How to install a fiberglass pool. fiberglass pools

To date, several types of pools have been developed, with the arrangement of most of which you can handle on your own. The best option is a full-fledged monolithic concrete pool. This design is characterized by the highest rates of reliability and durability.

Read the guidelines provided and get started.

  1. Level.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Stones.
  4. Rope.
  5. Steel knitting wire.
  6. Reinforcing mesh.
  7. Small pegs.
  8. Fittings.
  9. Stop valve.
  10. Wooden boards or shields.
  11. Anticorrosive agent for metal processing.
  12. Self-tapping screws.
  13. Cement.
  14. Screened sand.
  15. Material for waterproofing.
  16. Bar for tamping layers of backfill.
  17. Shovels.

Preparatory activities

Decide on the desired shape and the required dimensions of the equipped artificial reservoir.

When determining the optimal size of the pool, consider how many people will swim in the pond. For a large family, it is better to immediately equip a spacious container.

In accordance with practical experience, the optimal depth of the reservoir is an indicator of 1.5-1.8 m, in width and length, 4 m is most often enough.

Otherwise, focus on your needs and requirements. For example, if you plan to use the pool for a full workout, consider this point when determining the required length and width of the reservoir.

Choose a convenient place to build a pool.

The main thing is that the space should not be covered with trees. Because of the trees, the water in the pool will not be able to warm up properly and, in addition to this, will be constantly polluted by fallen leaves.

Also, low-lying areas are not suitable for arranging pools, because. with such an arrangement, the water will be constantly polluted by rain flows.

Marking and digging a pit

Armed with a tape measure, stakes and a cord, proceed to marking the construction site.

The dimensions of the site for construction should be 0.5 m larger than the dimensions of the future pool on each side. To mark the boundaries, drive pegs into the ground and stretch a cord between them.

Completely remove the top fertile ball of soil.

Dig a pit of the required dimensions, while the bottom of the pit should be approximately 25-30 cm below the desired depth of the pool.

Carefully level the walls of the pit. The bottom of the pit must be given a slight slope.

Construction of a monolithic pool

Proceed directly to the construction of a monolithic pool.

Lay a 20-30 cm layer of sand on the bottom of the pit. Carefully tamp the laid material and cover it with waterproofing.

A fairly large assortment of effective ones is presented on the modern market. To ensure high-quality moisture protection, roofing material is well suited. It is practical, reliable and inexpensive material.

Lay the ruberoid. You can use molten bitumen to fix the material.

Lay out the waterproofed surface with stones. Lay a ready-made reinforcing mesh on top of a layer of stones, or make it yourself from metal bars.

Set up a drainage hole. Its depth should slightly exceed the depth of the main reservoir. Install a drain pipe in the hole. The end of this pipe must be introduced into the reservoir. Equip the pipe with a shut-off valve to drain the water.

Fill the drainage hole with a fairly thick layer of gravel. Install overflow and skimmer systems to clean the water in the pool.

Place reinforcing bars around the perimeter of the pit in increments of 30 cm. Maintain a 50 mm gap between the reinforcement and the edges of the reservoir. Fasten the rebars with wire.

Fold from boards. Maintain a 15 cm gap between the formwork and the walls of the pit.

At the same stage, provide for the installation of pipes and equipment for pumping and supplying water. Or you can use external systems of pumps and hoses - whichever is more convenient for you.

Start concreting the pool. You can order or make your own.

Pour concrete gradually and slowly, in a horizontal layer.

Also fill in the voids between the formwork panels and the walls of the pit. Give the mixture a month to set strength and proceed to the arrangement of the pool.

Do your own interior design. You can tile the bowl. Or you can lay out the bottom with a 10-centimeter layer of clean sand, and then the pool will look like a natural reservoir.

Other private pool options

Frame systems

Such structures are constructed of wood with tin or aluminum finishing. Aluminum sheets have an attractive appearance and are superior to tin in terms of reliability and service life.

The frame straps are made from pine timber. Intermediate parts can be made from any thick quality boards. To ensure additional rigidity of the structure, braces made of strong boards are used.

Among the main advantages frame pools it should be noted that there is no need to perform large volumes of earthworks and the possibility of dismantling the structure for the cold season.

Replacing the water in such a pool is carried out using a flexible garden hose, which can be conveniently fixed at the bottom of the tank. Waste water from the pool can be used to water the garden.

All joints of the frame structure are subject to mandatory sealing. To give the structure the required tightness, even ordinary plastic film is well suited.

Wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic.

The arrangement of frame pools usually takes less money compared to the cost of erecting a monolithic structure, while such reservoirs have a fairly solid appearance and fit well into the design of the site.

Learn how to build with step by step instructions, from our new article.

To equip the pool, if desired, you can even use a regular PVC film. This material has a rather attractive appearance and acceptable performance.

The film normally tolerates contacts with water, ensures proper tightness of the structure and saves on waterproofing the reservoir.

Even if cracks appear in the container, a properly installed PVC film will retain water.

PVC film can be used both in the arrangement of a new reservoir, and in the repair of an old pool. At the same time, for the construction of such a structure, it is not necessary to perform bulk earthworks: the elements of the film are simply fastened together using the temperature welding method, resulting in a very durable bowl.

The pool is installed on a pre-prepared base and fixed with a frame made of boards.

Pools, the base of which is made of fiberglass, are very popular today. This durable material withstands even the most severe mechanical loads and does not need any additional coating.

Among the shortcomings of the design under consideration, one can only single out the need for a mandatory summing up of all communications.

The bowl is installed on a solid concrete base.

Thus, there are many pool options available for the owner to choose from. Having studied the features of each considered type of artificial reservoirs, you can come to the optimal solution and build the pool of your dreams without outside help.

Successful work!

Video - How to build a pool with your own hands


FIBERPOOLS are reliable and durable fiberglass pools highest quality made of composite materials using American technology. The composite pool bowl is designed in such a way that it can withstand a load of water of tens of tons, and is also most resistant to chemicals, ultraviolet rays and soil movement. Technological alternation of layers and their number make the wall thickness glass plastic pools unique. It is known that with an increase in the thickness of the entire composite layers by a factor of two, an eightfold increase in the strength of the structure occurs.

