Who is the fastest runner in the world? The fastest people in the world The fastest running in the world.


Running is one of the most spectacular sports where every second counts as it can be decisive for victory. Every sport requires maximum effort from the participants, but runners especially clearly demonstrate the will to win. Below you will find information with photos about famous athletes, some of which are listed in the Guinness Book of Records, in addition, you will find out who is the fastest person in the world.

Who is the fastest person in the world

A person has an inherent desire to test himself for strength, and then strive for an even better result, and this applies to absolutely any area, but it is especially pronounced in sports achievements. Many competition fans and ordinary people are interested in the question "who is the fastest person on earth?". As a rule, the title of record holder is given to the one who can run the fastest distance of a certain length. The classic test is the 100-meter run, which reveals the athlete's maximum potential.

The fastest people in the world

People cannot compare with animals in terms of speed of movement, but since ancient times they have been striving to explore the possibilities of their body. The best runners in the world have been able to approach the upper limits, almost reaching the peak of these capabilities and setting world records. The fastest runners surprise with their abilities: they manage to overcome the 100-meter distance incredibly quickly.

Donald Lippincott

First the best athlete In the 100-meter race, the American Donald Lippincott was recognized, who at the Olympics in Stockholm (1912) was able to run the 100-meter race in 10.6 seconds. With this result, the athlete set the first record recorded by the IAAF. The athlete was involved in athletics all his life and later, in 1915, as a member of the relay team, he was again able to break the world record in running 440 yards.

Jesse Owens

Another native of the United States (this time black), included in the list of the best athletes, who in 1936 won 4 gold medals in Olympic Games. Then he received awards for running 200 and 100 meters, long jump, and also for participating in the team relay race for 100 meters. At the same time, the relay competition was marked by the setting of a new world record. The young athlete in 1936 became a multiple champion of the Olympic Games in Berlin and became a symbol of the failure of the racial theory of German Nazism

Usain Bolt

The famous Jamaican athlete is the owner of world awards of the highest ratings, including many gold medals. Olympic medals. The name of the Jamaican athlete has long been synonymous with speed, he was even given the nickname Lightning. Usain Bolt received his first running award at Bridgetown in 2001, where he won a silver medal. Later, since 2008 Jamaican runner 10 times beat world records in sprint disciplines.

Bolt took first place in various world tournaments, including the championship of Jamaica, where the athlete was born. Six times the IIAF recognized him as the best athlete (athlete) in the world. Thanks to his incredible speed, Usain Bolt won 10 gold medals at the games in Beijing, London, Rio De Janeiro. Between 2007 and 2015, the famous runner managed to win the silver medal twice and become the winner of the world championships 11 times.

Top 10 fastest people in the world

Champions are not born, they are made - this truth is proved by the most fast people peace. Many famous athletes did not have the opportunity to train, they did not have suitable equipment and shoes, but they managed to defeat their main rival - fate. Today, the achievements of athletes inspire juniors to persevere towards their goal, so that someday they too will become the fastest athletes. The top ten outstanding runners are:

    Michael Johnson. Thanks to the original running style (the body of the athlete was slightly behind the legs), he managed to become a three-time champion, winning gold medals in the 200 and 400 meters at the Olympic Games in 1992, 1996 and 2000.

  1. David Rudish. In 2012, the runner was listed in the Guinness Book of Records for overcoming a distance of 800 meters in 1 minute 40.91 seconds.
  2. Noah Ngeni. The world record of the famous Kenyan in the world in overcoming the distance of 1000 meters in 2.12 minutes has not been beaten by anyone for 1.5 years. In 2000, in Sydney, Noah took the Olympic gold medal, but since 2006 he has ceased to participate in competitions.
  3. Hisham El Guerrouj. The forty-year-old athlete is also considered one of the fastest people on the planet. In the treasury of awards of this famous runner, there is a record registered in the Guinness book for high-speed overcoming distances of 1.5 and 3 kilometers. In addition, his fastest throw of 1 mile and 5 km is a record. Hisham once became an Olympic champion and four times he was recognized as the best athlete in the world.
  4. Kenenis Bekele. Repeated world champion and three times Olympic champion set a record at a distance of 10 and 5 km. He ran the first in 26.17 minutes, the second in 12.37. The Ethiopian began his training as a child, when he had to run 10 km daily to school.
  5. Haile Gebrselassie. Continues to perform well long distances 10 and 20 km. The Ethiopian set a world record in 2007 in the Czech Republic, running 20 km in 56.26 minutes. Marathon (21.851 km) he ran in an hour.
  6. Zarsenai Tadase. The athlete brought Ethiopia the first Olympic medal in 2004 at a distance of 10 km. Zarsenai is a five-time world champion in the half marathon, he also set a record for the 20-kilometer distance, which the athlete ran in 58.23 minutes.
  7. Moses Mosop. The popular athlete copes well with distances of 25 and 30 km. Moses holds the title of champion of the Chicago Marathon, in addition, the athlete is considered the most enduring runner on the planet.
  8. Oscar Pistorius. The fastest man on the planet over short distances was able to achieve this title thanks to regular workouts and hard work. Oscar is the only athlete with such a title who does not have legs, but moves exclusively on prostheses. The newborn Oscar was removed from the limbs below the knees when it turned out that there were no bones and normal development was not expected. Nevertheless, such a physiological feature did not prevent Oscar from becoming not only famous athlete but also take part in the Olympic Games.
  9. Kenichi Ito. The thirty-year-old athlete became famous thanks to his original style of movement - on 4 limbs. The success of the runner is officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The fastest runner

