Where was Denis Glushakov born? No captain needed

Scandalous stories during a divorce from Denis and Daria Glushakovs could be learned even by Angelina Jolie. More and more new details are emerging about the family discord of the ex-captain of Spartak. While netizens are wondering who cheated on whom and who started first, the identity of the “girl from the bathhouse” became known, with which Daria caught the athlete and filmed it.

According to Glushakova's defense team, the girl in the video, who was introduced as a "childhood friend", has already for a long time in a relationship with Denis.

Her name is Kristina Arsentieva, commented Super lawyer Ekaterina Gordon.

In order to protect the honor, dignity and money of the footballer's wife, two star lawyers and sworn enemies united - former spouses Ekaterina Gordon and Sergey Zhorin. According to Ekaterina, while the divorce proceedings are going on, she will be engaged in restoring Daria's reputation.

Daria sincerely loves her husband, and what happened is a huge tragedy for her. When I began to get acquainted with the situation, it turned out that Glushakov's defense side was well acquainted with his mistress Christina. I am closely watching the stuffing that discredits Daria, so Zhorin and I will join forces. IN this moment I can promise anyone who lies about what allegedly Daria was the first to change, accusing her of conspiracy allegedly to ruin Glushakov's career, I will respond to this with claims for the protection of honor and dignity.

According to the lawyer, Daria Glushakova, despite the statements of the football player's lawyer, never cheated on her husband, but had long suspected him of this. Friends began to “report” to her that a white Porsche was constantly next to Denis’s car, and Denis himself was far from spending time alone.

All this time, Dasha did not try to justify herself and did not react in any way to some slanderous conclusions from Glushakov's defense. Of course, there is no question of any betrayal, all Dasha's close circle suggests that it was Glushakov who began to cheat on his wife with this Christina. As far as I know, Daria has recently been talking about Christina, and she came to this bathhouse because she was told about the mysterious "cayenne" that constantly appeared in those places where Glushakov was. Then she was also told, they say, your husband is not alone there.

Also, according to Gordon, Daria found out about the betrayal recently.

This video was not made in winter, this is also a lie. As far as I understood, Daria went to check with whom her husband was in the bathhouse. She does not have any lover, this is a stuffing, in my opinion, made by Glushakov, since the side of his defense communicates closely with his mistress. This is an attempt to mislead a wide audience. Dasha is a wonderful mother, she never cheated on her husband. And, I must say, entered into a relationship with him when he was still a nobody - a poor, unknown boy.

According to Ekaterina, Kristina Arsentieva also wants Daria to be left with nothing. In addition, Daria's defense side claims that the disgraced footballer was seen trying to transfer money from his accounts and hide property in order to pay smaller alimony in the event of a court decision in favor of Daria.

Based on the information we have on Christina, she's such a thoughtful huntress. According to Sergei Zhorin, the defense side is behaving very ambiguously. I passed this on to Glushakov through mutual friends. They made attempts to transfer money from his accounts in order to hide them - this really sets him up. We believe that next to Glushakov are people who provide him with false information. The best thing he can do, even if he fell in love with another, is to honestly disperse, give away half of the jointly acquired, provide children with normal alimony, and not try to hide property. Lawyers, perhaps, advise him to take the children for himself in order to avoid the issue of alimony in principle. By the way, according to my information, it was Christina who brought Glushakov together with her lawyer friend.

According to lawyer Sergei Zhorin, who is leading the divorce proceedings himself, Daria's defense intends to end the trial in Moscow and divide all jointly acquired property.

WITH legal point From the point of view, everything that Glushakov’s side does looks at least strange and does not at all look like an attempt to peacefully resolve the conflict, Sergey commented on Super. - We do not doubt our legal position, now we are counteracting ridiculous attempts to hold a trial not in Moscow, and, of course, Glushakov will also fail to hide jointly acquired property from the mother of the children. We are open to negotiations.

This week, Russian football clubs started in the group stage of European competitions. That's just louder than the news about goals scored and conceded, others sound more like passions from the life of the heroes of "House-2".

Hero of the seventeenth year

In Vienna, where the Moscow "Spartak" will play with the Austrian "Rapid", the team captain will not enter the field Denis Glushakov. However, probably, he should already be called the captain in the past tense.

In the spring of 2017, when Spartak was eager to win the national championship for the first time in 16 years, Glushakov spent his best season. He led the team on the field, he was a leader in the dressing room. Head coach"Spartacus" Massimo Carrera could not get enough of Glushakov.

Awards rained down on Glushakov: “Best Footballer of the Year” according to the RFU, “Athlete of the Year” according to a secular magazine ...

It is unlikely that anyone then could have thought that the football player had a long fall ahead.

Captain and Coach

The 2017/18 season, both Spartak and Glushakov, was worse than fans and experts expected. For the captain of the red-whites, this turned out to be a failure to qualify for the World Cup. But behind him were Euro 2012, World Cup 2014, Euro 2016.

The Russian national team at the home world championship fell in love with the fans without Glushakov. And the team's game proved that Denis is not indispensable.

Without a doubt, it was a tangible blow to pride. But much worse was the fact that Glushakov started having problems in the club. Massimo Carrera made it clear that he does not see the player in the first team. There was an option to sell or rent a player, but Glushakov did not want to leave the team anywhere. And the partners again chose him as captain. According to people in the know, they did it against the will of the head coach.

It became obvious that someone had to leave: either Glushakov or Carrera. The bosses of Spartak (at least for now) demonstrate confidence in the specialist who made the club the champion of Russia.

But Glushakov himself does not express a desire to change his place of work, having a valid contract in his hands.

"Bath Day"

There are two ways to solve such problems: either patiently negotiate, or go into direct conflict.

Spartak chose the second option.

Hand on heart, the story with likes on Instagram, which became the reason for the removal of Denis Glushakov from the main team, is not worth a damn. In the same CSKA, much more serious conflicts between the coach and the players were successfully resolved.

But they decided to punish Denis Glushakov, and focusing the attention of the fans on this story. And now the captain is not a hero leading Spartak, but a bad person causing harm to red and white.

If it all ended there, half the trouble. But what happened next makes you think about what kind of people work in domestic football in general and in Spartak Moscow in particular.

The day after the removal of Glushakov, a video appeared on the Web with the captain of Spartak in the bath. The woman filming the video screams that the football player the day before important match spends time with a prostitute.

We emphasize: there is no porn on the screen. There is a bathhouse, but the presence of a prostitute is already a version of Denis Glushakov's wife, with whom he is currently divorcing.

According to the prosecutor's prescription

The family drama of a 31-year-old football player is not the subject of this material. It is important that the video, in which Glushakov is positioned as an immoral type and a destroyer of family foundations, appears in all leading sports (and not only sports) media following the story with likes. Moreover, journalists are in a hurry to give the floor to Glushakov's wife, who colorfully tells how her husband rolled down the slope.

Those who are older probably remember how once a frank video was shown on the federal channel with the participation of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Skuratov that destroyed his career. It's just that the prosecutor, according to some influential people, began to ask too many unnecessary questions and disturb respectable people.

The reputation of Denis Glushakov is now being destroyed according to exactly the same scenario.

You can prove that you are not a camel for a long time. But one day they will call you to the office and announce that your bad reputation is damaging the company's image. which is the basis for termination of the contract in accordance with clause such and such.

Denis Glushakov is not the first and not the last football player who had problems in family life. Unique like a father of many children Sergei Semak are rare. But no matter what happens on the personal front, Glushakov's career as a football player has nothing to do with it.

If the club no longer needs him, then with his game he deserved, at least, to part with him humanly.

They don’t know how to part in a good way in Spartak

In autumn 2016, one of the leaders of FC CSKA Roman Eremenko caught using cocaine, receiving a two-year ban. The club, which suffered reputational damage through the fault of Eremenko, had every reason to recoup it in full. There were tools for this too. But the player, suspended for two years, parted kindly, believing that he had already punished himself.

It is curious that after the disqualification, Eremenko intends to resume performances as part of ... Spartak. Against the backdrop of what is happening with Glushakov, it seems that Roman made a rash decision.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Spartak has been accustomed to the fact that with the legends of the club, people who have done a lot for the team, he parted exclusively in a bad way. It seemed that after the long-awaited victory in the championship, the situation would change.

But what is happening with Denis Glushakov says that nothing has changed. A football player who has become unnecessary is being survived by the dirtiest methods.

In the story with Glushakov, not all bridges have been burned yet, there is still an opportunity to reach an amicable agreement. But do those who launched the campaign against the disgraced captain have a similar desire?

Name: Glushakov Denis Brisovich
Date of Birth: January 27, 1987.
Place of birth: Millerovo, Rostov region, USSR
Role: Midfielder

Denis Glushakov - the story of a football player from the Rostov region

He began to learn the basics of football at the Millerovo Youth Sports School. Denis was brought to this school by his grandmother. Largely thanks to his uncle Valery Glushakov, the boy had a chance to study in sports school Moscow CSKA. Until 1999, he played for the youth team of CSKA, until he stopped getting into the main team of the army. Such cases did not suit the young athlete, and he moved to Moscow Nika. The football player played in this club until 2005.

Due to good performance on the field Denis Glushakov scouts from the Moscow Lokomotiv noticed and invited him to play for the duplicating composition of the "railroad". In 2007, he went on loan to the Irkutsk Zvezda. In 2008 he returned to Lokomotiv and on July 13 he made his debut in the main team. On July 7, 2008, in a match with FC Moscow, he scored his first goal in the Premier League. After this game, he began to play regularly in the main team of Lokomotiv. Recognized by fans at the end of the season best player season. In 2012, he became the captain and leader of the "railroad". In 2011 he was recognized as the player of the year in the Russian Federation.

On June 18, 2013, he moved to Spartak Moscow. The transfer amount was about $8 million. Debuted for new team in a match against Krylia Sovetov on July 16, 2013. The midfielder scored the first goal for Spartak on November 10, 2013 in a game against St. Petersburg Zenit. July 21, 2016 becomes the captain of the Moscow Spartak. On May 7, 2017, Glushakov, together with Spartak, became the champion of Russia. In the same season, the RFU is recognized as the best player of the year.

Glushakov's career in the Russian national team

Denis was twice called up to the ranks of the national team of the Russian Federation, the first time in 2008, but he never managed to play. The second challenge came in 2011. Debut for main team took place in the match against Qatar. In a match against Andorra in October 2011, he scored his first goal for the national team. At the moment (2017) is one of the main players in the Russian national team.

We offer to look at the statistics of a football player in a tabular version:

Club Year Championship Cup Eurocup
games/goals games/goals games/goals
"Nika" 2d2005 13/0 0/0 0/0
SKA (Rostov-on-Don) 2-d 2006 16/6 0/0 0/0
"Star" 1-d2007 34/8 1/0 0/0
Lokomotiv (Moscow) 2008 23/4 0/0 0/0
2009 27/3 3/0 0/0
2010 28/1 1/0 1/0
2011 37/11 3/0 10/3
2012/13 27/1 1/0 0/0
"Spartak Moscow) 2013/14 28/1 2/0 1/0
2014 27/2 1/0 0/0
2015 27/4 2/0 0/0
2016 25/8 0/0 2/0
2017/18 14/3 1/0 4/1

Personal life and social activities of Denis Glushakov

Married to Daria Glushakova. September 26, 2011 daughter Valeria was born. On December 15, 2016, the second daughter was born.

In 2014, Glushakov built in Millerovo football stadium at own expense.

After Spartak's championship, an unofficial celebration of this event took place near the Otkritie Arena. A lot of fans came under the stadium. One of the first players to celebrate was Denis.

Also on our website you can find the biography of another footballer of the Russian national team -

Denis Borisovich Glushakov. Born on January 27, 1987 in Millerovo (Rostov Region). Russian footballer.

Father - Boris, mother - Galina Nikolaevna. Uncle - football player Valery Glushakov.

His parents divorced when Denis was only one year old. He was raised by his mother Galina Nikolaevna.

Since 1998, thanks to his uncle Valery Glushakov, he studied at the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA. In 1999, he moved to Nika, where he played until 2005.

Later he was noticed by breeders of the Moscow club "Locomotive" and accepted an offer to play for the team's double. In 2007, he was leased to the Irkutsk "Star", for which he spent 34 matches and scored 8 goals.

On July 13, 2008, in the Dynamo-Lokomotiv match, he spent all 90 minutes on the field for the first time as part of the Loko main team. On July 27, 2008, in a match with Moscow, he scored his first goal in the Premier League. In the same game, he was recognized as the best player of the match, after which he began to play regularly at the base. Is the author last goal teams in the 2008 season - in the game with the national champion Rubin. At the end of the season, he was recognized as the best player of the season according to a poll among fans, which was held on the club's official website. He won 24% of the vote and was ahead of Sergei Gurenko and Dmitry Torbinsky.