Any is manufactured in the factory and has passed a full step-by-step quality control. The service life of our composite bowls will not depend on the qualifications of builders, weather conditions, the quality of concrete and reinforcement. fiberglass pools people make, and knowing that people can make mistakes, we have taken a whole range of measures that reduce the possibility of technological errors to zero.


All plastic pools produced by us for giving from FIBERPOOLS are being made according to uniform technological principles and with control of operations at each stage of creation. At our factories, it is not allowed to mix cheap components into resins. Our experience in the production of high volume composite tanks for industry has given us unique know-how in reinforcement technology. WITHOUT THE USE OF RIBS, which reduce the cost of the product by reducing the thickness of the bowl walls, which is unacceptable for Russian climatic conditions.
We have already written a lot about fiberglass swimming pools. Their industry in Russia is experiencing its youth - it is no more than 15 years old. And the production itself from fiberglass and composite resins is a fairly new development of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. It all started with NASA space developments and aircraft construction - where lightweight and durable materials were required. Then the technology moved to the construction of boats and yachts made of fiberglass, and only later spread to the pool market.


As with many industries, fiberglass pools first appeared in the US, then Australia, then Europe. This is due geographically and logistically. Oversized products, which are, are easier and more convenient to transport on the good and free roads that the United States and Australia are famous for. In Europe, for the development of this market, it was necessary to focus on narrower models - up to 4 meters, but which are easier to transport along narrow roads and under low bridges.
In the CIS, fiberglass pools first took root in Ukraine (for the same geographical reason - good roads and compactly located large cities). And a little later, in the late 90s, the first attempts at production began in Russia. At the moment, we have 3 large production bases of plastic pools, and 10-15 smaller ones - garage workshops.


Without going deep into the technology of the production process, we outline the main points. First, any fiberglass swimming pool is a sandwich made by spraying multiple layers of gel and various resins onto a prefabricated fiberglass pool matrix. Each manufacturer will extol their technologies, but - ALL HAVE ONE TECHNOLOGY. The pools are different trademarks only the quality of the material used (resins, gel, glass mats, fiberglass, etc.) and the number of layers, or otherwise - the thickness.
Any fiberglass swimming pool, whether it is made in the USA, Australia or Russia, subject to the technology and using the same materials, it will have the same quality and service life. Another question is that some manufacturers save on material - they buy cheaper analogues that are not intended for fiberglass pools, but, say, for boats, or they make them so thin (up to 5 mm thick) that the very essence of a fiberglass pool is lost as a self-supporting bowl. Thin artificial reservoirs require additional concreting and differ little from polypropylene structures.


Let's remember once again what is good about such a product as a fiberglass pool? The fact that its installation does not require concrete work (except for the bandage belt). And with the constant rise in prices for cement, this is very important for the cost of the project. What's the point of buying a thin fiberglass plastic pool and then splurge on concrete. It is cheaper then to build a concrete bowl and line it with PVC film. By the way, it will be more reliable than a “thin” composite pool.
Therefore, pay special attention to the weight of the fiberglass pool, its thickness and technical task for installation and assembly. Fiberglass pools, like any technological product, are good when used correctly. Do not "sink" on the primary cheapness of the goods. Behind it are low-quality materials and additional costs. Be competent buyers of fiberglass pools for summer cottages and personally check the beautiful words of the sellers and the construction estimates sent.
Making a fiberglass pool is a manual and labor-intensive production. It cannot be put on full flow due to its large size. Therefore, the price of a fiberglass pool will always be comparable to the price of a concrete one. The advantage will always be in installation time, cost of ownership and design reliability. Prices for fiberglass pools will be the same for all FIBERPOOLS dealers and differ only in shipping costs.

For many, until today, the pool on the site seems to be an inaccessible luxury item. But in fact, this is not entirely true. And modern technologies help a lot in this. When deciding to create, you can not worry about the choice of material for its installation. On this moment enough to decide on the type of pool.

Technological scheme of the overflow pool.

After the completion of the creation and decoration of the pool, the site will change beyond recognition, pleasantly surprising and delighting the home.

The scheme of the pool with their own hands.

If you want to make a pool, greatly facilitating the effort expended, then you should focus on such an option as a composite pool. For its construction with their own hands, preparatory work plays an important role. They need to be given even more attention than the installation itself, since the final operational quality, service life and, importantly, depend on the correct implementation of them. appearance the entire area. Taking advantage detailed instruction preparation and installation, you will avoid mistakes.

The sequence of preliminary work steps for creating a fiberglass pool:

  • to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen options;
  • choosing a place for a fiberglass pool;
  • drain in the pool: consideration of equipment and installation;
  • pumps and filters: selection and installation;
  • stairs in the pool made of fiberglass;
  • water heating.

And only after all of the above points, you should proceed to the direct installation of the pool and the final decoration.

Choosing a composite pool: advantages and disadvantages

When choosing materials for creating a pool, first of all, you should decide on its direct purpose. If you plan to use the pool only for children, then you can choose a shallow option. If swimming for adults, then you should choose a large one with the appropriate size and depth. If you want to combine both purposes, then there are options for a bowl divided into parts by depth. Fiberglass bowls allow you to add various fittings: you can create a hydromassage section in the pool.

When planning the construction of a superstructure for use in the cold season, pools must be installed with a permanent fixing on the surface and a podium device or buried in the ground at a selected level.

Of the advantages available composite pools the following characteristics can be distinguished:

Scheme of the device of the pool.

  • monolithic fiberglass pool bowls have high impact and heat resistance, excellent coping with water pressure even at large sizes. The surface practically does not deteriorate from exposure to external irritants and chemical detergents;
  • the possibility of installing the bowl in the pit in areas with high level groundwater;
  • warranty periods for operation reach 20 years;
  • ease of maintenance is achieved due to the ease of cleaning the surface;
  • high hygiene is ensured by the technical features of fiberglass, which repel fungus, mold and algae spores from the surface of the bowl;
  • savings on cleaning chemicals.

