How to force yourself to exercise. Best Tips

You will need

  • - personal trainer;
  • - comrade for joint training;
  • - conveniently located gym;
  • - semi-annual or annual subscription to the sports club.


Train with a friend. To carry the burden of responsibility for training and their regularity is much easier together. A friend is training nearby, and you try to keep up.

The most boring thing is to train just like that. Better imagine how you would like to look, and set yourself a goal - to achieve this ideal image. And when you don't feel like going to the gym, just remember this ideal, and not wanting to say goodbye to a dream will make you leave the house.

Don't be too hard on yourself, sometimes it's okay to get sloppy. If you came to the gym and realized that it doesn’t work at all, don’t worry. You can swim, run at an easy pace or go to the sauna. In any case, you will not be ashamed of your own laziness.

Struggle for good figure impossible without dietary changes. But even the most severe restrictions can also be combined with fasting days. If the workout was particularly successful or intense, you can reward yourself with something delicious. The thought of future pleasure will awaken excitement, sports anger, and you will give all your best much more than you would have done without the thought of reward. The main thing is that the feast of the stomach does not cross out all your achievements in Lately.

Buy a subscription for a long time. In addition to being much cheaper than one session per class, the thought of losing money will get you out of your slack and into the gym.

Get personal trainer. A personal trainer disciplines a lot more than you can imagine. If you do not want to leave the house, you will remember that a person is waiting for you, who is inconvenient to let down. In addition, classes with a personal trainer will be much more effective, and this is also a reason not to miss training.

Pack your gym bag from the evening. A bag that by its very appearance reminds you that you have a workout today will be a great incentive not to be lazy. And there will be less time to think. What is there to think, the bag is already assembled.

Set yourself a specific goal. Decide what you want to achieve from training. But let it not be an abstract “look good”, but a specific indicator. For example, by 5 kilograms or increase the volume of the biceps by two centimeters. Be sure to indicate the exact date by which you must achieve your goal. This will make it much easier to evaluate the effectiveness of your classes and there is less chance that you will lose interest in training.

If your sports club has additional sections, sign up for at least one of them. Changing classes from time to time can be very helpful. An hour and a half of kung fu or kung fu training won't hurt your sports program. And this is much more interesting than constantly running along the track or moving the barbell.

Try to make going to the gym comfortable. If it's near your house or on your daily itinerary, it'll be much harder to come up with a reason to skip your workout. But you are unlikely to be able to drive through half the city regularly.

Often we are attacked by obsessive thoughts: “Don’t go to the gym today, you are tired. Let's go tomorrow!" This is a dangerous illusion of tomorrow, which cannot be led. Below are tips on how to force yourself to go to the gym.

1. Train with a partner
A training partner will play a very important role. It can be a very good source of motivation. After all, if your partner is ahead of you in the results, it will hit you well. Then the thought of skipping a workout will recede into the background. In addition, your friend at the right time will convince you not to miss the next workout.

2. Workout right after work
After the end of the working day - immediately to the hall. You should not go home, because there are a lot of other things waiting for you there that will distract you from the desired mood, and then it will be much more difficult to force yourself to go to the gym.

3. Exercise in the morning
If waking up early is easy for you, train in the morning. In this case, you will have no excuse to miss a workout. After all, in the morning you are full of strength and energy. Besides morning workout will free your day, and at the beginning of the day you will be proud of yourself.

4. Don't exercise every day
Three days a week is the most optimal scheme for training. Daily workouts will only overwork your body. Three days are training, the other four are rest and recovery.

5. Try yoga
Yoga helps fight fatigue, charges you with strength and energy for the whole day. If you train in the evening, do yoga in the morning. Work out in the morning - practice yoga in the evening.

6. A tired mind is no reason to skip a workout.
If you work in an office and feel tired at the end of the day, don't take this fatigue as a general one. Often mental fatigue masquerades as fatigue of the whole body. Arriving at the gym, most likely, you will have enough strength to fully train.

7. Try changing clothes at work
It will seem very strange, but changing from work clothes to tracksuit will help mentally prepare for the workout. A tracksuit will tune your brain in the right way, and then it will not be so easy to miss a workout.

8. Look for the good
Think positive. With every workout you get better and better. And better than many others. From this position, you will stop thinking about training as an obligation. Rather, training will become a significant advantage for you in comparison with those who do not work on themselves.
Training requires energy, but returns its costs with a vengeance. In this case, the rule applies in exactly the same way: you give a lot, you get even more in return. Therefore, feeling tired, feel free to go to training for a big boost of energy.

Nothing comes from nowhere. This is the law of conservation of energy. And if you want beautiful and toned body, welcome to a workout in the gym! But it's easier said than done. If you've been thinking about exercising for a long time and still can't get started, read the best motivation tips. move things off the ground.

Psychological moment.

The preparation of the upcoming workout must be done in advance, since the evening.

