Gymnastic exercises for girls 11 years old. Fitness for Teenage Girls - Weight Loss Exercises


The first competition "Coming out in force"! we are still very far from the categories, but the children (especially adults) tried! Thanks to our EUROPEGYM (Lokomotiv) for the excellent organization of the competition, for the festive, exciting, positive atmosphere! It was especially interesting to watch the older children (in particular, the daughter), with what struggle, awareness and responsibility they approached the test, which was unexpected for me. The results of the older child made me very happy (47th place out of 134 children in the age group of 7-11 years old)! The younger one, of course, had more fun and failed half of the tests, well, what to take from a small, hooligan-shilopopny little man who is not even 4 yet! But the most pleasant thing is that absolutely all the children received medals, balls and rubber bracelets "Exit to Strength", so the end of the competition was truly festive, joyful and bright! Many thanks to our coaches Konstantin Pavlov (training daughter - age 7-11) and Alexander Smirnov (training son - age 3-5). Everyone deserves an award! It's a pity that in big sport only 3 medals!


Reviewed by Maria

We have been studying with my daughter in a group of 1.5-3 years for several months. Excellent center, pleases that all inventory is in excellent condition, clean. Special thanks to our coach Gareev Radmir. He is wonderful, with a very attentive, calm and friendly approach to children. The curriculum is varied and rich. The child looks forward to classes and is very happy. Many thanks to Radmir for his attitude and work!


Feedback from Julia

We are engaged in the center with the whole family: parents in the 18+ group at the same time with children in the 5-7 group. Every time we go to class, it's like a holiday. This center is just a godsend for us: 1) Family subscription, 2) you can start practicing from any level of training - everyone is given, in fact, an individual task. I started with zero preparation. 3) Simultaneous training for the whole family - no one gets bored in the corner. 4) flexible schedule of classes - you can go to your age group on any day, to any coach. 5) I especially want to note the discipline in the classroom. The trainers are smiling, polite but consistent.
For six months, the children noticeably got stronger and pulled themselves up. If in the Youth Sports School they train with the capable and focus on the strong, then here they train with everyone and rejoice in overcoming themselves even in small things. Thank you for making sports fun!


Feedback from Olga

I would like to thank the wonderful coach Radmir Gareev! Thanks to well-designed training process the son happily goes to classes, and then, with no less joy and pride, returning from training, declares: "I did well today!" The son became more interested in a sports lifestyle, which immediately affected his physical development. Both children and parents are very satisfied with the result of the classes! Thank you very much!


Feedback from Olga

My son has been attending a group led by Dmitry Kalyuzhny since September. The child studies with great pleasure and does not want to go to classes with anyone else. The result was visible within a month. The perfect combination of discipline and the ability to understand and communicate with children. Many thanks for your professionalism.


Feedback from Olga

I would like to express my gratitude to the coach (Chervoniy Pavel, Troitsk.). I found a common language with my son from the first lesson. Son enjoys doing it. The result is already visible, which we have not seen after classes in other sections. the highest degree professional and competent trainer. Skillfully combines exactingness and correctness. My son goes with pleasure. I really like visiting the Center, all the employees are very polite and correct, a pleasant atmosphere. Thank you very much!

Children at the age of 11 need proper physical development, as prolonged sitting at a school desk and increased fatigue can adversely affect their posture and muscle tone. Exercise is essential to improve blood circulation and reduce stress levels. Let's talk about what kind of sport is good for children aged 11 in more detail.

According to practice, children who are physically active do better in school. Sports activities have a positive effect not only on academic performance, but also on strengthening the health of the child.