The standard test of speed for runners is the 100m, as this distance helps determine an athlete's maximum ability. The first records began to be recorded back in 1912, when the best indicator was a time of 10.6 seconds. Over the past century, this indicator has improved slightly. Usain Bolt is the world's fastest runner in three sprint disciplines.

Born in Jamaica, Bolt played cricket as a child. Later, on the recommendation of his coach, Usain joined the ranks of athletes. The most outstanding achievements of the athlete:

    overcoming 100 m in 9.58 seconds;

  • overcoming 200 m in 19.19 seconds;
  • 4x100 relay run in 37.10 seconds.

The speed of the fastest man in the world

Donald Lippincott (1912, Olympic Games) set the first world record for maximum speed during a hundred-meter run. Now the most fast track and field athlete recognized as Usain Bolt, also known as the lightning man. The result of the Jamaican is 9.58 seconds. Usain is the current record holder in several sprint disciplines and a three-time Olympic champion. A runner from Jamaica is able to move at a speed of 37.57 km/h.

Fastest junior in running

Japan's Yoshihide Kiryu holds the world junior 100m record. The teenager covered the distance at the competition in Hiroshima in 10.01 seconds - this result is a repetition of the previously set junior record of Darrell Brown. Yoshihide Kiryu's performance made him the fastest 17-year-old sprinter ever. With a result of 10.01 seconds, the Japanese automatically topped the world ranking of runners.

The fastest woman on the planet

This title belongs to the American Florence Delores Griffith, who managed to set several world records that are still relevant (none of the modern athletes could beat them). In 1988, the runner amazed sports fans with her result of overcoming the hundred meters: it took the American only 10.49 seconds. The girl was able to take 4th place in the 200-meter distance at the competition in 1983, and a year later the runner took Olympic silver. 1988 was the brightest year in Florence's career, as the girl managed to win 3 gold medals at the Olympics in Korea.

The fastest man in Russia in running

Alexander Brednev was born on June 6, 1988, he is the champion of Russia in the 100-meter distance (his result is 10.38 seconds). Other important achievements of the runner:

    champion of the Russian Federation in 2013 for running 60 meters;

  • participation in the semi-finals of the Universiade 2013;
  • winner of the Moscow Challenge 2012 for the 200 meters.

How to be the fastest person

Running speed depends on the length and frequency of the step - these indicators are actively developing in children under 12 years old, so the coaches try to direct the energy of athletes to their development as early as possible. To become the fastest runner, you should regularly perform the exercises described below, which help to increase the length and frequency of steps, even in a mature adult.

    Quick Steps. Raising your knees high, do maximum amount steps for 10 meters (repeat the exercise three times). The optimal rest between sets is 30 seconds.

  1. Leg lapping. The exercise will help to evenly develop the frequency of steps, strengthen the ligaments and calf muscles. Bend your knees as quickly as possible, sweeping your shins back so that your heels lightly touch your buttocks. So you need to overcome 10 meters each of 3 approaches, giving yourself a 30-second rest between them.
  2. Wheel or bicycle. Run with your knees high and imitate cycling. The wheel should be done 30 meters in each of 3 approaches.
  3. Running with straight legs. With your toes outstretched and your knees not bent, try to make the maximum number of movements in 30 meters. In this case, you should actively work with your hands, and keep your back straight. Do 3 sets, resting 30 seconds in between.


