Fitness watch how to use. The best budget models of pedometers: simplicity and affordability

There are so many smart gadgets on the market today different models that the eyes run wide. In their desire to try different brands and models, people regularly replenish their collections of newfangled devices. The question of which fitness bracelet to choose is also very relevant because their range is expanding and becoming more diverse every day. Samsung Gear Fit, FitBit, Sony SmartBand, Garmin VivoSmart are not all of their brands.

The choice of such a gadget in terms of design is not a problem - all manufacturers are trying to make their devices as stylish and attractive as possible, producing models of various designs for every taste. It can be more difficult to determine the functional characteristics of the device. Today we will try to talk about the main features of the most popular smart bracelet models today so that you can do right choice.

What are fitness bracelets?

These gadgets are called differently - fitness trackers, sports wristbands or "smart" bracelets. It is designed for people leading an active lifestyle and can have many different functions: a pedometer, a heart rate monitor, a smart alarm clock, etc. In addition, fitness trackers record and maintain measurement statistics, after reading which you can adjust your sports life.

By the way! The bracelet itself is just a casing, a cover for inserting a small element that reads information. But anyway, when talking about fitness bracelets, they mean a full-fledged device.

How do they work?

Fitness bracelets are synchronized with an iPhone or smartphone and send all the information there. That is, speaking the language of electronics, a bracelet is a sensor (it receives information), and a smartphone is a device for outputting this information. By turning on the appropriate application, the user can see on the monitor all the data that the bracelet has collected.
This begs a natural question: why puzzle over which fitness bracelet to choose when you can just use the apps? Indeed, modern smartphones allow you to do all the same, but there is a significant difference. A bracelet, unlike a smartphone, can be worn on the wrist and forgotten about. Some models can be left on even while taking a shower, not to mention sleep. Smartphones are not very convenient in this regard.

The main functions of fitness trackers

In order to choose a fitness bracelet, you need to take a closer look at the features that these gadgets have. The basic and basic functions of any sports bracelet are a heart rate monitor and a pedometer.

  • Pedometer. Smart bracelet will take into account every step. You can set yourself to walk, for example, 10 thousand steps a day. And when the goal is reached, the bracelet will vibrate. This usually includes functions for calculating calories burned, determining average speed, calculation of total mileage, etc.;
  • Heart rate monitor. An important feature that allows you to monitor your own health. If the user sees that their heart rate is too high at rest, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. You can also observe changes in heart rate during active movement, physical activity, etc.;
  • Smart alarm clock. According to the pulse, the fitness tracker determines the phases of a person’s sleep and wakes him up at the right time. Therefore, waking up with a smart bracelet will no longer be so painful. Of course, this is not a function that must be in the bracelet you choose - it's a matter of taste and needs. But many of those who bought such bracelets appreciated the convenience of a smart alarm clock, as can be seen from the abundance of positive reviews on the network. In new released models of trackers, this feature is becoming more and more popular, but not everywhere yet it works as expected. You can learn about the correctness of its work from the reviews on the specific bracelet model you like;
  • Personal nutritionist. The smart bracelet will compare the readings of the spent and replenished energy. Based on this, the device will give advice: when and what to eat, in what quantity.

Top most popular fitness bracelets

If you are already sure that you need this new product, but still have not decided which particular fitness bracelet to choose for an iPhone or smartphone, then I suggest that we familiarize ourselves with some brands and models.

Xiaomi Mi Band models 1s and 2
Xiaomi's Chinese electronics manufacturer Lately made a lot of noise releasing a variety of gadgets at the cutting edge of technology and selling them, at the same time, at a low price. The fitness tracker market is no exception. The company marked it with models 1, 1s and 2, which quickly gained popularity among buyers. Although they do not offer revolutionary technologies, they have everything they need to succeed - a stylish, strict design, the minimum necessary "gentleman's" set of functions and, mainly, a low price.
The latest on this moment Mi Band 1S and 2 models provide their owner with the functions of a pedometer, heart rate monitor, sleep monitoring and a smart alarm clock. Both of them are made in a waterproof design, in the form of an insert that is installed in the ergonomic case of the bracelet itself. The owner can do it himself - the insert must be removed for recharging. Moreover, the bracelet can be replaced with some other interchangeable one if the design or material of the standard strap is not to your liking.

  • Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Pulse is an entry-level model with a minimum price. It does not have its own display, but only indication LEDs. Therefore, to read the data, you will need to pair the fitness tracker with a smartphone.
  • Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is a more advanced version, equipped with an OLED display and a touch button for easy control and reading. Because of this, the device has become somewhat thicker than its predecessor. According to reviews, the pedometer in this model works more accurately than in the younger one, and the battery life is somewhat shorter.

Both models support collaboration with smartphones - for Android and iOS 7 devices, a program provided by the bracelet manufacturer is available, and for Windows, third-party programs are available. According to reviews, software for android works more stable than for iOS. Some users complain about the software translation curve, however, this problem, which is not uncommon for Chinese software, does not prevent the use of a fitness bracelet.
As with any other purely Chinese gadget, the issue of long-term reliability of the device remains relevant. In other words, the network is dominated by positive reviews about these models of bracelets, which suggests that their quality is at least as good as that of competitors. And given that they cost several times cheaper than many other bracelets, they create serious competition for them.

In fairness, it must be said that many smart bracelets from other manufacturers, even more expensive than Xiaomi 1S, are not equipped with a built-in screen. This cannot be considered a disadvantage. Variety is good. Such models, for example, are suitable for those users who prefer gadgets of the minimum size, which will be invisible and most comfortable on the hand when playing sports.

This brand of the American manufacturer is represented by several models:

  • basic UP-Move;
  • progressive UP2;
  • flagship UP3.

The most bought is Jawbone UP2 - a model with wide functionality. The weight of the bracelet is only 25 g, and its wide body is made in a laconic stylish design.

Out of habit, this bracelet may not be recognized as a functional gadget. This is probably the reason why Jawbone UP2 is very popular with girls. The length of the strap is universal, so even on the thinnest wrist, the bracelet will hold well and not hang out.
The Jawbone UP2 bracelet is called a “black box” because it does not have an information display, and the information is written as if in nowhere. In fact, everything can be found in your smartphone.

A well-known South Korean company has also distinguished itself in the production of fitness trackers. Many who do not know which fitness bracelet to choose for android turn to the same brands under which their smartphones are released.

Samsung Gear Fit is loved by people for its elegant design. It has a fairly large display, but the fitness tracker does not look bulky. Smart bracelet allows you to choose a screensaver, menu theme and font, gives the user all the necessary information, notifying him with a perky sound or vibration signal. Quite a nice little gadget for only 2500 rubles.