Composite pools have disadvantages, but they are so insignificant that they could not be listed, but still:

  • a monolithic bowl will not enter the standard entrance of the finished building;
  • dimensions, shape and color scheme of the surface of the pool can only be selected from the options available for sale.

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Site selection and preparation

Diagram of a plastic pool.

Choosing the right location is an important step in design. The choice of location depends on the type of soil, the direction of the constant winds and the landscape design already existing or still being created. To reduce the cost of cleaning with your own hands, it is undesirable to place the pool near trees and shrubs. The site should preferably have a slope in order to facilitate the installation of a drainage system.

The pool should be located parallel to the direction of the wind. This is done so that dust and leaves that enter the pool accumulate at the opposite wall relative to the direction of the wind. Overflow pipes are also installed there, through which all debris, along with water, will enter the drain system.

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Drainage device in the pool

The type of drain system depends on the expected contamination of the water, the frequency of draining, its volume and the distance to the discharge point. The quality of the drain is ensured by full compliance with the type of pool.

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Types of do-it-yourself systems

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Standard drain system

It involves the discharge of water into the sewer. To do this, you will need to connect the pool drain to the sewer. For this you need:

  • sewer pipes;
  • connecting elements;
  • shovel.

The diameter of the pipes is selected based on the volume of drained water and the desired drain rate. With a minimum distance to the common sewer system, water will drain faster.

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Drainage of water in the garden

Diagram of the devices of the pool device.

If the pool is small and not buried in the soil or is located on a slope, then the drain can be arranged directly on the beds or in the garden of the site. With this method, it is enough to attach a hose of the required length to the drain, directing it to a certain place and open the bowl valve. The water will go away by gravity, and new water can be poured into the pool. The use of a medium power pump will put water through the hose under pressure, this will be an excellent source for watering beds or flower beds with warm water.

Draining into a septic tank should not be done in any case, since the drained volume can fill it at a time. Another thing is the drain hole. If it is dug below the level of the depth of the pool, if possible to the sandy layer of the soil, then the water will not only quickly drain, but also quickly absorbed. If the pit is used only for water, then the drain will be of high quality for a long time.

Cleaning and drain automation can be applied in any of the above ways. This will require the installation of pumps and filters.

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Pool pumps and filters

Pool design diagram.

For the normal functioning of the pool there is a comprehensive maintenance system. The main element of this complex is the pump. He is responsible for the supply and circulation of water. For swimming pools, volumetric or dynamic pumps are used. Each type has its own advantages and functional features. Dynamic pumps are installed in the system above the water level, which allows them to be used in land conditions. Dynamic are installed below the water level in the pool, which ensures their ground-based use in pools installed on the surface of the ground without a foundation pit.

When choosing, you should not chase after a small cost, but choose based on the technical components. The power of the pump must cope with the available volume, while not exceeding it, so that you do not have to make the required settings yourself, thereby compromising its performance.

Almost all pumps are equipped with coarse filters, you can install additional filters to them, which will clean not only small debris, but also impurities contained in the water, you can also install cleaning systems. The first type of systems is overflow, when water is purified in a sump; the second type is a skimmer, the water is cleaned immediately in the device and fed back into the bowl.

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Fiberglass pool ladders

The ladder provides a comfortable and safe use of the pool, made by hand. It is designed not only for launching and lifting, but is also a significant element of decor. That is why it should be chosen along with the pool. When choosing, pay attention to:

  • the safety that it gives during operation;
  • the quality of the connections of this design;
  • the material from which it is made, as far as it is compatible with its purpose;
  • mounting methods and dimensions to be compatible with the selected model;
  • appearance.

Whichever staircase is chosen, it is installed in a well-lit place, with high-quality fastening and with parameters corresponding to the fiberglass pool.

. DIY fiberglass pool

Do-it-yourself fiberglass (fiberglass) pool: work steps

Today, owners of large private houses or cottages often build pools on their plots. The pool is not only a place to relax and swim, it is also part of the landscape.

The composition of the fiberglass pool includes a composite material based on fiberglass and a polymer binder. Fiberglass is necessary to give strength to the structure, and the polymer component is necessary for proper load distribution.

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Preparatory work

Installation of the pool must begin with the choice of its location. The site is selected depending on the size and configuration of the structure. The territory should be sunny and calm (if possible). It is necessary to take into account the depth of standing groundwater. But this design is not afraid of water, which is why this item is not important. It is undesirable to build a pool close to the foundations of buildings. The next step is choosing the type of pool. Its size, configuration, depth are determined. At the same time, it is important to remember that the more complex it is and the larger it is, the more expensive it will cost the owner financially.

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In order for the fiberglass pool to function normally, you will need to make a special drainage system. To do this, make a recess (pit) in the middle of the pit. The pit is filled with rubble. The depth of the pit can be about 2 meters. After that, the entire surface of the bottom of the tank is covered with sand about 20-30 cm thick. It is advisable to carefully level and compact the sand. This can be done manually or with the help of special tamping machines. The next step is to fill up a layer of gravel or crushed stone. In order for the fiberglass pool to work normally, all communications will need to be laid.

The most important and crucial stage of all work is the installation of the water tank bowl. This procedure is no longer carried out manually, but with the help of lifting devices. The empty space between its walls and the pit itself is recommended to be tightly covered with earth. Before purchasing a tank, you need to make sure at what temperatures it can be operated. In some areas, where the soil freezes very strongly and deeply, it is possible to push the tank out of the pit. At the next stage, the installation and connection of the necessary equipment is carried out. All this must be coordinated with the public utility.

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The best option is the manufacture of a strip foundation. Its base is provided somewhat larger than the pavilion itself, approximately 10 cm in all directions. The skeleton is made of a metal profile. Then it needs to be covered with polycarbonate material. For this, self-tapping screws are used. This design is primarily designed to provide comfortable sailing in any weather and at any time. The pavilion protects the pool from precipitation, sun and wind. Its device is not required. Such a structure may be more expensive than the reservoir itself.

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Thus, building a fiberglass swimming tank is the most optimal solution. This material has good qualities. But the most important thing is that its installation is very simple and fast. In this case, it is not necessary to pour concrete, make formwork and waterproofing.

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Technology and secrets of installing a fiberglass pool with your own hands

The materials and technologies used in modern construction make the process of building a pool as easy and fast as possible. If earlier such construction work took several months, now, thanks to frame structures, this can be done in just a few weeks. One of the best options for the quick and high-quality creation of a home bathing area can rightfully be considered a fiberglass pool - you can build it yourself in just 10-14 days.

Benefits of fiberglass pool bowl

Use in the arrangement of the reservoir finished bowl fiberglass greatly simplifies the construction process, which is especially important if you plan to build a fiberglass pool with your own hands. This modern material also fundamentally improves the performance of the created object, having a number of indisputable advantages over other materials.

Among the most significant benefits:

  • good tolerance of both high and low temperatures (from +40 C° to -40 C°), which makes the fiberglass bowl an ideal option for arranging a bathing place not only in the house, but also outdoors;
  • high wear resistance, expressed in an unlimited service life, resistance to various kinds of chemical compounds and ultraviolet radiation;
  • flexibility and elasticity of the material, which avoids the appearance of cracks in the structure in case of soil displacement;
  • complete water resistance of the fiberglass used in the production of bowls, which eliminates the need to additionally waterproof the pool;
  • low thermal conductivity, due to which the water in the pool cools down very slowly, respectively - heating costs are reduced;
  • complete environmental friendliness of the material and safety for both humans and the environment.

The sequence of construction work

In order for a pool built by oneself to turn out to be beautiful and solid and to serve without problems for many years, it is very important to use the technologies recommended for such types of construction and strictly adhere to the order of work.

Design work and foundation preparation

Any construction always begins with the creation of a project. When planning a fiberglass pool, one should take into account the fact that its arrangement in an enclosed space (house, sauna) is possible only at the initial stage of building an object. It is no longer possible to build it in a finished building.

Design includes the creation of a drawing and cost estimates for materials and execution necessary work, which allows you to predetermine the construction budget.

After the approval of the project, preparations for the foundation of the future pool begin. To make a fiberglass pool, it is necessary to dig a pit according to the shape of the selected bowl, the size of which is 30 cm on each side larger than the size of the container. This is done to ensure the ability to move freely around the perimeter after installing the base in order to install equipment, as well as to reduce the effect of heaving of the soil when it freezes.

At the bottom of the pit, a substrate is formed from a cement-sand mixture, which is poured with water, and after hardening, the surface is lined with a layer of foam.

Bowl Installation Rules

The complexity of installation depends on the terrain, soil features, size and weight of the bowl. Its installation is carried out on supporting posts made of bricks measuring 510x510 mm, laid on a cement-sand mortar under the tank stage. It is strictly forbidden to use lime mortar in this case. The described trick avoids the sinking of the bowl under own weight.

After commissioning and commissioning and installation of the necessary equipment, the container installed in the pit is gradually filled with water, while filling the space around it with a sand-cement mixture prepared in a ratio of 5: 1. External tamping of the mixture around the perimeter of the pool is best done using a special vibration unit.

Decorative finishing of the pool and installation of technological equipment

After completing the installation of the pool, proceed to the adjustment of technological equipment. This type of work should definitely be entrusted only to professionals who guarantee the quality of their work and, if necessary, can carry out warranty repairs.

After launching and checking the equipment, they proceed to the decorative decoration of the pool. Along its perimeter, tile paths are usually laid out.

Artificial marble tiles are the best choice for this purpose, because they are aesthetically pleasing, extremely durable, resistant to large temperature changes and do not absorb water at all.

Many manufacturers have in their collections specially designed tiles for laying floors in swimming pools and other water areas with a surface that cannot be slipped on. You can also use artificial or natural stone, imitating garden paths.

Caring for your fiberglass bowl

To prolong the life of the pool, it is very important to properly care for it: wash, disinfect and, if it is equipped on the street, preserve it for the winter.

Due to the fact that during production the bowl is covered with a special low-porous material - gelcoat, a minimum of special chemicals is required for washing and surface treatment (approximately 70% less than in the case of cleaning bowls made of other materials).

If the pool is built in the open air, in the autumn winter period it needs to be preserved, which is prerequisite correct operation. To do this, the water is drained below the level of embedded elements (nozzles, skimmers), the water supply system is dismantled and hidden in a warm place, the bottom is cleaned from the attacking debris with a net, if desired, covered. Preservation should be carried out when the temperature outside during the day will not rise above 10-12 degrees.

To final result met expectations, it is still better to entrust the development of the project to professionals, and before starting construction work, it is advisable to see how to properly equip a fiberglass pool with your own hands, in the video.

Video on arranging a fiberglass pool

Do-it-yourself fiberglass (fiberglass) pool: work steps

Do-it-yourself fiberglass pool construction

  • Characteristics of fiberglass pools
  • Features of installing a fiberglass structure
  • Preparatory work
  • Additional drainage device for the pool
  • Production of a pavilion for the pool
  • List of tools and materials

Today, owners of large private houses or cottages often build pools on their plots. The pool is not only a place to relax and swim, it is also part of the landscape.

A fiberglass pool is sufficiently resistant to deformation, and is also safe for human health during operation.

Today there are many ideas for building pools. They can be made of concrete, fiberglass, polypropylene, stone. A special place is occupied by pools made of fiberglass. Unlike the rest, they have a number of positive features, one of which is ease of installation. In order to build a pool on your site, you need to have a work plan and necessary equipment.

Before you build a pool with your own hands, you need to remember for what purpose this is all being done. The pool can be built only for oneself or for commercial reasons, which in most cases is always very profitable. Secondly, it is important to determine its size and configuration. For a fiberglass pool, you will definitely need to bring in various communications. How to build a fiberglass pool with your own hands, what are the main stages of work, what tools are needed?

Characteristics of fiberglass pools

Unlike other models, the fiberglass pool is a monolithic structure. It is purchased ready-made, that is, factory-made. Such a fiberglass pool has a bowl with a filter unit. The fiberglass constructions are almost identical. Structures of this type are easily installed in the ground, which facilitates installation work.