Gymnastics for children 11 years old

Gymnastics is a great way to relieve tension, develop dexterity and improve posture. Gymnastics is especially relevant for girls of 11 years old: they develop plasticity, help to form beautiful figure. During classes, children perform gymnastic and acrobatic elements, stretching. Typically, gymnastics lasts about 60 minutes, so the children have time for other hobbies.
Gymnastic exercises look like this:

Charging for children 11 years old

Charging is a mandatory component of the daily routine of every child. Exercises are carried out for children of 11 years old in order to strengthen the body in general and for weight loss. You can do it at home, about 30 minutes every day. You need to pick up good music, tune in to positive and do exercises with your child.
Exercises for children 11 years old will help develop endurance, flexibility in a child and correct problems with overweight, If there are any.
The set of classes can be arbitrary and include:

  • jumping and stretching;
  • walking in place;
  • lunges and push-ups;
  • squats, exercises with small dumbbells.

During classes, simulators can also be used, for example, a bicycle or walking simulator. But it is best to do exercises together and without the use of additional shells - this way you will get an excellent boost of energy and energy. good mood all day.

What are the circles and sections for girls and boys 11 years old

Where to give the child: a boy or a girl at 11 years old? What circles and sections are more suitable for children at this age?
You need to know that different age groups of children have their own standards for physical activity. For 11-year-old schoolchildren, the norm is 20,000 steps a day, that is, children should move about 6 hours daily. Lack of mobility can lead to negative consequences: it poses a real threat to the health of your child.
So which sport should you choose? Remember, it all depends on what your child wants, on his desires and aspirations. If you want to enroll him in a circle just for general development, choose swimming, gymnastics, climbing, weight-lifting. If your child aims to succeed in sports, you can enroll him in bobsleigh, biathlon, powerlifting. You also need to focus on the characteristics of the temperament of the child, the level of his physical development, flexibility and speed of reaction.

Remember that if you have any chronic diseases, you can sign up for a sports section only after consulting a doctor. Some sports exacerbate the course of a disease. So, sinusitis can worsen from swimming, and from winter sports- Allergy to cold or asthma.

When choosing sports sections, be guided by the wishes of your child and common sense. Be sure to develop your child, and he will not have problems with mental and physical health.

10 years are useless, because they need to be done at home with adults, and in physical education classes at school, the teacher already gives a heavy load. In fact, these people are very wrong. Elementary exercises to improve the flexibility of the body take no more than 15 minutes, but there are quite a lot of benefits. Therefore, caring moms and dads should not look for excuses for themselves and skimp on time for their kids.

When and how much to practice

Every person must move. It is in him from birth. How less baby moves in his 10 years, the more problems he is provided in the future. At this age, boys and girls prefer to watch TV or surf the Internet, but not to spend their day actively. Gymnastic exercises for children 10 years old can interest even the laziest personalities, because they are quite fun to perform, especially with parents or friends.

School age is perfect time to learn all kinds of exercises. The child's body must be in active phase more than 10 hours per week. Experts recommend that parents engage with their kids for 20 minutes in the morning and evening. In fact, there is no difficulty in this, but the child will definitely receive a charge of vivacity and positive.

Benefits of gymnastics

The simplest gymnastic exercises for children of 10 years old help to cope with many problems and even act as an effective prevention. Thanks to them, you can achieve the activation of metabolic processes, return the body to normal tone after stress, eliminate nervous tension, and also recharge your batteries for the whole coming day. In addition, such charging will serve as a prevention of obesity and problems. of cardio-vascular system which are often encountered even in primary school age.


From the very beginning, gymnastic exercises for children of 10 years old will be somewhat difficult. This is explained by the fact that babies will have to get out of bed 20 minutes earlier, which at this age is often done with great difficulty. This should be accustomed to the child gradually, but in no case should you give up your plan just because the young gymnast is very lazy. After a couple of weeks of such a beginning of the morning, the children themselves are drawn to exercise.

Both morning and evening exercises significantly lift your mood. If the child is too capricious, you can use a rug, ball, stick with images of your favorite characters as accessories. You can find such inventory in any specialized store, and these goods are not so expensive.

Popular exercises

It is best to perform a somersault forward and backward, a wheel, a bridge, twine and other exercises in the fresh air. Even if there is no way to go outside the house, it will be enough just to open the window.

Below are exercises that every 10-year-old athlete can perform, even without any skills. Charging should be accompanied by cheerful music to cheer up the child even more.

