Dybala was not to blame for this - in three matches he scored two goals and made him forget about parting with Carlos Tevez. Palermo President Maurizio Zamparini believes that Dybala is capable of surpassing Messi and Ronaldo, Paulo himself prefers to play with Messi on a console and recommends taking Ronaldinho to their top three.

What can: to invent, score and not be greedy


Where: Schalke

Age: 19

Force: 78

Potential: 88

Who is in reality. German Oleg Shatov - in the sense that he began his career in futsal. The diminutive player is comfortable in tight spaces and is not afraid to take on the game. In FIFA 16, where passing is a big deal, these may not be the most important skills, but Meyer's potential, always focused on sharpening, is too high to ignore.

What can: beat defenders beautifully, get out of custody with dignity and burst into the penalty area at speed

Who: Niklas Süle

Where: Hoffenheim

Age: 20

Force: 78

Potential: 88

Who is in reality. 195 cm center back, who managed to learn what a serious injury is. In December 2014, he received a cruciate ligament rupture, but at the cost of superhuman efforts he was able to return to the beginning of the next season. Süle is a product of the Hoffenheim Academy, which in last years fierce competition with Bayern. In addition to him, Jeremy Tolyan and Nadim Amiri made their way to the base - these names, just in case, are also worth remembering.

What can: defuse the situation at their gates and play with their heads

Who: Paco Alcacer


Age: 22

Force: 80

Potential: 88

Who is in reality. Silver medalist of the European Championship among 17-year-olds, winner of Euro U-21 and scorer of three Spanish goals in the Euro 2016 qualifying campaign. With the exception of the 2012/13 season, when the striker was loaned out to Getafe, the conscious life of this guy was spent at the Mestalla. He also had a personal tragedy connected with the Valencia stadium: in August 2011, after the game with Roma from heart attack Paco's father died.

What can: save the ball, play along and look for the moment to hit

Who: Raheem Sterling

Where: "Manchester city"

Age: 20

Force: 82

Potential: 88

Who is in reality. The man whose transfer to Manchester City blew up the Premier League transfer market: before, 60 million euros were not paid for the English. In Liverpool, Sterling was counted as a leader, but he preferred the title race to the struggle for a great past. Rakhim is fast, brisk, but at the gates of others he does not always make the right decisions. In City, however, and so there is someone to score.

What can: run with the ball, collect fouls and create dangerous chances

Who: Memphis Depay

Where: "Manchester United"

Age: 21

Force: 81

Potential: 89

Who is in reality. Top scorer Dutch championship season 2014/15. Last summer, Depay moved to Manchester United, where he received the coveted “seven” and established himself as a winger. Now the number one task is to gain stability: after a spectacular double against Brugge, Louis van Gaal wanted to kiss his compatriot, but this did not stop the coach from removing Depay during the break in the game with Liverpool.

What can: make smart passes, hit from any distance and stay on your feet after martial arts

Who: Youri Tielemans

Age: 18


Force: 76

Potential: 90

Who is in reality. Another confirmation of the flourishing of the Belgian football school. At sixteen, Tielemans was already playing in the Champions League, at seventeen he was the best junior of the previous version of FIFA, and at eighteen he scored a couple of goals that blew up all conceivable hit parades. Many top clubs are showing interest in the centrifuge, but Anderlecht intends to fetch at least 12 million euros for it. Fans of virtual football also need to prepare for difficult negotiations.

What can: control the ball, distribute sharp passes and hit from outside the penalty area