Fit Bit
The company almost lost customers by releasing the FitBit Force fitness tracker, which caused allergies and reddening of the skin. But the Chinese manufacturer quickly corrected itself, revealing to the world a new bracelet - Fitbit Charge. Its watch-inspired design can be worn even with a formal suit. Average price: 6500r.
Another model from this manufacturer is the FitBit Flex tracker. It does not have a screen, but only an indicator of three LEDs. But it also costs less than Charge - 5000 r.

The Japanese company decided to keep up with its competitors and added a smart bracelet to its extensive list of digital equipment. The Sony SmartBand is a cute low power fitness tracker with nine color options.
All typical functions are present, so if a person forgets to eat or is tired, the fitness tracker will definitely remind him of this. By the way, the user himself sets up the notification system, so the bracelet will not distract you with a constant squeak or vibration. And it costs only 3000 rubles, which is relatively inexpensive for a brand with a worldwide reputation.

Polar Loop
The brand is represented only by fitness bracelets and nothing more. It's probably the ability to focus on one type of gadget that's allowed the company to make its fitness trackers so great. They are very beautiful and modern, the display merges with the body, so the bracelet does not stick out on the wrist.

The display shows each action that the user performs: “STEP”, “SLEEP” and others. In a word, it's great. sports bracelet worth about 8000 r.

A review of sports gadgets would be incomplete without a specific sports brand. We are talking about Nike. This American manufacturer is also puzzled by the release of modern gadgets, so the world recently learned about the Nike FuelBand. Quite a successful shockproof model with an LED screen, many functions and an attractive design. The fate of the Nike fitness bracelet is currently unknown because the company has discontinued it. Unfortunately, now it is almost impossible to buy anywhere.

Attention! When choosing a fitness bracelet to use with your phone, be sure to check the compatibility of the gadget with your smartphone or iPhone. Not all models of bracelets are universal!

Fitness bracelets for iPhone

For iPhone owners, here is a separate list of the most high-quality and popular fitness bracelets and their prices.

  • Jawbone UP24 - from 3000 rubles;
  • Polar Loop - from 8000 rubles;
  • Withings Pulse O2 - from 7500 rubles;
  • Misfit Shine - from 4500 rubles;
  • Fitbit Flex - from 5000 rubles.

All models are not only multifunctional, but also have an ergonomic appearance. These are the most best bracelets for iPhone. I haven’t included Xiaomi devices in this list yet, because there are questions about how the software works with iOS. But if the manufacturer debugs the software, then the Mi Band bracelets have every chance of getting into the list of the best fitness trackers for the iPhone.
I hope now it will be easier for you to decide which fitness bracelet is best for you personally and for your mobile device. A smart bracelet is an excellent and fashionable gift not only for yourself, but also for a friend, girlfriend, parents or colleague. Even if a person is not fond of sports and does not count steps and calories, he will still be interested in the novelty. And, perhaps, it is the fitness tracker that will push him to reconsider his lifestyle and become healthier. This is also noted in the reviews by a number of owners of smart bracelets.
New manufacturers and models of bracelets appear every day. Among these new products, very interesting models are periodically found. Therefore, if you want to purchase a model of a truly unique and rare design, then in addition to well-known manufacturers, you should also follow the newcomers to the market.

Finally, I suggest watching a short video comparing the UP2 and UP3 models from Jawbone:

A wide variety of gadgets have long been an integral part of our lives. Modern man is surrounded by many devices designed to perform certain functions. But technological progress does not stand still. Almost every day we learn about new inventions that make our lives more comfortable. One of them is a fitness bracelet. What is this gadget for and for whom is it intended?

This technical know-how is worth talking about in more detail, because many probably know practically nothing about devices that have many names - smart bracelets, smart bracelets, fitness bracelets, etc. But be that as it may, such a gadget is very easy to use, lightweight and has almost limitless possibilities.

History of appearance

The first prototypes of such gadgets were heart rate monitors. A little later, manufacturers added the functions of measuring calories burned and the number of steps taken to these devices. However, it became possible to call such devices full-fledged fitness bracelets only after the appearance of their full integration with PCs and mobile operating systems.

Who needs them?

Based on the name, these devices are intended for those people who lead an active lifestyle. After all, at first glance it seems that such a gadget is unlikely to be needed by someone who sits at the monitor all day. However smart fitness bracelet has a number of functions that will be useful to any category of user in their Everyday life. At the same time, it is quite possible that they will be a kind of incentive for the laziest, motivating them to play sports or at least move more.

Of course, many people ask themselves the question “Why do we need a fitness bracelet if the modern market is saturated with a huge variety of smart watch models that have most of the functions of a smart gadget?” The fact is that the advantages of the described invention are much greater. This applies, for example, to battery life. For fitness bracelets, it is increased several times. This was made possible due to the device's lack of a powerful processor or large display.

These gadgets also win in comparison with the phone. Among the advantages of fitness bracelets are:

1. Ability to save data without downloading additional program. The phone will have to work with several applications, which is very inconvenient.

2. To obtain accurate data, the phone will have to be constantly carried in the hand. It will not be possible to do this in the pool or in the gym. It is problematic to constantly carry the phone even in a normal office. Concerning smart fitness bracelet, then it will always be on the hand, imperceptibly fixing the necessary data.

3. When using the phone, you will need to keep several applications constantly turned on at once. This is, for example, mobile Internet or GPS. As for smart gadgets, they do not need to be constantly connected to a smartphone. Their synchronization can be carried out only once during the day, and sometimes, depending on the model, even less often.

4. Many applications on a smartphone only work when the device is connected to the Internet. A fitness bracelet does fine without it.

5. A smart gadget is able to receive and analyze health indicators for a long time. The smartphone program can go astray, and then all data will be lost.

6. Sometimes mobile applications do not open from a laptop or a personal computer. The program for a fitness bracelet is capable of this, because manufacturing companies spend a lot of money on its development and further optimization.

Today, many manufacturers of popular brands of phones produce both a watch and a bracelet, which allows you to connect them with each other. Thus, the device becomes an indispensable assistant to a person, designed to maintain his health, as well as organize the process of physical activity and rest.


At the very beginning of its appearance on the market, smart bracelets were not known to many. This was taken advantage of by scammers who presented these devices as miraculous devices with truly “magic” properties. Those who decided to cash in on the ignorance and gullibility of people advertised fitness bracelets as devices that normalize blood pressure, get rid of diseases, and even allow you to lose weight. excess weight without physical activity. However, such fakes have nothing to do with fitness bracelets. After all, these multifunctional technical devices are sensors and organizers. They measure the pulse, track sleep phases, human activity during the daytime and record other statistical data.

What is a fitness bracelet? This small device necessary for those people who take care of their health, but cannot go in for sports due to limited quantity free time. A smart gadget will allow you to evaluate the quality of sleep, as well as tell you how many steps were taken during the day. In addition, the program for the fitness bracelet can be configured in a certain way. This will allow the device to wake up its owner exactly in the phase of sleep when it will be easiest for him to get up, and such an awakening will make him feel better throughout the day.

