Head coach of the Russian national team Elena Fomina: “I want more goals. Elena fomina spoke about her desire to lead the men's football club or the national team of Russia Coach of the women's football team Elena fomina

Elena Fomina- a unique girl in our football. She has dozens of matches to her credit. national team, participation in the most prestigious international tournaments, various prizes for the best player. The wedding and the birth of a child seemed to put an end to Elena's bright career, but this year she is back on the football field and once again defends the colors of the national team.


First, tell us how you got started playing football. How old were you when you got into this sport?
- From the age of seven I played in the yard with the guys, studied in the section at the school where I studied. And at the age of 10 she began to play for the Rus team. I successfully passed the selection, and we can say that from that moment my career as a football player began.

Always wondered how a girl could want to play football? Surely not without someone's influence?
- Yes, in fact, my dad instilled such a rather unhealthy interest ( smiling). He played at an amateur level, he took me to all his matches. I watched games with him on TV. That's how I gradually got carried away.

- Maybe dad wanted a boy and therefore decided to involve you in the traditionally male game?
- Well, in principle, I only have a sister, no brothers, so anything can be ( laughs). But if I didn’t like playing football, I would never do it, no matter how much dad wanted to. Let's say we came to the section together with my sister, she didn't like it in the end, and she left almost immediately. And here I am, as you can see.

- Gifts for children's holidays - dolls or balls?
- Both, but they started giving balls only when I got older. So I will not complain about a difficult childhood ( smiling).

Well, with dad, everything is clear. But where was mom? Did she turn a blind eye to her daughter's passion? Or is she also a football fan?
- Mom was against it. And not just against, but categorically. She refused to take me to training, argued with dad. Mom tried to instill in me a love of music, led me to music school learn to play the piano. I do not remember how many times I went there, but hardly more than three times. As a result, my dad put me in front of a choice, since it is unrealistic to combine two classes, and I chose football without hesitation. By the way, I also did a little figure skating and even tried her hand at karate. But somehow nothing caught on: I go to a couple of workouts - and interest disappears.

- When did your mother finally admit that the choice was right? Or is she still against it?
- When at the age of 15 I began to play for an adult team of the major league, then my mother realized that football is serious, and my hobby became a profession for me. After that, her doubts vanished.

How was your work treated at school?
- Of course, everyone was curious about how this girl plays football. But the reaction of classmates was extremely adequate, no one was joking.

- And the boys were not afraid - after all sports girl, can hit back.
So I didn't hit anyone. laughs). They didn’t offend me either, on the contrary, the guys supported me.

Did football interfere with your studies?
- I studied perfectly well, so, apparently, did not interfere. I did my lessons in the subway, sometimes I wrote exercises in Russian literally on my knees. The school was an hour away from home, so there was enough time for lessons ( smiling). But in principle, studying was easy for me, so there were no problems with academic performance.


- Was there a turning point when you realized: I choose football, and not something else?
- Yes, before the World Cup in 1999. Then my participation in the tournament was a big question, besides, the topic of study was relevant. I understood that if I did not get into the national team, then I would not have much incentive to stay in football. Defending the honor of the country, playing with the best players is really great! And if I didn’t manage to withstand that level, to cope with the loads, then I would just step aside, do something else. And only when I was convinced that I was succeeding, I finally and irrevocably decided to devote myself to football.

- Do you remember the first money earned on the field? What did you spend the first fee on?
- You know yourself: in women's football, there is no God knows what kind of earnings, so the main motives were love for the game, the desire to get into the national team, to prove to myself that I can do something. The first money appeared when I began to perform at the Chertanovo school. I gave something to my mother, spent something on myself, but there was not the amount to still remember what exactly I did with it.

- Many had to sacrifice for the sake of sports?
- Well, the main problem is lack of time. The road took a lot of time, training took a lot of energy. As a result, it turned out that a significant part of my life was spent in training and games. But at the same time, football gave me a lot - friends, some kind of fame, the opportunity to defend the honor of the country, to do what I love.