It is worth preparing sportswear, shoes. This is an important psychological moment.

And also on the front door, so that every time you leave the house, remind yourself of the gym or at least a run. In some strange way, the psychological attack works.

The principle of the clock set ten to fifteen minutes earlier works: you know that the clock is in a hurry, because you rearranged the hands yourself, but as a result you have time everywhere and arrive on time.

In order to save

One of the most reliable ways to accurately get to class is to pay his.

Rarely, having invested money, will give up on them.

In this case, you need to invest in a club subscription. As a rule, it is not cheap, so conscience will not allow you to miss classes. Here, in the hall, you can find like-minded people. And this is another motivating moment. More occurs if training is carried out with a partner or trainer.

In addition, here you can find people with similar training programs as you.

listen to yourself

If the thought of the upcoming workout gives you a very big discomfort

try today instead of going to the gym to go for a run or arrange a gym at home. In a pleasant environment, it's easier to work.

Also, if you are not in the mood for training, then it is still worth continuing to study - though not in the usual way.

Allow yourself the luxury of doing only favorite exercises and you will gradually get involved in the training process.

Create an atmosphere

According to scientists' research,

training to good music will be longer and more effective and, of course, very enjoyable, which is already there. The main thing is to find the appropriate music.

Armed with a "sports" track list, you can safely start training.

gingerbread method

He operates effectively.

As a gingerbread, some things that please you can usually act, for example, new clothes, new gadgets, etc.

Behind good achievements and appropriate incentive. Plus a sense of pride in yourself and your results.

Watch your body

You can periodically monitor the progress of the development of your body in front of a mirror. But that is not all.

You should also sometimes measure body parts and record them in a special diary.

Save your time

IN modern world one of the main problems is Lack of time.

Therefore, try to save and discard unnecessary activities and eliminate meaningless lying on the couch. Often even the 15 minutes allotted for sports hall, give significant results.

Try to use these tips - all at once or at least one - and progress will appear.

Or at least the desire to achieve it.

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Which burns fat faster: running or lifting? Many people think that lifting weights works much more efficiently than aerobics. Is it true? Let's find out a little lower.

Coming to the gym, newcomers, due to their inexperience, make many mistakes. Of course, there is a fitness instructor in the gym who will show a series of exercises and correct the errors that have appeared. However, we will tell you in this article what exercises you need to do, how many approaches.

By following all diets and regimens correctly proper nutrition, you still won't be able to increase muscle mass. In order to achieve a certain result, there are only two options: go to sport Club or housework. Of course, a fitness instructor will select the necessary set of exercises and tell you about the diet. However, in this article we will offer you a way to build mass based on several exercises.

Let's face it, after a long day at work, the thought of lying on the couch, watching TV, or surfing the Internet can be a lot more appealing than the prospect of sweating profusely in a crowded gym. Working out in the morning can be helpful, but it doesn't always fit into your daily schedule. And in the evenings, you can easily be overcome by treacherous thoughts that you can no longer bear any physical activity(although they should). So, how do you motivate yourself to go to the gym with clenched teeth when you don't feel like it? First of all, don't beat yourself up for cowardice - it happens to everyone. And then try these five simple tricks that can be very effective in motivating you to study.

1. Bring sportswear with you to work out

In the evening, prudently pack a bag with all the clothes and equipment you need for the gym, and in the morning do not forget to take it with you to work. The effect of the presence of this bag at your desktop is very strong. In fact, it affects your conscience and consciousness, because the likelihood that you will overcome your laziness and go to the gym immediately after work is very high. Don't come home! Remember, as soon as your back touches the cozy sofa, all is lost! If you need to go home, then do it quickly: change clothes and run. Don't even think about sitting down on a chair. Cultivate this habit and don't waste time engaging in a deep internal monologue with yourself about whether or not to exercise today.

2. Plan Your Workout Schedule

Try sticking workouts into your daily calendar and treating them like business meetings. By planning your weekly activities, you begin to remember, think, and mentally prepare for them. In addition, it trains your ability to prioritize. If your work schedule is flexible and unpredictable, then gym visits may be the only stable events of the week. Ideally, try to train at the same time and on the same days, again to develop a habit and strictly follow an established schedule.

3. Hire a personal trainer or go with a friend

Joint training can be a "magic kick" for you, and you will be ashamed to miss subsequent classes. When you go to the gym alone, you really need this intrinsic motivation, but training with a friend(s) or individual sessions help you be much more focused. Group support or personal responsibility to the coach is very stimulating.

4. Work out a rule

Work out for yourself your tough life rule (you can call it your own law) that no matter what cataclysms and other natural disasters happen around you during the working week, you will train at least three times during this period. This means that you only have two days of rest after work, and the remaining three days you will have to work out in the evenings in the gym. Do not back down and do not be cowardly, trying to reduce the number to two times or one, motivating this by being busy and tired. Set yourself up: not “I want”, but “necessary” and “should”. This is a harsh reality. Your body must move, not constantly sit or lie down.