The composition of the fiberglass pool includes a composite material based on fiberglass and a polymer binder. Fiberglass is necessary to give strength to the structure, and the polymer component is necessary for proper load distribution.

The advantage of such a pool is that it is resistant to deformation and withstands adverse conditions well. external influences. Unlike concrete, fiberglass is a more durable material, which ensures its durability. The color of the design is most often blue or blue. The configuration can be very diverse: round, square, rectangular or some intricate shape.

Of great importance is the fact that this material is environmentally friendly and safe for humans during the operation of the pool. It is also important that its operation does not require large expenditures. In addition, such a pool will fit perfectly into any landscape. Unlike most other models, this one is mobile, that is, it can be transferred from one area to another.

Fiberglass is a combination of polyester resin and reinforcing materials, so it does not corrode and rot, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures.

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Features of installing a fiberglass structure

It should be noted that all of the above is not all the advantages of a fiberglass pool. Such a pool can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Its bowl has no seams and joints, which ensures its tightness and strength. In addition, it prevents the penetration of pollution and groundwater. If the nature of the soil, its mobility, the standing height of groundwater were taken into account during the installation of a concrete pool, then in this case they do not have of great importance. For a fiberglass pool, it is also characteristic that it can be installed on a clay surface, sand.

The work itself on its construction takes less time, which is about a week. Compared to concrete bowls, this one does not require the construction of additional formwork for pouring, plastering, waterproofing. All this saves time, which is especially important today. Delivery of a factory-made fiberglass pool is carried out by special transport.

Depending on the size of the pool, simple trailers or trailers with a lowered platform are used. In some cases, this requires permission from the traffic police. A big plus is that such a pool is very easy to repair. In the presence of cracks or other defects, they are simply smeared, which gives the material even greater strength.

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Preparatory work

Installation of the pool must begin with the choice of its location. The site is selected depending on the size and configuration of the structure. The territory should be sunny and calm (if possible). It is necessary to take into account the depth of standing groundwater. But this design is not afraid of water, which is why this item is not important. It is undesirable to build a pool close to the foundations of buildings. The next step is choosing the type of pool. Its size, configuration, depth are determined. At the same time, it is important to remember that the more complex it is and the larger it is, the more expensive it will cost the owner financially.

After the water tank is selected, you can start digging a pit. This is a mandatory step. A pit is needed in order to install a tank in it. You can do this with your own hands or with the help of an excavator. The second option is simpler, faster, but more expensive. It is important to organize access roads for transport. The bottom of the pit is recommended to be done with a slight slope to ensure drainage.

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Additional drainage device for the pool

In order for the fiberglass pool to function normally, you will need to make a special drainage system. To do this, make a recess (pit) in the middle of the pit. The pit is filled with rubble. The depth of the pit can be about 2 meters. After that, the entire surface of the bottom of the tank is covered with sand about 20-30 cm thick. It is advisable to carefully level and compact the sand. This can be done manually or with the help of special tamping machines. The next step is to fill up a layer of gravel or crushed stone. In order for the fiberglass pool to work normally, all communications will need to be laid.

The most important and crucial stage of the whole work is the installation of the water tank bowl. This procedure is no longer carried out manually, but with the help of lifting devices. The empty space between its walls and the pit itself is recommended to be tightly covered with earth. Before purchasing a tank, you need to make sure at what temperatures it can be operated. In some areas, where the soil freezes very strongly and deeply, it is possible to push the tank out of the pit. At the next stage, the installation and connection of the necessary equipment is carried out. All this must be coordinated with the public utility.

If the pool is being built for financial purposes, then permission from the sanitary and epidemiological authorities will be required. They will also assess the quality of the water. When laying pipes, great attention is paid to filling the space between the bowl and the ground with sand. After that, the wiring is connected to communications.

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Production of a pavilion for the pool

In the event that the fiberglass pool is not located indoors, but outside, it is recommended to make a special pavilion. There are many models to be found. It all depends on taste and preferences. Pavilions are made of double-glazed windows and polycarbonate. In addition, they are stationary, sliding and asymmetric. Such a pavilion can be built with your own hands, but you need to remember that you need a solid foundation. The thing is that even the simplest pavilion will weigh several tons.

The best option is the manufacture of a strip foundation. Its base is provided somewhat larger than the pavilion itself, approximately 10 cm in all directions. The skeleton is made of a metal profile. Then it needs to be covered with polycarbonate material. For this, self-tapping screws are used. This design is primarily designed to provide comfortable sailing in any weather and at any time. The pavilion protects the pool from precipitation, sun and wind. Its device is not required. Such a structure may be more expensive than the reservoir itself.

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List of tools and materials

In order to make a fiberglass pool with your own hands, you will need a whole set of necessary tools and materials. It includes: shovel, excavator, buckets, sand, gravel, crushed stone, water drainage pipes, electrical cable, fiberglass pool bowl, gloves. If you plan to build a pavilion, you will need polycarbonate sheets, sand, gravel, cement and water for concrete preparation, a concrete mixer, a metal profile for building a frame, self-tapping screws, a hammer, a screwdriver, a hacksaw.

Thus, building a swimming tank made of fiberglass is the most optimal solution. This material has good qualities. But the most important thing is that its installation is very simple and fast. In this case, it is not necessary to pour concrete, make formwork and waterproofing.

November 19, 2013

Composite materials are used today in a variety of industries, including for the manufacture of fiberglass pools. Their attractiveness is due to the unique properties of the combination of polyester resins with reinforcing materials.

Therefore, fiberglass pools (fiberglass pools) have low thermal conductivity, resistance to environmental influences (from frost to direct sunlight), and high strength. They are light, reliable, durable, easy to install and operate, and are not subject to rotting and corrosion.

Features of fiberglass pools

The fiberglass pool consists of a one-piece fiberglass bowl. It is produced by contact molding, when polymeric materials impregnated with polyester resin are manually applied to a reinforcing matrix of the desired shape.

As a result, the bowl is multi-layered according to the papier-moche principle. Its main advantage is that it is already ready for use, you just need to install it. In this regard, composite pools compare favorably with stationary pools from monolithic concrete or flexible plastic.

