Yoga for beginners for two. Pair yoga is a real challenge and adventure for two children

Yoga instructor, author of Organic people, “Yoga in the parks” and I love yoga community projects. “This approach allows practitioners to clear them up by helping each other get deeper into a backbend or relax a tense back.” In addition, it makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable.

Together with Anna Volkova Rauf Asadov, yoga instructor of the Organic people project, showed us yoga asanas that can be done together. We have ranked them in order of complexity. Mastering pair yoga, be careful and try not to deviate from correct technique performing asanas.

A set of yoga asanas that can be done together


First Partner . Sit on the mat, straighten your legs and pull your toes towards you. Lower yourself into an incline towards your legs, touching your belly to your thighs. back muscles and rear surface try to relax your legs as much as possible.

Second partner . Gently lower yourself onto the back of the first partner with your back. Straighten your legs, feet on the floor. Take your hands back behind your head. Open your chest as much as possible. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles.

Second partner. Bend your legs and, pushing off the floor with your hands, stand up, allowing the first partner to also leave the asana. Change places and do the whole chain of movements again.

Upavistha konasana

Sit opposite each other, spreading your legs to the sides as much as possible. The feet of one partner rest on the edges of the feet of the other. Both lean to the left side and grab the right leg of the partner with the right hand, the left hand either lies on the floor or goes to the girth of the right thigh.

Try to pull your toes towards you, touch the floor with your ischial bones. Direct your gaze from under your right hand, trying to touch your head with your leg and open your chest. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles. Release the grip of the hands, slowly straighten up and move in the opposite direction. Then repeat the same, but in a position where the second partner rests his feet on the ribs of the feet of the first.

Ardha matsyendrasana

Sit with your back to each other with your legs straight.

First partner. Bend your right leg at the knee, step it over left leg and place your right foot near your left knee. Then bend the left leg, bringing the left heel as close as possible to the right sitting bone. In this case, both ischial bones should touch the floor.

Second partner. Do the same on the other side.

First partner. Stretch your left arm up and, relaxing your back muscles, twist to the right, put your left elbow behind your right knee, and with your right hand grab the second partner by his left knee.

Second partner. Also twist towards the first partner and also wrap your left hand around his knee. Or over the shoulder (if you and your partner have a big difference in height).

After completing the asana in one direction, stay in it 4 breath cycles, return to the starting position and do the same, twisting to the other side.

Eka pada rajakapotasana (preparatory version)

First partner. Sit down on the mat, bending your left leg at the knee, and stretching your right leg back. Lay the ankle of the right foot on the floor, the left heel at the right iliac bone.

Second partner. Sit to the left of your partner with your back to him and do the same in the opposite direction. The pelvis of both partners is on the same line. Raise your arms up and wrap your palms around each other. open wide thoracic region. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles. Lower your arms down and do the exercise in the opposite direction.


Sit facing each other at arm's length, grab each other by the wrists. Connect the feet: the left foot of the first partner with the right foot of the second, the right foot with the left, the knees are bent. Slowly straighten your knees and lift them up. Remove the deflection in the lower back, opening the thoracic region. Relax your shoulders and lower them down. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles. Slowly lower your legs down, bending your knees, and release your grip on your hands.

Adho Mukha Svanasana + Dhanurasana

First partner. Take a pose. Bend your knees a little so that the second partner can sit on top.

Second partner. Stand with your back to the pelvis of the first partner so that his back is between your legs. Gently lie on your back and gluteal muscles first partner. Tilt your head back. Grab the ankles with your hands.

First partner. Slowly straighten your knees, pushing your tailbone up. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles.

First partner. Bend your knees again, helping the second partner to come out of the asana.

Change places by completing the entire chain of movements.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Stand back to back with your feet hip-width apart. Place your palms on the mat shoulder-width apart: the fingers look in different directions, the middle fingers are parallel to each other. Relax your shoulders and take them as far as possible from the ears, relax your neck, look at the navel.

First partner. Raise the left heel from the floor and rest it on the raised right heel of the second partner, lift the straight right leg up, connecting it with the toe of the straight left leg of the second partner raised up.

Stay in asana 4 breath cycles. Then repeat the asana on the other side. Come out of the asana: bend your knees and sit on your heels.

Dandasana + handstand

First partner. Sit on the mat with your legs straight and your toes pointed towards you. Reach up with the top of your head, pushing off the floor with your ischial bones.

