What an exercise for not beautiful legs. Exercises for slender beautiful legs

Despite the fact that the goal of many people is six pack on the stomach, your dream may be beautiful slender legs And tightened buttocks. The following five exercises are designed specifically for flawless legs! Test them for yourself!

Slim give the lower body a seductive athletic curve, improve appearance of the whole body. And it's worth the time and effort!

By doing a few basic exercises, you a short time get maximum results.

5 exercises for beautiful legs

1. Deep squats

One of the biggest execution mistakes is working at half amplitude. Most squat only to the parallel with the floor. This option is suitable for those who have knee problems. However, if you are healthy, try to squat as low as possible.

Those very last centimeters really make the hips work and bring the muscles to maximum tension. For more intensity while squatting at the lowest point, hold for a second. When you get used to this load, and it becomes easy for you, take another pause halfway up.

Tip: This form of exercise is quite difficult, so do fewer repetitions or use lighter weights.

2. Squat with a barbell on one leg

Another great exercise beautiful for the legs and buttocks - this is. You simply put one foot on the bench or platform behind you and work with the foot in front.

Take in each hand on or on the shoulders. Slowly squat down with your front leg. Lower yourself as low as you can, then return to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions with one leg, then the other.

3. Walking uphill

The best cardio for toning the muscles of the legs is considered walking uphill (or running, if you are fit enough), such a load perfectly works out not only the legs, but the whole body.

After 30 minutes or more of cardio, your muscles may become stiff, especially if you have not experienced such loads before. Therefore, after training, be sure to take time to stretch.

4. Deadlift with a bar using a block

The next exercise for beautiful legs- . If you want to hit your hamstrings harder and increase the intensity, put your feet on a block or plank.

Tip: If you want to develop strength, it is better to work without an additional support and use more weight. If you are focused on working out the muscle, do this option from time to time.

5. Bench raises with dumbbells

This exercise is great for developing and will be a great addition to the deadlift mentioned earlier. You can work both with dumbbells in your hands and with a neck on your shoulders. Stand directly in front of a bench or platform. From this position, place one foot directly on the top of the bench, this foot is the supporting one. Then pull the other leg onto the bench and place it next to you. You can go back down both from the other leg and from the one you went up with. Whichever option you choose, the load on both legs should be equal - do the same number of repetitions and approaches.

Training program for beautiful legs


If your goal is beautiful and slender legs, pay special attention to the exercises presented in this article. To avoid overtraining, it's best not to do all five exercises in one session. Include a few of these effective exercises for beautiful legs in each session, the result will not be long in coming!

Of course, a home fitness program must be tailored to individual figure flaws. But there are basic universal exercises for the lower extremities that will help get rid of the fat layer on the legs and achieve strengthening and development of the muscles of the lower extremities from the buttocks to the calves. These training movements must be included in home fitness workouts:

  • Squats.

Stand up straight, spread the lower limbs at a distance equal to the width of the shoulders or slightly wider. upper limbs you can, if desired, either put it behind your head, or stretch it out in front of you, or put your hands on your waist. Then, in the exercise, you need to tighten the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks and, keeping your back straight, bend your knees and lower your hips to a level at which they rear surface parallel to the floor surface. Hold in the squat for 1-2 seconds, making sure that the knees are parallel to each other and do not go beyond the line of the toes, and the heels do not come off the floor. Slowly straighten up and repeat the squat. If necessary, in this element of fitness training, you can use weights - pick up dumbbells or put a gymnastic stick on your shoulders.

  • Lunges.

At their core, lunges are a type of squat, so the technique for performing them is largely similar. You need to stand up straight, take a step forward with one foot, tighten the abdominal muscles (to securely maintain balance) and lower the pelvis, bending both lower limbs in knee joints at a right angle. After fixing the body in a squat for 2 seconds, you need to push off with the heel of the leading leg and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise by stepping forward with the other leg. Just like in the case of squats, lunges can be performed with weights to increase the load on the muscles of the legs.