Main functions

What is a fitness bracelet? This is a complex device with so many different functions that it is rather difficult to list them. That is why it is initially worth considering the basic characteristics of such devices. They are common to all such gadgets, regardless of brand and price.

First of all, these characteristics are:

Pulse control;
- step meter;
- the summation of calories burned;
- "smart" alarm clock;
- sleep monitoring.

In order to fully understand the significance of this small device in life modern man, we need to consider some of its main functions in more detail.

Pulse tracking

Why do you need such a gadget function? A fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor allows you to maximize the effectiveness of any type of physical activity. It is known that control over the beats of the heart muscle is able to trace the response of a person to the load. In addition, this function helps to properly organize training process. So, if a fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor is put on a person’s hand, the purpose of whose morning run is to eliminate extra pounds, then he will need to keep his pulse at 130 beats per minute. With larger or smaller values ​​of this indicator, fats will be burned more slowly. This will lead to the fact that the training will simply go to waste.

Sleep control

This is one of the most important functions of a fitness bracelet. There doesn't seem to be anything special about her. However, the gadget is able to collect information not only about the time of rest, but also about its quality. So, the owner of a fitness bracelet can track the phases of his sleep in order to take advantage of new opportunities in the future. For example, to eliminate the lack or excess of rest time. In addition, a person may begin to wake up at optimal moments for this. All this is the merit of such a function as a "smart alarm clock". Unlike conventional devices, it will not interrupt its owner's sleep at a predetermined time, but will choose it in such a way that the body receives the maximum benefit. Using this function will allow you to control the duration and quality of sleep individually for each user.

Calorie count

This is the third most important function of the device, which sometimes comes first. Indeed, many people pay great attention to their figure, and not only because of health, but in order to have a spectacular appearance.

What is a fitness bracelet? This is a device that will allow its owner not to give up their favorite dishes, but to see the specific number of calories consumed during the day. Such data will make it possible to carry out a simple calculation that will reveal an individual norm, adhering to which, you can always be in shape. The reliability of such information, due to the fact that the bracelet is constantly on the arm, approaches one hundred percent.

A smart bracelet can become a kind of personal nutritionist. He will prompt best time for food intake, as well as its quantity, which will allow you not to gain extra pounds and even get rid of them. The gadget is able to compare the indicators of the replenished and spent energy, while supplying necessary advice. What he does not know how to do is to analyze information about the food eaten. This is only possible with manual data entry.

Step counting

This function also applies to the basic and is present in all varieties of fitness bracelets. It allows the owner of the gadget to set their own daily activity rate. This will certainly become a great motivation to move more, tracking your achievements. Some models of smart bracelets are able to keep track of other types of activity, such as running or cycling. For this, they provide a separate calculation.

Additional functions

The best fitness bracelets are more practical. In addition to the standard functions described above, they also have a number of additional ones. Among them:

Controlling the balance of water in the body;
- tracking the time of taking medications;
- the presence of hours;
- the ability to set a reminder;
- conducting remote monitoring of the health of relatives;
- sending data about the state of the body to a doctor or trainer;
- goal setting and further monitoring of their achievement.

What is a fitness bracelet? This is a gadget whose popularity is constantly growing. In this regard, manufacturers are releasing more and more new, more functional models of such devices. For example, it is already possible to purchase sports devices that not only measure the pulse, but are also equipped with a tonometer. A fitness bracelet with pressure, that is, with its measurement, determines its performance during training, which allows you to trace the rationality of the loads.

Sometimes in new models of such gadgets you can find functions that allow you to determine:

blood sugar levels;
- the amount of fluid in the tissues;
- rhythm of breathing;
- proportion of adipose tissue.

The best fitness bracelets for swimming enthusiasts are waterproof models. They are able to work at depth, as well as when taking a shower. However, for such purposes, you should not buy an inexpensive fitness bracelet. Models with higher prices tend to be more reliable. A cheap fitness bracelet, the instructions for which speak of its waterproof qualities, is able to maintain its tightness only under a light rain.

Modern models of such gadgets are often equipped with a screen. Today, many manufacturers produce smart devices with an OLED display that allows you to use the watch at the same time. How to connect a fitness bracelet in this case? Its display becomes active when you raise your hand up. The screen of such devices displays information about the following:

calorie consumption;
- the number of steps taken and the distance;
- heart rate and other indicators.

In the event that the owner of the gadget is in one place for a long time, the device sends him a signal calling for a little warm-up. Also, the smart bracelet will send a notification of incoming messages and calls, and will also allow you to set an alarm. Screen glass is usually very durable. It is protected from impacts and scratches. All this allows you to use the device even in the most extreme conditions.

In other words, this gadget, small in size, is able, if not completely, but almost by 180 degrees, to turn the life of any person. After all, wearing a smart bracelet on his hand, he will certainly feel the desire to be more active and move more. Consider a small rating of fitness bracelets.

Xiaomi MiBand

This fitness bracelet is in the first position due to its extensive features and reasonable price. Xiaomi, being a world famous smartphone manufacturer, decided to expand its product range. She started producing smart bracelets.

These gadgets look quite stylish. The Xiaomi fitness bracelet is made in a universal black color. It is perfect for both men and women. However, the company offers its customers other colors.

What are the advantages of the Xiaomi fitness bracelet? The main one is the ability to work for at least thirty days on a single charge. At the same time, the number of steps taken, as well as the calories eaten and burned, will be displayed on the smartphone in real time.

In addition, the smart bracelet is protected from moisture, but only in the form of a shower and rain. Diving and swimming with him in the pool is not recommended.

The fitness bracelet is equipped with a wake-up function that allows you to monitor the phases of sleep and start vibration at the right time. The developers claim that in this case, the owner of the bracelet will feel satisfied and sleepy. By the way, the vibration on the bracelet is possible not only at the time of the alarm. Thus, the gadget signals its owner about incoming SMS or calls, and also reminds of a meeting or other upcoming issues.

Xiaomi MiBand works with any smartphone. However, it is preferable to connect it to the "native" phone released by the company.

Jawbone UP24

This model continues the rating of fitness bracelets. A new generation smart gadget delights consumers with its design and minimalism. It is offered in a variety of colors, from which each consumer can choose the right one for himself. And this gadget does not look like a bracelet at all. Rather, it looks like a piece of jewelry, perfect for business or casual style.

Works fitness bracelet paired with the phone. Only on its applications you can view all the features and settings of a smart gadget, namely the data:

About training;
- about food;
- about calories.

The built-in fairly understandable application allows you to set the alarm clock. The charge of such a bracelet lasts for a week, and thanks to the ability to switch modes, the device consumes significantly less energy during the wearer's sleep.

