Mr. Shipulin, what is his name. Olympic champion Anton Shipulin: biography, photo, wedding

Anton Shipulin, successful biathlete, three times Olympic medalist for a long time when asked about his personal life, he answered: “I love biathlon.” In 2015, thousands of fans of one of the prettiest athletes in Russia sighed sadly - Anton Shipulin got married.

Online dating

The chosen one of the athlete was a simple girl from Siberia, named Louise Sabitova. Anton accidentally went to her page in social networks. The beautiful brunette liked the man, and he wrote a message. The girl answered. Thus began the correspondence.

Louise was not interested in biathlon, and did not know at all who Shipulin was. She just liked the young man, and she agreed to a meeting. Anton was just then at the training camp in Tyumen, and they met in a cafe.

Everything developed quite quickly - less than a month later, Anton introduced Louise to his parents, and soon she went with him to the training camp in Austria. And a little later he moved Louise to his place in Yekaterinburg. Anton became so attached to the girl that he took her to all the training camps. For about three years, the lovers lived in a civil marriage, testing their feelings. But the day came when an enviable bachelor offered the beauty to become his wife.

Just like in the movies

All Yekaterinburg, all Siberia and all biathlon fans talked about how Anton Shipulin proposed to his beloved. It happened at the cinema, before showing the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". After the lights were turned off in the hall, another video appeared on the screen instead of advertising. Anton Shipulin addressed the audience. " I am Anton Shipulin. Probably not everyone in the hall knows me».

Then came the story, what a wonderful girlfriend he has, how grateful he is to her for all his sporting successes. Anton said that he dreams of meeting old age with his girlfriend somewhere in a small house with a fireplace, and that their grandchildren would play at their feet. The whole story took place against the backdrop of a video clip, where the beautiful Louise feeds ducks, plays snowballs ...

At the end of the video, he seemed to step out of the screen into the hall, the light turned on, and Anton ran in with a bouquet and a ring, went up to Louise, who was sitting somewhere in the third row, got down on one knee and asked: “ Will you be my wife?».

Hall applauded. The girls climbed for handkerchiefs. Louise said yes.

The young people played a wedding in Yekaterinburg on the lake, on a floating raft. Among the guests were all members of the biathlon team, coaches, friends and relatives, as well as some of the "Ural dumplings".

And what is this girl?

The future wife of Anton Shipulin was born and raised in the village of Andra, Tyumen Region. The only way to get there was by ferry. After graduation, Louise went to study in Tyumen, where she graduated from one of the colleges with a degree in Management. During her studies and after graduation, she changed many jobs, but she never found her calling.

Interesting Notes:

Now she is studying at the Ural Institute of the Stock Market, but considers the upbringing of children to be his true mission. Louise has already begun to fulfill her destiny - in 2015, the couple had a son, Dima.

Louise is fond of skiing (Anton taught her), they often ride horses. Louise is alien to parties and secular parties, as a leisure she prefers outdoor recreation, tents, hiking, fishing. Shipulin agrees with this, he is an avid fisherman. Their joint dream is to go to Lake Baikal.

Not an easy share, sit by the window

If during a life together outside of marriage, lovers often spent time together, and even constant sports camp did not interfere with their communication, then with the birth of the baby, separation became inevitable. Louise was very upset by the constant parting with her beloved.

« We experienced such euphoria, we wanted to be together all the time' says Louise. She even cried when Anton left for the next training camp and competition. She wanted him to be there, to see how their son was growing.

They often Skype, Louise says: “ Look, here's your dad, and the baby smiles.

Louise mostly communicates with the wives of other biathletes. They have similar circumstances - husbands at the training camp, small children. Together they worry and cheer for our team. When Shipulin received his gold in the relay in Sochi, Louise was literally shaking the whole race.

Anton tries at the slightest opportunity to escape home, to be with his family. Except sports life, Anton is still involved in charity work, helping the Shipulin Foundation.

This also takes a lot of time and effort, but Louise supports her husband in everything. Rejoices when he wins, and tries not to touch when the athlete fails. " Everyone starts calling him right away and asking: why didn’t it work out?". She tries to talk on abstract topics or reduces everything to humor.

He also asks not to read what fans write about him: “ Today you are in the lead and everyone loves you, but tomorrow you could not, and love ends". Louise's love does not end, no matter whether Shipulin won or not. And Anton seems to understand this well.