  • Raises of the lower extremities, lying on the side.

Lie on the floor, rest on the floor with the shoulder of one hand and the palm of the other. Tighten the press and lift vertically up the lower limb, which was on top. Slowly lower your leg and repeat. After completing the required number of repetitions with one leg, you should roll over to the other side and similarly raise and lower the other lower limb.

  • Abduction of the lower limb.

Get on your knees, rest your palms on the floor in front of you so that your hands are under shoulder joints. Then, in this training movement, you need to tighten the press and, avoiding backbends, take one lower limb, bent at the knee at a right angle, back and up, directing the heel to the ceiling as high as possible, but keeping the foot parallel with the floor surface. Lower the leg and repeat the exercise, pulling back and up the other bent lower limb.

  • Walking up the hill.

At home, you can use a stack of books as a hill. Put one foot on a hill, put the other to it so that the heels hang down. Then you need to rise on your toes and hang your heels again. Get off the hill and repeat the exercise, the purpose of which is to strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Romanova Vera, fitness club instructor Fitness Territory, certified trainer FPA (Association of Fitness Professionals) will share with us the basic, but effective exercises. Performing only 5 exercises, you will achieve a guaranteed result. All you need is 20 minutes a day and weights.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs and buttocks

1. Squats

Starting position: feet hip-width apart. On inspiration, we squat to the parallel of the thigh with the floor, the knees do not go beyond the edge of the foot, we transfer the weight to the heels.

Final position: Exhale as you return to the starting position. As weights, we take a dumbbell or bodybar.


2. Lunges

Starting position: feet hip-width apart.

Final position: step foot back and lower the pelvis while inhaling. At the bottom point, both knees form a right angle. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. After the desired number of repetitions, change the leg.

3. Lying pelvic lifts (shoulder bridge)

Starting position: legs bent, arms along the body or holding weights (disc, body bar, dumbbell).

Final position: while inhaling, we raise the pelvis up, contracting the gluteal muscles, while inhaling, we return to the starting position.

4. Leading the leg to the side

Starting position: lying on your side.

Final position: put the weight closer to the knee joint, shorten the foot and on the exhale move the leg to the side. On inspiration, we return to the starting position.

5. Back leg swings

Starting position: kneeling with support on the palms or forearms.

Beautiful legs are the dream of all women! In just 1 week, such a desired effect is achieved, thanks to these simple exercises. Don't be lazy, let's do it!

If you are a busy person, this complex is for you. Give yourself just a few minutes a day and enjoy the result. We have selected for you some of the most effective exercises.

4 leg exercises

1. Doorknob Squats

Target: buttocks, quadriceps, hamstrings.

Set a timer for 100 seconds.
Stand facing the narrow edge of an open door with your feet apart and the footstool directly behind you. Take a doorknob in each hand while keeping your arms straight. Slowly count to 10, lower your body until it touches the stool (but don't sit on it!). Pause, count to 10 again, then rise.

Repeat while there is time.

2. Side leg raises

Target: buttocks, outer thigh.

Lie on your right side, straighten your legs, hold your head with your right hand. Bend your right leg at the knee and place left hand on the floor in front of you for support. Count to 10 and lift your left leg off the floor at an 80 degree angle. Tighten the muscles of the thighs and buttocks; count to 10, remaining in this position. Then lower your leg.

Repeat until time is up; roll over to the other side, do the same with the other leg for 100 seconds.

3. Leg curl

Target: hamstrings, calves

Set a timer for 100 seconds.

Lock a weight of 0.5 kg on one ankle, then stand on your feet. Keep your arms straight and, leaning forward, place both hands on the 30 cm stool in front of you. Slowly count to 10, lift the weighted leg, bringing the ankle to the buttock. Stop, tighten your knee and lower your leg.

Repeat until time is up; change your leg.