5. Reward yourself

Develop rewards for your perseverance. Perhaps this is a visit to the cinema, the purchase of some new sportswear or massage. This reward for your own willpower can help you stay motivated. This is a very effective psychological moment that should not be neglected.

New Year holidays leave behind not only gifts, photographs, pleasant memories of the holiday, but also extra pounds. It is doubly disappointing if these kilograms crossed out the results of visiting the gym during the entire previous year. And the longer the break in classes, the more difficult it is to return to them.

There are a few simple ways that will help you force yourself to go to the gym and not miss classes. For example, a sports bag should always be collected in advance. It is desirable that it should be in the most visible place. Then all evening she will be a silent reproach for you, and, perhaps, will force you to go to training.

Vigorous walking and running help prevent diabetes and hypertensionThe researchers found that running reduced the risk of primary hypertension by 4.2% and walking by 7.2%. In the blood of runners, high cholesterol is 4.2% less common, and among walkers it is 7% less common than in other people.

If you're dreading the long commute to the gym and putting off leaving the house, you can work out at home. Perform the usual set of exercises.

If you have Bad mood, and you don’t feel like playing sports at all, start your workout with your favorite exercise. Most likely, this will help you have fun, and you will see the matter through to the end.

It is best to work out in the gym with a friend, you will be ashamed to miss classes. If you go to training alone, appear in the gym at the same time and greet those present. Soon you will have friends. Together you will have much more fun, and, in addition, there will be someone to insure you when lifting the barbell.

Everyone knows that training in the gym helps not only to acquire a pile of muscles, but also to lose weight. excess weight. And no matter what they tell you from the TV screens about wonderful pills and magic cocktails, nothing can replace physical exercise. Look at yourself in the mirror every day and step on the scale. At regular workouts your reflection and the numbers on the scales will be an additional incentive, you will immediately want to go to the gym.

Imagine how pleasant it is to follow the changes for the better. AND we are talking not only about the game of muscles in front of the mirror. With each new workout you will feel that you are getting stronger, and that it becomes easier for you to increase the load and perform new exercises.

Especially for training, you can make a selection of music. Studies show that people who train to music are much longer and more active than those who prefer to "swing" in silence or to the "music" of creaking iron and their own panting. The main thing in this case is not to make a mistake in choosing a genre.

Scientists have explained what kind of music is easier to train on simulatorsPeople feel less tired if they get an audible response to even the slightest effort. Scientists believe that this effect can be partly explained by the calming effect of music, which relieves muscle tension and leads to a more efficient supply of oxygen to the body.

Sports teach us to be consistent. First you need to set yourself a goal that you must achieve for a certain period of training. As soon as the goal is achieved, it is necessary to set a new, already more distant goal.

Surprisingly, but gossip can also be useful. If you need additional incentive to force yourself to go to the gym, use public opinion. For example, you can devote your plans to pump up the biceps of acquaintances, friends or relatives, and you yourself will not notice it, as you instantly become the object of gossip. And your reputation will directly depend on training.

Also, a great way to force yourself to go to training is to make a bet. You can challenge someone to a kind of fitness competition. And for greater motivation, it is better to challenge an opponent to whom you do not feel any sympathy. Or try to challenge yourself. If, for example, in the summer you switch from a car to a bike, you can improve your shape. Note how long it takes you to get to work, for example. It will be very cool if every day you try to improve your result.

If you are a busy person, you do not have much free time to spend on going to the gym. But look at this problem from the other side.

You can spend much less time in training, the main thing is to do it with full dedication.

Schedule your classes for the month ahead. With a sense of accomplishment, cross off every workout that has taken place. If you still managed to skip some workouts, include them additionally in the schedule for the next month.

A great way to drive yourself into a "rocking chair" is communication on fitness forums. There you can compare your progress with the success of other people. However, you should not take everything too close to your heart - many "virtuals" are very fond of embellishing reality.

The conditions of urban life contribute to the development of diseases of the heart and circulation. This, in particular, lack of sleep, inactivity, malnutrition. The RIA Novosti infographic provides information from cardiologists about what factors are most detrimental to the heart, as well as simple tips on how to stay healthy.

Try to treat training like work. Think of yourself as a strict boss, and the coach as a subordinate hired to work. Does not cope with his work - fire without a twinge of conscience, that is, change the coach or the gym.

Check your blood cholesterol levels and set a goal of 20 points lower your "bad" cholesterol and 5 points more "good". By improving your well-being, you thus significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

If after several workouts you have not found any visible changes, this is not a reason to be lazy and never go to the gym again. Measure yourself every week and write down the results. Over time, you will begin to enjoy even the smallest changes.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources