How to make a gym at home. Organize a gym at home: three steps to a healthy lifestyle

In order for the body to be slender, and the figure beautiful, you need to regularly give sports and this is a fact. However, there is not always time and desire to get to Gym. So the alternative to a makeshift gym at home pops up on its own. In fact, it is not difficult to organize a sports corner in your own room or living room. Each house has a place in order to place the necessary sports minimum, which will make it possible to exercise regularly.

The well-known Swedish wall is a prototype of a place for home workouts. And for sure, every house will have dumbbells, a hula hoop or a skipping rope. If you collect all these accessories in one place and organize the space, you get a wonderful corner or even a room so that you can fully train.

Professional trainers and just skeptics say that training in a home gym will never give the effect that provides gym or stadium. Not at all. You can safely argue with such a statement, because in fact it doesn’t matter where to do it, the main thing is how well and diligently you do it. By the way, sports activities at home is an opportunity to save money on the purchase of the same subscription to the gym, for example, as well as on public transport or gasoline for your own car. If you think about it, you can find many advantages in favor of exercising at home.

What should be the place for training at home

Of course, it's wonderful if there is a whole spare room in the house that does not pretend to be a guest bedroom or a warehouse for household trash and old things. It is this room that can be equipped as a home gym. Knowledgeable people claim that the most optimal area home hall should be 8-10 square meters (allowable minimum). In such a space, you can easily place one or two simulators, a gymnastic bench and other necessary inventory. However, for most people who want to train at home, a separate practice room is a dream and it's great if at all you can carve out part of any other room for this purpose.

A room that claims to be a gym should be well ventilated and bright, in addition to have such characteristics as:

  • soundproofing (for example, hitting the track while running can create discomfort for neighbors who are unlikely to like the characteristic “gupan” over their heads);
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor absorption (so that the smell of sweat does not remain in the air).

The best flooring for a home gym is carpet, and the most suitable color spectrum is calm blue, gray, beige wall shades. However, these are all frills. The most important thing in a home gym, of course, is not the color of the walls and not their decoration, but the filling. That is, considerable attention should be paid to the content and sports equipment.

Sports equipment for home workouts: the necessary minimum

If you scrape through the bottom of your own pantry and through the cabinet drawers, you can probably find a couple of accessories that can take pride of place in your own gym. What could it be?

  • dumbbells;
  • jump rope;
  • gymnastic rug;
  • Hula Hup;
  • fitball;
  • weighting agents (for legs, for example).

This is the necessary minimum, which is always useful. A jump rope can be useful for warming up muscles, and dumbbells for strength exercises. The hula hoop models the waist, and the gymnastic mat is needed for exercises on the floor (for example, a stretching complex or abs). These simple items have long proven their effectiveness in maintaining a beautiful and fit figure.

Other than that, what's a home gym without a mirror and TV? After all, it is much more pleasant to practice to your favorite music or video, where the trainer broadcasts how to properly perform this or that exercise. By the way, the Internet is literally teeming ready-made programs workouts you can do at home. It will not be difficult to download a video set of exercises and train, focusing on it. A mirror is necessary in order to control the correct execution. During independent training, it is important to see yourself in order not to make mistakes, because there will be no coach nearby who will point out certain shortcomings.

What equipment to equip the gym for training at home

The basis of the basics among the simulators that are customary to install at home is treadmill. In this way, you can organize a cardio load, which is especially necessary when losing weight and maintaining a slender body shape in general. A little running to warm up before the main workout should be a must. During the cardio load, the muscles are well worked out, and then the lesson goes like clockwork.

The treadmill is a cardio machine (that is, a large load falls on the cardiovascular system). It can be mechanical or electrical. On a mechanical track, the canvas rotates due to its own efforts, which gives great emphasis on the legs. That is, the person himself warms up the simulator and puts the canvas into action. Another thing is electric, where the rotation of the canvas occurs automatically, that is, the simulator itself sets the speed with which you need to run.

