Amosov's gymnastics for weight loss. Articular gymnastics Amosov: a set of exercises, features and reviews

Academician Amosov has developed a special set of exercises that will help to cope with physical inactivity. The scientist himself believed that health largely depends on the person himself.

Information! Exercises to strengthen the intestines and constipation, see

System details

Nikolai Amosov felt that the body was failing at the age of 40. Then he decided to create new system which will help not only him, but also other people. To complete the complex, endurance and strength are required. It is advisable to start with 10 repetitions. Every day, add another ten to this figure.

The complex of Nikolai Amosov is recommended to be combined with a run. Moreover, there are two options for implementation. First, you can jog. Then, at the last hundred meters, go to maximum acceleration. Otherwise, you need to run two kilometers in 12 minutes.

Why is acceleration necessary? This increases the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle to 130 beats per minute. If this value is less, then the training will be less effective. Therefore, you need to perform the exercises according to Amosov at a fast pace.

Academician spent 25 to 30 minutes per 1000 movements. Nikolai Amosov performed exercises numbered from 2 to 7 on the street, regardless of the weather. Some argue that such a number of repetitions give an excessive load on the body. However, in this case, the efficiency of the complex will be much lower.


Start 10 times. Every day, add another ten, until you reach a hundred repetitions.

The listed 10 Amosov exercises are simple. It takes no more than half an hour to complete the complex, if the movements are dynamic. Put on upbeat music if you like. If possible, it is desirable to perform part of the complex on the street. A person feels improvement after the first week of training.

Out of habit, muscle pain appears, but exercises cannot be interrupted because of this. After a while, the body will rebuild, and negative sensations will disappear. If it’s hard to add 10 repetitions at once, you can add five at a time for several days. Then move on to ten.

1000 movements of academician Amosov for joints and spine

This is the minimum necessary for everyone to maintain a comfortable

good condition of the joints and spine. This will allow you to thoroughly work out the motor apparatus. We offer a choice of various systems of general developmental gymnastic exercises of European and Eastern culture. Popular in the recent past, the complex of academician cardiac surgeon N. Amosov "1000 movements". The great Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov, having lived a long, bright life and created a health promotion system, entered the club of outstanding personalities - I.P. Pavlov, A.A. Mikulin, M.M. Kotlyarov, Paul Bragg and others. At the age of 40, he felt the first ailments: interruptions in the heart (arrhythmia), excess weight, problems with the spine. With his characteristic enthusiasm and energy, he began to search for means of combating hypodynamia and detraining and wrote the book "Heart and Sports" and the famous set of gymnastic exercises "1000 movements": 10 basic general developmental exercises with a repetition of 100 times each - So it turns out the Amos "thousand". These are squats, push-ups in the lying position, bending forward and to the sides (“pump”), rotation of the arms in the shoulder joints, rotation of the torso in a standing position.

10 Amosov exercises

1. Lying on your back, raising and lowering your legs behind your head (Fig. 47). This is a yogic "plow", repeated many times. Lightweight version: the exercise is performed lying with your head against the wall until your toes touch it. For the spine and muscles abdominals.

2. Standing, forward bends on straight legs with fingers touching the floor (Fig. 48 a). Light version: legs slightly bent at the knees, fingers touching the ankles (Fig. 48 b). To increase the flexibility of the spine, prevention of osteochondrosis.

3. Standing, rotational movements of the hands in the shoulder joints. To improve the function of the shoulder joints and thoracic spine.

4. Standing, flexion of the spine to the sides - lateral tilts to the right and left, hands slide along the body up and down ("Pump") (Fig. 49). To increase the flexibility of the spine.

Rice. 49. Exercise 4

5. Standing, raising hands with throwing palms behind the back so as to touch the opposite shoulder blade while tilting the head forward fig. 50). For the spine and shoulder joints.

6. Standing, rotational movements of the body from right to left and from left to right with a maximum amplitude of movement (Fig. 51). The hands are clasped at chest height and increase the rotation. To improve the flexibility and mobility of the spine.

Rice. 50. Exercise 5 standing position alternating maxi

7. In a standing position, alternate maximum pulling of the legs to the stomach (Fig. 52). For hip joints and intestinal stimulation.

8. Lying on the stomach on a stool, with the legs attached to the bed or other object, the maximum bending of the body back (Fig. 53).