A year and a half ago, the Ural biathlete, Olympic champion Anton Shipulin turned from an enviable groom into a married man. Several years ago, he moved his wife Louise to Yekaterinburg from Tyumen. Then everything developed, as in the dreams of hundreds of girls: a romantic marriage proposal in the cinema hall, a magnificent wedding in a dress like a princess, the birth of a son. But in reality, behind all this there are long separations during the training camp, difficult moments of sports defeats - in other words, patience and calmness, which the wife of a champion simply must have. About what all this is worth - Luiza Shipulina in an interview with OG.

When I started the “Married to…” project, I asked my friends whose wife they were interested in learning more about. Almost everyone named you. Interestingly, after Anton's marriage, Anton and Louise fan groups immediately began to appear on social networks. There is an increased interest in you. Are you ready for it?

At first, everything was written on the Internet ... Anton is a prominent man, and many slurred after him. But I have never been jealous of him and now I am not jealous - he does not give me a reason. And I myself am a non-public person and I don’t let very many people close to me.

- The most popular question: how did you meet Anton?

Quite by accident, on social media. He says he was flipping through the pages and came across mine. Moreover, we did not have mutual friends, we never crossed paths. He just texted me and I replied. Sometimes we re-read our correspondence and laugh - he is still a pick-up man. I was not interested in biathlon and then I didn’t even know who Anton was. He was in Tyumen at the training camp, we met, went to a cafe. Then our meetings continued. Everything developed quite quickly: in August we met, and around the end of September, he introduced me to his parents. In October, I flew with him to Austria for a training camp, after which he moved me to his place in Yekaterinburg.

Anton and Louise have known each other for four years. Photo: from the archive of Anton and Louise

- Were you afraid to move?

I immediately felt that this was my man. I didn't think: what if it doesn't work? In general, such a situation was not considered.

- What was your job before meeting Anton?

I spent all my childhood in a small village in the north. It was possible to get to us through the ferry - there is a completely different life. After school, she entered the Tyumen College, studied wherever she worked. She began to receive higher education when she already arrived in Yekaterinburg. Now I am studying at the Ural Institute of the Stock Market, I will be a manager. I used to be embarrassed that many of my classmates already had higher education, but I was stupid. But now I understand that everything in our life happens as it should.

- All the fans discussed what a beautiful marriage proposal Anton made to you.

I had a shock. Imagine we are sitting in the cinema, eating popcorn. Anton says that they call him, and leaves. Suddenly, a screensaver appears on the screen - words addressed to me. Then a video where I feed the ducks. My heart nearly stopped. Then our photos, and he says from the screen: “Marry me” and enters the hall with a bouquet of roses. I burst into tears. I never thought it would be so romantic in my life. I knew that I wanted to be a princess bride with a puffy dress and a tiara, so I chose my wedding dress very quickly. We got married in almost a week, because we were tied to Anton's schedule - soon his competitive period began.

- Anton spends a lot of time at competitions. Is it hard alone? Especially now with a child...

At first it was more difficult, I was constantly crying when we parted. We experienced such euphoria that we wanted to be together all the time. And there were separations for two months, he did not always manage to take me with him. For the period of the competition, for example, it is impossible. And I didn't rush. I understood that competition is his job. Now I'm concentrating on the child, and it's distracting, time passes faster. But it's still hard. I want Anton to see how our son is growing. We call each other on Skype every evening. I show Dima: this is dad. He smiles at him.

- Do you and Anton have many mutual friends?

We communicate with the wives of his friends - with Katya Malyshko, Lyuda Garanicheva, Zhenya Volkova. We have a lot in common - husbands at the training camp, children of about the same age.

- By the way, biathletes quite often marry biathletes.

Anton says that he doesn't like biathletes. In fact, when we first started dating, I asked: “Does it suit you that I don’t know anything about biathlon, I’m not interested?” And he said that it, on the contrary, is good. He says that the girls mostly looked at him as an athlete. And for a long time I was one of the few who didn't ask him about sports at all. Of course, when we started living together, I became interested, and now I am aware of everything.

- Do you remember your feelings at the moment when he won gold at the Sochi Olympics?

I watched this race on TV and I was shaking. I was glad that he achieved what he had been going for a long time.