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Top 10 fastest people in the world in running - record holders for men, women and juniors

Competition has always been inherent in people. It is she who moves humanity forward. Sport, like nothing else, reflects this statement. Records have been set and broken since the first Olympic Games. The most prestigious of them is the time on the hundred meters. Who is the fastest person in the world in history? Who seriously pissed off Hitler in 1936? More on this later.

The fastest man in the world

This title over the past century belonged to thirteen athletes. Someone held the record for two or three years, others could not beat it for decades.

It became possible to talk about fixing records only at the end of the 19th century, when stopwatches, the metric system appeared and, most importantly, the tradition of Olympic competitions returned.

The countdown for the 100-meter distance began with Donald Lipicott (pictured in the center). In 1912, he crossed the finish line 10.6 seconds after the start. Some will not be impressed by this result. Yes, many modern athletes run in such a time at regional competitions. However, this achievement lasted until 1921.

In addition, it must be taken into account that Athletics then gain strength. There was not even a year of world federation at that time. There were no special shoes, and training methods were not as effective. Dietetics was also far inferior to modern knowledge.

An interesting event occurred at the 1936 Summer Olympics. Most of the medals were taken by the Germans. The second place, far behind, was for the USA. It seems that such a result could satisfy the Nazi elite. But the Americans added not even a spoon, but a whole ladle of tar to their barrel of honey.

Jesse Owens, a black runner, won the 100m and set a new world record. His time is 10.2 seconds. It is difficult to imagine how furious the Fuhrer was. But, no matter how hard they tried, they could not take away the victory. The Aryans had to listen to the US anthem when an African stood on the top step of the podium. Owen remained the fastest man on the planet for twenty years.

One of the most important events in the history of sprinting is breaking the 10 second barrier. The first to change this mark was sprinter Jim Hynes. In 1968, he updated the world record by 0.06 seconds. A time of 9.95 seconds could not be surpassed until 1983.

Gradually the results improved. People ran faster and faster until the era of Usain Bolt came.

The best result among women still remains unbeaten, although 28 years have passed. It belongs to the athlete Florence Griffith-Joyner. The girl ran the distance in 10.49 seconds. Then in Seoul, she earned three gold medals - for 100, 200 meters and the relay.

Usain Bolt

His nickname is Lightning, and it is well deserved. The fastest man, Usain Bolt, runs as fast as a racehorse. He was noticed at the age of 15 when Bolt won the World Junior Championships in Jamaica.

Two years later, he became the first young athlete to run out of 20 seconds in the 200m. In 2007, he beat the national best by 0.11 seconds, running 200 meters in 19.75 seconds.

Since 2008, a real boom in the Jamaican career begins. At the end of May, at a competition in New York, he broke the achievement of Asafa Powell and set a record of 9.72 seconds in the 100 meters. This not only brought him fame, but also qualified him for the Olympic Games in China, where he upgraded the result to an incredible 9.69 seconds.

However, many experts noted that due to the fact that Bolt beat his chest with his fist in the last meters of the distance, he lost a lot of time. However, the record has been set. How long will he last? No.

A year later, Usain agreed with the experts that performances belong on the stage, not in the stadium. At the championship in Berlin, the Jamaican once again recorded his name in the history of sports. He ran the 100 meters in an unimaginable 9.58 seconds! To improve your own record by a tenth of a second in a sprint is an eternity.

According to the IAAF, Usain Bolt showed a maximum human speed of 44.72 km / h in the 60-80 meters section. No one runs faster than Lightning, and this allowed him to become a three-time Olympic champion in 2012.

Such striking results attracted scientists. Experts studied the athlete for a long time and came to the conclusion that Usain's secret is in the increased content of ultra-fast muscle fibers and incredible speed-strength endurance.

Scientists also believe that the high growth of the champion (1.95 m) helps to cool the body. In addition, note the technique of running. He lifts his hips low. Due to this, Bolt saves energy and spends it on repulsion.

Dr. Siegel said that Usain is a man from the future. The scientist meant that the structure of the champion's muscle fibers was ahead of its time. The fact is that, after statistical calculations were made, it turned out that they would be able to beat its speed record only by 2039.

Well, Usain gave other athletes a chance. Unfortunately, a bright and charismatic athlete ended his career. He made his last run in August 2017 at the World Championships in London.

Statistics are statistics, and progress does not stand still. Knowledge about proper nutrition, training systems, sports medicine and technology continue to evolve. Who knows, maybe right now the future record holder has gone to the athletics school. In the meantime, Usain Bolt remains the fastest man on Earth. And what was your time on the hundred meters?


