We pump the calf muscles on our own at home. How to pump up the calves of a girl's legs - a complete instruction! Pump up the calf muscles for a girl at home

Women's legs- this is the part of the body that men pay attention to not least. I especially want to show off the girls with pumped up legs in the spring and summer. But if the legs below the knees are thin and inexpressive, then you just want to hide them in some kind of trousers. To proudly wear short skirts and shorts, you need to know how to pump up a girl's calves.

How to train the calf muscles for girls

Note that the calf muscle is a very hardy and strong tissue. To get the relief of this muscle, it is necessary to increase it in volume. And for this you will have to work and be sure to fulfill two conditions:

  1. Training of the calf muscles in girls should be regular. Passes, indulgences and breaks in the form of vacation for two months are not allowed.
  2. The load on this muscle group must be regularly increased.

Muscles begin to grow due to frequent stress ( physical activity), so it is very important to increase the load from lesson to lesson. Hard training will provide a good effect even when visiting the gym 1 time in 6-7 days. You can judge the quality of a workout by how hard the last sets are for you. If the approaches are performed lightly, without feeling pain in the muscle, then such training can be considered useless, there will be no growth in calf muscles.

Before you learn how to pump up the inner part of the calf for girls, first remember the ways to increase the load. This can be achieved by the following methods:

  • add repetitions;
  • add exercises;
  • reduce rest time between sets;
  • add working weight;
  • add the number of approaches.

Is it possible to pump up caviar to a girl at home in a week

To pump up a girl's calves quickly, you need to organize your actions in correct system. To do this, you need to take 4 steps:

  1. Choose the days when the training will take place (remember that there should be 2-3 days between training sessions).
  2. In each session, do 3 exercises that you enjoy the most from the following.
  3. Do exercises for 12-30 repetitions (starting small), 3-5 sets each. As the pumping of the calf muscles, weighting agents can be used.
  4. Remember to breathe properly during your workout.

But do not think that your calves will pump up very quickly, for example, in a week. If you want to know how to quickly pump up the calves of a girl's legs, then only one piece of advice can be given - to work hard from workout to workout, increasing the load, and not letting yourself relax. Only in this way the calf muscle can increase in volume. And all because it is this muscle group that is endowed by nature with incredible endurance. To know how to pump up the calves of a girl’s legs, you need to remember that calves grow slowly, only with the right enhanced approach. In addition, an excessive load that your muscles can no longer withstand will also not bring benefits. Your calves may simply be injured. Therefore, measure and correct calculations are important in everything.

Women's Calf Workout Program

The calf training program for a girl should consist of the following activities:

  • Warming up the muscles (warm up);
  • Main work (basic exercises);
  • Sitting, rise on toes;
  • Standing, rise on toes;
  • Stretching.

You can pump up the caviar of a girl at home. If you can’t go to the gym, then armed with the right information and willpower, you can perform regular exercises at home. The most effective exercises for the development of the calf muscles for a girl are presented below:

  • Walking on toes;
  • springs;
  • jumping rope;
  • Squats with a load;
  • Sitting, we rise on socks;
  • Standing, rise on toes;
  • Climbing with a stand;
  • Gun.

There are other methods on how to pump up calves at home for a girl. These are cycling, running, skating, tennis, skiing, rollerblading, walking up the stairs. You can read more about this in the relevant materials on our portal.

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  1. Calf. Responsible for leg extension at the ankle joint in a standing body position. It is she who takes the lion's share of the load for herself and determines the position of the foot on the ground.
  2. soleus. Usually this muscle group is much less developed, as it is responsible for rotation. ankle joint in a sitting position, when the weight of the whole body does not press on the lower leg.

Therefore, in order to develop large calves, you need to pay attention not only to the calf muscles, but also to the soleus muscles.