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Bordeaux EA Guingamp LOSC Lille Olym Lyonnais AS Monaco Montpellier HSC FC Nantes OGC Nice PSG Stade Rennais SM Caen FC Lorient Olym Marseille ES Troyes AC Stade de Reims Angers SCO Toulouse FC AS Saint-Étienne GFC Ajaccio RC Lens FC Metz Nîmes Olympique FC Sochaux Stade Brestois AC Ajaccio Le Havre AC US Créteil Cham Niortais AS Nancy AJ Auxerre Stade Lavallois Clermont Foot Tours FC Valenciennes FC Dijon FCO Bourg-Péronnas Red Star FC Évian TG Paris FC FC Bayern Hamburger SV FC Schalke 04 VfB Stuttgart Werder Bremen Hertha BSC 1 FSV Mainz 05 VfL Wolfsburg Hannover 96 Eint. Frankfurt Bor. Dortmund Bor. M "gladbach 1. FC Köln Bayer 04 1899 Hoffenheim FC Augsburg SV Darmstadt FC Ingolstadt SC Freiburg Kaiserslautern 1860 München Arminia Bielefeld VfL Bochum Greuther Fürth 1. FC Nürnberg MSV Duisburg Union Berlin Karlsruher SC SC Paderborn Frankfurt SV Sandhausen FC St. Pauli BraVunschweig Düsseldorf 1. FC Heidenheim RB Leipzig Atalanta Lazio Milan Napoli Roma Torino Udinese Bologna Chievo Verona Hellas Verona Empoli Sampdoria Palermo Inter Juventus Fiorentina Genoa Frosinone Sassuolo Carpi Brescia Pescara Terni Modena Como Cagliari Livorno Borgocalcio Bari Perugia Avellino Salerno Crotone Vercell La Spezia Cesarani Latina Vicenza Brisigonza Columbus Crew SC D.C. United NY Red Bulls New England Chicago Fire Colorado Rapids FC Dallas Sporting KC LA Galaxy Houston Dynamo Whitecaps FC Real Salt Lake Montreal Impact Portland Sounders FC Toronto FC SJ Earthquakes Philadelphia Orla ndo City NYCFC Rosenborg BK Lillestrøm SK Viking FK Molde FK Tromsø IL Stabæk Fotball FK Bodø/Glimt Vålerenga Fotball Strømsgodset IF Odds BK IK Start Aalesunds FK Sandefjord FK Haugesund Sarpsborg 08 FF Mjøndalen IF Aberdeen Celtic Hearts Kil County Partick Thistle St. Johnstone Atlético Madrid FC Barcelona RC Deportivo Real Madrid Athletic Bilbao Real Betis Celta Vigo RCD Espanyol Real Sociedad Sporting Gijón Valencia CF SD Eibar UD Las Palmas Sevilla FC Málaga CF Getafe CF Rayo Vallecano Villarreal CF Levante UD Granada CF Real Zaragoza RCD Mallorca CD Numancia CA Osasuna Albacete UD Almería Córdoba CF CD Tenerife Real Valladolid Deport. Alavés Elche CF SD Ponferradina Gimnàstic AD Alcorcón CD Leganés Girona CF CD Mirandés Bilbao Athletic Real Oviedo CD Lugo SD Huesca UE Llagostera IFK Göteborg Malmö FF Halmstads BK Helsingborgs IF AIK IF Elfsborg IFK Norrköping Hammarby IF BK FFmarå Skalfle Ögre GIF IF Åtvidabergs FF Falkenbergs FF Millwall Coventry City Walsall Bradford City Wigan Athletic Oldham Athletic Chesterfield Shrewsbury Doncaster Sheffield Utd Gillingham Blackpool Port Vale Barnsley Swindon Town Colchester Peterborough Crewe Alexandra Bury Scunthorpe Utd Southend United Rochdale Burton Albion Fleetwood Town Barnet Yeovil Town Luton Town Morecambe Exeter City Stevenage Dag & Red Carlisle United Portsmouth Plymouth Argyle Northampton Wycombe Hartlepool Notts County Mansfield Town Cambridge Utd York City Oxford United Leyton Orient Bristol Rovers Accrington Crawley Town Newport County AFC Wimbledon Bohemian FC Shamrock Rovers Cork City St. Pats Derry City Dundalk Bray Wanderers Galway United Drogheda Utd Longford Town Sligo Rovers Limerick Górnik Zabrze Lech Poznań Ruch Chorzów Legia Warszawa Wisła Kraków Górnik Łęczna Jagiellonia Pogoń Szczecin Cracovia Zagłębie Lubin Korona Kielce Piast Gliwice Podbeskidzie Lechia Gdańsk Śląsk Wrocław Termalica Dinamo Moscow CSKA Moscow Krylya Sovetov Rubin Kazan FC Krasnodar Lokomotiv Moscow Anzhi Makhachkala Spartak Moscow Zenit Kuban Krasnodar Mordovia Saransk Terek Grozny FC Rostov Amkar Perm FC Ufa FC Ural Galatasaray Fenerbahçe Beşiktaş Trabzonspor Antalyaspor Bursaspor Gaziantepspor Medipol Başakşehir Kayserispor Gençlerbirliği Konyaspor Mersin Çaykur Rizespor Sivasspor Kasimpaşa Akhisarspor Eskişehirspor Osmanlıspor Olympiakos CFP PAOK Fluminense Cruzeiro Vasco da Gama São Paulo Atlético Mineiro Atl. 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Mandanda made his Marseille debut back in 2007 and has since established himself as one of the best goalkeepers in the French league. In the summer, the name of a native of Kinshasa was associated with English club Crystal Palace, but the rumors about his transfer remained rumors. Mandanda does not hide the fact that he is happy to play at the Velodrome. And is there any reason not to believe his words? The fans love their goalkeeper, he has absolute confidence, so there is no reason for Mandand to want to leave Marseille. His rating in is 83 points. However, he is not the "first number" among the French.

