The story of the ball for children presentation. Presentation for preschoolers “Different balls are needed, all kinds of balls are important! Bull bladder ball filled with air

Target: Introduce children to different types balls, their belonging to any kind of sport.

People beat him with their hands
Head and feet
They roll on grass and ice with a stick,
They throw into the net and the ring,
Flying up like a free bird
And he doesn't hurt at all.
It will hit your forehead, don't cry.
It is called ... (ball)

1. Shape of balls: round, oval;
2. Materials from which balls can be made: rubber, thread, fabric, plastic, leather, etc.;
3. Balls for games;
4. Balls that are associated with any kind of sport - "sports balls";
The children speak on their own.


1 slide:“Different balls are needed, all kinds of balls are important!”
2 slide: briefly naming what balls are made of?
3 slide: riddle - what is the name of a sport in which one team of athletes throws the ball to another team over a stretched net - Volleyball, and the athletes are volleyball players.
4 slide: riddle: - a sport in which the ball can only be kicked, and the goalkeeper needs to protect the big gate from the opponent's goal - Football, and what to call the team player - a football player.
5 slide: two athletes play this game, their small ball flies like a bee through the net, and they beat it with a racket - Tennis.
6 slide: this ball is also called gymnastic, why (because you can do gymnastic exercises), he is a “giant” among balls, usually made of rubber, sometimes has handles - ears - Fitball.
7 slide: the riddle sounds like this - this ball is friends with the ring into which it must be thrown. Athletes beat it on the floor or throw the ball to each other - Basketball, and the athlete is a basketball player.
8 slide:
I'm prickly like a hedgehog
But don't be afraid of me
Before me, at least with your hand,
At least touch it with your finger.
I can't prick
But I can help with the massage. (massage ball)
9 slide: in different countries with different balls came up with a lot of games, let's get acquainted with the games of different countries.
Our ancestors and parents played a game called Lapta, (slide) in this game, any small ball came in handy, and the main assistant in the game of rounders was a wooden stick - a bat.
10 slide: in America similar game took the form of a sports game called Baseball, the game had a special strong leather ball and a round bat, and to make it easier to catch the ball, they used a special glove.
11 slide: and another mystery - the ball looks like a melon, and this sport is called Rugby.
12 slide: Well, here we met only with a small number of balls. But there is a ball that is not afraid of frost and cold, and it faithful assistant stick is ice hockey with a ball. The Bandy World Championship was held last winter in the city of Irkutsk. And the victory was won by the Baikal-Energy team from Russia in the fight against the Swedish team with a score of 3:2.
13. slide: Photo of our champions.

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The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that junior schoolchildren there is no systematic and holistic knowledge about the history of development physical education in general and about the origin of the ball, exercises and games with it in particular. Everyone is well aware that physical culture is a socially determined area of ​​general culture and the goal of modern physical culture is to create conditions for the formation of a physical and cultural personality. But can a person become physically cultured, acquiring only skills and abilities or developing physical qualities? Without knowledge about the history of physical culture and its individual components, without knowledge about the moral and cultural values ​​accumulated by civilization in the course of the evolution of physical culture, I think not. That is why it is very important for self-development and self-determination to know, and not just to be able to.

The ball is not only an amazing, the most ancient and favorite toy of the peoples of the world, but also a wonderful tool for development physical qualities students. Games and exercises with the ball contribute to the development of motor activity, develop coordination, eye, orientation in space, dexterity, speed of reactions, normalize the emotional and volitional sphere, which is especially important for younger students. Let's imagine how these qualities would develop in younger students in the absence of a ball?....

And yet, a consequence of the emergence and development of the ball was the emergence of various interesting and exciting sports using the ball. It is hard to imagine now if modern world there would be no football, basketball, volleyball, handball, water floor, rugby, tennis, ping-pong, and just outdoor ball games. No matter how meager and monotonous physical culture would be without a ball. Therefore, in the program for physical culture, in the section "Knowledge in physical culture" for 2 classes, it is advisable to plan the topic: "The history of the emergence of the ball, exercises and games with it."

To solve this problem, I consider it necessary to develop a series of theoretical and practical lessons and combine them into a project.