  1. The calf and soleus are a ligament that needs to be trained in the same way as the biceps and brachialis.
  2. The calf is a small muscle group that responds well to heavy weights and high intensity, but tends to respond poorly to long-term monotonous aerobic exercise. The optimal scheme is to do exercises in full amplitude for 12-20 repetitions.
  3. The calf muscles are involved in almost all exercises, which creates an additional need for pumping them in the early stages, while they are still susceptible to stress loads.
  4. You can train this muscle group 2-3 times a week. There are two main approaches: 1-2 exercises at the end of each workout, or doing a calf set in between sets for other muscle groups. Both options are good, you need to try both and see which result will be better for you specifically.


One of the main problems with calf exercises is their insulating nature.

Let's consider the main ones:

Despite the fact that a heavy squat does not affect the pumping of the calves, it significantly increases static force calf, which creates a solid foundation for building a harmonious body and developing functional strength.

Rise on socks standing

This exercise is designed for athletes of any level of fitness and is considered the main one for working out the calf muscles. has many variations, including:

  • Lifting on socks with weights.
  • Raising on socks on one leg.
  • Rolls from heel to toe.

Consider the exercise technique:

  1. Stand on a wooden beam. If there is no wooden beam available, the edge of the step, the threshold, or any other protruding surface will do. There are also special trainers. You can perform the movement in Smith, substituting a step platform under your feet, and put the barbell on your shoulders.
  2. Fix the body in a straight position (stable posture).
  3. If additional weight is required, dumbbells or kettlebells are taken into the hands. The simulator is loaded with pancakes.
  4. Next, you need to slowly lower your heels below the level of the bar, trying to stretch the ankle ligaments as much as possible.
  5. Lock in this position for 1-2 seconds and tighten your calves.

Note: there is some controversy regarding full extension knee joint. On the one hand, this greatly facilitates the exercise, on the other hand, it increases the load on the knee. If you are using light weights for training, you can fully straighten your legs. However, if you are working with large weights (for example, in a Hackenschmidt squat machine), then it is better to level the fact of the joint load.

Lifting on socks while sitting in the machine

Despite the similar execution technique, lifting on socks while sitting in the machine does not involve the calf, but the soleus muscle lying under it.

The exercise technique is extremely simple:

  1. Set the appropriate weight on the machine (usually it is up to 60% of the working weight for a classic calf raise).
  2. Sit in the simulator.
  3. Slowly lower your heels below the level of the latch on the simulator, trying to stretch the ankle ligaments as much as possible.
  4. With a powerful impulse movement, rise on your toes.
  5. Lock in this position for 1-2 seconds.
  6. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

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Note: if you do not have a machine, as additional burden put dumbbells, weights, pancakes from the barbell on your knees. The use of third-party items will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, but will allow you to perform it at home.

Raising on socks at an angle of 45 degrees

Among all the exercises aimed at developing the calf muscles, this can be called conditionally complex and the most difficult. It's all about changing the angle of working out the legs, which allows you to use not only the calf, but also the soleus.

The technique of the exercise is practically the same as the previous ones:

  1. Become in block simulator(Hackenschmidt). Depending on the design, you will be facing it or away from it.
  2. Set the appropriate working weight. It is calculated as the arithmetic average between the working weights in the two previous exercises. Next, select the weights according to the loads.
  3. Then you need to lower the heels, trying to stretch the calf as much as possible.
  4. Perform a toe lift.
  5. Lock in the position of extreme tension for 1-2 seconds.

© Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

Myths about calf training

Many gym goers (especially beginners) feel they don't have to pump calf muscles separately, because caviar works in:

  • Heavy squat.
  • (and straight-leg deadlifts).
  • Running and other cardio exercises.

This is true, however, in the case of these exercises, the calf performs a stabilizing static load, which increases their strength, but not the volume. Only genetically gifted people can pump up their calves without exercising directly on them. Everyone else will have to work hard.


To pump up your calves, remember the following rules:

  1. Pay enough attention to the calf muscles from the first workouts.
  2. Do not chase excessively large weights to the detriment of technique.
  3. alternate different types loads.

