What is the impact force of Bruce Lee. The fastest hit

The personality of Bruce Lee, the world-famous cinematographer and unsurpassed master of martial arts, is still surrounded by an aura of mystery. During his relatively short life (1940-1973) he managed to achieve a level of skill that is still not only unsurpassed, but is generally beyond comprehension. He is credited with a huge number of achievements, many of which are little confirmed. In our article, we will highlight all the significant records of Bruce Lee - both official and unofficial.

Guinness Book of Records

If someone believes that Bruce Lee specifically convened commissions to confirm his records, he is mistaken. In the famous Guinness Book of Records, Bruce Lee's record was recorded only once, and not for partial achievements: he was enrolled there as a person who had over 800 fights in the ring during his career. Although there is practically no documentary evidence of this.

Bruce hated to fight in public, and if anyone challenged him, then the fight took place in private on the territory of the possessions of Bruce himself. There were no cameras at the same time, so only the only officially confirmed battle of the great master has come down to us. Here it is short video.

But although Bruce Lee did not particularly shine in the Guinness Book of Records, many of his achievements are officially confirmed and unbeaten to this day. Let's move on to them.

Officially confirmed records

These are the achievements that have ever been made before the eyes of journalists, and which have been sanctified in a credible serious press, memoirs and other literary works famous personalities. Bruce Lee's officially confirmed world records include:

  • The ability to deliver blows at such a speed that the then video technology - 24 frames per second - simply could not have time to capture these blows. To shoot fights with Bruce, I had to shoot his actions at a frequency of 32 frames per second, but the lines turned out to be blurry.
  • Bruce's ability to hold a "corner" (legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body, legs straightened at the knees) with an emphasis on his hands for more than 30 minutes in a row.
  • The ability, with its weight of 65 kg, to hold a 34-kilogram weight on an arm extended parallel to the earth's surface for more than 3 seconds.
  • The ability to break through the tin of the then steel beer bottles with the fingers of the hand.
  • The ability to pull up, hanging on the crossbar on the same little fingers, and push-ups, resting on the ground with two fingers of one of the hands.
  • The ability to toss and catch rice grains in flight with chopsticks.

Records recorded by unofficial sources

Bruce Lee's records include the following achievements:

  • The strength of it side impact was such that he tore with it the fabric of hanging sacks of thick burlap filled with rice.
  • Bruce wound 16 km on an exercise bike in one approach (duration - 45 minutes).
  • He could topple a 200-kilogram man to the ground with just a touch of his hand (he called this the "Master's Touch" or "Chie Kick" strike).
  • Once, the master managed to break through a helmet to protect the face with a blow of his fist, which at the test could not be broken with a sledgehammer.
  • Bruce could kick a 136 kg punching bag into flight so that it hit the ceiling.
  • Demonstrating his speed, he could easily replace a coin of one denomination lying in the palm of a person with a coin of another denomination, while he had time to squeeze his palm.
  • He could pull himself up on the horizontal bar, hanging on one arm, over 50 times.
  • From a place, he could jump to a height of 3 meters.
  • Bruce has never lost a fight in the history of his fighting career.

Records and facts from the cinema and gaming industry

Bruce Lee's records apply not only to sports and physiological achievements. He especially "inherited" in the film and gaming industry. Here is a list of the main well-known facts:


Bruce Lee is to this day a legend and an unsurpassed master. The world-famous film actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger said that Bruce's body is the standard for the complete absence of fat in the body. This great man died at the age of 32 and was buried in the state of Washington, in Seattle.

Lightning Bruce

The man who possessed the fastest punch in the history of martial arts is Bruce Lee, a martial artist and film actor. Bruce's strike speed at a distance of 1 meter was only 0.05 seconds. This is one-twentieth of the amount of time you blink. Bruce Lee could toss a couple of grains of rice and then catch them in the air with ordinary chopsticks. Bruce's impact speed was so fast that he could punch through a full can of Coca-Cola with his finger, at that time tins were thicker than modern ones.