By the way, about fame. The players of the Russian men's team are bathed in the rays of glory and are spoiled by the attention of the fans. How is it with women? Have you experienced any attention from fans? Do they recognize you on the streets?
- Not so often, but I did. When I was the captain of the national team, fans came up to me, said: “We know you”, asked for autographs, wished me good luck. Interest also increased after the World and European Championships. Those who watched the matches of the national team were aware of the events, recognized me, communicated. But in general, there is much more interest in men's football, there is not even a small part of the excitement that surrounds men around us. Of course, we would like our sport to become more popular.

- Did you give out a lot of autographs in your life?
- Most often, children ask to sign.

Elena Fomina in the Moscow "Spartak".


It so happened that often female football players and Everyday life do not part with sportswear wearing sneakers and jeans. You are a model of femininity: seeing you on the street, no one would have thought that you were playing football. What's the secret?
- Yes, it doesn’t matter what sport you do, it all comes from how you feel. Even if you are a weightlifter, but if you are a girl at heart, you will look accordingly. I have never had such difficulties: I am first of all a woman, and only then - a football player. It’s another matter that it’s silly to spend an hour before a match doing a marathon, painting your nails and tinkering with hair styling, and then play with your head once and worry for the whole match that your hair is hopelessly ruined. The game is not up to this: if you bother about how you look in the game from the outside, then it’s better to sit on the bench.

Let's move on to the most burning topic. You are almost the first who was able to fully combine football and personal life: during football career got married and had a child. Can you tell us under what circumstances you met your chosen one?
- It was a funny story that happened on the basis of love for dogs. I have a dog, a golden retriever, and my husband has a labrador. Once I came to the kennel club for a pedigree. I was waiting for my turn outside, it was very cold, and the man in the car offered to warm up. At first I refused - it’s not in my rules to get into a car with strangers. Then I look - he offered his help not only to me, but to everyone who was cold, that is, he did it sincerely, without ulterior motives. As a result, we got to talking, got to know each other, so much so that we have been together for seven years ( smiling).

- How did he react to your unusual hobby?
- Well, I told him about football far from immediately - why shock a person from the doorway. But then, when I confessed, he reacted very calmly. He said that if I like this business, then he will support me and be happy with my success.

- How does your husband feel about football?
- When we met, he did not perceive football at all, he never watched it, but after talking with me he began to delve a little, some interest woke up. At least, my husband almost always goes to my matches. I don’t know, really, because of me or because of the awakened love for football ( smiling).

- Does his presence at the match affect you?
- I take it quite calmly. I am pleased that he comes, worries, gets sick, but this does not particularly affect my game.

Does he give you any advice?
- Well, at first not, but over time I started: I ran in the wrong direction, they did it. But that's more of a fan's opinion.

- On the basis of football do not quarrel? You can take your Bad mood after losing a match?
- My husband is more restrained than I am, he finds the right words, knows how to support me. I try not to take out my anger on him. This is my job, and it should not affect family relationships.

"I met my husband through dogs..."


Tell me about the moment you found out you were expecting a baby. What is your reaction? Immediately thought: "Farewell, career"?
- Yes, at that moment I didn’t remember my career at all. Great joy, happiness - that's what I experienced. The first months I didn’t even think about whether I would return or not. It was only later, at about the seventh month of pregnancy, that I realized that I would like to play more. I went to matches and realized that I hadn’t run enough yet.

How did the coach of the national team Igor Shalimov react to the news that he lost his main player?
- Here is how it was. I arrived at a press conference with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich, met him in the corridor 15 minutes before the start of the event and stunned him with the news about the pregnancy. He said “give birth and come back, the doors of the national team are open”, and I realized that the idea of ​​returning is not so crazy. Although, of course, everything depended on how the birth would go, how I would feel after the birth of the child.

- Did your husband know about your plans to return to football?
- He, of course, expected something like this, but he did not think that everything would happen so quickly. When I announced three months later that I would return, he had a real shock. He dissuaded me, although in the depths of his soul he probably knew that it was useless.