Gymnastics with a ball

Interesting exercises with a gymnastic ball for children attract the attention of many young athletes, because everyone loves this projectile. Favorite toy from an early age can easily be used as a simulator.

At the age of 10, you can freely perform the following exercises:

  1. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs and place the ball on your thigh. The main task is to roll the projectile to the toes of one foot and return it up the other. This must be done with straight legs. In total, it is recommended to perform 3-4 times.
  2. Without changing position, the ball should be placed on the ankles. Rest your hands on the floor a little behind the pelvis. It is required to raise the legs so that the projectile rolls to the stomach and hold out in this position for 10 seconds.
  3. Lie on your back and stretch your arms along the torso. The ball should be clamped with the feet. The task of the child will be to raise his legs 10 times so as not to drop the projectile.
  4. Stand up straight and take the ball in your hands. It will need to be thrown down so that it bounces, and then caught at chest level, lower abdomen and just above the head. For each point, it is recommended to perform 5 throws.
  5. Stand up and hold the ball between your knees. Here you will need to jump from side to side, as well as forward and backward. The exercise should be performed 5-8 times in each direction.

Stick exercises

A set of exercises with a gymnastic stick for children is no less interesting than the previous one. This projectile also allows efficient charging. It has a beneficial effect on the spine and is most often used in the morning. This complex consists of only 5 exercises:

  1. Holding the stick behind your back with bent arms, placing it at the level of your elbows, perform 10 forward bends.
  2. Take the projectile on outstretched arms and lift it up 7-9 times, stretching it to the ceiling as much as possible.
  3. Cross your arms, take a stick and walk your fingers in different directions to the ends of the projectile. In the position of maximum tension, you should hold out for 10 seconds.
  4. Put the stick on the floor and walk on it several times, stepping exclusively with the middle of the foot.
  5. Take the projectile in your hands and pull them up, then lower it down, while raising your leg and connecting the foot with the projectile. For each leg, 3 touches should be done.

Training in gymnastic tricks

Any section of gymnastics for children 10 years and older teaches elementary tricks in the very first lessons. Since not all parents have the opportunity to send their child to this circle, you can try to learn the technique and present it to your child at home.


Every student can do a classic forward somersault, because it is included in the training program. At every lesson physical education kids from the first grade perform it without getting injured. Despite the fact that it manages to be done perfectly, a somersault back causes completely different emotions. It is quite difficult for children to reproduce it correctly, so you should understand the technique. There are some important secrets here:

  1. It is best to do a somersault with acceleration. To do this, you will first need to swing forward, and only then - back.
  2. Before performing, it is necessary to take the correct position - feet on the floor, the pelvis is supported by weight, and hands wrap around the knees.
  3. When entering a horizontal position, the palms should be placed comfortably in order to push them. To do this, they need to be moved closer to the shoulders.
  4. The first attempts should be made on mats, and not on a hard surface, as bruises from a hard floor disappear for a long time.

Having tried a few tricks, a somersault back can be done fairly quickly. At the beginning, the child should be insured, but already at 3-4 lessons he will be able to easily reproduce the trick on his own.


The well-known wheel exercise begins with a handstand. It is allowed to be done near the wall, which greatly facilitates the task. To do this, it is necessary to secure the child by moving his legs to the support when they reach the top point. As soon as the young gymnast succeeds in getting up on his hands on his own and holding on tightly for more than 30 seconds, you can begin to master the wheel technique. First of all, it is recommended to imagine its implementation in your head in order to understand how it visually looks.

It is not so difficult to do the wheel exercise against the wall. It is only important to follow the sequence of steps:

  1. In a handstand, spread your legs wider.
  2. Lean to the side and, raising the opposite hand, put your feet on the floor, turning the body over.
  3. Standing on your feet, lean to the side, put one palm on the floor, raise your legs in turn, while resting on the floor with your other hand.
  4. Combine all previous steps and complete the movement at a faster pace.

When the wheel comes out perfectly near the wall, you should start moving away from it. The fear of open space will pass quite quickly, so it will not be difficult to perform the exercise evenly and beautifully.


