Swimming sports training microcycle. Structure of microcycles, construction technique and types

When planning several classes for one day, you have to face a number of problems:

First, you need to install optimal time holding training sessions.

Secondly, you need to know to what extent the time of the classes determines the direction and magnitude of the loads.

Thirdly, it is necessary to find out how to alternate during the day training sessions with different predominant directions and loads.

The time for conducting training sessions during the day is planned depending on the conditions for conducting training sessions, study and work. However, it should remain as stable as possible, since the restructuring of the training regime is accompanied by a decrease in working capacity, a deterioration in recovery after loads, which cannot but turn out to be on the quality training process. The time of classes may change only on the eve of important competitions, which will be held at a time other than training or a different time zone. At the same time, the operating mode naturally changes. This takes 3-5 weeks.

The most adaptable are speed-strength capabilities: already after three weeks, athletes show the highest performance in the new time of training. Endurance indicators are rebuilt a little later - by the end of the fourth week. Thus, the main training sessions in the last 3-5 weeks before important competitions. It is more expedient to carry out at the same hours in which the starts will be given.

Usually, with two classes a day, it is the main one, and the second is additional. In some cases, two main or two additional classes may be held during the day. Conducting two main classes (i.e. classes with large or significant loads) is typical for the preparation of qualified and well-trained athletes, when in order to further increase the functionality, it is necessary to have a particularly strong effect on the body. Conducting two additional classes is associated with the need to reduce the total load due to possible overwork.

Additional classes with medium and low loads, with rational alternation with the main ones, can significantly increase the total amount of work performed without the threat of overworking athletes.

If the focus of the main and additional classes is the same, then there is a deeper fatigue as a result of the total load compared to microcycles, when one lesson is performed during the day.

Thus, rationally planned two-time sessions can significantly increase the total amount of work performed without the threat of overworking athletes. At the same time, ignoring the patterns underlying the alternation of work and rest can interfere with the achievement of the result expected from the intensification of the training process.

The high efficiency of two-time sessions during the day is observed only in cases where:

firstly, the load of basic and additional classes is rationally combined;

secondly, when the focus of training sessions is determined taking into account the state of the athlete's body and the influence of previous sessions;

thirdly, when an increase in the total number of sessions is not accompanied by a decrease in the number of sessions with large and significant loads, which serve as a powerful stimulus for the development of an athlete's fitness.

Conducting two classes a day is the dominant form of organization of the training process in the development of special endurance in the preparation of athletes. At separate stages, three or even four classes can be held during the day. However, three and even more so four times a day can be used only occasionally, in a gathering. Often, they not only require a lot of time, but are also fraught with overwork of athletes, a decrease in the quality of work in each lesson, and a loss of interest in the work performed.

All the basic provisions that are used when building microcycles with two sessions during the day are applicable to microcycles with a large number classes. At the same time, special attention should be paid to changing the directions of training and the variety of training means used, which allows you to increase the emotionality of work and optimize the mental state of athletes.

6.5.1. Definition of the concept of a microcycle and factors influencing the structure of a microcycle. It is customary to call a training microcycle a series of classes conducted over several days and providing a comprehensive solution to the problems of this stage of training. Microcycle is a structural unit of the training stage.

The duration of microcycles or its time frames are determined by the framework of a one-time performance of training work aimed at solving a set of tasks typical for a given stage of training. In other words, work in all types of all-around, physical training, acrobatics and a trampoline, choreography and other means of training and recovery of a gymnast in one or another proportion fit into a week.

The duration of microcycles can vary from 3-4 to 10-14 days. The most common are 7-day microcycles, which, coinciding in duration with the calendar week, are in good agreement with the general mode of life of those involved. When training not twice a day, and besides, not every day, one week is enough only to solve the problems facing one microcycle of training. If the training is carried out daily, and even more than once on the same day, then similar tasks can be solved in three days. In this case, a double weekly microcycle is planned, which is also called weekly.

A weekly microcycle is more appropriate in planning, as it allows you to rationally combine small, medium and large in volume and intensity loads with fasting days, to subordinate their dynamics to the general laws and principles of training and the general way of life.

The microcycle is the most informative link in planning, if we compare the current level of fitness of the gymnast and the tasks of this stage of preparation. Indeed, according to the indicators of one day, one cannot judge the readiness of an athlete and the direction of his training. Analysis of the content of the training for the day of the microcycle gives a complete picture of the compliance of the training with the tasks.

6.5.2. Microcycle structure. The initial integral link, of which the entire training process consists, is a separate training session. Lessons and other forms of individual practical sports activities have a number of common features typical of the structure of any rationally organized exercise. So, in each individual lesson there are three parts: preparatory (in sports it is called “warm-up”), main and final. The general methodological rules for their construction remain valid in sports as well.

Features of the structure of practical sports activities stem primarily from their focus on achieving the maximum training effect in relation to the chosen sport. Although the content of the classes may, depending on the stages of training and other circumstances, be both complex and narrowly focused, nevertheless, most of them are not characterized by a plurality of tasks to be solved. The solution of the whole set of tasks of sports improvement is achieved by increasing the total number of training sessions, up to several sessions throughout the day and up to 500 sessions per year for highly qualified athletes.