Rice. 51. Exercise 6

Rice. 52. Exercise 7

53. Exercise 8

9. Standing, squatting with hands resting on the back of a chair (Fig. 54 a, b).

Rice. 54 a. Exercise 9

Rice. 54 b. Exercise 9

10. Push-ups in an emphasis lying due to flexion-extension of the arms in elbow joints(Fig. 55 a, b).

Rice. 55 a. Exercise 10

Rice. 55 b. Exercise 10

The author of the "thousand" himself performed each exercise 100 times at the maximum pace, the whole complex took him about 30 minutes, and the pulse reached 110-120 beats / min. It turns out a mode close to aerobic training. But this is the pinnacle, which is far from accessible to everyone after several years of regular classes. And you need to start with 4-5 exercises of 10-15-20 repetitions of each, that is, no more than 100 movements in one workout, exactly 10 times less than the “sky-high top”. A good complex that harmoniously affects all parts of the musculoskeletal system, however, it must be emphasized that it is available only in the absence of visible dysfunctions of the circulatory system: severe arrhythmia, hypertension (BP above 140 mm) and angina pectoris (periodic pain in the heart). Because, just like any acyclic exercises of a power orientation (squats, push-ups, lifting the body to a gray position from a lying position, etc.), as a result of holding the breath and straining, they lead to sharp drops in blood pressure and a decrease in cardiac blood flow, which, when the presence of a marked pathology (arrhythmia, etc.), of course, is not desirable. The author himself emphasizes that he does not consider his complex ideal: “It was designed taking into account my problems with the spine and shoulder joints. Depending on your individual characteristics, you can choose exactly those exercises that are more suitable for you, and not perform the whole thousand movements. A very sober and productive look at his personal work. However, if you have not yet reached old age (up to 60 years) and do not have significant disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, then you can take the advice of an academician and choose for yourself a few exercises you like, starting with small (10-15 repetitions) and gradually increasing the number of repetitions in each exercise to some of its individually optimal value. But, of course, not all 10 to 100! Because it's more of a sport, not physical education.

It should also be noted that in addition to his gymnastic complex, Nikolai Mikhailovich jogged five more times a week (and in recent years he walked at a fast pace) for 3 km, and after the publication of Cooper's book he became his ardent supporter and propagandist.

In addition to physical training, he also suggested limiting the caloric content of the diet in order to balance the amount of energy entering the body and expended energy. Therefore, he defined his life credo as a RESTRICTION AND LOAD MODE, which, simply put, means: to be healthy, you need to eat less and move more. Indeed, what is easier?! It remains only to put this slogan into action. And throughout his fruitful 90-year life, the academician proved the correctness of his ideas.

And another long-lived academician - aircraft designer A.A. Mikulin offers us his set of exercises, in which the main emphasis is on strengthening the abdominal muscles and back as the basis for the prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine. To this end, he even designed a special simulator - a "health machine", as he called it, which does not fundamentally differ from modern designs in our gyms(universal machine "Health" of the company "Ketler", etc.). Yes, the academician was indeed ahead of his time, at least by 30-50 years! Again, his "health machine" was just a nice addition to the main workout - daily running(or brisk walking for 3 km). It is surprising how consonant are the views of academicians - the surgeon-cardiologist N. Amosov and the "techie" who does not have a medical and physical education, A. Mikulin. In addition, he is also the author of vibro-gymnastics and volitional gymnastics unique, one of a kind.

Vibro gymnastics

Vibro-gymnastics is performed in a standing position, feet are parallel to each other. A rise is made on toes, in which the heels rise above the floor by 5 cm and sharply fall to the floor at a speed of 60 times per minute for 2-3 minutes (Fig. 56 a, b). When the heels hit the floor, a counter-blow occurs towards the heart, creating a hydrodynamic effect that “pumps” venous blood through the valves and causes the walls of the blood vessels to vibrate, which leads to the active expulsion of metabolites (poisonous metabolic products - urea and uric acid) from the cell into the lymph and from the blood to the kidneys.

