What sport is indicated for back pain. Choosing a sports section for a child Sports for spinal health

Every person, especially those whose work is associated with low physical activity, is simply obliged to devote time sports activities. But the most important thing is to find the right approach and choose exactly the type that suits you the most, because if you are an office worker and take no more than ten steps to the cooler and back a day, then in the evening after a workout you may experience unpleasant consequences in the form of pain in the spine. That is why it is worth choosing those sports that do not harm your back.

1. Swimming

This is a wonderful sport that can be practiced at any time of the year: in the summer, swim in open waters, and in the cold season, go to the pool.

The therapeutic properties of swimming are based on the law of Archimedes: any object immersed in water loses exactly as much weight as the weight of the water displaced by it. It turns out that a person with an average weight of approximately 70 kg in water will only weigh about 3 kg. Thanks to this state of weightlessness, the spine in the water is unloaded, the intervertebral discs straighten out.

You need to swim at your usual pace. If you have been diagnosed with stoop and hyperkyphosis (increased thoracic curve), then it is better to swim on your stomach: in this position, the spine unbends, and posture is corrected. If there is a flattening of the thoracic curve, then you need to swim more on your back (this is also recommended for problems with the lower back).

Even if you can’t swim, try to stay in the water more often, move, do water aerobics, swim in armlets or inflatable vests.

2. Race walking

During the course race walking muscles at each step make a number of complex movements: slight flexion and extension, lateral tilts and twisting of the body. Cross movements of the hands include the upper shoulder girdle. An excellent modeling effect on posture is formed due to uniform loads on various muscle groups.

In addition to strengthening the tissues and joints of the spine, this sport has other positive aspects: blood begins to circulate faster through the vessels and delivers more oxygen to the organs; pressure normalizes; the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases; leg muscles are strengthened; fat is burned effectively.

3. Oriental gymnastic practices (yoga, Wu-shu, qigong)

Eastern types of gymnastics involve slow stretching followed by gradual tension. In such a situation, the negative impact on the spine is completely excluded. In addition, much attention is paid to technology correct breathing. And this is an increase in blood flow and the provision of muscles and joints with nutrition and oxygen.

As a bonus: dangerous species sports for the spine: running, professional boxing, wrestling, team sports (football, basketball), skiing, horseback riding, Latin American dances.

Does your daughter get colds often? Take her to the skating rink. The son of a fidget? Let him play football... In fact, everything is not so simple. Choosing sports section For a child, there are many more factors to consider.

We give the child to sports for the sake of health, but even in the children's sections, classes are inevitably associated with high loads. Every sport has both pros and cons.

Strengthens the nervous system, helps the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system, improves breathing and blood circulation.

HOWEVER. The child should not be sent to the pool if there are chronic skin diseases (fungal, infectious, eczema), eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis), of cardio-vascular system(eg, heart failure), peptic ulcer, or allergies.

game types sports
Football develops the muscles of the legs and pelvic girdle. In basketball, the work of the visual, motor and vestibular analyzers is improved, the capabilities of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and the coordination of movements are improved. Volleyball develops speed and accuracy of reactions, dexterity, eye, improves posture. Hockey strengthens the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems and the musculoskeletal system.

HOWEVER. In all these sports, the child is in an upright position for a long time with a load on the spine and a shock load on the feet. And this is by no means unacceptable for children with instability of the cervical vertebrae (instability, their easy displacement when performing any sudden movements), with flat feet and peptic ulcer.

In second place after swimming in terms of development efficiency respiratory systems s. This aristocratic sport will help improve metabolism, lose weight and get rid of scoliosis by strengthening the back muscles.

HOWEVER. Before giving the child to the section, it is necessary to consult a surgeon and an orthopedist. Instability of the cervical vertebrae, flat feet, osteochondrosis - all ailments in which sharp movements and springy loads are contraindicated are a contraindication to serious tennis.

Oriental martial arts
An ideal sport for children with an unstable psyche, as they learn to regulate their state of mind. In addition, the wushu section is recommended for children suffering from asthma and who do not get out of colds at all.

HOWEVER. In the presence of heart disease and any degree of myopia, even this gentle sport should be allowed by the doctor.

Skates and skis
Both of these winter sports are very useful for the development of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increase efficiency and endurance. They are especially good for children with enuresis: the pelvic muscles that control urination are strengthened. Skis and skates are excellent helpers for flat feet and curvature of the spine: the load on the spine and feet is small and proportional. It also contributes to the regulation of blood circulation and the restoration of metabolism.