Often, the main content of a training session in sports can be only one type of motor activity, for example, cross-country running. The preparatory and final parts of the lesson in this case may also include mainly “running” material. The homogeneity of the content gives the lesson a special solidity: the preparatory and final parts acquire clearly defined service functions in relation to the main part, organically subordinate to it in content and construction, including duration. With a more varied content of the lesson, its structure naturally becomes more complicated, especially in the main part. This also applies to the order in which different exercises are combined, the alternation of loads and rests, etc., which makes it difficult to accurately control the training effect. But complex classes also have their advantages: the monotony of the load is easier to exclude, the effect of switching is better used - a justified change in the nature of the activity. The share of complex and single-subject classes in training largely depends on the characteristics of sports specialization (for example, for all-round athletes, the share of complex classes is much larger than for athletes specializing in individual sports exercises). And yet the structure of a training session in sports is usually more monolithic than in other forms. physical education.

For training sessions in sports as a whole, an increased monotonous density is characteristic. It is provided, in part, by the wide use of special options " circuit training”(according to the method of continuous long-term work, according to the method of intensive interval work, etc.).

As an element of the structure of the training microcycle, each individual session is associated with previous and subsequent sessions. Its content and construction depend on the total number of classes in the microcycle, the total load in it, on the order of alternation of classes with rest that is characteristic of this microcycle. This is especially evident in microcycles, which include daily and repeated training sessions throughout the day.

If, for example, three classes are held during the day, then the immediate effect of the first lesson will directly affect the preparatory part of the second lesson, the magnitude of the load in it and other elements of its structure and content; the construction of the third lesson will depend in a similar way on the total effect of the first and second lessons. In such conditions, in the total mass of training sessions, basic and additional are distinguished.

In the main training sessions, first of all, the main tasks outlined for a given microcycle of training (or a system of microcycles) are solved. These classes are distinguished by an expanded volume of load and significant motor density, and therefore are usually accompanied by relatively long recovery processes (40-60 hours or more). Against this background, additional classes are held. They may be characterized by various functions: a) strengthening the immediate effect of the main lesson; b) promoting recovery by switching to active recreation (additional classes of a predominantly restorative type); c) solving particular problems that are not the main ones at this stage of training (for example, maintaining individual components of the general physical fitness at a special preparatory stage of training, partial development of formed motor skills). Depending on which of these functions is leading, the structure of additional classes is modified.

6.5.3. Fundamentals of building microcycles. A separate training microcycle consists of at least two phases: cumulative (where the total effect of training influences is mainly provided) and recovery (rehabilitation or complete rest). The minimum duration of the microcycle is two days (the ratio of the first and second phases is 1:1). However, such microcycles are relatively rare in practice, since their scope is too narrow for the implementation of the tasks of sports improvement (as fitness develops, short-term microcycles increasingly conflict with the need to increase the effectiveness of training effects). Often microcycles are of a week or about a week duration, unless special circumstances require a different duration. In such microcycles, the commutation and recovery phases can be repeated two or more times, with the main recovery phase coinciding with the end of the microcycle.

Among the many factors and circumstances affecting the structure and duration of microcycles, the following are especially significant:

In turn, these variables depend on the characteristics of sports specialization and the level of preparedness of the athlete. The higher this level, the more, in principle, the main occupations can include the microcycle, the more significant the cumulation phases are expressed in it. In sports that require mainly the manifestation of endurance, classes are more often carried out against the background of a short recovery of working capacity than in high-speed and high-speed sports. power types sports.

2. Dynamics of fatigue processes - restoration of general functional state body, due to the alternation of training loads and rest, individual characteristics of response to loads and biorhythmic factors.

Although the individual features of the adaptive reactions of the athlete's body during training have not yet been studied enough, there is no doubt that the parameters and other features of the cumulation and recovery phases in microcycles depend on them. The same must be said about biorhythmic fluctuations in the functional state of the organism, such as metabolic-trophic biorhythms lasting several days. Some studies show that if the phases of training microcycles are consistent with the phases of these biorhythms, this has a positive effect on the development of fitness.

3. The general mode of life of an athlete, including the mode of his main educational or labor activity.

Training microcycles are often built in relation to the framework of the calendar week, especially in mass sports practice. The weekly cycle does not always fully meet the requirements of the optimal structure of the training process, but it facilitates its coordination with the main points of the general mode of life and activity. But in certain situations, other options for constructing microcycles are preferable.

6.5.4. The place of microcycles in the general system of building the training process. The structure of microcycles will naturally change in certain details in the course of the deployment of the training process, depending on the change of its stages and periods. In other words, the structure of microcycles depends on their place in a larger large structures mesocycles and macrocycles. So, at the stage of basic, fundamental training, macrocycles should cover a particularly wide range of training sessions aimed at the comprehensive development physical qualities an athlete, the formation of motor skills and abilities, and, if necessary, their restructuring, which most significantly affects the number of basic training sessions, the order of their alternation, the general dynamics of loads and other features of building microcycles. At the stages immediately preceding the main competitions, the content of the classes narrows, as it were, specializes in accordance with competitive activity, the structure of microcycles is rebuilt with competitive activity, the structure of microcycles is rebuilt in relation to the schedule of the upcoming competition (taking into account the number of starts, intervals between them, etc. ).

Summarizing what has been said about the factors and conditions for constructing training, it is not difficult to conclude that they cannot have one - the only form that would be suitable for any specific cases. The structure of microcycles inevitably, regularly changes depending on the logic of changing the content of the training process and external circumstances that affect its construction. By making appropriate changes to the content and structure of microcycles (by changing the sets of exercises in the lessons, the number of basic and additional lessons, the order of their alternation, the regime of loads and rest, etc.), the coach and the athlete provide the necessary general trend in the development of the training process, while leveling various kinds of external disturbances.