We present you the top 10 The fastest people on earth who have achieved tremendous success solely due to their efforts and muscles. Without the use of any mechanical devices.

No. 10. Patrick Makau, Kenya

Distance: marathon Age: 28

Representatives from Africa and Kenya in particular will often appear on this list. Patrick Makau is actually the world's most enduring runner who managed to set a record during marathon race at 42,195 meters. The Berlin marathon in 2011 was given to him in 2 h 3 m 38 s.

No. 9. Moses Mosop, Kenya

Distance: 25,000 m, 30,000 m Age: 27 years old

Record holder for near-marathon distances: 25 km and 30 km. In addition, he repeatedly participated in the marathon, for example, he became the champion at the Chicago Marathon, on the crosses of the 2009 World Championship. And this is the ninth place among the fastest people in the world.

No. 8. Zersenai Tadese, Eritrea

Distance: half marathon, 20,000 m road Age: 31

Favorite distance - half marathon, no joke, five-time world champion on it. His record: 58 m 23 s. In addition, the athlete received the first (and only so far) Olympic medal in the history of Eritrea in 2004 at a distance of 10 km.

No. 7. Haile Gebrselassie, Ethiopia

Distance: 20,000 m, hour run Age: 39

double Olympic champion(games in 1996 and 2000 at a distance of 10,000 m) and a multiple world champion at distances of 3 km, 5 km and 10 km became a real benchmark for an athlete. In 2007, he set 2 world records during the World Championships in the Czech Republic: 20 km in 56 m 26 s and 21 km 285 m per hour. At his age, he does not leave the sport, but combines it with business and the role of the UN Goodwill Ambassador.

No. 6. Kenenisa Bekele, Ethiopia

Distance: 5,000 m, 10,000 m Age: 31

Repeated world champion (2003-2009), three-time Olympic champion (Athens and Beijing), twice world record holder at a distance of 5 km and 10 km (12 m37 s and 26 m17 s, respectively). And it all started with the school, which was (don't be surprised) 10 km from home and to which he got on a run. Bravo, Kenenis!

No. 5. Hisham El Guerrouj, Morocco

Distance: 1,500 m, 1 mile, 2,000 m Age: 38

On the fifth line, among the fastest people in the world, multiple world champion at distances of 1,500 m (for 3 m26 s), 3,000 m, 1 mile (for 3 m43 s) and 5,000 m, the best athlete in the world (1999, 2001, 2002, 2003), two-time Olympic champion of Athens. Who knows, perhaps, if not for the injury, he would have continued his career as a runner, but today he is working in the International Olympic Committee.

No. 4. Noah Ngeni, Kenya

Distance: 1,000 m Age: 34

Until now, no one has managed to beat the record of that Kenyan at a distance of 1 km (for 14 years, by the way). In 2000 in Sydney, he won the Olympic gold medal at a distance of 1,500 m. However, since 2006 he has not continued sports career, it's a pity. The record for 1,000 meters is 2 m12 s.

No. 3. David Rudisha, Kenya

Distance: 800 m Age: 24 years

Olympic champion in 2012 and world record holder at a distance of 800 meters of the same year - only 1.40.91 m. The athlete's youth allows us to expect further victories and records from him.

No. 2. Michael Johnson, USA

Distance: 400 m Age: 45 years

Yes, finally an athlete not from Africa. Repeated Olympic champion (in 1992, 1996, 2000) at distances of 200 and 400 m (43.18 s). In the 90s of the last century, he was an incomparable runner, no one managed to fight him on equal terms. In addition, he developed his own running style - torso back, legs forward.

No. 1. Usain Bolt, Jamaica

Distance: 100.200 m Age: 26 years old

The fastest man in the world, young and already famous runner at a distance of 100 m and 200 m, moreover, the record holder of the first distance. It took him just 9.58 seconds to conquer the 100 meters - a previously unheard of result. Justified 6 Olympic gold medals in Beijing and London.

There are many types of sports, and running is one of them. How much adrenaline splashes out while running, when you know that everything is decided by a split second. Any sport requires concentration and willpower, but running clearly shows the desire to win. Athletes face a difficult task - to overtake other athletes, leaving them behind. Someone succeeds easily, but someone simply cannot cope with physical and moral stress.