Another great children's exercise is the bridge. It is one of the most important stances in gymnastics. Thanks to the bridge, you can perfectly warm up and strengthen your back muscles. The easiest way to start it is from a prone position:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and rest your palms on the floor so that your fingers are near your shoulders and point towards them.
  2. Gradually lift up the pelvis and shoulders, while bending in the lower back.
  3. After standing for about 10 seconds, you can return to the starting position, sinking to the floor or, pushing off with your hands and getting to your feet.

The bridge exercise can also be done from a standing position:

  1. Stand up straight, with your back to the wall at a distance of a couple of steps.
  2. Slowly lean back, arching your back and stepping your hands along the wall.
  3. Touch the surface of the floor with your palms, focus on them.
  4. Walk alternately with your hands as close to your legs as possible, arching your back as much as possible.
  5. Hold for 10 seconds and return to the original position, again climbing the wall.

The child will be able to perform the exercise with the wall on his own, but in the free space he will need help. To do this, it will be enough just to slightly hold your back. When a young athlete learns to descend smoothly, he will already be quite good at doing the bridge on his own.


In conclusion, you should tell how to teach a child to sit on a twine, because it is also the basis in gymnastics. It is very useful to do this, but only the owners of a good stretch succeed in it. This result can be achieved using simple exercises:

  1. Standing near a chair, grasp its back with your hand, bend one leg at a right angle and lift it to the side and back, feeling the tension of the thigh.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or a little further away, tilt your body and alternately reach out with your hands to opposite socks.
  3. Sit on the floor, spread your straight legs to the sides as much as possible, stretch your arms forward to feel the stretch, and linger for 5-8 seconds.
  4. While in a sitting position, bend your legs, connect your feet together, moving them closer to you, spread your knees to the sides and work them vigorously, shaking up and down. The back should remain straight, and the hands should lie on the knees.

After a couple of weeks of regular performance of these exercises, you can try to sit on the twine. To do this, you need to place one foot slightly in front of the other and, sliding or in different directions, lower yourself to the floor. The transverse twine is also performed in the same way, but in it the legs will have to be placed clearly to the sides.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, it is important to carry out a complex of developmental gymnastics for the proper development of the crumbs. With age, the importance of exercise becomes even more important, especially as children approach puberty. Charging and gymnastic exercises will help the child to be healthy, active and in a good mood throughout the day.


morning exercises or charging is important and necessary at any age, therefore it is recommended for all family members. For each age group has its own exercises and focus of training, but the benefits of physical activity are obvious. From birth, the baby is prescribed massages and exercises to help proper development a small organism, in some cases exercise therapy is prescribed for infants. When a child becomes independent and can perform physical exercise without the help of a parent, there comes a period of time when you need to start exercising with him.

9 years old is the age when the number of homework for a child seriously increases, he has several times more things to do. Charging for children at the age of 10 is simply necessary, because not every parent can find the time and finances for a child to attend a sports section or engage in other types of vigorous activity.

To make up for the lack physical activity, it is important to allocate at least 20 minutes a day to do a little warm-up with a teenager. Gymnastic exercises at this age should be selected no less carefully than at any other stage in the development of the child. Both at the age of 9 and at 11 there is an active growth of the body, and the older the student becomes, the more intensively all processes take place inside and outside his body.

It is this time that is considered optimal for dividing a set of exercises for girls and boys due to the difference in the pace of development of the body. In addition, due to the peculiarities of the metabolic processes of puberty, it is important for girls to focus on those exercises that will correct the figure. During the period of active growth of bones in the body of boys, it is necessary to help them relieve muscle discomfort and develop muscles so that it has time to grow behind the bone tissue.

Physical exercises and exercises for children of 9-12 years old are of great importance, therefore you should not neglect it, but try to participate in the life of the child and spend a physical education session with him.


The onset of puberty is of great importance both for the physical parameters of girls and boys, and for their psychological development in general, which is why it is so important to pay due attention to these issues. It is at this time that all the main parameters of the figure are laid, which will later be very difficult to change. The main bias in exercises for boys and girls of this age should be done on flexibility, coordination and those exercises that help strengthen the entire body.