And remember the classic pyramid of progression: food / rest / competent training. Be sure to use to create conditions for constant progress.

pumped up calf muscles look beautiful. To pump them up, you need to apply quite a lot of effort. The difficulty of working out this muscle group lies in the fact that they are involved in Everyday life, and, therefore, are accustomed to constant loads that fall on the legs while walking. Therefore, it is very important to select the most effective and effective exercises.

Of course, the best way to train is in the gym. where everything is necessary equipment And Sports Equipment. However, there are at least effective exercises that allow, with patience, achieve your goals at home. The main thing is to give training enough time and attention, but within reasonable limits, avoiding overtraining and overload. If the loads are too large, then the calves begin to hurt. This signals the need to reduce the intensity. The feeling of fatigue and burning testify to the correctness of training. There shouldn't be any pain.

Do not question the fact that weak and thin legs do not paint a man, especially if he has a pumped and powerful torso. Such a disproportion looks quite comical. The figure of an athlete looks completely different if the legs are perfectly worked out and decorated with an attractive relief. And to achieve this, you need to correctly and competently organize the training of the calf muscles. This can be done with a clear idea of ​​how this muscle is arranged.

Gastrocnemius is called located on the back biceps. At first glance, it may seem that she is one, but in fact there are two muscles. Such a misconception is due to the fact that you can only see and feel the upper one, under which there is a second one, called the soleus. It is the “invisible” muscle that is responsible for the volume. Increasing, it affects and, as it were, inflates the upper one.

During running and walking, both muscles are involved at once. A constant load does not always give the desired result. The main reasons for this may be the following:

  • choosing workouts with too low an intensity;
  • a similar effect, that is, the lack of a set of volume, gives an overabundance of loads;
  • improper training.

For the competent compilation of a training complex, it should be borne in mind that the lower (soleus) is worked out in a sitting position, and the one located above it (superficial) - in a standing position. To obtain maximum result, it is necessary to use both the lower and the upper in the training.

The key to success is not the incessant repetition of the same exercises, but hard weight training. The frequency of classes should be moderate. It is recommended to train once or twice a week, but no more. Otherwise, it will cause an overload and the result will be the opposite of what you want.

The frequency of training should be such that the cardio loads present in the schedule, if any, are carried out before working with iron. It is best to work out the calf muscles at the end of the workout on the legs, and start with the soleus, since it is stronger than the superficial one.

How to start training on the calf muscles

It is necessary to proceed to the direct implementation of the exercises after a warm-up - warming up. An excellent solution would be a massage, you can do it yourself. There is no difficulty in kneading and massaging the calves yourself. In addition, it is required to stretch the fingers and ankles. These "measures" are the prevention of sprains.

You need to start with the most simple exercises, which belong to the warm-up, they can be performed at home.

Calf exercises at home

Initial position

Stand up, keep your back straight.


Rise up slowly on your toes. Try to do this so that the heels are as high as possible. Next, take dumbbells. When it is difficult to maintain balance, you can hold on to the support with one hand, and take only one weighting agent.

To complicate the exercise allows alternate execution, first on one and then on the other leg. The main thing is to do it with weights.

Perform the spring 3-4 approaches, 30 in each.

You need to do the exercise slowly.

Simple but effective exercise, the essence of which is reduced to walking on toes for some time. The main thing is to try not to bend your knees.

Go up and down the stairs until you feel fatigue in your muscles. You can just walk or step over the stairs. It is better to alternate both approaches.

These exercises are very simple, do not require the use of simulators, and can be easily performed at home.

Instead of a platform, ladder degrees can be used.

Initial position

Keeping your back straight, stand on the edge of the platform or on the step with your toes.


Rise on tiptoe as high as possible, and then lower your heels all the way down to clearly feel the stretch in your ankle. You can lean against the wall with one hand, and take a dumbbell in the other hand.