Today we will talk about the fastest record holders in running over various distances. As usual, we have compiled a rating that includes both sprinters, marathon runners, and athletes performing at medium distances - Top 10 fastest people in the world in 2017.


  • A country: Kenya
  • Was born: 2.03.1985
  • Height: 171 cm
  • Weight: 51 kg

Let's start with Kenyan runner Patrick Macau. It is he who opens the top ten fastest people in the world. Patrick grew up with his brothers and sisters in a poor family, in a small village. When Patrick went to school, he covered the distance of eight kilometers - that's how much it took the road from home to school. He walked and ran. He used to run home for lunch, then the distance increased to 30 km, but he liked to run. In 2005, the hobby grew into something more serious. Taking part in the 2011 Berlin Marathon, 26-year-old Makau runs the Sunday race in two hours, three minutes, thirty-eight seconds, setting a new world record. Sadly, his achievement was beaten by Wilson Kipsang in 2013.

Sports achivments:

» Half marathon championship in 2007 and 2008 (silver in individual championship)

9. Moses Cheruiyot Mosop

  • A country: Kenya
  • Was born: 17.07.1985
  • Height: 152 cm
  • Weight: 50 kg

The ninth line in the list of the fastest runners in the world in 2017 belongs to the Kenyan Moses Mosop. The great runner became famous for victories at twenty-five and thirty kilometer distances. Participating in the 2005 world championship, Moses managed to run ten thousand meters and get bronze. Moses' most impressive victory came in 2015. To do this, he ran a marathon in Xiamen (China) in a very short period of time, only two hours, six minutes, nineteen seconds.

Sports achivments:

» World Championship in 2005 (bronze at a distance of 10 km.)


  • A country: Kenya
  • Was born: 22.04.1984
  • Height: 182 cm
  • Weight: 58 kg

Dennis was born in Kenya. Dennis Kimetto's mother and father were running, but they did not think that their son would follow in their footsteps. As a child, Dennis worked on the farm with his parents. Once he began to watch performances at the Olympic Games - his compatriot spoke. Since then, inspired by Kimetto, he decided to combine his studies and running at a professional level. After Dennis started training, only a year passes and in 2012 he goes to the competition for the first time. Kimetto sets a world record in such a thing as running on a twenty-five km highway. Taking part in the great Sunday marathon in 2014, the Kenyan runner again surprises with a record two hours, two minutes, fifty-seven seconds. As a result, Dennis receives the title of the best marathon runner of the year and deservedly takes the eighth line in the ranking.

Sports achivments:

» Recognized by the International Association for marathon run, How.

  • A country: Kenya
  • Was born: 17.12.1988
  • Height: 188 cm
  • Weight: 71 kg

Rudisha is ranked seventh along with the fastest people in the world. He specializes in athletics, mainly at a distance of 800 meters. David's father is a silver medalist in the great Olympic Games, which was an incentive for his son, and he began to run. David's talent for running was noticed back in school years. Since then, Rudisha began to practice with good coach. He competes for the first time in 2000 and receives silver. Also at the 2012 Olympic Games, which were held in London, David easily overcomes a distance of eight hundred meters. An athlete in his prime and thanks to his youth has every chance to conquer the world with his victories.

Sports achivments:

» 2012 Olympics (gold at a distance of 800 m)

» World Championships in 2011 and 2015 (gold in the 800m)

» African Championships in 2008 and 2010 (gold at a distance of 800 m.)

» Commonwealth Games in 2014 (silver at a distance of 800 m)


  • A country: Eritrea
  • Was born: 8.02.1982
  • Height: 160 cm
  • Weight: 56 kg

The sixth place among the fastest people in the world goes to the Eritrean runner. Zersenai conquered the world five times, taking part in the half marathon, setting world records in his path and in the 20 km run. Few people know that the athlete was born in Erythea (State located in East Africa). Four times the country nominated participants for the Olympics, and only in 2004 did they manage to get bronze. It was Zersenai Tadese who earned the medal of honor in Athens.

Sports achivments:

» 2004 Olympics (bronze at a distance of 10 km.)