- Do they have high hopes for Anton in the national team, does this responsibility put pressure on him?

He takes defeat hard, and it seems to me that if this quality were removed, it would be easier for him. He used to read what fans write after the competition. I talked him out of doing it. Today you are in the lead, and everyone loves you, but tomorrow you could not - and love ends.

- How do you support him if the race didn't go well?

I try not to talk to him about the race, I don't annoy him. On the contrary, we talk about abstract topics or translate everything into a joke. And so immediately everyone starts calling him, asking: why didn’t it work out? There are enough questions without me.

- In addition to sports, Anton is trying to be socially active, he is involved in the Shipulin Foundation.

After a recent training camp, he came home for only four days and, despite the desire to be with his family, he rushed about business like a meteor. Sometimes I am amazed at his energy. I used to come home after a workout, it seems like I should be tired, but no - cheerful, full of energy.

- Can you ski?

Anton taught. At first he said: you will ride a classic. I went alone to Pine Creek, where Ivan Alypov has a club, then Anton returned, and we trained already with a skate.

- Have you ever thought that when Anton finishes sports, it will be a completely different life?

We talked about it. He jokes: when I finish, we will bore you at home. And I look forward to when we can be together more often. Dima will grow up, then a second one is possible. I like that Anton goes in for sports, but at the same time he thinks about the future. He has goals, he goes to them. I am sure that he will be able to find himself when he finishes biathlon.

- Do you plan to realize yourself somewhere?

For me, family is a priority, I would like to devote myself to children. Raising children is also hard work.

Luiza Shipulina: “Clubs are not ours. For us, a party is a forest, tents, fishing.” Photo: from the archive of Anton and Louise

- What do you think, in what way are you and Anton similar?

We both love nature. Clubs are not ours. For us, a party is a forest, tents, fishing. We love to dream, to make plans. Now we really want to go to Baikal by car. But that will be after the Olympics. Now Anton's goal is a personal medal. What is the rest now.

  • Published in No. 218 dated 11/23/2016

Only a strong, self-confident leader, a person with an outstanding character, can lead a team. This is exactly Anton Shipulin, the leading Russian biathlete of our time. You will learn about how he managed to reach sports heights, his biography and personal life from this article.

Athlete's childhood

The best characteristic of an athlete is his biography. fans first saw at the Junior World Championships in 2006. How did the athlete start biathlon? His parents helped him with this. Alla and Vladimir Shipulin, Anton's mother and father, became the first coaches of the future champion. They have been doing it for many years cross-country skiing became masters of sports.

Shipulin Jr. made his first steps in biathlon thanks to his sister, Olympic champion A. Kuzmina. The boy saw her rifle and wanted to become a shooting skier. Since then, the biography of Anton Shipulin has been inextricably linked with this particular sport.

At the age of 15, the athlete began to train under the guidance of Mikhail Novikov in Khanty-Mansiysk. Successful performance at the European Youth Festival proved the great potential of the young biathlete. He was noticed by a well-known mentor from Yekaterinburg, Vladimir Putrov, who prepared Anton for the World Junior Championship. This coach is one of the most authoritative specialists in Russia, who has trained many Olympic champions: E. Redkin, Yu. Kashkarov, A. Popov and others.

Performances at junior competitions

The professional biography of Anton Shipulin, a biathlete that every sports fan knows today, began with a triumph at the 2006 Junior World Championships, where the young athlete won his first gold medal. She was won as part of a relay team.

Individual successes came a year later. The European and World Championships held in Bansko and Martell brought Shipulin a whole scattering of awards, most of which were won in individual races. At the championship of the Old World, the athlete won "gold" in the relay, "silver" - in the sprint and "bronze" - in the pursuit. The silver medal of the World Championship of the same year was won in the individual race.

In 2008, in Ruhpolding, Shipulin won all the distances he competed. The European Championship was no less successful. So, the talented junior was noticed by the coaches of the main national team. Already in the next season, Anton was a member of the national team and participated in the championship of the Old World along with the main world stars.

Professional career

The biography of Anton Shipulin, a world-famous biathlete, as mentioned above, is associated with performances for the Russian national team. In its composition, the athlete has repeatedly won world championships in the relay (2009, 2011, 2012). In the athlete's piggy bank there are also awards of other denominations - silver and bronze.

