Gymnastics "droplet" a set of exercises in physical education classes. Improving gymnastics "drop" More about gymnastics "Drop"

The etheric body is the densest of all subtle human bodies. It can be imagined as a thin matrix on which the physical body is built; ethereal energy is that which is the subtle prototype physical strength, as well as the force that restores the physical body in case of exhaustion, after injuries, injuries, etc.

There are special techniques and exercises that give a person the opportunity to feel his etheric body and learn how to control it; they have been known for a very long time and are used under various names (for example, kinesthetic gymnastics), but the general idea is very simple. To make a movement with the etheric body, you must first make it in the physical body, that is, naturally, and remember all your sensations with the maximum possible accuracy: muscle tension, sprain, even minor, unpleasant or pleasant, twitching and relaxation in the body. After that, while remaining motionless in the physical body, you need to repeat the exercise mentally, not only (and not so much) visualizing the geometry of movements, but with maximum vivacity and accuracy reproducing your muscle, joint and other bodily sensations that accompanied the exercise. A little practice gives the feeling of the etheric body as a warm, mobile sheath that surrounds and fills the physical body.

The proposed physical exercises can be performed only physically, but their effectiveness increases significantly if they are supplemented with a certain concentration of attention and work with mental images.

The main mental image, from which gymnastics as a whole got its name, is the Flowing Drop, which can be imagined as an ethereal energy ball located in one place or another of the body.

All proposed exercises should be completed with relaxation, and then with ethereal repetition (at least 1-2 times). Breathing is arbitrary, but without delay and not excessively intense. Performing tense postures, one should not overload the heart; the pulse will, of course, increase, but should return to normal during relaxation.

The positions of this gymnastics are designed to help the performer in tuning to the zodiac signs; however, the author recommends that readers master and perform the proposed complex in its entirety, from Aries to Pisces, and not be limited to their solar sign. Some positions may seem difficult - but they pay off the effort spent on the necessary stretching of the ligaments!

The positions corresponding to the male signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) are performed with some muscular tension, collected, with open eyes and palms directed upwards or forwards. Positions corresponding to the female zodiac signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) are performed in a relaxed manner, with eyes closed and palms pointing down.

Drop Invitation

Starting position: standing or sitting in Kamysh; palms lie on the head, elbows to the sides.

Hands slowly rise up; when they are fully extended (palms facing each other),
an invitation is pronounced: “Oh, Fluid!” - and the Drop from above falls on the palm of your hand.

After that, the arms slowly descend through the sides down, and the Drop in the form of a large transparent ball surrounds the entire body.

Now the performer's task is to invite her inside himself, into all his ligaments and joints.

drop gymnastics

"Drop" is an author's development, gymnastics created for modern man who suffers from sedentary image life, excessive mental stress, physical and emotional stiffness, chronic low tone and constant stress.
Gymnastics is based on delicate loads on muscles, ligaments, and joints. It takes into account the individual characteristics of each person, all exercises are selected according to the capabilities and needs of the student!
The effect of regular classes "Drop":

  • a significant improvement in health status - joint flexibility, ligament elasticity, muscle tone;
  • improved coordination of movements;
  • development of the imagination active work with mental images;
  • awareness of your body and its energy.

and one of the most important:
psychological stabilization, improvement of mood, weakening of depressive states, general improvement emotional background, achieving peace of mind!
Get back the joy of a healthy body!
Gymnastics Drop - gymnastics of good mood!

THREE whales of gymnastics "Drop":
- AVAILABILITY! (a person does not have to have a special physical development, flexibility and strength);
- PLEASURE! (at correct execution the exercise should not create excessive loads, especially those that are accompanied by pain and increased heart rate);
- NO SIDE EFFECTS! (neither during the exercise, nor the next day, there should be no unpleasant sensations: pain in the muscles and ligaments, feeling tired, etc.).

Gymnastics is based on delicate loads on muscles, ligaments, and joints. Includes a wide variety of exercises: dynamic, slow, stretching, coordination and balance, power. It takes into account the individual characteristics of each person. All exercises are arranged according to the abilities and needs of the practitioner!
To enhance these effects, in addition to exercise the human imagination is actively used, viz. mental image of the healing Drop, from which gymnastics got its name.

Gymnastics "Drop" was created in the early 90s, and since 1996 has been taught in many cities of Russia and abroad. On this moment gymnastics "Drop" has found many of its followers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Novokuznetsk, etc.