9. Samir Handanovich - 83

The goalkeeper of Inter and the Slovenian national team has been one of the best goalkeepers in Serie A in recent years.

case held a large number of memorable matches, made many beautiful saves. Inter's poor defensive play is not his fault. In the ranking, the Slovenian will also receive 83 points.

8. Iker Casillas - 84

In the summer off-season, Casillas was forced to leave the Real Madrid that had raised him, and parting with his native club turned out to be completely different from what Iker had dreamed of. Real Madrid, of course, is a great club, but they did not spend their legend in the way that befits the great. In the past few seasons, Casillas has gone through many embarrassing moments at Real Madrid. Now the 34-year-old goalkeeper has accepted Porto's offer. Considering what happened to Casillas in Madrid, it can be called a great success of 84 points in the FIFA rankings.

7. Gianluigi Buffon - 84

Sometimes EA Sports makes you wonder how players are ranked. The icon of Juventus and all Italian football will receive only 84 points. Is this a fair and professional assessment of Buffon's level? Gianluigi is perhaps the strongest goalkeeper of the last decade. Despite the fact that in a few months he will be 38 years old, he remains one of the best. Even if at some points Buffon is not in optimal shape, his class is definitely

Only 84 points - is this a fair assessment of the level of Buffon?

doesn't disappear.

6. Hugo Lloris - 84

We made a simulator and decided to lower the rating of Lloris by one, and now the Frenchman will have 84 points. The Tottenham goalkeeper may not be a star in the English Premier League, but he certainly deserves a high rating. As a rule, journalists, experts, commentators somewhat underestimate Lloris. The Frenchman is a great goalkeeper, distinguished by his reaction and acrobatic skills. The 28-year-old Lloris took time to pick up at the start of the season, but will only get better from there.

5. Bernd Leno - 84

Germany has never suffered from a shortage of great goalkeepers. And the compilers found a place in the top ten for two representatives of the Bundesliga. 23-year-old Leno has long been in the interest of the richest clubs in European football. In particular, in the summer, Real Madrid showed serious interest in the Bayer goalkeeper. If Leno continues to perform at the level that he has been maintaining for the last time, he will definitely move to a big team and increase his rating.

4. Petr Cech - 85

Arsenal fans were waiting for Arsene Wenger to acquire a goalkeeper with leadership qualities. This offseason, their wish finally came true. The gunners paid

You don't know how to make Neuer wrong, unless you're Leo Messi

Chelsea £10m for Cech. The 33-year-old Czech goalkeeper has been proving his class for many years. The compilers of the simulator rated its current state at 85 points. Of course, Cech is not getting any younger, but you should still expect a lot from him.

3. Thibaut Courtois - 86

Courtois rightfully claims to be the strongest goalkeeper in the Premier League. Betting on him head coach Jose Mourinho forced Cech to leave Chelsea. Although Courtois was not the main character in the headlines of the English newspapers, he did an excellent job last season. The Belgian justified the trust and won the championship with Chelsea. He absolutely deserves to be the highest rated goalkeeper in the Premier League, along with David de Gea.

2. David de Gea - 86

There was no longer any doubt that de Gea would continue his career at Real Madrid, but the Spaniard still remained at Manchester United. The deal with Real Madrid fell through, which means that De Gea will continue to delight Old Trafford with crazy saves. The previous season was a one hundred percent success for David, largely thanks to his game, Manchester United finished the season in fourth place. Now it is very important for the Spaniard to restore communication with head coach Louis van Gaal as soon as possible.

1. Manuel Neuer - 90

The goalkeeper of Bayern and the German national team again tops the ranking of players in his role. Neuer is not a typical goalkeeper, it is not enough for him to just leave the goal “dry”. Often he acts as the last defender, very successfully helping the team to defend. It's amazing how great the German owns the safety net and the transfer! In the new season, she gave him a higher rating than other goalkeepers - as many as 90 points. You don't know how to make Neuer wrong, unless you're Leo Messi.