At the same time, their surface is perfectly even, glossy, sealed, without joints and seams, it does not need to be primed, painted or puttied. The color of the bowl is chosen at the production stage. At the request of the customer, it can be almost anything.

Fiberglass pools today are produced not only in Europe, but also in Russia and the CIS countries. Their cost is directly related to the name of the manufacturer, as well as the size and design of the bowl.

Mounting and installation

Fiberglass pools are classified as prefabricated. It all depends on where they will stand. In any case, composite materials are lighter than steel or concrete, which greatly facilitates transportation, installation, operation and repair.

If this is an outdoor pool, you need to prepare a pit for the size and shape of the bowl, if it is indoor or stationary, make an appropriate retaining structure in the room. An option is to install it on the street, pour the floor and build walls from light (sliding) panels around the entire perimeter.

Since the tightness of the fiberglass bowl is guaranteed by the manufacturer, you can not think about additional waterproofing, limiting yourself to a layer of gravel and river sand. And since it has high thermal insulation properties, you can also save on heaters and a thermal insulation layer. By the way, that is why if on your personal plot groundwater occurs in the immediate vicinity of the proposed location of the bath, of all the possible varieties, composite pools are the best option.

It is just as easy to install the necessary equipment - a pipe system, aeration, hydromassage, waterfalls, lighting, etc. In total, the entire process of installing a fiberglass pool will take only five to seven days.

By the way, another advantage of fiberglass pools is the ease of dismantling if you decide to change the shape or color of the bowl. So what is it great choice, for those who want to build a pool without the hassle and in as soon as possible!

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Fiberglass pools for summer cottages - choose the right one

The company "Belarusian Pools" offers you to become the owner of a new, own fiberglass pool for summer cottages. The choice can be made from the available range of pool models. You just have to decide what size, shape, color your swimming pool will be. By the way, composite pools are another name for fiberglass pools. Over time, fiberglass pools are becoming more and more popular. Every year the number of released pools (they are also composite or fiberglass pools) is only growing. These pools will never go out of style. For some people, the pool is a kind of indicator of the status of life and well-being, while for others it is a way to finally go in for sports.

How should you approach the issue of choosing a pool?

First of all, it is necessary to determine a suitable place for a country water reservoir. The main criterion for choosing a location is the proximity of groundwater. If groundwater has already appeared when digging a pit at a depth of 0.5-1 m, then you have a problem area in terms of installing a pool. The fact of the presence of nearby groundwater suggests that a stationary concrete pool will not suit you. You need to choose exactly the fiberglass pool. We have taken care to simplify the choice of the shape and design of the pool as much as possible. We have a wide and dynamically expanding collection of composite pools, the highest quality of materials from which they are made. The fiberglass pool is made by layer-by-layer molding. The first layer is the gelcoat. This is a special material that can be of various colors. There are so-called standard colors - white, blue and blue. But you can also make a pool of any color according to your desire. The gelcoat allows you to protect the composite pool from ultraviolet radiation, exposure to aggressive environments. In addition, the surface of the fiberglass pool bowl, covered with gelcoat, is perfectly smooth. No need for additional finishing. This allows you to save money, and the operation of the reservoir is cheaper compared to concrete pools. The next layer ensures the elasticity and tightness of the entire composite pool. As a result, the bowl ceases to be fragile. Due to the presence of this layer, the bowl of the composite pool is completely protected from displacement or shrinkage of the soil. You can read about the features of the pool in a private house at the link. After the second layer comes a whole package of reinforced fiberglass. The surface of the composite pool is hydrophobic, inert, bactericidal, with zero permeability. Thanks to this fact, you will be able to use simple household detergents instead of specialized detergents, and you will not need to involve specialists for preventive washing of the pool. The advantage of fiberglass pools is the possibility of dismantling them for the purpose of subsequent sale or replacement with a new model. You can simply buy a new pool if the old bowl is tired. When concrete pools you are literally burying money in the ground. Well, the place for the composite pool has been chosen. Now you need to dig a pit. Usually the pit is dug 1 m larger than the size of the bowl around the perimeter. It is desirable to make the shape of the pit identical to the shape of the composite tank. Exact instructions for preparing the pit can be found on our website in the Documents section. Next, a pillow of fine-grained gravel and river sand is poured onto the bottom of the pit. Then the pool is lowered into a pre-dug pit, set it to the level. You may need several layers of gravel to level the pool. The next step is the installation of special equipment. Fiberglass pools allow you to install any possible equipment - hydromassage, aeromassage, counterflow, waterfall, lighting, and more. This work will be performed by professional installers of the company "BELARUSIAN BASINS". Now you just have to fill the pool with water while backfilling with sand around the perimeter. The final stage of work is the improvement of the area around the pool. Taking into account all these points, the entire process of installing a fiberglass pool will take 5-7 days. CONGRATULATIONS, NOW YOU CAN BATH, EARN HEALTH, GET TRUE ENJOYMENT!

A little about the important advantages of fiberglass bassin

The fiberglass pool perfectly copes with the multi-ton load of water. This pool is not afraid of exposure to aggressive environments, strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun and soil movements. Use the service of our company to perform pool installation and equipment installation, and your new composite pool will serve you faithfully for decades. Thanks to the use of special filtration systems, it is possible to ensure that the water in an artificial reservoir in its composition and quality will be close to natural water. Another important advantage of fiberglass pools is their complete production in the factory. At the same time, all bowls undergo a multi-level quality control system. And we know that Belarusian quality is a guarantee of a good product. In addition, our production, located in Belarus, is a guarantee low prices for composite pools. Fiberglass pools for summer cottages, presented in our collection, have various shapes, sizes and colors. Fiberglass pools do not need to be built or assembled. All this work will be done for you by the specialists of the Belarusian pools company. We will install a swimming pool in a private house (inside or outside) and mount the equipment. WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU IN OUR COMPANY!

Fiberglass pools: advantages and features of installation.

Modern pool manufacturers provide us with a huge selection of products that can fully meet our requirements. For example, fiberglass pools are very popular in Lately, as they have a huge number of advantages that make them the most beneficial for the user.