How was your return? To be honest, was it really hard?
- At the end of the season, I was asked to play the last two games for Izmailovo. It was for me good chance assess whether my return is possible in principle. At first it was very hard. It is difficult psychologically: I didn’t want to leave the child for at least three or four hours and go to training. It is difficult physically: I thought that after giving birth I would have some kind of surge, but it turned out that the opposite was true. But now I'm gradually getting into the rhythm.

At the beginning of the season, you received an invitation to the national team and responded to it. Didn’t the thought cross your mind to refuse and play quietly for the club? Or even go to the team of the first league and play for fun?
- I wouldn't be interested. I played on high level, and if you return, then only to a serious team, otherwise there is no point. As for the national team, initially I was going to one training camp, but then the situation resolved itself: it turned out that the club had a training camp at the same time, and I preferred the national team: after all, there is an opportunity to train side by side with the best players in Russia, to compete against serious European rivals. I think I'll be better prepared for the season here.

- How much more do you plan to perform?
- Initially, I didn’t think at all, I started just like that, for myself, to try. But appetite comes with eating. Now I need to understand whether I can withstand the level of the national team. If yes, then I would like to take part in the Euro 2013 qualifying games. But it is the coach's prerogative to choose the squad. In any case, I am ready to support the team if needed. But after Euro 2013, I will definitely leave, unless, of course, this happens earlier.


- The preparations take a lot of time, and in the meantime the child is in Moscow. How do you keep in touch?
- By Skype. In general, I was very afraid that I would come home, Dasha would see me and cry. I decided: if this happens, I will not leave my daughter a single step. But she immediately recognized me, laughed, hugged me. I think when she gets older, she can ride with me.

- While you are training, who is watching your daughter?
- In this regard, my mother helps me a lot. When I decided to return to football, she supported me, said: "Try it." In general, if it were not for the support of loved ones, I would never have been able to play again.

- Can you imagine your daughter in football?
- No. Of course, if Dasha likes football, she will choose this path for herself, I will not forbid it, but I don’t want such a fate for my daughter. I definitely won’t give her a ball for her birthday. In our country women's football few people need it, and I would not want my daughter to go through everything that I went through. Although, in general, I am not against sports: I would not give it to gymnastics, where the legs are twisted, but to swimming - why not?

In general, in women's sports, a comeback after childbirth is not uncommon, just remember our biathletes. For football, this is a unique case. What is the reason?
- I don’t know how it is in other sports, but it’s really difficult for us to maintain relations. Constant trips, fees. Moreover, I often read in the newspapers how male football players meet during training camps with their wives, who can live in a nearby hotel. In women's football, this is unimaginable. Probably, if the coaches would meet halfway and give us more opportunities to build a personal life, allow us to have a personal space, the situation would change in better side and more football players would get married.

Fomin Viktor Trofimovich Attack.

Pupil of the youth team "Lokomotiv" in Slavyansk.

He played for the clubs Stal Zhdanov (1948), Shakhtar Stalino (1949 - 1953), Dynamo Kyiv (1953 - 1959), Arsenal Kyiv (1959 - 1960), Lokomotiv Vinnitsa (1960).

USSR Cup Winner 1954

He played 3 matches for the USSR national team. He also played for the USSR national team in 2 unofficial matches.


On January 13, one of the brightest players of Dynamo Kyiv in the 1950s, Viktor Fomin, was supposed to turn seventy-nine. Last autumn, during the celebration of the 80th anniversary of FC Dynamo, we sketched out a scenario for his future round anniversary ...


In the former united and indivisible, everything was arranged in such a way that the attractive metropolitan team had significant privileges in matters of recruitment. Therefore, it is not surprising that the then stars were brought to Kyiv from everywhere. And what is interesting, if the star was real, and its light warmed the devoted fans' hearts, then there could be no question of any subsequent return "to the homeland of the ancestors" - the capital of the republic possessed inexhaustible magnetism ...