HOWEVER. You should not get involved in these sports with asthma (but with frequent bronchitis and pneumonia, on the contrary, you can), heart failure, gastritis and ulcers.

Rhythmic gymnastics, sports dances, aerobics
Flexible, plastic, with perfect coordination of movements, gymnasts are admired by their peers and easily get rid of dysplasia, posture disorders, hypotrophy, and deformation during training. chest, scoliosis, osteochondrosis.

HOWEVER. Caution should be observed in children with a displacement of the vertebrae, a high degree myopia and some diseases of the cardiovascular system. If you do not stop in time, with age, beauty and lightness can turn into pain in the joints and spine, polyarthritis and disorders of the reproductive system.

Text: Ekaterina Koshkina

Each sport has its own "health zone" - the age when it is most safe and beneficial to start doing it.

6–7 years old. Girls can be enrolled in the gymnastics section from the age of six, and it is better for boys to wait another year. Six-year-olds are free to practice sports acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, jumping on a trampoline. By the age of seven, the child's body is fully prepared for swimming, diving, tennis, table tennis, wushu and hockey.

8–9 years old. Until this age, it is better not to send a son or daughter to the basketball section, football clubs, for classes on orienteering. And from the age of nine, a strengthened child will not be harmed by volleyball, handball, biathlon, bobsleigh, water polo, speed skating, athletics, sailing, ski jumping, rugby.

10–11 years old. Ten-year-olds can go to athletics and boxing, equestrian and luge, rowing, rock climbing, fencing, and cycling sections. This age is suitable for starting classes in almost all types of wrestling: Greco-Roman, freestyle, sambo, judo. You can enroll in the section of martial arts (kickboxing, karate, taekwondo). From the age of 11, the child is ready for archery. Girls under 13 shouldn't do weightlifting


Problems cervical spine, myotonic syndrome
Useful: Swimming, cricket, wushu, fencing
Harmful: Gymnastics, martial arts And martial arts, skiing, Athletics, tennis
In addition: In case of damage to the vertebrae, any sudden movements, falls, long standing still are strictly prohibited.

Scoliosis, poor posture
Useful: Swimming breaststroke, ballroom dancing, gymnastics, Horseback Riding
Harmful: Tennis (including table tennis), gymnastics, athletics, hockey
In addition: Frequent bending and sharp lunges should be avoided. Any symmetrical exercises shown

flat feet
Useful: Swimming, gymnastics, skiing, wushu
Harmful: Table tennis, equestrian (jumping), football, volleyball, athletics, figure skating
In addition: With flat feet, the shock load from running or jumping is poorly absorbed and is given in the spine. This could cause serious injury

Pneumonia, frequent bronchitis
Useful: winter views sports, martial arts, football, swimming
Harmful: Gymnastics, athletics, tennis, choreography, volleyball, basketball, rowing
In addition: When exercising, the muscles of the chest should not strain. Recommended training for outdoors- they strengthen the respiratory system

Useful: Ballroom dancing, table tennis, fencing, swimming, skiing
Harmful: Anything related to weight lifting, gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, basketball, football
In addition: All sports that strengthen the extensor muscles are very useful. They help reduce eye strain. When engaging in undesirable sports, they increase arterial pressure and eye muscle tone, which increases the risk of complications

Gastritis and gastrointestinal problems
Useful: Choreography, wushu, ballroom dancing, cricket
Harmful: Football, volleyball, tennis, hockey
In addition: If you have stomach problems, do not do any tilt exercises. Too contraindicated active species sports: they disrupt the secretion of gastric juice


Treatment of curvature of the spine certainly includes physical activity, but not all sports for scoliosis have a positive effect. Choice of kind exercise influenced by various factors: degree of curvature, age, sports training etc. The main tasks of sports in the treatment of scoliosis are to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and eliminate muscle tension.