Advantages of composite pools

The presented designs have a really large number of advantages:

  • very fast installation, which can significantly reduce the construction time of the structure;
  • the minimum amount of preparatory work;
  • strength;
  • ease of care;
  • no need for additional lining;
  • profitability;
  • durability;
  • reduced labor costs;
  • the choice of size, shape and color;
  • acceptable cost;
  • small mass;
  • high tightness, no seams and good resistance to ultraviolet and other negative natural factors.

There are practically no disadvantages of such pools. They are very easy to repair, even if holes appear in them. After the repair procedure, you will be able to operate the bowl for a very long time.

Features of the production and installation of a fiberglass pool

It should be noted that the presented structure consists of polyester resin reinforced with reinforcing materials. Therefore, it does not rot, rust or corrode. Also, thanks to this bowl, you can safely leave it outside for the winter, so this pool is stationary. Any standard filter installations are suitable for its maintenance.

The production of fiberglass pools is ensured by a contact forming procedure. That is, various resins and impregnations are applied to a specially prepared matrix. Thanks to the presented technology, high strength of the product with its minimum weight is ensured. The walls of the structure are made of glass materials with different thicknesses.

In order to prevent moisture from penetrating inside the product, it is covered with vinyl ester resin around the entire perimeter. Due to the fact that the presented material has a very low thermal conductivity, you can quickly heat the water in the bowl, spending a minimum amount of energy on heating. It should be noted that the material for the manufacture of composite pools is safe for human health, since it does not contain harmful or toxic substances.

During the installation of such a design, it is necessary to pay attention to some nuances. For example, the structure can be solid, so its delivery is carried out by a truck, which means that it is necessary to organize travel to the installation site. Several people can cope with the installation, and you will not need any special equipment, since the bowl is quite light. A prefabricated fiberglass pool is installed in almost the same way as a solid one, only in this case it will be necessary to connect several parts and weld them together.

The installation procedure consists of several stages:

  • site preparation;
  • product delivery;
  • digging a pit of the appropriate shape, depth and size;
  • strengthening the bottom of the pit with a sand cushion;
  • installing the bowl and leveling it;
  • supply and connection of all communications and equipment;
  • gradual filling of the bowl with water while falling asleep around the edges;
  • connecting and checking the pool.

In principle, earthworks take up most of the time. However, in any case, such a pool can be installed in a few days, and after that you can immediately use it.

There are several ways to arrange a pool on the territory of a personal plot. You can purchase an inflatable structure and install it in a few days, but this is a short-lived option. Also at the moment they sell ready-made fiberglass bowls, which are installed in a pre-prepared pit. It is most convenient to build a concrete pool with your own hands, although this will take time. But this structure will last for many years, if all the requirements of the technology of work are met during construction.

1. Work begins with the determination of a suitable place for the construction of the pool. It is necessary to take into account the depth of groundwater. In areas where their level is located at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the soil surface, it is not recommended to build a stationary concrete pool. It is undesirable to locate the structure next to the foundations of buildings located on the site.

2. Next, they determine the shape and size of the future structure, while proceeding from the fact that the more complex the configuration of the pool and the larger its size, the more financial resources will be required. From this point of view, rectangular ponds are the cheapest. It is easier to build such pools with your own hands, you just need to carefully mark up so that all sides of the structure correspond to the design calculations.

3. At the next stage, they begin to dig a pit. To speed up earthworks, it is better to involve special equipment, if, of course, its access to the construction site is possible. If there is a risk of collapse of the walls of the pit, then they are placed at a slight slope towards the center. The bottom of the pit should also have a slope in the direction of the drainage pit. This will make it easier to drain the water during the operation of the facility.

4. Experts recommend arranging additional drainage of the pit. For this purpose, a small depression is made in the middle, which is covered with rubble. Then the bottom is covered with a sand layer, the thickness of which is from 20 to 30 cm. The sand is carefully compacted. After that, a ten-centimeter layer of gravel is poured over the sand, which also needs to be compacted. Do not forget to lay all the necessary drain and bulk communications.

5. Next, the bottom is poured with concrete, for the preparation of which they take cement of a grade of at least 400. The concrete solution is poured with a five-centimeter layer. A reinforcing mesh is laid on top, for the manufacture of which a metal wire 6-8 mm thick is used. The mesh cells should be about 15-20 cm in size. The intersections of the mesh elements are twisted with soft wire. Another layer of concrete mixture is poured over the mesh, the thickness of which is also 5 cm. As a result, the thickness of the bottom of the pool will be 10 cm. To ensure uniform drying of the concrete, it is moistened with water.

6. After the concrete bottom hardens, they begin to erect the formwork for pouring the walls. For its manufacture, 30 mm boards are required. Do not forget to provide for the location of equipment in the formwork so that later you do not have to drill concrete, which is completely undesirable. Before pouring the first 15-cm layer of concrete, the bottom is moistened with water, this will ensure a tighter adhesion of the walls and bottom. Also for this purpose, aluminum powder is added to the solution prepared for the first layer. Next, a reinforcing mesh prepared in advance is installed in the first layer of concrete. Continue layer-by-layer filling of walls. It takes 3-4 days for the walls to harden. After the formwork is removed.

7. The interior of the concrete walls is plastered and waterproofing of cold joints is carried out.

8. Carry out the installation of removable equipment.

10. They complete the construction of the pool with their own hands with facing work, during which the bottom, walls and border are tiled. In this case, special adhesive compositions with waterproof properties are used. The tile joints are made slightly wider than when finishing the walls in the room, filling them with waterproof grout.

Assembly of the factory kit

You can simplify the work if you use special sets of construction and installation systems produced by manufacturers of equipment for swimming pools.

Basic equipment of an artificial reservoir

  • wall materials, which are the main elements of the bathing bowl;
  • waterproofing;
  • facing film;
  • fittings;
  • embedded parts;
  • underwater nozzles;
  • flange units;
  • skimmer;
  • filter;
  • pump;
  • stairs to descend.

It is possible to supplement the basic set with piece accessories.

These can be underwater lights, a protective coating, a counterflow device, a special tool needed to clean the walls and bottom of the bowl.

