What challenge can you shoot with a friend at home. What is a challenge and what is it for? Challenge in computer games

In this article, we will tell you what are the popular YouTube challenges that every blogger could complete.

So, what are Challenges? Challenge from English. challenge - challenge. The blogger throws himself (either one of the viewers or another blogger) a challenge that must be accepted and fulfilled at any cost. All this, of course, needs to be captured on video.

What are the popular challenges for YouTube?

Challenges for YouTube are gaining popularity every day. This fashion came from the West and very quickly took root with us. Challenges are very different and now we will try to talk about the most popular ones.

Stuff Your Mouth

Literally, keep your mouth shut. Usually two people participate in this call. One stuffs a full genus of some kind of food (most often marshmallows) and then says some phrase. The second must guess the phrase. Then the roles change. The challenge is considered completed only when both guess the partner's phrase. For the honesty of the phrase, you do not need to speak to each other in advance.

Whispers Challenge

As in the previous challenge, 2 people are needed here. The bottom line is that one puts on headphones with loud music, and the second says some words or phrases. The task is to guess what the partner said.

Yoga Challenge

This challenge for YouTube can be either single or group. The task is simple: display any selected yoga pose on the video. The challenge is not the most difficult, but requires some physical preparation.

Blindfolded Makeup Challenge

It is necessary to make up a partner with his eyes closed. Usually the eyes are tied. Makeup is very, very funny.

Touch My Body Challenge

A minimum of two participants is also required. One has their eyes closed. And the other substitutes some part of his body. The blindfolded participant must touch only one finger and guess what part of the body it is. If there are more than two participants, then you can also try to guess who is being touched, and not just a part of the body. But this is optional.

Ice Bucket Challenge

And of course, the most popular challenge of 2014-2015. Pour a bucket of ice water on yourself or donate $100 to charity. After that, the call was transferred to three other people. Many famous people took part in the challenge. Not only bloggers, but also film actors and just billionaires like Warren Buffett.

What are the challenges on YouTube final list

And so, earlier we talked about the most popular Youtube challenges, now we will repeat them again:

  • Stuff Your Mouth
  • Whispers Challenge
  • Yoga Challenge
  • Blindfolder Makeup Challenge
  • Touch My Body Challenge
  • Ice Bucket Challenge

Use different challenges on your blog - this can increase interest in it and add new subscribers. The main thing is to do everything honestly and make every effort.

Now it is not enough to know the Russian language well, because more and more new words are constantly penetrating into it, which refer to various dialectisms and slang. Accordingly, many people may not understand what words taken from in English and written in Russian letters. The simplest example is the word "challenge", it is taken from the English language and transcribed, but at the same time, many people cannot guess what it means, especially if they do not know this foreign language. Therefore, in this article you will learn everything about the challenge - what is it, how and in what areas is this word used, what meanings can it carry?

What is a challenge?

The first thing a person thinks about when he hears the word "challenge" - what is it? What does it mean? Naturally, we should start with translation. As you already understood, it is taken from the English language, so many people can understand the meaning if they know basic fundamentals this foreign language. In English there is a word challenge - it is precisely this word that is taken for this term, but it is translated as "challenge". In principle, this largely reveals the meaning of the term, but still it cannot be said that a simple translation fully covers all the meanings of the term. Accordingly, it is worth spending a little more time to deal with all the points regarding the term "challenge". What is this term and where can it be used? You will learn about all this from this article.

Use in life

If you are interested in details about the word "challenge" - what it is, how it is used and what meanings it carries, then you need to start, of course, with everyday life, where most of these words penetrate. What kind of challenges are found in real life, in everyday situations, and so on? It’s worth starting with the fact that the challenge is a challenge that you set for yourself, and do not meet on your own. That is, you want to achieve a specific goal - lose weight, start reading a certain number of pages of a book a day - and try to achieve this goal. Sometimes it can be a challenge that you throw at yourself and other people, that is, it turns out to be a collective challenge. And, of course, it can be a challenge thrown to an opponent - in a classic style. But, as you already understood, this challenge has nothing to do with what you encounter randomly on your way - you cannot call it a challenge. It is worth noting that there is such a thing as a game challenge, which is very common in computer and board games, but also in Everyday life there is a place for him.

Game life challenge

If we are talking about the game challenge, then here you and a group of other people are usually given a single challenge, which takes place in a game form. In this case, the challenge takes on a more competitive tone, but at the same time takes place in a more relaxed, friendly environment. As you can see, challenges can be very diverse, they can penetrate into various areas of life, so next time you should not be surprised if you come across this term in speech or in print - now you will have an idea of ​​​​what it means, and what exactly is required of you.

