How deadlift affects the growth of the spine. What is better deadlift or squat - the basics and the relationship

There are probably more exercises for bodybuilders than there are stars in the sky, however, only two give real mass (and strength!): squats and deadlift. What, you don't believe? But in vain. Both of them purposefully act on the most large muscles our body - legs and back. Many beginner pitching, dreaming of a steep mass, do not understand that it is determined by these particular muscle groups. Intensive load on the legs and back plus proper nutrition- this is the key to your progress, because from squats and deadlifts, not only legs and back grow. Well, the path to serious bodybuilding begins, as you know, with pumping the total mass. Any thinking jock first pumps muscles, and only then proceeds to their fine detailing.

In the arsenal of professionals, the deadlift has always been and remains one of the most important tools. Celebrities of past years pulled out more than one thousand tons in this way, but all because they perfectly understood: it is this exercise that gives them real strength and the missing mass.

But, unfortunately, not all jocks like it. For many, heavy deadlifts are like a sharp knife. Well, if you don’t enjoy the exercise, and you do it with disgust, then, as a rule, there is little sense from it. What can you say? It’s up to you, of course, but keep in mind: if you need mass, you can’t do without a deadlift.

pull a lot

The essence of the deadlift is heavy weights. The exercise must be performed at the limit. Working with a light bar is just a waste of time. But remember: before approaching a lot of weight, you need to master the stance and have a good strength base. Without this, it is better not to grab the maximum weights.

A lot of weight puts a load on all muscle groups without exception. The one who did a good deadlift for the first time, the next morning, can hardly move at all. And not because he stretched or damaged something: it’s just that many muscle groups got a real load for the first time.


Before you grab the barbell, be patient and learn the technique of pulling properly.
The deadlift technique is quite simple, and it is often this simplicity that causes a common mistake: moving too quickly to sub-limit weight. Take your time, lay a solid foundation of strength first, even if it takes several months.

At the beginning of each workout, you need to warm up your back. To do this, you can take a small weight on your chest several times or do vertical thrust standing up to the chin. Pay special attention to weak spots. Muscles that are damaged or suspected of injury need to be warmed up especially carefully.


So, you are ready and go to the bar. Let's start with the legs. The correct position of the legs is the basis of the correct stance. Stand as close to the bar as possible (your feet should be touching it). The further away from the bar, the harder it is to lift because the leverage increases. Feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, toes pointing straight ahead. However, people are all different - it may seem to you that putting your feet wider is much more convenient. That's your business.

The grip should be slightly wider than the position of the legs. Use straps, but never use a different grip, as powerlifters do in competition. With a different grip, the load on the back - especially on the lower back - greatly increases. So, fasten your hands with straps on the neck, put your feet properly, straighten your back and sit down a little. Pull your shoulders back so that your shoulder blades come together - this will fix the upper back and prevent it from rounding. Ideally, during the exercise, the back should remain absolutely flat. But here we must remember that all people are different. For some on traction, the back is like a wheel - and no injuries. What can I say: to each his own. But it is still recommended to keep your back straight. Before you start pulling, lift your chin and look up. This will help keep your back straight.

One of the basic principles of proper deadlifting is that the front delts should always be in front of the bar. Before starting the lift, make sure that your stance is correct, and the deltas on the turned shoulders protrude forward beyond the bar line. This position should remain throughout the exercise. Never bend your arms. Remember: they are just a connecting link. By bending your arms, you break the stance, and deprive the exercise of any meaning.

Having lifted the bar off the floor, try to keep it close to the legs - to the lower leg, to the knees, and then to the hips - the closer the better. Once the bar is past your knees, you can move your hips forward a little to help keep the bar closer to your body. But do not overdo it - the front delts should still remain in front of the bar line. You shouldn't lean back either. For the lower back, this is dangerous, since the lower back is not provided by nature for such loads. Having reached the highest point, begin to slowly, under control, lower the barbell. Do not drop by any means. When lowering the bar, injury can be earned with the same success as when lifting. A sharp downward throw of weight often injures the elbows, shoulders and lower back.

When you master the technique and feel more confident, you can slightly increase the load. But if at the same time you are forced to pull the bar off the floor, bend your arms or bend your back with a wheel, - alas, you will have to reduce the weight and return to the previous intensity again. Remember: in the deadlift, the right stance is much more important than a giant weight.

Narrow places

From the very beginning, pay attention to those parts of the exercise that are most difficult for you: getting off the floor, the rise itself, or completing it.

If the beginning of the exercise is the most difficult for you, then you need to pump up their backs. This is where the best helpers are: traction on straight legs, tilts with a barbell on the shoulders and hyperextension.

If the hitch is in the middle stage, do a row to the belt in an incline and a row to the head on the upper block.

If the stop occurs at the upper points, then shrugs with large weights are needed. thrust upper block very helpful here too.

For some athletes, when working with maximum weights knees start to drop. This indicates weakness of the adductors of the thighs, and you need to respond to this immediately. Weak adductors can lead to serious knee injuries and hip joints.

Deadlift - classic strength exercise, one of the main ones when gaining mass. It will help you quickly increase volumes and gain real strength. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid. Don't pull the band - pull the bar.

Methods and tips - how to improve the result in the deadlift from the adherents of the powerlifting sect from the American site T-Nation, who all try on their own muscles. We pass the floor to the athlete John Gallone.

How to Increase Deadlift Weight

To be honest, with my physique, the deadlift is not easy to do: the arms (and even fingers) are short and at the lockout (in the upper part of the amplitude), the neck always rests on the hips. But instead of mournfully cursing fate, I decided to use all the accumulated knowledge and achieve success in the deadlift - and I did it.

For about three years I pulled a little more than 200 kg and could not increase the result in any way. But after including several techniques in training, he reached 275 kg, and this summer he even overcame 315 kg.

Having tried many different methods, I selected only those that really work (really work for the author of the text - approx. Zozhnik).

1. Dedicate a separate workout to the deadlift

Oddly enough, many lifters do not include a separate workout for the most difficult lift in their program.

For example, using the Westside Method, they do a variant of the barbell squat or bent over on max effort day and the box squat on dynamic day. Then, of course, they can add weightlifting deadlifts or light deadlifts with acceleration after the box squat, but this is always a secondary movement. And on max effort day, almost no one does heavy pulling.

And it was the same in our hall, but then we decided to make some changes. When my team and I decided to set aside a special workout for the deadlift, the number of people pulling over 250 kg increased dramatically. And five athletes lift more than 300 kg in deadlift. Weak effect.

So, although this advice seems too obvious, dedicate a full day of deadlifting to your program. At the same time, you don’t have to take on maximum weights every time, you can do volume or speed training, but one way or another, you pay enough attention to movement (and technique).

2. Do deadlifts with straps

If you're a hardcore lifter, by now you're probably thinking, "What's he carrying?"

Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting: deadlift with wrist straps. Look at the record holders - almost everyone, sooner or later in their training, performs a deadlift in straps.

Wrist straps allow you to lift more than usual and are especially useful for volume workouts where you are doing a lot of heavy reps in a set. You need to hit very strong hamstrings, so use straps so that a weak grip doesn't restrict development.

In addition, the straps protect your palms - with multiple pulls, the notch of the neck will erase your hands. If you pluck a callus, your workouts will have to be postponed, so be smart and do volumetric approaches in the wrist straps.

Many lifters believe that the strap deadlift will lag more behind and hurt the final result in competition. They need to understand that all the training volume required for a deadlift record cannot be done with bare hands.

Of course, you should not abuse the straps either, this weakens the brushes, and even spoils the execution technique. I recommend pulling without hand straps on max effort days: sets of 1-3 reps will support the grip and leave the palms intact.

3. Work on your lower and upper range in the deadlift

In the deadlift, you need to be strong throughout the range of motion - both at the bottom and at the top. If you have problems at the bottom of the amplitude or at the top, then include exercises to eliminate weaknesses in the program.

Add sets of 5-8 reps to the deadlift after the main working sets of the deadlift. From time to time, try heavy triples and even singles (sets of one rep), replacing them with regular deadlifts.

For the upper section, traction from the plinths is best (when the bar is installed with pancakes on the blocks). If you do not have special boxes for this, put pancakes or use steppes. This option is more effective than a partial deadlift in a power rack or from racks where the neck rests on the clamps. When the plates are on the plinths, the movement is more like a regular deadlift, which is positively transferred to the result in the full range.

An example of a deadlift with plinths for training the upper part of the range:

For a breakdown and working out acceleration from the bottom point - deadlifts from the pit (standing on a raised platform). Put just one plate under your feet, and you will immediately feel how much harder it is to pull. But this makes this option very useful if you have problems getting started. And do not use large weights and too high a stand. It is enough to go up just a few centimeters to get a significant increase in the usual range.

An example of a low elevation deadlift for lower range training:

4. Pull longer

For maximum strength development, add variations that make the regular deadlift more difficult by increasing time under tension and range of motion.

Deadlift with pauses - performing a classic deadlift, just stop at a certain height, then continue moving. Choose for yourself which dead spots you need to work on; in my experience it is helpful to pause when the bar is mid-calf and just below the knees.

Here is an example of a deadlift with a pause:

By stopping the movement with the bar in your hands, you increase the time under tension and not only get more strength, but also improve your technique. The bottom line is that you are forced to take the optimal position, lingering at difficult points, otherwise you simply will not be able to complete the repetition. Thus, deadlifts with pauses teach you how to pass difficult places correctly, honing your technique.

Draft with a snatch grip - performed as usual, but the neck must be taken more wide grip. This increases the range of motion in both directions: you have to go lower and get higher. In addition to the same increase in time under tension, you engage the muscles of the legs and pelvic girdle more, which improves the start in a normal deadlift.

Do these rows with straps so you don't have to worry about grip and focus on your leg and back work.

5. Tryanother rack

Include both versions of the competitive deadlift in your workouts: classic and sumo. In classical, the back and biceps of the thighs work more, in sumo - quadriceps and other pelvic muscles. By increasing the strength of all these muscle groups, you will lift more.

If you're only pulling classical, temporarily switching to sumo will relieve your lower back and may even increase your squat performance.

If you have always been a “sumo wrestler”, then the classic will strengthen your lower back and others. important muscles back.

Do not try to reach the same weights in an unusual variation, just add loads to groups that were not previously included in the deadlift. Then, returning to your favorite option, you will reach new records.

6. To improve your deadlift, do deep squats.

To lift a lot in the deadlift, you need not only a powerful back, but also strong legs.

The best exercise for developing leg strength is, of course, the full squat. And some options give a special load to the upper back and core muscles, which only helps in traction.

To increase the result in the deadlift, I recommend front squats and pause squats with a safety bar (the author means “safetybar”, a neck with cross-bars for squats - approx. Zozhnik), a regular bar will also work, but with this it is more effective.

These squat options both load the legs as much as possible, and make the abs and upper back tense.

7. Train with people who pull harder than you.

The right attitude in the deadlift is perhaps more important than in any other exercise. To lift record weights, find yourself a company of strong guys in the gym who pull really hard. They will help with advice and add motivation. You will notice that the atmosphere itself helps the progress in the deadlift.

An example of a two training day program that includes the above techniques to increase the result in the deadlift. (Attention: only for experienced athletes! - Zozhnik's note).

1. Max effort day

2. Dynamic Effort Day

Translation for Zozhnik: Alexey Rebulicommando

Important question. Is deadlift necessary?

All urgent questions of beginner healthy lifestyles in the heading "Important question".

All urgent questions of beginner healthy lifestyles in the heading "Important question". This week's question: Do newcomers need strength training deadlift? There is an opinion that you can’t pump up without a deadlift big muscles. Is this so, do they exaggerate the benefits of this exercise, how traumatic it is, and how it can be replaced - with the help of an expert, "Soviet Sport" understood.

Nikolai Goryachev, an expert in the direction of gyms of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit, answers:

Any newcomer to gym I met this stern mentor who constantly repeated: “If you want results, do the base and eat well! And then make the base again!”

Under the base, they usually mean three exercises - squat, deadlift and bench press. The belief that without a base it is impossible to achieve results is a furry myth. It has been spreading since the time when there was no fitness in the country, and the beginning bodybuilding was closely intertwined with weightlifting and powerlifting, power triathlon.

Representatives of these "classical" disciplines, as a rule, became the first coaches in bodybuilding. And they began to widely broadcast to the masses what worked in their sport - namely the notorious “base”, without which, allegedly, one cannot pump up. From these heavyweight masters who became bodybuilding coaches, there were already new coaches who also promoted the principle of the need for a base. At the same time, no one thought about the fact that the base principle is effective for professional athletes, can work in a completely different way for people who did not come to the hall for records. These people come to the gym for the sake of health, and many have no sports experience at all. However, the myth that "if you want to get big, deadlift" still persists in fitness clubs. And today there are unfortunate trainers who first of all lead a new client to get acquainted with the “base” and drive the poor fellow under the bar.

At the same time, there are many other, more modern programs where basic exercises are kept to a minimum. But these programs bring a person into shape no worse than the “base”.

Many people talk about the dangers of basic exercises - and deadlifts in particular. How real are the risks of getting injured doing a deadlift? Or is it just horror stories from the fitness world?

