Fishing in relation to local conditions.

Discover the secrets of successful fishing with the collection of magazines " Fishing Encyclopedia of the angler". publishing house Ashet Collection(Hachette).

Collect all the issues of the collection and create your irreplaceable fishing encyclopedia!


On the pages of the magazines of the collection you will find helpful tips about fishing with float rod and spinning, read about the conservation period and quotas for catching some types of fish, learn about new equipment that will be useful to every angler. In addition, you will find descriptions of the most popular fishing spots in Russia and in the world, and you will be able to plan the fishing you have long dreamed of. Especially for lovers winter fishing The authors prepared a series of articles on ice fishing techniques. All magazine articles are written by experienced anglers.

  • Visual instructions for technology fishing.
  • Numerous diagrams, drawings and photographs.
  • Tips for fishermen
  • Articles written by experienced fishing practitioners.

Thanks to the magazine Fishing Encyclopedia of the Angler, you will be convinced that free time with a fishing rod - your favorite pastime. And when you return from fishing, you can cook any of the dishes described on the pages of our magazine, which will pleasantly surprise your family.

Journal sections

fish species
Each fish has its own habitats, feeding habits and behavior in different time days and in different seasons. This section describes typical behavior different types fish and The best way catching them. You will also find here information on protection periods and allowable catch quotas. various kinds fish.

fishing technique
Live bait or lure? From a boat or from the shore? Deep or shallow casting? These questions are often faced by any fisherman. Tips from experienced anglers will help you find the right answers.

Choosing the right gear is very important. This will help you focus on fishing and not waste time looking for the right items. How to choose the right fishing rod? What gear is better? What technical innovations appeared in Lately? All this can be found in the section "Gear".

Fishing spots
How often do you wonder where to go fishing this weekend? This section describes the best fishing grounds in different parts of Russia, which are famous not only for the richness of fish species, but also for their amazing landscapes. Every minute spent in such places is an incomparable pleasure!

Helpful Hints
During fishing, various unforeseen moments happen. Thanks to the advice of experts, you will learn what to do if the bait is hooked, and how to properly remove the fish from the hook.

Protection of Nature
Every angler undoubtedly loves nature and takes care not to upset the balance of the ecosystem. However, even the most experienced fisherman will benefit from information on how to fish without damaging nature.

Cooking recipes
When you return home with your catch, you can use the best recipes featured in the pages of the magazine to surprise the whole family. A well-prepared dish will be the crowning glory of your fish fight.

Stories and anecdotes
When the gear is already abandoned and the tedious waiting for a bite begins, you can immerse yourself in reading fishing anecdotes and interesting stories from the life of fish and fishermen. Just don't miss the moment when the float dives under the water!

Exit Schedule

№1 – Journal + Angler's Handbook – 25.12.2014
№2 – Magazine + Folder for magazines – 15.01.2015
№3 – Magazine + Separators for folder – 29.01.2015
№4 – Magazine – 05.02.2015

How many issues

Total planned 100 issues.

| site collection
| Alexander Ivanovich Antonov
| Big Encyclopedia fishing

Fishing is not a hobby, not a habit, and even more so, not just a desire to do something in your free time. Fishing is like poetry: it is a state human soul. We are considered abnormal, crazy, twisted at the temple with a finger, shamed, persuaded, threatened, and sometimes even divorced. But we are not changing. And there are more and more of us anglers every day. And only God knows what makes us wake up before dawn and, having waved many miles from our native home, with indescribable pleasure in the trembling morning silence, peer into the dark blue expanse, where the alarmed sentinel froze in anticipation of a bite of a red-headed float. Here he barely flinched, carelessly drawing a pair of wedding rings on the water, and immediately in response to him something excitedly echoed in your soul, stretched with a string in anticipation of a miracle, then he swayed a little, rose, as if with the last of his strength, bent over like a Pisa tower, and suddenly glided rapidly to the side, deep into. Here it is - a happy moment, for which we are ready to lose sleep, get wet to the skin in the pouring rain, endure the invasion of angry mosquito hordes, fall down from fatigue, fall into gullies and, cursing, get out in order to go and go again, knowing in advance that this road will have no end, because we were born that way and cannot live otherwise. Because we do not understand life without nature, without fishing, without the very first rays of the rising sun that give birth to a new day, without the purest lake water, in which, as in a mirror of the world, our tired, but the happiest faces are reflected!
You are holding in your hands a book created by people who love fishing. It contains their experience, their skill, their fishing souls. Pay attention to the title of the book: "Encyclopedia of fishing", not "fisherman", namely "fishing". Because our whole book is only about her. Here - detailed stories about catching a variety of fish. On the pages of the Encyclopedia you will meet many authors, and each of them has his own style, his own character, his many years of experience. They are sometimes as different from each other as our book is not like other editions. But all of them are united by an ineradicable love for fishing and a passionate desire sincerely, without concealment, to convey to you, dear reader, all their knowledge and skills, to please experienced people with new impressions, and to help beginners master all the complexities of the most wonderful science in the world, whose name is FISHING!
Read for pleasure, fish more often and, as we say, no tail or scales for you.

Alexander Antonov

When I was eight years old, in 1946, my parents brought me to Kashira, a city surrounded by forest, located on the high bank of the Oka.

The two boys from whose parents we rented a room turned out to be avid fishermen. The guys were two and three years older than me, but they accepted me into their company. Literally the next day, they invited me to go fishing, but on the condition that I catch a whole matchbox of green flies, and by the river, in a clearing, I will also catch grasshoppers for them. Until that time I had not been fond of fishing, but nevertheless agreed to go with new friends, and early in the morning of the next day the three of us went to the river. I remember that the weather was wonderful, warm, and when I arrived at the place, the first thing I did was go swimming, and the guys immediately went fishing. In those days, rafts stood along the coast. From them the boys fished and swam, and the adults washed their clothes. The water in the Oka was unusually clear, and I liked, running upstream, jumping down from the raft, and then swimming next to the floats of young fishermen. This they called "to fit the fish." And indeed, at the moment of my approach to the floats, the fish usually began to peck.
Lowering my head into the water, I opened my eyes and watched a silver fish spinning around the hooks, which for some reason was not afraid of me at all.
That day we caught a lot: there were bleaks, and chub, and even perch, but most of all in the catch was roach. They caught a fly and a grasshopper, the descent was made 10–20 cm below the lowest log of the raft. If the nozzle was raised higher, then the bleak began to pull, and lower, the small minnow and ruff clogged. The boys occasionally let me fish with their rods, and gradually I got a taste for it ...
At home, I persuaded my parents to buy me a white silk fishing line, ten hooks and a bright red wooden float. Together with the guys, we ran into the forest and made a four-meter rod out of a long, extremely even walnut tree. I peeled it off the bark, and for two days it dried, tied with the tip to the roof of the shed. On the sinker, I remember, I begged the director of the dairy for a lead seal, and with the help of the guys I quickly learned how to tie hooks.
And then my day came. Having caught green flies in advance, taking a new fishing rod, I went to the river. My friends are already there. The weather was not very good: it was drizzling, but it was still warm. But then a fly was planted ... casting - and the first posting turned out to be inconclusive. Coming to the very edge of the raft, during the second posting, I let go of the line as far as possible, arching at the same time so that I almost fell off - so great was the desire for the fish to bite.
The float had already gone far beyond the raft and at that moment abruptly went under the water. I hooked, as my friends taught me, and felt something heavy on the line. Taking a breath with difficulty, I began to carefully take the prey out of the water, and now it appeared on the surface - my first fish! It was a rather large roach, 350-400 grams.
Having pulled the fish onto the raft, I flopped down on it with my stomach, grabbed it with both hands and, jumping to my feet, rushed home, forgetting both about the fishing rod and about my friends. Thus, a fisherman was born. The guys then brought me a fishing rod, my mother fried the roach, and that day and my first fish were forever preserved in my memory.
Later, years later, often rotating among sportsmen and fishermen-enthusiasts, I constantly nurtured the idea of ​​writing a small book about my first fish, the roach.

Roach is a schooling fish. The body is elongated, laterally compressed, greenish on the back, silvery on the sides and abdomen. The eyes are orange with a red speck at the top. The pectoral and anal fins are orange-red, the upper and caudal fins are dark, with a reddish tint. Reaches weight up to 2 kg, length up to 45 cm, spawns at a temperature of 10–12 °C.
Roach lives throughout Russia, with the exception of the Kolyma River and its tributaries. It prefers a slow current, keeps in thickets of aquatic vegetation and near them, on slow-moving reaches and in backwaters.
The best bite - on the first and last ice, in spring, before spawning, and summer dawns.
Before spawning, roach gather in large flocks, approach the edge of aquatic vegetation and feed continuously. During this period, it can be caught on almost everything except live bait, but bloodworms and maggots, as well as small dung worms and leaf leaves, will be the best bait. The bait is purely symbolic. These are breadcrumbs, cake, small bloodworms, hercules, dry clay or clean sand (if shallow).

It is better to catch roach with a float rod with a mormyshka. The float rod is equipped with a fishing line 0.12–0.08 mm and a leash 0.1–0.08–0.07 mm, 150–170 mm long. The length of the fishing line should be 200 mm shorter than the rod. You will need a spindle-shaped float of 1.5–2 g, at the end of the rod you need to adjust a rubber shock absorber that smooths out jerks and prevents the fish from breaking off a thin line.
The shock absorber (hat elastic 50–60 mm) is attached to the tip of the rod by the ring, if there is one, or is tied to the very tip with a thread and impregnated with waterproof glue (see Fig. 1).
//-- Rice. 1. Shock Mount --//
Let's take the fishing line 0.1 as a basis. The rod (4 m) is equipped as follows (see Fig. 2).

//-- Rice. 2. Rod rig --//
Now we take gear.
If you have a main line of 0.12 mm, then the leader should be 0.1 mm. With the main 0.1–0.08 mm, the leash is 0.07 mm.
The float should be fixed at two points: in the loop and through the cambric - then when pulling it does not collapse. When braking or stretching, you will immediately see a bite. The float is loaded as follows: above the water 1.5–2 mm of the body and the entire antenna, the ring should be under water by 2–3 mm.
The tackle is equipped with at least three sinkers, of which the smallest is at the bottom. The roach often lifts the bait, but the fish should not feel the weight of the sinker.
And now a few words about why we equip the tackle with three sinkers. When rigging, tightening or braking, the pendulum system operates (see Fig. 3). Your bait will be in motion all the time, and, as you know, a fish takes a moving bait better. Roach, by the way, loves to pull and swing.
//-- Rice. 3. Tackle in motion --//

Consider fishing for mormyshka. You will need a light rod 5–7 m long. Line 0.12–0.16 mm, 300–400 mm shorter than the rod, preferably a side guard (it is better visible). Mormyshka with a long hook No. 14–16. Bloodworms, maggots, worms and even greens are planted.
Mormyshka is lowered to the bottom behind the edge of the vegetation or into the “windows” between the grass and, slowly shaking the tip of the rod, smoothly raise it up to 1 m from the bottom. You will see a bite along the gatehouse, and sometimes you can feel quite swipe, transmitted by a fishing rod. Tackle is equipped with fishing line 0.12, and sometimes 0.16 mm, because, in addition to roach, you can take stronger fish: ide, bream, carp, pike, perch and others.
As I said, roach is the most common and most numerous fish in our reservoirs. Traveling a lot along the rivers and lakes of Russia from the Amur to the Ob, I did not meet roach only in the Kolyma and its tributaries, and even then I do not presume to assert that there are no roaches in the lower reaches of the river. There are a lot of this fish in the Lena, and the Ob, in my opinion, is generally a roach and pike river. Wherever you cast a bait, the first fish, as a rule, is roach. On the Ob, local fishermen fish with seines, pulling out up to 70% of roach, about 25% of pike and 5% of other fish, mainly ide.
In almost all lakes of the European part of Russia, roach outnumbers other fish species. It is the food base for almost all predatory fish. The roach itself also feeds on its own fry. On the Nerl River (Tver region) I caught a 300-gram fish, which had five fry from its own offspring in its abdomen.
Roach does not like cold water and in the northern rivers is more numerous in the upper reaches, as well as in the middle reaches, which are warmer. Preference is given to the sandy bottom, but sometimes found in muddy places.
In early spring, after the opening of rivers and lakes, the roach stays close to the shore or enters the flowing tributaries, oxbow lakes or bays, hiding from muddy water.
Having cast aside spawns, it stays in quiet places, and when aquatic vegetation appears, it goes into bays, backwaters and reaches with a weak current.
In the summer heat, the roach goes to the depths or stands under the shore, where it hides in the roots of bushes and trees. She does not like to be in the grass, most often preferring to stay in large windows. Roach rarely takes from the bottom, as it feeds 5-15 cm, and even 50 cm from the ground surface. True, with the exception of the period of flight of the mayfly or the flight of ants, it also does not rise into the upper layers of the water.
The main food in summer for roach is greens, mulberry, filamentous algae growing on piles, snags and occasionally on stones. In May and June, as already mentioned, the roach feeds on juveniles, as well as worms, bloodworms and all kinds of larvae.
summer fishing roach is very exciting. The bite starts right after the ice melts.
In mid-April - early May, before the water warms up to 10–12 °C, roach, gathered in large flocks, defiles along the coastal vegetation, eating everything that comes in its path.

Fishing with one rod with two hooks is allowed at this time, but I prefer one hook (less tangles and less clinging). The nozzle - bloodworm, maggot, bread, dough, worm - is thrown closer to the thickets of reeds or sedges, and immediately, almost instantly, a bite follows.
Active biting will continue until the end of spawning.
Roach spawns after the water has subsided, so try to use fishing rods as short as possible. They are easier to manage, and they themselves are easier. During this period, the roach takes true. But keep in mind that roach fishing is limited and in each region the restrictions are different. Before you go fishing, learn the rules of fishing so that there are no troubles later.

7–10 days before spawning, roach males become covered with a hard rash that looks like white spots, which then darken. Fishermen say about such a fish: rough roach. Males and females approach the spawning site separately. First the females and then the males. Roach spawns in large flocks of up to tens of thousands of individuals.
It's nice to watch the spawner. Fish jump out of the water as if on cue, some swim sideways or belly up, describing circles. This is done by males in order to fertilize eggs more, since there are much fewer males than females. The females tirelessly pursue the males and gather under them in such numbers that they push them out.
Spawning continues in good weather around the clock, but it is especially intense in the morning.
The roach spawns in moss, on water brushwood, in grass, reeds. First, small roach spawn, then medium and last - the largest.
During spawning (and this is 3-4 days in lakes and up to 10 days in rivers), roach can be caught with your hands: it is absolutely not afraid of anything. Large perches and pikes follow the roach, devouring the crazed fish, which does not even pay attention to predators.
The number of eggs in a medium roach is from 50 to 70 thousand pieces, and in a large one even more, which is why this fish is so numerous. The eggs are located so densely that on a huge area you will not find a gap to put your foot on without crushing the future offspring.
Juveniles usually hatch after 10 days and fill all the quiet places of the reservoir, hiding in the thicket of aquatic plants, feeding on cyclops, daphnia and filamentous algae.
During this period, you can catch roach on bottom fishing rods around the clock. I fished with a float rod at night on the Skhodnya River, in the Planernaya area, under a lantern near the bathhouse. I caught quite successfully, and the roach came across larger than during the day.
In the area of ​​​​Novo-Melkovo (Moscow Sea), fishermen put donks with rubber bands. There is always someone near the donok. They catch roach every night and, as a rule, large specimens.
But it is best to catch roach in the morning dawns.

At the end of the spawning, the roach disperses throughout the reservoir and bait is already required for fishing. For example, like this.

For 1 kg of breadcrumbs, take 0.5 cups of steamed cake, 1 tablespoon of dry vanilla (or 3–4 drops of concentrate), 100 g of small bloodworms, 150 g of oatmeal or oatmeal, 0.5 kg of dry clay or 1 kg of river sand. Mix everything and moisten with water from the reservoir in which you are going to catch. Add water to the bait little by little until the mixture is like a cool porridge. In this case, a molded ball thrown into the water should fall apart at a depth of 1–1.5 m.

Medium and large roach prefer a depth of 1.5–2.5 m. It is recommended to feed the roach as follows: on the course, the tackle is thrown to the extreme left position, the first ball of bait is thrown in a straight line with the float a little forward - so that the bait floats under the float. The remaining balls are scattered along a relatively conditional straight line, which the float will pass downstream (see Fig. 4).

//-- Rice. 4. Bait on the course --//
In stagnant water, the bait is distributed more closely, in close proximity to the float (see Fig. 5).

//-- Rice. 5. Groundbait in still water --//
Bait is better to drop to the float than to transfer. As a rule, the depth rises from the shore, and the bait thrown closer to the shore will still be washed into the depth (especially in the course).
So, your tackle is set up, you have fed the fish, it remains to catch.

Consider fishing in the current. We throw the tackle against the current to the extreme position. Let's start wiring. The wiring runs downstream to the most extreme position. Try to remember the place where frequent bites were observed (in this place of the bottom there may be a tubercle, or a hole, or a snag that delays the bait).
After each bite or after each fish caught, throw a little bait (about the size of a walnut) into the water, since roach (like most carp fish) emits a special spectrum of fright and you can only interrupt its effect with bait.

//-- Rice. 6. Float with two mounts --//
When catching 10-15 fish in a row, bait is added without fail. But now it is much more (two or three times).
Wiring when catching roach should not be straight. Tackle lead with braking, acceleration, pulls. Let's consider these options.
Braking during hauling stops the running tackle, raises the leash with the bait, and in case of strong current shakes the bait from side to side, not leaving the fish indifferent.
When accelerating, the leash lags behind the main line and moves a little faster than the current, which attracts fish.
Pulling is effective in that it includes both acceleration and braking, only acceleration is done across the current, and braking is done by lifting the leash with a nozzle.
Rectilinear wiring is less effective and often leaves the angler without fish. Any change in wiring gives a good result.
In stagnant water, pulling, acceleration is used, and if there is a wind current (wind and wave drives tackle), then braking. However, in my opinion, the most effective zigzag movement, in which the leash is raised, accelerated and, of course, pulled.
In all cases of posting, you have a pendulum system at the expense of weights, and the bait is in constant motion.
It is curious to watch a flock of roaches, gradually throwing up bait. The roach is constantly moving, as if doing some kind of work.
It has been noticed that roach is the most careless fish that does not remember danger. Catching it in the clear water of Valdai, I marked the caught fish, inserting a red stripe from a pack of cigarettes into the upper fin. Once back in the water, she first ran away 2–3 m from the flock, but just a few minutes later she came back. Marking ten pieces, I observed them during the day. The next day I again found this flock and caught the fish I had released. From this conclusion - if you do not scare away the main flock, then you can catch it all to one.
Tackle with three sinkers is good in a boat or on a clean shore without vegetation, as they throw it over their heads so as not to confuse the sinkers. If you are fishing under trees or bushes, then it is better to use tackle with one load, where you can use side casting, pendulum or catapult, but in any case, I advise you to take a float with two mounts (ring, cambric), since now you can buy them in any fishing store.

Another interesting feature of catching roach. You see a flock of large fish in the clear water, you throw bait - the roach does not pay attention to it. Lower the nozzle, the most appetizing - zero emotions. You sit down on the shore and start watching the flock. Suddenly a circle appears on the water - this is one of the fish rises and grabs the fallen goat. This will be repeated every time, as soon as any living creature falls into the water. So, you need to examine the nearest bushes and branches of overhanging trees - you will find a nozzle for catching large roach: these can be caterpillars, bugs, aphids and other insects. Pay attention to the amount of living creatures: the more it is, the more effective it is for the nozzle.
And one more thing: it is advisable to pick up a nozzle for roach, and not only from the reservoir in which you are going to catch. This is especially true for the worm.
The worm is collected under stones, logs, sticks and even under plastic bags left by negligent anglers.
The collected worm for 5-6 hours is placed in a box, a jar (but not an iron one), lined with moss or dried mulberry grass. Only then can it be applied to the nozzle. Making its way through the labyrinths of vegetation, the worm is cleared of accumulated feces.
Still, the best bait for roach will be a bait selected from a pond. Personally, I carry a net with me, with which I rake the coastal soil - as you know, many aquatic insects live in it. The most delicious food for roach is the larva of the mayfly. This is a translucent "cockroach" with six legs, quite "cute" in appearance. Even my granddaughter Zosya, who is 7 years old, is not afraid to take her in her hands and with great pleasure strings her on a hook - after all, she is also a fisherman. In addition to the larvae of the mayfly, the larvae of dragonflies and caddisflies get into the net. Do not neglect any aquatic life - and you will be with a catch.
The best time to collect aquatic insects is April - early June. When I go fishing during this period, I specifically do not take a nozzle with me, studying the food base of this reservoir. By the way, by the presence of natural food, you can determine the bite for the whole season. I would advise anglers to check in the spring in which place of the reservoir there are more living creatures. It is there that the best ecological situation, which means that the bulk of the fish will be in this place, - accordingly, fishing will be more successful.
So, having planted a mayfly or "cuttlefish", as they call a dragonfly larva, we will throw a fishing rod. Better in the course, where the river widens after a roll, or at the outlet of the return stream, or in the return stream itself. Roach loves quiet water, and where the current stops, wait for it.
But in these same places you may be in for a surprise in the form of asp and ide, so an extra dozen leashes will not hurt you. Personally, I always take fishing with a full rig for 20 rigs, where I have rigs from 0.07 to 0.12 mm.
In addition to bait, it is also used vegetable nozzle. By the beginning of the ripening of oats and wheat, it is desirable to switch to them. In late August - early September, roach is caught very well on steamed wheat or oats (hercules is possible) where these cereals grow along the banks.
When preparing the nozzle, it is desirable to flavor it with mint. Since a lot of mint grows along the banks of the rivers of the middle strip, roach loves it.
Once, sitting on the shore, I plucked a pleasant-smelling stalk and, tearing off pieces, began to throw them into the water. To my surprise, the fish ate everything. I picked a few more bushes - the same thing happened again.
I planted a piece of stem on the hook - and immediately caught a small roach.

Current page: 1 (total book has 23 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 16 pages]

Encyclopedia of the angler
Author-compiler Levadny B.C.


Everyone is familiar with the picture when, before a day off, the train is filled with enthusiasts of outdoor recreation. A special place among them is occupied by fishermen. Modern sport and recreational fishing is a hobby of millions, young and old, which has united people of very different social status and profession.

Fishing different ways, especially with a fishing rod, is available to everyone. You can practice this sport at any time of the year. It develops observation, resourcefulness and quickness of orientation.

This sport gives a good physical hardening. The fisherman is not afraid of cold or heat. A day spent fishing is a wonderful rest, charging for fruitful work for a whole week. With a float rod, spinning on a river or on a lake, you can meet elderly and middle-aged people, young men and children. An amateur fisherman not only catches. On the pond, he meets both the morning dawn and evening twilight. Before him - all the beauties of nature: the water surface, bordered by a green wreath of trees, and around, if you take a look, a picturesque landscape - fields and meadows.

And what a pleasure it is to walk on a spring night along the path winding along the edge of the forest, when there is silence all around and only a sleepless bird barely squeaks, anticipating the approaching dawn! But a narrow strip of light appeared on the horizon. Gradually it becomes larger and larger, and the darkness recedes into the forest. The faces of the satellites emerge. It's getting light. Restless sparrows, having gathered in a huge flock, are talking on a large birch. A crow croaks hoarsely. This picture, once seen by a fisherman, is remembered for a lifetime.

... The float moved from its place, a pull was felt - and you are all in a joyful impulse. And what a pleasure to take out big fish! An amateur fisherman uses active fishing methods. He does not use nets, traps, tops and other types of gear that are classified as poaching. In his hobby, he uses knowledge of the life and habits of fish, the ability to properly build tackle and use it well. This knowledge is accumulated as a result of many years of experience and observation.

In addition, many books have been written about the methods of modern sport fishing and the habits of fish. The pioneer in this area was a remarkable Russian scientist-naturalist, passionate fisherman and hunter - Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev. His wonderful book "Life and catching freshwater fish" immortalized the name of Leonid Pavlovich, becoming a reference book for many generations of amateur fishermen. Of course, some may smile skeptically when reading about rods made of juniper or birch, which seem primitive compared to modern tackle. But we should not forget that in the second half of the last century, when L.P. Sabaneev (1844–1898) lived, the achievements of the modern fishing industry were unknown. However, the deep knowledge of the habits and habits of fish, the ingenuity of gear, and love for Russian nature are striking. By the way, the tackle described by L.P. Sabaneev has been successfully used by many anglers-athletes and amateurs to this day.

On the shelves of bookstores now you can find a lot of literature with descriptions of various modern gear and methods. recreational fishing. However, it should be borne in mind that this is an inexhaustible topic. After all, more than twenty thousand varieties of fish swim in the reservoirs of our planet, and only their description would take more than one volume of a book. In addition, variety fishing tackle every year it is improved and modified not only in the home workshops of anglers, but also in dozens of design bureaus of the most famous companies in the fishing industry. Among them are such companies as "Kuusamo", "ABU Garsina" and "Daiva", which produce tackle for sports and recreational fishing, annually expanding the range of their products and improving previously released products.

The history of fishing goes back several millennia. And all this time, man has been inventing and improving fishing gear. In addition, the same type of fish in different water bodies requires completely different approaches, and the same tackle changes depending on the type of fish it is tuned to.

It should be noted that for successful fishing it is not enough to have perfect modern gear (although their role is great), knowledge of ichthyology is still necessary, without which it is impossible to hope for success.

After all successful fishing is evaluated not by the number of “tails” and kilograms, but by unity with nature, which is so lacking in our time, fishing is also valuable and those unforgettable impressions that remain after it and for a long time warm the soul.

Fishing. angler's calendar

Fishing is summer and winter. The fact is that the location of the fish, its behavior and methods of fishing, bait for each season and for most species of fish are different. It happens that a novice angler returns home with an empty backpack. Say, again, unlucky, but it's not about luck at all. Sometimes "happiness" will not smile and experienced angler. This happens at different times of the year when the weather changes, with changes in the water level and other phenomena that affect the behavior of the fish.

It should be noted that not all fish are caught at the same time, on the same baits. Thus, the active biting of roach, perch, pike, ruff and some other fish begins with the first spring warming and continues until spawning. During spawning, fish are usually not caught, but after a while they eagerly take the bait again. Fish do not spawn at the same time: earlier, when the ice is just starting to move, - pike, later - perch, ruff, roach, bream, ide, etc. And spawning of crucian carp and bleak, for example, occurs only by the beginning of summer. Consequently, if for these reasons the biting of some fish stops, the catching of others continues or resumes.

Besides, in middle lane burbot is well caught in September, March-April, and in July-August you can’t catch it with a fishing rod. In the north, it is well caught at this time. Carp and tench, for example, in the Moscow region are practically not caught in winter.

Roach and perch are caught throughout the year for worms and bloodworms (except for the spawning period). In addition, in the middle of summer, roach can be caught for grain and greens, and perch in autumn - for fry. The methods of fishing are also changing. In winter, you can’t catch chub, asp, ide with fly fishing, but with spinning or circles you can’t catch pike, pike perch. For the first, winter float fishing rods or “mormyshka” are used, for the second - lure or winter vents.

The best time for fishing is morning and evening dawn. A good bite can also be in cloudy weather with a weak, drizzling rain and after it, when large drops and washed insects fall into the reservoir from bushes and trees. It is necessary to catch at such a time at the surface and in the upper layers of the water.

It has long been observed that fish are very sensitive to changes atmospheric pressure. When the barometer needle drops to 740 mm and below, the fish is as if in a painful state and does not take even the most attractive bait. Deviations from this rule are observed only late autumn when all fish, including predatory ones, gather at winter camps and feed heavily.

The best bite happens when the barometer needle gradually rises and approaches 760 mm. Sudden changes in air pressure in one direction or another have a depressing effect on the fish. But its behavior in different water bodies can manifest itself in different ways. It all depends on the specific local conditions.

In this regard, it is desirable that each angler has a barometer and monitors the movement of the arrow. But even this is not enough, good advice is to keep systematic records of the biting and behavior of fish in every reservoir and at any time of the year, with any change in the weather.

Your own observations are, of course, important, but should not be neglected. folk omens that are passed down from generation to generation. In this case, we will talk about signs of a change in the weather - a kind of barometer of folk wisdom. The most important of these signs that deserve the attention of every angler:

- when swallows fly high - to the weather, low - to the rain;

- if after a clear sunny day the clouds obscured the sun - bad weather is approaching.

- high cirrus clouds are almost motionless - by the weather, if they move from west to east - the weather will worsen;

- dew and fog in the evening - to the weather, in their absence - wait for the rain;

- smoke from stoves rises in a column uphill - to good weather, creeps near the ground - to worsen it;

- if smoke from stoves spreads in winter - to a thaw.

There will be many people. For the most part they are accurate and tested by life.

It should not be forgotten that north, northeast winds always have a negative effect on fish biting. It can also fail when fishing on sunny, windless summer days. In extreme heat, the fish goes to deep places with a lower temperature and settles.

Rainy weather causes cloudy water. The bait in such water is poorly visible, the bite worsens, but resumes and can be intense after rain, when the water clears up.

In summer best time fishing in warm cloudy weather with a slight breeze causing ripples on the surface of the water. The angler in such conditions is less noticeable, the fish are bolder, even large individuals approach the shore. In addition, ripples on the water enrich the water with oxygen, the fish become more active.

Changes in the water level are of great concern to fish. When water bodies become shallow, fish move to deeper places. Food supplies are rapidly decreasing here, so the bite in such places can be active. But it sharply weakens during the arrival of water and at its high standing. Hungry fish goes to the rifts, closer to the shore, to grassy thickets, the mouths of streams and streams, where they find abundant food. Large predators follow small things.

Failures in fishing are most often explained not by the fact that there are no fish in the reservoir, but by the fact that the angler started fishing incorrectly. For example, if a small fish (roach, silver bream, ruff) is caught in wiring with a heavy and long rod, with a large float, 0.5–0.7 mm nylon forest, hook No. 8-10, the angler is unlikely to succeed. A heavy rod will make your hands tired, a large hook will prevent the fish from taking the bait, and a large float will not mark the moment of a “careful” bite. Also unsuccessful will be the efforts of the fisherman, who placed the vent in the middle of dense aquatic vegetation, in which the live bait will immediately become entangled.

Going to the river in mid-July to catch roach in wiring, you do not need to take worms. At this time, not only roach, but also many other types of fish take this bait poorly. It is better to catch grains of steamed wheat, oats, pearl barley, etc. But in ponds, lakes and reservoirs, wheat bread, rye and flour dough, wheat porridge, maggot, bloodworm, etc. will be the best nozzle.

Fishing adapted to local conditions

For successful fishing great importance has knowledge of the reservoir. Noticing where in a river or lake there are pits, scours, sunken snags, large stones, etc., the angler can determine exactly where this or that fish is. Fish, especially large ones, usually stay in deep places, but at night they also come out in shallow water.

At the beginning of summer, many fish: chub, ide, asp, etc. rise closer to the surface of the water, go to the rifts, where they feed on all kinds of insects. A small fish appears among the water lilies and reeds, and a medium-sized pike and perch immediately approach the same place. Pike perch and asp at this time are looking for their prey on sandbanks.

Summer passes. The days are getting shorter, the nights are longer, and early in the morning you can already feel the autumn freshness. The air temperature drops, the water becomes colder. Small fish go to deeper places, followed by pike and perch.

In the rivers, during a cold snap and a sharp wind, the fish moves away from the banks on the first day and moves along the riverbed, and then disperses throughout the river and, if the wind subsides and warming sets in, it approaches the banks. On large lakes and reservoirs, with a strong continuous wind in one direction, water is driven away. This entails a decrease in water temperature near the coast, from which the wind blows. When the lower, colder layer comes to the place of the upper layer, the fish, which is very sensitive to temperature changes, moves away from the shore.

It also happens that an area with a sandy bed changes after a flood, where it was deep becomes shallow and vice versa. In this regard, the conditions of fishing also change.

Sections of the river with a straight and fast course (for example, rifts) the fish passes without stopping. In places with swirls and in pits, it lingers, gathering in masses. At the same time, it must be remembered that various larvae live on the snags, bushes, twigs, etc., lying at the bottom of the reservoirs, and fish usually keep around these snags.

It can be said without exaggeration that every angler has his favorite sections of a river or lake, where the underwater kingdom with its sometimes great diversity is more studied: uneven bottom, blockages, stones, snags, sunken logs, not to mention convenient backwaters, coastal and aquatic vegetation. Here most often you have to fish, experiencing the pleasure of a good catch.

An experienced angler will quickly find a suitable place to fish in an unfamiliar body of water. In this he will be helped by previous observations, some signs, knowledge of the habits of fish at one time or another of the year.

Where to look for fish for a beginner? The answer to this question depends on a number of circumstances: the depth of the reservoir, the topography of the bottom, the state of the water, the speed of the current, the availability of food, natural shelters, coastal and aquatic vegetation.

Fish may have special habits and habits that are characteristic of a given reservoir. It is especially important to study what and at what time of the year fish eat. You need to know at what water temperature this or that type of fish spawns. This will make it easy to establish the beginning of the best biting of this type of fish after spawning.

It is useful to know the structure and shape of the fish, as its location is related to this. For example, a squared chub freely keeps on a fast current, and a wide and laterally compressed bream is not at all adapted to this place. Therefore, it is usually found in stagnant water, and in rivers it keeps in places with a calm current or in large deep bays. The bream enters fast places, but does not stay on them for long.

On the river, the best places for fishing with spinning, fly fishing, float fishing and wiring are near mill dams, bridges, below rifts, where the fast current gradually slows down in front of a pool or pit, and in a number of places where a reverse stream forms near the shore. You should not straighten your path at the meanders and sharp turns of the river. The depth here is significant. Good places for fishing in clearings between bushes hanging over the water, along the edges of grassy thickets, near sunken trees, snags, earthen landslides. It is more difficult to find a place for fishing from the shore on the lake. It all depends on the depth of the coastal areas and the approach to them. Fishing in the ducts near the grassy strip and “windows” is profitable, if it is possible to throw a fishing rod here.

It is quite clear that a boat is needed for fishing on a lake, a reservoir and a large river. The presence of a boat allows you to move in the desired direction, find fish faster, successfully use any tackle: a float rod, a track, spinning, vents, mugs, etc. But in a large reservoir, you must also be able to find places for fishing. From spring to autumn, fish are most common at medium depths among thickets of reeds and reeds, near a coastal cape that cuts far into a reservoir, in estuaries and flooded channels of streams and streams, in clearings between grass, near green islands.

It should be borne in mind that fish behave differently at different times of the year. In spring, autumn and winter, almost all of it is kept at the bottom. Therefore, the fishing rod must be cast in such a way that the bait reaches the bottom or is slightly raised. In summer, the picture changes somewhat: in warm weather, certain types of fish rise to the middle and even upper layers of the water. Here you can meet, for example, asp, roach, rudd, chub, less often bream, ide. Often pike perch and perch hunt for prey at half water.

Hunting predatory fish can be quite conspicuous. Here, near the rift, a strong splash was heard. Hit means asp. Throws for prey of pike and perch are swift. At the same time, small fish jump out of the water like a fan. It is in these places that you need to throw the bait.

In practice, fishing is not uncommon and such cases. It seems that the place is good, before the fish pecked, but today, you see, only a trifle is pulling the nozzle. Of course, you shouldn't be surprised. In the summer heat, the fish feels sick, goes to deeper places, closer to underwater springs, snags, in the shade of coastal and aquatic vegetation, or changes camps when there is a lack of food, a decline or rise in water. Therefore, every angler should have in mind not one, but several suitable places. But before moving to another part of the reservoir, you should examine the old method of fishing from the bottom, closer to the bottom, at half water.

It should also be borne in mind that the fish leave their chosen sites during strong winds, when the waves whip and whip. In such weather, you should not position yourself with tackle against the wind. It is difficult to cast it, and there will be no bites, because the fish goes to calmer places. It is much more convenient to cast the fishing rod downwind or a little obliquely, of course, where it is not quite shallow and the water surface is covered with light ripples. There is no doubt that the fish have accumulated exactly there and you will not have to languish in anticipation of a bite.

Many fish live near grasses. In late spring or early summer, some of them (non-predatory) eat young shoots of plants and algae. Favorite plants are shiny and floating reeds, reeds, water lilies, egg capsules. Roach, crucian carp, rudd, tench, bream, carp, silver bream, chub live in such places. The pike also chooses such places for ambush. Flocks of small fish are also raided by a perch robber, pike perch and catfish come here to profit from prey.

But the fish avoids thickets of hornwort and elodea. Catching a fish from these plants is possible only by chance.

It must be borne in mind that the stops and movements of fish in search of food at one time or another of the year, with this or that weather condition in each reservoir, are somewhat different. Therefore, in unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar water bodies, it is not always possible to immediately determine catchable places. In this case, you should not be upset. Meetings with local fishermen and their advice will be very useful. But with all this, personal ingenuity, observation and ingenuity are also necessary.

An important role for the success of fishing is the behavior of the angler on the fishing trip. The fish sensitively perceives the vibrations of the water reaching it, associated, for example, with a knock in a boat or on the shore. Therefore, you need to approach the place of fishing carefully, avoid any noise, especially hitting the water with a rod, and when fishing in shallow places, you should not swing it strongly. It has been observed that fish standing near the surface are not frightened by a quiet conversation. But with a sharp blow to the ground or the bottom of the boat, it immediately disappears into the depths.

The shadow of the angler, falling on the water, scares away the fish. Therefore, no sudden movements should be made. You need to choose a place to fish in such a way that the shadow does not fall on the water near the floats. When fishing with a path, it is impossible to hit the water hard with oars or aimlessly drive around on a boat between floating circles.

Frightened roach, silver bream and even large ide all soon gather again at the baiting place, but the bream does not come back for a long time. Large ide is often caught near the boat or shore, bream - only at a considerable distance.

You can move freely in places where the fish are accustomed to constant noise, for example, near dams with falling water, near railway bridges and lines, at floating bridges, fords, in places where boats are often driven, where motor ships pass, etc. . P.

Fish that live in quiet waters are used to looking for food at the bottom. She picks up bloodworms, earthworms, bread crumbs, grains, insects, etc. that accidentally got into the water. But here the fish is more “cautious”. Any unusual position of the food, for example, a worm “hanging” motionless in half-water, can slow down the bite, and sometimes even keep the fish from it.

In rivers with a moderate or fast flow, food does not stay in one place. Therefore, in the current, the fish quickly and decisively takes everything edible.

In ponds and lakes, fish in search of food swims all over the reservoir, entering all bays, coves, grassy thickets, streams, etc. These transitions, made regularly by a whole flock, make it easier for fish to attach to the place of fishing.

In rivers, fish usually move against the current, rarely stay in one place. Sometimes it “rolls down” from its camps or goes upstream to feeding places, but then returns to its old place. These movements make it possible to attract fish with bait to a specific fishing spot.

Some anglers believe that the more rods are spread or circles are dissolved, the more significant the catch will be. They sometimes take a dozen float or bottom rods Yes, and wiring. In fact, this does not increase, but significantly reduces the catch. A large number of fishing rods makes it extremely difficult to observe bites and does not make it possible to timely strike.

The situation will not improve if a dozen fishing rods are placed "at hand" at a distance of 3-4 m. In this case, annoying confusion often occurs. When casting, the nozzle often falls on the fishing line of another fishing rod or catches on a float standing in the water. When a fish catches on one bait, it can confuse the rest. It takes a long time to unravel the forest. Therefore, when float or bottom fishing, it is recommended to use no more than three to four rods or eight to ten circles.

When going fishing, you need to carefully check the tackle. Particular attention should be paid to the scaffolds and hooks: in kapron (vein) scaffolds, the knots are weakened and with a slight tension they are disconnected, the hooks become blunt, rust. The hook should always match the bait and the size of the fish.

Of great importance for fishing with a fishing rod is right choice baits and baits. The nozzle, as a rule, should be well known to the fish as food for this reservoir. In addition, when using a particular nozzle, one should take into account the time of year, month, temperature and other circumstances.

You need to know what the bottom is in the reservoir. If any nozzle is “thrown” on the muddy bottom, it will go into the mud and the fish will not notice it.

Collection Fishing. The Angler's Encyclopedia is an informative collection of fishing magazines.

Wide coverage of topics, informative articles, practical advice, visual instructions, high-quality photographs - all this you will find in every issue of the collection. Learn all about the main types of fish, fishing techniques, gear, fishing spots and much more. All articles are written by experienced anglers.

This collection will become an indispensable encyclopedia of fishing!

Price the first issue - 49 rubles, then - 99 rubles for each issue. Starting from the 20th issue, the new price is 140 rubles. for release.

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On the pages of the magazines of the collection you will find useful tips about fishing with a float and spinning rod, read about the conservation period and quotas for catching certain types of fish, and learn about new equipment that will be useful to every angler. In addition, you will find descriptions of the most popular fishing spots in Russia and in the world, and you will be able to plan the fishing you have long dreamed of. Especially for fans of winter fishing, the authors have prepared a series of articles on ice fishing techniques. All magazine articles are written by experienced anglers.

Thanks to the magazine Fishing Encyclopedia of the Angler, you will be convinced that spending your free time with a fishing rod is your favorite pastime. And when you return from fishing, you can cook any of the dishes described on the pages of our magazine, which will pleasantly surprise your family.
Visual instructions for fishing techniques. Numerous diagrams, drawings and photographs. Tips for fishermen Articles written by experienced fishing practitioners.