How to burn fat on the internal organs. Visceral fat: a source of problems in men

What is internal (visceral) obesity?

This is the reason for the impossibility of significantly and for a long time to achieve a reduction in excess body weight. Internal (visceral) fat makes up 40% to 90% of all body fat in women and men.

H what is visceral fat, and why is it harmful?

This is fat that surrounds and permeates all our internal organs - the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas. But most of it is around the intestines. Visceral fat even forms the anterior abdominal wall - in the form of a greater omentum. Total weight visceral fat even the most slender person has about 3 kg, and with obesity, his weight reaches 20-30 kg. Normally, this tissue envelops all our internal organs with the thinnest veil, quickly providing their energy needs. With excess body weight, visceral fat is like a thick mattress that "compresses" the internal organs. They disrupt normal blood circulation and lymph flow. As a result, visceral adipose tissue becomes an enemy, interfering with the normal functioning of internal organs.

What are the consequences of excess visceral fat?

An increase in visceral fat leads to diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension, sudden death from a heart attack or stroke. For example, the risk of diabetes increases by 56 times, coronary heart disease increases by 35 times, the risk of cancer by almost 15 times.

Why visceral obesity could not be treated before?

For the treatment of subcutaneous obesity, diets, drugs or biological supplements - "fat burners", the operation "liposuction" are used. These techniques do not work on visceral fat. Most people have experience when prolonged fasting or restrictive diets lead to the fact that facial features become aggravated, arms and legs grow thin, but the stomach remains unchanged. Visceral fat is poorly understood, and scientists have not yet come up with suitable drugs for it. Since visceral fat is located inside each organ, along the vessels and nerves, it is even theoretically impossible to remove it with the help of an operation. Therefore, very few people know or have heard anything about visceral obesity.


In 100% of overweight men and in 50-60% of all women weighing over 30-35% of the norm, excess fat is deposited in the VISCERAL FAT TISSUE. Normally, this tissue wraps all our internal organs with the thinnest veil, including the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, intestines, and even blood vessels. It protects them from hypothermia and quickly provides their energy needs. But with an increase in body weight, this cover turns into a thick mattress in which normal blood circulation is disturbed, and instead of helping the protected organs, the visceral adipose tissue becomes an enemy, interfering with their normal functioning.

As a result, the work of the heart is disrupted, and an overweight person practically does not tolerate physical exertion. He is instantly covered with sweat, his heart literally bursts out of his chest. The work of the lungs is disrupted, and the person suffocates. The work of the intestine is disrupted - it squeezes, and chronic constipation occurs, which leads to slagging of the body. The work of the liver is disrupted, and toxins coming from the clogged intestine poison all the cells of the body. The work of the pancreas is disrupted, and the level of sugar in the blood rises and diabetes mellitus develops.

Visceral adipose tissue itself is a powerful endocrine organ, larger in weight than all other endocrine glands. It synthesizes the main stress hormone - cortisol, which brings the body into a state of chronic stress, forcing all organs to work with increased stress. Visceral adipose tissue UNCONTROLLED synthesizes in large quantities the main inflammatory hormone - interleukin-6, as a result, even minor ailments lead to the development of serious diseases in obese people. In addition, excess adipose tissue is a "trap for male sex hormones", it actively turns them into female ones, even in men. There is a violation of sexual function - impotence and infertility. In women, a similar situation is observed if the amount of adipose tissue exceeds the norm by 40-50%. For example, if the weight with a height of 165 cm will be over 140 kg. Then the female visceral adipose tissue becomes a generator of male sex hormones.

Under the influence of an excess of hormones produced by visceral adipose tissue, in almost all cells of the body, the number of receptors responsible for regulating their normal functions is disturbed. Disturbed receptors on cells lead to the fact that harmful cholesterol, fats, and toxins are deposited in them. A VICIOUS CIRCLE ARISES AND FIXED: the more visceral fat, the more pronounced disorders in the body that increase the formation of visceral fat.

THE RESULT IS SAD: An increase in the amount of visceral fat leads to diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension, sudden death from a heart attack or stroke. For example, the risk of diabetes increases by 56 times, coronary heart disease increases by 35 times, the risk of any oncology by almost 15 times.


