Instagram Dmitry Tarasov. Dmitry Tarasov disgusted Instagram subscribers, video

Dmitry TarasovRussian football player, player of the Lokomotiv team, ex-husband of a socialite and presenter,. Born March 18, 1987 in Moscow.

Olga Buzova is the second wife of Dima, thanks to whom all of Russia learned about him and he himself became a famous media personality in domestic show business. The first wife of a football player is Oksana, the former spouses have a daughter, Angelina (born in 2009).

Photo from ex-wife Oksana Tarasova

The football player's relationship with the star presenter Olga Buzova was one of the most discussed in the Russian media, and their couple was almost the standard of a strong family union on the star Olympus. Recall that Dima and Olya met in early 2011, and already in next year lovers played a luxurious wedding. But, the family happiness of the “gibberish”, as the fans affectionately called this couple, did not last long and ended in 2016, it was then that it became known about their separation and imminent divorce.

Exactly a year later, the name of Dmitry again appeared on the front pages of online newspapers. Such attention to the football player was caused by his new romance with a model, whom he proposed to at the end of 2017. At the beginning of 2018, Dima and Nastya got married, and Kostenko officially became his third wife.

Dima and his current wife Anastasia Kostenko

Dmitry Tarasov keeps up with his wife and is also an active user Instagram. More than 900 thousand users have subscribed to his account, and Dima has already posted about 1000 photos here. Basically, this is a photo from football matches, trainings and with friends-football players, but, of course, the focus of the young handsome man is always his beloved young wife, whose photos are the most here! And, sometimes, Dima uploads a photo with his daughter Angelina.

Dmitry Alekseevich Tarasov is a famous Russian football player, central midfielder of FC Lokomotiv, master of sports. Dmitry was born on March 18, 1987 in the Siberian town of Kansk. A significant stage in the career of Dmitry Tarasov is his transition to football club"Moscow" in 2009, he also played in the past with FC Spartak, FC "Tom", FC "Moscow" and as part of the Russian national team.

Dmitry Tarasov

Dmitry has beautiful external data, he has a lot of fans. IN in social networks his popularity is growing, this is confirmed by Dmitry Tarasov's Instagram, which is constantly updated with new subscribers.
Dmitry's Instagram, like, contains a lot of publications on various topics. Dmitry does not hide his life, since today everything is going well for him both in work and in his personal life. Many publications on Dmitry's page are dedicated to his work, namely football. On Instagram, you can find photos with the team at training, during travels, as well as best moments from matches.

In addition to posts with the team, Dmitry adds photos from various events on Instagram. On Instagram you can find photos from the joint vacation of Dmitry and his friends, as well as Dmitry's vacation with his girlfriend.
the famous athlete does not hide his life and conveys all the details through photographs. The personal life of Dmitry Tarasov is curious for many, but Dmitry does not hide this either. It's no secret that quite recently Dmitry was married to Olga Buzova, but the couple broke up due to the appearance in the life of football player Anastasia Kostenko. Dmitry and Anastasia are a very beautiful couple, they spend a lot of time together. Anastasia helps Dmitry with repairs in the house, supports him during matches, and also goes on vacation together. Dmitry Tarasov's Instagram has many photos with Nastya, and under almost every photo Dmitry makes a signature where he calls Anastasia his beloved. This directly speaks of the pure and sincere feelings of a football player.

Before marriage with Olga Buza, Dmitry Tarasov was already married. From his first marriage, Dmitry Tarasov has a daughter, photos of which, although he rarely publishes on Instagram.

Instagram Dmitry Tarasov:

Life with Olga Buzova made Lokomotiv football player Dmitry Tarasov a popular media person. The athlete maintains his own microblog, which has more than 700 thousand followers. Of course, he is still far from the “Buzovsky” millions, so Dmitry needs to work hard so that news agencies devote their latest news to him.

So far, Dmitry Tarasov is not in danger of oblivion: on the topic of Tarabuzikov’s divorce and his new relationship with a provincial beauty, with a skillful approach, you can stay in trend for several months, or even a year. Here, however, it is very important not to lose a small army of your fans ...