An exercise bike is good for training at home, which, by the way, is inexpensive and effectively works out almost all muscle groups. Also suitable for home gym equipment are units such as an orbit track or a stepper. A solid option for the home is a power station (or multi-simulator). With such a mini-center in your own gym, you can turn around during a workout and work well on yourself. In addition to simulators, a room for sports activities houses can be equipped with a boxing bag or a choreographic machine. In general, it all depends on your own desires, preferences, physical and financial capabilities.

Everyone wants to keep fit and look good. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not always possible to get into the gym.

There may be several reasons for this: firstly, often a subscription to a good gym can cost quite a lot and, not that it greatly affects the family budget, but, most likely, it’s just a pity to spend this amount on an event that you probably you will systematically miss. Secondly, in today's too busy reality, there is not always enough time for such a seemingly simple thing as going to the gym. And thirdly, to be honest, often the main obstacle before going to the gym is elementary human laziness. You just need to find the strength in yourself and force yourself to get dressed, collect a bag with sneakers, get to the gym, and then work out for at least an hour!

But, as a matter of fact, it is absolutely not necessary to spend your time and energy on trips across the city to the gym. And most importantly, it is not even necessary to spend money on classes there. It is quite possible to arrange a simple, if slightly primitive, but no less efficient gym right at home. In addition, this adventure does not even need a lot of space. A one-room apartment, densely packed with furniture, is quite suitable. Here's what you need to create a gym at home:

1. Clear space

Although a lot of space is not needed, but the place is still needed. Therefore, get ready for a small rearrangement in order to arrange the most convenient conditions. Believe me, such sacrifices will fully compensate for all the costs of finance, effort and time that you will save. First, it is necessary to clear a small island on the floor, on which you can easily accommodate yourself, stretched out in full height. Move the bed against the wall, the chair under the window, and put the books scattered on the floor on the shelves where they should be. In general, do everything so that you have enough space on the floor. Rotate the desktop, or just the computer that is on it, so that it can be clearly seen from that patch that you just cleared (this is very important).

2. Used treadmill

As a matter of fact, this is absolutely not necessary and not so important, but if space allows, and you have a desire to run around without leaving your home, then why not. Moreover, if you suddenly hear that someone you know wants to get rid of his treadmill in good condition, then it’s a sin not to take the opportunity (if space allows, of course). This machine, whatever it is, provides the necessary cardio load, so it's worth considering the pros and cons before immediately abandoning this idea. If you are confused by the fact that you also need to buy it, then, firstly, remember that it is used, and therefore it is not as expensive as a new one, and secondly, it will obviously be cheaper than gym membership. By the way, the treadmill can be replaced with an exercise bike, which is also not bad.


But this is more important than a treadmill, and disks do not take up so much space. Many will not be able to come up with exercises on their own, especially since they need to be selected wisely. If you get a couple of DVDs with a good selection of cardio exercises, you get a free instructor who you just need to repeat and clearly follow the comments. Now you can find anything on DVD: aerobics, step aerobics, Pilates, cardio, exercises exclusively for the press, yoga, etc. Choose the ones you need the most. You can buy different ones and diversify your daily sports activities. The upside is that it will cost even less than a treadmill, and even more so, cheaper than a gym membership.

4. YouTube

And this will be even cheaper. In fact, it's free! Everything that is on DVD, which you can buy in a specialized store, can be easily found on YouTube, where there are also special channels. Moreover, every day you can choose a new video and get a variety of new exercises. The advantage is that you do not get tired of the same movements, and the muscles do not have time to get used to them, thus, getting a regular load and training.

5. Weights

Many sets of exercises contain a number of loads that require a load. This adds to the efficiency. What can be used? Well, first of all, traditional dumbbells. You can buy them at any sports store. If this is expensive for you, look for new ones at flea markets on the Internet. Don't buy too heavy. Especially if you are not used to it, it will be difficult to deal with them. Up to a kilogram is what you need. Free dumbbells can be obtained if in half a liter plastic bottles pour water, or pour sand. Cheap and efficient.

There are also special sport gloves with weights. They are convenient because it is unnecessary to hold anything in your hands and there is no danger of dropping the dumbbells at the most inopportune moment on your leg. Also, you will not need to be distracted by taking them in the process of performing a set of exercises. Gloves are always on you and clearly perform their function throughout the complex. True, it is not so cheap, but, nevertheless, it will not be a bad investment in the future.

6. Fitness ball

If you want to make another small financial injection into the future of your perfect figure, which will still cover any gym costs for many years to come, get a fitness ball. With a large fitball, you can perform many useful exercises, especially on the press.

But there is more best trainer— Bosu Ball. This is a half ball on a flat base - perfect for abdominals. Good news is that this ball, like dumbbells, does not require much space, like the same treadmill. Fitball can easily lie in the corner behind the cabinet, for example. And Bosu Ball can generally be put under the bed next to the dumbbells.

Well, in fact, the home gym is ready. It has everything: a treadmill (well, or a bicycle), dumbbells, a fitball, an instructor, and most importantly, you and your desire to exercise. Believe me, all this will cost a lot less if you take into account the cost of travel and payment for a subscription or one-time classes, as well as precious time for fees and travel, which can be spent on something more useful. And also take note that this will all stay with you for many years, and it will not need to be renewed periodically, like a subscription. The main thing is not to be lazy and use it all for its intended purpose. Remember that for you no one will pay the necessary attention to your body, which longs to be always in good shape and in excellent condition.

Like everyone modern man, we know that systematic exercise is already a guarantee of health, a good figure and well-being. More and more often we see new advertising signs that dozens of new fitness centers and other health facilities are opening, but often we, working and living at a crazy pace, do not have enough time to regularly visit such establishments.

Of course, exercising occasionally is better than nothing at all, but for visible results, you need regularity in classes.

Many may have noticed that rather unusual, but effective innovations in Western countries have a beneficial effect on people's lives. One of them is home gym equipment.

However, you can do without it, but just buy barbell And a few pancakes, as well as dumbbells. Everything will depend on your preferences, goals and finances.

Be that as it may, it would be nice to buy at least one mat.

If the dimensions of the hall allow, then you can install tennis or even a pool table and place on the wall basketball hoop.

True, in such a gym you will have to separate everything into zones, but the bar counter will help with this, and which we talked about earlier.

What to do if there is no separate room for the gym at home?

You can allocate a small sports corner in the living room or bedroom, if I allow the size.

For a mini gym, you can combine a room and. Be that as it may, try to make a sports corner closer to

To look beautiful, fit, young and energetic, it is not at all necessary to be a regular at a fitness club or gym. It is enough to equip the gym at home and exercise with joy for the body and soul at any time convenient for you.

A home gym is a wise and practical solution for every person who values ​​their health and strives for physical perfection. Why? It is no secret that in order to achieve significant results, sports must be systematic. Is it always possible, given the modern rhythm of life? Hardly. For there is often not enough time even for ordinary daily work and household chores, not to mention such a “luxury” as taking care of yourself. A personal “fitness center” in a house or apartment is not only useful, but also profitable: having spent once on exercise equipment and sports equipment, for many years you won’t have to think about buying a (far from cheap) subscription to a sports club.

Before you make a home gym, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail - from choosing a room to decor elements. The only way physical exercise will be a pleasure, and not a kind of duty before periodically rolling pangs of conscience.

Choosing the ideal location

Ideally, it is desirable to allocate a separate room for a home gym, while its area should be at least ten square meters. If you live in a private house, the veranda will be the best place for it, thanks to the ability to organize good ventilation. When it is easy to breathe, exercising is doubly pleasant. Also a good option is the attic.