6.5.5. Types of microcycles. In the process of training, microcycles of several types alternate. The main ones are the actual training and competitive ones, and the additional ones are the leading and recovery ones.

Self-training microcycles, on the basis of the predominant orientation of the content of the main classes included in them, are divided into general preparatory ones. The former are the main type of microcycles at the beginning of the preparatory period of a large training cycle and at some of its other stages associated with an increase in the proportion of general physical training. They are characterized, in particular, by the alternation of classes aimed in the aggregate at the development of all or most of the basic physical qualities of an athlete. Special preparatory microcycles are distinguished by an increased proportion of specialized work aimed at developing specific fitness; the order of alternation of classes in them is determined on the basis of the need to create optimal conditions, primarily for the development of abilities and the improvement of skills that meet specific features chosen sport. Such microcycles are the main type of microcycles in the immediate precompetitive training of an athlete.

Microcycles of both types have variants. According to the degree of training impact, some of them can be called “ordinary”, others, “shock”. Ordinary microcycles are distinguished by a uniform increase in training loads, their significant volume, but an unlimited level of intensity in most individual sessions. For shock microcycles, along with a significant volume of loads, their high intensity is characteristic, due to which a particularly powerful training impulse is created.

Leading microcycles are built according to the rules of direct leading an athlete to the competition. In such microcycles, a number of elements of the program and regime of the upcoming competition are modeled (distribution of loads and rest in accordance with the order of alternating days of performances and intervals between them, reproduction of the order of performance during the day, etc.). At the same time, the specific content and construction of such microcycles are determined by the peculiarities of the pre-start state of the athlete, the aftereffect of previous training sessions and the peculiarities of the chosen method of leading up to competitions.

Competitive microcycles. Types of microcycles are named in relation to the competitive microcycle, during which the gymnast performs in important competitions. The names of other types of microcycles reflect the main psychological, pedagogical and physiological features of training work, taking into account their relationship with the tasks of the competitive microcycle. Model microcycle. The load and content of the training are as close as possible to the conditions typical for the upcoming competitions, and are planned in accordance with their schedule and regulations. This is a rehearsal for participation in competitions (more details about the load in competitions). It is planned, as a rule, at the stage of direct preparation for competitive competitions, 2-3 weeks before them.

Basic microcycle. This is the main type of microcycle, if we mean the filling with training work in the preparatory and competitive periods. The load is optimal, allowing for training with a large volume and intensity for a relatively long time (2-4 weeks) without a decrease in performance. This is, of course, an individual level of maintenance training.

The specifics of gymnastics as a sport (in terms of the volume and intensity of the training load) is that in the conditions of training, gymnastics preparing to successfully perform in competitions exceed the indicators characterized by competitive activity (in terms of the number of elements, connections, combinations performed). These are the parameters of the basic microcycle in relation to the competitive one. If we take the indicators of the competitive microcycle as a unit of load, then the similar indicators of the base microcycle will be more than one. The exception is the basic microcycles of training for beginners and young gymnasts, who are still far from solving complex problems regarding performance in competitions.

Table 9

The value of the training load in microcycles various types

Microcycle (type) Number of elements, (thousand) Number of combinations Number of vaults Load value
husband wives husband wives husband wives
competitive 1,0-1,7 1,5-1,8 20-22 12-20 20-25 20-25
model 1,0-1,7 1,5-1,8 20-22 12-20 20-25 20-25
Tuning 1,0-1,2 1,5-1,8 10-15 12-18 10-15 12-15 < 1
Base 2,0-2,2 2,5-3,0 30-40 40-50 25-30 30-40 ›1 male - 1.5-2 females - 2-2.5
Shock 3,0-3,8 3,0-4,0 50-60 60-80 30-50 50-60 ›1 male - 1.5-2 females - 2-2.5
Restorative 1,0-1,5 1,0-1,5 - - - - < 1
retractor 1,0-1,5 1,0-2,0 0-10 0-12 0-10 0-12 < 1

Impact microcycle. The load in it increases and approaches the redistribution of the possibilities of gymnasts. It is planned to identify their capabilities, to determine the "baseline" level, to stimulate the growth of special endurance and reliability. It is used periodically at the stages of preparatory and even competitive periods of preparation. In the latter case, it often combines the tasks of two microcycles and is planned as a shock-model microcycle. Exceeds the competitive microcycle in terms of load volume by 3-4 times.

Recovery microcycle. Sets the goal of "unloading" by significantly reducing the amount of work intensity. A significant reduction in the load is planned after high stresses, as a rule, in the field of shock loads, competitions, during the transition period of training. Naturally, total load noticeably less than unity.

Tuning microcycle. It is planned immediately before the competition to bring gymnasts to them in a state of optimal readiness, including mental. The load is approaching in volume and intensity to the competitive one. There are frequent cases of gymnasts moving to the place of competition, even to other countries, with a change in the geographical zone, a change in time zones and climatic conditions. In this case, it is more appropriate to call the microcycle adaptive-tuning. Getting used to the conditions where competitions are held, mental tension before the start necessitates the individualization of training.

Think of training planning at each stage as determining the sequence of microcycles of different types. Knowing the general patterns in load planning and the content of individual types of microcycles, it is possible to more rationally and efficiently manage the training process.

Microcycles (weekly or double weekly) also have their own structure. The main element of this structure is a training day, and one day may contain not one, but two or even three sessions.