Second partner. Stand with your back to the first partner, placing your feet on the sides of his knees. Grasp the legs of the first partner with your hands and alternately place your feet on his palm: the right leg - in the right, the left - in the left. Straighten your arms.

First partner. Gently lift your partner's legs up until your arms are fully extended. Try to open your chest as much as possible, relax your shoulders and take them down further from your ears.

Second partner. Relax your neck, look at the first partner, pull your toes towards you.

Stay in the asana for 4 breaths.

Gently come out of the asana and do it by switching places.

“For the first time, especially if you have never done yoga, do asanas for the indicated 4 breathing cycles,” advises Rauf Asadov. “When they become easy to do, add 1-2 breathing cycles for each asana.”

Physical activity combined with emotional cleansing is what yoga means. IN Lately such type of this practice as yoga in pairs became popular. Contrary to popular belief, this type of yoga can be practiced not only with your loved one, but also with friends, relatives and even colleagues. There is also couple yoga for beginners. In this article, we will look at what pair yoga is and where to start such a yoga challenge.

Where to begin?

Pair yoga for beginners at home implies complete relaxation, as well as the presence of loose clothing that will give you complete freedom of movement, as well as an exercise mat made exclusively from natural materials. If the partners do not have much experience in yoga, or it is completely absent, then it is better to perform the elements of paired yoga by watching video tutorials or at least a graphic guide.

Do not forget that yoga in pairs will be easy only when you tune in to the right mood, and special music will help you with this: mantras, classics or sounds of nature - it's up to you to decide. Before you start yoga, it is better to find photos of poses for pair yoga on the Internet.

Strengthening relationships is what couple yoga leads to. Where to start the practice is a difficult question, and we recommend that you attend classes with a trainer at least 2-3 times before starting pair yoga classes on your own. If you still feel that it is difficult for you to perform paired yoga figures, then hire a professional trainer for another 1-2 classes or sign up for a group.

After the session, you will feel that you have moved to a new level of relationship with your partner. A sense of security and comfort should appear, and trust will rise to a new level. However, you should avoid classes if a conflict is brewing in a relationship with a partner, because this will not lead to anything good.

Your mood before class should be upbeat, and feelings and emotions should not be overshadowed by anything. With your partner, you should be as comfortable as possible, and therefore, choosing a mate for yourself, be guided by how close your partner is to you. Pair yoga contains many complex elements, you should definitely study the photo poses for it before you start the exercises.

Couple yoga is a challenging practice for a couple that is worth it. Indeed, when performing asanas, you rely not only on yourself and listen not only to your body, but also pay attention to your partner. Confidence is what can be achieved by performing pair yoga asanas.

Such yoga, where two people fold asanas, may have several varieties:

  1. Both partners are active and perform equivalent paired elements.
  2. Active-passive yoga in pairs, where one of the participants is active, the second complements him, remaining passive.
  3. Acro yoga is a type of yoga in which one of the participants of the couple "flies" in the air. This type of yoga is based on fairly complex supports.

In order for your classes to bring you not only benefit, but also pleasure, follow these tips:

  • Be sure to have a neat appearance.
  • Watch your hygiene.
  • Feel free to discuss with your partner all the nuances of the exercises. The main thing during classes is convenience and comfort, so ask your partner more often about his feelings.
  • Yoga in pairs also implies a single performance of asanas before proceeding to group classes. A kind of rehearsal of asanas will help you avoid injuries and misunderstandings with your partner.
  • Sharp movements in pair yoga are simply unacceptable. Teach your partner how you can move.
  • Take care of your partner. You may have a different level of training, as well as different physical abilities. One partner may be a beginner while the other is a professional.
  • In order for yoga classes to be as fruitful as possible, sometimes change roles.
  • If you decide on acro yoga, then we advise you to include a third person in your couple who will insure what “flies”.
  • Proper breathing is the main element. Be sure to breathe properly even though you are doing the poses in pairs. Synchronization of inhalations and exhalations with a partner is what you should ideally achieve.

Asana for two


Pairs for beginners are based on basic elements, sharpened for pairing. Let's consider the most basic of them.

Ardha matsyendrasana

To perform this figure, partners need to sit with their backs to each other and straighten their legs as much as possible. The first participant bends the right leg and brings it through the left leg. The foot of the right leg should be placed near the knee of the left. The left leg should also be bent afterwards, its heel should be brought to the buttock.

