How to train your thumb. Exercises for the hands and fingers

A set of exercises for the fingers

The main causes of pain in the joints of the fingers include overwork, disease or injury. If pain is felt in the joints of the fingers, appropriate measures must be taken immediately. First, it is better to consult a specialized doctor: a traumatologist, a neuropathologist or a surgeon. Regular workout finger and palm exercises develop strength, improve mobility, and relieve pain.

  • Exercise Fist

Straighten and stretch your fingers, feel the tension in the muscles and joints. There shouldn't be any pain.

Start with a simple stretch: make a fist with your fingers, thumb put on other fingers. Hold for 30-60 seconds. Then open your fist and straighten your fingers, spread them wide. Repeat at least 4 times for each

  • Finger stretching exercise. Use this exercise to relieve pain and improve joint mobility

Place your hand palm down on a flat surface. Gently straighten by laying them on the surface, without forcing or straining the joints. Hold for 30-60 seconds, then relax, returning to the starting position. Repeat at least 4 times for each hand.

  • Exercise Claws. Exercise develops the mobility of the fingers:

Place your hand in front of you with your palm facing you. Bend so that your fingertips are at the base of your knuckles. should look like a clawed paw. Hold for 30-60 seconds. Repeat at least 4 times for each hand.

  • Exercise Grip. A grip exercise that helps with handling doorknobs and holding objects.

  • Exercise Pinching

Exercise develops muscles. Doing it helps you handle keys, open packages, fill up your car. Pinch by squeezing it between your thumb and one of your other fingers. Hold for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times for each hand. Perform this exercise 2-3 times a week, between which there must be an interval (at least 48 hours). Do not do this exercise if your joints are damaged

  • Finger lift exercise. Exercise develops joint mobility, finger flexibility.

Place your hand palm down on a flat surface. Pick them up one by one and put them back on the surface. You can raise all fingers at once. Repeat 10-12 times for each hand.

  • Exercise Thumb abduction. The exercise develops the muscles of the thumbs, helps to better cope with the capture and lifting of things, such as cans and bottles.

Place your hand palm down on a flat surface. Tighten the rubber band around the palm of your hand with your thumb. Move your thumb to the side, overcoming the resistance of the elastic band. Hold for 30-60 seconds, relax. Repeat 10-15 times for each hand. Perform this exercise 2-3 times a week, between which there must be an interval (at least 48 hours).

  • Exercise Thumb Curl. The exercise develops the mobility of the thumbs.

Place your hand in front of you, palm up. Move your thumb to the side. Then bend your thumb towards your palm so that it touches the base of your little finger. Hold for 30-60 seconds, relax. Repeat at least 4 times for each hand.

  • Exercise Thumb Touch. The exercise develops the mobility of the thumbs, helps to better cope with brushing your teeth with your cheek, eating with a fork and spoon, writing with a pencil and a pen.

Place your hand in front of you, wrist straight. In turn, touch your thumb to each finger, forming the shape of the letter "O". Hold for 30-60 seconds, relax. Repeat at least 4 times for each hand.

  • Exercise Thumb Stretch. Two stretching exercises for the thumbs.

Place your hand in front of you with your palm facing you. Bend your thumb towards your index finger. Hold for 30-60 seconds, relax. Repeat at least 4 times for each hand. Place your hand in front of you with your palm facing you. Pull your thumb over your palm, using the lowest joint. Hold for 30-60 seconds, relax. Repeat at least 4 times for each hand.

Most people who train in the gym do not fully understand the benefits of training the muscles of the hands, so the wrists are excluded from the training process, but in vain. It is these muscles that are most often lagging behind and do not allow you to train your hands with maximum impact. It's all about the weakness of the grip, in order to firmly hold the barbell, in addition to the muscles of the hands, it is necessary to pump up (strengthen) the muscles of the hands. In this case, a strong grip and progress are guaranteed.