Each of the days of the microcycle, like the microcycle as a whole, has its own direction. The training day, by the nature of the load, can be retracting, leading to higher load days of the microcycle. The day of the main (basic) load is characterized by an average value for a given microcycle. On the day of shock training, the load reaches its greatest values. A day of corrective training can occupy an intermediate position between the pull-in and the main, between the main and shock training, acting as a kind of “add-on” to the planned total volume and intensity and load in the microcycle. The recovery day of the microcycle is devoted to active rest or low-impact training.

The dynamics of training loads in microcycles depends on the planning of the sequence of training days for their orientation. Even greater opportunities for load regulation are created with repeated classes on the same day.

6.5.6. Microcycle as management of fatigue and recovery processes. The orientation of the classes largely determines the peculiarities of athletes' fatigue and the duration of recovery processes. Some classes have a local effect on the athlete's body, placing high demands on individual functional systems, others are quite wide, involving a number of functional systems.

The course of the processes of fatigue and recovery after classes with heavy loads of various directions has much in common: in all cases it is characterized by a wave-like change in the capabilities of functional systems.

The course of the processes of fatigue and recovery after classes with heavy loads of various directions has much in common: in all cases it is characterized by a wave-like change in the capabilities of functional systems, which mainly determine the efficiency of the work performed. The phases of working capacity decrease, its recovery and supercompensation are clearly traced. At the same time, the duration of the recovery processes largely depends on the focus of individual classes. The functional capabilities of athletes are most quickly restored after speed-oriented training, as well as after training that improves coordination and speed-strength qualities, and improves technique. Usually, the recovery period after classes with heavy loads of this direction ends within 2-3 days. Classes that promote the development of various types of endurance are characterized by a longer course of recovery processes. For example, after strenuous exercise aimed at increasing aerobic capacity and leading to a deep depletion of the body's carbohydrate resources, the recovery period can take up to 5-7 days.

It should be noted that the ability of the human body to recover from hard work changes significantly under the influence of training. Well-trained highly qualified athletes outperform less qualified and trained ones not only in terms of performance and functionality of various systems, but also in the ability to quickly restore functional resources. For example, in high-class athletes who are in sportswear, recovery processes proceed 1.5-2 times faster than in athletes of II and I categories after loads of identical magnitude, and usually complete in 1-3 days. Athletes recover their abilities especially quickly, in whose training much attention is paid to improving the ability to quickly and effectively recover.

It should also be noted the individual characteristics of athletes on the intensity and duration of recovery of post-training and competitive loads. For example, the functionality of athletes of the same high qualification, who are at the same stage of training and specialize in the same number of the program, can be restored after speed-strength training within 24-72 hours; after classes aimed at developing endurance during anaerobic work - 48-120 hours.

The effects of high-intensity activities are significantly different from those of similar high-intensity activities. The recovery period in the field of classes with a significant load is more than twice as short and practically does not exceed a day. At the same time, the amplitude of the shifts decreases, and the supercompensation phase is absent in most cases. Thus, the fatigue caused by an activity with a significant load is much less than after a similar activity with a large load, although the amount of work in an activity with a significant load is usually only 20-30% lower. Recovery processes after classes with medium loads are usually completed in 10-12 hours, and after low loads, they are measured in minutes or several hours.

Classes of selective orientation with heavy loads have a deep, but relatively local effect on the athlete's body. So, after the occupation of the high-speed orientation, there is a significant inhibition of high-speed capabilities. As for endurance during aerobic work, its level after a few hours does not differ from the initial one. The same pattern is also found when considering the consequences of classes aimed at increasing endurance, determined by the level of aerobic or anaerobic productivity.

Complex classes with consistent problem solving, the amount of work in each part of which ranges from 30-35% of what was achieved in the corresponding selective classes, have a wider, but less profound effect on the body of athletes. Insignificant fatigue at the same time is natural; although a large amount of high-intensity work is performed during the lesson, however, performance in its various parts is ensured mainly by various functional systems of the body.

A training session, in each part of which the volume of multidirectional means is 40-45% of the available in the corresponding selective sessions, leads to general and deep fatigue; an athlete is not able to show high performance both in speed exercises and in exercises requiring endurance.

Complex exercises with parallel problem solving have a wide impact on the body of athletes and corresponding to a large load. An occupation involving a parallel increase in speed capabilities and endurance during anaerobic work leads to a sharp decrease in the capabilities of the body's functional systems that ensure the performance of this kind of work, but does not significantly affect its capabilities in relation to aerobic work. An occupation in which endurance develops in parallel during work of an aerobic and anaerobic nature leads to a decrease in working capacity in such activities for 2-3 days; speed capabilities are suppressed only within a few hours after the lesson and return to the pre-working level, usually in a day.

Consequently, the fatigue that occurs as a result of training sessions of various directions is strictly specific for each session. Classes of selective orientation with heavy loads cause a sharp inhibition of the possibilities for the manifestation of those qualities and abilities that ensure the implementation training programs. At the same time, the athlete is able to show high performance in activities provided by other systems. This pattern is clearly manifested not only in relation to classes that solve the problems of physical training, but also to classes that are mainly related to solving the problems of all other aspects of the training of athletes.


Signs of the microcycle:

Types of microcycles:



Types: the same as in the microcycle


Macrocycle -

60. Features of planning sports training in various cycles of the training process.

Planning Technology the process of sports training is a set of methodological and organizational-methodical guidelines that determine specific tasks for a specific period of time, the selection, arrangement and procedure for using the most appropriate means, methods, organizational forms, material and technical support of classes, as well as the preparation of specific training documentation. It determines the strategy, tactics and technique of organizing the process of sports training.