The speed of Bruce's blows was so great that a conventional camera that performs 24 frames could not cope with the task. Filming had to be done with a camera at 32 frames per second. To demonstrate his phenomenal reaction and speed, Bruce could replace a 10-cent coin in a person’s palm with a second before the person squeezed his hand.

Other records of Bruce

In addition, Bruce Lee set several world records: the fastest knockout with a punch - 3.2 seconds, the fastest knockout with a kick, the fastest knockout in the world - 1.2 seconds.

Dan Inosanto said: “Bruce was very interested in developing the strength that he could immediately convert into speed. Once Bruce and his friends were walking along the Santa Monica beach. Suddenly, a bodybuilder passed by Bruce. huge hands the guy!", to which Bruce replied: "Yes, he is healthy, but is he fast?"

Talent or training?

Chuck Norris believes that Bruce was not only the most powerful fighter in all categories, but also the fastest. Bruce Lee had his own signature punch called the One Inch Punch. This blow could instantly send fighters weighing about 100kg into a five-meter flight. Bruce gave his blow a mind-blowing speed. A splash of the palm and the opponent, flying off into the wall, could barely get up.

Many theorists and scientists agree that the huge impact speed is not only the result of painstaking training, but also an innate feature of Bruce. According to one theory, it is believed that Lee was distinguished by an abnormal arrangement of actin-myosin complexes in muscles, which in turn led to an increase in the speed of contraction of muscle bundles and the achievement of great speed movements.

Alexander Suvorov, Samogo.Net

Bruce Lee in real life had amazing physical abilities. His strength and power, speed in movements, commitment to martial arts conquered the people around him. There are many examples of its uniqueness. In their best years Bruce Lee did push-ups from the floor on two fingers, he could catch a few grains of rice thrown into the air with chopsticks in the middle of the flight, he could pierce closed cans of Coca-Cola with his fingers, and at that time they were still made of steel, not aluminum, as they are now. Bruce easily smashed to smithereens bags weighing forty-five kilograms with one side kick. He could work on an exercise bike for 45 minutes "driving" sixteen kilometers without getting tired at all, and Bruce's impact speed was 1 meter in 0.05 seconds. Once he broke a protective helmet, which was made of thick steel rods, which could withstand the test of a sledgehammer before.

Bruce Lee successfully starred in several films, playing the role of a man who knows various military equipment. The budget of his last film, "Enter the Dragon" (1973), was only 600 thousand dollars, and today the film, having a great success, has brought a profit from the rental of about 300 million dollars.

Numerous friends of Bruce, his students and teachers, colleagues in acting - all remember him with admiration and warmth, his amazing abilities, obsession, incredible performance and surprisingly sensitive attitude to martial arts. Bruce has always strived to preserve the uniqueness and originality of the combat doctrine, carefully supplementing with new exercises, without violating the classical beginning.

Herb Jackson, the man who designed the trainers for Bruce, told how Bruce Lee smashed them to smithereens in training. And the biggest challenge for him, as a designer, was to come up with something new, stronger, able to withstand Lee's crushing blows. He reinforced wooden dummies with car parts to make them last longer.

Herb began to develop a movable dummy specifically for Bruce, which did not stand still, but could retreat, attack, imitating the movements of the enemy. He is very sorry that he did not have time to finish this simulator before the death of the actor, because he would have helped him a lot, since not a single person could withstand Bruce's most powerful kicks or punches if he hit at full strength. His skill, speed and strength could only be safely tested on dummies. "Bruce Lee did not stop there, he always wanted to become stronger, as much as possible," recalled Jackson.

Dan Inosanto, a good friend of Bruce, said that he was interested in developing his strength, which he could instantly translate into power. Dan recalled how one day on the beach in Santa Monica, when they were walking together with Bruce, a hefty, muscular guy walked by, Dan drew Bruce's attention to him, to which he calmly remarked: “Yes, he is a big man, but is he strong?” Dan Insanto still remembers this incident and marvels at Bruce's philosophical mindset.

Actor Chuck Norris also admired Bruce's fighting prowess, and even admitted that Bruce Lee was perhaps the strongest and fastest wrestler in all of weight categories, although he himself was also not an amateur in martial arts.