But in general, a home gym can be organized in any room with windows: if there is a normal air flow in the room, it will be easy to train in it. In a stuffy room without windows, you will get tired very quickly and feel constant discomfort. Needless to say, in such an environment, enthusiasm very quickly “fades away”?

Home gym decoration and design


The walls of the home mini-gym must be vapor-permeable. This is explained by the fact that in a room of such a plan, even designed for two or three people, the accumulation of a certain amount of moisture is inevitable. If the surfaces are finished with plastic or tiles, condensation will form on them - and such an atmosphere is far from the healthiest. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to materials such as colored plaster, wallpaper or cork.


Flooring for a home gym should be comfortable, reliable, with good sound insulation. Plank floors will not fit unambiguously. We recommend that you do this:

  • arrange a "floating" screed;
  • lay a high-quality soundproofing substrate;
  • use cork or carpet on a thick base as a topcoat.

Home gym colors

According to medical observations, the most beneficial effect on the trainee is light green, blue, cream, light beige and gray. It is desirable to use them when creating the interior of a home gym.


Lighting in a home fitness center should be exclusively overhead. Remember: no colorful lamps - just a nice white light!

Accessories and furniture

There must be a mirror in the gym. If desired, you can make one of the walls completely mirrored - it's beautiful, and it also visually expands the space. Mirrors should be positioned in such a way that trainees can easily contemplate themselves - and in full growth.

However, it is worth noting that the mirror in the interior of the gym is by no means an “attribute of narcissism”, but a kind of motivator to do the exercises correctly, to monitor personal progress.

Worth knowing! Not always a mirror in the gym causes pleasant emotions. In one of the psychological studies, it was found that women suffering from obesity perceived their reflection in the process of exercising extremely negatively. As a result, their sports interest and positive attitude suddenly faded away. Therefore, the decision on the need to install mirrors in the gym should always be made taking into account the wishes of all family members.

The necessary things in a home fitness center are also:

  • hangers for towels, clothes;
  • chairs with backs;
  • a table for all kinds of "small things" - water bottles, glasses, mobile phones, etc.;
  • electronic or mechanical scales;
  • Wall Clock.

If the gym has a large room, you can install a coffee table and a leather sofa there for comfortable “time outs”.

If any of the family members professional sportsman, it is in the home gym that there will be the best place for shelves with cups, medals, certificates.

Many people prefer classes with "video instructors" - which means that if possible, a personal fitness center should be equipped with a TV and a DVD player (there are units with a built-in player and a USB port for "flash drives"). Fans of "song accompaniment" of all their affairs cannot do without a musical "installation" in the gym.

Space decoration

You can decorate the room with posters of bodybuilders (for men) and photographs of models or favorite show business stars (for women). In general, any images, paintings, figurines of a sports or near-sports theme will be appropriate here.

How to set up a home gym

In the home gym, at least one cardio machine must be installed - either a treadmill or an ellipsoid. The rest of the equipment and fixtures should be chosen depending on personal goals, preferences and, of course, the gender of the trainees. A woman planning to “throw off” a couple of kilograms will be enough with a cardio simulator, a few dumbbells and a press roller. Men will need a horizontal bar, a weight machine or a barbell, perhaps a punching bag. One floor mat is required.

When equipping a home gym “for the whole family”, it is advisable not to skimp on the inventory - buy a couple of fitballs, wall bars, hoops, a rope. Everyone in the household will be delighted, from young to old - guaranteed!

With the impressive size of the room reserved for the gym, you can additionally equip the space with a tennis or billiard table.

And finally, to understand how to best organize the space, look at the photos of home gyms on the Internet - so you can get a lot of interesting ideas.

My respects, ladies and gentlemen! For a long time, the mail of the project “” has simply been bombarded with letters of the following nature: “how to equip a gym at home?”, “What simulators are suitable for installation in an apartment?”, “There is no way to exercise in the gym, what would you advise?”, “I’m already in age, how to keep fit on your own? At first there were not so many of them, i.e. one could easily stop looking at them, but when their number exceeded the critical level, I realized that this topic is quite relevant and should be considered in the very near future.