The subject of planning the training and competitive process is its content, forms and results, planned on the basis of objective patterns of development of sports achievements and the directed formation of the athlete's personality. Goals and objectives for different periods of the training process are determined. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the load for the previous year (or years), the magnitude of the training load, its volume and intensity are determined. Means, methods, control standards and other indicators are determined.

The main task in developing a training plan is to determine the indicators of the simulated state of the athlete in the planned period of time, outline the optimal training program.

Planning at different stages of long-term sports training is carried out in the following forms: 1) prospective (for a number of years); 2) current (for one year); 3) operational (for a month, a week, a separate training session).

The training process consists of relatively complete structural units. Divides 3 levels of training structure: micro-, meso-, macro-cycle.

microcycle- this is a small training cycle, more often with a weekly or about a weekly duration (2-14 days). Includes from 2 to several lessons. A microcycle is a relatively complete repetitive fragments of the training process, consisting of separate training sessions, in which intermediate training tasks are solved.

Signs of the microcycle:

1) The presence of 2 phases: stimulation and recovery

2) The end of the microcycle is associated with the recovery phase, but it can also occur in the middle of it.

3) Regular repetition in the optimal sequence of classes in different directions.

Types of microcycles:

1. Retractors (goal, preparation for work) low total load 30-70%

2.Basic (the main microcycle of the preparatory period, a large total load of 70-80%, stimulation of adaptive processes in the body.)

3. Control and preparatory: A) specially preparatory (average volume of loads 70-80%) B) model (modeling of competition regulations and control over the level of preparedness 40-70%)

4. Leading (to competitions) low level of volume and intensity of loads 40-70%

5. Restorative (completes a series of intense basic, control-preparation microcycles 40-70%)

6. Competitive (has the main mode corresponding to the competition program)

7. Striking (preparation time for the competition is limited, and the athlete needs to achieve adaptation to the load). They also distinguish mountain, etc.

The principal sequence: technique, speed, strength, strength endurance, endurance.

mesocycle- an average training cycle, lasting 2-6 weeks, CYSS 4 weeks, including a relatively complete series of microcycles.


Repeated reproduction of a number of microcycles

A change in one direction of microcycles characterizes a change in the direction of mesocycles

Ends with recovery microcycle or in-competition or control tests

Types: the same as in the microcycle

Factors: mode of life and study of labor, content and number of trainings, calendar of competitions, individual characteristics for recovery, place of the mesocycle in the structure of the annual cycle, biorhythms.

Macrocycle - this is a large training cycle, such as semi-annual, annual, multi-year, is always associated with the occurrence of stabilization and loss sportswear.

There are 3 periods in each macrocycle: preparatory, competitive, transitional.

Construction options: single-cycle, two-cycle, double and triple cycle.

Factors influencing the formation: calendar, number of competitions per year, material base.

In the training of highly qualified athletes, there is a construction of training based on one macrocycle (one-cycle), on the basis of two macrocycles (two-cycle) and three macrocycles (three-cycle). With two and three-cycle construction of the training process, options for double and triple cycles are often used.

61. Sports selection in progress many years of preparation.

Purposeful long-term training and education of high-class athletes is a complex process, the quality of which is determined by a number of factors. One of these factors is the selection of gifted children and adolescents, their sports orientation.

Sports Selection is a set of measures to determine a high degree predisposition (giftedness) of the child to a particular genus sports activities(type of sport). Sports selection is a long, multi-stage process that can be effective only if at all stages of the long-term training of an athlete, a comprehensive methodology for assessing his personality is provided, involving the use of various research methods (pedagogical, biomedical, psychological, sociological, etc.)

Sports orientation - a system of organizational and methodological measures that make it possible to outline the direction of a young athlete's specialization in a particular sport. The choice by each person of the sport that best suits his individual abilities is the essence of sports orientation.

Sports orientation is associated with youth and mass sports. A well-placed sports orientation increases the effectiveness of sports selection. The technology of orientation and selection is the same, the difference is in the approach:

When orientation - choose a sport for a particular person;

When selecting - a person for a particular sport;

The selection is included in the system of long-term training at all its stages and consists of four levels:

1. Selection stage– mass viewing of children (6-10 years old). Purpose: to orient to the classes in one or another kind of sport in the Youth Sports School. Criteria:

b) anthropometric measurements, their assessment from a perspective;

c) medical examination data;

The data obtained at this stage of selection should be used as indicative.

2. Selection stage- to identify schoolchildren gifted in sports for the completion of educational and training groups and groups of sports improvement of the Youth Sports School, SDUSHOR, UOR. The selection is carried out during the last year, training in groups of initial training according to the following program:

1) health assessment;

2) control and conversion standards;

3) anthropometric measurements;

4) the growth rate of physical qualities and sports results, 9-11% - you have to work, 40-45% - gifted children;

During the stage, a systematic study of each student is carried out. sports school in order to finally determine his individual sports specialization.

3. Selection stage (main stage)– search for promising athletes and enrolling them in the Olympic training centers, SDUSHOR and UOR, a survey of the competitive activity of athletes is carried out. The coach has a big responsibility. he should help the child in choosing either to continue to engage in high firs, or if it is no longer better to offer to engage in other activities.

1) sports and technical results and their dynamics (beginning, peak, decline by years of training);

2) the degree of fixing the technique of performing the most unstable elements when performing an exercise in extreme conditions.

3) the degree of technical readiness and resistance of an athlete to disruptive factors in the conditions of competitive activity.

An in-depth medical examination is very important.