Now I work a lot at the computer, and as a result, my back and spine no longer cry, but they roar at the top of my voice. I want to take some of the exercises from this gymnastics into service. I was lucky to meet all the gymnastics teachers below in person and even work out a little, but to my great regret, things didn’t go further than acquaintance with gymnastics.

More about gymnastics "Drop"

The main mental image, from which gymnastics as a whole got its name, is the Healing Drop, which can be imagined as an energy ball located in one place or another of the body. This bead is a symbolic reflection of a person's Inner Healer. Such an effect has been known for a very long time: by placing a hand on a place that hurts, we alleviate this pain. Why this happens, science has yet to figure out, but one point is obvious: in this way we focus the attention of our subconscious and its healing forces on this very place.

The exercise should be available to any person from 7 to 70 years old, who does not differ in special physical development, joint flexibility and muscle strength;

The exercise should, if performed correctly, give a person pleasure and not create heavy loads, especially those that are accompanied by pain and increased heart rate;

neither during the exercise nor the next day should there be unpleasant side effects(pain in muscles and ligaments, feeling tired, etc.).

"A person can always develop in any aspect, and improve his health regardless of age - that's my motto"- says Absalom Underwater.

Gymnastics "Drop" is a variety of exercises that combine physical movements with energy mental images. The program of classes includes slow and dynamic, individual and paired gymnastic exercises.

The purpose of the classes is recovery, or, in other words, an apology by deed to our body for the merciless exploitation to which we subject it. Therefore, first of all, forget about your claims, especially aesthetic ones, to him and remember that the pain of the body is not his insidious disobedience, but a desperate cry for help that sounds only in a situation where his calm and even persistent requests do not reach your consciousness.

Let us love our body as it is now, forgive it all its imperfections and be filled with gratitude to it for everything that it (despite our neglect of it) does for us, and in return - as a weak apology - we will give it an hour and a half dedicated to taking care of his needs.

The main result from the classes - p awakening body consciousness!

With the help of ethereal physical exercises and the use of mental images, the consciousness of individual parts of the body first awakens, and then the awareness and bodily sensation of the whole organism as a whole. There is a strengthening of both the physical and etheric bodies of a person, which, ultimately, determines his well-being. The whole complex of exercises is accompanied by a cleansing and restorative mood and is effective tool to relieve stress and other loads.

Absalom Underwater

He graduated from Physics and Mathematics School No. 2, known at that stagnant time for its free-thinking, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. He worked as a system programmer, in 1977 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in mathematics.

Interested in topics since childhood healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition, natural healing methods, massage and beautiful women. In his early youth, he was fond of the teachings of Sigmund Freud, read all available books on psychology, interpreted dreams, and began his career as a spontaneous family and marriage consultant.

During the 80s, he randomly studied Eastern philosophy and esotericism, meditation, yoga, non-traditional methods of treatment, including bioenergetic interactions, astrology, palmistry, numerology and other occult disciplines, met many practicing magicians and healers.

In 1986, he opened a home lecture course on astrology, when, in fact, he was born for real (December 4 at 19:00 Moscow time). After reading this course for a year, I realized the need for a detailed and systematic written description of the current concept of astrology, which I did for a number of years. He described the seven-plane model of a person as a single whole and published it in the series "Kabbalistic Astrology".

Since 1988, he began to develop his own wellness concept, combining physical and energy approaches, resulting in the creation of health-improving gymnastics "Drop" and the original concept of ethereal physical massage, which continues to develop to this day.

During 1998-99 in Novosibirsk he read a course of lectures on psychology for beginner astrologers, according to which he subsequently published a series of textbooks "Psychology and Astrology".
In 2002, he founded the correspondence-full-time Internet school "Man among people", which still exists today. During the 2000s, he wrote a series of books "Higher Archetypes", dedicated to the basics of psychology and developed a number of methods for "ecological" work with the subconscious.