Deadlift for an unprepared person is the maximum dangerous exercise. This is a very difficult exercise that involves large muscle groups: gluteal muscles, muscles of the back of the thigh (biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles), adductors, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, arm muscles and other muscle groups in dynamic and static modes of operation.

The spine is most at risk, because due to the constant holding of the barbell in front of you, the body experiences an overload. The extensor muscles and spine are strained to the limit. At the same time, these muscles are almost certainly not trained in beginners and are not able to perform their function under stress. heavy weight- especially if a person leads a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.

- Let's summarize: do deadlift or not? What do you recommend?

For beginners, deadlifting without prior preparation is a direct path to back injuries: muscle strains, problems with the spine, up to hernias and protrusions. Therefore, if you are new to the gym and your task is not to compete in powerlifting, then the deadlift should be avoided! The deadlift has no obvious advantages over barbell squats. It develops approximately the same muscle groups, but the risk of injury when performing a deadlift is much higher.

- How to replace the deadlift in your training?

If your goal is to work the muscles of the back of the thigh and the extensors of the spine, then deadlifts will be replaced by hyperextensions with a straight back or Romanian traction. The Romanian deadlift is a lightweight version of the deadlift, in which the barbell is not lowered to the floor. This exercise is much more gentle for the musculoskeletal system.

If your task is to give the body a general stress for the secretion of hormones, then squats with a barbell on the shoulders can easily replace the deadlift. They are the same basic exercise but less traumatic.

- What if a person just likes the deadlift as an exercise, and he still intends to master it?

If you are determined to do deadlift, then first you need to prepare yourself more simple exercises. Strengthen those muscles that will take on the most work during traction, locally.

It's about about the extensor muscles of the spine, the back of the thigh, the muscles of the cortex. Train them at least twice a week. Include in your program the following exercises: calf flexion in the simulator, hyperextensions with a straight back, tilts with dumbbells (hip-hinch), Romanian traction in the Smith machine. Don't forget to also do static exercises For abdominals- for example, planks.

All these are lead-up exercises that will strengthen the necessary muscles and prepare the ligaments for more complex exercises. Remember: The deadlift is a movement that comes from professional sports and therefore comes with significant risks, even if you don't use significant weights. Therefore, once again weigh all the pros and cons.

source: "Soviet Sport"

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What is deadlift for? Types of deadlift. Common mistakes. Equipment selection. What better barbell or dumbbells. How to replace deadlift. Deadlift- one of those exercises that load a large number of muscles. So, when performing the classic version, the muscles of the back and legs swing. Also, the benefit of this exercise is that it contributes to the rapid build-up of muscle mass. It is also suitable for weight loss.

Classic option: how to perform

To complete the exercise, you need:

  1. stand so that the bar is above the foot. Legs - shoulder width apart;
  2. perform an incomplete squat (up to an angle of 45o) and grab the barbell with a comfortable grip. Should be taken shoulder width apart;
  3. take a deep breath and start lifting the projectile, keeping your back straight;
  4. start lowering again after the body has already straightened. The loin is not rounded.

Common Mistakes

The deadlift is performed with weight (usually with a barbell), so it should be done with extreme caution. Increasing weight too quickly, poor-quality warm-up and sudden movements during the exercise can lead to a torn lower back. Often the cause of pain is the rounding of the back during weight lifting. Another cause of pain in lumbar may become an incorrect grip. Better enjoy classic grip or straps.

If the exercise is done correctly, but severe pain does not disappear, you need to take a picture of the spine and visit an orthopedist. With problems with the spine, traction is contraindicated - for example, with scoliosis.

Deadlift (on straight legs)

This exercise requires flexibility, but it is also suitable for beginners for whom other deadlift options are still too heavy. This type of exercise is considered ideal for girls: with less load on the spine, it makes it possible to pump up the hips and buttocks separately.

The deadlift specifically targets the gluteus maximus, hips, and back flexion muscles.

To properly perform the exercise, you need:

  1. put your feet already shoulders. The location of the socks is not important: they can be either parallel or slightly turned;
  2. bring the shoulder blades together, you need to look in front of you. The buttocks are slightly tilted back, from which a slight deflection appears in the lower back;
  3. monitor your breathing: exhale - on the rise, inhale, respectively, is done when the body descends;
  4. keep your legs straight. During execution, it is allowed to bend the knees slightly;
  5. take the barbell - for example, with a direct grip. Hands - shoulder width apart;
  6. start slowly lowering the bar. The movement should be directed down, the reference point is the middle of the feet: the bar should be lowered to them;
  7. make sure that the pelvis is more strongly retracted, the lower the bar is;
  8. drop as low as the stretch allows. Beginners rarely lower the projectile below the knee, but as a result of hard training, you can stretch the muscles enough to touch the floor with pancakes. Moreover, the greater their weight, the easier it is to perform traction;
  9. returning to the starting position, feel how the muscles of the lower back and the back of the thigh work;
  10. bring the shoulder blades to the starting position.