The main forms of selection of candidates for the national teams of the country are sport competitions. According to the results of the competition, and then the comprehensive examination, the coaching councils determine the contingent of athletes whose individual indicators correspond to the solution of the problems of pre-Olympic training.

The totality of individual classes conducted over several days is microcycle workout. Microcycles exist as a well-established and important link in the training process. They have certain traits that are unique to them. In particular, a single microcycle consists of at least two phases:

Stimulative (cumulative), which is associated with a certain degree of fatigue and

Recovery phase (restorative activity or complete rest). These phases are repeated in the microcycle structure. The microcycle may include several cumulative and recovery phases.

In most cases, the microcycle lasts a week. However, its duration may be different: a minimum of two days, and a maximum of 14 days. In many respects, it depends on the tasks to be solved, the level of skill and fitness of athletes, age, competition system, and the place of the microcycle in the training session.

It should be borne in mind that there is not, and in principle there cannot be, one structure of microcycles suitable for all cases of sports practice.


own training,



Recovery microcycles.

Actually training microcycles according to the content of the training subdivided into general preparatory and special preparatory. In the first microcycles, when conducting classes, mainly general funds are used, and in the second - special training. Both types of microcycles can be associated with the solution of primarily physical, technical, tactical training tasks, or they will be of a complex nature.

By priority self-training microcycles are divided into microcycles of physical, functional, technical and tactical training.

According to the degree of diversity of tasks to be solved self-training microcycles are: selective and complex orientation.

By load- voluminous and intense.

Microcycles that characterize a significant amount of load, but not the ultimate intensity, are usually called voluminous (retracting). They constitute the main content of the classes in the preparatory period.

For intense (percussive) microcycles are characterized, first of all, by a high intensity of work with a sufficiently increasing volume of loads. They are widely used at the end of the preparatory and competitive periods.

According to the dynamics of loads- with 1, 2 and 3 peak distribution of loads, with sequential increase or decrease in loads

By impact effect- developing (forming) and supporting (stabilizing).

Each type of microcycle has a different effect on the performance of athletes. It is expedient to use microcycles with one "small" wave of load dynamics in the preparatory period (in microcycles of the basic type). This will cause significant functional changes in the body of athletes, which ultimately determine the general growth trend. sports achievements. In the case when it is necessary to carry out work in terms of stabilizing the level of functional changes found in the body after significant training effects, a rational option for constructing sports training there will be the introduction of a microcycle with a "three-peak" load distribution during the week.

It makes sense to plan microcycles with a successive increase in load in order to achieve a significant mobilization of the functional capabilities of the athlete's body before intense training work. And in particular, when an athlete needs to be gradually brought to the loads of “shock” microcycles. The microcycle with a successive decrease in the load by the end of the week is usually built to ensure a relatively complete normalization of the functional state of the body after "shock" loads.

The alternation of training loads and rest in microcycles can lead to the following main types of reactions of the body of athletes: a) increase the maximum level of fitness; b) give little or no training effect at all; c) lead the athlete to overwork and overtraining. The construction of the regime of loads and rest in the microcycle, in which there is an increase in functionality, technique of movements, strength, speed and other physical qualities, is typical for developing microcycles. In them, two options for alternating classes and rest are most often possible: 1. When the next lesson in the microcycle falls on the supercompensation phase, i.e. passes against the background of increased working capacity as a delayed effect of the previous lesson; 2. When a lesson is held against the background of a significant under-recovery of working capacity after the previous one.

The meaning of the second variant of "summation" of the effect of several classes is to present the body with especially volumetric loads, thereby causing significant adaptive changes and, as a result, a significant increase in working capacity during the subsequent relative "unloading". Such a combination of loads during the construction of microcycles is possible only with sufficiently trained athletes and with especially careful medical and pedagogical control. Abuse of this option will inevitably lead to overwork, and episodic use will contribute to a more effective increase in fitness.

Precompetitive (leading) microcycles they model the mode, program and conditions of the upcoming competitions (distribution of loads and rest in accordance with the order of alternating days of performances and intervals between them, reproduction of the order of performances during the day, etc.). The structure and content of these microcycles depends on the system of leading an athlete to competitions, the duration of training for final stage training for a responsible competition, age, qualification and individual characteristics of athletes.

The degree of reproduction (similarity) of the program, mode and conditions of the main competition in the pre-competitive micro cycles may be different. In this regard, microcycles can be distinguished, which partially or holistically simulate competitive activity, mode and conditions of competition.

IN last years a new, non-traditional form of building pre-competitive microcycles appeared, which received the code name “pendulum principle” (D.A. Arosiev). When constructing precompetitive microcycles according to the “pendulum principle”, the structure of the training process for athletes is built on the basis of the rhythmic alternation of two types of microcycles: specialized" And " contrasting". In the practice of sports, microcycles of high specialization are sometimes called basic (O-cycles), and low - regulating (P-cycles). Alternating with each other, the last specialized microcycle, if possible, should be similar to the competitive microcycle. The duration of specialized microcycles is mainly determined by the duration of the upcoming competitions, and the duration of contrast microcycles is determined by the conditions for recovery and over-recovery of the athlete's performance. The intensity and content of training sessions in specialized microcycles is closest to the regime and conditions of the competition, while contrasting ones, on the contrary, are as far from this situation as possible. Such training work is given in order to avoid monotony in classes, which does not allow athletes to achieve high levels of fitness (V.M. Dyachkov, L.P. Matveev, N.G. Ozolin).