Introduction This book is the fruit of the author's many years of research in the field of health improvement, including his own. As boundary conditions for the proposed exercises, the author set the following: - the exercise should be available to any person from 7 to 70 years old, who does not differ in special physical development, joint flexibility and muscle strength; - the exercise should, if performed correctly, give a person pleasure and not create heavy loads, especially those that are accompanied by pain and increased heart rate; - neither during the exercise, nor the next day should there be unpleasant side effects (pain in the muscles and ligaments, feeling tired, etc.). Thus, the reader has soft sets of exercises; at least that is how they are conceived and described (and also tested many times), and the author warns the reader against misunderstanding and using them as hard when the heart, muscles and joints are exploited in critical conditions. In general, one should distinguish between physical education, or health improvement, on the one hand, and sports, on the other: these activities are in some way opposite. The idea of ​​sport is to effectively exploit the bioenergetic potential of a person in order to set certain records or wins in competitions related to the physical body: lift a barbell maximum weight, it is possible to run faster distance etc. At the same time, as a result of his efforts, a person feels like a squeezed lemon, that is, his bioenergetic potential is extremely low. On the contrary, physical education, that is, various health-improving methods and complexes, aims to maximize the bioenergetic potential - in particular, by performing certain movements. However, according to the author, these "healing" movements should be radically different from those that provide efficiency. sports achievements: for example, the movements in exercises that strengthen the legs should be completely different from the movements of the legs of a runner overcoming a distance, etc. The basic principle that distinguishes all the exercises described below - both stretching and strength - can be formulated as follows: DROP PRINCIPLE: the direction of movement is perpendicular to the direction of force. For example, the normal squat combines an upward force (overcoming gravity) with an upward or downward movement that is parallel or anti-parallel to the force. In the case of the “Drop” gymnastics, instead of the usual squat, you, having spread your legs wider than your shoulders and crouching slightly, so that the force of the legs, opposing the weight of the body, is directed upwards, move the body to the right and left, that is, in the direction perpendicular to the force of the muscles.

And to make it clear what needs to be done, I give a link to the video:

(P.S. Dear readers, friends and those who passed by, please send me (no, not directly))) I have a mental charge of strength to finally start doing these exercises))

Vanyatia with health-improving gymnastics "Drop", the author's technique of Absalom Podvodny.

Dropped instructor Svetlana Borodkina.
Classes on Tuesdays from 7 p.m.
Duration 1.5 hours. The cost is 300 rubles. Subscription for a month 1000 rubles. The first lesson is free.
Registration by tel. 380-87-00 (Valery), 8-913-913-2800 (Love)

More about gymnastics "Drop"

The main mental image, from which gymnastics as a whole got its name, is the Healing Drop, which can be imagined as an energy ball located in one place or another of the body. This bead is a symbolic reflection of a person's Inner Healer. Such an effect has been known for a very long time: by placing a hand on a place that hurts, we alleviate this pain. Why this happens, science has yet to figure out, but one point is obvious: in this way we focus the attention of our subconscious and its healing forces on this very place.

The exercise should be available to any person from 7 to 70 years old, who does not differ in special physical development, joint flexibility and muscle strength;

The exercise should, if performed correctly, give a person pleasure and not create heavy loads, especially those that are accompanied by pain and increased heart rate;

· neither during the exercise nor the next day should there be unpleasant side effects (pain in the muscles and ligaments, fatigue, etc.).

"A person can always develop in any aspect, and improve his health regardless of age - that's my motto"- says Absalom Underwater.

Gymnastics "Drop" is a variety of exercises that combine physical movements with energy mental images. The program of classes includes slow and dynamic, individual and paired gymnastic exercises.

The purpose of the classes is recovery, or, in other words, an apology by deed to our body for the merciless exploitation to which we subject it. Therefore, first of all, forget about your claims, especially aesthetic ones, to him and remember that the pain of the body is not his insidious disobedience, but a desperate cry for help that sounds only in a situation where his calm and even persistent requests do not reach your consciousness.

Let us love our body as it is now, forgive it all its imperfections and be filled with gratitude to it for everything that it (despite our neglect of it) does for us, and in return - as a weak apology - we will give it an hour and a half dedicated to taking care of his needs.

The main result from the classes - p awakening body consciousness!

With the help of ethereal physical exercises and the use of mental images, the consciousness of individual parts of the body first awakens, and then the awareness and bodily sensation of the whole organism as a whole. There is a strengthening of both the physical and etheric bodies of a person, which, ultimately, determines his well-being. The whole set of exercises is accompanied by a cleansing and regenerative mood and is an effective tool for relieving stress and other loads.

Absalom Underwater

He graduated from Physics and Mathematics School No. 2, known at that stagnant time for its free-thinking, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. He worked as a system programmer, in 1977 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in mathematics.

Since childhood, he has been interested in healthy lifestyles, proper nutrition, natural healing methods, massage and beautiful women. In his early youth, he was fond of the teachings of Sigmund Freud, read all available books on psychology, interpreted dreams, and began his career as a spontaneous family and marriage consultant.