According to user reviews, the gadget of this model is a good and reliable assistant. However, some owners of the bracelet complain about the lack of a heart rate monitor and a tonometer in it.

Garmin Vivofit

This model is produced by the world-famous manufacturer of GPS-devices, the company Garmin. Thanks to the use of unique technology, this fitness bracelet is able to work without recharging for one year. After that, the batteries are easily changed to new ones.

Separately from the gadget, a device can be purchased that can calculate the heart rate. It is put on the chest, and then all the necessary indicators are received on the bracelet display.

The fitness bracelet is dressed in a sealed case that allows it to withstand depths of up to 50 meters. Among the complaints of users can be noted the lack of backlight, which makes it impossible to read the necessary information in the dark. By the way, all the figures issued by the gadget about the number of calories burned, distance traveled, etc. are quite accurate, since preliminary information about the height, weight, age and gender of its owner is entered into the bracelet.

Today, a healthy lifestyle is not so much a tribute to fashion as a real necessity. The modern lifestyle is far from ideal. Technology has made it possible to create a device that will monitor physical indicators body and can give clues about human activity. How to use this gadget will be discussed in detail below.

The purpose of the bracelet

There are many different fitness bracelets on the market today. They perform a number of functions. Many buyers have a question about how to use a fitness bracelet from Akuvyu, Xiaomi and other manufacturers. It's easy enough. First of all, you need to consider the functions and features of these devices. They have a specific scope.

Today, fitness bracelets are gaining popularity. They have become an integral part of the life of modern active people. With the help of a special device, it becomes possible to track the pulse, respiration, nutrition and sleep. Such devices help to monitor the figure, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Buyers pay attention to those models of fitness bracelets that can count calories and are equipped with a pedometer. This is only a small part of the possibilities that such gadgets have. Their functionality largely depends on the model. However, regardless of the software features, the presented devices are able to make the life of their owner better, organize it correctly.

To instill habits healthy lifestyle life, you need to follow the changes. It is the bracelet that is able to record, measure and evaluate such events. A person does not need to do this on their own. Studies have shown that the use of devices of this type really helped people move more, be active, sit less. At the same time, bracelet users lose extra pounds faster than those who have been losing weight on their own. Therefore, many buyers have a question about how to use the Acuvue, Xiaomi fitness bracelet and other popular models.

Bracelet functions

Presented for sale today big choice bracelets that help lead a healthy lifestyle. The most popular in our country are Chinese-made Xiaomi and Acuvue products. How to use the fitness bracelet? There is a simple guide. To understand it, you need to consider the functions of the gadget.

Tracking your activity parameters helps you see real information about how much a person moved, what kind of food they ate, etc. People can judge these parameters biased. If a person does not have a fitness bracelet, it will be easier for him to travel two stops by transport than to walk. The device provides real information about how the daily schedule is built, what needs to be changed in it. At the same time, you can also evaluate your achievements using the device.

Depending on the model, fitness bracelets differ in one or another set of qualities. Typical functions for all representatives of this family of gadgets are the presence of a pedometer, heart rate control. Also, in almost all devices there is a "smart" alarm clock, monitoring of sleep phases. The devices also count the number of calories received and spent.

To understand how competently this small device manages a person’s daily schedule, you need to consider each of the listed functions. Prototypes of trackers had the ability to count steps, measure the pulse. Over time, the function of measuring the number of calories was added to them. However, the gadget became a full-fledged fitness bracelet, which is known to mankind today only after being able to bind to a computer or mobile phone.

Description of functions

Considering how to use the Xiaomi fitness bracelet and other varieties of similar dice, you need to consider in detail the functions embedded in its system. The first and very important program is the measurement of the pulse. This allows you to perform any physical activity more efficiently. In this case, the body adequately responds to the load.

For example, scientists have found that the process of burning fat is more efficient and faster if the heart rate reaches 130 bpm during exercise. Otherwise, the time and effort spent will be wasted. When jogging, in the gym or during other activities, it is important to monitor your heart rate. This allows you to get the highest possible result with health benefits. An uncontrolled pulse rate leads to various disturbances in the functioning of body systems.

Modern bracelets are able to control the phases of a person's sleep. This allows the device to obtain information about the duration and quality of rest. At the same time, the gadget tracks exactly the phases of sleep. This opens up a lot of benefits. The device will help to avoid a lack or excess of rest. The ability to track sleep phases allows you to wake up at the moment when the body is ready for it. The "smart" alarm clock is responsible for this function. It is in all modern trackers.

Another extremely important function is calorie control. For those who follow the figure or want to lose extra pounds, this program is extremely necessary. In this case, you will not need to worry about every candy you eat. Information about the total rate of calories that entered the body and left it, allows you to organize the correct diet. To access all the features, you need to know how to use the Xiaomi fitness bracelet and other models.

Disadvantages of bracelets

Popular gadget models, such as Akuvyu or Xiaomi, are not without drawbacks. How to use the fitness bracelet? The instructions will help. However, before buying such a device, you need to know about its shortcomings.

The use of such a device can develop into a mania for excessive monitoring of one's lifestyle. This is a psychological trap. A person is so immersed in the world of numbers that the fitness bracelet tracks and demonstrates that he forgets about everything else. At the same time, the main goal in life can be the achievement of a certain physical result. And all other things are relegated to the background.

For example, a person may forget that he wanted to lose weight with the help of a bracelet. Instead, it checks the number of steps taken every minute. At the same time, the bracelet will show that the person has made enough of them. However, the gadget will not be able to track information at what pace the user was walking. If the steps were slow, there was no cardio load. So, weight loss is out of the question. A person becomes addicted to numbers, not always understanding their true nature.

During the training process, many people make adjustments to their bracelets. It's distracting, it forces you to take quite long pauses. As a result, exercises become less effective. At the same time, dry numbers can drive people into depression, for example, a sick person. Instead of being treated correctly, consistently, he experiences severe disappointment and depression due to the fact that his plans are frustrated.

How to use the bracelet correctly?

So that efforts are not wasted, you need to know how to properly use a fitness bracelet. With such a gadget on hand, you need to set specific goals. Do not pay attention to small details. To achieve the goal, a person needs to track more parameters. You can't just limit yourself to a pedometer. All functions of the bracelet must be enabled.

Experts say that when using such devices, one should not focus only on selective functions (for example, steps and calories). It is important to control the work of the heart muscle, pay great attention to rest and its quality. not always measured by numbers on the scales. Improving indicators of a healthy lifestyle is big win person above him. In this case, if a person wants to lose weight, he will reach his goal after a certain time. But at the same time, his path will be as healthy as possible. Losing weight will not harm your health.

When learning how to use a fitness bracelet, you should understand that you should not keep track of all the numbers every day. This is required only by professional athletes. For an ordinary user, it is only enough to periodically pay attention to the indicators that the bracelet fixes, as well as follow its recommendations on proper activity, nutrition and rest.