One of the most prominent Dynamo Kyiv players of the 1950s, Viktor Fomin, possessed high speed, masterfully worked with the ball, being considered a unique dribbler, powerfully and irresistibly hit from the left ... According to authoritative experts, his game anticipated the development of football thought by 15 years -20. “He was a professional of the highest brand, today I don’t see footballers like Trofimych in Ukraine!” - these are the words of the honored coach of Ukraine Tiberiy Popovich, the left back of Dynamo Kyiv, who spent more than one hundred matches next to Fomin on the same flank.

Fans of statistics will probably be interested in why such a wonderful master played only five matches for the USSR national team? There is an explanation for this. Firstly, since pre-war times, Soviet football could well be compared with the European Championship - from teams of strong and completely different in style of play, it was possible to form more than one current "major league" ... After all, there were plenty of strong players, which means , and the choice was difficult: everything depended on the objectivity and foresight of the head coach of the national team ... But not only. The opinion of higher authorities hung over the head coach with the sword of Damocles: the football federation, the State Committee for Sport, trade unions ... And even the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, headed by the Politburo itself! .. Not to mention the leader of the peoples, who, as you know, was so "the best friend of the Soviet athletes”, that sometimes he himself could intervene in any situation.

In general, in those years, Moscow has always been the top of the football pyramid. Of course, unique players such as Paichadze, Shegotsky, Simonyan, Voinov, Meskhi, Monday, Banishevsky and many others could be invited to the national team, but the leadership of Soviet football was somehow more comfortable if the best players lived in Belokamennaya ... And every day in training and games were in front of all those on whom, to one degree or another, the call to the main team of the country depended. On the flank of Fomin, Anatoly Ilyin from Spartak Moscow played in the national team, who is constantly in sight, keeps company with all the famous football players of the capital, is treated kindly by journalists and coaches ... Moreover, he knows how to play football well. It was very difficult to overcome the Moscow football clan.

"There, at the coal mine..."

In 1949, Viktor played for the Mariupol team of the Ilyich plant, when Shakhtar Donetsk came to visit. Fomin played well against his idols. And he immediately received an offer to move to Donetsk, which, of course, he did not refuse. In the very first game for the main part of the miners, he was released against the CDSA itself with Fedotov and Bobrov! Apparently, the newcomer did not play very well then, because they sent him to the double...

But soon they again began to attract to the base: however, they still could not find a place. Head coach Mazanov tried it even in place of the left back. Only at the end of the season did they manage to gain a foothold in the "start". And once Victor even managed to score a goal “out of fright” to the “tiger” Khomich himself! And what is surprising - from the front line... True, Shakhtar lost that game in Moscow 1:10! And how could one not lose: the Dynamo team, having become the champions of the USSR at that time, scored more than a hundred goals against their rivals in total. From a scattering of famous names, one could feel dizzy - solid stars in today's times! The conquerors of football England!


And on next year unexpectedly for himself, Fomin was in the “list of the 33 best”: on the left side, Vladimir Savdunin from the Moscow Dynamo became the first, the second was the Moscow soldier Vladimir Demin, and the third was the hitherto unknown provincial! Shakhtar then took 11th place with 18 participants - not bad for yesterday's outsider. After all, in 1949 it was the last place! But the miners turned to Moscow with a request to leave the team in class "A", and the hard workers responded positively to the letter - the country needed coal ...

In 1951, the famous scorer of "all-Union significance" Alexander Ponomarev returned to the Donbass, and the miners immediately took third place. That season Ponomariov and Fomin scored half of the team's goals.

In the semi-finals of the USSR Cup, Shakhtar ran into the team of the Moscow Military District - the so-called "team of the city of Kalinin", in which there were many great players. It was extremely difficult to beat them. Probably, the score is 0:1 - the Ukrainians were not very upset ...