Actually, today we will do this, namely, we will work in search of answers in three directions - is it possible to equip a personal gym in a house / apartment with little bloodshed, how much this pleasure will cost and what to do if there is no time for the gym, but to maintain (or make) mouth-watering forms of passion as you like. Here we go!

Gym at home: to be or not to be

As you probably remember, in my previous articles I said that the level of development of the fitness and bodybuilding industry in Russia leaves much to be desired, in comparison with Europe and especially America. However, this fact does not prevent our citizens from engaging in health, building a beautiful body and maintaining a good shape even in adulthood. I would even say that a positive trend has emerged, people have begun to go to the gym much more often, to be more actively interested in questions proper nutrition, weight loss and of course pumping muscles. On the one hand, this, of course, cannot but rejoice. On the other hand, due to the total lack of time, it is not always possible to devote time even to your closest relatives and friends, not to mention some adventures in the hall to create mouth-watering forms. But what to do, do you want to be in the body?

Personally, I see the next way out - not for Magomed to go to the mountain, but on the contrary - the mountain to Magomed. Shifting to the rails of bodybuilding, this means that you need to equip a hall in your apartment or house. This is what one of my acquaintances did (with my help), and I will share a similar joint experience in this note later.

I think there comes a time in every person's life when he decides to take care of his body. Most often, this action begins with the purchase of dumbbells, jump ropes, hoops and fitballs. (fitness balls). This Sports Equipment helps to solve the most basic tasks:

  • bring muscles into tone;
  • develop some flexibility;
  • improve the condition of the cardiovascular system;
  • slightly adjust the shape (particularly when working with a hoop).

However, as you know, appetite comes with eating, and over time, seeing the slightest changes in the composition of your body, this becomes not enough for a person, and he wants something more. In such a situation, chip and dale various home simulators come to the rescue. Who does not know what they are, you are welcome, a note at your service. Most often, these iron cars are purchased by girls. (no, they are purchased by men, but at the whim of a woman :)), because it is they who are responsible for the family hearth and often sacrifice their career (figure) for the sake of creating a prosperous family. Those. they have absolutely no time left for their beloved in connection with household chores, children and other women's joys, and they want to look "delicious" under any life circumstances.

Also, very busy people can be classified as acquiring (including entrepreneurs), who also have no time to waste precious time on traffic jams, the road and other tinsel that does not contribute to a productive waste of time. It is easier for such people to work out in silence at home after a hard day. Moreover, a business is often built without leaving home, and therefore the purchase exercise equipment in your home is a great option.

Another separate line is the category of citizens - those "who are for ...". Often these people do not want (or not very convenient) to personally stay in the hall with a large noisy crowd of the younger generation. But at the age, you also want to look decent, how much, maybe, not to have a relief from the muscles, how much for the general tone and prolongation of longevity.

These were the three main categories of citizens who are thinking about buying exercise equipment for the home, and it was from them (You, my dear) I received the most letters.

So, we figured out the target audience, now let's look at the benefits that these “iron pieces” can give, standing in your house / apartment. First of all, they include:

  • save money - you only pay 1 once, and not constantly for each right to use a piece of iron in the hall;
  • saving time and nerves - no need to “graze” your turn, wait and stand when the simulator is free;
  • Personality - personal equipment in your home;
  • convenience and flexibility - you can train at any convenient time.

Well, actually, it remains to deal with filling the dwelling with these structures, i.e. answer the question: “what home exercise equipment to buy?”.

Gym at home: what equipment to buy

And here it is worth saying that the choice is simply huge, and the eyes run wide from all this abundance. But what a dilemma, in a standard apartment (which is exactly what most of us have) you don't get much. Therefore, it is necessary to dwell on some basic, necessary, not very bulky and not expensive.