Features of the structure of the hands and fingers

The structure of the hand is perhaps one of the most complex systems of the body; it is not for nothing that the hand is singled out separately in traumatology. The brush consists of three sections:

  1. wrist,
  2. metacarpus,
  3. fingers.

The wrist consists of 8 bones, the number of metacarpal bones is similar to the fingers - there are 5 of them. Each finger has three phalanges, and only the big one has two.

The muscles of the human hand form a complex system and are located on the palmar surface. The muscles of the hand are divided into three groups:

  1. muscles of the middle part of the palm,
  2. thumb muscles,
  3. little finger muscles.

Muscles of the human hand - palm Muscles of the human hand - top

A feature of the movement of the fingers is that most of the muscles that move the phalanges are located in. The muscles of the forearm are connected to the fingers by tendons through several joints. Thus, the fingers work like puppets, the muscles of the fingers themselves do not perform independent movement.

Top exercises to strengthen the hands and fingers at home

1. Wrist rotation

The technique is performed as a warm-up for muscles and joints. Squeeze your hands into a fist and perform dynamic rotations to the maximum amplitude. Rotate in one direction for one minute, then repeat the same amount in the opposite direction.

2. Clenching fists

The exercise is performed without special equipment and allows you to train at home. Clench your fists at the same time, holding the maximum effort from 1 to 2 seconds, and unclench your fingers, straightening the brush as much as possible. Do the exercise for 1-2 minutes. Relax your muscles and repeat 2 more sets.

3. Palm pressure

Join your palms tightly at chest level. Release the static tension by squeezing the palms as much as possible from the fingers to the base of the hand. Hold the tension for 1-2 minutes, relax your hands for 1 minute. Repeat 2 more times.

4. Single palm pressure

After simultaneous pressure of the brushes, work each hand separately. One palm performs pressure on the second, deflecting it back, and the second hand performs resistance. Alternate on each side for 5 seconds, and so on for 5-10 cycles.

5. Finger abduction

Remaining in the same position - palms at chest level, move your fingers away from each other as much as possible without lifting your palms. Perform the exercise dynamically, smoothly working the muscles, concentrating on the sensations in the palms and forearms. Perform the exercise from 20-30 times in 3 sets.

6. Finger pressure

Connect your thumbs and index fingers on each hand. Perform maximum compression of the pads of the fingers, holding the pressure for 1-2 seconds, and so on for each finger, returning in the reverse order - from the little finger to the thumb. Do 5-10 circles.

7. Flexion - extension of the hand without weight

Hold your hands in a fist and your forearms parallel to each other, palms facing you. Bend the brushes and bring them “towards you” as much as possible, then lower them as much as possible “away from you”. Perform exercises for 1-2 minutes in full amplitude.

Hand and finger exercises with equipment

8. Squeeze the ball with your fingers

Take a special expander or tennis ball, clasping the ball only with the pads of your fingers. Pinch the ball with your fingers for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat the movement 5-10 cycles for each hand.

9. Weight retention

Grasp pancakes or some flat but heavy object with your fingers. Hold the weight until you feel a loss of strength, then lower the weight. Perform 3-4 approaches, loading the muscles of the hands to failure.

10. Finger push-ups

This type of push-up strengthens the muscles of the hands as much as possible, since it receives a large load under the pressure of its own weight. In this variation, you should not concentrate much on the work of the pecs and triceps, since the fingers can “give up” faster than large muscles. Therefore, the option can be performed from the knees or hands on a hill.

11. Hanging on the bar

Vis is because it trains grip strength and strengthens the muscles of the hands. Keep hanging until your arms get tired. You can also hang on a towel or rope with one or two hands. Repeat 3-4 times.

12. Exercises with an expander

Choose rubber or spring expander high rigidity so that they can perform at least 10 times. Squeeze the expander for 1-1.5 minutes on each hand, then relax your hands. Do these approaches 3-4 times for each brush.