What sports can you do

When choosing a sport, you need to adhere to the basic rule: it is important that during physical exercises the load on the spine is distributed evenly and symmetrically. The following types of physical activity meet this criterion:

  1. . A universal sport that is useful at any stage of scoliosis. In addition to strengthening the back, swimming has a healing effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, increases lung capacity, improves blood circulation. This is one of better ways posture improvement.
  2. Dancing. Among the many dance styles, there are those that can be practiced with scoliosis. It is often recommended to practice ballroom dancing, because they develop flexibility and muscle strength. However, you need to be careful when we are talking about a professional career. Girls aged 10–16 who dance ballroom dances are prone to the formation of right-sided thoracic scoliosis in the absence of proper control. To avoid this, you need to monitor if there is asymmetry of the body (for example, the clavicles or ears are not located on the same line).
  3. and Pilates are great for working on the treatment of scoliosis, they develop flexibility and comprehensively heal the body. They have many types of exercises and asanas, specifically aimed at curvature of the back.
  4. Therapeutic riding allows you to create a strong muscular corset, besides, the movement of the horse produces the effect of massaging the intervertebral discs. Equestrian sports are indicated for functional and dysplastic.
  5. Classes in the gym. If scoliosis was caused by weakness of the muscular corset, then training on simulators is perfect for solving the problem. The main thing is to avoid heavy lifting and sudden movements.
  6. Classes . Positive effect have a hang on the horizontal bar and by reverse grip. However, this is permissible in the initial stages, and classes on the horizontal bars are prohibited.

You need to do it regularly, at least 2-3 times a week. It is important to understand that sport should have a healing function, and not be a professional activity.

The decision on the choice of physical activity for the treatment of scoliosis should be taken together with the attending physician. They may also be prescribed a special complex daily exercise The composition of the complex depends on the type of curvature.

Sports that are contraindicated in scoliosis

Some sports, which under other circumstances would benefit the body, with scoliosis can be harmful and provoke an even greater curvature. Here are some of them:

  1. Team games such as hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, etc. They are highly likely to get injured, which can contribute to an even greater curvature. In addition, you have to run, stand and jump for a long time, and this type of load is contraindicated.
  2. A ride on the bicycle. Sometimes doctors approve of cycling, but more often they oppose it. The need to reach for the steering wheel makes the back rounded, and leads to spinal deformity. A high steering wheel can partially solve the problem.
  3. Sports in which force is applied to a specific part of the body, further exacerbating the curvature. For example, bowling, fencing, tennis, boxing. You will also have to give up badminton and golf due to sharp twisting of the body.
  4. Weightlifting. Lifting weights is strictly prohibited due to the load on the spinal column. For the same reason, bodybuilding should be done with caution.
  5. Sports and rhythmic gymnastics. Sometimes it is advised to do gymnastics to improve stretching and strengthen the back, but this is not the best solution. Those loads that are necessary to achieve results in these disciplines are unlikely to be useful in the treatment of scoliosis.
  6. Some types of dances. It is contraindicated to engage in dances in which there are complex gymnastic elements (break dance, pole dance) and twisting elements (oriental dances).
  7. Run. If at the first stage running is permissible, then in the future it is categorically contraindicated. With each landing of the foot, a strong shock wave is generated, which only exacerbates the curvature of the spine.

Prohibited exercises such as squats, leg lunges, twisting of the body, deadlift, somersaults. Exercises performed on one leg are negatively affected, even if it's just standing. It is important not to forget that any kind of physical activity should begin with a warm-up, consisting of permitted exercises.

Sports with scoliosis should not provoke pain, if this happens, then you should stop.

Sports as prevention

Having answered the question in the affirmative whether it is possible to play sports with scoliosis, it is worth considering physical activity as a prevention of spinal curvature. Usually scoliosis comes from childhood and is the result of improper sitting at a desk and too heavy a backpack. According to statistics, now every third child has scoliosis. The data is frightening, but there is a chance to correct the situation.

The young body readily responds to the influence exerted, so even if the child has already been diagnosed with stage 1 scoliosis, this can be corrected with the help of swimming, horseback riding, skiing, etc. What matters is not so much the sport as the regularity of classes and the habit of controlling the position of the body.

Curvature of the spine threatens in adulthood. It appears due to an uncomfortable workplace, weak muscles and bones, the habit of slouching, or as a result of injuries. The prospects for the treatment of adults are not so rosy, so it is better to immediately enter into the habit of exercising regularly to form a strong muscle corset and healthy blood circulation. At work, you should monitor your posture, change postures when standing or sitting for a long time, and, if possible, set aside a few minutes for light exercises. An active lifestyle should be accompanied by proper rest and nutrition.

Acute back pain is the most common cause of disability in people under forty-five. And between the ages of forty-five and sixty-five, neck and lower back pain ranks third after heart and joint disease (arthritis). It is safe to say that sixty to eighty percent of the population has experienced back pain at least once.