4. Raising the feet

Target: caviar

Set the timer to 100 seconds.

Stand facing the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. Place a rolled towel under your feet, then place your palms on the wall for support. Slowly count to 10, lift your feet up so that only your toes are touching the towel. Stop, flex your calves, count to 10, and slowly lower yourself down. published

Repeat while there is time.

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Which female legs considered beautiful? First of all, attention is paid to such parameters as the length and harmony of the legs. If the legs are proportional to height and not burdened big amount fat, then in the absence of pathological deformations (curvature), these legs can already be called beautiful.

However, you can make them even more beautiful. Today, “sporty legs” are in fashion. Even top models now prefer not to sit on strict diets, but spend a lot of time in the gym. Indeed, by today's standards, embossed legs with developed muscles(in moderation, of course).

Beautiful legs should have volume in the lower leg area. The calves should be filled, the front side of the thigh should be strong and rounded, and the inner side should be taut and elastic. Relief, roundness, elasticity and tone help to achieve exercises for the legs.

Exercises for beautiful legs should be performed regularly - at least 2-3 times a week. It is advisable to purchase dumbbells of at least 1.5-3 kg each. For some exercises, leg weights can be used. You will also need a fitness mat.

The proposed complex includes exercises to work out areas that form the beauty of the legs: calves and lower legs, quadriceps, inner and outer thighs. If the legs are thin, then thanks to the exercises they will acquire the desired roundness. full legs become clearer and firmer. Bonus: By doing some of the above leg exercises, you will simultaneously engage, which will strengthen and round them.

A set of exercises for beautiful legs

Standing leg exercises

Leg exercise 1. Let's start with the calves and drumsticks.

Initial position: stand up straight, leaving a distance of 10-15 cm between the feet. In the hands of a dumbbell.

Performance: at the expense of times, slowly rise on your toes, keeping your back straight. The arms do not move, but continue to hang freely along the body. On the count of two, lower your feet to the floor. Rise again and fall again. Repeat about 30 times. It is important to do the exercise slowly, concentrating on the sensations in the calf muscles.

To increase the load on the calf muscles, the heels are not lowered to the floor, but left a couple of centimeters above it.

Leg exercise 2. Another exercise to work out the calves. It is similar to the previous one, but is performed while sitting.

Initial position: sit on a low chair, bench or fitball (with a fitball, efficiency will increase, because you have to maintain balance). The distance between the feet is 10-15 cm. The knees are bent at a right angle, the hips are parallel to the floor. Put your hands with dumbbells on your knees.

Performance: at the expense of times, tear off the heels from the floor, raising the legs on the toes. The knees should rise as high as possible. On the count of two, lower your heels to the floor. Perform slowly and smoothly. Repeat 40-60 times, dividing this amount into 2 sets.

Leg exercise 3. This exercise is effective for calves, thighs, and buttocks.

Initial position: stand up straight, spread your legs as wide as possible, spread your socks to the sides and do a deep squat. Ideally, the thighs should be parallel to the floor, with the knees bent at a right angle. Put your hands on your belt.

Performance: at the expense of times, tear off the heels from the floor, transferring the legs to the socks. In this case, the squat position is maintained. On the count of two, lower your heels to the floor. Repeat calf raises without leaving the squat position. Do 30-40 calf raises, dividing this number into two sets.

The exercise should be performed slowly, but rhythmically, with strength and concentration on the sensations in the muscles of the legs.

Leg exercise 4. These are side lunges, useful for the muscles of the lower leg, anterior and inner surface thighs, buttocks.

Initial position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Performance: at the expense of times, lunge to the right side, bending the right leg at the knee and transferring body weight to it. Make sure that the leg is bent at a right angle - in no case should the knee go beyond the toe of the leg. Left leg when lunged to the right side, it is fully extended.

The lower you squat in a lunge, the more benefit. If you are doing the exercise with dumbbells, then when you lunge, bend down and touch the floor with dumbbells held in your hands.