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Objective of the project:

development of lessons for the formation of theoretical and practical knowledge, about the history of the appearance of the ball, exercises and games with it for further self-development and self-determination of the personality of schoolchildren.

Project objectives:

  1. Analyze the initial situation.
  2. To study theoretical and scientific-methodical literature.
  3. Create and develop a project on this topic.
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    I suppose that such lessons will form elementary theoretical and practical knowledge about the historical appearance of the ball, its development, changes in its qualities and properties in younger students. These lessons will arouse a steady interest in outdoor games, other sports and enrich the motor experience of students.

    This project requires 3 lessons.

    Project - long-term

    1 lesson - theoretical (1 quarter).

    Topic: "The history of the emergence of the ball and various sports with the ball."

    2nd lesson - practical and methodical (2nd quarter).

    Topic: "Compiling and learning a set of exercises with the ball."

    Lesson 3 - practical (3rd quarter).

    Topic: "Outdoor games and relay races with the ball."

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    Our assistant is a ball, he is our companion for good luck!

    Type of lesson - academic (educational and cognitive).

    Type of lesson - learning new material.

    The purpose of the lesson:

    create conditions for the formation of students' sustainable interest in the history of the emergence of the ball and sports with the ball.

    Lesson objectives:

    1. Contribute to the mastery of students with theoretical knowledge about the origin of the ball and sports with the ball.
    2. To create conditions for the development of creative thinking and generalizing methods of cognition.
    3. Contribute to the education of students' need for independent activities to study the topic: "The history of the emergence of the ball."

    The date of the:

    Venue: gym

    Inventory: cards with the image of various balls, 4 sheets with text about the history of the ball, 4 sheets with a crossword puzzle, computer, presentation, balls.

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    Didactic and methodological support of the lesson

    Application No. 1

    History of the ball

    History does not know either the exact place or time of the appearance of the ball and ball games, only one thing is known that the ball originated in ancient times and has undergone many changes in its history of existence. At first it was made from stones, clay, weaved from grass, palm leaves, made from the fruits of trees, animal hair, and carved from wood. Then they learned to sew balls from animal skin, stuffing them with grass and sawdust. Balls and ball-like objects are found by archaeologists all over the world. Found in ancient Egyptian tombs, a ball made of leather and stuffed with straw was used by the children of the pharaohs for fun. The ancient Greeks stuffed balls made of leather with moss and feathers, while the Romans stuffed the seeds of the fruits of various plants. In Russia, balls were woven from birch, linden or willow bark, and among the common people, balls were most often made from rags.

    Once, 2 thousand years ago, this happened in Rome. The gymnastics teacher, his name was Atzius, was passing by a butcher's shop and noticed a large bull bubble. Inflated with air and tied with a rope, it hung over the front door for beauty. The wind ruffled the bubble and hit it against the wall, and it bounced off. At this point it dawned on Atzius. He bought a bubble, brought it home and sheathed it with leather, the result was a ball - light and bouncy. That was the opening! Many years later, in America, the first rubber ball appeared. Local Indians learned how to make it from resin, which was extracted from cuts in the bark of trees. Such a ball was called "cauchu" (from the words "kao" - a tree, "o-chu - cry"). This ball was very durable and bouncy. The famous traveler Christopher Columbus was the first European to see the rubber (rubber) ball and was the first to bring it to Europe. The rubber ball quickly rolled around the world. Since then, people have come up with many, many more different balls.

    Different nations not only loved to play with the ball, but also respected the ball. For example, in Ancient Greece it was considered the most perfect object, since it looked like the sun, which means (according to the Greeks) it had magical powers. As time went on, the balls changed, and the materials from which the balls were made also changed. Now each sports game matches your ball.