Joe Lewis said that Bruce was surprisingly strong for his size, because he was no different tall. Joe recalled Lee taking a 34kg kettlebell and lifting it to chest, then extended his arms horizontally, holding the kettlebell for 20 seconds. This is a difficult exercise even for a ninety-pound athlete, and Bruce did it, although he weighed only 62 kg.

Dan Inosanto added that Bruce had the amazing strength needed to hold heavy weight in a horizontal position. He himself saw how Lee could hold a 56 kg dumbbell in front of him for several seconds, he did not know anyone who could repeat this.

Jesse Glover told how Bruce took a 32 kg kettlebell with one hand, lifted it to the level of his shoulder, and held it there for a while. “This is a very hard move, and until now, probably, there is no one who could do this,” Jesse is sure. Wally Jay recalled that the last time he saw Bruce was when he moved from Culver City to Bel Air. In the backyard of Bruce Lee hung a huge punching bag, weighing 136 kg. Wally Jay struggled to move him, and Bruce, jumping away from the bag, kicked him so that he flew off to the ceiling. Amazing punching power!

Thanks to him, Hollywood learned about kung fu. He is also a movie star, martial artist, instructor, philosopher, director and founder of Jeet Kune Do. And all this is about one person - the brilliant Bruce Lee, who died at just 32 years old.

1. Slow motion

Bruce Lee perfected his movements to such a speed that he could catch a grain of rice in the air using only chopsticks. He was so fast that the speed of shooting films with his participation was deliberately slowed down so that the audience could see his movements.

2. Coin trick

Bruce Lee could grab a coin lying on a person's open palm and change it to another coin before the person notices his movements and clenched his hand into a fist. He never stopped experimenting with his workouts to get the best results.

3. "Game of death"

Bruce Lee played a major role in the film "The Game of Death" after his death. The film contains footage taken at his funeral, with Bruce in the coffin. Since the actor died before filming was completed, some scenes were done with the help of editing and stunt doubles.

4. Don't piss me off...

Bruce Lee hit his partner so hard that he broke his arm, with which he defended himself from the blow. It happened when Lee cut his hand with a bottle due to a mistake made by Bob Wall. So he hit him with the other hand in the next scene and miscalculated the force a bit. In fact, Voll was expecting a blow, but did not think that it would be so strong.

5. 11 seconds

In 1962, Bruce Lee managed to make 15 punches and send his opponent to a knockout in a fight that lasted 11 seconds. Also Bruce Lee fans are still trying to replicate his famous one inch punch.

6. 50 push-ups on one arm

Bruce Lee could perform 50 push-ups on one arm, resting on the floor only with his thumb and forefinger. He could also pull himself up 50 times on two fingers of one hand. Many of today's athletes are trying to master Lee's push-up technique.

7. Hong Kong Champion

Bruce Lee became the Hong Kong Cha Cha Champion in 1958. The legendary Bruce was only 18 years old.

8. Spinal injury

Bruce Lee managed to overcome a serious spinal injury. As a result of an unsuccessful training, his fourth vertebra was damaged. This meant the end of a career for any athlete, and doctors also said that Bruce would have to learn to walk again within six months and avoid stress for the rest of his life. But Lee proved to the doctors that they were wrong in their verdict. He developed his own therapy and was soon out of the hospital to become even stronger and faster than before.

9. Heaped on Jackie Chan

He once accidentally beat up Jackie Chan. In the movie Enter the Dragon, Jackie was hit hard in the face by a staff from Bruce, but turned the whole incident into a joke and just enjoyed the opportunity to meet and hug his idol.

10. Can of Coca-Cola

Moreover, at that time, banks were made of much thicker tin.

11. Boards are boring to beat

But he stated that "boards are boring to beat because they don't resist" and preferred sparring with people.

12. Broken pear

While training with Coburn, Bruce Lee broke a 68 kg punching bag. James Coburn was one of the screen stars Lee taught martial arts.

13. Bruce is stronger than Chuck

Chuck does not like to talk about it, but he once admitted that his friend Bruce Lee could easily defeat him in battle.

14. Idol idols

Bruce Lee was a fan of The Great Gum, the only undefeated wrestler in the world. The career of the Great Gam lasted for 50 years.