Challenge in computer games

Very often you can find computer games in which the game challenge is originally written in the code. It can take various forms, but its essence remains the same in most cases. A great example of a game challenge is the achievements that are already in almost every game. They often do not belong to storyline project, and you don't need to achieve these small goals to complete the game. For example, you may be required to collect a certain number of coins per game, find some secrets, talk to all the characters, or solve all the puzzles on the first try. In general, challenges add variety to the game - you not only strive to get to the final, you have a dozen new mini-goals that also captivate you, awaken the competitive spirit in you. If you like a certain computer game, the challenge within the passage will only please you.

Own challenges in computer games

Please also note that challenges related to computer games may not be written in the code. In fact, these are the challenges that gamers throw themselves on their own. If this is an exclusively personal challenge, then you can come up with a reward for completing it yourself. It can be both ordinary moral satisfaction and some small prizes. However, it is worth noting that collective challenges are much more common in this area, which are negotiated, for example, in gaming communities. The administration can set certain tasks for users within the framework of the challenge - and they will compete for a specific prize. This is a fairly common promotion, especially when it comes to multiplayer games, where users can compete with each other in real time.

Popular Challenges

As everyone knows very well, Youtube now has a direct and very strong connection with PC games, as gamers are very fond of recording their gameplay with different purposes. They can show you how to pass difficult places, just entertain viewers with funny comments, make serious reviews, and so on. Challenges also occupy their niche here - active Youtube users most likely already know about the game challenge with Brian. This is a video blogger who plays various computer games while challenging himself. For example, he may be trying to maximum result in the game, and for every few mistakes he breaks a raw egg on his head. In general, this is one of those specific types of spectacles that may seem very strange and not the most intelligent to many, but very much please and capture others. Please note that the game challenge with Brian is not the only way to look at the game challenges. If you like this genre, then you will find enough other bloggers who will be ready to offer their videos to you as a viewer.

0 Many words that have appeared in colloquial speech, as a rule, were born on the Internet. The same can be said about the term "Challenge". The term "Challenge" was borrowed from English and translated as "Challenge". There are several meanings of the word "Challenge". However, before continuing, I would like to advise you on a few of my new publications on the topic of Internet slang, for example, what does the term "Dig out" mean, how to understand the abbreviation WTF, what is Dislike, how to understand the word Zashkvar, etc.

First value. Many girls who want to lose weight, but they can’t do it, use the word Challenge several times a day. There is an opinion that the Challenge for women is not so much an attempt to force yourself to eat less, but something completely different.
Of course, on the one hand, this is a challenge to your extra folds, cellulite buttocks, excessive weight, your laziness, and on the other hand, this is some kind of program ... something like a new, updated fight for yourself.

Some girls start their first Challenge with the book 100 Days of Weight Loss. This instruction is designed in such a way that everyone can choose for themselves a nutrition plan, any diet, any system that is convenient for him specifically.

Second value. Motorists have their own high-speed Challenge with search elements. This is such an unusual car game, which is carried out both outside the Moscow Ring Road and inside it.

Third value. Challenge in tennis is the ability to accurately determine the touch of the ball with the surface of the court using special electronics. If the player feels that the decision was wrong, he has every right to challenge it using the Hawkeye system. Any player has the right to a predetermined number of challenges per set.

Fourth meaning. Some people have a hobby called "Street Challenge", which can be translated as "challenge to the street". Although it is better to write this expression with a capital letter, since the Street in this case is the whole variety of streets in a huge city, as well as intersections, avenues, dead ends. This is the same reality that every city dweller faces when leaving home. In this context, the street is referred to more from a philosophical point of view. In general, the streets are a constant and integral part of the life of each of us, whether we understand it or not. Challenge is a kind of game in reality, or maybe reality dressed in a game. Gathered together, people become witnesses of interesting events. Players who come to the Challenge are given texts with tasks, and then they announce the start.

Fifth meaning. A challenge is a difficult task assigned to someone, which significantly exceeds their experience and real competencies. He is given a clear motivation to acquire this experience and competencies, and at the same time work for the good of the company.

sixth meaning. Challenge - means asking your interlocutor questions "to backfill", in order to identify "white spots" in his knowledge and evidence base. Expose his incompetence to the public. Some citizens "Challenge" for self-affirmation. However, it also helps to prepare for important presentations. In this case, some meticulous employee begins to specifically check your argumentation and report for strength. At the same time, scenarios for the development of a future discussion and well-thought-out difficult questions are artificially created.

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A video challenge is a video when a “challenge” is thrown to one person, and he films how he accepts it.

How can the challenge take place

Such a dispute can take several forms:

In real life

The event was called a flash mob. A group of people agree on the terms of the action in advance and begin to imitate the mannequins. After a while, the team disperses, as if nothing had happened. The goal of the Mannequin Challenge is to attract attention, delight and make the audience laugh. In the process of a silent performance, only the camera is moving, which is filming what is happening.