13. Bending the hands with a barbell or dumbbells

The exercise works more on the forearms, but it also trains grip strength well. Choose any available projectile of sufficient weight - a barbell or dumbbells. Place your forearms on your hips, hold the projectile with an underhand grip. Bend the hands, bringing closer to the shoulders from 6-12 times, 3-4 sets.

14. Reverse Barbell Extension

Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip, resting your forearms on your thighs. Relaxing the brushes, lower the bar down, and with an effort lift the bar as much as possible towards you. Choose a weight for 8-12 reps, do 3-4 sets.

Do no more than three times a week with or without weights. Give classes 30-60 minutes, well warming up the muscles and joints. At the end of the session, stretch the muscles by pressing one palm on the other, and change.


Hand and finger training is essential for power types sports, due to the increase in grip strength, which is necessary to lift heavy weight. For strength training choose a set of exercises with equipment, and for the prevention of arthritis and osteoporosis at home, perform simple exercises without burden.

Video: how to strengthen the hands

Strong hands are indispensable in basketball, bodybuilding, martial arts and many other sports. However, not only athletes need to train their hands - beautiful well-groomed hands without signs of flabbiness or swelling will always attract the eye, especially when they are healthy and fully perform their functions. In this article, we will get acquainted with the methods of training that will bring you closer to achieving this goal.

The benefits of gymnastic exercises for the hands and fingers

Gymnastics for the hands and grip gives the following effect:

  • improves coordination;
  • strengthens grip strength;
  • develops the mobility of the joints on the hands;
  • prevents arthrosis and arthritis;
  • develops fine motor skills;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • relieves those who spend a lot of time at the computer from tunnel syndrome;
  • improves appearance hands

Warm-up for fingers

Before moving on to the main workout, you must definitely warm up so as not to harm the muscles. To do this, you can perform the following charging:

  1. Squeeze and unclench all fingers at the same time, then in turn several times.
  2. Stretch your arms in front of you, spread your fingers and fold them together several times.
  3. Cross the fingers of both hands between each other with the palms inward, bend and unbend the wrists. Do the same with the palms turned outward.
  4. Rest your fingers on the other palm and fix for a few seconds.
  5. Connect the palms, squeezing and relaxing them.

Video: warm-up technique for fingers

Best Exercises

To train your hands, do the following exercises:

  • vis ordinary;
  • hanging with an open grip;
  • bending the brush with a barbell;
  • reverse flexion of the wrist;
  • wrist rotation;
  • expander exercises;
  • push-ups and pull-ups on the fingers;
  • falling on the wall;
  • holding pancakes with your fingers.

Vis ordinary

Hanging is an exercise in which you need to hold on to the bar on the horizontal bar and hang so that your feet are in the air. At the same time, the arms are extended, the crossbar is completely grasped, the thumb is located opposite the index finger. To prevent your hands from slipping, you can put a piece of cloth under them. Do not slouch, pull the shoulder blades back, and the shoulders down, look in front of you.

Video: hanging exercise technique Stay in this position for 15 seconds, then lower yourself to the ground, keep your hands down and rest. After 15 seconds, do the next approach.

Important! After finishing the exercise, do not make a sharp jump to the ground - this can damage the spine.

When performing this exercise, gravity pulls the torso down, the muscles of the clasping arms are tense, they hold the weight of the body and counteract the stretch.

The grip will be open if all fingers are placed side by side on the crossbar, without clasping it around. The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one.

Bending the brush with a barbell

If you weight the brushes with additional weight, the stretching of the muscles will be greater; a barbell is used for this.

Important! If the bar is thicker than 3 cm, the muscles in the hands will need more strength to wrap around it.

How to perform:

  1. Place your forearms on a stand so that the corner is in elbow joint was direct. Press your elbows to your body, keep your hands at the width of your chest, turn your palms up. In this case, you can sit, stand or lean on your knees.
  2. You can sit down with a barbell in your palms or ask someone to give you a weight. Grab the barbell with a full grip, with your thumb opposite your index finger.
  3. Lower the brushes down as much as possible and begin to bend your wrists. Do not lift your elbows and forearms from the stand. Perform 20 curls, then rest and repeat. In total, 5 approaches are required, but more can be done.