» World Championship 2009 (silver in 10km)

» Half Marathon World Championships 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,2012 (gold in the individual championship) and in 2010 (silver in the individual championship)

5. Kenenisa Bekele Bayecha

  • A country: Ethiopia
  • Was born: 13.08.1982
  • Height: 165 cm
  • Weight: 56 kg

The great Kenenisa Bayecha is from Ethiopia, he became the Olympic champion three times. He specializes in athletics, stubbornly overcoming distances of five and ten kilometers. Kenenisa successfully ran a marathon for the first time in 2014. Just like Patrick Macau, he had to run a huge distance to school. To avoid being late, Kenenisa ran for about ten kilometers. Such training only benefited - in 2002, the athlete won the world championship in running. In 2004-05, Baycha never ceases to please with his legendary victories in athletics, which is why he is ranked 5th in the ranking of the fastest people in the world in 2017. Perhaps this athlete is not only one of the fastest people in the world, but also the most titled among all the runners in the ranking.

Sports achivments:

» Three-time Olympic gold medalist

» Five times became the owner of a gold medal in the world championships in running at the stadium and once in the hall

» 16 times World Cross Country Champion

» The winner of the "Golden League" at a distance of 5 km.

4. Hisham el-Gerrouj

  • A country: Morocco
  • Was born: 14.09.1974
  • Height: 176 cm
  • Weight: 58 kg

A higher place in the ranking belongs to the Moroccan Olympic champion, who took gold twice. Also, Hisham El Guerrouj is a multiple world champion in athletics. Hisham became the record holder in running at distances of 1500, 1609 and 2000 meters and was named the world's best athlete three times. Unfortunately, in 2006, the athlete was injured and stopped running. But Hisham did not leave the sport, he simply changed his activities, becoming a member of the IOC.

Sports achivments:

» Two gold medals and one silver medal at the Olympic Games in 1.5 and 3 km.

» Four-time world champion in the 1.5 km run. Won silver twice

» Three-time gold medal winner at indoor championships

» Winner of the titles: the best athlete of the year (according to the IAAF in 2001, 2002 and 2003) and the best athlete in the world in 1999, 2001 and 2002


  • A country: USA
  • Was born: 12/21/1959 (died in 1998)
  • Height: 170 cm
  • Weight: 57 kg

For the first time, a girl appears in our ranking and takes a worthy third position. This representative of the “weaker sex” outperformed many men in her sports results and is deservedly one of the three fastest people on the planet in 2017. Florence became famous for running distances of one hundred and two hundred meters back in 1988, setting a planet record. And imagine, no one has yet been able to beat them. Unfortunately, a year later, Florence left the sport, and in 1990 she had her first heart attack. Griffith-Joyner died in her sleep. There were suspicions that she set records thanks to doping, but this fact has not yet been proven.

Sports achivments:

» Winner of three gold and two silver medals at the 1984 and 1988 Olympic Games in the 100 m and 200 m, as well as in the 4x100 m relay.

»One "gold" and one "silver" at the 1987 World Championships at a distance of 200 m and a 4x100 relay


  • A country: USA
  • Was born: 13.09.1967
  • Height: 185 cm
  • Weight: 78 kg

In second place is American athlete Michael Johnson, who won gold at the Olympic Games four times and became world champion eight times. Having set more than one world record, Michael is the most famous sprinter and track and field athlete of the late nineties. Specializes in distances of 200 and 400 meters. The greatest athlete can be distinguished from his rivals by an interesting manner of running - he ran with a straight back slightly tilted back. Rivals called this performance "absurd", but this did not stop Michael from climbing the sports Olympus. No one tried the athlete's peculiar running technique except Johnson himself. The first record was set at a distance of one hundred meters, which in 1994 the athlete overcame in just ten seconds. At thirty-one years old, the athlete runs four hundred meters in 43.18 seconds, thereby fixing a unique record in the competition in 1999.

Sports achivments:

» Four-time Olympic gold medalist

» Winner of 8 gold medals at the world championships

» Three gold medals at the Goodwill Games (distance 200 m)


  • A country: Jamaica
  • Was born: 21.08.1986
  • Height: 195 cm
  • Weight: 94 kg

So the first line of the ranking goes to the great runner Usain Bolt and he receives the title fastest man in the world in 2017.
He easily conquers the world of sports, gracefully sets unique records in the world, running on short distances, and takes first place in the competition. In addition, Usain received six times Olympic gold. Note that there is simply no one to compare with the runner in the entire history of competitions in Jamaica. Bolt ran the 100 meters in 9.58 seconds, for which he was nicknamed "Lightning", and he also has four world records.
Usain Bolt rightfully deserves to win our ranking. For his achievements in athletics, Usain Bolt has been named the best athlete and champion of champions many times by various sports magazines and associations.

Sports achivments:

» Six gold medals at the Olympic Games in 2008 and 2012

» 11 gold and two silver medals at the world championships

» "Gold" at the Commonwealth Games in 2014

» Gold medal at the championship in Nassau (2005) in the 200 m.

Top 10 Fastest Runners in the World 2017 | Video

Man is the most gambling creature on the planet. Competitiveness is in his blood. The cheetah develops its record speed of 110-120 km / h to catch the antelope and get enough. People compete in running for the sweet sensation of superiority. It's nice to realize that you are the fastest person in the world and not a single mortal can keep up with you!

Time of the first

To find out who is this fastest, they began back in Ancient Greece. At the first Olympic Games, sprinters overcame a distance of 1 stadia (178 m). The time of the race was not recorded then. It was enough for the spectators to see the winner burst forward. The audience in the arena roared with delight.

The undisputed champion in running at the Games of 776 BC. e. there was a certain Koreb, a Greek by origin. Alas, this is the only record of that time that history has preserved for us. With the fall of ancient Greece, the cult of a healthy body fell into decay, and with it the Olympic Games themselves.
The first real records began to be recorded from the beginning of the 20th century. The necessary equipment for this appeared. Donald Fithian Lippincott (1893-1962), a white American, was the first fastest man in the world to run.
At the 1912 Olympics, he set the first world record in the history of running as a sport. Overcame a hundred meters in 10.6 seconds. The victory brought fame not only to Donald, but to the entire University of Pennsylvania, where the young man then studied.

Main frontier

After Lippincott, there were several famous track and field athletes who broke his record:

  • Charlie Paddock (1921, USA) - 10.4 seconds;
  • Percy Williams (1930, Canada) - 10.3 sec.;
  • Jesse Owens (1936, USA) - 10.2 sec.;
  • Willie Williams (1956, USA) - 10.1 sec.

But the main milestone - 10 seconds - was still not given. The problem was not only physical training runners, but also in sports equipment. For a long time athletes ran in leather sandals. Such shoes were not stable, quickly rubbed their feet and did not allow them to reach the required speed. The industry developed, and athletes finally got comfortable running shoes. The style of training has also changed. All this led to a long-awaited breakthrough - a new record was set at the 1968 Olympics (Mexico City). Then the fastest man in the world in the 100 m was Jim Hines, an African American from Arkansas. He broke the 1956 record and ran the 100m in just 9.95. Finally, the 10-second barrier has been overcome, and humanity has reached a new level of mastering speeds.

TOP 5 fastest now

Behind last years top five in the 100m. This:

  • Justin Gatlin;
  • Asafa Powell;
  • Tyson Gay;
  • Yohan Blake;
  • Usain Bolt.

5th place - Justin Gatlin with a score of 9.74

Despite the brilliant physical data, this American athlete is only in fifth place. He set his personal record at a hundred meters in 2015 at the championship in Beijing. Justin Gatlin's running speed was 9.74 seconds, which brought the athlete very close to the title of the fastest man in the world. Gatlin's name is associated with several doping scandals. At the beginning of the 2000s, something forbidden was found in his blood every now and then: in 2001 - amphetamine, in 2006 - an excess of testosterone. For fraud, Justin was disqualified for 4 years and deprived of a prize for the previous record - 9.77 seconds. After the “release”, the athlete took up training with great zeal. This allowed him to beat his first prize result and enter the top five fastest people on Earth with an indicator of 9.74 seconds.

4th place - Asafa Powell and 9.72 seconds

Asafa Powell - one of the many Jamaicans who glorified their homeland sports victories. Now he is in 4th place among the fastest sprinters on the planet. Powell set his record at the IAAF Grand Prix in 2008 (held in Switzerland). Running speed - 100 meters in 9.72.
The 10-second milestone has long been left behind. Now athletes are not guided by it and raise the bar higher and higher. All the more worrying is the question of how fast the fastest person in the world runs. The winners, who are among the top three most-most, know the answer to it.

Tyson Gay in honorary 3rd place

Tyson Gay is an American, a native of Kentucky. On the way to his main record, he repeatedly took prizes at competitions of various levels. For many years he was pursued by injuries, because of which the main victory was more and more removed. At one time, Gay even took up coaching: began to train the junior team of the University of Arkansas.
But that private is bad who does not want to receive general stars. The dream of setting a world record in running did not allow Tyson to sleep peacefully. Finally in 2005 he decided to become a professional sprinter.
Gay himself has repeatedly stated that the knowledge gained during his studies and work at the university helped him to better prepare for future competitions. He obviously knows what he's talking about. A year later, at the World Finals in Stuttgart, Tyson won the bronze medal in the 100 meters. In 2007, he took the main prize at the championship in Osaka.
Then the athlete ran his “golden” 100-meter distance in 9.85 seconds. Only 2 years have passed since the stubborn sprinter outdid himself. It happened at a tournament in Shanghai. Gay competed with Powell and showed a new brilliant result. The winner's running speed is 9.69.

Johan Blake and 2nd place

Blake confidently shares his podium with Tyson Gay. Who knows if these two athletes will soon find out which of them is the fastest man in the world and is able to run with the largest number km/h

Johan Blake is another swift Jamaican native. Before coming to big sport he was a semi-professional cricketer. At some point, this relatively calm game ceased to satisfy Blake's ambition and thirst for movement. He became interested in athletics.
The fateful decision brought him worldwide fame. Now Johan is considered the second best runner in the world. He set his record in 2011 at the World Championships in Athletics ( South Korea, Daegu). Now he is second only to one sprinter, who is rightfully called the fastest man in the history of mankind, or simply "Lightning".

The fastest man in the world - Usain St. Leo Bolt

This athlete is considered a real miracle. Jamaican Usain Bolt is an 11-time world and 8-time Olympic champion. This record has not yet been beaten by anyone living on planet Earth. The main achievement of the fastest man in the world is the fantastic running speed: for 100 m it is 9.58 seconds.

Jamaican "lightning"

Usain Bolt received his first prize at the age of 15, at the Jamaican Junior Championship. In 2008, the athlete broke the first record of Asafa Powell, passing the 100-meter distance in 9.72 seconds.
The victory brought him the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games. In Beijing, Bolt again set a record - 9.69 seconds - which attracted serious public attention. The performance of the runner was closely watched. At the end of the distance, Usain relaxed and victoriously punched himself in the chest. This immediately caused a stir.
Bolt began to be reproached for boasting, which cost him a more significant record - 9.55 seconds. The amazing results of the athlete were even discussed in the press. Physicists from the University of Oslo published a study according to which Bolt ran at a speed of 9.55-9.69 seconds (New Scientist magazine).
But the champion himself does not consider his jubilation to be boastful. In his gesture there was pride in what he brought to his beloved homeland gold medal. Usain experienced his main triumph in 2009 at the championship in Berlin. 9.58 seconds - no one has been able to beat this record yet. Fans of Bolt's talent call their favorite "Lightning".

Running speed of the fastest person in km/h

Seconds after seconds, and the intrigued public wanted to know what speed the famous Jamaican was developing. The results of the calculations were published on the IAAF website. According to the results of the races for 60 meters, Usain Bolt rushes at a speed of 44.72 km / h.
For a person, this is simply a fantastic result, which can only be compared with the speed of a racehorse. Its average is 55 km / h.

Run with fans

The notorious question of which man is the fastest in the world haunts Bolt's rivals. There are constant attempts to break his record. Most funny case happened to Justin Gatlin. He managed to overtake Usain by 13 hundredths of a second.
But how did he do it! Powerful fans were installed along the entire track, which blew Gatlin in the back, thereby giving additional acceleration. It is hardly possible to call such a victory fair. It only proves once again that no one is capable of defeating the Jamaican "Lightning" yet.

What is the secret of champion running speed

The amazing results of Usain Bolt excited not only the public and admirers of his talent, but also narrow specialists. Scientists carefully examined the data of the sprinter and only made sure of his exceptional natural talent.

This unusual person has simply gigantic growth for an athlete - 1.95 m. At the same time, he is such a perfect “mechanism” for running that it is really very difficult to get ahead of him.
Strengths of Usain Bolt:

  1. Genetics. The athlete's ancestors were from West Africa, whose indigenous population is distinguished by exceptional endurance and strength.
  2. Unique running technique. The athlete does not raise his hips high during movement, which saves a lot of energy. It is accelerated by an extraordinary muscle strength.
  3. High growth. Oddly enough, but this undesirable factor for most sprinters only played into the hands of Bolt. A long, elongated body cools faster while running. Because of this, the athlete retains the necessary physical condition longer.
  4. Unusual body constitution. 1/3 of a champion's muscle is made up of ultra-fast muscle cells. It is they who control the movement and affect the speed of running.

American astrophysicist Ethan Siegel even believes that Usain Bolt's body is a unique "physiological leap into the future." They will be able to beat his record only in 2039. That's when it will be clear which person will become the next fastest runner on Earth.