The second participant must do the same. The first participant must raise the left arm up and turn the body in the opposite direction. The left elbow should be placed behind the knee of the right leg, with the other hand clasping the knee of the left leg. The second participant does the same. In this position, you need to carry out 4-6 respiratory cycles, then repeat the exercise, but in the other direction.


The first participant sits with his legs straight. You need to lean forward and try to reach your toes with your palms. The second participant should lie on his back to the first, straightening his arms back and the first participant should cover his palms with his own. Remain in this position for 4-6 cycles, then the participants should change places.


Paired yoga movements necessarily include such an element as a bicycle. Partners should sit facing each other and perform the “bicycle” exercise, while touching each other with their feet.

Leg tilts

Participants should sit facing each other and spread their legs so that they can touch each other's feet. Partners should bend down so as to touch the forehead of the knee first with the left leg, then with the right. The exercise should be performed for at least 1 minute.


Participants should sit facing each other and hold hands. Partners bring their feet together and raise their legs, while they continue to hold hands. Asana is designed for 4-6 respiratory cycles.

Recently, such types of yoga as parent-child yoga classes have become popular. Paired yoga poses for kids are based on general principles of this direction of yoga, however, of course, they are imprisoned for the children's body.

– for beginners to practice yoga provides an excellent opportunity not only to come to a better physical form but also to create a strong and harmonious relationship with your partner.

Yoga instructor, author of Organic people, “Yoga in the parks” and I love yoga community projects. “This approach allows practitioners to clear them up by helping each other get deeper into a backbend or relax a tense back.” In addition, it makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable.

Together with Anna Volkova Rauf Asadov, yoga instructor of the Organic people project, showed us yoga asanas that can be done together. We have ranked them in order of complexity. When mastering pair yoga, be careful and try not to deviate from the correct technique for performing asanas.

A set of yoga asanas that can be done together


First Partner . Sit on the mat, straighten your legs and pull your toes towards you. Lower yourself into an incline towards your legs, touching your belly to your thighs. Try to relax the muscles of the back and back of the legs as much as possible.

Second partner . Gently lower yourself onto the back of the first partner with your back. Straighten your legs, feet on the floor. Take your hands back behind your head. Open your chest as much as possible. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles.

Second partner. Bend your legs and, pushing off the floor with your hands, stand up, allowing the first partner to also leave the asana. Change places and do the whole chain of movements again.

Upavistha konasana

Sit opposite each other, spreading your legs to the sides as much as possible. The feet of one partner rest on the edges of the feet of the other. Both lean to the left side and grab the right leg of the partner with the right hand, the left hand either lies on the floor or goes to the girth of the right thigh.

Try to pull your toes towards you, touch the floor with your ischial bones. Direct your gaze from under your right hand, trying to touch your head with your leg and open your chest. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles. Release the grip of the hands, slowly straighten up and move in the opposite direction. Then repeat the same, but in a position where the second partner rests his feet on the ribs of the feet of the first.

Ardha matsyendrasana

Sit with your back to each other with your legs straight.

First partner. Bend the right leg at the knee, step it over the left leg and place the right foot near the left knee. Then bend the left leg, bringing the left heel as close as possible to the right sitting bone. In this case, both ischial bones should touch the floor.

Second partner. Do the same on the other side.

First partner. Stretch your left arm up and, relaxing your back muscles, twist to the right, put your left elbow behind your right knee, and with your right hand grab the second partner by his left knee.

Second partner. Also twist towards the first partner and also wrap your left hand around his knee. Or over the shoulder (if you and your partner have a big difference in height).

After completing the asana in one direction, stay in it 4 breath cycles, return to the starting position and do the same, twisting to the other side.

Eka pada rajakapotasana (preparatory version)

First partner. Sit down on the mat, bending your left leg at the knee, and stretching your right leg back. Lay the ankle of the right foot on the floor, the left heel at the right iliac bone.

Second partner. Sit to the left of your partner with your back to him and do the same in the opposite direction. The pelvis of both partners is on the same line. Raise your arms up and wrap your palms around each other. Open your chest wide. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles. Lower your arms down and do the exercise in the opposite direction.


Sit facing each other at arm's length, grab each other by the wrists. Connect the feet: the left foot of the first partner with the right foot of the second, the right foot with the left, the knees are bent. Slowly straighten your knees and lift them up. Remove the deflection in the lower back, opening the thoracic region. Relax your shoulders and lower them down. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles. Slowly lower your legs down, bending your knees, and release your grip on your hands.