Change the position of your legs. Keep your feet parallel, then move your heels or spread your toes. A combined approach to the exercise will allow you to work out different parts of the calves. The parallel position of the feet is aimed at developing the middle part, the shifted heels are on the inside, and the socks are on the outside.

A very difficult and difficult exercise that exerts a high load.

Initial position

Sit down, take dumbbells in your hands.


Jump out of the accepted position as high as possible.

Complex for the gym

The exercises below are specific. They are aimed at pumping up both the superficial and soleus muscles separately, and are performed using simulators.

Similar to those done using dumbbells at home, but performed on a simulator.

Starting position

Stand with your toes on the supporting step, and put your shoulders under the stops. At the same time, the heels should be lowered, tension should be felt in the calves.


Rise as high as you can on your toes.

Hold for a few seconds in the extreme position.

Toe press

They are done on the leg press machine, which is an extremely effective sports device that perfectly copes with working out all the muscles on the legs and pumping up the calves.

Starting position

Lying on the simulator, straighten your legs, squeezing out the platforms, fix the stops.


Remove the platform from the stops, squeeze it with your socks, return to its original position.

Use restraints to avoid injury.

Weighting agents should be selected similarly to pancakes when doing squats using a barbell. The optimal weight is considered to be one that allows you to perform a maximum of eight repetitions and no more than three or four sets.

IN Lately It has become very popular to take care of your health. All large quantity girls prefer sports activities passive recreation. Today we will talk about how to shape the calf muscles.

Developed muscle caviar very well emphasizes the girl's leg in any outfit. Her beautiful shapes allow us to judge that the hostess is in a good sports tone. In the process of training, the calf muscle, in fact, does not grow, but only acquires the desired shape. It's all about her anatomy.

The calf muscles, of which there are two, are located in the inner part of the lower leg and descend from patella in the form of a rhombus. Below them is another group that looks like a flounder. That is why they are called soleus muscles. It is this group that is responsible for the volume of the lower leg and makes up 60% of its muscle mass.

Both muscle groups work differently. gastrocnemius lifts the heel from a standing position, and soleus- from a sitting position. For achievement maximum effect From training, you should correctly develop a set of exercises and remember that the key to success is regular training.

Important! The calf muscles do not pump up only under the weight of their own body. Be sure to use weights.

Warm up before workout

Before any strength training you need to warm up your muscles. Here is a sample set of exercises for warming up:

  1. Do a few squats that will warm up your legs as a whole.
  2. Sit in a Turkish position and massage your toes for a couple of minutes.
  3. After massaging the fingers, take time to foot and heel, kneading them with stretching movements.
  4. Rise, bend each leg at the knee several times.
  5. Do a few rolls from toe to heel and back.
  6. Jump rope.
  7. Run in place.
  8. Shake your legs.

Video: warm-up before training

Weekly workout program

For the calf muscles, as well as for any other, there are certain exercises. To begin with, you should try all possible, and then choose a few that suit you best. Then you need to decide on the days of training. They can be 2-3 per week. Between them it is desirable to make the same break. For example, it can be: Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
To achieve a good result, you need to train regularly. The best effect from classes will provide the use of so-called weights or dumbbells. To begin with, it is more correct to take 3–5 kg dumbbells, and over time, increase their weight by a maximum of half.

Each exercise should be performed at least 20 or even 30 times, while resting for several minutes. If after the approach you feel that the muscle is not “tired” enough, you need to increase the weight load.

Did you know? There are about 850 different muscles in the human body. The smallest of them are attached to the bones located in the ear, and the largest are attached to the buttocks, which set the legs in motion.

Calf exercises

You can train the calf muscles in between the main workout to give some rest to the whole body. Exercises can be done both at home and in the gym - it all depends on your capabilities and preferences. The advantage of the gym is the ability to consult with a trainer about the correct understanding of how to pump up calves.

At home

If you're exercising at home, chances are you have all the gear you'll need for calf exercises. To do this, you need a large rubber ball or, in other words, a fitball, dumbbells and a stand. Next, let's talk in more detail about the technique for performing various calf exercises.