As the main competition approaches, the content, regimen and conditions of training in specialized microcycles more and more fully reproduce the nature of competitive activity, routine and other conditions of the upcoming competition. In contrast microcycles, the opposite trend is observed - the share of general preparatory exercises increases, the effect is widely used. active rest, varying the conditions of training, etc. The rhythm of the alternation of microcycles is set in such a way that the phase of increased readiness of the athlete coincides as a result of repetitions with the days on which the main competition is scheduled.

Competitive microcycles are built in accordance with the competition program. The structure and duration of these microcycles is determined by the specifics of competitions in various types sports, program numbers in which an individual athlete or team takes part, total starts and pauses between them. Depending on this, competitive microcycles may be limited to starts and direct approach to them, recovery procedures, and may include special training sessions. However, in all cases, the content and construction of these microcycles are aimed at providing optimal conditions for successful competitive activity and achieving the planned sports achievement.

It is possible to single out competitive microcycles with short, average And long intervals between competitions.

In a microcycle with a one-day interval, on the day after the competition, one restorative lesson is held, and on the day of the competition, a pre-competitive lesson (for example, rolling out in hockey). In the microcycle with a two-day interval, three classes are carried out: restorative, maintenance and pre-competitive. In a microcycle with a three-day interval, four to five training sessions should already be carried out. On the day after the competition - a restorative lesson, the next - developing, and on the third - supporting. On the day of the game or competition - pre-competition. It should be emphasized that in a competitive microcycle at training sessions between competitions, athletes should not be overloaded in any way. These trainings should cause only positive emotions.

Microcycles with a four-day intercompetitive interval are built like a microcycle with a three-day intercompetitive interval. It consists of 5-7 training sessions, of which two are restorative, one is supportive, two are developmental and one is pre-game (rolling out).

When constructing training sessions, it is obligatory to take into account the positive interaction of individual tasks that enhance the effectiveness of training.

Recovery microcycles usually follow intense competitions or training microcycles with an increased load (for example, shock) and are characterized by a decrease in the total load, an increase in the number of days of active rest, a contrasting change in the composition of the means and methods of training the external conditions of training, which together is aimed at optimizing the recovery and adaptation processes in the athlete's body.

To speed up recovery in these microcycles, various restorative means are widely used - pedagogical, psychological, and biomedical. There are three main areas of use of restorative means in the process of training sessions:

1. To quickly eliminate the phenomena of fatigue after the transferred loads;

2. For the selective restoration of those performance components that were not subjected to the main impact in this exercise, lesson, however, they will be maximally mobilized in the subsequent task, lesson;

3. For preliminary stimulation of athletes' performance before the start of the training load (V.N. Platonov).

Depending on how the health and recovery processes are managed, it makes sense to distinguish several types of recovery microcycles:

Recovery and unloading,

Restorative and compensatory,


Restorative and preparatory,

Restorative and preventive, etc.

The last type of (rehabilitative and prophylactic) microcycles is aimed at restoring the organs and systems of the athlete's body in case of their deviation from normal life activity (due to overvoltage, diseases, injuries). They are used during the stay of athletes in special rehabilitation centers, which have a set of all means of recovery, especially in combination with a special motor regimen, the effect of favorable climatic and sanitary-resort factors.

The structure of sports training, its characteristics.

The effect of managing the state of an athlete significantly depends not only on the means used, but also on the order in which tasks are performed. For example, the wrong sequence of lead-up exercises causes additional difficulties in technical training. A similar pattern is manifested in all sections of the training of an athlete of any age and qualification, requiring a strict sequence of all components of the training, regardless of their duration. This feature of the athlete's state management underlies one of the most important provisions of the athlete's training theory - the allocation of a certain structure in sports training.

The training structure is a relatively stable order of combining its components (the ratio of general and special physical training, physical and technical, the ratio of the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads) and their regular correlation with each other in the general sequence.

The initial element of the structure of sports training is not an exercise, but a training task, because the effect of training depends not only on the description of the exercise being performed, but also on other factors: on the condition of the athlete before the exercise, the nature of the rest, altitude, wind direction and strength.

The training task is physical exercise with everyone necessary conditions for its implementation, allowing to solve a certain pedagogical problem.

The training task is formed from several training tasks. There are three parts to the training session: preparatory, basic And final. The objective problem of separating parts in a training session is the dynamics of the athlete's performance during the session, which first rises to a maximum, after which it stabilizes for some time, and then inevitably decreases due to the onset of fatigue.

Preparatory part (warm-up) serves to increase the athlete's performance to a level that ensures the successful solution of the tasks of the lesson, and also reduces the risk of injury. Too short a warm-up will not allow the athlete to prepare for the main work, and too long a warm-up can cause unwanted fatigue.

Main part of the lesson includes tasks aimed at solving the most important tasks. Its content may vary.

The final part of the lesson solves the problem of a directed decrease in the functional activity of athletes, activation of recovery processes. It includes a variety of tasks associated with a decrease in muscle tone, with the restoration of breathing.

A training lesson should provide an effective solution to the set pedagogical tasks. Depending on their number, classes can have a selective and complex focus.

Selective focus provides a greater degree of impact on the state of the athlete in any one direction (for example, including tasks for the education of only endurance or strength). Classes comprehensive orientation solve not one, but several tasks, due to which the impact on the athlete's condition becomes more versatile and the monotony of the lesson decreases.


The microcycle is the alternation of load and rest.

The microcycle consists of several training sessions. In sports training, there are different types of microcycles.