There are a wide variety of fitness bracelets on the market today. They differ in functionality and cost. There are more expensive models, such as Nike, Polar. Cheaper devices include the popular Band gadget. How to use a fitness bracelet depends on its model. However, it should be said that the difference between expensive and cheap models is quite large.

When choosing, you need to pay attention not so much to the cost as to the functionality of the device. It should include all of the features listed above. To win the competition, many manufacturers provide a lot of additional features in their products. However, this is not always necessary.

For example, many expensive fitness bracelets have a program that monitors not only the number of calories burned, but also their intake into the body. Food data must be entered into the program manually. This is time-consuming. Therefore, in practice, this function is not needed when working with a bracelet. However, the cost of the gadget increases because of this.

Operation features

There is a fairly large difference between the products of the expensive and cheap segments. For example, you can compare the work of a gadget manufactured by Nike and Xiaomi Mi Band. How to use a fitness bracelet of these varieties is discussed in detail in the instructions. It should be noted that an important feature of modern devices is their ability to transmit information to a phone or computer.

The compatibility of the Xiaomi bracelet with iOS and Android operating systems allows you to transfer data to a smartphone. More expensive Nike bracelets can be synchronized with a computer. Some people think it's not so important question when choosing. However, buyers have already seen that Windows devices are much more stable. Getting all the information you need about your lifestyle is also easier when you sync with your computer.

Users who have purchased a relatively inexpensive Xiaomi bracelet note that it has significantly fewer useful features than expensive models. Therefore, there are often no questions about how to use the Mi Band fitness bracelet. They are simpler, but their capabilities are much limited.

Expensive models of such gadgets can not only collect information about the activity of their owner, but also analyze it, keep statistics, create groups of like-minded people (friends, colleagues), which introduces an element of competition.

Design and operation features

Considering how to use other popular varieties, attention should be paid appearance similar devices. They stay on your hand all day and night. Therefore, the quality of the material from which the trackers are made is subject to increased requirements. Also exists a large number of design options.

In expensive models, the design of the tracker is stylish, it is possible to change the straps at your discretion. Cheap varieties of this ability are deprived. Over time, they begin to annoy with their monotony.

Since the bracelet stays on the arm all day long, it must be resistant to water ingress into the device. Getting caught in the rain or just taking a shower, the user does not have to worry about his device. Therefore, expensive models have a function that allows you to wet the bracelet. In some devices you can swim and dive. This allows you to control your activity in the process of swimming.

Product from Xiaomi

One of the most popular varieties of devices presented on the market today is the Chinese-made product Xiaomi Mi Band 2. How to use a fitness bracelet, its instructions tell. This gadget has a simple design. It cannot be synchronized with a computer. However, in terms of quality and feature set, the presented fitness bracelet does not differ from its competitors. At the same time, the cost of such a device will be lower.

The Chinese device collects information about the number of steps taken (kilometers) of its owner, the time he devoted to training. In this case, the pulse, body temperature and a host of other indicators are measured.

The case of the device is protected from water ingress. Therefore, with a bracelet you can take a shower. However, staying in the water for a long time is not recommended. Moreover, you can not dive with such a device on your hand.

The device has a smart alarm function. The gadget plans workouts, their duration. With this device, you can send SMS messages, make calls. There is a reminder option. Without recharging, the tracker works up to 30 days. Due to its qualities and functionality, this model is in demand in our country.

Product from Akuvyu

Another Chinese device, Akuvyu, has similar capabilities. However, users note that certain difficulties arise during settings and management. Therefore, the question of how to use a fitness bracelet in this case arises more often. However, there is nothing difficult in this process. Users can figure out the controls in a few hours. This is a less popular device than the Xiaomi product. However, in terms of its qualities, it is not inferior to the sales leader.

Having considered how to use a fitness bracelet, as well as the features of such devices, you can make the right choice of gadget. It will be easy to manage, and the result will be excellent.

Summer stubbornly comes into its own, the snow has melted almost everywhere, I want to tear my ass off the sofa and finally go for a run! Right in the morning! Right in the park! But such impulses are often broken by a lack of motivation.

Motivation- not the best assistant in sports at all. She is fickle and easily disappears with the release of a new episode of her favorite series. But fitness bracelets motivate constantly.

    • First, beautiful graphics in applications.
    • Secondly, all sorts of vibrations and notifications.
  • Finally, they are too expensive to be used solely for sleep tracking.

However, fitness bracelets are now not released only by the lazy. How to understand all this abundance of models and choose the right one?

How to choose a fitness bracelet?

To choose the perfect fitness bracelet, you need to correctly place the accents. Many refer to such devices as trendy or fashion gadgets, but this is not the most the right approach(although, of course, trendy fitness bracelets also exist).

A fitness tracker should be treated like a piece of fitness equipment. Then there will be no problems with the choice. Swimmers will need waterproof models, cross-fitters with a heart rate monitor, and those who want to start running in the park in the morning with an improved motivation system.

It is also worth remembering that such trackers are companion devices. That is, they work in most cases exclusively with smartphones. If almost everything is compatible with devices on Android and iOS, then finding a suitable one for Windows Mobile is difficult, but possible.

However, even after deciding on the scope of use, finding the right bracelet can be difficult, after all, there are hundreds of models! Therefore, our review of the best fitness bracelets of 2017 will help you choose the perfect device for everyone.

Top best fitness bracelets of 2018

It should be said right away that it is almost impossible to make an absolutely adequate and unbiased rating of fitness bracelets. They are too different to compare. Therefore, the models in the list below are not built by rating or even alphabetically - they are simply the most comfortable, high-quality and durable bracelets of this year.

Xiaomi Mi Band 3 is the best affordable fitness bracelet

Xiaomi Mi Band 3 occupies a leading position in sales of fitness bracelets. This is not surprising, since the cost of a fitness tracker is only $25. For this money you will get not only a great sports gadget, but also a stylish accessory. The new Mi Bend of the third generation received a touch screen with a size of 0.78 inches, made using OLED technology.

Like Mi Bands of previous generations, this one can do almost everything: count steps, distance traveled, measure heart rate, analyze sleep quality, display notifications on the screen. But, thanks to the new display with a larger diagonal, the usability of the bracelet has improved significantly. Support for the NFC module has also become an innovation, but for us it is so far completely useless (Contactless payments with Ali Pay are only supported in China).

The proprietary Mi Fit application allows you to track the number of calories burned, as well as the physical activity of the owner in real time via a Bluetooth connection.

The measurement of physical activity has also been improved. Compared to previous versions, Mi Band 3 has a significantly lower error in performance.

Of the minuses of Mi Band 3, we can distinguish that the display in direct sunlight is almost unreadable. Also, at the moment there is no global firmware, so the fitness bracelet is completely in Chinese. The Russian language is promised by autumn.