In the Internet

Most often it is planned by one actor. Usually such videos can be found on YouTube channels, bloggers are gaining popularity and subscribers who love action in this way. The movement began to develop in 2016, but in a short period of time it has already become viral - some video bloggers pass the baton to others, more and more participants come up with new stories.

Who can make a call and who accepts it

There are four types of challenge:

  • Self-installation of the player. This type is most often practiced by streamers. The guys who record the passage of computer games are trying to add an entertaining element, so at the beginning of each mission they set feasible goals for themselves, and when they lose, they do a funny action. Among the first blogger under the nickname Brion, his challenge scattered across the network. For the mistakes he made, he broke raw eggs on his head on camera online.
  • Viral or crossover plots. There are a number of popular scenarios played out by many channel owners. This becomes a challenge simply because the competitor dared to do it and his video gained a lot of views. One of these is the Ice Bucket Challenge. Its essence is to pour a bucket of cold water on the camera. There is no benefit in this, but the emotions are really genuine.
  • Spectator assignments. When subscribers ask their idol to do something incredible or simply funny, most often he agrees so as not to lose the love and respect of his audience.
  • Challenge from one blogger to another. These are usually the most difficult and sophisticated challenge, as there is competition in them.

How to make a video challenge

If earlier it was entertainment for the owners of promoted channels, now the virus has flooded the entire network - anyone can take part. For this you need:

In addition to the Ice Bucket Challenge, there are the following challenges:

  • stuff your mouth. The participant must say one or more phrases with his mouth full so that his opponent understands them.
  • yoga challenge. It is necessary to perform a difficult yoga pose.
  • Blindfolded makeup - blindfolded makeup for yourself or your partner.
  • touch my body. You need to guess which part of the body you touched blindly. Usually it is the neck, legs, palms.

Why you need to run a challenge

  1. The main task of such a video is to attract subscribers and earn with the help of likes and reposts. Most bloggers use this trick when they need to cheer up the audience, increase their popularity.
  2. For laughter and fun. Rarely, videos are useful, more often it is an aimless action that causes a smile.
  3. To distribute advertisements. Marketers are starting to introduce stories with the topics they need, for example, using the advertised product as an inventory.

YouTube, represented by top (and not so) bloggers, daily pleases viewers with videos in a variety of formats. But it is the challenges that still occupy a strong position among the trends. We have compiled for you a list of the 10 most ridiculous YouTube challenges gaining millions of views.

Touch My Body Challenge

The essence of the challenge is simple: one of the subjects closes his eyes, and the second exposes him to any part of his body. The task is to guess what part of the body is in front of you. But not everything is so simple: you can only touch with one finger.

"100 layers"

Another strange challenge that only the laziest did not complete. Girls applied 100 layers of lipstick or eyebrow gel, men glue or wax. The task is to see what happens in the end.

Rainbow Milk Challenge

The essence of this crazy challenge is that its participants drink a gallon of milk. Of course, the body does not withstand such an amount, and milk asks to be released. And to make the challenge even more fun, they began to add multi-colored dyes to the milk. Rainbow vomit - what could be cuter?

Condom challenge

The Condom challenge was originally created to draw attention to the issue of safer sex. But it all turned into a stupid joke: bloggers massively throw water-filled condoms on the heads of their friends. How this strange challenge reflects the stated problem is not clear, and it looks quite ridiculous.

"Insulating tape"

One of the first Russian YouTubers who tried this challenge was Yan Gordienko, because of which he was subjected to numerous ridicule from viewers and colleagues. But he got into YouTube trends, and there were a lot of followers of a strange challenge. The essence of the challenge: the blogger is wrapped with electrical tape from head to toe, after which he must free himself.

"Do not judge"

DONTJUDGECHALLENGE was originally designed to rebuke those who judge people for their outward flaws. As is often the case, the viral challenge turned into a farce. Now bloggers just shoot mocking videos, consisting of two parts: in the first part they appear as ugly freaks, and in the second part they show their true colors.

"Hot peppers"

The essence of this useless and strange challenge is to chew hot peppers. Naturally, without flinching. The process is timed with a stopwatch: how long will the subject last? It looks not only rather stupid, but also not particularly aesthetically pleasing: pepper victims cry, grimace and spit the remains of a chewed vegetable.

"Rip your mouth"

This challenge was made by the blogger of All Rus' Ivangai. Its essence is to insert a dental expander into the mouth, and then try to speak, drink, eat and perform various other manipulations. We won't say anything, see for yourself.

Challenge with boiling water

This strange challenge originated in the blogosphere as opposed to a worldwide charity event with cold water dousing. Experiments with boiling water not only lose all common sense, but also carry a health hazard. Still, after such a video, you can end up in a hospital with burns of varying severity.

"Chocolate in 100 Steps"

One of the most popular challenges a couple of years ago. The essence is simple - eat a chocolate bar in 100 steps. With apparent ease, this is difficult to do. This is the main idea of ​​the test.

And which of the challenges do you personally find strange?

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