Vibro gymnastics

The exercise is performed twice a day. According to A.A. Mikulin, the purification of cells and intercellular space is also facilitated by the vibration of the cell itself and the inertial forces that arise when the body is shaken while walking and running. Therefore, the academician strongly recommends daily walking at a fast pace (or jogging) for 30 minutes with a sharp setting of the foot on the ground to increase the push and vibration. The latest recommendations are valid only for people with an absolutely healthy spine, who, apparently, are in an absolute minority. Because the impact of the foot on the ground, both during running and during its vibro-gymnastics, as a result of a shock wave (concussion) not only helps to cleanse cells from toxins (metabolites), but also causes microtrauma of the intervertebral discs, which can lead to an exacerbation of spinal osteochondrosis (the appearance of pain, etc.). Therefore, vibration, according to A. Grinshtat (“shaking”), without taking the heels off the support, in this sense, apparently, is more physiological than A. Mikulin’s vibro-gymnastics. Based on the same considerations, we warned our runners about the danger of "stop" - bumping the edge of the heel on the ground while running. But for the academician, this negative side of the impact of his exercises on the spine, apparently, did not have a significant effect, which he brilliantly proved in his personal experience. These exercises are especially necessary for mental workers, writes Mikulin, who lead a “sedentary” lifestyle in the full sense of the word, and also after meetings and meetings, complete immobility and slagging of the body. The author gives convincing examples of the healing of children who had polio, who were engaged in horse riding, which also causes severe shaking of the whole body. This therapeutic effect is well known to equestrian sports specialists, a wonderful example of this is Olympic champion in horse dressage Elena Petushkova, who suffered from polio as a child.

Volitional gymnastics

Volitional gymnastics is like repeated sipping, which we involuntarily do in bed when we wake up. First, you need to relax all the muscles as much as possible without moving. Then, the muscle groups of the legs, abdomen, chest, arms, including the hands, are sequentially maximally strained for 3–5 s without changing the position of the body (in a static mode). Each muscle group is tensed 5-6 times with a few seconds of rest, in total, the entire exercise takes about 3 minutes. Volitional gymnastics is performed three times a day - immediately after waking up and then two more times during the day. Its advantage is that it is not visible to prying eyes, and you can practice it while sitting at a lecture, at your workplace at a computer, etc. Its action is to increase the flow of nerve impulses from the contracted muscles to the central nervous system and increase its tone (working capacity), as well as in squeezing out toxins from cells into the intercellular space and blood - also cleansing the body of metabolites.

A variant of volitional gymnastics is also his complex of exercises for the face.

Tone-gymnastics for the face

To maintain the tone of mimic muscles and prevent sagging of the face and the formation of wrinkles, a set of exercises for the facial muscles is proposed, which is performed several times a day for 1–2 minutes (Fig. 57 a, b). With all their might, the cheeks are pulled up to the eyes and ears (8 times), then the tips of the lips to the teeth.

Exercises are accompanied by strong grimaces. As a result of muscle tension, metabolism and muscle nutrition improve. After that, self-massage of the face is performed by applying napkins with hot and cold water, which improves the blood circulation of the skin.

Mikulin notes the dependence of a person's mood on his facial expressions - a sad expression corresponds to a bad mood, but if you change a sad face to a smile, then the mood improves dramatically. This technique is widely used in the USA and Japan to neutralize negative emotions and excess adrenaline released into the blood. Thanks to these measures, Mikulin managed to stop the harmful effects of age on appearance and stay young until recent years own life.

Self massage

Gymnastic exercises are recommended to be combined with self-massage, which has a positive effect on nervous system, enhances blood flow, facilitates the work of the heart and helps to restore performance after a hard day. Therefore, the author especially recommends an evening massage before going to bed, which will relieve tension and make sleep more calm and full. Massage includes such techniques as stroking, light kneading and shaking the muscles, which contributes to muscle relaxation (soothing and restorative massage).

Grinshtat's Psychophysical Rehabilitation Technique

And one more system of healing and rehabilitation of the functions of the motor apparatus from our European assortment, but not at all traditional, but exclusively unique and original, belongs to our contemporary, Kyiv psychologist trainer A. Grinshtat. It was developed by the author for the rehabilitation of well-known athletes, champions, after injuries of the musculoskeletal system, who, thanks to this, managed to return to the ranks and become active athletes again. Absolutely amazing system of exercises and fantastic results. And in the future, with no less success, it began to be used for the treatment of simply sick people (not athletes) with diseases such as osteochondrosis of the spine and joints, arthritis, the consequences of cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy), for recovery from injuries, fractures and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system .