Visceral obesity cannot be removed using ANY surgical techniques. LIPOSUCTION is aimed only at the correction of external fat deposits located between the skin and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Surgery on the stomach such as BANDING or reduction of its volume is recommended by doctors only if it is a real risk to life. And, unfortunately, this operation does not give a lasting effect. In principle, it is technically impossible to remove visceral fat from the diseased organs themselves with the help of surgery, since many vessels and nerves pass through its thickness. Therefore, with the help of plastic surgery, it is IMPOSSIBLE to defeat visceral fat.

There is a misconception that it is easy to get rid of visceral fat with the help of DIET. In fact, it is impossible to get rid of visceral fat in principle, because even if a person is a professional athlete, as they say in the jargon “dried”, a thin film of visceral fat still remains around all of his internal organs. In men who are fond of sports with a powerful press, it manifests itself as a small "belly", which occurs after 2-3 weeks with a decrease in the intensity of training or rest.

The most dangerous thing is that many slender people, as British scientists have established, actually have an excess of visceral fat. It turned out that 45% of women and approximately 60% of men with a normal body mass index (BMI between 20 and 25) had elevated levels of visceral fat. Among such people "thin outside, thick inside" there were even professional models. A survey of participants found that people with excess visceral fat were more likely to maintain weight through diet, while participants with normal visceral fat preferred regular physical activity, the scientists reported.

THEREFORE, the main remedy for getting rid of visceral fat deposits is LONG-TERM low-intensity physical activity, for example, slow walking for 2-3 hours daily.

Most of us believe that if we pinch ourselves and grab two centimeters of fat, we should stop eating ice cream. But the fat that you can grab with your fingers, that is, located directly under the skin, is actually harmless.

Much more serious problems arise from visceral fat, which is deposited around vital internal organs such as the intestines and liver. "The threat to health is determined not by the fact that you have excess fat, but by where it is concentrated," says Dr. Arthur Frank, Medical Director of the Obesity Program at George Washington University.

And now, in order not to completely bring you to depression, we will tell you some good news. Although the main role in determining how subcutaneous fat in your body belongs to the genes, but studies show that the amount of visceral fat directly depends on the level of physical activity and the food you eat.

Those who consume polyunsaturated fats instead of saturated fats tend to accumulate less visceral fat. Daily physical exercise also prevent the accumulation of visceral fat.

When you start to lose weight, you quickly get rid of visceral fat. A number of studies show that people who lost 10-15% of their total body weight through diet and exercise lost 30% of their visceral fat and significantly improved their scores on risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as cholesterol and blood pressure. (which was not seen with liposuction).

This is important to know at any age, but especially as you get older, as the risk of heart disease increases with age.

After menopause, women begin to accumulate male-type fat—think beer bellies—which again means an increase in visceral fat levels. Therefore, it is better to start losing weight right now through a healthy diet and reducing the amount of food consumed. Try to regularly devote time to physical activity - at least half an hour a day. And you will see how your waist will gradually get rid of excess fat.

Each person has a certain number of cells in which the reserve energy is stored in the form of fat. Their size is practically unlimited, so when gaining mass, they can increase and increase indefinitely. From excess weight, stored in caring fat cells, not only looks unaesthetic, but can also threaten health. When is it especially dangerous?

What is visceral fat?

The body has two ways of creating reserves. In the first case, they are stored in visible zones that can be seen and felt. This is subcutaneous fat that tends to accumulate in the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. The second method is associated with the appearance of a fatty layer inside the body. This is the so-called "visceral fat" that surrounds the lungs, heart, liver and stomach. It is its presence in increased quantities that leads to chronic diseases. Within reasonable limits, it should be contained in every organism, providing additional protection for internal organs. But its excess leads to metabolic disorders, the development of hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, Alzheimer's disease, liver ailments and certain types of cancer. To diagnose the danger, it is enough to measure your own waist.

If it has increased by five centimeters relative to the size characteristic of her in her youth, it is quite possible to speak of a deterioration in metabolic processes.