Video: barbell curl exercise technique

Reverse wrist flexion

Bending the brush with a barbell can be performed in the other direction - to develop a group of muscles on the other side.

For this:

  1. Place your forearms on the support, as in the previous version, but lower your palms down, clasping the barbell.
  2. Lower your hands down and begin to unbend your wrists, pressing your elbows and forearms into the stand. Perform 20 extensions and repeat after rest. Enough 5 approaches.

Video: Reverse Wrist Flexion Exercise Technique

Rotations using weights will help develop the muscles of the hands, for this:

  1. Take dumbbells in your arms, holding in the middle.
  2. Place your forearms on a stand, as in a barbell curl. Turn your palms up.
  3. Rotate your wrists first in one direction, then in the other, performing a full circle.
  4. At first, 20 revolutions are enough, then you can bring it up to 40. Do 5 approaches, resting between them.
  5. This exercise can be done with the palms down or with the limbs extended forward without a stand.

Compression of the carpal expander

The carpal expander is an elastic simulator that must be compressed. It allows you to pump up the muscles of the grip of the hands, to develop the joints.

Did you know? If you do not have dumbbells, you can use any objects of the same weight that are comfortable to hold in your hands: books, water or sand bottles, etc.

How to perform:

  1. Option 1 - try doing 100 squeezes in 1.5 minutes. Breathe deeply, then rest. After a five-minute rest, perform the next approach, the minimum number of approaches is 3.
  2. Option 2 - squeeze the expander and do not unclench your palm for as long as you can. Rest 5 minutes, then repeat at least 2 times.
  3. Option 3 - squeeze the expander, as in option 1, at the end squeeze it and do not let go for at least 1 minute. Do at least 3 sets with an interval of 5 minutes.
  4. Option 4 - hold the expander in your hand, try to hold out for 1 minute. Unclench it and do 100 squeezes in 1.5 minutes.
Video: compression exercise technique carpal expander The exercise is performed on both limbs. You can perform workouts in any position convenient for you, for beginners you can simplify. Gradually increase the number of approaches and the time of fixing the expander in your hand, and try to perform squeezing in 1 minute.

Important! A properly selected carpal expander is one with which you easily do 4 squeezes, and after 10 work through force.

Finger push-ups

If during ordinary push-ups the weight of the body falls on the forearms, then, pushing up on the fingers, we transfer the weight to them, developing muscles. How to perform:

  1. Tilt forward from a standing position, rest your spread fingers on the floor, placing them opposite your shoulders, step back with your feet, rest your fingertips on the floor.
  2. Tighten the muscles of the body, buttocks, legs, arms, take your shoulders back, but do not bend, keep your legs and arms straight.
  3. Bending your elbows, lower yourself to the floor without touching it with anything except your fingers and toes. A straight line should run parallel to the floor from head to toe.
  4. Extending your elbows, rise up.
  5. Continue to bend and unbend your elbows, try to hold 10 times.
  6. At the end, lie down on the floor, relax your muscles, rest for 5 minutes.
  7. Do 2 more sets.

Video: finger push-up exercise technique For beginners, it is recommended that instead of push-ups, fix the position on outstretched or bent arms while you can stand it.

Finger pull-ups

Pulling up on the fingers increases the load on the muscles, so not only the muscles on the hands and fingers develop, but also the forearms are better strengthened. This exercise requires good physical training, you need to switch to it after ordinary pull-ups have been mastered at least up to 12 times.

Did you know? Uzbekistani Jamshid Turaev in May 2016 performed 19 pull-ups on the middle fingers and got into the Guinness Book of Records.

How to perform:

  1. First, remove the thumb on each hand in turn and pull up on 9 fingers. Try doing 4 pull-ups in 3 sets with a break.
  2. When you can pull up 15 times in 5 sets, remove the thumbs on both hands and pull up for the remaining 8.
  3. Continue on, gradually removing 1 finger at a time.
For this exercise, it is better to choose a horizontal bar with a thin crossbar; thin rings are also welded to the crossbar.