Here is a description of the main exercises of his very original complex, which he called the "Method of Psychophysical Rehabilitation" (PFR).

Lying exercises

1. Lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. 50 times move the buttocks to the left, to the right (several degrees) in the rhythm of short exhalations (dog-like breathing) (Fig. 58).

2. Lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. Raise the straight right leg 5-10 cm (no more) from the floor 10 times in a row. Repeat the same with the left foot (Fig. 59). At first, bring the number of such series to 10. As you master this exercise, bring the time for performing movements to 5 minutes.

Rice. 58. Exercise 1

Rice. 59. Exercise 2

Do everything without much effort and not bring to pain. If pain occurs, reduce the number of movements. All movements are performed on short exhalations.

3. Lying on your back, bend your knees at an angle of 90 °, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, arms can be placed along the body or under the head. Raise the pelvis to a height of 5-10 cm. Repeat several times in an impulse rhythm, that is, vibrating. Gradually, the exercise time can be increased to 30–40 s (Fig. 60).

4. Lying on your back, legs straight, heels brought together, the whole body stretched and tense. Raise the pelvis, and then lower - raise, without touching the floor with the buttocks, in an impulse rhythm. Duration up to 10 s (Fig. 61).

Rice. 60. Exercise 3

Rice. 61. Exercise 4

5. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 °, hands behind the head, body muscles tense. tear off shoulder girdle 3-5 cm from the floor with a short exhalation with each rise. Lowering the shoulders down, slightly relax the abdominal muscles (Fig. 62). Repeat several times in an impulse rhythm. Duration up to 30 s.

Rice. 62. Exercise 5

6. Kneel down, rest your hands on the floor, arms and legs shoulder-width apart, your back is slightly relaxed and bent down. Vibration of the whole body due to slight bending of the arms at the elbows and their sharp straightening. The rhythm of movements is according to well-being, the execution time is 1–2 minutes (Fig. 63 a, b). Having finished this exercise, you can sit in the pose of a coachman. Standing up abruptly is strictly prohibited.

Rice. 63 a. Exercise 6

Rice. 63 b. Exercise 6

Standing exercises

1. Vibration. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body (Fig. 64 a). Flexion (by 1–2 cm) and extension at the knees, due to which the whole body vibrates (Fig. 64 b). Never lift your heels off the floor. As you master the exercise, the number of movements can be increased to 100–160 per minute. To make it easier to follow a straight posture, perform vibration in front of a mirror. The duration of the exercise is 5 minutes.


2. Run in place. The pace is normal. Running is smooth like a pacer, that is, the right arm and right leg move at the same time. Hands up and down along the body, as if pressing the knees, the shoulders slightly turn in the horizontal plane - the effect of self-massage of the spine occurs. The toes are slightly off the floor, the heels do not touch the floor. It is advisable to straighten the knee while lowering the leg, which leads to the “kangaroo” or “flea” effect, that is, running with minimal effort. The duration of the run is gradually increased to 5 minutes, and then to 10 minutes.

Rice. 65. Running on the spot

3. "Panel" - emphasis on hands face down. The arms are straight, the legs are extended (Fig. 66 a). Impulse movements due to the efforts of the hands - raising and lowering the pelvis (by 3–5 cm) in the form of vibration, resembling push-ups from the floor (Fig. 66 b). Run up to 30 s.

4. "Panel at the back" is the same, but facing outward. The movement resembles tossing the body up (Fig. 67 a, b). Run up to 30 s.

"Back Panel"

5. "Spring stop against the wall." Standing facing the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, on toes, a step away from the wall. Springing (in the form of vibration) emphasis on the wall with the palms, without bending the knees (Fig. 68 a). Various options are possible: for example, first relying on the entire palmar surface, then on all fingers, and then on three fingers, on two fingers, or on a fist (Fig. 68 b).

Spring stop against the wall

Between movements, when you move away from the wall, you can clap your hands: first clap sharply once, then two, three, and so on, up to six times; in conclusion, make one hundred light springy movements based on fingers.

6. Chair bouncing. Sitting on a hard surface (bench, chair), back straight, feet on the floor shoulder-width apart, hands relaxed on hips. Due to the springy movements of the legs and torso and the contractions of the gluteal muscles, often bounce on the hard surface of the seat. Perform for 1 min (Fig. 69 a, b).