You can buy Xiaomi Mi Band 3 inexpensively on AliExpress - click on the link. The seller is verified and do not forget about cashback.

Official price- 25 dollars (1600 rubles).

Misfit Ray - stylish fitness bracelet for swimming

Misfit Ray can be called one of the best swim bracelets as it is water resistant and can dive up to 50 meters deep. Fitness bracelet also supports different kinds activities other than swimming, such as running, tennis, football, dancing, yoga, cycling, basketball.

Since the weight of the bracelet is quite small (8 grams), it is practically not felt on the hand.


And he's handsome too. A metal tube on a leather bracelet with many sensors, which can be made in a variety of colors: gold, dark blue, brown, silver and dark green. It is worth noting that the manufacturer did not stint on materials. The Mistfit Ray uses anodized aircraft-grade aluminum and comes with a nice leather strap.

The bracelet can count movements and calories burned (in the application), it also notifies you of a call by blinking an LED. The official app from Misfit can also make friends with third-party programs for expanding information about physical activity, such as Speedo.

As for the autonomy of the device, it is worth noting that the bracelet does not work from a battery, but from ordinary 393 standard batteries. The full capacity is enough for an average of six months.

There are also disadvantages, where without them. The metal surface is not very resistant to scratches, besides, the corners of the metal tube are quite sharp, so the bracelet can be easily touched and damaged. So the device quickly loses its attractive appearance.

Official price fitness tracker from Misfit is quite high - $ 100 (6200 rubles).

Fitbit Charge 2 - best smart bracelet for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts

The developers of what just did not pack in Fitbit Charge 2! There is even an altimeter, not to mention all sorts of heart rate monitors with the ability to constantly measure heart rate. But this device can not be attributed to the number of cheap ones.

The design of the Fitbit Charge 2 is quite stylish and expressive. On the back side there is a monochrome OLED display covered with plastic. On the sides are inserts made of anodized aluminum. The fitness bracelet strap can be made in two versions: leather or silicone.

The bracelet is presented in various colors: black, turquoise, blue and purple.

The fitness bracelet display is very functional. It displays heart rate, time, steps, distance, elevation, activity time. Also, right from the bracelet, you can start the stopwatch, running mode and breathing exercises. It displays the display and notifications about calls and SMS, but, unfortunately, does not support Cyrillic.

The only drawback for designers can be written out for the size of the device - the fitness tracker feels more like a watch than a bracelet. Also, in terms of practicality, the rubber strap does not look very good after a few days of wear, as it collects a lot of dust.

Fitbit Charge 2 can send data via Bluetooth 4.0 to a Windows computer, iOS device, and Android. Even compatible with Windows Mobile.

Device functionality largely depends on the official application. The bracelet is equipped with an altimeter, so it can track climbing stairs and display relevant information on the display, as well as send it to the application. The bracelet also monitors sleep, heart rate, calories burned during various physical activities, calories burned and sleep. In the application, you can enter information about the consumption of water and food.

Device autonomy mediocre. The Fitbit Charge 2 can last an average of 6 days on battery. Compared to other bracelets that work for a month or longer, this is very little. But, it should be borne in mind that the fitness tracker measures the pulse continuously, for the sake of this you will have to pay with a short operating time.

You won’t be able to swim in it - you will even have to walk in the shower with caution. The water resistance of the bracelet is WR20, that is, exclusively from splashes.

Official price- 150 dollars (9400 rubles).

Fitbit Alta HR- the best sports bracelet for those who want to get active

Unlike its predecessor, it does not know how to count the pulse. But compact, cute and with a bunch of motivators. For example, it displays the number of steps taken on its screen. And if for a long time sit and do nothing, the bracelet will vibrate, reminding you to move.

The design of the fitness tracker is cute. On the back side is OLED display diagonal 1.4 inches. The bracelet is available in two variations: Gunmetal (black) And Rose gold (pink). The body is made of quality materials. The main part is made of stainless steel, and the strap is silicone (comes in the box). If you want a different strap, they are available at different options A: leather, metal and so on.

From the functionality of the bracelet, one can single out the presence of a heart rate sensor, the ability to monitor sleep, various physical activities (steps, running, cycling, other sports). But in general, the gadget is aimed at a wide audience of users, so it does not have such important functions for athletes as, for example, a GPS module, a stopwatch. Also, the bracelet cannot boast of the ideal accuracy of counting steps.

As for the application that Alta HR syncs with via Bluetooth, it is quite colorful and informative, one of the best on the market. The application has an excellent motivation algorithm, so for beginners this will be a significant plus. But, unfortunately, the program does not support the Russian language.

Like its predecessor, the bracelet is compatible not only with smartphones, but also with computers.

The autonomy of the bracelet does not shine, since the device measures the pulse in real time continuously. Thus, the gadget lives no more than 6 days.


Most of the cons can be attributed to the smart bracelet display:

  • Firstly, the display glares in the sun and is almost unreadable;
  • Secondly, the screen is still not touch-sensitive, but responds to taps (you need to tap twice to wake up, you need to tap once to navigate the desktops);
  • Thirdly, the bracelet does not always correctly recognize tapping.

But that's just a little expensive for an entry-level bracelet. Fitbit Alta HR official price at the time of the start of sales - $ 160 (10,000 rubles). And the application is exclusively in English.

Garmin Vivosport is the best fitness tracker for sports and training

One of the leading companies in the field of gadgets for sports and athletes Garmin has released a new fitness tracker called Garmin Vivosport.

Gadget design sharpened as much as possible for sports, so you should not expect any stylish modern appearance from this bracelet. On the front side is a color touch screen. It is worth noting that, unlike other bracelets from the top, this bracelet has no problems with readability in the sun - everything is visible perfectly. The device is assembled well, the strap is made of silicone, and the screen is covered with high-quality plastic.

Garmin Vivosport is very functional. It is equipped big amount sensors that can measure distance traveled, steps, intensity time, heart rate, calories burned, and sleep. Moreover, in the gadget settings you can choose Various types activities, be it walking, running, cycling or power training. But the disadvantages include the fact that the bracelet will not be able to track swimming.

The fitness bracelet also has a GPS module, which will help you more accurately measure the distance and speed during training. And if you forgot to set the desired profile before training, the bracelet will determine it itself, as it has a new Move IQ automatic activity recognition function. The bracelet will be able to recognize which exercise you are doing, as well as the number of repetitions.

Vivosport can display notifications about SMS, incoming calls. But on a small screen, reading messages is almost impossible.


  • Small display;
  • Accidental presses on the display by the sleeve;
  • Mediocre autonomy;
  • Purely sporty design;
  • High price.

The battery charge, given that the bracelet is equipped with a GPS sensor, is enough for sufficient 7 days of work with medium activity.