Well, after a great season, Shakhtar were relegated from the Premier League in 1952... This time, no requests for pardon helped. It was the year of the Helsinki Olympics, and therefore the championship was "cut down" - in one round, besides, almost all the games were held in Moscow. Representatives of Donbass “flyed” over full program- Obviously, they couldn't recover from last year's success... In 1953, Oleksandr Ponomarev became Shakhtar's head coach.


In 1953, Shakhtar played in class "B" - "by letter". Ponomar's place in the center of the attack was vacated - Fomin was appointed team captain and transferred to the center forwards. He liked to play there, besides, class "B" did not Major League so it was easy to deal with the defenders. In May, Shakhtar came to Kyiv to play with SKA and cut them into four pieces! After the game, Dynamo administrator Rafail Feldstein approached him: “The authorities liked you - wait, I’ll come ...” Indeed, when Shakhtar played in Dnepropetrovsk, Rafa was waiting for Viktor in the park near the stadium. But they didn’t let them talk - someone, vigilant, whispered to Ponomarev, and he and his assistants rushed into the square. Feldstein then decently got ...

But "chekists do not give up"! Rafa caught the chance and managed to invite Viktor... to the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! There he immediately laid out all the advantages of the capital of Ukraine Kyiv over the city of Stalino, promised a place at the base, eventually - an apartment and other benefits. “But the season has already begun - who will allow you to cross?” Fomin hesitated. Then Rafa picked up the phone and dialed some number: “Talk to Deputy Minister Milstein ...” A hoarse voice came from the receiver: “Don’t worry, come, we will declare - I will call Beria and everything will be arranged!”

A couple of days later, after warning someone and collecting a suitcase, Victor went to the station. Friends Vanya Fedosov and Vanya Boboshko saw us off. And in Kyiv, unexpected news awaited the defector: KGB Minister Meshik, Deputy Interior Minister Milstein and Lavrenty Beria himself were arrested! And the Ministry of Internal Affairs was no longer up to football - no one began to deal with additional applications. And while everything somehow settled down, Fomin had to sit at the stadium for three months without football: when the team left for games, he gradually trained with the boys, when they returned, Oshenkov connected them to training ...

Dynamo performed extremely unsuccessfully that year - at times it seemed that relegation was inevitable. But, finally, Fomin's hour has come. In the second round, the newcomer entered the field against Lokomotiv Moscow. Then Dynamo had to play several away matches in a row, and when we stopped in Moscow, the coaches decided that they could not do without reinforcements. Fomin scored and helped win. And this victory allowed the people of Kiev to get out of the danger zone. As a result - the eighth place. From now on, Victor Fomin constantly went out at the base on the left flank instead of Vladimir Bogdanovich, securing the 11th number in the team.

A young fast and technical "krai" was noticed in Moscow. Capital clubs often took Fomin on trips abroad for friendly matches. Everyone needed a good left winger! He played several such games for Torpedo and Dynamo. Dynamo coach Mikhail Yakushin strongly advised to go to them. But where is Moscow from Kyiv - it is so big, noisy, and there are a lot of teams ...


In 1954, Dynamo won the USSR Cup, beating Spartak Moscow, CDSA and Zenit Leningrad on the way to the final. It was a real feat! It is a pity that today few people attach importance to this. The final with the Armenians was remembered for a long time. Probably because he was the first and ... the last. It was a difficult game - a continuous fog. Dynamo managed to open the scoring: Koman shot, and Terentiev turned the cheek. True, the Armenians soon got even and even had a couple of chances to score a goal, but the defense led by Golubev and Makarov survived. And in the second half, about ten minutes before the end, Fomin launched Coman forward, and he threw the ball over the run-out goalkeeper.

After the game, the locker room was full of people, everyone tried to break through to the crystal goblet, which Rafa filled with champagne. True, after the mighty sips of Zazroev, Golubev and Fomin, the sparkling liquid noticeably decreased, and when the turn came to the administrator, there was a zilch from seven liters of the drink. Rafa only needed to moisten his lips.