Option number 1. [Slimming + muscle tone]

The set consists of: HORIZON treadmill and Omega fitness center (strength trainer for beginners). Country of origin, China.

In the power simulator you can perform: horizontal press, crossover, abduction of the legs back / to the sides / cross, leg extensions, twisting, traction of various blocks, etc. (see examples).

The fitness center allows you to satisfactorily work out all the major muscle groups.

  • Total total cost = 110,000 rubles.
  • Total number of exercises: 19.
  • Track dimensions, mm: 1820x910x1490
  • Dimensions of the fitness center, mm: 1550x1170x2200

Option number 2.

The set consists of: a bench with risers and power station JOHNS. Country of manufacture, USA-China.

In the power station you can perform: vertical press, butterfly on the rear deltas, rowing vertical thrust, flexion / extension of the legs, calves, etc. The complex allows you to satisfactorily work out most muscle groups.

The numerical data looks like this:

  • Total total cost = 118,000 rubles.
  • Total number of exercises: about 15
  • Track power station dimensions, mm: 1810x1650x2030
  • Bench dimensions with uprights, mm: 1400x1200x1100

With such simulators you can equip your apartment or house for development and maintenance functional state body.

Someone may say: “and what did you paint here?” :). I do not have that kind of money and there are no such square meters of housing where this iron waste paper will stand. Yes, you are absolutely right, this option is quite expensive, and requires a decent amount of free funds and mansion space. However, do not be upset, because there is also a budget and probably the only possible apartment option - this is the installation of a universal simulator, so we will talk about its design, characteristics, properties and cost, further.

Gym at home: innovative power simulator “C1” barbell with mechanical insurance

A little background.

After analyzing the current situation with home exercise equipment, I began to think how, with a relatively minimal budget, you can purchase a multifunctional exercise machine that fits freely in a standard apartment? Inference led me to the fact that this should be an all-inclusive complex. I began to dig in this direction and soon dug up something interesting - a Russian power simulator (prefabricated complex) with the discreet name C1. And when I found out that one of our readers (Fyodor, 45 years old, Yekaterinburg, businessman) I personally know him, and he had only positive impressions from using it. I decided to make an overview review of this baby :). So let's get to know him better.

Power simulator “C1” barbell with mechanical insurance– Russian (which is very encouraging) development of our compatriot Oleg Yuzhakov. For those who don’t know, development means a fundamentally new (which wasn't there before) a solution, and not a simulator bought (cheaply) in the west, pushed in Russia. It is expressed in the form of a patent for an invention. Let me explain popularly.

If you are a local kulibin, not illusory brainy, plus your hands are growing from the right place, and you have come up with some new idea (concept, mechanism), decided to put it into practice, then you have a direct road to the patent bureau of the Russian Federation. A commission of smart men gathers there, who decide whether your development is worthy of release to the masses, whether it can really help people in solving their problems / problems. If a positive decision is made, the author receives a patent for his invention. In case of power simulator“C1” decision to grant a patent is as follows.

Now let's deal with this innovation in detail and in pictures.


All further narration will be conducted in the form of "question-answer" for better assimilation.

First, let's take a look…

What are the advantages of the C1 simulator in comparison with competitors?

The main advantages include the following:

  • personal gym in your home;
  • more 20 exercises for 1 square meter (any analogs take in 3-4 times more space).
  • no inconvenience in the gyms, work out at home whenever you want;
  • pay 1 times, no additional cost;
  • the simulator is easy to operate and does not require expensive maintenance;
  • ideal for all family members;
  • individual equipment for the needs of a person (pay only for used hardware);
  • increased security (patented mechanisms make training safe);
  • the ability to perform exercises without assistance, regardless of weight.

As a separate item, I would like to make a list of exercises that can be performed in the C1 power simulator.

Now let's talk about...