2009 was a test for the athlete. Fatigue and a huge number of starts at various championships did not affect the performance of the athlete in the best way. The coaches of the national team decided not to take Shipulin to the World Championship in Korea, thus allowing him to recover.

Despite this break, the biography of Anton Shipulin has not ceased to be a kaleidoscope of racing. The athlete was actively preparing for the first Olympics in his life. Unfortunately, there he failed to win personal awards.

One of the most successful for the athlete was the main start of the four years in Sochi. At the last stage of the men's relay, Shipulin overtook the famous Simon Schempp from Germany and brought Russia "gold", which ensured the team of our country first place in the unofficial overall standings of the Olympic Games.

Then the "Race of Champions" took place, in which the athlete won together with the Belarusian. The competitions were held in Moscow, on Russian soil, perhaps this fact allowed the Russian biathlete to show such a high result.

Government awards, titles

Sporting achievements of Anton Shipulin could not go unnoticed not only for fans of one of the most popular winter views sports, but also for the leadership of our country. So, on March 5, 2010, the athlete was awarded the second degree medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland for his great contribution to the development of sports and physical education in Russia, as well as for a successful performance at the Vancouver Olympics.

Shipulin received the title of master of sports back in 2005, speaking at junior championships. In 2010, in addition to the above award, Anton was awarded the title of Honored

Personal life

Takova sports biography Anton Shipulin. Until recently, the personal life of an athlete was a secret for journalists, since Olympic champion does not like to talk in interviews about things that do not concern his professional performances. The athlete has repeatedly noted that the main thing for him in this moment- this is a career, so he simply does not have time for girls.

However, everything has changed. Anton Shipulin married in 2015. The wedding, the photo of which was covered by all the media, gathered the closest friends and relatives of the couple. The athlete and his beloved Luiza Sabitova did not tell anyone about the venue of the celebration until the last day in order to avoid the appearance of strangers. Their close friends Anzhelika and Sergey Batalov helped the couple organize. It was they who found a suitable venue for the ceremony.

Anton Shipulin went to this event for a long time. The wedding, the photo of which the athlete soon published on his personal website and in in social networks, became a happy continuation of a two-year romance. was a student at one of the Tyumen universities when she met the athlete. Because of him, she moved to Yekaterinburg, where their relationship developed.


The biography of Anton Shipulin is full of bright victories, which is why he is of interest to sponsors. So, the biathlete's main partners are Fischer Sports, a manufacturer of professional ski equipment, Craft, a company manufacturing sports equipment and thermal underwear, and a large investment company, Business House on Archiereyskaya.

Sponsor logos are an integral part sportswear Shipulina for performances.

Fans Love

Sport is what the biography of Anton Shipulin is based on. Biathlon brought him the love of Russian fans. So, in 2014, the athlete was recognized not only as the best in his type of competition, but also as the most successful in the Russian national team. According to the results of an open vote published on the website Russian Union biathletes, Shipulin scored 63.4%.

The athlete has his own fan club. Any fan of an athlete can join it. Membership in this organization makes it possible to participate in various competitions held by the team of the Olympic champion, as well as in a meeting with Anton himself after the end of the next season.

Activities outside of sports

The biography of Anton Shipulin, a world-famous skier, includes not only sports activities. Olympic champion - very much He is fond of fishing, owns an online store of his own clothes. It should be noted that the goods are offered at reasonable prices.

But it's still a hobby. The main activity of Shipulin has remained unchanged for 15 years, and her name is biathlon.

The Shipulin family is unique. Parents - Vladimir Ivanovich and Anna Abushaevna are masters of sports in cross-country skiing. The family has two Olympic biathlon champions.

The elder sister - Anastasia was born on August 28, 1984 in Tyumen. Almost three years later, on August 21, 1987, the twins were born. The boy was named Anton, and the girl Anna.

All three children were engaged skiing. While still small, from 2-4 years old, they attended sports camps, because mom and dad worked as coaches. It so happened that the whole life of the Shipulin family is connected with sports.

To date, the largest sports success reached the elder sister Anastasia. The whole world knows her under the name Kuzmina! Anastasia Kuzmina - two-time Olympic champion, repeated world and European champion, winner of the World Cup stages.

And all in the family - five Olympic medals! The first was won by Nastya at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada in 2010. And immediately - gold, in the sprint. In the same place, Anton received bronze in the relay. And Nastya added a silver medal in the pursuit race to her golden success.