Chair bouncing

Rice. 70. Coachman's pose

After each exercise (standing, resting on hands and sitting) 1 minute of rest in the coachman's position (sit on a chair or on the floor, completely relax, hang your head on your chest and close your eyes) (Fig. 70).

Arnold Grinshtat offers vibration ("shaking") - physiotherapy and balneotherapy "in one bottle" right at home. Therefore, one should not be surprised by the statement by Greenshtat that those who are engaged in his program will not need either massage or physical therapy. With the help of vibration, the author of the new system is trying to solve another global problem of modern civilization - the problem of hypokinesia (lack of physical activity). According to his calculations, about 8,000 movements are performed in one session due to vibration, which is a two-day norm of physical activity.

Therefore, the author strongly recommends walking at a fast pace (or jogging) for 30 minutes daily. with a sharp setting of the foot on the ground to enhance the push and vibration. The latest recommendations are valid only for people with an absolutely healthy spine, who, apparently, are in an absolute minority. Because the impact of the foot on the ground as a result of an anti-shock wave (shaking) not only helps to cleanse the cells of toxins (metabolites), but also causes microtrauma of the intervertebral discs, which can lead to an exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the spine (appearance of pain, etc.).

The second most important movement, which is included in the Greenshtat complex, is running in place. It can be attributed to the exercises of the second group - with a special effect, since, in addition to the universal general healing effect on the entire body, running also has a specific training effect on the circulatory system, as well as on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke, etc.). .) - blood cholesterol, blood pressure and body weight.

The last group of exercises of the Greenshtat complex, as already mentioned, is designed to solve problems with the spine. Well, since every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from osteochondrosis of the spine after 40 years, and every second after fifty, the proposed technique becomes especially relevant. Here, for example, is such an exercise: vibration of the whole body while standing on all fours due to flexion and extension of the arms in the elbow joints, the back is bent (sagging) down and relaxed (Fig. 63 a, b). "Shaking" in this position allows you to relax the spine, stretch the approaching vertebral bodies and put them in the correct position better and, most importantly, much safer than chiropractors do.

And after the spine is stretched, you need to fix it in this position, for which the following two exercises are performed: lifting the straight legs in turn in the prone position and lifting the shoulder girdle from the supine position with the legs bent at the knees. The first exercise strengthens the long back muscles that support the spine, the second - the abdominal muscles, which play an equally important role in the prevention of osteochondrosis. The fact is that when the abdominal muscles are in a certain tone (tension), they seem to squeeze the abdominal cavity and create a certain pressure in it, an “air cushion” that supports the spinal column and prevents the vertebrae from settling. As a result of severe hypodynamia, which haunts modern people, the muscles of the back and abdominals weaken and cease to perform their most important function, assigned to it by nature. The vertebrae, under the action of gravity and axial loads during walking, standing, and especially sitting and tilting, seem to “sit down” on top of each other, squeezing the spinal roots and the nerve and vascular trunks passing through them, which leads to the development of discogenic sciatica and the appearance of pain. Therefore, the main thing in the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine is the systematic strengthening of the muscles of the back and abdomen, the creation of the so-called muscular corset, which, as a rule, is absent in a modern person.

So, first relax and straighten - with the help of shaking, and then fix the vertebrae, securely clamp them with a strong muscular corset. This is the task of fighting osteochondrosis, and the exercises proposed by Grinshtat solve it perfectly.

In general, the PFR system of A. Grinshtat is a completely independent means of health training, and the implementation of its complex in full - 3 times a week for 45 minutes. - practically no longer leaves room for other types of health improvement. And it is unlikely that it can be fully involved in the systematic exercise of health-improving walking, which requires quite serious physical effort and energy expenditure. Therefore, in reality, I would advise you to choose for yourself a couple of exercises with vibration from this complex - which we already did at the beginning of this chapter (horizontal - standing on all fours and vertical - “shaking”) and several local exercises - two or three, no more - to strengthen the abdominal muscles and back to combat osteochondrosis of the spine. It should also be taken into account that it is better to conduct full-scale classes in the PFR system under the guidance of an experienced methodologist, for example, the author of this methodology himself. Because the positive results obtained by Grinstat are not always achieved by his followers.