They rushed to the station at a quarter to twelve at night - five minutes before the departure of the Moscow-Chop train. We barely squeezed into some kind of carriage and then for a long time sorted out our seats ... It seemed that the whole train was celebrating the victory! They fell asleep like the dead. Vitaly Golubev, even in a dream, held on to the Cup with both hands - he would not let anyone touch it. True, the lid from the Cup was almost forgotten in the car - it did not hold well ...

At the station, the apple had nowhere to fall - so, probably, then the astronauts were met. Football players were literally torn to pieces: they say that someone even had a suitcase with a uniform stolen - probably for souvenirs ... It was quite possible to get lost in this crowd. When the Dynamo team finally got to their bus, it turned out that there was neither Golubev nor ... the Cup! It is impossible to describe what happened to coach Oshenkov! But it was decided to wait until the morning - someone saw Vitasik surrounded by guys from Podil. There was then a well-known "authority" who was terribly fond of football ...

The next morning, Vitaly still did not appear at the stadium, and the authorities continued to be interested in the fate of the crystal trophy. A scandal was brewing... I had to confess. The Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Tymofiy Strokach immediately “pulled all the levers”, and a “capture group” went to Podil. They found Golubev and an unharmed goblet, from which the lads drank either champagne or something stronger all night.

And for the Cup won (previously he left Moscow only once - to Leningrad), according to Fomin, they were awarded a watch and 200 rubles each for his brother (the car then cost 200 thousand). If they didn’t give bonuses in Moscow from the “central” Dynamo, it would be completely sad ....


Fomin faithfully served the Kyiv club for seven seasons. The Dynamo team was going through a period of formation before a new take-off. There have been successes, there have been failures. But it was Trofimych who was the main arbiter of the attacks. Basically, goals were scored after his skillful flank passes (Mikhail Koman was especially successful in this). Fomin and long shots. Having become a Dynamo player, Fomin was named among the 33rd three more times. the best football players USSR, as a member of the Ukrainian national team was the bronze medalist of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, as a member of the Union team participated in qualifying matches World Cup-58.

Master of Sport. Only! Since, at least in terms of the totality of achievements, he could well have become an honored master of sports or, at worst, a master of sports of international class. Did not work out!

After Oleg Oshenkov was replaced by Vyacheslav Solovyov, Fomin decided to continue his playing career in Arsenal Kiev (a factory club that played in class B), then there were Zvezda Kirovograd and Vinnitsa Lokomotiv. And in 1959, a young and little-known striker Valery Lobanovsky tried on the Dynamo T-shirt with the 11th number.

Fomin, having finished his performances, became the head coach of Shakhtar Kadiyevo. Two years later he moved to Zaporozhye, from where he soon moved to the Sevastopol Atlantic. But the Black Sea romance was only enough for two years: they were again invited to Zaporozhye. And then Trofimych changed clubs every year: Dnepr (Dnepropetrovsk), Shipbuilder (Nikolaev), Spartak (Ivano-Frankivsk) ... But, when the opportunity arose to return to Kyiv, he stayed here for six whole years! However, in the Kiev military district, the state of army football depended on the attitude of the commander towards it ... I had to leave the fully established team and move to Kremenchug. But what is a Ukrainian province: no money, no glory - only ambition! And again Crimea - this time the Kerch "Ocean". And then the pension arrived in time ... But Trofimych was in no hurry to take a well-deserved rest. Worked as a coach football school Dynamo, in 1983, his wards became the champions of Ukraine.


The years took their toll, but Viktor Trofimovich could not sit at home - twice a week the honored coach of the republic trained the boys. He selected everyone: those who for some reason did not fit the Dynamo coaches, and those who were brought by their parents who accidentally heard about the unusual “school”. In general, under the guidance of the kind "Uncle Vitya" on tennis courts opposite the Dynamo stadium, the Kyiv boys received the first, most valuable lessons of skill. There were times when Fomin's “preparatory” put on a Dynamo T-shirt after a year or two ... These are the boys who were taught the basics of football by a veteran. Literally until the last day of life.