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    Application №2

    Text on the history of the development of the ball and ball sports

    1. The first balls were made from stone, clay and grass.
    2. Then the balls were made from wood, animal skin and stuffed with straw, moss and seeds.
    3. The Romans stuffed balls with the seeds of the fruits of various plants.
    4. In Russia, balls were woven from birch and willow bark.
    5. The Romans were the first to inflate balls with air.
    6. The first rubber (rubber) ball appeared in America.
    7. The first who came up with the idea of ​​covering a bull's bladder with leather was the Roman teacher Atzius.
    8. The very first traveler Christopher Columbus brought a rubber (rubber) ball from America to Europe.
    9. Rugby is played with an oval ball.
    10. The birthplace of football is England.
    11. The birthplace of basketball is America.
    12. The birthplace of handball is Denmark.
    13. The game of football on motorcycles is called motoball.
    14. Basketball - "basket" - a basket, "bol" - a ball.
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    Application №3


    1. Which country is the birthplace of football?
    2. What is the name of the sport in which the ball is thrown into the basket?
    3. What people invented to inflate balls with air?
    4. Which country is the birthplace of (rubber) balls?
    5. What is the name of the sport played with an oval ball?
    6. Who was the first to bring a rubber ball from America to Europe?
    7. What is the name of the sport in which only feet are played?
    8. Who first came up with the idea of ​​covering a bull bladder with leather?
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    Application No. 4

    Answers to the crossword

    1. England
    2. Basketball
    3. Romans
    4. America
    5. Rugby
    6. Columbus
    7. Football
    8. Atzius
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    Information support of the project

    1. Goloshchapov B.R. History of physical culture and sports. – Publisher: "Academy", 2009.

    2. Kuhn L. General history of physical culture and sports. -Publishing house: "Rainbow", 1982.

    3. Olivova V. People and games: at the origins modern sports. - M., 1985.

    4. Pevicina L.M. Software - methodical complex course Methods of teaching the subject "Physical culture" of an additional professional educational program for advanced training. -Rostov-on-Don, 2010.

    5. Ponomarev N.I. Origin and initial development physical education. -M., 1970.

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    Ball Professor:

    ... In Africa, on the banks of the Nile River, scarab beetles have lived since time immemorial. Those that roll up earthen balls. Maybe from scarabs for 5 thousand years BC, people learned to sculpt balls from the Nile silt? ..

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    Professor Myachikov:

    Because since then balls have been invented! .. Rag, felt, stone, wooden! .. Balls were stuffed with feathers, sand, even pistachio seeds! .. playing them was considered a terribly useful thing. One ancient Roman doctor prescribed a ball game for all patients instead of medicines. And drive like this, stone or sand! It's hard.

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    Ball Professor:

    But once, two thousand years ago, this happened in Rome. The gymnastics teacher, his name was Atzius, was passing by a butcher's shop and noticed a huge bull bladder. Inflated with air and tied with a rope, he hung over the front door for beauty. The south wind ruffled the bubble and hit it against the wall, and it bounced off. At this point it dawned on Atzius. He bought a bubble. Sheathed it with a leather cover, and the ball turned out - light and bouncy! That was a discovery!

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    Yes, because since then they have invented balls! .. for each game its own - special.

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    Now sports balls are as follows: for water polo - plastic, for basketball - rubber, for rugby - oval, for tennis- rubber, covered with woolen fabric, for field hockey - white, for ice hockey - orange inside cork outside rope.

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    Ball courts have been found in the ruins of ancient Indian cities on the Yucatan Peninsula of Central America. The Indians considered the ball a symbol of the Sun and the Moon. Therefore, in many games, they did not even touch it with their hands. But only rackets. Never and never would an Indian player deliberately hit an opponent. But if they accidentally "light up", the Indian had to endure the pain and laugh. To get angry in such cases or to cry was considered shameful and unworthy of a man.

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    Ball Professor:

    Former soccer player From Czechoslovakia, Jan Meliszko became a football juggler. His record is 17,000 headbutts on the ball without a break! Juggling the ball, he can sing, drive a motorcycle, run up the stairs, dance a waltz ... And once, tossing the ball with his head, he walked 14 kilometers.

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    "Ball" - in English "bol", "foot" - "foot". If you fold it, you get a kickball. And basketball owes its name to a basket ... from under peaches. It was she who was adapted for the first basketball game on the planet. The inventor of this game is American James Naismith. "Bol" - "ball", "basket" - "basket". Basketball is a game of giants. What if you're not a giant? How to be? Develop jumping ability, practice jumping! ..