Adho Mukha Svanasana + Dhanurasana

First partner. Take a pose. Bend your knees a little so that the second partner can sit on top.

Second partner. Stand with your back to the pelvis of the first partner so that his back is between your legs. Gently lie with your back on the lower back and gluteal muscles of the first partner. Tilt your head back. Grab the ankles with your hands.

First partner. Slowly straighten your knees, pushing your tailbone up. Stay in asana 4 breath cycles.

First partner. Bend your knees again, helping the second partner to come out of the asana.

Change places by completing the entire chain of movements.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Stand back to back with your feet hip-width apart. Place your palms on the mat shoulder-width apart: the fingers look in different directions, the middle fingers are parallel to each other. Relax your shoulders and take them as far as possible from the ears, relax your neck, look at the navel.

First partner. Raise the left heel from the floor and rest it on the raised right heel of the second partner, lift the straight right leg up, connecting it with the toe of the straight left leg of the second partner raised up.

Stay in asana 4 breath cycles. Then repeat the asana on the other side. Come out of the asana: bend your knees and sit on your heels.

Dandasana + handstand

First partner. Sit on the mat with your legs straight and your toes pointed towards you. Reach up with the top of your head, pushing off the floor with your ischial bones.

Second partner. Stand with your back to the first partner, placing your feet on the sides of his knees. Grasp the legs of the first partner with your hands and alternately place your feet on his palm: the right leg - in the right, the left - in the left. Straighten your arms.

First partner. Gently lift your partner's legs up until your arms are fully extended. Try to open your chest as much as possible, relax your shoulders and take them down further from your ears.

Second partner. Relax your neck, look at the first partner, pull your toes towards you.

Stay in the asana for 4 breaths.

Gently come out of the asana and do it by switching places.

“For the first time, especially if you have never done yoga, do asanas for the indicated 4 breathing cycles,” advises Rauf Asadov. “When they become easy to do, add 1-2 breathing cycles for each asana.”

Yoga is considered ancient practice that harmoniously combines physical activity with emotional cleansing and spiritual fulfillment. Yoga relieves muscle fatigue, develops the flexibility of the body and mind, brings calm to tense nerves and evens out the mood. Residents of large cities are encouraged to practice these exercises to restore balance. In recent years, couple yoga has been gaining popularity. It is this variety that makes it possible to have a more complete emotional exchange and expand one's own physical abilities. Pair yoga exercises often contain various kinds of support and coupling, which complicates the traditional postures of this practice.

This asana is extremely difficult and requires quality physical training at least one of the partners. It is recommended that you thoroughly study and try out the postures described below, and only then proceed to this one. Despite all the complexity, the asana gives a real feeling of unity and flight.

Entry into a pose occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. Partner A lies down on the mat, raises his arms and legs perpendicular to the body (it is better to bend your knees a little).
  2. Partner B lies on top, resting on the open palms and feet of partner B (on the first attempt, partner B leans with one foot on the floor).
  3. Partners establish eye contact and stay in position for as long as possible.
  4. Partner B's hips should be higher than his shoulders.
  5. If possible, partner B grabs the feet with his palms, stretching the muscles of the thighs.

Inverted Triangle Pose

This asana is considered the easiest in this category of practice. It is suitable even for beginners, this pose is considered basic for mastering the technique of pair yoga.

To complete the exercise:

  1. Stand facing each other at a distance of about 30-60 cm.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  3. Stretch your arms up so that they are about 10 cm from your ears.
  4. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds, feel the partner's energy.
  5. Spread your arms at shoulder level and turn your head to the right.
  6. Stretch top torso to the right until it stops.
  7. Put right hand next to the foot outside(if it doesn’t work, then you can put it on the inside or use a yoga cube), raise your left hand up.
  8. Look directly at your partner, stay in the position for as long as possible.

The left foot may be turned slightly inward or outward during the asana. The muscles of the neck and shoulders should be relaxed. Keep your abs tight. The pose can be done with your backs to each other and clasping your hands in step 7.

Downward-Facing Double Dog Pose

Downward facing dog is one of the most relaxing and calming asanas. Performing a pose in a pair complicates it and makes it more energy-intensive. With strict adherence to the algorithm, entering the asana is quite simple.