Until recently, stormy discussions of his divorce from Olga Buzova were in full swing on Tarasov's Instagram. There was a real war in the comments - the athlete's fans fought in a verbal duel with the TV presenter's defenders. Spears flew from both sides, but the truth remained somewhere in the middle.

Today, the subscribers of Dmitry Tarasov unanimously took up arms against the football player. At the same time, surprisingly, Buzova has nothing to do with it ...

Dmitry Tarasov's subscribers doubt his adequacy

What did this loving footballer do this time? Did he really trade Anastasia Kostenko for another "Miss"?

No, just an athlete took part in a strange flash mob. The essence of this action is to accurately spit out chewing gum on your shoes, after which this very spit out chewing gum must be thrown back into your mouth.

Dmitry Tarasov honorably took part in the flash mob, about which he posted a video report on his Instagram:

Such a highly intellectual baton was handed over to Dmitry Tarasov by his half-brother, whom Tarabuzikov subscribers know under the pseudonym T-Killah.

Interestingly, in turn, the ex-husband of Olga Buzova offered to repeat the trick with spitting out chewing gum to his friend Anastasia Kostenko.

Followers are shocked by the new video of Dmitry Tarasov. In the discussions, the football player was “futified”, calling his trick sickening. Here are just some comments from subscribers, selected with censorship in mind:

yuliya_burkovskaya So many centuries of evolution, and all down the drain, now in the opposite direction, DEGRADATION

blondi_55_ Fuuuuuu .... to eat from the cross ... byaka

ellattegan Of course it's cool, you would have let it go in a circle (this chewing gum or whatever you beat there) and it was generally super

olya.gloy Now you are tormented to remove worms.

milaaaa_mi Apparently football balls knocked out the last brains !!! I had a better opinion of you!!!

zolotozoloto I would immediately tear off the chewing gum from the sole?!)

elen444ik Excellent!!! To be honest, people don't expect more from you.

trishkaelena Then the worms will devour

The subscribers also wished Tarasov to prove himself on the field, and at the same time were happy for her, which nothing else connects with her ex-husband, famously throwing chewing gum into his mouth with his foot.

official instagram. Professional football player at FC "Lokomotiv" Moscow. Manager: +79654389413 Ekaterina.




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Dmitry Alekseevich Tarasov, Russian football player, midfielder in the Moscow Lokomotiv, was born on March 18, 1987 in Moscow. Here he spent his childhood, and here he took the first steps in his career. Despite the fact that initially his father wanted to send him to karate, Dima was not interested in martial arts and chose what he liked best.

The football star started fighting for his current title since childhood, playing for football section SDUSHOR " Labor reserves”, where he was noticed by the Spartak coach Ivakin Valentin and invited to play in Spartak.

It was difficult for Tarasov to play for such an eminent team, and therefore in 2006 he moved to the Tomsk football club "Tom". But here he was also not very lucky and Dima returned to Moscow.

November 26, 2009 Tarasov was awarded the title of Master of Sports of Russia. Since that year, Dmitry was pursued by luck, he was noticed by the coach of the Russian national team Guus Hiddink, signed a contract with FC Lokomotiv, a little later he was named one of the best central midfielders countries and eventually called to the national team.

Also, 2009 was a turning point in Dima's personal life - he married Oksana Osinkina. In mid-2009, their daughter Angelina was born, but already in 2011 the marriage broke up.

The football player is also widely known in the secular crowd. In many respects, of course, thanks to his second wife - the famous TV presenter and ex-participant of the reality show "Dom-2" Olga Buzova. This marriage was more fabulous and magical than the first, but, unfortunately, it also did not last so long and collapsed in 2016 with a loud scandal.

There are several reasons for the breakup, according to the media. One of them is Tarasov's possible romance with the Russian model Anastasia Kostenko.

Dmitry is generally a fan of scandals. At one of the Europa League games against the Turkish team, he took off his team shirt, under which there was a T-shirt with a photo of Vladimir Putin and the inscription "The most polite president." Naturally, UEFA did not like this and Tarasov was ordered to pay a fine of 5 thousand euros.

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