During the 80s, he randomly studied Eastern philosophy and esotericism, meditation, yoga, non-traditional methods of treatment, including bioenergetic interactions, astrology, palmistry, numerology and other occult disciplines, met many practicing magicians and healers.

In 1986, he opened a home lecture course on astrology, when, in fact, he was born for real (December 4 at 19:00 Moscow time). After reading this course for a year, I realized the need for a detailed and systematic written description of the current concept of astrology, which I did for a number of years. He described the seven-plane model of a person as a single whole and published it in the series "Kabbalistic Astrology".

Since 1988, he began to develop his own wellness concept, combining physical and energy approaches, as a result of which he created the "Drop" health-improving gymnastics and the original concept of ethereal physical massage, which continues to develop to this day.

During 1998-99 in Novosibirsk he read a course of lectures on psychology for beginner astrologers, according to which he subsequently published a series of textbooks "Psychology and Astrology".
In 2002, he founded the correspondence-full-time Internet school "Man among people", which still exists today. During the 2000s, he wrote a series of books "Higher Archetypes", dedicated to the basics of psychology and developed a number of methods for "ecological" work with the subconscious.

“For me, Absalom Podvodny is especially remarkable in that, by the will of fate, he turned out to be the first author of the publishing house I once founded.

And it was like that. I worked as a programmer at the Institute of Lymphology, worked part-time as a book layout in a printing house, and I really liked creating books. I knew how to typeset, decorate, correct mistakes, etc., but I wanted to have my own publishing house, which led to the birth in 1998 of the Manuskript Publishing House. I went to Moscow for a publishing license, received publishing codes at the Book Chamber, but I had little idea what to do next.

One fine day, Natalya Petrovna Chazova, who now runs a well-known astrological school, calls and says: “L.V.! Absalom Podvodny comes to Novosibirsk and he is looking for a publisher. Do you want to publish his books? I had no idea who Absalom the Underwater was, and even more so what his books were about, but just in case
answered: "I want."

After some time, Mariana Shkanchikova came and brought a whole mountain of various books. I leafed through them all, and then said: “We will publish this one in a circulation of 3000 copies.” That's how it all started. The book was called Lectures on Introduction to Astrology. She determined the publishing theme of the Manuscript, to which he remains true to this day, although I am no longer in charge of the publishing house.

While Absalom lived in Novosibirsk, he lectured at the school of astrology, held public meetings, and in Akademgorodok, together with Mariana, taught the Drop gymnastics classes, which I also attended. These were wonderful lessons. Fun, positive and very enjoyable. And then he returned to Moscow, and classes stopped.

I remember one meeting at the Institute of Hygiene with Speransky. There were a lot of people, sitting on the windowsills, many were standing. At first, Absalom spoke, then answered questions, and at the end of the meeting, he offered to work out a little with his body. I remember how surprised I was when all the people in the hall raised their hands up and sang in chorus: “Oh, Fluid!”. They, unlike me, had known the author for a long time.

It is very good that we have such a wonderful coach at SIAM as Svetlana Borodkina. We already had the opportunity to get acquainted with her and the “Drop” gymnastics at one of our clubs.

Now we run it regular classes once a week for 1.5 hours. The cost of one lesson is 300 rubles. Subscription for a month - 1000 rubles.

I will definitely go. Join now! You'll like it." (Sokolskaya L.)




Bioenergetics argue that each person, in addition to the physical body, has an invisible, but quite real energy twin - the ethereal body. According to the contours, it almost coincides with the physical body and consists of a special energy that determines the vitality and immunity of a person. The owner of a strong etheric body, as a rule, has excellent health, rarely gets sick and quickly rehabilitates after injuries and operations. If the energy of the body is weakened, the person becomes lethargic, anemic, and all sorts of ailments constantly stick to him. Fortunately, the etheric body has a remarkable quality: it is quickly restored, helping the body cope with ailments. Anti-stress gymnastics "Droplet" makes it possible not only to strengthen the muscles, improve blood circulation and make the ligaments more flexible, but also put the energy "understudy" in order. This gymnastics can be practiced at any age, without any prior training. Of course, it is better to perform the whole complex, but you can choose 10-15 exercises that you like the most. Work out from 30 minutes to an hour and a half at any time. time - in the morning day or night, whichever is more convenient for you.

