What should be the length of the barrier. Various types of automatic barriers

When it becomes necessary to restrict entry to a certain territory, the question arises of choosing a blocking device.
There are many devices that perform the functions of restricting access, for example, mechanical devices: mechanical barriers, removable parking bollards or reinforced parking bollards (so-called "crabs"), parking barriers, mobile parking bollards, such as soldiers, etc. Or automatic devices: automatic barriers, chain barriers, bollards, road blockers, etc.

The most commonly used barrier device is an automatic or mechanical barrier due to the ease of use and the peculiarities of the climatic conditions in our country.

In order to correctly select the barrier, it is necessary to draw up a small technical task.
This is required for the correct choice of the barrier and the exclusion of unpleasant surprises during operation.

Mechanical barriers

The advantage of a mechanical barrier is more low price compared to automatic, because it has a simple design solution, as well as a stronger blocking boom made of steel metal pipe.
The disadvantages of mechanical barriers are the lack of remote control from a button or key fob, as well as the inability to connect an access control system. Mechanical barriers are blocked with a padlock and opened either by the driver of the car or by the security of the checkpoint.

The most common use of mechanical barriers:

  • closure of the territory of small adjacent parking lots;
  • closure of through passages to exclude the flow of cars bypassing traffic jams;
  • closing of entrances to the territory of horticultural associations;
  • closing of emergency entrances/exits from the territory;
  • closing of entrances to the forest and other territories remote from settlements and points of electricity.
  • Automatic barriers

    The correct choice of an automatic barrier affects its further operation and durability.
    First of all, you need to determine:

    1. Width of blocked passage

    The most common gradation of arrow lengths is as follows: 3 meters, 4 meters, 5 meters, 6 meters, 7 meters. A common misconception when choosing boom length is that it should match the width of the driveway. This is wrong. It is better to use an arrow smaller than a meter of the passage length, since this will not affect the obstacle for the passage of the car, and the speed of raising the boom will increase (the longer the barrier boom, the slower it rises). The exception is arrows, more than 6 meters, because. they require a stationary support post and booms with a curtain at the bottom to block the passage not only for cars, but also for pedestrians.

    2. Intensity of passing cars per hour

    There is a rough division of barriers into three categories: low, medium and high intensity. Barriers of low intensity are practically not used in Russia, tk. mainly used for private use or in areas with a small number of cars. Medium-intensity barriers are the most commonly used and they are used wherever there is no need to install high-intensity barriers. The latter are used in places with a large flow of cars, for example, on toll highways or entrances to the territory of airports, railway stations, large business centers.

    3. Ways to control the barrier

    The easiest way to control the barrier is with a button. Used when there is a guard. As an option - opening the barrier from the panel with a key. The opening takes place both by the guard and the driver.
    Remote control remote control. It can be carried out by both the security guard and the driver. This mode does not require a guard, but it is recommended to install security elements and auto-closing mode.
    Management with contactless cards. It is used when it is necessary to control incoming / outgoing vehicles and access control.
    Control via a call from a mobile phone via a GSM controller.

    4. Availability of additional accessories
    for convenience and safety of control of a barrier.

    Depending on the ways of controlling the barrier, it is recommended to install certain or accessories to them. Safety photocells prevent an arrow being struck if a car passes under the barrier while it is closing. If the auto-closing mode is used, then the presence of photocells is mandatory. Signaling elements (lamps, traffic lights, LED strips) warn passers-by about the movement of the boom. The antenna increases the range of radio key fobs.
    In any case, a complete installation of accessories will be useful for traffic safety.

    To restrict access to any protected or closed area, to the yard of a private or multi-apartment building, the best option is a road automatic barrier. Such a device will not be superfluous in any yard, in a closed parking lot, with travel restrictions on a particular road. It has an automatic control that allows you to open its boom with the push of a button. The convenience of using such a device can hardly be overestimated, because the driver or other person responsible for the safety of the passage does not even make an effort to open it.