How much does back pain cost

Scientists once calculated that low back pain syndrome is in third place for patients, as one of the most expensive diseases (after heart disease and oncology). This is associated with significant costs for diagnostics and treatment, for performing operations and compensation for disability, as well as disability subsidies. Back pain causes disability in people in their most active ages of thirty to fifty. This reduces the quality of life of patients, overshadowing the joy of their existence.

To avoid pain

Try to eat rationally, do not overeat. It is important to walk and sit without slouching. Poor posture can lead to increased stress on the lumbar spine. Try to straighten your back, pick up your stomach, straighten your shoulders. Slightly raised head, retracted stomach is the correct posture. Keeping your back means not only providing yourself with the prevention of painful sensations, but also the ability to be able to endure a lot, maintain your dignity in difficult situations.

How to form posture

means of achieving correct posture was and remains the formation of a natural muscle corset from your own trained muscles. Swimming is rightfully considered an ideal sport for the spine and its muscular corset. It is important to understand that certain sports are extremely harmful to the spine, as they are associated with a large load. It belongs:

  • to tennis;
  • badminton;
  • golf;
  • hockey
  • football
  • jumping;
  • weightlifting.

The fact is that here you have to turn the body sharply, and the inevitable shocks, falls, blows can injure an already unhealthy spine. Macro- and microtraumas provoke back pain, early wear of the spine occurs, and osteochondrosis develops.

If your back is not quite healthy, use:

  • general developmental exercises;
  • stretching exercises;
  • classes on simulators (it is better to pre-carry out cryomassage);
  • water exercises;
  • regular massage;
  • physiotherapy (phonophoresis with mummy ointment).

It is very important to avoid pain during exercise. Increase the range of motion gradually. Doctors recommend doing squats with dumbbells, but if you increase the load, try not to overdo it.

Some sports often lead to injury or can cause back pain, especially if you start exercising intensely without prior preparation.

For those who work "sitting", movement is extremely important. Thanks to sports, our body can get rid of the problems that arise during the day at the office and relax. People suffering from back pain should pay particular attention to regular exercise, especially those that help develop the muscles surrounding the spine.

But not every sport is good for this. For example, exercising at the gym can cause more harm than good to a person suffering from back pain, especially if the precautions are not followed properly. But there are sports that are almost completely safe for a sore back.


This best sport for those who suffer from back pain. This is explained by several reasons.

  • First of all, swimming does not put pressure on the spine and bones, so the skeleton is resting at this time (the same muscles work).
  • Secondly, when moving in water, almost all muscle groups work.
  • Thirdly, during swimming, the body is not subjected to shocks.
  • And the last advantage of swimming - water, does not allow you to make sudden movements. For people who suffer from problems with the intervertebral disc (protrusion, hernia), this is extremely important, because too much jump or movement can cause the painful disc to move.

But diving into the water, even from the side of the pool, is not worth it with a sore back. You need to enter the water smoothly, going down the ladder (in the pool) or from the shore along the bottom (in a natural reservoir).

Yoga and Pilates

For those who complain of back pain, it is generally recommended to practice yoga or Pilates. These species physical activity are considered "back-friendly" and fall into two categories: those that will help relax tense muscles around the spine (such as stretching), and those that will strengthen the muscles in the body.

Both yoga and Pilates can combine both functions and are therefore an ideal physical activity for people suffering from back pain. In addition, regular yoga practice helps to correct bad posture, which we know can cause back pain. We must also remember that proper breathing is important during physical exercises.


Walking can help with back pain, but remember to go for a walk in comfortable athletic shoes. However, walking can also cause pain. Especially if you are significantly overweight. In this case, it is better to choose another physical activity.


This, of course, is not a separate sport, but a set of physical exercises that is very useful for the whole body, which will help to cope with back pain. Pain often occurs due to prolonged muscle contraction caused by a sitting position. Stretching exercises gently, without exerting undue pressure, restore the body after a day of sitting.

After a stretching session, back pain usually disappears and is replaced by a pleasant feeling of relaxation and flexibility. If we don't have time to visit Gym, you can do the exercises alone - every day for at least 10 minutes.


While cycling, almost all muscles work, including the back, for the spine this good sport. There is only one "but": the correct position. For cycling to bring us health benefits, we must choose comfortable bike, adjust the height of the seat and handlebar correctly.

It is also important to avoid falls and avoid driving over bumps. Falls and sudden shocks can be very harmful to the spine, especially if it is already sick. Therefore, choose areas for cycling with good, even coverage so that bumps and pits do not fall under the wheels.