Important!If your foot hurts a lot when lifting on toes on the bar, this may be a sign of flat feet. In this case, the lesson should be done only on the floor.

Rise on toes

This exercise should be included in any home workout, as it warms up the calves and works them out well. It is also universal in that it is easy to complicate it with the help of some items. First you need to stand up straight, it is better to put your feet shoulder-width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands. At a slow pace, rise on your toes and lower. You can bring your socks inward and in this case a large load will go to outer part caviar.

In their reverse position, the inner part will be more “loaded”. If this exercise seems easy, then you can do it alternately on each leg. In case of insufficient stability, you can stick your hand to the wall. To complicate the exercise, you can use a small step or bar. It is on it that you need to put your fingers and rise on your toes. In this case, the calf muscle will work at full strength by increasing the amplitude.

Video: rise on toes

Seated knee raise

When performing this exercise, the soleus muscle is perfectly tensed. It is necessary to sit comfortably on the fitball, the back is even. The position of the hands is on the knees with dumbbells, palms up. The essence of the lesson is to rise from this position and linger on your toes for several minutes. Repeat the exercise up to 30 times.

Video: sitting knee raise

Toe squats

It is well known that the classic squat - The best way tone the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. And if you do it on your toes, then the caviar muscles also swing. At the same time, the legs are placed a little narrower than the width of the shoulders, weighting agents are taken into the hands. Standing on toes, 30 squats are performed, after - a few minutes of rest.

Several approaches need to be taken. It is important to remember that if the back is crooked, then the exercise will be performed incorrectly and will not bring results. For beginners, this exercise is usually difficult because of the use of dumbbells. In this case, you can do classic squats, where the arms simply stretch forward.

Video: squats on toes

This exercise is very simple, but at the same time, effective. Its essence is walking on toes using dumbbells. It takes quite a long time to complete. You need to walk until you feel that the muscles are very warm and you can no longer move. A prerequisite are a straight back and straight knees. If the latter are bent, there will be no benefit from the lesson. Any muscles will tense up, but not the calf.

Climbing stairs is like climbing on your toes. But in this case, the muscles of the hips and buttocks also work. You need to take dumbbells in your hands and climb the stairs on your toes, and not with your whole foot. As a rule, this exercise is done continuously for 20 minutes. If you do everything right, then it is after this time that you will feel that it is time to finish.


This exercise is quite difficult and is difficult for many. Leaning your hand on any surface, you need to sit down on one leg. In this case, the second should be pulled forward. After completing the cycle, you need to repeat the same with the other leg. If the load is not enough, you can hold a light dumbbell in your hand. Remember to keep your back straight.

Video: "Pistol"

jumping up

For this exercise, dumbbells are not required or will be required, but very light. You need to sit down and then jump up, strongly stretching your socks. Since this exercise is not difficult, you need to do it up to five sets of 30 times.

Video: jumping up

For the gym

Any trainer will tell you that a workout in the gym should be aimed at training all muscle groups. Caviar is no exception, but very often they are forgotten. visiting Gym, do not forget to include calf exercises in your set of exercises. It is desirable that the trainer shows you the exercises for the first time. This is especially useful for beginners.

Smith machine exercise

This device consists of a structure on which a bar is attached at different levels. Placing it on the shoulders, an exercise similar to lifting on toes is performed. Only a barbell is used as a weighting agent.

You can also train on a stand or use it for complication, standing on it with only socks. The bar on the simulator, as a rule, is heavier than dumbbells, but the load is distributed evenly throughout the body. You need to keep your back and knees straight. The number of approaches is up to 5, the number of lifts is up to 30.

Video: Smith machine exercise

Toe Press

For execution, a device is used on which it is done classic bench press feet. Only in our case, this will be done with the help of the toes and, accordingly, the caviar muscles. In order to adapt, you should first perform such presses without weight and, only after understanding the technique for their implementation, add weight. It is best to start doing this exercise under the supervision of a trainer.