In 2014, in Sochi, the family Olympic piggy bank was replenished with two more gold awards.

Until the age of fourteen, Anton's twin Anna also went in for skiing, but then her parents decided that it was enough to "torment" her, since she did not show much zeal for sports. In addition, the girl's hemoglobin dropped sharply and she was suspended for a year. sports activities, after which she did not return to professional sports. Anna got two higher education, she has a strong family, her son is Mark and the surname is Maslova. The nephew calls Anton "Uncle Ton".

The Shipulins began skiing with Nadezhda Dmitrievna Kovrizhnykh (Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Coach of Russia). Anastasia began to engage in biathlon only at the age of 14 under the guidance of coach Sergei Shestov. And, let's open a little secret, not quite legal.

Sergey Shestov says: “I worked at a school of higher sportsmanship, and when 14-year-old Nastya came to me, we did not have the right to train her officially. But I knew her well, I knew my parents, so I did not refuse. The first year we they customized weapons for her - she came to the shooting range, learned to shoot. And continued to study with her children's ski coach Nadezhda Kovrizhnykh. And a year later she was officially included in the SHVSM (School of Higher Sportsmanship). She, as an athlete with good potential, was immediately visible "Although at first she did not show such high results as her peers, who were more physically developed. She was not an accelerator, very thin, tall. Therefore, she performed well in cross-country skiing classic move. What about skating I understood that there was no need to rush. But the belief that success will come, appeared immediately. Nastya had a core, diligence, purposefulness. She was a girl who was willing to sacrifice a lot in terms of training efforts."

In April 2007, Nastya married an Israeli skier with Russian roots, Daniel Kuzmin. And she became Kuzmina. The marriage took place in Nastya's hometown - Tyumen. A son, Elisha, was born in the family. Anastasia graduated from the Tyumen Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. After the birth of the child, Kuzmina returned to the ski track, but the Russian coaches did not believe in her success. The world champion among juniors Shipulina showed the best result in the last season for the Russian team in 2007 at the "adult" competitions "only" 13th place at the World Cup stage.

And familiar to almost everyone is the housing issue. In Tyumen, they could not offer either a separate apartment or a good salary. At the suggestion of her husband, the Kuzmin family moved to Slovakia. And since December 2008, Anastasia has been representing in international competitions this country, lives and trains in the town of Banska Bystrica.

Anton, under the guidance of his father, was engaged in cross-country skiing, but when he once saw a rifle from an older sister involved in biathlon, he set about trying his hand at biathlon. Then in 2002, the parents placed their son in the Khanty-Mansiysk Sports School for the coach Mikhail Novikov, who was working with Svetlana Sleptsova at that time, under whose leadership 15-year-old Anton began his career in biathlon. After 2 years in 2004, the young biathlete returned to his native Tyumen and entered the Tyumen Law Institute. Having won 2 victories at the European Youth Festival, Anton attracted the attention of Vladimir Putrov, the coach of Olympic champions Yuri Kashkarov, Evgeny Redkin and Alexander Popov. In 2006, Shipulin moved to Putrov in Yekaterinburg. Anton won his first victory in the relay at the 2006 World Championships in Presque Isle, America.

Anna Shipulina recalls:“As a child, my brother and I often sorted out some kind of relationship, argued, fought, like all children, I think it was like that. But they lived together - they built huts together, went to school, rode bicycles and mopeds. I was a tomboy - I walked everywhere next to Anton. Together they ran on the roofs of garages, doused themselves with water with the yard boys, went fishing and played with knives! We are both leaders by nature and have always supported each other's ideas!

Shkodili often. Anton loved to tease, scare and deceive. We lived in the same room, slept on a 2-tier bed, I was on the lower tier, Anton was on the upper one. Before going to bed, my brother scared me that at midnight all my bears and dolls would come to life and drag me under the bed! And I fell asleep, holding the railing with one hand so that no one would pull it away! From the balcony of the 8th floor they launched packages of water down into the street at passers-by, bought chewing gum in the form of cigarettes and teased the granny, who was categorically against smoking.