Most people are more concerned with their appearance than an internal state. Flabby hips and chubby arms excite a person more than invisible visceral fat. How to remove cellulite and stomach - that's what seems important. And absolutely in vain. Until the moment when excess visceral fat disappears, normal subcutaneous fat does not begin to leave, which means that the figure will not become more elegant. Therefore, study the reasons for the appearance of weight and try to get rid of bad habits. First of all, you need to lead a more active lifestyle. The diet should include less sugary and high-calorie, forget about sugary drinks and quick snacks outside the home.

Sleep disorders also do not help to become healthier, so you should take care of the normal daily routine.

Taking decisive action

In general, there are only four points that help defeat visceral fat. These are exercise, diet, lack of stress and good sleep. The first point is the most significant. Even lean people who maintain a figure exclusively by diet can face the dangers that visceral fat contains. Therefore, mobility is vital for any person who wants to be healthy and active for as long as possible. Even half an hour of exercise several times a week can seriously reduce visceral fat. sports training it is better to plan according to the interval type, with the alternation of relatively light and more intense exercises, so the effect is maximized. You can support him proper nutrition. You should not chase fashionable diets, it is better to choose the basic rules for a healthy diet and just stick to them always. For example, control the amount of fiber - it stops obesity. Watch the amount of carbohydrates, especially fast ones, reduce calories to one and a half thousand calories per day and limit sweets, pastries and potatoes. Please note that the immediate result can be dangerous, doctors do not recommend losing more than two kilograms per week. Finally, stress avoidance healthy sleep seven to nine hours a day will help to finally consolidate the result and achieve not only a slender, but also a healthy body.

Take the test and find out your ideal way to lose weight!

In folk medicine, bear or badger fat is considered a panacea for many diseases.

And here is our own visceral fat, deposited around the internal organs, not only does not add health, but also causes many problems.

When putting Christmas decorations in a box or packing a tea set for a move, you cover everything with cotton wool so that fragile things do not break.

This is how the body accumulates around the internal organs visceral fat, which warms and supports them in the correct position, along the way softening shocks and blows.

If you lose weight to the point where there is no visceral fat left at all (this happens in those suffering from anorexia nervosa), then kidney or spleen prolapse may occur.

This means that it will be contraindicated to do fitness, lift something heavier than a kilogram, even cough and sneeze: internal organs can fall out at the slightest increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

However, excess lard causes even more trouble than its lack.

Imagine how hard it is for the heart, literally strangled visceral fat: it is deposited around the poor organ in the pericardial sac - the pericardium - and presses on it, preventing it from beating.

Visceral fat seeps into the blood high level cholesterol and contributing to the development of atherosclerosis, including the coronary arteries that feed the myocardium, and cerebral vessels.

As a result, hypertension develops, heart attacks, headaches, and forgetfulness appear.

But the list of diseases, the likelihood of which increases with an excess of fat reserves, is not limited to cardiovascular pathology.

Here and hormonal imbalance, and metabolic syndrome, and diabetes, and bronchial asthma, and all kinds of allergic reactions, and even some types of cancer, in particular of the intestine and breast.

How to get rid of visceral fat

Weightloss remedy No. 1 - AS clip with nano coating

Most of those who want to lose weight are primarily interested in the question: - "How to lose weight easily and forever?".

The solution, the AS clip with nano-coating, was found and successfully tested by Russian scientists in the field of nanotechnology.

You will have an assistant who will help you overcome all barriers and defeat excess weight.

About the AS clip

The idea of ​​the nano-coated clip is very original. Of course, the nano-coated clip is one of the most important discoveries in the field of weight loss and increasing human energy.

The combination of the powerful technological capabilities of nanotechnology and the time-tested principles of reflexology makes the clip perhaps the most effective and comfortable means of weight loss.

The clip has been researched and its effectiveness has been proven.

The clip generates ultra-weak electromagnetic vibrations, which, through biologically active points, affect the internal organs and processes in the body.

The impact goes through the water, which is in the cells, intercellular space, blood and plasma.

As a result, metabolic processes are accelerated, the work of the endocrine system and the digestive tract is improved.

The feeling of hunger is significantly reduced. All this leads to intense calorie burning and weight loss. An important difference from losing weight on various diets is that weight loss occurs, albeit a little slower, but without pain, with health benefits and forever.