Romanian draft

It is often confused with the deadlift, but these exercises are different, although their technique is very similar. Both exercises allow you to pump your buttocks and make your legs more slender, which is important for girls.

The main differences of the Romanian version are:

  • pelvic position. It is retracted back at the beginning of the movement, and when lifting it, on the contrary, it is necessary to move forward, while squeezing the buttocks;
  • touching the floor - or rather, its absence. If, when performing a variation with straight legs, ideally the pancakes should touch the floor, then the Romanian deadlift assumes that the bottom point is the middle of the lower leg.

How much you need to perform this exercise, that is, the standards, depends on the goal.

Target Number of repetitions Number of approaches Optimal weight (from maximum weight, which turns out to be raised at a time)
Enlargement of the buttocks and hamstrings 4-5 70-80%
Improving the relief of the buttocks and back of the thigh 12-20 Depends on the endurance of the athlete 50-60%

Sumo Deadlifts for the Pros

Unlike the options described above, this type of deadlift is more complicated than the classic one, so only experienced athletes can include it in training. Also, "sumo" is ideal for those who have high growth: unlike the "classics", this exercise makes it possible to increase the weight being lifted and reduce the range of motion.

As for the muscles being worked out, when performing sumo, the muscles are primarily involved inner surface hips. There is also a load on the buttocks, but it is less. In classical traction, the load is distributed in reverse.

The deadlift is done in the same way as the traditional version, but with a different position of the legs: they are wider than the shoulders, and the hips should be turned outward. Actually, this thrust got its name due to the fact that the initial position is similar to the stance of a sumo wrestler.

To perform a rack, you need:

  1. warm up by doing a warm-up;
  2. take a starting position;
  3. take vulture. The back is straight, but during the capture of the barbell it bends a little in the lumbar region. In this case, the grip can be anything, but the classic one is preferable, since it is the least traumatic;
  4. descend. The body should be slightly bent, but the back should be straight, and rib cage as if moving forward. At correct execution the hips are parallel to the floor;
  5. straighten up with effort, the movement is even sharp, the pelvis begins to push forward from the moment the bar is above the knees. At the same time, it is desirable to bring the shoulder blades together.

The number of repetitions depends on what result the athlete achieves. So, wanting to increase power characteristics, it is enough to do three approaches, each - four lifts. "Sumo" should be performed in conjunction with other exercises; if it is the final one in the workout, four sets should be performed, with the last one with less weight, but with 10-12 repetitions.

If you need to build muscle, then you need to do at least eight repetitions at a time, it is recommended to gradually increase their number to twelve. When it becomes easy to lift the barbell twelve times, this is an indicator that it is time to work with large weights.

On one leg

Performing traction on one leg has a lot of advantages: it allows you to work accurately rear surface thighs and gluteus maximus muscles, prevents asymmetry of the buttocks, develops coordination and flexibility, stabilizes knee-joint. In addition, this exercise is an option for those who want to train their legs, including the buttocks, but for some reason cannot do squats and, and also have back problems.

The deadlift is not considered very difficult, so even beginners should try it.

  1. It is necessary to pick up dumbbells (you should start with small weights) and stretch your arms so that the dumbbells are at the level of the hips. One leg is slightly laid back.
  2. On exhalation, the body must be moved forward, while the front leg is slightly bent at the knee, and the back leg comes off the floor and rises the higher, the lower the body falls.
  3. When the body is parallel to the floor, you need to linger in this position for a few seconds, and then take the starting position again at the entrance.

The exercise is performed both with kettlebells and dumbbells, and with a barbell. If you want to use weights for only one hand, you can use the lower block of the simulator.

  • the back should be perfectly straight throughout the exercise;
  • you need to look in front of you;
  • lingering at the bottom point, you should squeeze the buttocks with an effort;
  • you need to go down at least to the parallel with the floor, and if possible, a little lower;
  • the heel of the leg retracted back should stretch up;
  • beginners should try to perform deadlift without weight, improving coordination, and only after the technique has been worked out, move on to working with weight;
  • it is important to monitor breathing: exhale - when the body is lowered, inhale - on the rise;
  • 4-5 approaches are enough, but they will bring results if each has at least 15 repetitions (their number is gradually brought to 20).

Barbell or dumbbells?

Deadlifts can be done with either a barbell or dumbbells. The latter option is suitable for those who cannot work with large weights: beginners, men after an injury, girls. Also, dumbbells or kettlebells can be used if training is carried out at home: not everyone has a barbell, dumbbells are more versatile in this regard.

However, not all types of traction should be performed with dumbbells. They are perfect for Romanian and dead thrust, as well as for variations on one leg, but for more complex varieties - classical and sumo - you still need a barbell.

And one more option - with rubber bands. It is better to take a rubber band for fitness. It is necessary to stand in the middle of the tourniquet with both feet so that it is under the arch of the foot, and firmly take the ends in your hands (you can wrap it once). The tighter the tourniquet, the greater the load - but in any case it will be less than with a barbell.

The execution technique does not depend on the projectile; in any case, it remains the same.


When performing traction with a barbell, it makes sense to purchase a trap bar. The barbell handles will make it easier for those who have mobility problems to exercise: you don’t have to bend over much, so the risk of spinal misalignment is reduced. It is also easier to lift weight with such a bar, since the athlete is in the center of gravity. But you can get by with a regular barbell bar.

Those who perform deadlifts with significant weights should purchase an athletic belt that will make training safer. It fixes the spine, and also makes the muscles being worked out contract even more. It should be put on so that it is in the center of the navel, and tightened tight enough - but so that it is possible to take a deep breath.

It is also contraindicated for those who have hernias.

As for shoes, when working with light weight, ordinary sneakers will be enough. With professional traction, you should purchase special shoes that fix the ankle. Such shoes must be durable and made of genuine leather. Another one important detail- sole: it should be ribbed to prevent slipping (especially important for sumo traction).

Deadlift Replacement

If even with a small weight, it is painful or difficult to do traction, you should first pump the muscles in a different way.

The following exercises can replace traction and completely:

  • (both normal and reverse);
  • leg press;
  • abduction of legs back with weighting;
  • exercises on the simulator for bending the legs.

While these exercises are a good alternative, they won't completely replace deadlifts.

The world record for deadlift is 457.5 kilograms. But it is not necessary to achieve such results as masters of sports: even performing traction with a minimum load, you can make your body beautiful and athletic.

    What will be required

    The deadlift is one of the most common exercises among all sports disciplines. It is actively used in crossfit, and is also a good auxiliary exercise to increase the overall strength and power of the athlete, so fighters mixed martial arts, fans of boxing and oriental martial arts also do not bypass it, thereby gaining crazy strength and increasing the overall sports potential. Today we will tell you how to do the deadlift correctly, as well as the main types, techniques, standards and alternatives to this exercise.

    What is deadlift?

    What is this exercise - deadlift? In short, this is lifting a barbell (or other weights) from the floor, performed due to the work of the muscles of the legs and back. This exercise is excellent for gaining muscle mass, increasing strength, since here we can work with serious weights, while engaging almost all muscle groups of our body. The deadlift is rightfully considered a classic basic exercise, which no athlete can exclude from his program.

    Beginners, as well as experienced athletes, are strongly advised to start their deadlift training with a thorough warm-up and stretching. The movement must be powerful and synchronous, each muscle must be included in the work exactly when necessary, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform a deadlift technically correctly without proper preparation of our muscles and articular-ligamentous apparatus to severe strength work.

    There are 3 main types of deadlift: classical, sumo and Romanian. Each of them is complemented by a different variation of weights (barbell, kettlebell, dumbbells, Smith machine, trap bar, etc.) We will talk about each type separately.

    The difference between them lies in the position of the arms and legs, due to which the load falls more on the back or legs. There are also several additional this exercise which are of no less interest to us, for example:

    • deadlift on straight legs (Romanian draft);
    • deadlift in the Smith simulator;
    • deadlift with a trap bar;

    We will discuss each of these types in more detail in this article.

    Deadlift Equipment

    A conversation about the deadlift would be incomplete without mentioning the current records in this movement. Deadlift can be performed without the use of equipment and with equipment. The question arises: what can be considered equipment? Overalls? Shoulder straps? Or even a belt? We share the most conservative position on this issue, namely: equipment is what increases your result, so straps, overalls and knee bandages can be safely attributed to the equipment division.

    The belt is a slightly different story. Of course, an athletic belt helps to lift a little more weight when doing a deadlift, but its original function is to protect you from an umbilical hernia or lower back injuries, so its use is acceptable and often even necessary in naked powerlifting, and this does not contradict the rules of the federations. There are no unique ones like Konstantin Konstantinov, who are able to pull more than 400 kg without a belt, in the whole world, so it’s better to take care of your health in advance and not neglect the use of a belt ..

    Deadlift records

    One way or another, the current absolute record in the deadlift belongs to Icelander Benedikt Magnusson ( weight category over 140 kg). He obeyed 460 kg. There are two more equally impressive records, however, they were made using straps and overalls. However, this does not detract from their importance:

  1. Briton Eddie Hall conquered 500 kg (weight category over 140 kg), watch the epic video of this event below;
  2. Russian Yuri Belkin submitted 450 kg (ATTENTION, weight category up to 110 kg).

Which of these is more significant for the development of sports in general and setting the right example for novice athletes, decide for yourself. My opinion is the following: Belkin's result is just space. We wish the athlete to set new world records and that injuries bypass him.

Types and technique

Classic deadlift

The classic version of the deadlift is perhaps the most common in power extreme and powerlifting. There is no exact information about what sports discipline it originated in, but most likely it was weightlifting - the first part of the push is precisely this movement.

So, how to do the deadlift step by step (execution technique):
  • When the athlete takes the bar shoulder-width apart, the legs are a little narrower, the feet are parallel to each other.
  • The bar of the bar is as close to the shins as possible, so it is recommended to use leggings when performing deadlifts.
  • The shoulder blades and shoulders are laid back a little.
  • The movement begins with the movement of the legs - the bar must be “torn off” by the effort of the quadriceps and buttocks. When the bar has passed 20-30% of the amplitude, the athlete should start moving with his back, fully straighten in the lower back and fix in the final position.

Short video with deadlift technique:

Most of the load in the classic deadlift falls on the muscles of the back (namely, the extensors of the spine and trapezius muscles), so this option is recommended for athletes whose back muscles predominate over the muscles of the legs. There are also a number anatomical features structures of the body (for example, long arms or a short torso), in which it is worth performing the classic traction.

The main mistake of beginners here is the rounding of the back when lifting (traction “hump”). By doing so, you risk serious back injury and forget about athletic longevity.

Pay close attention to processing correct technique exercises, only in this way you can get the most out of this movement.

A detailed video on the correct execution of the classic deadlift, analysis common mistakes beginners:

Sumo deadlift

Deadlift with dumbbells

An obvious plus in working with dumbbells is a longer amplitude, since the dumbbell neck will be located below the barbell neck. Therefore, it is quite possible to be in the training process of a crossfit athlete, since it is convenient to combine it with dumbbell push-ups or thrusters.

In addition to the semblance of a classic deadlift, there is an exercise called plie squats, which is popular among many fitness girls. The movement is similar to the sumo deadlift, however, we do not put dumbbells on the floor and work non-stop in the top position in a shortened amplitude, keeping the hip adductors in constant tension. The back should be kept straight throughout the exercise, the weight of the weights is selected individually, but it should be borne in mind that in such isolated exercises there is practically no point in working less than 10-15 repetitions. Here we are working on target muscle groups, and not setting strength records.

Deadlift regulations

Separate deadlift competitions are held under the auspices of all powerlifting federations operating in Russia (FPR, WPC / AWPC, ACM Vityaz, etc.). At the same time, there is no distinction in what style an athlete should pull: sumo or classic. For many athletes, this moment causes indignation, someone demands to introduce a separate division for sumo pulling, someone demands to completely ban sumo pulling, and invalidate the current records, or create a separate federation where everyone will pull in sumo ... These statements are heard, in my opinion, it's just absurd. The rules of the federation do not regulate any type of deadlift as the only correct one, and each athlete has the right to choose the style in which he is able to show the greatest result, at his own discretion.

Below are the standards for deadlifts for men, approved by probably the most popular federation among amateur athletes - AWPC (Doping Control Division). The deadlift standards of this federation are quite democratic, so it will not be too difficult for any more or less prepared athlete to prepare for some regional competition and complete the first adult category for a start. And then - more. Therefore, if you have already achieved certain results in the deadlift, try to confirm them in competitions. adrenaline rush and unforgettable feelings guaranteed.

Category standards for men in deadlift without equipment (AWPC):

Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSI categoryII categoryIII categoryI juniorII Jun.
52 197,5 175 152,5 132,5 115 105 90 75 60
56 212,5 187,5 162,5 142,5 125 115 97,5 82,5 65
60 225 200 172,5 150 132,5 120 105 87,5 70
67,5 247,5 217,5 190 165 145 132,5 112,5 95 75
75 265 232,5 202,5 177,5 155 142,5 122,5 102,5 80
82,5 277,5 245 215 185 162,5 150 127,5 107,5 85
90 290 255 222,5 195 170 155 132,5 112,5 90
100 302,5 267,5 232,5 202,5 177,5 162,5 140 115 92,5
110 312,5 275 240 207,5 182,5 167,5 145 120 95
125 322,5 285 247,5 215 190 175 150 125 100
140 332,5 292,5 255 222,5 192,5 177,2 152,5 127,5 102,5
140+ 337,5 300 260 225 197,5 182,2 155 130 105

For women:

Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSI categoryII categoryIII categoryI juniorII Jun.
44 127,5 115 100 85 75 70 60 50 40
48 140 122,5 107,5 92,5 82,5 75 65 52,5 42,5
52 150 132,5 115 100 87,5 80 70 57,5 45
56 157,5 140 122,5 105 92,5 85 72,5 60 47,5
60 165 147,5 127,5 110 97,5 90 77,5 62,5 50
67,5 177,5 157,5 135 117,5 102,5 95 82,5 67,5 55
75 185 165 142,5 125 110 100 85 72,5 57,5
82,5 192,5 170 150 130 112,5 105 90 75 60
90 200 177,5 152,5 132,5 117,5 107,5 92,5 77,5 62,5
90+ 202,5 180 155 135 120 110 95 80 65

You can download and print the table if necessary by.

Alternative deadlift exercises

What can replace the deadlift? I must say right away that the following information is intended for those athletes who cannot perform traction due to medical contraindications, but want to work out target muscle groups using other exercises.

For everyone else, the answer is: NOTHING.

The deadlift is a multi-joint exercise that uses almost every muscle in our body. And the effect it has on our strength and muscle mass, it is unlikely that it will be possible to replace hyperextensions, tilts with a barbell, or exercises for the adductor muscles of the thigh. Therefore, if you cannot perform a deadlift due to the fact that you are contraindicated axial load on the spine, include in your training process the following exercises:

  • Pull-ups on the bar- Maybe, better exercise in the world to gain back muscle mass and give a V-shaped silhouette. It is important to try to carry out the movement by contracting the latissimus dorsi, while reducing and spreading the shoulder blades, while minimally including the forearms and biceps. So you get the maximum efficiency from this exercise. Perform other lat exercises where the axial load is minimal (wide-grip vertical block pull, horizontal block pull). narrow grip, pullover from the upper block, traction in the Hummer, etc.) in order to put more stress on the muscles and create the preconditions for muscle growth.
  • maintaining proper technique at maximum weights
  • Rod acceleration

    The more acceleration you set when the bar breaks, the easier it will be for you to complete the movement. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the explosive strength of the legs and back, and you should include the following exercises in your training process that will help you make deadlifts more explosive and faster:

  1. Squats with a pause at the bottom;
  2. Jumping on the box;
  3. Getting up with a barbell from gray hair;
  4. Squats with a barbell on a bench;
  5. Fish pull-ups.
  6. Deadlift with a pause at the level of the knees.

Correct technique

As far as proper technique is concerned, it is purely a matter of time and experience. It is necessary to work out the deadlift separately in full, shortened and extended amplitudes.

Working in a shortened amplitude (traction from plinths), we can perform an exercise with a lot of weight, shifting the load on the entire array of back muscles. In addition, we develop grip strength and psychologically get used to the maximum weights.

Do not forget about stretching the torso, perform various exercises aimed at stretching the lats, chest, lower back or abdominals, under different angles, not a single muscle of your body should be “wooden”, then the deadlift will become for you a comfortable and absolutely natural movement in terms of anatomy and biomechanics.

Equally important is the isolated work on the target muscle groups. working with deadlift. For example, you should perform pull-ups, barbell or dumbbell rows, hyperextensions, and boats to keep your back muscles ready for strength work. Don't forget about our "foundation". Strengthen your leg muscles further, squat with a barbell, do leg presses, sit-down extensions, and other exercises for the quadriceps and biceps femoris.

Crossfit complexes

The deadlift is a great tool not only for a powerlifter, but also for a crossfit athlete, so do not bypass this exercise. By doing it, you will increase your training tonnage and intensity many times over, develop strength and muscle mass, and the level physical training will increase from workout to workout. Below are a few functional complexes that you can try to perform in the upcoming workout. Be careful: the task is clearly not for beginners.