Once Anton wanted to poke me again and complained that he supposedly had a toothache - he suggested that I help him pull it out by making a loop at one end and hooking the other end of the thread to the door. I was so excited that at the expense of “one, two, three” I pulled the door ahead of time and pulled out his tooth! The tooth did not particularly bother him, and after counting 2 he wanted to remove the loop so that I would fly away with the door into the wall. But everything happened as it was imagined by me!

Anton and I studied in one shift and always went to training together - in winter on two buses with transfers, and in summer on bicycles! We participated in competitions together: he for boys, I for girls! On the track, they always urged each other, supported! Parents are often on vacation, when we went out into the countryside with tents and fishing rods, arranged fun starts and relay races - racing, jumping in bags, aiming stones at cans! We not only trained a lot, studied, but also knew how to actively relax.

It is difficult to dress twins of different sexes in the same clothes, but my mother tried to make us at least similar in color of clothes, she herself sewed clothes, jackets, pants for us until midnight. I don’t remember common dreams, but it was very often that we thought and said the same thing at the same time! Yes, and food preferences have always been the same.

When Anton moved from Tyumen to Yekaterinburg, she did not particularly feel separation from her brother, she had her own hobbies. At first, when Anton was leaving for training camps and competitions, I somehow often worried, not understanding why. And when they began to show the first broadcasts with him on TV, I generally felt bad because of my feelings, it got dark in my eyes, weakness rolled in, my legs became wadded, as if I myself were running with him. Mom always put me on the couch in such cases ... But then I got used to it and nothing. I still very emotionally perceive Antoshka's successes and defeats, always with loud exclamations and with tears in my eyes. We are now family friends!

Our older sister Anastasia Kuzmina lives in Slovakia, Anton moved to Yekaterinburg and has been living there for 10 years, while I stayed with my parents and my family in Tyumen. We always watch live broadcasts on TV. Recently, my family and I moved to my house, closer to our parents, now we live in the neighborhood, so we watch all the broadcasts together - we worry, rejoice and get sick! After the competition, Anton first of all calls his parents and communicates with them, shares his emotions and listens to their advice! I send him a message on the mobile with words of support. He knows that we, like no one else, will always support him in the event of a defeat and will sincerely rejoice at the victory!

With parents, we traditionally go to the World Cup stage in Khanty-Mansiysk and cheer for it in my mother's homeland! Since 2013, I began to organize groups of fans for the stages of the World Cup and Championships in support of Anton and the guys from the national team of our country. My brother feels our support and always gives me flowers from the awards ceremony!

Parents from childhood communicated with us, as with adults, did not lisp, but explained everything in a popular way, set specific tasks and were there in difficult times! Our family was big: three children, two parents, a grandmother, we were together everywhere. Often, in the fall, we went to the forest for mushrooms, berries, dad taught us to navigate in the forest along folk omens. Mom introduced me to work: at home, everyone had their own duties - Nastya washed the dishes, Anton vacuumed, I wiped the dust. And at the dacha they constantly helped their parents. First weed the beds, picked berries, and then ran to the pond and walked! Picking and hilling potatoes is also traditionally a family affair. We lived according to the schedule - in the morning for training, in the afternoon to school, in the evening lessons and English. Every holiday, my mother laid a large variety of tables, baked cakes herself, cooked the second with a side dish, my older sister Nastya and I loved to help her - we made cuts, salads, decorate the table. Nastena always came up with and wrote scripts for any celebration, sewed costumes and dressed up Antoshka and me, made us learn poetry and portray various scenes! We have always been friendly with each other and have always felt the support of loved ones."

Text of the interview with Anna Maslova-Shipulina from the Children's website A LOT of A. Shestakova.
Photo from the personal archive of the Shipulin family.

Anton Shipulin was born on August 21, 1987 in the city of Tyumen. The boy grew up in sports family. Since his parents Alla Abushaevna and Vladimir Ivanovich were specialists in ski training, then this predetermined the occupation of little Anton. But, having once seen a rifle from an older sister who was engaged in biathlon, he was set on fire with the idea to try his hand at this particular sport.

Then, in 2002, the parents placed their son in a specialized children's junior school Olympic reserve Khanty-Mansiysk to coach Mikhail Novikov, who was working with Svetlana Sleptsova at that time, under whose leadership the boy began his career in biathlon.