In the process of training, it is necessary not only to choose the right exercises, but also to ensure that the upper and lower parts of the body are equally loaded. The same applies to the right and left sides of the body.

If parents have the opportunity, and, of course, the desire to engage with the child, then the following gymnastic exercises should be introduced into the charging complex:

  • Somersault. His students should already be able to do physical education lessons, so at home, parents will also be able to cope with the task. It is advisable to first study the technique of carrying out the exercise and insurance during a somersault in order to safely carry it out at home. The reverse roll is more difficult to do, so the role of the parent in this case is very important to explain everything correctly and help reproduce it.

  • If there is a large space at home, in the yard or at the stadium, if it is located nearby, you can try to make wheel. The first step in learning the wheel will be a handstand against the wall, after which you will need to learn how to get out of this position by raising your arm and lowering your leg to the other side. As soon as the wheel against the wall begins to turn out, you can try to make it without support.

  • Another important exercise for children of this age is bridge, which develops the muscles of the back and activates the spine, which eliminates the formation of any problems with it in early age. Initially, they learn to make a bridge from a prone position on the floor. The first exercises should be performed with insurance, and then use a wall or a Swedish ladder instead, along which the child himself can descend into the bridge and get up from it.

  • Twine are also important for children of this age, especially for girls, as they develop the internal muscles of the legs. The flexibility of any limb for a girl will be an advantage, because learning to split will become very important point for the development of a flexible and coordinated girl.

As for the boys, physical exercise for them will be slightly different from those intended for girls. Since the growth of the skeleton begins quite abruptly, the muscles do not have time to catch up with it, and therefore adolescent boys often get tired and lead a sluggish and passive lifestyle. During this period, it is important to work hard on the flexibility of all parts of the body and perform more exercise for coordination.

Worth using sports equipment and equipment in the process of charging or exercising.

Usually, morning exercises at this age are a general strengthening event, and the main load is given after it. After the warm-up has been completed, the boy is given a certain set of exercises, which he must cope with without much difficulty, but with tension in all the muscles of the body.

Approximate complex

In order for exercises and gymnastics for teenagers to proceed correctly, it is worth choosing optimal exercise for them. The main ones will be:

  • Walking in place. It is important to monitor the position of the body, posture and the position of the hands - strictly down.

  • Legs together, arms along the body, Task: lifting on toes, while the arms should be raised simultaneously to the sides. It is necessary to monitor posture and breathing.
  • Feet slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Task: turn the body alternately in each direction with the maximum withdrawal of the elbow. It is important to watch your posture.
  • Legs, as in the previous exercise, put your hands on your shoulders. Task: rotate the elbows in the direction forward and backward in maximum amplitude. Follow your posture.

  • Feet shoulder width apart, arms down. Task: at the expense of 1 - lean forward, stretch your arms parallel to the floor, at 2 - the starting position. You can complicate the exercise: 1 - lean forward, 2 - bend in the back and arms up, 3 - lean forward, 4 - starting position.
  • Squats to a 90 degree angle at the knees, pull the pelvis back, keep your back straight with a slight forward tilt. To make it more difficult, you can do triple squats with three springs in each squat and return to the legstand.
  • Feet slightly apart, arms down. Task: 1 - raising arms and raising on toes, 2 - tilting down with lowering hands to the floor.

The number of repetitions will depend on the level of preparation of children. As the exercises become feasible, you need to gradually increase their number.

To the complex morning exercises boys, you can include more exercises such as:

  • Move your legs. Basic position: legs side by side, arms arbitrarily. Swing with the right and left legs for 8-10 repetitions. The movement is made from the starting position forward, to the side, and also back in turn with each foot.
  • Coordination movements of arms and legs. Legs nearby, arms down, on 1 - raising the arms and moving one leg back to the toe, on 2 - the starting position. We repeat the same with the other leg.
  • Tilts to the sides with the addition of arms. Feet slightly apart, hands on the belt. Task: tilt to the side, arms stretch in the same direction. The exercise is performed in each direction.