How does the clip work?

  • Reduces appetite
  • Increases metabolism
  • Burns fat, not muscle
  • Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system
  • Increases energy and immunity
  • Removes toxins, restores the natural balance in the body.


  • Lose weight without dieting
  • Lose weight without strenuous exercise
  • The clip is very comfortable to use and looks stylish
  • The clip is affordable for everyone
  • You will have a personal, the best in the world, acupuncturist at home
  • You will lose weight forever.

Important! If you decide to "go on a diet", then the clip will help to avoid feelings of hunger and prevent weight gain after the diet is over.

Clip AS is:

  • Most Effective Clinically Proven Weight Loss
  • The safest weight loss
  • The simplest and easiest weight loss
  • The most affordable weight loss
  • Exclusive development.

What result will you get:

  • Weight loss by reducing fat by 4-7 kg per month.
  • Reduction of body volume (at the waist by 4-7 cm per month).
  • Getting rid of diseases associated with excess weight.
  • You will become slim, beautiful and desirable.

Test results.

The studies were carried out during the year in St. Petersburg by dieticians.

There were up to 80 people under observation who used a nano-coated clip for weight loss.

98% of patients lost weight.

On average, they lost 4.9 kg per month. Maximum result- 6.8 kg per month, minimum -3.7 kg per month.

All patients noted an increase in energy, physical activity, an increase in self-esteem, and improved health.

How to use

It is necessary to wear a slimming clip 3 times a day on the desired ear area for 20-30 minutes a day and observe simple rules which will help in the fight against extra pounds.

If the clip is put on a certain area on the tragus of the ear, then the ultra-weak electromagnetic vibrations that the nano-coating generates will affect the hunger point and significantly reduce it.

The clip, acting on other areas of the ear, will increase metabolism and normalize the activity of the endocrine system, stomach, digestive system and other important human systems.

In fact, you have a personal acupuncturist at home, but you don’t have to go anywhere, you don’t have to pay for sessions either.

At the same time, the effectiveness of the clip is higher than that of acupuncture, due to the resonant effects in the body, which are caused by exposure to weak electromagnetic oscillations.

Hundreds of people have already lost weight comfortably and easily. Join now!

Believe me, you will succeed!

The nano-coated AS clip can be ordered by cash on delivery directly on the website and in the AS online store for home and garden health products.


The cost of the clip is 990 rubles plus delivery by Russian Post 290 rubles. Only 1280 rubles. Payment is made at the post of Russia upon receipt.

AS online store

The cost of the clip is 990 rubles and free delivery by Russian Post. Only 990 rubles. Payment is made in the online store through the payment systems Yandex-kassa or IV. Payments are available by bank card, electronic money and through terminals.

The amino acid β-carnitine (a vitamin-like substance found in meat, milk and food additives) combined with aerobic exercise:

  • walking,
  • swimming,
  • bicycle rides.

With a lack of β-carnitine, the coefficient of burning visceral fat worsens: fat cannot get into the "combustion chambers" - the mitochondria of muscle cells - and turn into energy (ATP molecules that the body uses as "batteries").

Most of the β-carnitine is found in:

  • crabs (more than 200 mg per 100 g),
  • young lamb (190 mg),
  • venison (150 mg),
  • beef (143 mg).

In addition to visceral fat, there are other types of fat in the body.

Structural is the basis for building cell membranes and shells of various fibers, is involved in the formation of various protein compounds.

Functional (subcutaneous fat) is evenly distributed over the surface of the body, lying between the skin and muscles. Protects the body from hypothermia.

The reserve, as a rule, is responsible for increasing volumes by problem areas. This is where excess carbohydrates are sent, which the body cannot burn.

Brown (brown) has a distinctive feature - the ability to quickly melt. This variety occurs only in infants and disappears when the child is two months old.

body audit

How do you know if you have a lot of visceral fat if you can't see or feel it?

There are plenty of ways.

Each individual has errors, but if the results of most tests indicate an excess of nutritive fat, there is no doubt: it is really too much.

Figure outline.

If it resembles an apple, then you have a clear excess of internal fat.

Normally, fat reserves should be no more than 10-15% of body weight, and the more the stomach protrudes, the greater the internal deposits.