    Tasks: 1. Give information to parents and children about the history of the ball of different nations and its types. 2. To interest parents in using the ball in games with children. 3. To introduce children to folk outdoor ball games, to involve them in independent activities.

    The result of the project: Making by parents and children of photo stories "How I play with the ball at home!". Registration by parents with children of photo stories “How I play with the ball at home!”. Parents and children got acquainted with the history of the ball of different nations and its types. Parents and children got acquainted with the history of the ball of different nations and its types. Increased desire of parents to further enrich sports Complex traditional balls of different nations. The increased desire of parents to further enrich the sports center with traditional balls of different nations. Enthusiastic use of balls by children in the group in independent activities and excellent sports performance in working with the ball. Enthusiastic use of balls by children in the group in independent activities and excellent sports performance in working with the ball.

    The history of the development of the ball History does not know either the exact place or time of the appearance of the ball and ball games, only one thing is known that the ball originated in ancient times and has undergone many changes over its history. At first it was made from stones, clay, weaved from grass, palm leaves, made from the fruits of trees, animal hair, and carved from wood. Then they learned to sew balls from animal skin, stuffing them with grass and sawdust. Balls and ball-like objects are found by archaeologists all over the world. Found in ancient Egyptian tombs, a ball made of leather and stuffed with straw was used by the children of the pharaohs for fun. The ancient Greeks stuffed balls made of leather with moss and feathers, while the Romans stuffed the seeds of the fruits of various plants. In Russia, balls were woven from birch, linden or willow bark, and among the common people, balls were most often made from rags. Once, 2 thousand years ago, this happened in Rome. The gymnastics teacher, his name was Atzius, was passing by a butcher's shop and noticed a large bull bubble. Inflated with air and tied with a rope, it hung over the front door for beauty. The wind ruffled the bubble and hit it against the wall, and it bounced off. At this point it dawned on Atzius. He bought a bubble, brought it home and sheathed it with leather, the result was a ball - light and bouncy. That was the opening! Many years later, in America, the first rubber ball appeared. Local Indians learned how to make it from resin, which was extracted from cuts in the bark of trees. Such a ball was called "cauchu" (from the words "kao" - a tree, "o-chu - cry"). This ball was very durable and bouncy. The famous traveler Christopher Columbus was the first European to see the rubber (rubber) ball and was the first to bring it to Europe. The rubber ball quickly rolled around the world. Since then, people have come up with many, many different balls. Different nations not only loved to play with the ball, but also respected the ball. For example, in ancient Greece, it was considered the most perfect object, since it looked like the sun, which means (according to the Greeks) it had magical powers. As time went on, the balls changed, and the materials from which the balls were made also changed. Now each sports game has its own ball.

    The history of the development of the ball and sports with the ball 1. The first balls were made of stone, clay and grass. 2. Then the balls were made of wood, animal skin and stuffed with straw, moss and seeds. 3. The Romans stuffed balls with the seeds of the fruits of various plants. 4. In Russia, balls were woven from birch and willow bark. 5. The Romans were the first to inflate balls with air. 6. The first rubber (rubber) ball appeared in America. 7. The first person who came up with the idea of ​​covering a bull's bladder with leather was the Roman teacher Atzius. 8. The traveler Christopher Columbus was the first to bring a rubber (rubber) ball from America to Europe. 9. Rugby is played with an oval ball. 10. The birthplace of football is England. 11. The birthplace of basketball is America. 12. The birthplace of handball is Denmark. 13. The game of football on motorcycles is called motoball. 14. Basketball - "basket" - basket, "ball" - ball.

    Try to guess the crossword? Crossword 1. What country is the birthplace of football? 2. What is the name of the sport in which the ball is thrown into the basket? 3. What people invented to inflate balls with air? 4. What country is the birthplace of (rubber) balls? 5. What is the name of the sport in which they play with an oval ball? 6. Who was the first to bring a rubber ball from America to Europe? 7. Name the sport in which they play only with their feet? 8. Who first came up with the idea of ​​covering a bull bladder with leather?