    Automatic barrier at the entrance

    Advantages of automatic barriers

    These designs have the following significant advantages:

    • Opening and closing of an arrow is made from the panel, at pressing of the button. In some cases, automatic barriers are equipped with photocells that give a signal to close after the passage of vehicles.
    • Provides reliable operation of the device when used outdoors. For example, in the yard of the house or in the parking lot.
    • The length of the boom can be different in length, blocking even a very wide passage. The manufacturer also produces barriers with two arrows, allowing you to further expand the barrier zone.
    • Installation of an automatic device can be carried out in almost any place where electricity can be supplied. Especially often one can observe the operation of such devices in the courtyard of an apartment building, at the entrances to the courtyard of an elite house, in private property.
    • Ability to work from various control devices.
    • In the event of a power outage, the operation of the automatic barrier does not stop. Backup power can be supplied to it, and similar structures can also be controlled manually.
    • The cost of the device is quite acceptable, slightly exceeding the price of a manual barrier.

    The disadvantages of such barriers

    Along with many advantages, automatic barriers also have several disadvantages that must be considered before purchasing them:

    • Installation of the device is possible only in those places where electricity is supplied. Without this, the barrier will not work. Rather, they will have to be controlled manually.
    • Difficulty in power supply. An underground power cable must be provided. This leads to additional costs, which are not always justified. For example, if in the courtyard of a multi-storey building such costs are distributed among all residents, then only the owner of the house conducts food in the courtyard of a private cottage.
    • It is necessary to ensure regular maintenance of the electronic and mechanical devices that ensure the operation of the barrier.

    Where are automatic barriers used?

    Installation of barriers of automatic type is advisable in the following places:

    • Railway crossings. Signals to close barriers are given at a certain distance from the approaching train.
    • Guarded parking lots. For example, the restrictor of entry into the territory of a restaurant or hotel allows you to get rid of the presence of foreign cars on its territory. Also, such a device facilitates control of the exit. Vehicle from paid parking lots.
    • The courtyard of any house, both multi-apartment and private. Moreover, in the yard, the installation of such a device allows you to ensure the safety of playing children. It also excludes the placement of cars of residents of neighboring houses.
    • Territories prohibited for entry, nature reserves, private property.

    The design of the automatic barrier

    By appearance The automatic barrier practically does not differ from the manual barrier, however, in its design it is a more advanced device. It consists of the following elements:

    • The main cabinet, inside which are the control unit, engine, gearbox and balancing spring. The pedestal is installed on a concrete base.
    • Boom made of aluminum or steel. Usually is hollow. May be round or square. The boom length can vary from 2 to 12 m.
    • A support post designed to support the tip of an arrow. If the boom length does not exceed 2.5 m, the support leg may not be used.
    • A system of sensors that respond to various actions of the driver and vehicles. Several sensors receive signals and then issue commands to open the barrier. There are also security sensors. If for some reason the vehicle was delayed, did not pass through the checkpoint on time, the boom will not be lowered until it passes.

    Very often, hydraulic mechanisms are used in the construction of barriers to facilitate the raising and lowering of a heavy boom. They slow down the speed of the arrow on the way to the extreme points. This ensures the smooth operation of the mechanisms, extends their service life.

    Device management methods

    Automatic devices are controlled in the following ways:

    1. Radio controlled key fobs. Each driver who has the right to enter the fenced area or the courtyard of the house has such a key fob. He does not even need to get out of the car to open the passage.
    2. Magnetic cards. Upon their contact with the reader located on the barrier pedestal, the boom opens.
    3. Code panels. To clear the passage, you need to type the given number combination on the keyboard. Usually such panels are located at the security of the facility.
    4. Mechanical opening buttons. They are controlled from the remote control. The guard, after checking the driver's documents, presses the button and opens the passage to the courtyard of the house or to a certain territory.
    5. Automatic barriers can be connected to video surveillance systems, intercoms or other control systems. These systems can be indoors or outdoors.