  • Push ups. Task: from the prone position, bend and align your arms in elbow joint. Maintain a level body position and range of motion.
  • Press. Sitting on the mat, legs can be straight or bent in knee joints, the position of the hands is behind the head. Task: lie on your back and return to the starting position. You can add rotations of the body to the right and left alternately for the work of the oblique muscles of the press.

Usage basic exercises or those that include elements of gymnastics for carrying out exercises with children 9-12 years old will bring great benefit for the body of adolescents, will attract them to sports and give a good mood, preparing the student for a new day.


The use of various items and sports equipment can make any exercise or training much more interesting. If the child does not want to do pattern exercises, and sport sections you can't afford, then use gymnastic stick, ball, jump rope will help to radically change the situation.

OFP with objects and groovy music will not leave a teenager indifferent and will attract all household members to training. With the help of a projectile, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Sitting position on the mat, legs apart, ball on the thigh of one leg. Objective: Roll the ball down the leg from the hip to the toes. Work is done on each leg in turn.
  • Sitting on the mat, legs forward together, put the ball on the feet, put your hands on the floor behind. Task: raise your legs so that the ball rolls to the stomach and comes back.
  • Lying on the mat, hold the ball with your feet. Task: lift your legs up to an angle of 90 degrees without dropping the ball.

Exercises using a gymnastic stick.

  • Standing, legs slightly apart, crossed arms holding a stick. Task: move your fingers to the end of the stick with each hand in the opposite direction.
  • The wand is placed on the floor. Task: walk along it, stepping clearly with the middle of the foot. This exercise is especially good at preventing clubfoot, and most importantly, children can do it. different ages with equally good results.

At the end of any workout, it is important to carry out a stretching complex, which will allow you to relax the muscles and relieve fatigue, relieving the child of discomfort after class. Daily exercise will help develop a habit of exercise that will last a lifetime.

For information on how to exercise for children 9-12 years old, see the following video.

A set of exercises for children 8-12 years old.

1. Slightly bend on two legs, hands on the belt, bend the elbows forward. On the count of “times”, push the right leg to the side on the heel, straighten the torso, arms to the sides up, on the count of 2, return to the starting position. Do the same with the left leg. Repeat 6-7 times.

2. Put your feet together, hands on your belt. On the count of "one", stand on your toes, on the count of 2, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-8 times.

3. Put your legs apart, spread your arms to the sides. Raising your hands up, clench your fingers into fists and unclench. Repeat 8-16 times.

4. Put your feet together and sit down a little, spread your bent arms to the sides, lift your forearms up. Lower your forearms as you straighten your legs. Repeat 8-16 times.


1. Put your legs apart, touch your shoulder with your hands. On the count of "one - four" lean forward with alternate circular motion of the shoulders forward, on the count of "five to eight" straighten up, continuing to perform circular motions shoulders. Repeat 4 times. Do the same with the circles back.

2. Lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your hands. At the count of "one", bend over with a turn of the torso to the right, with a jerky movement bend the right arm back, for "two" return to the starting position. On the count of "three", "four", tilt to the right, with a jerky movement, push the straight arm back. Do the same movements on the other side. Repeat 8 times.

3. Squat deeply, legs apart, touch the floor with your hands. On the count of "one", "two", without taking your hands off the floor, stand up, straightening your legs, on the count of "three", "four", return to the starting position. Repeat 8-16 times.

4. Put your feet apart, arms to the sides. At the expense of "one", "two", lean to the right, keep your right hand on your belt, left hand lift up, slightly rounded. On the count of "three", "four", straightening up, return to the starting position. Perform exactly the same slope on the other side. Repeat 8 times.

5. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. At the expense of "one", "two" lean to the right, keep your right hand on the lower part of the thigh, lift your left up, slightly rounding. On the count of "three", "four", straightening up, return to the starting position. Perform exactly the same slope on the other side. Repeat 8 times.

6. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, do a semi-squat on two legs, spread your bent arms to the sides. On the count of "one", perform a swing with a bent right leg, deviating slightly to the side. On the count of two, return to the starting position. Do the same on the other side. Repeat 8-16 times on each side.


1. Sit on the floor with bent legs, touching the socks of the floor, stretch your arms forward. At the expense of "one", "two" - two jerky movements with the right bent arm back, for "three", "four" - the same thing, only with the left hand. Repeat 8 times.

2. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. At the expense of "times" - tilt to the right, touch the floor with the forearm of the right hand, raise the left hand up, slightly rounding. At the expense of "two", "three" - two springy slopes to the right. On the count of four, straighten up and return to the starting position. Do the same, only to the left. Repeat 8-12 times.

3. Sit on the floor, straight legs spread apart, arms bent at the elbows, spread apart and lift up, lift your forearms up. For “one”, “two”, bend your right leg, put your foot on the floor, bend over to your right leg, touching your knee with your forehead, attach your elbows to each other. On "three", "four" return to the starting position. Do exactly the same movement to the other side (from the left leg). Repeat 8 times.

4. Sit on the floor, lean back on your forearms, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. On the count of "one" - swing your right foot forward, stop on yourself, on "two" return to the starting position. Perform the same movement with your left foot. Repeat 8-16 times.

5. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, lift your legs straight up. Swing your legs alternately. Repeat until you are completely tired.

6. Get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor. On the count of "one", "two", arch your back, on "three", "four" bend, stretch your right hand forward, on the count of "five-eight" - the same thing, only with your left hand forward. Repeat 8 times.

7. Sit on your knees, heels under you. On the count of "one", "two", rise to a kneeling position, on "three", "four" - fall point-blank, lie on your hips, on "five", "six" bend over and on "seven", "eight" return to the starting position again. Repeat 8 times.

8. Squat down, bending your legs under you, lean on the floor with your right hand, grab your knees with your left. At the expense of "one", "two", resting on the right hand, lift the left up, on "three", "four" turn around with a turn to the right. At the count of "five", "six", sit down and at "seven", "eight", return to the starting position again. Repeat 4 times. Do the same with your left hand.

9. Squat down, resting on the floor with your hands. On "one", "two", roll back to a supine position, throw your legs behind your head. On "three", "four" keep your legs in this position and on "five-eight" return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.


1. Run forward, backward, with turns, with changes in direction of movement.

2. Jumping over a long rope: in turn, simultaneously 2-4 people, bending the legs, on one leg. Run through a spinning rope, etc.

3. Stand facing each other, legs apart, tilt towards each other, bending over and touching your shoulders. Further springy forward bends. Repeat 24-32 times.

4. Stand facing each other, apart, tilt, bending over (at arm's length), hold hands. At the expense of "times" - turn the body one to the right, the other to the left, while maintaining the tilt position. At the expense of "two-four" - springy movements. At the expense of "five-eight" - the same thing, only in the other direction. Repeat 8-16 times.

5. Stand with your back to each other at a step distance, feet shoulder-width apart, bend forward bending forward. On "one" - clap your hands, on "two" - tilt down - and clap your hands to each other, pas "three-eight" repeat the movement. And again, for "one", hold hands in an inclination, for "two-four" one performs an inclination, bending over, the other bending over, for "five-eight" - the same, only vice versa. Repeat 4 times.

6. Stand sideways to each other at a distance of straight arms, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hold hands with one hand, lift the other up. On "one" - tilt in opposite directions, on "two-four" - springy movements. At the expense of "five-eight" - the same thing, but in a squat on two legs. Repeat 4-8 times. Perform the exercise with a twist to the other side.

7. Stand facing each other, hold hands. Perform a backward leaning circle turn. Repeat 8 times.

8. Stand facing each other, put your hands on your partner's shoulders. At the expense of "one", "two" deep squat on the right leg, fold the left back, on "three", "four" spring, sitting on your feet. Then jump to change the position of the lunge ( left leg in front) and perform with the other leg. Repeat 8-16 times.