Garmin Vivosport cost- 199 dollars (12,000 rubles).

Moov Now - sports bracelet with a personal trainer

Moov Now the most unusual fitness bracelet in our comparison. It looks like something alien (and will especially please trypophobes with its design).

However, the original design is not the only interesting feature of the device. It's also functional! The bracelet measures activity (and can independently distinguish swimming from, say, cardio boxing), steps and translates it all into calories burned. And the charge of the device will last as much as half a year - because it does not have a screen. Moov Now can be submerged in water up to 50 meters deep.

The bracelet comes with a very functional application that can become personal trainer, suggesting by voice the methods of performing exercises and the method of performing exercises.

Flaws? Where do without them. The bracelet application is very concise, but the statistics are hidden somewhere far away. So you have to try to find at least the number of steps.

And the coach is exclusively in English.

Worth Moov Now 60 dollars (3700 rubles).

Samsung Gear Fit 2 - l best fitness bracelet with heart rate monitor

And the title of "Best Heart Rate Bracelet" solemnly goes to Samsung Gear Fit 2! True, this is not quite a device of its class. Samsung Gear Fit 2 is a cross between a fitness bracelet and smart watch.

At least the fact that the device has a 2-core processor and 512 MB of “RAM” speaks of proximity to smart watches. And a 1.5-inch touch screen. You can even reply to notifications on your smartphone.

Design the fitness bracelet from Samsung looks attractive and even futuristic. On the front side is a 1.5-inch curved Super AMOLED display. The quality of the materials also did not let us down: the strap is made of high-quality silicone, which is attached to the case with special connectors.

Fit 2 is available in several colors: pink, black and blue. Also, when buying, pay attention to the fact that Gearfit 2 comes in several sizes: S - for small wrists 125-170 mm and L - for big hand 155-210 mm.

However, there are significantly more fitness functions in the bracelet than in the average "smart watch". In addition to the standard activity and sleep tracking, the device can constantly track the heart rate, warning about exceeding the heart rate limit, track running by GPS, measure height (equipped with altimeter), as well as distinguish between walking, hiking, orbitrek, exercise bike, elliptical trainer, treadmill, lunges, crunches, pilates, squats, yoga, rowing and so on.

Protection against water according to the IP68 standard, that is, with a fitness bracelet, you can safely swim and swim. The main thing is not to dive to a depth of more than 1.5 meters.

The Samsung S Health app, with which the fitness tracker is synchronized, has a wide and intuitive functionality. It builds various graphs about physical activity, the number of calories burned during training, and also displays daily statistics. The application allows you to record the amount of water you drink. The application can also pull other information about your health from your phone in order to generate activity graphs as accurately and efficiently as possible.ё

You will have to charge it like a smart watch - once every 2-3 days. But such a small autonomy is compensated by the wide functionality of the gadget.

The official price of the bracelet

You can buy a Samsung Gear Fit 2 fitness bracelet at a profit.

Polar A370 - the most advanced fitness bracelet

Polar is famous for its quality professional sports gadgets and the Polar A370 fitness bracelet is no exception.

Design the device is elegant. The bracelet is equipped with a bright color touch LCD display. The tracker is available in various colors: black, white, pink, blue, orange, turquoise.

The performance of the gadget is not bad. First of all, it is worth noting that the bracelet is equipped with an optical heart rate sensor, which allows you to make heart rate measurements very accurate. But if the built-in sensor is not enough for you, the bracelet can connect to external ones, as well as broadcast the pulse rate to the simulators in the gym. It can also measure the quality and quantity of sleep (Sleep Plus function) with high accuracy and in detail.

As for training, the bracelet recognizes a very large amount of physical activity. There is crossfit, and aqua fitness, and running, and cycling, and swimming, and much more. In total, about 100 workouts are available.

The bracelet does not have a built-in GPS sensor, but it can use it from a smartphone.

Of course, SMS and call notifications are displayed on the Polar A370 screen.

autonomy the gadget is rather mediocre. In conditions of average load, the fitness bracelet lived for 4 days on battery power.

Polar A370 price- 180 dollars (11,300 rubles).

Garmin Vivosmart HR+ is the best fitness band for enthusiasts

Garmin Vivosmart HR+ is the best bracelet for those who are tired of self-training and are ready to start professional, but cannot call themselves a professional. IN English language there is a good word for this “state” – enthusiast. This bracelet was released especially for "enthusiasts".

Design Vivosmart HR + is more sporty than stylish and fashionable. The bracelet is made of plastic base with a silicone strap. The touch screen is small, backlit, easy to read in sunny weather. The display shows the date and time, calories burned, notifications, distance traveled, climbs, weather, and player controls.

Before buying, please note that the bracelet is sold in two sizes: S - for wrist coverage 136-192 mm and L - for big brush 180-224 mm.

According to the characteristics, this fitness tracker is in no way inferior to its competitors. Like all trackers, Vivosmart HR + tracks the distance traveled, steps, running, cycling, sleep (determines deep and light sleep) and so on. Also, the bracelet is equipped with a GPS module, so the device will measure the distance quite accurately.

big dignity of this gadget is the presence optical heart rate monitor, which measures the heart rate at the level of professional chest sensors. It is also interesting that the bracelet supports the ANT + protocol, which allows you to display the pulse on compatible simulators in the gym.

autonomy Garmin Vivosmart HR + is on top. The bracelet with almost continuous heart rate measurement works for about 6 days. With the active GPS function, of course, the battery life is reduced to a matter of hours.

Having lost the color display, the bracelet lost weight in price. official cost Garmin Vivosmart HR + - $ 180 (11,300 rubles).

You can profitably buy a Garmin Vivosmart HR + fitness bracelet.

Amazfit Arc is a fitness tracker for everyone

A bracelet from a subsidiary of Xiaomi, which, in turn, released the famous fitness tracker Mi Band 2 - a bestseller for several years in a row. This is not the first fitness gadget from Amazfit, they have already distinguished themselves with smart watches. Xiaomi has established itself well in the market as high-quality equipment at affordable prices, so this fitness bracelet is no exception.

Appearance The device is very stylish. On the back side there is a 0.4-inch OLED display with a touch button. By the way, you can not be afraid of scratches on the display, as it is protected by a special coating. The obvious disadvantage is that the screen fades in the sun and the information becomes difficult to distinguish. The strap is made of silicone that is pleasant to the touch, and in general the bracelet is comfortable and you can walk for weeks without taking it off.

Functional Amazfit Arc is in many ways similar to Mi Band 2. The bracelet can measure the pulse, track sleep, count the distance traveled, show the number of calories burned, make the wearer move more. By the way, there is also a smart alarm clock among the functions.

Need to know

The wristband is IP67 water resistant, so you won't be able to swim with it.

You don’t have to worry about autonomy, the device lives up to 20 days from a single battery charge.

Price fitness bracelet Amazfit Arc - $ 37 (2300 rubles). You can buy at a discount on Aliexpress - click here.

The agony of choice

And yet, which one to choose? In fact, all these "best bracelets" can be disassembled into three categories.

First - just bracelets for those who just want to get a little more active. so or professional athletes who have been practicing for twenty years without any newfangled gadgets. The “motivators” include the most popular fitness bracelets: Xiaomi Mi Band 2, Amazfit Arc, Misfit Ray, Fitbit Alta HR and Moov Now.

Second - multifunction devices. It seems to be fitness bracelets, but with too big a screen to be just a sports accessory. These jacks of all trades include the Fitbit Charge 2 and the Samsung Gear Fit 2.

And the third - heaped devices filled with sensors and sensors. This is for athletes who want to know everything about themselves. Spacecraft include: Garmin Vivosport, Garmin Vivosmart HR+ and Polar A370.

And it’s worth choosing soberly after analyzing your own activity and aspirations. Well, the budget, of course.

fitnessbit Rating

This guide will help you understand the functions of Xiaomi Mi Band 2: how to use its capabilities and configure them through the Mi Fit program.

This fitness bracelet was originally released for those who are fond of sports or just starting to get into fitness. However, over time, it began to be bought by those who simply want to track their daily activity data, the number of calories burned per day and the quality of sleep. For example, I use it mainly for this. Unlike Xiaomi Mi Band 1s, this model has a small display with which the user can see the data and can also control gestures.

To start using the tracker, you need to collect it. This is done in an elementary way: insert the bracelet capsule from the inside into the silicone strap that comes with the kit, with the display facing up. Next, turn on Mi Band by pressing the only button near the display. We have already mentioned that this version of the bracelet has gesture control - you just need to raise your hand with the bracelet, as if watching the time on a watch, to view the data.

To set up this feature, in the Mi Fit app, go to "Profile", tap on the name of the tracker and activate the sliders near the labels "View Information" And "Click Efficiency". By the way, before the first use, we recommend that you charge Xiaomi Mi Band 2. You cannot turn off the fitness bracelet manually, you can only wait until it is completely discharged, but we do not recommend doing this in order to avoid battery deterioration.

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Programs for work

To always have access to the statistics of steps and other information that the fitness bracelet collects, you need to download the Mi Fit program (if you have an Android or iPhone phone) or the Bind Mi Band program (if you have a Windows Phone). Your smartphone must also have a working bluetooth module to connect the phone to the tracker and collect high-quality statistics.

For our guide, we used the Mi Fit program:

  1. Download the official app to your smartphone from Google Play or the App Store and launch it. We allow the program access to personal data.
  2. Click on "Entrance" and enter the username and password from the Mi account. If you are using a Xiaomi device for the first time, you need to create an account.

Personally, I have been using this program for quite a long time and I consider it the best of all offered in the Play Market.

Mi account registration

Signing up for an account is very easy, and now we'll show you how.

  1. Click the button "Create an account".
  2. Enter personal data (email address, country, date of birth) and click on Create account.
  3. We come up with a password and enter it in the appropriate field, then enter the captcha and click on Submit.
  4. Go to your email and confirm your registration by clicking on the link in the email.

Ready! Now you can open the Mi Fit app again and log in to your account using your email address and the password you created earlier. After that, in the profile, we indicate the rest of the data, such as gender, weight, height, pseudonym, and so on. You can also set a daily goal here based on your daily activities, such as the number of steps you wish to take per day.

Synchronization with phone

After the profile is completed, the program will prompt you to turn on Bluetooth on your phone and connect to the bracelet. Turning on the bluetooth, go to the profile interface and click on the button "Add device"- Band. Next, the application will automatically search for the tracker and notify you of the find by vibration. Follow the instructions on the display - press the button and wait a couple of seconds until the connection is established.

Program interface

Upon completion of the connection, the user can configure the functionality of the tracker at his discretion. Let's take a closer look at the most important items on the menu. Below on the main page you can see the following tabs: "Statistics", "Profile" And "Activity". Let's start with the first tab that was already open.

  1. Statistics. Here the program displays full information about your activity for the selected period of time. At the top you will see a circle. In its center, the number of steps taken per day is written, as well as calories burned and the distance traveled. Click on the circle and see more detailed statistics for the last month. In addition, in the statistics tab, you can view the owner's sleep data for the last 24 hours, indicating the duration of each phase and even the moments of awakening. You can also take your heart rate and view your latest heart rate, track and analyze your weight, and view your last week's activity data.
  2. Activity. Here, the wearer of the bracelet can turn on and analyze all personal physical activity data, such as cycling, walking, running, etc. At the top right there is a settings button, such as turning on the voice assistant, always-on display, setting the pace, warning about too much high heart rate and more.
  3. Profile. In this section, you can configure the tracker and its functions: unlocking the smartphone using a bracelet, call notifications, SMS messages and messages from applications, alarm settings, a reminder to get up and move around. Also here you can turn on the search for a lost bracelet, configure visibility settings for other devices, specify the location of the tracker, make settings for the data displayed on the display, and the date and time format. In addition, the second version of Mi Band has the function of measuring the heart rate at night every 10 minutes so that information about the quality of sleep is more complete and accurate. However, you need to remember that this will drain the battery much faster.

Other functions

  1. in case of loss, sale or for other reasons.
  2. Setting goals for greater motivation to study.
  3. Synchronization of account data with the Google Fit program.
  4. Activity tags: A function to view the types and history of personal physical activity.
  5. Change data units.
  6. Enable/disable messages in the notification center of the smartphone.
  7. Check for updates to the program or firmware of the tracker.
  8. Information about the program and feedback from developers.
  9. You can turn on the smart alarm function using third-party apps.

The process of measuring the pulse

Unfortunately, the Mi Band fitness bracelet is in automatic mode and during sports. In order to do this, in the tab "Statistics" you must click on the corresponding item, then horizontally raise your hand to the level of the abdomen and try not to move to collect the most accurate statistics. You can also view the heart rate data by simply calling the function you need with the touch key on the bracelet, but remember that in this case the data will not be written to the program.


This fitness bracelet is a great solution for users who go in for sports or simply want to track their activity. At such a low price, it contains the maximum possible number of functions. The tracker is easy to use, attractive in appearance and very practical, as it is protected from dust and moisture - you can even take a shower with it. You can change the silicone straps by choosing the color of your choice, and the notification of events in applications will allow you not to miss any important messages and calls even if the phone is hidden deep in the bag.

In addition, Mi Band has the most capacious and long-term battery among all released trackers at the moment. It allows you to use all the functions for up to 1 month without recharging, and the charge recovery process itself takes no more than 2 hours.

We hope that this manual helped you deal with the question of how to use Xiaomi Mi Band 2. We will be glad to comments and feedback!