The basic rule of gymnastics "Droplet" each exercise of the complex

performed three times.

"Hello sky!"

Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Interlock your fingers behind your back, bend your elbows and raise as high as possible. Then straighten your arms, bend, tilting your head back, and say out loud: “Hello, sky!”. After that, relax your hands and lower them behind your back without disengaging your fingers.


Stand up straight, legs lean slightly wider than shoulders. Stretch your arms above your head and join palms forward. Take your straight arms as far back as possible, and then, tensing your muscles, slowly lower them down through the sides, simultaneously pulling them behind your back with force. After that, do the opposite movement: raise your hands through the sides up and connect above your head with your palms forward.


Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Take the ribbon in your hands and lift it over your head so that the fabric is stretched. Slowly move straight arms back to shoulder level, then lift up again.

"Big Bow"

Stand up straight, lower your arms. Put your feet wider than your shoulders, turn your toes slightly to the sides. Bend your knees slightly and bend back as far as you can. Remaining in this position, rotate your shoulders around the axis of the spine, first in one direction and then in the other direction.


Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Raise your right hand up, lower your left hand down, then bend them at the elbows and try to grab them behind your back. If this fails, take right hand tape, grab its lower end with your left hand and, intercepting with your fingers, bring your hands as close to each other as possible. Repeat the exercise by changinghands.

"Petting the Dog"

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Imagine that right in front of you is a big good-natured dog - for example, a Newfoundland. Slowly, turn right and left, as if stroking it with your hands down (do not bend your elbows!). Imagine that the Newfoundland turns into a sheepdog: it is slightly lower than the Newfoundland, and you have to stroke it, leaning forward slightly (while keeping your legs straight). Then, instead of a sheepdog, a boxer, a poodle, a fox terrier, a dachshund appear ... Continue petting dogs of different breeds until you can bend over without bending your knees. After that, begin to slowly rise, as if petting imaginary dogs of increasing size.


Stand up straight, put your hands down. Raise your right leg, bending it at the knee. With your left hand, grab the foot of your right foot, stretch your right hand to the side with your palm down. If it is difficult to maintain balance, hold your hand against a wall or some other support. Try to maintain this position for 20-30 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with a change of leg.

"Basket Dance"

This exercise consists of several movements.

1. Stand up straight, put your hands down. Arch your chest forward, then, on the contrary, stoop strongly and bend your back. Make five or six such movements (while the shoulders should remain motionless).

2. Skew your shoulders five or six times without moving them forward or backward: lift your right shoulder up, lower your left shoulder and vice versa.

3. Push your chest forward and work your shoulders up and down five or six times, as in step 2.

4. Do five or six of the same movements, arching your back back.

5. Raise your right shoulder and lower your left, andmove chest back and forth, as in paragraph 1. Repeat the exercise, raising the left shoulder and lowering the right.

Having mastered all the movements, you can perform the Basket Dance. Push your chest forward, while lifting your right shoulder and lower your left. Then arch your back backwards, simultaneously lowering your right shoulder and lifting your left. Then push your chest out, changing the position of your shoulders, etc. Do five or six circles, then change the direction of rotation: stick out your chest, simultaneously raising your left and lowering your right shoulder, then bend your back, lowering your left and raising your right shoulder, etc. e. This exercise can be done while sitting on a mat.

"Sit down frog"

Get on all fours, okayyami lean on the floor. Put your knees together, spread your feet as far as possible. Men do this exercise with their toes pulled back, women with their heels on the floor and their feet bent at right angles to their shins. Swinging the lower part of the body, gradually lower yourself lower and lower until you sit on the floor between your heels (shoulders should remain motionless).


Sit on the mat with your legs crossed so that your rightthe foot was under the left knee. Fold your palms in front of your chest and press them as hard as you can against one another. Keeping this effort, do circular motions with the hands, first to the right - up - down - left, then in the opposite direction - left - up - down - right, so that the trajectory resembles a figure eight.


Sit on the mat with your legs crossed. Take your elbows to the sides, lift as high as possible up and make movements back and forth.

"Birch leaf"

Sit on your heels with your knees wide apart. Raise your arms slightly above your head, bending your elbows at a right angle. Arch your back between the shoulder blades, simultaneously turn to the right, lower your right shoulder and raise your left (do not bend at the waist!). Then, keeping the arch in your back, turn to the left, lower your left shoulder and raise your right.