Beneficial effects of vibration on the body

A. Grinshtat's PFR exercise complex methodology is so peculiar that it requires some clarification 1 .

All exercises of the complex can be divided into three groups: exercises of general impact, affecting the entire body; exercises that, in addition to the general effect, have a special effect on the cardiovascular system, and local exercises aimed at the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine. All exercises are connected in one way or another with vibration, which is used in various modifications in other health-improving methods: in the health-improving systems of the Japanese doctor K. Nishi, academician A.A. Mikulin.

Vibration of the whole body, walls of blood vessels and internal organs also causes slow running and fast walk. Academician Mikulin emphasized the importance of vibration during walking and running, which occurs when the foot hits the ground. As a result, there is a counter-blow towards the heart and a hydrodynamic effect that "pumps" the venous blood through the valves and causes the walls of the blood vessels to vibrate, which leads to the active expulsion of the metabolite (poisonous metabolic products - urea and lactic acid) from the cell into the lymph and with blood flow to the kidneys.

The role of vibration in the health of the body is so great that engineers even came up with a special vibration stand, but it did not take root in the practice of physical culture movement. Obviously, because the vibration should not be passive, but active, due to contractions of one's own muscle groups. The healing effect of vibration is primarily due to the normalization of metabolism at the cellular level. As a result of total hypodynamia, typical for modern society, and the absence of active muscle contractions, the cells of the body are not able to independently get rid of toxic metabolic products, which inevitably leads to a state of chronic intoxication, self-poisoning of the body, which becomes the trigger for the development of a chain of pathological processes from tissue inflammation to the development of atherosclerosis and cancer. And this condition is also the main cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, well known to our contemporaries, which is manifested by malaise, decreased physical and mental performance, headaches, sleep disturbance, increased irritability, etc.

As a result of vibration and active muscle contractions, the metabolites accumulated in the cell are literally squeezed out into the interstitial fluid, freed from poisons, and once again get the opportunity to assimilate the nutrients and oxygen necessary for the normal functioning of the body, thus restoring normal metabolism. Vibration also contributes to a more active movement of the intercellular fluid and lymph and the excretion of metabolites into the blood and then to the kidneys, which secrete all these toxic substances.

The influence of vibration on the walls of blood vessels is also great, as a result of which their elasticity increases and cholesterol plaques are removed, the vessels are cleared of cholesterol, and their walls are strengthened.

As a result of the vibration of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, the function of the gastrointestinal tract and liver improves, intestinal motility increases, which also leads to the cleansing of the body from toxic blockages in the intestines, which occur, again, as a result of hypodynamia and atony (lethargy) of the intestinal wall.

The positive effect of vibration on the function of the central nervous system is also known due to increased blood supply to the brain and improved nutrition of nerve cells. That is why, probably, the consequences of the transferred cerebral palsy are significantly smoothed out.

It is also necessary to note the effect of vibration on the smallest blood vessels - capillaries. Due to vibration, capillary sphincters (shutters) open, which regulate the flow of blood into the capillary network (its total area in humans reaches 6000 m2), and this is extremely important, because as a result of physical inactivity with age, the process of progressive closure and desolation of the capillary bed occurs, due to for which the blood supply to organs and tissues is disturbed, their hypoxia develops (insufficient oxygen supply), and the state of the body deteriorates sharply.

Disclosure of capillaries

The role of capillary blood circulation in the life of the body was paid special attention back in the 20s of the last century by the outstanding Russian doctor and scientist A.S. Zalmanov. To enhance blood microcirculation and open capillaries, he proposed his own system of balneo and hydrotherapy - treatment with hot water baths (up to 42 degrees) and with the addition of biologically active substances to the water (turpentine compositions developed by him, etc.). His recommendations are successfully applied today. By the way, the whole powerful complex of modern physiotherapy is aimed precisely at opening the capillary network of a diseased organ and strengthening blood microcirculation in it as a result of deep heating of tissues. For this purpose, massage is also used. The same goal is pursued by the rubbing of various therapeutic ointments and gels for arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of the joints and spine. Determine the presence of swelling of the lower and upper extremities, verify mobility joints Test For... Cooper, Amosova etc... in a sentence academician I.P. Pavlova... Vaisovsky movements enlightenment...

Gymnastics for the body is a thing that has a rather positive effect, first of all, on the health of the person himself.

Usually gymnastics helps to strengthen muscles, blood vessels, heart. The pressure returns to normal. Increases immunity.