Two years later, in 2004, the young biathlete returned to his native Tyumen and entered the Tyumen Law Institute. Having won two victories at the European Youth Festival, Anton attracted the attention of Vladimir Putrov, the coach of Olympic champions Yuri Kashkarov, Evgeny Redkin and Alexander Popov. Having received an offer of cooperation from Vladimir Putrov, two years later Shipulin moved to him in Yekaterinburg.

In 2006, the athlete achieved the first serious success in sports career: At the World Junior Championships, Anton Shipulin won gold in the relay.

Since 2008, the biathlete has been a member of the Russian national team. The first performance at the World Championships took place in 2009, where the young biathlete took only 72nd place in the sprint. But there is a logical explanation for this: the low results were not only the result of a cold, but primarily due to the fact that the young body did not have time to recover from excessive stress during the training camp in the national team.

The pre-Olympic season of 2010 showed that Anton is very confident in his abilities: according to the results of the season, he was officially recognized as the best shooter among biathletes in the world, which allowed him to take a leading position in the national team.

The previous merits of the athlete allowed him to participate from Russia at the Olympics in Vancouver, where he failed to prove himself to the fullest. The lack of experience of performing at competitions of such high level on a par with famous athletes.

The result of the competition was only a bronze medal for the relay of the men's team, and subsequently Shipulin was awarded a medal for services to the fatherland from the President of Russia.

In the seasons from 2011 to 2013, at the stages of the World Cup, Anton again began to show stable results, both in shooting and in skiing. The result of hard training was the first, second and third places at various stages. Marksmanship has become calling card athlete.

At the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, for a long time, Russian biathletes could not get on the podium of the Olympics in Sochi. Everything changed on February 22, the very last competitive day of biathlon. The men's team won gold in the relay. Alexey Volkov, Dmitry Malyshko, Evgeny Ustyugov and Anton Shipulin took part in the last biathlon race. Thanks to the magnificent fourth stage of Shipulin, our guys got a long-awaited victory, because Russia did not win men's relay over 34 years old.

At the end of January 2018, the International Olympic Committee did not allow Shipulin to participate in Olympic Games in Korean Pyeongchang. According to IOC member Christine Kloster, the athlete did not meet the IOC criteria. After that, the biathlete became a confidant of the presidential candidate Vladimir Putin, and on February 2 he joined the Putin Team movement, which supports Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

In March 2018, information appeared on the Web that Anton was going to leave the sport. The reason for the decision is the lack of motivation. But in April of the same year, a special report about Anton Shipulin was shown on the air of the Match TV channel, where the biathlete personally spoke about his future plans.

Anton admitted that a year ago he had an agreement with doctors that after the Olympic season he needed to rest for at least six months. Shipulin cannot continue to train at this pace for health reasons. He did not talk about his illness, but added that he would make a decision to continue or end his career in the fall.

In October 2018, Anton announced his decision to stay in the sport, but two months later, on December 25, 2018, he suddenly changed his mind and issued a statement about the end of his sports career.

Anton Shipulin awards

2010 – Golden medal at the World Cup in Ruhpolding (relay)
2012 - gold medal at the World Cup in Hochfilzen (mixed relay)
2011 - gold medal at the World Cup in Antholz (sprint)
2011 - gold medal at the Antholz World Cup (pursuit)
2013 - gold medal at the World Cup in Oberhof (relay)
2013 - gold medal at the World Cup in Sochi (relay)
2013 - gold medal at the World Cup in Antholz (sprint)
2013 - gold medal at the World Cup in Antholz (pursuit)
2014 - gold medal at the World Cup in Pokljuka (pursuit)
2014 - gold medal at the Sochi Olympics (relay)
2014 - gold medal at the World Cup in Annecy (relay)
2015 - gold medal at the World Cup in Pokljuka (sprint)
2015 - gold medal at the World Cup in Hochfilzen (relay)
2015 - gold medal at the World Cup in Oberhof (relay)
2015 - gold medal at the Holmenkollen World Cup (relay)
2015 - gold medal at the World Cup in Pokljuka (mass start)
2016 - gold medal at the Anterselva World Cup (pursuit)
2016 - gold medal at the Anterselva World Cup (relay)
2016 - gold medal at the World Cup in Hochfilzen (relay)
2017 - gold medal at the World Cup in Antholz (individual race)
2017 - gold medal at the Holmenkollen World Cup (pursuit)
2018 - gold medal at the World Cup in Kontiolahti (sprint)