"Dancing Heron"

Sit on the mat. Straighten your legs and spread them shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms in front of you. Lean forward, then with your whole body turn to the right and touch your right foot with your hands (do not bend your knees). After that, without leaning back and without bending your knees, touch your left foot with your hands.

"Dancing Crane"

Sit on the mat, straighten your legs and spread them as wide as possible to the sides. Bend over to the right foot and touch it with both hands, then turn the whole body to the left and touch the left foot (do not bend your knees)

"The Waking Snake"

1. Lie on the floor and lean on your elbows. Raise your chin slightly and stretch your neck. Tilt your head first to the right, then to the left.

2. Raise your chin a little higher and tilt your head to the right and left again.

3. Raise your chin even higher by arching your neck. Press your right ear against your right shoulder, then move your head back, then press your left ear against your left shoulder, etc.

4. Raise your head as high as possible and move it back-right - back-left and 1, d. Make sure that the neck remains arched back, and the movement itself is continuous.

When you finish the exercise, slowly put your head on your hands and relax.


Remember how in childhood we loved to make funny faces and how we got it from our parents? And, by the way, it’s completely in vain and scientific studies have shown that grimacing is very useful: it relaxes the muscles of the face, eliminates swelling, smoothes wrinkles and improves mood.


Run your fingers through the hair above the temples, firmly squeeze the strands and pull them up, and then make circular movements, first in one direction, then in the other direction.


Grab your ears and pull them first up, then forward, down, back, etc. in a circle. Make several such circles in one direction and in the other. Then pull your ears to the sides with force and make the same circular movements.


Remember something that surprised you a lot, and try to express it with facial expressions: slowly raise your eyebrows up as high as possible, helping yourself with your index fingers.


Bring your eyebrows together and at the same time try to lower them as low as possible.

"Smile of Karabas"

This is a variant of a forced, unnatural smile where you only smile with your lips. Stretch the corners of your mouth to the sides and at the same time lift them up, helping yourself with your fingers.

"Lawyer Smile"

The same as in the previous exercise, an unnatural, “Official” smile, but made with only one half of the face. Take the right corner of the mouth to the right and up, trying not to strain the muscles of the left side of the face. Repeat the exercise for the left half of the mouth.

"Soldier's Smile"

An even more strained smile, rather even a frank grimace, designed to symbolize voluntary-compulsory consent or a parody of a joyful mood. Stretch the corners of the mouth as far as possible to the sides, helping yourself with your fingers.

“... And I don’t want to know anything!”

Close your eyes as much as possible and, opening your mouth a little, spread the corners of your lips to the sides and slightly open your mouth, spread the corners of your lips to the sides and up, as in the "Smile of Carabas"



Lower the corners of your mouth while pulling your lips slightly forward.


Inflate - cheeks, and then slowly press on them with your palms (while the air should hiss out through tightly compressed lips).


Wrinkle your nose, as if expressing contempt, and try to move it with the tip to the right and left.


Lower the lower lip and move it to the right and left (the teeth should be closed, but not compressed).


Open your mouth as wide as possible and slowly move your lower jaw to the right and left, imagining that you are chewing like a hippopotamus.

"TO ikimora"

Tighten the muscles of the neck, first on the right, then on the left, and then in the middle so that the folds running from the chin to the collarbones are sharply indicated. If it doesn't work out well, put your hand on your right collarbone and gently pull the skin on it to the right and down, while turning your head to the left. Then turn your head to the right and pull the skin on the left collarbone to the left and down.


This exercise is a simultaneous performance of the exercises "Hedgehog" and "Wolf". Pull out your lips with a tube and at the same time lower your eyebrows, imagining how your face is stretched forward, turning into a trunk.


This exercise is the opposite of the previous one and consists of the simultaneous execution of the "Smile of a Soldier" and "Cheburashka". Stretch your lips and at the same time raise your eyebrows, imagining how your face turns into a wide flat pancake. It is useful to alternate this grimace with the previous one.


Here you are finished! Do the final exercise, saying goodbye to the Droplet and expressing appreciation for the work that you just did with her.

Stand straight, lower your arms down, then slowly raise them up through the sides, imagining how the Drop gradually leaves your body: first the feet of the lower leg, thigh, then the torso, neck, head ... Here it rises up the arms, it turns out to be you on your palms, and again, as at the beginning of the exercises, you feel its heaviness ... Gently push the Drop up and, when it rises, tell it: “Thank youyou, droplet!