For example, the famous Russian cardiac surgeon, academician Amosov, came up with the simplest 10 exercises that need to be done at first only 10 times each, after which the number of repetitions should be smoothly increased to 100.

Amosov himself did these exercises until old age and felt just great!

In addition, you can do some exercises with additional burden(if desired and special physical training).
It should be noted that it is recommended to do similar exercises with 100% regularity, because if you do 1 day and then do not do these exercises for 3 days, then nothing sensible will come of it.

Here short description all 10 exercises according to the system of academician Amosov:

Exercise 1 . Stand up straight, and try to bend in such a way that your fingers (or even your palm) reach the floor. At first, you need to do 10 repetitions, but after 2 months you need to do 100 repetitions + you can reach the floor with your palms, and not just your fingers.

Exercise 2 . Tilts to the side. It is necessary to make inclinations to one side or the other. At the same time, you need to do them in such a way that you feel some tension. One hand should go vertically down (along the leg), and the other hand should go up the opposite way.

To begin with, you need to repeat 10 times, but after 60 days the number of repetitions should be equal to 100.

Exercise 3 . Stand straight, straighten your arms vertically up (so that they are above your head). After that, it is necessary to move the hands behind the back (while the arms must be crossed). During the time when you place your hands on your back, you can tilt your head back a little, since this is the most comfortable position.

Exercise 4 Stand up straight and begin to rotate your torso (in a circle). In addition, you must clasp your palms in front of you, and help your hands move in a circle.

Exercise 5 . Stand straight and begin to alternately raise one or the other leg, thereby trying to reach your stomach with your knee. Raise your legs as high as you can afford!

Exercise 6 . Sit, straighten your legs (you need some kind of support for your legs), and then first try to reach your toes with your hands, then, on the contrary, lean back so that your whole body leans back a little. Repeat the procedure 10 times (at the beginning), however, the exercise itself is quite difficult, and it is advisable to take a short break every 10 times with a large number of repetitions, and then continue to do the exercise.

Exercise 7 . Regular squats. It is best if you lean on some kind of support (this can be the back of a chair or another surface that you can hold on to).

Exercise 8 . Push ups. If you are not strong enough, you can do push-ups from the bed, but if you are more trained, you can do push-ups directly from the floor.

Exercise 9 . Small jumps on 1 leg. First you need to jump 10 times on the left foot, then 10 times on the right.

Exercise 10 . Run in place. You only need to run for about 5 minutes, without much effort.

As a result, if you reach the limit of perfection, for the whole complex of these simple exercises will take about 25-30 minutes. Naturally, at first it will take even less time.

The most important feature is that almost everyone can do this exercise. There are no hard contraindications, except for some serious chronic or severe heart disease! Therefore, you can do the exercises without any special fears, increase the number of repetitions.

After completing all 10 exercises, your body will enjoy life, you will immediately feel that the pulse has increased significantly from the work done, but over time you will feel better and better!

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Nikolai Amosov is a cardiac surgeon, author and innovator of methods of cardiac surgery. In addition, Nikolai Mikhailovich invented a system of "restrictions and loads" and his own set of exercises, the effectiveness of which is proved by his bright, rich and long life. Amosov's gymnastics is called "1000 movements". Its goal is to combat physical inactivity and health problems, primarily of the spine, which begin to arise today at a very young age. Amosov's set of exercises includes 10 exercises, the famous academician recommends performing them 100 times. Multiplying 100 by 10, and you get 1000 movements.

Nikolai Amosov believed that human health does not depend on environmental circumstances or on medicine. The decisive factor is the choice of everyone whether or not to be healthy. At the age of 40, Amosov felt the beginning of a deterioration in health, it was then that he decided to invent something that would save not only him, but would become a panacea for society - already in those years he was suffering from physical inactivity.

To perform Amosov's exercises, neither strength nor endurance is needed. You can start with 10 repetitions, but weekly add a dozen.

Amosov recommended combining his complex with a daily run: either 2 km in 12 minutes, or jogging, but with maximum acceleration in the last 100 m. It is for this purpose, when performing the exercises of Academician Amosov, that the maximum pace is needed.

For all 1000 movements, Amosov himself took 25-30 minutes. In addition, all exercises (except 1, 8 and 9, 10) Amosov performed in the fresh air at any time of the year.