Having made a lunge to the right side and transferring the weight to the right leg, you need to withstand a short pause of 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the same lunge for the left leg.

Alternate lunges to the right and left. Do a total of 15-20 lunges in each direction.

Leg exercises on the mat

Leg exercise 5. Let's move on to the inner thigh.

Initial position: lie on your side. Put your head on an outstretched hand or lean on and support your head with your hand. Bend the leg located on top and bring it forward, placing it in front of you. In this case, the body is a straight line. Point the toe of the lower leg towards you.

Performance: at the expense of times slowly raise lower leg, at the expense of two omit. Raise as high as possible. This should be done slowly, smoothly, tensing the muscles of the working leg. To increase the load, do not put your foot on the floor when lowering.

The number of repetitions depends on your body. The exercise should be done until a burning sensation appears in the muscles of the inner thigh of the working leg. After that, you need to lie on the other side and repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Leg exercise 6. Another exercise for the inner thigh.

Initial position: put a chair and lie on your side so that your feet are under the chair. Place your top leg on the seat. Pull the toes towards you.

Performance: lift the leg located under the chair. The body is exactly on its side - in order to maintain balance, it is necessary to strain the press. Lifts should be done slowly, with tension. Perform until burning in the muscles of the inner thigh of the working leg. Then change position and repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Leg exercise 7. This exercise is called "Scissors", it strengthens the muscles of the legs and lower press. Particular emphasis is placed on the muscles of the inner thigh.

Initial position: lie on the mat with your back down, put your hands under your buttocks with your palms down, tear your shoulders off the floor and raise your legs to a height of about 30 cm, stretching your socks.

Performance: while holding the starting position, cross the tense legs. First one leg is higher, then the other, that is, the legs cross alternately.

The crossings are done vigorously and rather quickly, but with tension and strength, and not easily and gently. Legs and abs are tense all the time. Make about 60 crosses, dividing this number into two approaches.

Leg exercise 8. Now work on the outer surface of the thigh.

Initial position: lie on your side, lean on.

Performance: lift the top leg. The main attention is concentrated on the muscles of the outer surface of the thigh of the working leg: lifts must be done slowly, with tension, feeling a burning sensation in these muscles. Do 30-40 lifts and repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Leg exercise 9. And one more "Scissors".

Initial position: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Raise straightened legs so that they make almost a right angle with the body. Pull out the toes.

Performance: slowly reduce and spread tense legs, slightly cross when reducing. Spread your legs as wide as possible. First, approximately 30 dilutions are made with the toes extended. Then you need to pull the socks towards you and make another 30 crossings. You should concentrate on the muscles of the inner and outer thighs (when reducing - on the inside, when breeding - on the outside).

Leg exercise 10. This exercise is to complete the complex for the legs.

Initial position: lie on your back, raise your straight legs to a comfortable height.

Performance: just shake your raised legs as if you want to shake off drops of water from them or relieve tension after a heavy load.

Shake for so long until you get bored. Alternate small and large shaking, fast and smooth.

How useful is this exercise? This is a rhythmic massage that improves microcirculation and lymph flow. When shaking, lymph outflow occurs - this relieves the legs of edema and. Muscles receive more nutrition, which means they quickly come to the desired shape.

Additional leg exercises

During the day, whenever possible, walk on your toes. When walking on toes, you create a load on all the muscles of the legs - this is especially effective for the calves and buttocks.

Jumping is very useful for the legs. Do you want beautiful legs? Buy a jump rope and jump anytime you feel like it.

If you spend a lot of time sitting at school or work, arrange physical education for your legs. Do light "invisible" exercises about once an hour. Starting position: sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Execution: tear off and lower your socks 30-40 times. Then tear off and lower your heels - also 30-40 times. Raise and lower your knees 30-40 times. Do these "imperceptible" exercises easily and freely. Try to remember them every hour while you sit at work or study.