Simulator dimensions

As for the dimensions, they are as follows:

  • model C1 150 (LxWxH): 1100x1000x2320 mm
  • model C1 200 (LxWxH): 1320x1120x2320 mm.

“Tynazherometry” in comparison of the C1 150 option with the option No. 1 of the fitness center looks like this.

This is how the placement of the C1 power simulator in a standard type room will look like.

Gym at Home: C1 Facts

  • withstand loads up to 300 kg (majority 200 kg);
  • occupied area from 1,1 sq.m.;
  • savings up to 2 hours of time in each lesson;
  • more 20 exercises.

Now it's time to figure out what this multifunctional power simulator is.

Appearance and description

The simulator itself is the following design (see image).

For techies or, so to speak, those who like to sort out the design, I will give more “loaded” images (clickable). Suddenly, you yourself will assemble such a design at home using them :).

A detailed side view looks like this (clickable).

If you don’t go too deep into technical details, then from the point of view of an ordinary layman who wants to work out at home, the C1 simulator is a combination of safe and correct execution barbell exercises (, and other types of traction) and performing a variety of related exercises for various muscle groups with lower and top block, bars, mixing-breeding of the hands ("butterfly"), as well as flexion-extension of the legs.

Patented neck stop technology allows you to absolutely safely (and without outside insurance) perform various exercises. All you have to do is wiggle your fingers while doing it, and the movement of the weight will be stopped thanks to a special tracking mechanism. It only prevents the weight from shifting dangerously to the left or right, while otherwise leaving the bar completely free.

Thus, it turns out that you are engaged in the simulator as with a regular barbell, which can move freely up and down and back and forth without any resistance. At any moment, simply by raising your fingers above the bar or even releasing it completely, you will activate the mechanical safety device, which will reliably stop the barbell. In addition, the guide mechanism will not allow the bar to move left or right, or one side of the bar to go down, so you can always be sure that plates will never fall off the bar. All this allows you to completely secure the process of performing the exercise and avoid unwanted stress on the joints.

An additional cable system (optional) allows you to perform exercises with the lower and upper block (traction), mixing-breeding arms ("butterfly"), adjusting the weight with pancakes as in regular barbell. Also included are removable bars, a bench with an adjustable back and a leg flexion-extension function.

Gym at home: hthen and how to do it

Probably, many people have a question: “well, the simulator is multifunctional, but what exactly (what exercises) can be performed on it? Of course, it is difficult to form any general opinion on the degree of usefulness of this unit from one picture. Therefore, the next visual video sequence (which can be downloaded from the links) I think it will be very helpful.

  • middle left/right blocks with handles;
  • removable bars;
  • bench for flexion/extension.
  • Dilemma: to buy or not to buy

    The main deterrent from making any purchase is the uncertainty and doubts that arise, such as: “is the simulator right for me?”, And “is it safe to buy via the Internet?”. Here, each person decides for himself what is more important for him - to sit in doubt and wind up or find out everything, get advice and after a while get the result without leaving home.

    In order to somehow relieve tension, I think it would not be out of place to give feedback from customers who have already purchased this simulator in their apartments. Read and draw your own conclusions.

    So, let's put our brains together :) and decide - do we need it at all? The following scales will help us to navigate best.

    As you can see, the C1 power simulator overtakes its competitor on all fronts. Of course, the final choice is always up to the user, but if I were planning to set up a gym in my home, I would start by considering our today's winner. At a minimum, the solution is interesting, unusual and deserves the closest attention.

    Well, in order to completely make a real rocking chair out of an apartment, you should design your home accordingly and vinyl stickers for the gym at home can help with this.


    Today we figured out how best to equip t gym at home. Now you know where to start, it remains only to take the first step - not in words, but in deed to confirm your choice by purchasing the necessary simulator. Well, with this you will already be fine without me, good shopping!

    PS. Not quite understood and have questions? Then I'm waiting for your comments, we'll decide everything!

    P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

    With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.