15. Bruce is a peacemaker

In Bosnian Mostar, a statue of Bruce Lee was erected, because he was liked by all ethnic segments of the population living in this city. The statue was later destroyed by vandals.

16. Lee studied boxing technique

19. A quarter German

His mother Grace Ho was half German and Catholic.

20. Yip Man and Bruce

Yip Man, the man who taught Bruce Lee martial arts, opened his own school to earn money for opium. Bruce Lee promised his teacher that he would keep the kung fu technique only for the Chinese and would never show it to foreigners, but he did not keep his promise.

Bruce Lee (bruce lee) is famous all over the world, and although he died at a relatively young age, his legacy is simply amazing. There are many frequently repeated facts about Lee's superhuman abilities, and if you search the Internet, you will find many articles discussing the veracity of these facts. Below are a few stories about Bruce Lee's superpowers confirmed in books. Knowledge is power.

10 Dragon Flag

Bruce Lee was a fan of training: according to his widow Linda Lee, there was no moment when Bruce did not work out (even while watching TV he sat on the splits). Of all the muscles in his body, Lee paid the most attention to the abdominal muscles, which are used in virtually any movement, and therefore have great importance V martial arts Oh.

In an attempt to improve the strength of their abdominal muscles, Lee invented the exercise that is now called the dragon flag in his honor. If you haven't guessed yet, this is one of the most complex exercises- After all, Lee was not some kind of slacker. Stallone may have popularized this exercise in Rocky 4, but Lee was able to perform the exercise in such a way that he could support his entire body in a horizontal position above the bench, with only his shoulders resting on the bench.

Imagine that someone had to fight Lee, and then before the fight he would see Bruce floating in the air. Even the toughest fighter would run at such a speed that he would be ahead of time.

9. Catching rice with chopsticks

Remember the scene from the movie Karate Kid where Pat Morita catches a fly with chopsticks? Yes, Bruce Lee went further. It is said that Bruce was so interested in developing his reaction that he threw rice into the air and tried to catch the falling rice. Apparently, if you can catch a small grain of rice falling on the ground, then it will be easier for you to fight the big men. Eastern martial arts!

Although it sounds useless, the sheer skill and dexterity required to perform such a stunt caused him to constantly clench his fists around women so that their hips would not separate from their torsos and run instinctively towards him. At least, that is the impression.

8 He Was Too Strong For Regular Punching Bags

At the time, Lee used many sports simulators, created especially for him by his close friend James Lee (James Lee). Some of them were collected at the request of Lee himself, others were collected out of necessity. Lee's boxing bag is an example of the second reason.

According to an unknown source, Lee's boxing bag mocked other bags, far exceeding them in size. Regular boxing bags weigh about 30 kilograms, and some even reach up to 70 kilograms. Lee's bag weighed 140 kilograms! And it was filled with metal. It's not because Lee was a braggart, he just couldn't use a lighter non-metal bag without breaking it. According to some stories, Lee could hit the punching bag so hard that it fell from the ceiling. He may not have knocked the sack off the ceiling, but once he hit the sack so hard it caused a man to have a seizure. Seriously.

7. Push-ups on one finger. Pull-ups on one arm.

How many times could you push up right now? If your answer is anything other than "so much that the Earth would think I'm trying to breed with it," you're way behind Bruce Lee. In his youth, Lee liked to show off during training. One of his favorite tricks was push-ups on one finger. The exercise is performed exactly as you think, and Bruce did it just to prove that he can. What tricks do you like to perform at parties? You can bet that your tricks now seemed pathetic to you.

Bruce's incredible strength wasn't limited to his fingers - he could also do one-arm pull-ups, and according to some sources, he could do 50 pull-ups without getting tired. Of course, this exercise is not exclusive to Bruce, but the fact that he did it just because he could, brings us a certain pride that we live in the same world in which his biceps existed.