Rest in peace to you, Trofimych!


"Darling!" was Trofimych's favorite word. So he always called his wards, during classes on the cinder field. Imagine a person who is well over seventy, surrounded by 10-11 year olds. The boys, divided into two teams, selflessly chase the ball. And then Fomin's voice: "Darling, pass." The guy rolls the ball back to the coach, and in return he gets a cool pruning - score, I don’t want to. And again the voice of the mentor: “One more time! Where, dear, are you going to go ?! Needed in the legs. I'm too old to run!"

“Well, what else can I tell you, dear ones? Well, at least this...” Not everything Trofimych told can be published. But some of the entered is not a sin to repeat. After all, issues from the Great Clubs series dedicated to Dynamo are now a rarity.

Here is one of those memories.

Of course, we drank heavily, it happened ... Once after the match with the CDKA in Moscow, it was the season following the victory of the USSR Cup, our best friend Nikita Simonyan invited me and Andrei Zazroev to a restaurant. We returned to the hotel where Dynamo lived in a well-known state - in the chimney! I immediately lay down and covered myself with a pillow, and Zazroev ran into our coach Oshenkov ... It was impossible not to notice our condition, and the mentor, of course, made a fuss. Zazroev, however, did not want to concede, and a furious skirmish ensued, which I remember very vaguely ... Pasha Vinkovatov, who lived with us in the same room, did not drink - he leaned more and more on sweets. It was he who acted as the most impartial witness to what was happening. So, Oshenkov yells at Zazroev: “I made you an honored master of sports!” He told him: “And I am your well-deserved coach!” In the end, Andrey, for greater persuasiveness, decides to resort to my help: “Vitya, tell me, how do you feel about Oshenkov?” I am from under the pillow: “Yes, I am him ... Yes, I hate him!”

The next morning I look - Zazroev, as if nothing had happened, communicates with Oshenkov, trains, runs around the lake, kicks out yesterday. But I was sent to Kyiv, while the whole team was supposed to immediately fly to Tbilisi (we lost then, by the way). Rafa asks: “Are you going to fly by plane or by train?” What am I, a fool? Of course, by plane. I flew to Kyiv, there was nothing to do, I was lying with my friends on the beach. Then they told me: “Come on, move on, a police patrol is walking, looking for a football player!” Me: “Yeah, I won’t hide.” They dragged me under the white hands - into the office of General Strokach, our main chief. Come on, gray dove, report what and how ... I told everything as it happened. Well, he laughed heartily and brought me back to the team...


2 27.02.1955 INDIA - USSR - 0:3 G 1 26.06.1955 SWEDEN - USSR - 0:6 G 2 21.07.1957 BULGARIA - USSR - 0:4 G 3 27.07.1957 USSR - FINLAND - 2: 1 d FIRST OLYMPUS UNOFFICIAL And G And G And G 3 – – – 2 –

58 - Inside news page

Elena Fomina, head coach of the Russian women's national football team, spoke about her desire to lead the men's club.

11:42 11.11.2016

Head coach Russian women's football team spoke about the desire to lead the men's club.

"The male coaches with whom we take courses treat women with respect. However, there may be problems with the players because they do not perceive the representative of the opposite sex as a mentor. However, this does not mean that I will work only with women's teams ", Fomina told Lente.ru.

The specialist believes that the appointment of a female coach to the post of head coach of the men's team in the near future is hardly possible. However, it would be interesting for her to try herself as a mentor for a club or national team.

The Russian team led by Fomina made it to the finals of the European Championship, which will be held in the Netherlands in the summer of 2017. The team got into the same group with teams from Germany, Sweden and Italy. The Germans are the current owners of the trophy.

Fomina, 37, took charge of the national team in October 2015. The specialist during the years of her playing career defended the colors of the Moscow "Chertanovo" and "Spartak", the Togliatti "Lada" and "Nadezhda" from Noginsk.