Operational self-assembly

The three variants of the pool considered below are capital buried structures. At the same time, wall elements that differ in weight, shape and size are easily mounted at the construction site of an artificial reservoir. The facing film is delivered in a compact roll, and its width is convenient for cutting and installation. In some kits, the film is already "welded" to the size of the bowl and is supplied in the form of a bag. Before starting work, they determine the construction site, the size and shape of the pool, which determines the choice of the most suitable wall material. His role may be:

  • polystyrene blocks;
  • steel sheet;
  • concrete blocks.

It is advisable to consult with experts in order to understand what work can be done by hand. Some stages of construction are best left to professionals.

Construction of a pool from polystyrene blocks

This building material is used even in the construction of houses, so it is not at all difficult to make a pool bowl out of it. Large-format blocks, which have impressive dimensions, combined with low weight, allow you to lay out walls in a short time. The concrete mixture is poured only into the cavities provided for in the design of the blocks. The presence of all fasteners and reinforcing elements, the necessary embedded parts facilitates the installation of the structure. At the same time, a do-it-yourself pool built from a facing film looks very impressive, decorating the territory of the garden of a private house. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Marking and digging a pit.

2. Pouring a concrete base-foundation.

3. Installation of blocks with tongue-and-groove fasteners, which simplify the construction of the walls of the pool.

4. Using a conventional hand saw, the blocks are cut to size, and technological holes are cut out in them.

5. It is necessary to insert reinforcement bars into the voids in the blocks, which must be fastened together for subsequent pouring with concrete.

6. Also, before concreting the walls, pipes are inserted into the places designated by the project, while the joint between the pipe and the wall of the structure is filled with sealed self-hardening foam.

7. The "Roman" staircase, which provides access to the pool, is made of polyester reinforced with fiberglass. The ladder structure is inserted into the prepared recess.

9. The work is completed by laying the facing film, which is lined with the walls and the bottom of the bathing bowl. The pool is filled with water. Decorative slabs are laid along its perimeter, emphasizing the edge of the reservoir.

How to make a steel sheet pool

When using this building material for mounting walls, it allows you to build pools with your own hands in a round or oval shape. It is also possible to arrange a bowl in the form of a "figure eight". A monolithic concrete slab acts as the base of an artificial reservoir. You can also install the structure on well-compacted soil, after laying a protective non-woven fabric on it.

The role of a structural and shaping base is a wide solid strip of sheet steel, supplied in a roll, which unfolds only before installation directly in the pit at the construction site. A special steel profile is provided for fastening the steel tape into the ring. It is with its help that the installation of a durable and stable bowl design is carried out.

Cover film for round pool supplied in the form of a ready-made large “bag”, which is unfolded and fastened around the perimeter of the bathing bowl with an annular fastening profile. The installation of technical equipment is started after the completion of facing work and filling the pool with water, which tightly presses the film to the walls and bottom of the structure.

The device of a reservoir from concrete blocks

1. After earthworks and the construction of the bottom from a monolithic concrete slab, they begin to install the walls.

2. Standard concrete blocks are used to build pool walls. At the same time, every third row of masonry is reinforced along the entire perimeter.

3. Instead of an uncomfortable step-ladder, a factory-made ladder descent with comfortable wide steps is installed. The design of the stairs is built into the structure during masonry work.

5. After that, the facing film is laid, which is unwound from the roll, and the individual strips are fastened together by cold welding.

6. The top edge of the film is hidden under a decorative border.

For a better understanding of how to build a pool with your own hands, we recommend watching the video.

DIY pool: video instruction

Such pools-baths have recently become widespread due to the fact that their construction is much easier and faster than the construction of concrete structures. The design of the pool is made in the form of a finished bowl, which is dug into a pit prepared in advance. These prefabricated bathtubs are made from fiberglass, ceramic and composite materials.

They dig a pit according to the size of the workpiece. The bottom is covered with rubble, which is well compacted. Next, the bowl is inserted using lifting devices into the pit. The remaining space between its walls and the walls of the pit is covered with earth. Before buying, it is necessary to clarify the temperature range in which the installation of such a pool is possible. In those areas where the ground freezes heavily, it is possible to push the structure out.

The advantages of plastic pools include:

  • fast construction time;
  • an ideal smooth surface, which is easy to care for;
  • built-in ladder in the bowl design;
  • slower cooling of water compared to concrete pools;
  • perfect waterproofing;
  • long service life up to 50 years;
  • the impossibility of reproduction of bacteria on the surface of the plastic bowl.

The disadvantages include:

  • the high cost of transporting the finished bowl to the installation site;
  • installation requires the involvement of a crane;
  • limited choice of models proposed by the manufacturer;
  • inability to order a bowl for a special project.

Problems of construction and operation of swimming pools

1. Ensuring the watertightness of the swimming pool is the main task to be solved in the construction of the pool. When installing prefabricated structures, this problem is solved with the help of a special film made of reinforced polyvinyl chloride. When building concrete pools, they sometimes reinsure themselves and also use this material. However, subject to the technology of concreting the walls and bottom, this is superfluous.

2. Ensuring the purity of water is an equally important task. Properly organized circulation of water, which is cleaned by installed filters, allows to achieve purity of water. With the help of a sliding or removable cover, it is possible to protect the water from foliage and insects.

3. Increase in the duration of the swimming pool operation season over three summer months. Achieved by installing water heating in the pool. Also recently, light canopies are being arranged over the pools, allowing them to be used for six months.

If you want year-round operation of the pool, its construction must be carried out indoors, while building materials suitable for rooms with high humidity are used. Forced air drying is required using special equipment. The requirements for the ventilation system of such a room are also high.

Photo selection of individual pools

Above are several options for how to make a pool with your own hands. After reading the article, you need to calculate the costs of each method and the possibility of its application in the region of your residence. Having chosen the most economical option, you can start building an artificial reservoir, which will bring a lot of joy to all family members and guests. Now the hot summer days will not be terrible, because the cool water of the built pool will save you from the heat. Now, in order to swim, you don’t have to go to a nearby lake or river, because next to the house there is a pond built with your own hands.