The main thing is to follow these steps:

  1. Partner A puts his feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  2. Partner A stretches his arms up so that they are about 10 cm from the ears.
  3. Partner A reaches forward and down and places his palms on the floor at a distance of about 100-120 cm from the feet.
  4. Partner B places his palms about 30-40 cm in front of partner A's palms.
  5. Partner B puts one foot on the pelvic region of partner A's back.
  6. Partner B lifts the other leg and places it next to the first, forming the second level of Downward Dog.

In this asana, partner A experiences a large load on the pelvic spine, so if there are problems in this area, it is better to refrain from the pose.

Pose "Boat"

By itself, the “Boat” asana is one of the most intense, requiring maximum concentration. This is practically the only asana that is easier for two to perform, as partners hold on to each other and receive additional support.

The entrance to the asana occurs according to the algorithm:

  1. Sit on the mat opposite each other so that your feet are touching.
  2. Straighten your back, the spine is as tense as possible.
  3. Raise your legs (at the same time or one after another) until the body forms the Latin letter "V".
  4. Having found the optimal position, rest your feet against each other.
  5. Feel the position and muscle tension.
  6. If necessary, hold hands for additional grip.

Headstand Pose

The pose is suitable for people who have been practicing yoga for a long time and have significant experience in inverted asanas. Beginners are not recommended to perform this pose together to avoid injury and negative emotions.

The pose is formed based on the following stages:

  1. Stand in the downward dog position with your heads to each other at a distance of 170-190 cm.
  2. Shift your weight to upper part torso and rest your head on the floor.
  3. Put your elbows to your head, clasping it with your palms and creating more points of support.
  4. Get into a headstand with your legs fully extended.
  5. Slowly lower one leg until parallel with the floor.
  6. Rest your foot on the partner's foot, hold the asana for as long as possible.

Pose "Sipping"

Asana will be the final in the cycle of paired yoga. It will stretch the muscles, soothe heartbeat and will allow you to enjoy maximum intimacy with your partner.

Stretching pose - stretches the muscles, calms the heart rate

Entering the asana is quite simple:

  1. Sit opposite each other so that the feet are completely in contact.
  2. Hold hands and begin to reach out to each other.
  3. For greater comfort, slowly stretch forward, using the palms and hands of a partner as a support.

Yoga for two great option for couples who want to know and understand each other. Physical activity together and joint development will lead to harmonization in a pair. In poses, partners should feel and support each other. This practice, unlike classical yoga, brings more emotions from the outside. As with any load, in yoga for two there is a list of contraindications based on physical features and the presence of diseases. It is worth remembering that paired asanas require feedback from both partners, and if one of them does not want to practice, then such yoga will bring more negative than good.

Video - Visual aid for pair yoga for beginners

During couple yoga, people experience direct contact with another person, so you can choose someone close as a partner: a friend, girlfriend, sister, husband or wife, or do it all alone until you feel that you are open to contact with someone unknown to you. while a partner.

For beginners to work in pair yoga, you need to focus on simple asanas. They should be performed alternately or simultaneously, creating symmetrical shapes from your bodies. Couple yoga is one of the calm and unhurried types and is not suitable for those who want to work in an intense and dynamic way. Asanas for two can be viewed on the video.

All positions are carried out with mutual support and unite people through:

  • general movement;
  • awareness;
  • mood;
  • breath;
  • touch and closeness.

Yoga poses for two can be done by any two people and this is a great way to:

  • strengthen relationships;
  • trust, improve communication, create space for openness and patience;
  • carry out gentle stretching, especially of the muscles of the spine, through mutual assistance in performing asanas;
  • release of the body from physical and emotional stress;
  • search for mutual balance and concentration;
  • understand each other's needs.

Pair yoga involves even very close contact

Pair yoga itself is very individual, it is a personal, internal process. How can she exist in pairs?

Yes, yoga for two is real, there are many video materials demonstrating positions where 2 people participate in yoga poses.

Today, the definition of practice extends to the frontiers of marketability:

  • developed yoga of the spine;
  • yoga of the face, eyes;
  • acro yoga, etc.

This is the easiest way to feel, understand and describe what is happening with the body and mind. The history of yogis originates in the work of the body. It makes sense to talk about the most subtle form of energy only when you feel at ease and relaxed.

Physical contact - necessary condition such a practice. Touch is a communication tool. Without it, there is no partnership. Practice on separate mats, then this is for two, not for two partners.

Take a look at yourself

Practice makes it possible to look at yourself and another person from a slightly different point of view and 2 people acquire a different type of communication. Asanas performed together require mutual trust, tolerance and understanding of the weaknesses of the other half. They teach and give experience how to help each other in difficult moments when Bad mood or trouble at work. Recognition and gratitude in the eyes of the second comrade will be a reward.