Want to know where they accumulate?

In the abdominal cavity, we have a kind of fatty apron - a large omentum, which is a fold of the peritoneum that hangs from the lower edge of the stomach and covers the internal organs to warm them, and at the same time protect them from injuries and concussions.

According to the design of nature, the oil seal is a cross between a spare gas tank and an airbag, but this very pillow should not be too massive.

If you want to get rid of the fat apron inside the abdomen, avoid worries: the omentum begins to actively accumulate fat under the influence of the stress hormone cortisol.

True, even with the biggest troubles, no fat can be deposited here if you do not start to jam the problems with rolls.

Look for a less calorie cure for nervous tension!
Waist circumference.

When measuring it, women automatically exhale and pull the measuring tape as tight as possible.

So who are you trying to fool?

Stand up straight, relax, and run the measuring tape over the highest point of your abdomen at the level of your navel.

If it turned out more than 80 cm (for men - 94 cm), you have a clear bust of visceral fat.

Five years ago, the standards were less stringent. It was believed that it was possible to talk about an excess of nutritive fat only if the waist circumference exceeded 100-108 cm in men and 88 cm in women.

However, the latest research has shown that the fat apron grows with a much smaller size of the abdomen, so now many more people are at risk.

If the waist circumference is larger, the pressure is fooling around, and there were diabetics and hypertension in the family, go through an in-depth examination to assess the state of health.

Once a year, take a blood test for fatty substances. The level of high density lipoproteins should not fall below 1.6 mmol / l, low - not exceed 3.4 mmol / l.

Green tea helps to bring these indicators back to normal and lose weight.

Work with a nutritionist individual program weight loss: as soon as visceral fat begins to melt, sugar and pressure will return to normal by themselves.

Body mass index (BMI).

If you have more than 25, but you are not a bodybuilder, then excess fat has already begun to be deposited in the omentum and around the internal organs, and a result above 30 indicates that the process has gone far enough for you to enter the risk zone according to the corresponding diseases.

Because omentum grows with dietary fat, reduce your intake to at least a third of your daily intake.

And she is like this:

  • 15-20 g of animal fats (according to other sources - 35-40 g) and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable.

We overlap this norm several times: on average, about 70-100 g of fat per day enters the human body (counting hidden, contained, for example, in sausages, sausage, cheese, sauces).

Products (especially dairy) buy reduced fat content, refuse butter and mayonnaise, non-lean beef and pork, chicken skin, as well as everything fried (oil is used in the frying process).

The difference between normal and your weight.

The norm, of course, is a relative concept, but in this case it does not matter.

Calculate it using the formula “growth minus one hundred” and see how many kilograms you have in excess of this. If more than twenty, then visceral fat has become a serious problem for you.

Fortunately, women are less prone to sebum buildup than men. After all, estrogens protect women from increasing the amount of internal fat, and only closer to menopause, when the level of hormones decreases, the stomach begins to burst.

Do not try to give up on yourself - they say, nothing can be done with a blurry figure, it's hormonal! In fact, even in adulthood, it is easier for a woman to get rid of visceral fat than for a man.

If you give up fatty and sweet, the female omentum will lose weight in the first place, but in men it will resist to the last.

Moreover, as the omentum grows, it itself begins to produce hormones that contribute to weight gain. So it's better not to run the problem.

Another way that allows you to find out if there is a lot of visceral fat in the body is flotation.

This method is suitable for those who periodically visit the pool.

Once in the water, lie on your back with an asterisk so that the clock on the wall is in your field of vision.

Note the time on the second hand, exhale and wait. If you immediately went to the bottom - you have a deficiency of adipose tissue in your body (less than 13%), and there is practically no visceral fat.

Lie on the water for 30-40 seconds, after which you start to sink a little?

This is the norm for women - 22-23% body fat. Men begin to sink in the 15th - 20th second: they are supposed to have no more than 15% body fat.

If you freely float on the surface - you don’t drown at all, you can’t even dive properly, the water pushes you out, it means that the amount of fat in the body has exceeded 25%, and it has long been filling the omentum and settled around the internal organs.

