How the ranking system works. Ranks in Rainbow Six Siege


You can get a full portion of the impressions and emotions that Rainbow Six: Siege can potentially give a player only in the company of friends. Loners in most situations are doomed to failure: even with the presence of voice communication in the game, the degree of synergy necessary for victory in the team can only be achieved if there is complete and mutual trust on the part of all its participants. But the “stack” of experienced fighters played under the command of a good tactician works real miracles...

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gambling addiction

There are reasons for sadness. Siege is too unusual, very brooding, costs four times as much as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and even then it has microtransactions that do not make you stronger (skins, accelerating the flow of points to unlock operatives), but purely psychologically cause rejection. And yet in multiplayer, this Rainbow Six is ​​perceived as it should be. If only there was someone to play with.

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In their project "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege", Ubisoft studio still managed to realize its plans quite well. This is really a new tactical team shooter, which has no worthy analogues today. And the word command here can be highlighted in double bold, so how exactly in making operations with your comrades the game will give you a lot of incomparable sensations.However, it can be quite disappointing when playing alone.

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By releasing Siege, Ubisoft succeeded in the main thing: to make a game that found its own niche in the online shooter market. This is not high-speed Counter-Strike or Call of Duty, not a large-scale Battlefield and not some kind of smart entertainment like Insurgency or ArmA, but something else. Very familiar and understandable from the first seconds, but fresh at the same time. The content that is already in the game is good: the game has great maps, unusual fighters and fresh mechanics. Unfortunately, this is too little for now: as was the case with the recent Star Wars Battlefront...

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IGN Russia

Once you've unlocked all the Operatives and explored the maps, there's probably no reason to return to the game. Rainbow Six: Siege is perfect for a group of friends who, as children, hiding behind beds and building pillow barricades, imagined themselves as special forces on top-secret operations. In this game, you will feel like a real complementary team and will be able to play a lot of offensive and defensive tactics.

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[email protected]

The main problem of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege will most likely be solved by itself in a few months, when "random" players leave, and an experienced and able to play community will form from the rest. In the meantime, Rainbow Six: Siege is better not to try without a team of loyal comrades who are ready you to cover your back at any moment.

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The tragedy of Siege is not in maps and opportunities, but in monotony. It doesn't matter what task the special forces are facing: defuse a bomb, save a hostage, or eliminate everyone - all of these are, in fact, small variations of one mode. Almost always what happens is reduced to the complete destruction of opponents. Why withdraw a civilian if it's easier to kill everyone? Of course, "Antiterror" is available in the menu...

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We have already seen several examples when major publishers tried to sell an f2p game under the guise of a full-fledged one. Evolved, Titanfall, PvZ, Battlefront, with all due respect, can hardly be called complete products that deserve their price tag. But unlike them, Siege has a much better chance of becoming a long-playing record that is pleasant to play with friends after a few months. However, the new Rainbow Six does not reach the level of a full-fledged AAA project.

06.12.2016 12:01

As part of Operation Red Crow, we've made some fixes to the rank and leaderboard systems in matchmaking that have raised some issues with the community. We will try to describe in detail the changes in the game since the beginning of the new season.

What is a "skill"?

The skill reflects your chances of winning the game. When comparing this indicator for two teams, it is theoretically possible to determine who will be stronger. The greater the difference, the higher the probability of winning one of the groups of players. When two teams with the same skill scores meet in a game, their chances are even. The Rainbow Six Siege algorithm takes into account two parameters: the player's skill score (μ) and the variance (σ). Player skill values ​​are distributed on a Gaussian curve with an average score of 25 (peak at the Silver rank and lowest at the Gold rank).

What is "deviation"?

The player's skill score is an approximate parameter. The more games you play, the more data about your abilities our team receives and the more accurate the assessment will be. The validity of the calculations is reflected in the value of "sigma" (σ). The lower the deviation, the higher the accuracy.

How are skill and matchmaking rating related?

In Season 4, your matchmaking rating is proportional to skill (Matchmaking Rating = 100*μ). Previously, we used a progression system that took into account your involvement in the process when calculating the rank. In other words, if you managed to lower the deviation value, the rank went up. As a result, when calculating, the differences in the indicators of the skill and the current rank could be significant. For example, a player whose skill is rated as "Silver" actually achieved the rank of "Platinum" due to the participation in a large number of games. As a result, there was some confusion, since games within the same rank were strikingly different from each other, because there was no guarantee that users with the same skills would participate in it. When comparing data from past seasons and after implementation new system the difference in skills of opposing teams on average could reach double the size.

Because Rainbow Six Siege is a competitive game, we've made the following decision to only consider skill stat when assigning matchmaking ratings. By itself, the rank does not imply any reward, and the progress of the player at a certain point only reflects the increase in his gaming capabilities.

How is the matchmaking rating updated after a game?

Only the result of the game affects the rating update. If the result is unexpected (for example, you lose to a team of players whose skill is lower than yours), the rating will be significantly changed, and vice versa: the more confident we are in your rating (if the “σ” value is low), the less significant the update will be.

Consider an example with only two players, Craig and Justin. The following values ​​do not reflect the actual updates made by the system., but should only give you an idea of ​​​​its work. Justin has achieved the Gold rank (μ ≈ 29) and maintains this level for quite a long time, and his deviation value is small (σ ≈ 3). Justin enters the game against Craig (a tough Copper player) and loses. Since the deviation is small, most likely Justin was just unlucky, but his skill will still decrease (μ ≈ 28). The value will be as such, since the system takes into account the rank of the player you lost to. If Justin were defeated by a user with a Gold rank, the changes would be different (μ ≈ 28.5), and if he was defeated by someone with a Diamond rank, μ ≈ 28.9.

At the same time, we should not forget that Craig joined the community relatively recently: the system must determine what rating should be assigned to him with indicators μ ≈ 17 and σ ≈ 6. By choosing Tachankin, he was able to win, and his skill indicator will increase to 20. Victory above Justin suggests that Craig is a fairly capable player, and therefore the deviation value should decrease (σ ≈ 5.5). However, two factors contributed to the significant increase in the skill score: the fact that we are confident in Justin's rating, and the fact that Craig is still a beginner.

Has the balance of the games been adjusted in the end?

Since the launch of the new system, more balanced games have been recorded. In this case, two methods are used in the calculation. The first is to determine the average skill score of opposing teams. Yes, the threshold for various ranks has been updated, but the value of the skill in the community, on average, has remained unchanged. Therefore, comparison with the results of previous seasons still provides correct data. As a result, after the launch of Operation Red Crow, the situation is developing in a positive direction.

The second method is to determine the balance based on the results of the game. As part of Operation Red Crow, a score of 4-2 or close to it is increasingly fixed. The most noticeable result is a decrease in the number of games ending with a “dry” victory for one of the teams (by 2.3%). These achievements are proof that, with all the changes to the new rank system, players with similar skill scores are now facing each other more often in matchmaking.

How do my results affect the number of points I receive?

No way. If you get 15 kills in several games, but lose each of them, your chances of winning are basically low, which means that the rank will not be high. If the player does not commit a single kill, but at the same time wins over and over again, his rating will increase (perhaps he is an excellent reconnaissance and thus helps the team to neutralize the enemy with ease). The point is that in the long run, it is the ability to play and interact with the group that affects the positive outcome of the game.

Why do I and my friends get/lose a different number of points after the game?

If your skill scores are equal, the update will depend on how "confident" the system is about your position in the rankings. For example, if you both have a Gold IV rank, but your friend has participated in more games (his rejection rate will be lower), you will gain/lose more points than him.

Why has the rank threshold changed?

Since a player's progress no longer affects matchmaking rating, a value was needed that was easier to calculate and relate to a skill score. The new rank thresholds have nothing to do with those of the third season: comparing them is as pointless as comparing apples to oranges.

Is there a limit to the number of Diamond players?

No, all players with a Diamond rating are users who managed to achieve a very high skill score. Considering the data from past seasons, they are at the end of the distribution curve. Why is there a feeling that in the fourth season, the Diamond rank was achieved too a large number players? Because in this case the progression system no longer has any influence and players don't have to put in as much effort to lower the deviation value.

So, in Season 4, it really became easier to get the Diamond rank?

No, it didn't. It's just that now the players who deserve it reach their goal faster. To date, 80% of users with a Diamond rank received it last season as well. Only 0.5% of all participants in the rating games in the 4th season managed to achieve such a high result. Matchmaking Rating 3700 IS NOT A WARRANTY the player has the same skill value as the rating of 3700 in season 3.

Why are the ranks being reset, and what effect does this procedure have on me?

The previous version of the system had a strong influence on skill assessment. A full reset (setting the initial indicators "μ" and "σ") allows you to start with " clean slate» and provide an accurate and correct assessment of your skill.

Moreover, the rationale for a complete reset is also a significant change in the overall picture within each season.

Will I rank faster when using my alternate account?

Yes, but not immediately after a full reset. Gradually, the deviation value for the main account will decrease, and we will be able to more accurately determine your skill score. If the play styles on the main and alternate accounts are similar, then the skill value for the latter will approach the same value for the former.