6. Inch punch

This is one of Lee's most famous skills, and no wonder. Lee possessed so much strong arms that he could knock down a grown man from a distance of about 2.5 centimeters. This skill is so impressive that scientists have interviewed many martial artists to find out how this is possible. There is even a rare video clip of Lee performing a one-inch kick on a wooden plank, apparently so that the trees who watched the video would know their place. There are also stories according to which Bruce used a blow on schoolchildren - he greatly appreciated the education of subsequent generations. Lesson number 1: Don't piss off Bruce Lee.

5. It was impossible to hit him

Bruce Lee, who became a star for being very good at fighting people, was naturally often called to fight on the street, because people in the 70s were shockingly stupid.
Fights usually ended the same way: Bruce simply brushed them off like a fight with passers-by did not make any sense. However, sometimes those who wished were too intrusive and Bruce Lee had to show where the crayfish hibernate. During his life, Lee fought on the street three times and none of his opponents even hit him once - he was too fast. When he was offered to fight on the set of Enter the Dragon, Bruce avoided all the blows of the enemy and pinned him against the wall. Then he taught the fool a lesson.

Train the man who is the instigator street fights how to fight better - the logic of this is not entirely clear. But we will not argue simply because in the afterlife we ​​don’t really want to justify ourselves to Lee.

4. He could take a coin out of a person's hand and replace it with another

Lee's speed is so legendary that many cheetahs hang a picture of him in their lair, and Usain Bolt has to watch Bruce's movies in slow motion.

One of the most interesting indicators of Lee's speed is his ability to pick up a coin from a person's hand. Usually it happened like this - Lee gave a coin to a person's hand, after which he retreated half a meter. After that, he told the man to close his hand as soon as he saw that Bruce moved.

When a person noticed the rapid movement of Bruce Lee, he closed his palm and felt a round object in it. However, the complacency quickly passed when the person noticed that Lee was smiling and holding a coin in his hand. After that, it turned out that Lee managed to replace the coin with another in just a second. It was the last thing the fans saw before their heads exploded in annoyance. Not surprisingly, Lee died young - it is obvious that time passed twice as fast for him as for others.

3. He was too fast for the cameras

The fact that Lee's movements were so fast that they had to use cameras with increased frames per second is repeated very often. There is a deal of truth in it. True, for some reason people miss the most interesting side of it.

When this problem first arose, Lee was filming Green Hornet and noticed that all the scenes in which he fought looked like he was just standing still, and his hands were falling in front of him. For some reason, the show's producer felt that a minor character with magical powers wasn't very interesting - so he asked Lee to move slower, which helped, but Bruce still looked blurry. Lee was so fast that when he had to slow down, he looked like a blur. This is the first time that such a sentence describes anything other than a fat man eating.

2. He dislocated a guy's shoulder with a slap

If you claim that someone has superhuman abilities, it is worth showing him in such a way that it will be immediately noticeable how much he is superior to an ordinary person. But if this is Bruce Lee, perhaps it is worth showing how much he surpasses the master of martial arts.

As previously mentioned, Bruce needed special equipment to handle his strength. However, he occasionally sparred with people stupid enough to get within striking distance of Bruce Lee. This distance, by the way, was the entire area of ​​​​the state in which Bruce Lee lived at any time of his life.

In one of these sparring sessions, Bruce dislocated his partner's arm. When he was reproached for this, Bruce was embarrassed as, in his words, "it was not even a blow, but a slap." Read it again: Bruce was so much stronger than normal people that he could dislocate his shoulder with what he thought was a light slap. What happened when he didn't limit the power of his punch? Well…

1. From his blows, people literally flew up into the air

Despite the time he devoted to training and developing his strength, Bruce Lee rarely showed his true strength. Mainly because, as history has shown, he could cripple people just by standing next to them.

However, Bruce had one trick that he was very fond of using. One of Bruce's favorite things was his practice shield, which he always took with him. His favorite "prank" was to ask a man to hold this shield and let him hit it. In those days when Bruce Lee was alive, the owners of the funeral home, just in case, had tombstones prepared in advance with these words. The force he put into the punch varied, but some of his punches lifted people into the air.

Considering that Bruce could force people to overcome the gravity of the Earth with a simple blow, it is not surprising that God noticed this and asked him to come to heaven as his personal bodyguard.