    Characteristics of the automatic barrier

    When choosing an automatic barrier, you must first familiarize yourself with the features of its operation, capabilities and characteristics. This will help make right choice. The manufacturer can complete his devices at his discretion, so you have every right to choose the elements you need. Attention should be paid to the following parameters:

    • Arrow length. It is chosen in such a way that it is possible to block the entire passage. It should be borne in mind that when using a longer boom, it is necessary to ensure the installation of a more powerful gearbox, as well as a more efficient engine. The barrier manufacturer must ensure this conformity.
    • Presence of security features. In the closed position, the boom should be clearly visible from afar. For this purpose, reflective elements, LED lamps and lamps are attached to it.
    • throughput. From this indicator depends on how long the device will be able to function smoothly. For periodic use of the barrier, there is no need to purchase a mechanism for intensive use. An inexpensive household option is also suitable. And vice versa, in industrial enterprises or paid parking lots with a continuous flow of cars, it is necessary to install only a professional barrier. In this case, it will not have to be repaired annually.
    • Device management. You must decide in advance how the operation of the barrier will be controlled. Most often, the boom is controlled from the guard's remote control, if such a remote control is provided. Radio controlled key fobs and magnetic cards are also often used.
    • Decide in advance whether you will improve the operation of the device in the future. For example, change the control method or install backup power. To do this, you need to provide additional space.

    It can be concluded that an automatic barrier is an excellent choice in many cases. With proper installation and proper operation, it will ensure the safety of the territory or object.

    Types of barriers - how to make a choice?

    With increasing traffic on the roads common use and the growing demands for security and regulation of this very movement, barriers came to the rescue. Now it is difficult to imagine a parking lot or an office center that is not equipped with this traffic controller. What barrier to choose?

    Classification and types of barriers

    In the era of progress, a large number of different barriers have appeared on the market, successfully exist and develop. They serve, for the most part, to restrict the movement of vehicles at various sites. Visually, all barriers are similar, but inside they are different and are divided into three main types.

    Manual barriers. The device does not provide auxiliary drives. Arrows of such barriers are equipped with a counterweight for simplification of raising of an arrow. Manual barriers are used in places with very low traffic capacity. I often have a support for an arrow and locking mechanisms.

    Electromechanical barriers. These devices are distinguished by the presence of an electric drive. An electric motor, with the help of a gearbox, is connected to the boom of the barrier for its lifting. This type of barriers is the most common and is used almost everywhere. Its design is quite simple and not whimsical in operation. Maintenance and repair of such devices is not expensive and is carried out in a very short period of time, which makes this type very attractive.

    1. Hydromechanical barriers. The most expensive, but at the same time the most reliable and durable devices. Long service life is ensured by the absence of friction when lifting the boom. Also hydromechanical barriers differ in noiselessness and smoothness of work. But such a design is expensive to maintain and repair, although it rarely needs it.

    When choosing a barrier, it is necessary to pay attention to the capacity of the place where it will be installed, the width of the opening to be blocked and the conditions in which the device will be used. Based on this, the ideal option is selected individually for each specific object. Only a properly selected device will ensure long-term and trouble-free operation.

    Restriction of travel for vehicles is relevant both in a metropolis and in a quiet cottage village outside the city. Private and multi-apartment buildings, industrial areas, shopping centers, parking lots and garage complexes - these and many other objects need strict access control. One of the most convenient and reliable ways to provide such control is to install a barrier. In the article we will answer questions about what types of barriers exist and what you need to pay attention to when choosing a model.

    Purpose, device and types of barriers

    Barriers are designed to systematize access to a fenced area. Devices are installed near large office centers, enterprises of various types, public institutions, parking lots and simply guarded residential buildings - where it is required to control the entry and exit of vehicles. Compared to gates, barriers have many advantages: for example, the amount of time spent on opening and closing the passage is minimal, that is, the throughput of the device is higher, and transportation and installation are easier due to low weight.

    Any barrier consists of two main parts: a movable boom to block the opening, as well as a special stand where it is fixed. Depending on the type of opening, mechanical and automatic systems can be distinguished:

    • Mechanical devices operate on the principle of manual opening and closing. Such a system is not very convenient, but it is perfect for areas that are not equipped with electrical networks, and besides, it is distinguished by its reliable design and long service life.
    • Automatic barriers are able to raise and lower the boom on the base remote command coming from the checkpoint system. This design greatly improves throughput and is ideal for medium to high volume areas. high level attendance. Automatic devices are equipped with hydraulic or electromechanical motors. The first ones are more reliable, due to the absence of friction between the moving parts of the mechanism, but the price of such barriers is higher. The cost of electromechanical devices is less, but technical specifications they lose a little to their hydraulic counterparts. The disadvantages of automatic structures in general include dependence on power supply - if the power supply is interrupted, then the barrier will have to be opened and closed manually.