On a note

With an excess of visceral fat, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases 6 times, hypertension - 4 times.

Stocks of nutritive fat are replenished not only due to dietary fat, but also with the abuse of sweets.

Thanks to the biochemical mechanism of the carbohydrate shunt, which allows cells to convert glucose into fatty acids, exactly half of the sugar you eat ends up as visceral fat.

We ate half a kilo of sweets - accumulated 250 g of internal deposits. Do you still want to take something sweet for tea?

allergic response

In the US, doctors, examining 88 thousand women, revealed the relationship between visceral fat and asthma.

It turned out that with excess internal reserves, asthma occurs more often. True, according to experts, the attacks are provoked by the layer itself: it produces substances that cause the body to produce an inadequate immune response.

On the other hand, the growth of visceral fat is provoked by allergens.

Some nutritionists ask patients to take a blood test for antibodies - not only in order to identify allergen foods and exclude them from the diet: food that causes the body's reaction, even low-calorie ones, prevents you from losing weight, and it is internal reserves that leave much more slowly.

The fact is that allergens are perceived by the body as toxic substances. In order to resist them, antibodies are produced in huge quantities, which surround them.” At the same time, the protection of internal organs is also fat cells: they increase in volume, envelop the heart and liver to slow down the metabolism, and with it the intake of substances that caused the reaction.

Visceral fat turns into armor.
The fact that not everything is in order inside can be guessed by the fact that you are following a diet, and the reserves do not want to leave.

The easiest way to identify enemies is to take tests for specific antibodies in the blood.

But such research is not cheap. You can make a list of dangerous products yourself, because they negatively affect not only the work of internal organs, but also general well-being. Remember: it probably happened that after a meal you ached or felt dizzy, weakness and drowsiness appeared, and your nose was blocked.

Usually these symptoms are due to changes in the weather, pressure, but sometimes the cause is hidden in the products.
In order to identify the allergen, first of all, you need to make a list of frequently consumed foods. Then delete from it complex-component dishes, foods high in sugar and fat.

In the first case, it will not be possible to determine what the body has reacted to, in the second, a sharp jump in blood glucose will provoke rapid fatigue, and in the third, excess fat will cause overeating, which will cause drowsiness.
Try to eat only one product from the list at one meal, and not more than 200 g at a time, and track your feelings after the meal. Remember that at this time you can not mix foods, add sauces and seasonings.

In a week, you can try everything and identify the dishes that cause ailments. Give them up for three to four months and then test again. If a repeated negative reaction does not follow, return them to your diet.
To remove excess visceral fat, you still need to lose weight.

And in order to lose weight, you need to eat less and it would be nice to increase your metabolism, normalize the work of the digestive and endocrine systems.

Due to the impact of weak electromagnetic oscillations on points on the ear, known in acupuncture, the feeling of hunger is significantly reduced and you can freely regulate the amount of food, as well as metabolism increases, the activity of the endocrine, digestive and other systems is normalized.

In fact, you have a personal acupuncturist at home, but you don’t have to go anywhere, you don’t have to pay for sessions either.
By choosing the areas of influence of the clip on the ear, you can, in addition to losing weight, solve many other health promotion tasks. Well, the stronger your health, the more likely you are not only to make your figure attractive, but also to keep it for many years.
At the same time, the effectiveness of the clip is higher than that of acupuncture, due to the resonant effects in the body, which are caused by exposure to weak electromagnetic oscillations.

Source-magazine Lose weight.

Everyone wants to look attractive. However, the presence of excess weight significantly spoils the appearance.

Extra body fat localized on the hips, waist and abdomen. They harm not only the figure, but also health.

Therefore, the question of how to get rid of visceral fat at home is very relevant.

Unlike subcutaneous, this type of fat is localized under muscle tissue surrounding internal organs. It is located in the abdominal cavity.

Normally, the amount of visceral fat should not exceed 10%. total deposits. Only in this case does it play a protective role, protecting the organs from the influence of external factors.

Also, this type of fat plays the role of a reserve in case of hunger. If the volume is higher than normal, there is a danger to the body.

Availability a large number this type of fat leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the body. This creates favorable conditions for the development of serious pathologies.

These include the following:

At healthy people visceral fat accounts for 10% of total body fat.

The total amount of fat in the female body is greater than that of men. However, the rate of visceral fat in a woman's body is less. This means that men are more likely to accumulate this substance.

To determine the amount of visceral fat, magnetic resonance imaging is performed. However, there is a simpler method that allows you to evaluate this indicator.

It won't help determine percentage fat, but with its help it will be possible to detect an excess of the norm.

To do this, you need to use a centimeter tape to measure the waist. For women, this indicator should not exceed 84 cm, for men - 94 cm. During measurements, the stomach should not be drawn in.

If the waist size exceeds the indicated indicators, this indicates the accumulation of excess fat. This means that there is a threat of developing dangerous pathologies.

Doctors identify quite a few factors that lead to the appearance of this problem:

How to deal with visceral fat? This will help special diet. To maintain your health, it is very important to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Adjusting your diet will help you lose belly fat.

To fix the problem, you need to use the following categories of products:

  1. Protein foods - eggs, low-fat dairy products, meats, cheeses, legumes.
  2. Carbohydrates - vegetables, dried fruits, whole grain bread, greens.
  3. Products with big amount fiber - green fruits and vegetables, dried apricots, raisins, potatoes.
  4. Healthy fats – fish, olives, tofu, avocado, olive oil.

At the same time, there are foods that need to be excluded from the diet:

  • sweets, bread, pastries;
  • strong alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fried foods and dishes cooked on the grill with a lot of oil;
  • fast food;
  • sausage;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats.

Answering the question of how to burn visceral fat, experts recommend special exercises.

To choose the necessary complex, you should consult with a fitness trainer. The specialist will be able to draw up an individual program that will help you get a slim figure.

So, how to reduce visceral fat? For this, the following movements are suitable:

When answering the question of how to remove visceral fat on the abdomen in women, you need to remember that certain recommendations should be followed when performing exercises:

  1. Need to exercise on an empty stomach. All experts say that physical exercise will give a result only if they are carried out 1-1.5 hours after eating.
  2. Keep the right pace. Do not try to quickly complete the workout and move on to other things. In order for the body to feel the load, you need to adhere to a normal rhythm.
  3. Use natural fat burners. They will help to cope with excess body fat, activate the functions of muscle tissues and stimulate the processes of splitting.

To speed up the process of getting rid of visceral fat, you need to do effective cosmetic procedures . These include the following:

  • hydromassage;
  • wraps;
  • belly massage;
  • sauna;
  • cold and hot shower.

Hydromassage perfectly copes with fatty deposits on the abdomen, normalizes blood circulation. Bath and sauna also quickly eliminate excess weight, activate metabolic processes and remove toxic substances through the pores.

With a contrast shower, fat cells are actively burned and metabolic processes are accelerated.

Another effective method wraps are considered. They contribute to the saturation of the skin with oxygen, stimulate blood circulation, remove toxic substances. This helps to cleanse the body of excess fluid and leads to the burning of belly fat.

For the procedure, the skin of the abdomen is cleaned with a scrub - sea salt or ground coffee. Then it must be massaged and pinched. After that, apply a therapeutic composition to the stomach.

Mustard, clay, honey, chocolate can be used for its manufacture. If the dermis is highly sensitive, vegetable oil should be added to the mixture in a ratio of 2: 1.

Then you should lubricate the stomach and sides with a useful composition and wrap them cling film. From above, it is necessary to wrap the problem areas with a warm scarf and actively move for half an hour. Then the composition can be washed off.

A special massage helps to get rid of visceral fat. However, only a specialist should carry out the procedure, because important organs are located in this area. The course of therapy should include at least 15 sessions.

A professional treats problem areas with the help of special warming agents. This will help stimulate blood circulation and lead to the breakdown of fat cells. After the procedure, hematomas may remain. However, they pass rather quickly.

To cope with visceral fat, you definitely need to learn how to relieve nervous tension. To solve this problem, experts advise the following:

Visceral fat is a fairly common problem that can cause the development of dangerous pathologies. To cope with the anomaly, you need to make adjustments to your menu, go in for sports and master relaxation techniques.

Of no small importance is the conduct of cosmetic procedures.