Actually training microcycles according to the magnitude of the load, they are ordinary or shock. The main goals of ordinary microcycles are: stimulation of adaptive processes in the body of athletes, solving the main tasks of technical-tactical, physical, volitional, etc. preparation. Shock microcycles, due to an unusually large load and the accompanying underrecovery, significantly increase the body's response. Widely used at the end of the preparatory and competitive periods.

Lead-in microcycles they model the mode, program and conditions of the upcoming competitions (distribution of loads and rest in accordance with the order of alternating days of performances and intervals between them, reproduction of the order of performances throughout the day, etc.) They can address issues of full recovery and mental adjustment.

Competitive microcycles first of all include participation in responsible competitions. In addition, they use additional training sessions, means of recovery, study of the competitive activity of rivals.

Recovery microcycles usually follow intense competitions or training microcycles with an increased load (for example, shock). Their main role is to provide optimal conditions for recovery and adaptation processes in the athlete's body. This determines the low total load of such microcycles, the widespread use of active recreation facilities in them. Features of the microcycle:

· In the dynamics of the microcycle, limiting loads alternate with active rest;

· There should be no mechanical execution of the planned in the performance of training microcycles. Constant amendments are needed, made in accordance with the condition of the athlete, the conditions of training, etc.

The optimal number of training sessions is considered 3-4 times a week. In other words, building a workout in a microcycle is associated with the need to manage the processes of fatigue and recovery.


mesocycle is a training cycle lasting from 2 to 6 weeks (a month), which allows to achieve a training effect, which can be expressed in a noticeable increase in strength, endurance and other components of the competitive potential.

mesocycle is the adaptation of the athlete's body to the loads.

This process proceeds unevenly: at first quickly, and then more slowly. Therefore, to maintain the growth rate of trained abilities, it is necessary to periodically (every 3-4 weeks) significantly update the content of the training and change the nature of the load. The following types of mesocycles are distinguished: retracting, basic, control-preparatory, pre-competitive, competitive, restorative-supporting.

Retracting mesocycles have a low load intensity. They are used at the beginning of the season, after illness and injury, as well as after other forced or planned breaks in the training process.

Basic mesocycles serve to solve the problems of increasing physical, technical, tactical readiness. The training program is characterized by the use of the entire set of means, a large volume and intensity of training work, and the widespread use of classes with heavy loads. Basic mesocycles form the basis of the preparatory period.

Control and preparatory mesocycles are characterized by a wide use of competitive and specially preparatory exercises, include participation in secondary competitions in order to clarify the correctness of the formation of competitive potential.

Precompetitive mesocycles are intended for the final formation of a sports form by eliminating individual shortcomings identified during the preparation of an athlete, improving his technical capabilities. An important place is given to modeling the regime of the upcoming competition. These mesocycles are typical for the stage of direct preparation for the main start and are important when athletes move to new contrasting climatic and geographical conditions.

Competitive mesocycles- the structure is determined by the specifics of the sport, the features of the sports calendar, the qualifications and the level of preparedness of the athlete. In these mesocycles, the volume of competitive exercises is increased.

Recovery-supporting and recovery-preparatory mesocycles solve the problem of partial unloading of the athlete. The volume of competitive and specially preparatory exercises is significantly reduced.


Macrocycle - annual cycle.

The periods of the macrocycle and their stages serve to control the formation of a certain phase of the sports form. Previously, it was considered that a sports form is characterized by a phase of development: the phase of acquiring a sports form, the stabilization phase, and the phase of temporary loss of a sports form.

In macrocycles, these phases correspond to preparatory, competitive and transitional periods.

Preparation period(the period of fundamental preparation) is divided into 2 major stages:

1. general preparatory stage

2. special preparatory stage

The general preparatory stage solves the problems of increasing the general level of the body's functional capabilities, the versatile development of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, etc.), as well as increasing the volume of motor skills and abilities. The general preparatory stage lasts 2-3 months. The volume and intensity of training loads at this stage gradually increase, and the volume grows faster, the intensity of the load increases only to the extent that does not prevent large volume work and does not affect the health of athletes.

The main focus of the special preparatory stage is the direct formation of sports form: here the content of various aspects of the training of athletes changes, which are now aimed at developing special physical abilities, mastering and improving technical and tactical skills in the chosen sport, at the same time the role of special psychological training increases. The main means are specially-preparatory and competitive exercises. The special preparatory stage lasts 2-3 months. At this stage, the volume of the load stabilizes, and the intensity increases due to the increase in technical and tactical means of training.

competitive period. The main goal of training in this period is to maintain sports form and, on the basis of this, to implement it in maximum results. These tasks are solved with the help of competitive exercises. A complex problem is sometimes created by the stretching of the calendar of competitions in some sports and the need to maintain a competitive potential at a high level for several months.

Transition period. The transition period lasts from 4 to 6 weeks. The main task of this period is active recreation and at the same time maintaining a certain level of sports performance. The main content of classes in the transitional period is general physical training in the active rest mode. The same type and monotonous loads should be avoided, because. they interfere with a good active rest. In the transition period, the total volume and intensity of the training load decreases, but their excessive decline should not be allowed. The most important task of the transition period is to analyze the work during the past year, draw up a training plan for the next year, and treat injuries. At the end of the transition period, the load gradually increases, the amount of active recreation equipment decreases, and the number of general preparatory exercises increases. This allows you to make a smoother transition to the first stage of the preparatory period of the next macrocycle.

Types of macrocycles:

1. Main or classical macrocycle.

2. Double macrocycle.

3. Macrocycle with a complex structure.