    It should also be said that there are a number of specific design requirements. For example, in order for the driver to easily distinguish the presence and dimensions of an autonomous parking barrier at night, the device must have at least reflective stickers.

    Installation and connection of barrier systems

    Before installing a barrier, it should be clarified whether this action violates the laws of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, you are threatened with the dismantling of the system, as well as a fine - for individuals from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles, and for legal entities from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. A large number of disputes about the installation of barriers concerns the territories of residential buildings. First of all, the structure should not block the path to common areas, in addition, a watchman or security guard should be near the device around the clock, access to the building for emergency vehicles should be carried out without interference. You can install a barrier near a shopping or business center if it does not become an obstacle to the movement of cars on nearby roads and does not restrict the movement of pedestrians. The same applies to devices that restrict access to production sites. In all these cases, before installing the barrier, you will have to obtain permission from the district administration, as well as from emergency services.

    Installation of the barrier is associated with raising the soil. According to the legislative norms for the central region of the Russian Federation, the depth of the excavation should be approximately 1.2–1.4 m. Installation of the device requires the laying of a cement foundation, during the manufacture of which a support pedestal (rack) of the barrier is placed in it. Only after that the arrow is mounted. If the design is of the automatic type, then the next step is to adjust and connect the electronics.


    The rotary mechanism of "manual" structures must be lubricated as the friction of the internal parts against each other increases. But automatic systems require a more subtle approach. It is advisable to regularly call the master for a routine inspection of such a device - the frequency can be different, from one to three times every three months, it all depends on the intensity of use of the structure. This will allow the barrier to serve for a long time, and you - to avoid the cost of expensive urgent repairs.

    Typically, inspection of the barrier includes diagnostics of smooth running, engine mechanisms, security systems, boom balancing, as well as minor repairs.

    The service life of the barrier depends on the reliability of the system and the type of construction, but on average it is 10–20 years. Many manufacturers offer warranties on their products. Therefore, during the first 1–3 years of use, in the event of a barrier failure due to the fault of the manufacturer, troubleshooting will be carried out free of charge.

    How much does a barrier and its installation cost

    The price of an automatic barrier depends on its size, type of mechanism and functionality. Electromechanical models will cost you 30-70 thousand rubles, and devices with a hydraulic motor cost from 80 thousand rubles and more. It should be borne in mind that additional costs for installing the device will be required - they will depend on the depth of the foundation and the complexity of the mechanism, but in general they will amount to about 10-15 thousand rubles.

    How to choose an access control system?

    Mechanical barriers and automatic models with low throughput are the most common options for restricting entry into the territory of a separate private house or, for example, a cottage village. Here, the device does not require high speed and power, so the cost of expensive equipment may not be justified.

    If you need to install a barrier at the entrance to the courtyard of a residential building, shopping center, to a production area or paid parking, then you should opt for automatic structures with an average throughput of 400–500 cycles per day. Often, such devices require the ability to remotely control (for example, key buttons for residents of the house), and the function of automatic closing after the passage of vehicles will not be superfluous.

    Sometimes the barrier boom canvas, in addition to its direct intended purpose, is used for advertising purposes. This site is especially popular with manufacturers of construction tools: do not be afraid if, instead of an ordinary arrow, a fake ax or hammer rises above your car.

    A large flow of vehicles implies the presence of an operational throughput system. Such characteristics are possessed by automatic barriers with high throughput, designed for 1000–1200 opening cycles per day. These designs are suitable for airports, train stations and large shopping malls. By installing an optional card reader and system management, you can organize the passage of passes. And to restrict the passage to certain sections of the fenced area, two barriers synchronized with each other are often used.

    The required boom lifting speed can also influence the choice of a suitable barrier model. For areas with low bandwidth, it can be 7-10 seconds, and if we are talking about an average or large flow of cars, it is better to choose a model with indicators of no more than 1-5 seconds.

    The length of the arrow usually does not exceed 4 meters. If you need to increase this parameter, you will have to equip the barrier with special support, as well as strengthen the structure as a whole.

    So, you can install a barrier in short time without spending a lot of money on it. You just need to decide on the type of device (its bandwidth), the seller and the installation company. The best choice would be a company that not only sells, but also provides equipment installation services.

    How much does an automatic barrier cost? go over to the website and find out