Video: toe press

Sitting calf raises

For this exercise, a special simulator has been developed, in which the knees are fixed in a sitting position, and the socks are placed under the bars. Socks slowly rise up, and heels fall down. Such movements are aimed at increasing the volume of the soleus muscle. You need to repeat the exercise about 30 times, making several approaches. Don't forget to keep your back straight.

Video: sit ups on toes

Rises on socks in Gakk simulator

In this and in some other simulators, the body rises when it is tilted. To do this, sit on it in the position of “feet shoulder-width apart” or a little narrower. Next, you need to release the clamps and straighten your knees. In this position, when the feet are on the stand, stand on your toes and linger for a few moments. Then stand on your heels and repeat the exercise.

Video: calf raises in the Gakk simulator

Additional loads

At the beginning of classes with a similar complex for pumping the caviar muscles, you need to use a small load, and then gradually increase it. For this you can use:

  • all kinds of slats and coasters on which the sock is placed;
  • use dumbbells, constantly increasing their weight;
  • add weight to equipment in the gym;
  • use special leg weights;
  • between classes, refuse to ride the elevator and climb the stairs as much as possible;
  • periodically alternate any walking around the house with walking on toes.

Did you know? During walking, about 200 muscles of the human body are involved.

  1. Before training, there should be a mandatory warm-up for 5 minutes.
  2. All exercises should be done at a slow pace, constantly feeling muscle tension.
  3. You need to linger at the peak of the exercise for a few seconds.
  4. There should not be excessive zeal in the classes.
  5. Proper nutrition is essential.

When will the result be seen

The question of when the result of training will be noticeable is difficult to answer unambiguously. After all, apart from correct execution exercises, the result also depends on the individual structure of the human body.

Some see the effect after a month of such an intensive, and some will notice improvements only after 2-3 months. One thing is certain, one cannot hope for much quick result. As a rule, the real effect of training will be visible only three months after they start.

The developed calf muscles of girls always attract the views of men. To make your legs not only beautiful, but also healthy, a set of exercises for the calf muscles has been developed, which can be performed both in the gym and at home. At regular workouts a positive result will not be long in coming.

Caviar is problem area for most people, since pumping muscles in this area is quite difficult. This is explained by the fact that rear surface the lower legs housed very hardy muscles that are difficult to grow. To make them fit, embossed, you need to be patient and draw up a competent training program.

You can train the muscles of the back of the lower leg on your own, without leaving your home. There are many exercises to strengthen this muscle group. At regular classes you will not only get tightened, pumped up calves, but also reduce the likelihood of injuries in this area.

Rules for pumping calf muscles at home: what to consider and what mistakes to avoid

Experienced athletes know that the calf muscles are difficult to build, this is due to the fact that they are strong, as they are subjected to stress every day. They help to walk, run, jump, keep balance.

Important! Follow the position of the legs during classes: if they stand straight, then all the muscle fibers of the calves are worked out, if the fingers are turned inward, then only the outer section is strengthened, and if outward, the inner section is strengthened.

Be sure to check out:

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We quickly build up the muscles of the lower leg for men and girls: in a week, a month

The scheme for pumping the calf muscles for women and men is practically the same. The only difference is that girls need to use less weight than guys.

In order for a girl to quickly tighten the muscles of the back of the lower leg, you need to perform special exercises, walk up the stairs, jump rope, etc. But it is important to conduct training systematically, gradually increase the load. When the result is achieved, supportive exercises can be performed.

Men need more training load. They can use several exercises for 4-8 weeks, the main thing is to perform them correctly, to failure. To pump the calf muscles for a man, it is recommended to use large weights (heavy dumbbells, a barbell), to exercise on a simulator.

This is interesting! To strengthen the calf muscles for a girl, you need to use shells from 3 to 5 kg, and for experienced athletes - from 8 to 10 kg.