Where to begin

As in classical yoga, you will need comfortable clothing for pairing. It is better if it is made of natural cotton or linen.

Two special mats are needed, a video cassette with training material, and that at least one of the participants is experienced and able to be in charge of safety.

Dog with head bowed with insurance

  1. Stand on the edge of the mat, partner is behind you.
  2. Wrap a band around your hips for your partner to hold.
  3. Enter the asana with your hips resting on the band.
  4. Try to pull your heels towards the mat.
  5. Keep your legs and spine straight and your neck relaxed.

Upavishtha Konasana

  1. Sit on the floor facing each other. Straight legs shoulder width apart.
  2. Grasp each other's wrists with your hands.
  3. Perform a forward bend, tilting the chest and abdomen as low as possible.
  4. To deepen the tilt, a friend pulls gently on your arms, allowing you to keep your spine straight, deepen the tilt, and stretch your chest.

Bending back with

  1. Fasten the belt or tape directly over the buttocks.
  2. A friend sits in front of you and holds a fixed belt (tape).
  3. Slowly begin to lean back, keeping your hands on your hips.
  4. Take your hands off your hips and lift them up when you feel a firm backbend.
  5. Try to move your hands from a vertical position back.

A partner, holding a belt (tape), ensures your safety, so you will feel confident during the deflection.

Crescent - Ardha Chandrasana with partner

  1. Your partner is behind you.
  2. You begin to perform the usual asana of the crescent moon.
  3. The partner takes you with one palm by the hip bone, the other - by the shoulder, when you managed to establish balance.
  4. The partner slowly begins to pull your body back, due to which the opening of the hips and chest is more.

Back to back squats

  1. Stand with your backs to each other.
  2. Interlace your arms with your partner's at the elbows.
  3. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  4. Squat so that your knees form a 90-degree angle with your hips. The back is straight.
  5. Return to starting position.
  6. Do 4 sets of 15 reps

Triceps exercise

For this exercise, you will need a chair or chair.

  1. One of the partners stands with his back to the chair, bends his knees at 90 degrees and puts his palms on the edge of the chair. The fingers of the palms are directed towards themselves, the elbows are outward.
  2. The second partner takes exactly the same position, only the palms are placed not on the chair, but on the partner's knees.
  3. Bending your elbows to 90 degrees, lower your torso.
  4. Return to starting position.
  5. Perform 4 sets of 12 reps.

7 reasons why you should practice yoga as a couple

General physical activity

No matter how it looks, pair yoga and its more complex positions are a view physical activity which requires the use of physical force and great workout for 2 people of all skill levels. Modern video demonstrations of positions clearly show this.

Couples can develop their physical strength, endurance and coordination, in a much more enjoyable way than in the gym.

Shared hobby

Pair yoga and joint physical activity brings a lot of pleasure and joy. Training is always full of laughter and joy of children, allowing you to mentally go back to childhood, when you rejoiced and laughed heartily, being on a carousel wheel, or swinging on a swing.

Joint labor

Yoga poses for two is a collaborative activity during which you can learn to cooperate and perform difficult poses, be confident in your partner. This is the synchronization of joint efforts, and joint work to find a solution that will be useful in the performance of gymnastic exercises.

general science

As a result of the joint development of positions, 2 people establish emotional and psychological contact with each other, strong ties are formed. It is only through good communication, both verbal and non-verbal, that the position and sequence of the pair yoga can be adopted. You need a good understanding of your needs and a good response to your partner, because the effects depend on the participation of two people and their mutual understanding.

General rest

This is part of the yoga practice for two, which involves relaxation and mutual massage, which provides both partners with rest after training and after a hard and stressful day at work.

Strengthening ties

To achieve the desired result and success, you need great trust between partners, the ability to give in, accept and obey, as well as the ability to help and enlist support. The development of these qualities helps to strengthen the bonds between partners.

Promotes intimacy

Through shared practice and close physical contact, yoga for two provides a wonderful feeling of intimacy, it is open to touch and develops the ability to give and take, so that it leads to a deepening of intimate relationships between partners.

Pair yoga is an ideal way to get to know your partner better, to comprehend the science of developing the harmony of soul and body together, to move along the path of self-knowledge and physical development together.

Asanas for two are distinguished by plasticity, flexibility, grace - they are beautiful in their endless interconnection.