Video: finger pull-up exercise technique

Holding pancakes with your fingers

Pancakes are called discs to the rods. This workout should be done after the forward and reverse wrist flexion and wrist rotation have been done.


  1. Take pancakes weighing 5 kg, holding without the participation of the palms.
  2. Stand up straight, do not slouch, keep your arms straight.
  3. Gradually bring the execution time to 30 seconds, and the number of approaches to 5.
  4. Gradually increase the weight of the pancakes.

Video: technique for holding pancakes with your fingers

You can train your hands by falling on them:

  1. Stand at a distance of at least 1 m from the wall.
  2. Extend your bent arms with spread fingers at chest level and start to fall.
  3. When you hit the wall, fix the position by tensing your muscles. Keep a straight line from the back of your head to your toes.
  4. Do several approaches.

To make the effect of gymnastics stronger, follow these recommendations:

  1. Don't move up to a more difficult level of the exercise until you've done at least 10 reps of 5 sets of the easy version.
  2. Do not make sudden movements, so as not to damage the ligaments, be sure to warm up.
  3. Avoid hanging from the horizontal bar if you have back problems.
  4. Don't do exercises that cause you pain.
  5. In the position in which you perform the exercises, you should be comfortable.
  6. A large number of approaches and repetitions are not indicators of quality, muscles develop better during slow and smooth movements.
  7. Rest between sets.
  8. People with overweight you need to be careful when doing hangs, as the load on the joints and spine increases.
  9. The massage that you give to another person will help to train the muscles of the hands.
  10. You can get rid of swelling in your hands by changing your diet - eliminating salty, fried, fatty, sweet foods.
  11. You can improve the appearance yourself by massaging your hands.

Thus, exercises for the hands and fingers are for the most part not difficult and within the power of everyone; physical training requires only push-ups and pull-ups on the fingers.

By including them in your workout program, you will not only provide a beautiful appearance to your hands, but also get rid of some health problems. But remember that before this you need to warm up well. We hope that our tips will help you achieve the maximum effect.

Hands are indispensable helpers in the daily worries of a person. Strength allows you to do daily business and engage in painstaking professional activities. Numerous diseases and lack of proper physical training lead to atrophy of the muscles of the hands, a change in the state of the bone and articular tissue.

To give strength and confident movements to such an important part of the body and prevent the development of the disease, you need to regularly perform exercises for the hands.

How to properly train this muscle group

Workouts consisting of are carried out according to the same rules as regular strength training. They should have 3 components in their structure:

  1. Warm-up;
  2. The main set of exercises;
  3. Hitch.

Each person needs a gradual increase in load, even if an experienced athlete starts training.


The basic rule of gymnastics is that the last repetitions of movements must be performed through effort.

The structure of the training is built in such a way that the movements performed affect all the functionality of the hands. Therefore, 4 types of exercises are used:

  1. Squeezing. The work of the joints and muscles is regulated with the help.
  2. Retaining. Training is carried out with the help of weight lifting, as well as deductions.
  3. Plucked. Attention is focused on holding weights with two or three fingers.
  4. Power. The load on the fingers and hand is carried out by using and holding the object.

All 4 functional types of loads are included in the training so that the muscles of the hand develop evenly.

Warm-up for brushes

Warm-up exercises for the hands play an important role in the overall training process. The overall effectiveness of training depends on the quality of their implementation. Before the main complex, you need to “warm up” well: hold your hands in hot water or do a light massage. If you skip this stage, after a workout, severe pain in the muscles and joints will torment.

  1. Clench your fists and take a few circular motions.
  2. Place your hand clenched into a fist on the table. Alternately “take out” one finger at a time from the fist. Make sure that the other fingers remain motionless during this process.
  3. Spread your straightened arms to the sides. Make several circular movements with your wrists in one direction and then in the other direction.
  4. Do wrist curls for 1 minute with each hand.

The duration of the warm-up depends on the level of preparedness of the person. Most often, it takes about 8-10 minutes.

Pressing force training

The compressive force of the hand is clearly seen when shaking hands. An "iron" handshake indicates excellent squeezing power. To develop this strength, exercises performed with the help of an expander are effective. You can also use special rubber rings.

They begin classes with an expander or a rubber ring, with the help of which no more than 10 squeezes are done in one approach. More rigid devices are used a month after regular classes.

Other exercises that develop compressive strength include chopping firewood. Residents of high-rise buildings can replace it by lifting a broom with your fingertips.

Holding Force Training

It is possible to develop the holding force only in parallel with the squeezing ability. "Tools" for classes are dumbbells or a neck. With them, training that develops the muscles of the arms will be more difficult, but more effective. They will “work out” the forearm and strengthen the hands.

  1. An exercise called "Farmer's Walk" is recognized as a very effective exercise. Despite the intriguing name, it looks plain and simple. A training person needs to take heavy weight dumbbells and “walk” around the gym with them. The “walk” is continued until a sensation appears. Between workouts during which this exercise is done, there must be an interval of 5 days.
  2. Hanging on four fingers. Using , you need to hang on it, keeping your body weight on 4 fingers. Large "brothers" do not participate in training.
  3. To enhance the effect of training, the barbell is wrapped with a cloth or towel. And hold with 4 fingers on hands extended down. Such a homemade "extender" can lead to serious injury, so it is better to use special attachments for the neck.

Useful video - How to develop a strong grip! Kettlebell exercises (can be replaced with any projectile)

Pinch strength training

Any "pumping" should be accompanied by special exercises to develop the strength and endurance of the entire hand and its individual elements. Particular attention should be paid to the thumb, because it is not involved in previous workouts. Excellent result will give the holding of a smooth disc of the rod. Its weight at the initial stage of training should not exceed 10 kg.

  1. Take a thick elastic band with a medium diameter. Insert your fingers into it and try to spread them apart to the maximum possible distance. After achieving the desired effect, fix this position for 20-30 seconds. Do this exercise 2-3 times a week for best results.
  2. You will need a very hard expander. You can perform the exercise with its analogue, which has wooden handles. Squeezing the device to the end, fix the result only with your fingers for 30 seconds, then relax your hands.
  3. As a projectile, use an ordinary wooden stick. One end of it should “rest” against the thumb, and the other end is pressed in turn on the pads of the “remaining brothers”. During each movement, it is important to maintain a static tension for about 10 seconds.

In the absence of a stick, it is replaced with a rubber ball.

Wrist workout

The training process of wrist strength is based on their flexion.

  1. Bend your wrist so that your elbow stays straight. In this position, you need to be half a minute. "Bend" the wrist without changing the position of the elbow. Repeat both movements 2 times.
  2. Sit down. Make sure your back is straight. Take the dumbbells prepared in advance weight category. Lower and then raise your arm with weighting 20 times. In total, you will need 3 sets per workout.
  3. Without changing the position and projectile, make successive flexion and extension movements only with a brush. To improve balance, place the brush on the thigh. The exercise is performed in 3 sets of 20 times.
  4. While lifting the dumbbell, squeeze your fingers. Perform movements with your hands on your hips.


In order for strong wrists and their components to become the result of training, after “special” gymnastics, it is necessary to carry out. With this component training session muscle relaxation occurs, so there will be no krepatura the next day.

  1. Pull straight right hand so that the fingers hang freely. Grasp them with your left hand and "pull", feeling the stretching of the muscles. Relax. Repeat the same movements by changing hands.
  2. Extend your extended arm forward. Leaving the hand itself without movement, slowly “turn” the brush to the side. The movement is performed until the tension in the muscles reaches a maximum. Repeat the movement with the other hand.
  3. Place the folded palms of both hands in front of the chest so that the fingers "look" up. Without taking your hands off your chest, move your fingers down so that the brush changes its direction dramatically and they begin to “look” down.
  4. Put your hands behind your back and fold your palms there. Push them hard against each other. Lower your arms and relax.

All exercises in this series are simple. They don't require any special effort. They can be used to relieve stiffness and discomfort in the hand and its components.

Systematic exercises will gradually bear fruit: beautiful, strong and well-groomed hands can easily cope with a heavy burden and easily perform even jewelry work.

Video - How to effectively strengthen the hands (combat sambo trainer shows)

How to strengthen the hands is a very interesting and important question for every man. After all, he demonstrates grip strength not only when performing sports tasks, but also every day when he greets colleagues, friends or acquaintances.

What makes up a strong brush

The strength of our grip is formed due to the total activity of the muscles of the hand and forearm. If you squeeze something in your hand, you will see which muscles are tense at this time.

Take a glass in your hand and try to squeeze it slightly - note that not only the hand is tensed, but also the muscles from the wrist to the elbow - the forearm.

This means that in order to develop our hands, to strengthen them, we need to purposefully do exercises on all these muscles. You can't do it just by squeezing the ring expander.

And the more comprehensive the approach to solving this issue is, the better the result you will get.

Imagine that you have a grip competition on your nose. Let's train!

Hand Exercises

Do not worry about how to pump up your hands at home - it is quite convenient to do this at home. Exercises for arms and hands do not require special simulators. If you are visiting Gym- fine, but without it it is quite possible to do without it in this situation.

Squeezing and unclenching the palm

So, let's find out how to pump up the hands.

The very first and simplest exercise that is performed, including as a rehabilitation after serious injuries associated with rupture of muscles and nerves, is the usual clenching of the hand into a fist.

It is done like this:

  1. In any position (standing, sitting, lying down), clench your fists as tightly as possible. Hold tension for 5-7 seconds.
  2. Unclench your palm, trying to straighten your fingers as much as possible.

You will not believe, but this exercise is difficult for some. After complex operations, a person learns to move his fingers again. It is with such exercises that rehabilitation begins.

If your hands are completely healthy and you have not received injuries, work with a carpal expander. At the first stage, you can use a rubber ring, and then switch to a spring metal one.

As soon as you manage to perform 50 compressions of the selected carpal expander, switch to a harder one. The load must constantly increase.

Various types of expanders allow you to perform point exercises for the hands.

Choose an expander to your liking - there are round-ring, V-shaped, with a shifted center of gravity, various balls, with a dynamometer. The latter option is of interest, as you will be able to monitor the growth of your grip strength.

This is the easiest option that allows you to swing your arms at home.

Horizontal bar

Have you thought that the grip swings on the horizontal bar? Why then every time it is easier to hang on it. Remember when you first came to the horizontal bar, how long you could hang there, was it difficult to do? Yes. And now you just grab the bar and hang.

To pump up the wrists, you need to systematically hang on the horizontal bar for 60-90 seconds. This is also useful for the spine - it is stretched, due to which the compressive effect on the roots of the spinal cord is reduced. Try hanging like this every other day or every day.

By the way, if you hang a towel on the horizontal bar, grab it with both hands and train the hang in this position, you can pump up the brush even better. This technique is used by wrestlers as the grip is very important to them.

Deadlift and other exercises

Those who go to the gym and work out without athletic gloves get calluses on their hands. It is not without reason that all this happens - the hands receive a powerful load. The hands get the most peak load from exercises such as shrugs and deadlift. Especially the last exercise, when done with decent weights, greatly strengthens the grip.

To strengthen your grip as effectively as possible, do not pick up the bar different grip when the arms are turned in different directions. This significantly reduces the load on the fingers and palm.

A list of exercises for training might look like this:

  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar.
  2. Expander.

You can change any element to the one you like best.

Now you know how to pump up your wrists using simple and understandable exercises. Train, achieve success, share your results!