In March 2011, he extended the agreement with Loko for 4.5 years. After the completion of the first part of the championship, he was awarded the title of "Player of the Year".

June 18, 2013 FC "Spartacus" officially confirmed the transfer of Glushakov and announced the signing of a contract with the midfielder of the Russian national team. The RFU Dispute Resolution Chamber ruled that Lokomotiv was obliged to pay Nika compensation of 15% of the deal for the transfer of the midfielder to Spartak in the summer of 2013, and the subsequent appeal of the railway workers (who believed that the player in 2006 as a free agent made his first transfer to the Rostov SKA) and the consideration of the case in the sports arbitration court in Lausanne recognized the correctness of "Nicky".

On July 16, 2013, he made his debut as part of the Spartak club in the Russian Championship in an away match against Krylia Sovetov. In the first half, he took part in the first goal of Spartak, making a penetrating pass into the penalty area for Sergei Parshivlyuk, after which another newcomer to the team, Tino Costa, opened the scoring. Glushakov scored his first goal for Spartak on November 10, 2013, when he set the final score in the victorious match of the Russian championship against Zenit (4: 2).

On May 7, 2017, Glushakov, together with Spartak, became the champion of Russia. Denis dedicated the championship to his uncle, who died 40 days before.

According to the results of the 2016/2017 season, Denis Glushakov.

In September 2018, Glushakov, along with Andrey Yeshchenko, was suspended from training with the main team of Spartak. The reason for this was the positive response of the players to the publication on Instagram by actor Dmitry Nazarov, in which he criticizes the head coach of the team Massimo Carrera in verse.

Denis Glushakov in the Russian team:

In 2008, he played for the youth team, but she could not get into the play-offs of the youth European Championship 2009. In October 2008, he received a call to the national team, but never got a chance to play.

In March 2011, he again received a call to the Russian national team for matches with Armenia and Qatar. In the match with the latter, Denis made his debut for the national team. In a match against Andorra in October 2011, he scored his first goal for the national team.

Glushakov got into the application for Euro 2012, where he played 72 minutes, coming out in the first team in the match with Greece (0:1).

IN qualifying tournament for the 2014 World Cup, scored two goals: against Luxembourg and Israel.

He played at the 2017 Confederations Cup and the first goal of the national team at the tournament was due to the participation of Denis Glushakov in the attack (initially the ball was recorded on him, but later the goal was reclassified as an own goal).

On November 14, 2017, in a friendly match against Spain, Denis Glushakov, at the very end of the match, got into the goal due to an injury to goalkeeper Andrei Lunev and the exhausted limit of substitutions for the Russian team, but he played only a few seconds in a new position, managing only to not very successfully knock the ball into field.

He did not make it to the national team for the home World Cup.

Denis Glushakov (documentary)

The growth of Denis Glushakov: 182 centimeters.

Personal life of Denis Glushakov:

He was married to Daria Glushakova, she studied to be a dentist. He had known his future wife Daria since childhood - they lived on the neighboring streets of Millerovo.

They got married on June 19, 2009. Having played a magnificent and loud wedding, they moved to Moscow. Soon the couple had a daughter, Valeria. Four years later, the second daughter of Alexander was born.

With the participation of the couple, a football stadium was built in Millerovo.

In September 2018, it became known that . At the same time, the football player accused his wife of treason. At the same time, Daria herself brought similar charges against him.

The scandal began after Daria found Denis in the sauna with a girl. Later it turned out that Daria is well acquainted with her. The ex-wife filed a lawsuit against the athlete in order to divide the property. After that, the football player’s lawyer Marina Dubrovskaya stated that the football player agreed to divorce, but the reason was his wife’s betrayal, and he himself had not lived with her for a long time. Daria, on the other hand, claims that the betrayals were only on the part of her husband, adding that Denis also beat her during the last meeting.

Team achievements of Denis Glushakov:

"Spartak Moscow):

Champion of Russia: 2016/2017;
Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship: 2017/18;
Russian Super Cup Winner: 2017

Personal achievements of Denis Glushakov:

List 33 the best football players championship of Russia: No. 2 - 2011/12; No. 3 - 2012/13, 2013/14, 2016/17 (No. 1);
The best player of the season in the RFPL: 2016/17;
Player of the Year football club Spartak Moscow: 2013/14;
Member of the Igor Netto Club: 2017