Beginners should remember that there are no complexes for girls or guys that help to make a massive shin in a week. To achieve results, you need to train hard for at least 4 weeks. Although a lot depends on heredity: in some athletes, the muscles increase rapidly, while others need to spend at least 2 months.

Effective exercises for women and men

At home, it is quite possible to tighten and pump up the calves. Enough to practice twice or thrice a week. Athletes can choose any of the exercises below, but it is better to alternate them in order to evenly pump the muscles of the lower leg.

Strengthen the effect of training and accelerate the result

In order for the exercises to quickly bring effect, a girl or a guy needs to do it regularly. Before training, you should warm up (move your fingers, pull the sock away from you, towards you, move your feet in different directions, bend, unbend your knees, shake your lower leg, etc.). It is better to warm up the muscles lying or standing.

After training, stretch your muscles to relax them. To do this, take a wide step back, lean on your heel, lean forward, try to reach the floor, fixing for 15-20 seconds. Perform for both legs.

To maximize the effect of training, perform movements in a wide amplitude, move smoothly, fix on the highest point. Gradually increase the load, shifting the weight to the big toes. Alternate exercises so that the muscles do not get used to the load. Athletes can choose several elements from those described above.

Take a break after training for 1-2 days so that the muscles return to normal, actively grow. Do not exercise through pain, as you will only provoke muscle destruction.

Important! To progress the load, you need to increase the working weight, the number of repetitions, sets, exercises. Also, the athlete should reduce the rest time between sets. It is necessary to strive to ensure that each lesson is at least a little more difficult than the previous one.

Rules for strengthening the lower leg without training

A woman and a man will be able to quickly pump up the muscles of the calf, following these rules in everyday life:

  1. Watch your walk. Steps should be wide. Lower the leg to the toe, smoothly pumping to the heel. Train yourself to walk 10,000 steps a day.
  2. Choose comfortable shoes that do not pinch your toes and allow your skin to breathe. It is advisable to choose models with an orthopedic insole that supports the foot.
  3. Skip the elevators, take the stairs.
  4. Try to walk barefoot whenever possible.
  5. If you have a sedentary job, then periodically arrange a sports minute on non-training days.

Try to spend your leisure time actively: walking, cycling, playing team sports. Get enough sleep, eat right. These good habits will improve your health and strengthen the muscles of the whole body (including the calves).

What to do if the muscles of the lower leg do not grow

Sometimes athletes practice following all the rules, but there is no progress. This may be due to the fact that the list of exercises they use is limited. In order for a woman and a man to quickly pump muscles, you need to combine elements in a standing and sitting position. When an athlete does the exercise while standing, the calf muscle tenses, if he sits down, the load is shifted to the soleus.

If the muscles do not increase, then try to increase the range of motion. Rise as high as possible on your toes, and then lower your heel below the horizontal line. The extra weight will only increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

The calf muscles recover faster than the large ones. Therefore, they need to train more often. 1-2 days of rest will be enough. But give up training if the pain in the muscles has not yet passed.

Experienced bodybuilders and fitness trainers advise starting training with a warm-up of the calf muscles. To pump them, you need to practice 2-3 times a week, perform repetitions of 10 times or more three times with a break of 2-3 minutes. You need to move smoothly, with maximum amplitude. Pros recommend starting with training with own weight, and then gradually increase the load with dumbbells or barbells. It is better to load the calves at the beginning of the workout or dedicate a separate day to the exercises. After exercising, you need to stretch to relieve tension from the muscles.

Anna Moroz, coach

The Moscow champion in body fitness advises to follow the following rules during calf training:

  1. When doing the exercise while standing, bend your knees slightly to take the load off the joint.
  2. During the exercise, use only the muscles of the ankle.
  3. Do not lower your heels to the end so that the muscles are in constant tension.
  4. Perform the exercise in maximum amplitude.
  5. Move slowly.
  6. Follow the technique, choose the right weight.

Start your workout with a warm-up and end with a stretch.