Now many are against running, because there is a big load on the spine, which can lead to protrusions and hernias. It is recommended to replace running with Nordic walking.

There are a lot of opponents of gymnastics Nikolai Amosov in the ranks of physicians. Their opinions agree that 100 repetitions is too much load. However, while he could, Amosov struggled with their claims. If you only tie and untie your shoelaces throughout the day, you get just the “classic” recommendation: 10-20 repetitions, so the number - 100 - is not at all as much as it seems at first glance. Take a look at the chimpanzee, how many movements shoulder joint does he perform?

Just start with a few reps and work your way up to 100. Main - regular classes. Even if you miss one day, you have to start all over again.

A set of exercises of academician Amosov

1. Leaning forward. We touch the floor with our fingers, and if we succeed, with the palm of our hand. The head moves in time with the body.

2. Tilts to the side - "pump". Leaning to the left, the right hand is pulled to the armpit, left hand stretches down.

3. We throw up our hand and lower it back behind our back. The right hand reaches for the left shoulder blade, the left hand for the right. The neck moves to the beat.

4. Hands clasped in the lock on the chest, we make turns to the right and left, while turning the head. The movement of the hands should increase the amplitude.

5. IP - standing, throw the knee to the chest, press it as high as possible with the hand, make alternate movements with both legs.

6. Get to bed hip joint and belly on a stool face down, hands behind the head, the body is stretched with a string parallel to the floor. Bending at the waist, raise as much as possible upper part torso.

7. We take our hands behind the back of the chair, squat.

8. We rest our hands on the sofa (or, if possible, on the floor) and do push-ups.

9. We jump on each leg as high as possible.

10. Birch, then throwing legs behind the head. As you can see, nothing complicated. We know all these exercises well from school physical education classes, but for a very long time, it was from the school bench that they were not performed. According to academician Amosov, nature is favorable to man: just a little exercise is enough and health problems will recede.

Do not be afraid a large number repetitions. Start with a minimum, and you will see for yourself that even for an untrained person, 100 repetitions is a very real figure.

Nikolai Amosov is a cardiac surgeon, author and innovator of methods of cardiac surgery. In addition, Nikolai Mikhailovich invented a system of "restrictions and loads" and his own set of exercises, the effectiveness of which is proved by his bright, rich and long life. Amosov's gymnastics is called "1000 movements". Its goal is to combat physical inactivity and health problems, primarily of the spine, which begin to arise today at a very young age. Amosov's set of exercises includes 10 exercises, the famous academician recommends performing them 100 times. Multiplying 100 by 10, and you get 1000 movements.

About the Amosov system

Nikolai Amosov believed that human health does not depend on environmental circumstances or on medicine. The decisive factor is the choice of everyone whether or not to be healthy. At the age of 40, Amosov felt the beginning of a deterioration in health, it was then that he decided to invent something that would save not only him, but would become a panacea for society - already in those years he was suffering from physical inactivity.

To perform Amosov's exercises, both strength and strength are needed. You can start with 10 repetitions, but weekly add a dozen. Amosov recommended combining his complex with a daily run: either 2 km in 12 minutes, or, but with maximum acceleration in the last 100 m. Acceleration is necessary to increase the heart rate to 130 beats / sec, a lower figure will not benefit from training. It is for this purpose, when performing the exercises of Academician Amosov, that the maximum pace is needed. For all 1000 movements, Amosov himself took 25-30 minutes. In addition, all exercises (except 1, 8 and 9, 10) Amosov performed in the fresh air at any time of the year.

There are a lot of opponents of gymnastics Nikolai Amosov in the ranks of physicians. Their opinions agree that 100 repetitions is too much load. However, while he could, Amosov struggled with their claims. If you only tie and untie your shoelaces throughout the day, you get just the “classic” recommendation: 10-20 repetitions, so the number 100 is not at all as much as it seems at first glance. Look at a chimpanzee, how many shoulder movements does it make?

A set of exercises of academician Amosov

As you can see, nothing complicated. We know all these exercises well from school physical education classes, but for a very long time, it was from the school bench that they were not performed. According to academician Amosov, nature is favorable to man: just a little exercise is enough and health problems will recede.

Don't be afraid of lots of repetitions. Start with a minimum, and you will see for yourself that even for an untrained person, 100 repetitions is a very real figure.