Does rank count in unranked games? What about the access level?

No. The unrated list of games has its own matchmaking rating based on the same system. The level of access does not affect the rating in the case of rated or unranked games.

Why do I get so few rating points in a 40-minute ranked game?

What is the distribution peak? "Bronze"? "Silver"?

The main part - the peak indicator in the rank of "Silver" and the lowest - in the rank of "Gold":

If I usually play with the same team, how do you determine the difference between my matchmaking rating and that of my allies?

No way. If you play with the same team most of the time, then we will get a fairly accurate assessment of the group rating. When playing without this team, your personal rating will begin to change, reflecting not a skill, but a combination of opportunities to win with and without a team, that is, the likelihood that you will play in a permanent lineup or in another group. In general, the changes will reflect your chances of winning.

I liked the feeling that it took a lot of effort to get the Diamond rank? Why change the system?

As mentioned earlier, if the rank more closely reflects your actual skills, the games will be more fair. If a player deserving a Diamond rank continues to be in the lower rank just because they haven't played much, it will be unfair to other players who have received the Gold rank.

My rank is "Diamond", why does the system offer to confront players with a rank of "Gold"?

There aren't many players with a Diamond rank, and the matchmaking system is not always able to find users with the appropriate skill. So the choice is between how long you are willing to wait for an opponent, and how accurately the balance of the game must be maintained.

We hope that we have clarified the intricacies of the current system and answered most of the questions that concern the community. After reading, we invite you to join the discussions on the forums and our Reddit page! We will continue to study the situation and in the future we can supplement this text with answers to new questions!

Much does not depend on the levels in R6. At level 5, they open custom games and at level 20 rating games. The level depends on the experience gained at the end of the game. Gaining experience depends on the number of points at the end of the game. You get the same amount of experience as you scored points (no more than 5,000). Don't judge players by their level low level can play much better than high.

To get a rank, we need to open rating mode.
The first 10 battles will be calibration. After completing them, we will be given a rank that will change after each rating game.
Let's take a look at them:
We see 5 types of ranks which are divided into:

  • Copper
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum + diamond
Each type has 4 ranks that go in order from 4 to 1. Exception Platinum+diamond where there are 3 platinum and 1 diamond.
Each rank has its own number, upon reaching which you get it. The number of points required to reach the next rank increases as the rank increases (changes start with gold).

Rating seasons are tied to the release of new operations. A season starts with the release of an Operation and ends with the release of the next Operation. At the beginning of a new season, you need to re-calibrate. At the end of the season, you are given a medal for that season.

System and rank change factors

Rainbow rank system six siege based on the TrueSkill algorithm. This is an evolutionary system outgrown from the Elo/Glico rating. Its difference from the original systems is that it works better in multiplayer games (Elo and Glico are for 1v1 games like chess)
Players from different regions almost never play against each other, which is why regionalism is relative, ranks cannot be directly compared between regions.

The change in rank is affected by:

  • Win or lose a match
  • Player skill levels / Team levels in the game
  • A large difference between skills in teams can have a very strong effect on rank changes:
    If a team wins the gold team while playing bronze, the team ranks will change a lot.
    If a team wins a bronze team while playing gold, the team ranks will change
    not much.
Rank change is NOT affected by:
  • The count doesn't matter.
  • The ratio of deaths to murders does not matter.
  • Early exit from the game is always counted as a loss. Even if your team wins.
  • Connectivity issues are counted as a negative factor if these issues are caused by the player and not the developers.

Alpha packages

Alpha packages- packages that contain items appearance weapons and operatives.
Alpha packs are packs that contain weapon skins, as well as operative helmets and trinkets. There are 5 rarity trophies. Drop chances are approximate.

  • Standard (33%)
  • Non-standard (28.5%)
  • Rare (22.4%)
  • Special (12.5%)
  • Legendary (3.6%)
There are two ways to get Alpha packages:
  • For winning a match in an online game. In case of victory in the match, roulette starts, in which a white arc, the size of which depends on the chances earned before, starts spinning. If the bar stops at the white arrow, then the player receives a package, and the chance counter is reduced to 2%. Otherwise, the player only gets +2% chance next time. For a loss in the main match, an increase is also given, but it is already + 1.5%. For participation in a rating game, an additional +1% is given. Year 2 Pass holders receive an additional +0.3%.
  • Purchase in the in-game store. One Alpha package costs 5000 (for Year 2 Pass holders the price is 4500).
If the Alpha package contains an item that the player already has, then the player receives in-game currency as compensation, depending on the rarity of the duplicate.