- Lena, you are barely over 20, and you are already a well-known person in women's football. How did you manage to score two goals against the Canadians at the last World Championship? Moreover, such a handsome goal, which was shown several times in football review

So my age for football is far from retirement! At the World Championships, our team was not among the winners, but we made them talk about the team with respect. Fortune was not on our side, and I managed to score goals thanks to an excellent sportswear, with which she approached the championship. It was very nice that, maybe for the first time, TV commentators paid attention to my goal, because it entered the top ten best goals! Until television spoils us with its attention, and I don’t even know when it will start broadcasting matches Russian championship with women's teams.

- Is it because women's football is not as popular as men's football?

Men's football is already promoted, and women's football is only taking its first steps compared to it. Do not believe it, but at the matches women's team up to 20 thousand spectators gather in Ryazan! Women's football is loved and appreciated there. That would be the case in other cities of the country!

- How did you get into football?

I fell in love with this game even before school. The thing is, my dad loved football. He worked as a driver at the first car factory and advocated for it. football team. I remember when I was 4 years old, he took me with him to the game. He went out onto the field himself, and asked me to cheer for him from the wheelchair. Usually I clapped my hands loudly when the ball hit my dad, and many even laughed when he was still in the center of the field, and I was already shouting: “Goal! Goal!".

- How long did you root for your father?

Until I went to school. And already in the first grade I asked my dad to enroll me in football section. He agreed, and I almost cried with joy when Mikhail Andreev became my first coach at school. He was fanatically in love with this game. At first I played with the boys, because I was the only girl among them. That's why they played against me with redoubled energy, because they couldn't let me beat them.

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- So at school and played until the tenth grade?

No. Until the age of ten, she trained at school, and then began to play at the Rus club, where, by improving my football equipment Mikhail Dmitrievich Makarshin took up the task. Then he became head coach sports club"Chertanovo", for which I played for several years.

- Where do you like to play the most?

For my sports career unless she just stood at the gate. But most of all I like to play on the spot central midfielder. Football is my element, I love to defend at my own goal and attack the opponent's goal from close range. This game requires not only a lot physical strength, but also to keep the head working to its fullest. Now I train more than ever and it happens that after the next game I can hardly move my legs, having difficulty getting home.

Do football fans ask you for autographs?

Happens. While women's football is not as popular as men's. Several times they took an autograph in Tolyatti, where I played in last years. There I liked to roller-skate along the embankment after the game.

- In men's football, after a victory over the opposing team, the guys often arrange bachelor parties and wash the victory, but is this customary among girls?

And what, are we made from another test? And we do bachelorette parties. After big win you can break the sport mode a little. For example, I like to drink a glass of champagne, but I have never tried smoking and do not pull. Most of all, “on the chest” I can only afford New Year or for a birthday. I think that everything is good in moderation.

- Why do you love football - they don’t pay money, your legs are bruised all the time?

Money, of course, is not the same as in tennis, but you can live. And what about bruised legs, it will heal before the wedding!

- You have a boyfriend?

We have been dating him for over five years. He is very attentive to me, tries to visit all my games. And he is sick so violently that it gives me strength in the fight for the ball with my rivals. Here he is sitting on the podium, and I want to play as best as possible to please him.

- If you became the Minister of Sports, what would you do first of all?

I would significantly increase the salaries of athletes and insure them for decent money.

- If you were given a million dollars, what would you spend it on?

I would buy myself a dacha in the suburbs. Huge, thirty kilometers, three-story. I would like to live there permanently, because there is clean air and silence.

- Could you shoot for Playboy?

No, this is not mine, because I am a shy person. I'm a soccer player, not a fashion model.

- Do you believe in omens?

Necessarily! Before the game, I put on my boots on my left foot. It helps a lot psychologically. I don't have a talisman yet. In my free time I like to listen to music on the player. What? Depends on the mood. I love Lancome perfumes. According to the horoscope, I am an Aries and by nature I am stubborn in achieving my goal. Among the shortcomings of character - modesty and shyness. I would be born in the last century, because in our crazy age other qualities are valued ...