Museum Olympiad for schoolchildren. Olympiad "Parks

An Olympiad participant is a student (individual standings) or a group of schoolchildren (team standings) who have registered in the Unified Registration System to participate in the current season's Olympiad.

During the Olympiad, participants answer questions on the Internet (introductory and correspondence tours) and on the territory of cultural sites (face-to-face tours of museums, parks and estates). They can also participate in competitions that are held throughout the Olympiad. ...

Schoolchildren of grades 1-11 and preschoolers can take part in the Olympiad (for children under 5 years old, tasks can be difficult).
In museums, participants can complete tasks of their own or older age category (except for those museums whose pages indicate otherwise (see Peculiarities of visiting each museum). There are no additional points or bonus points for completing tasks of the senior category.

Participation in the Olympiad is possible in an individual or team event (for children under 5 years old, tasks can be difficult).
In case of individual classification, museums, parks and estates must be attended by exactly the student indicated in the registration. You cannot change the Last Name and First Name of an individual participant.
In the team event, at least half of the team members must come to museums, parks and estates (for teams of 2 and 3 people, the minimum number of team members in the museum is 2 people). If the number of team members is odd, the number of team members is rounded up (!) For example, if there are 5 people in the team, then at least 3 team members should come to the museum. During the Olympiad, no more than half of the team composition can be changed (if the composition changes, the title photo of the team must be updated).
Participation in an individual and team event (or in two teams) at the same time is possible only if the objects visited do not intersect, that is it is forbidden go to the same museum both independently and as a team (or as part of two teams). All duplicate results from the same museum of an individual participant and the team they are part of (or two teams that include the same student), will not be counted(even if in fact the participant did not go to this museum with the team, but was only included in the list). ...

Each participant (individual or team) performs tasks independently. If signs of non-independent performance are found, the result may not be counted. Criteria for checking work ...

Adult accompanying persons are not members of the team and participants of the Olympiad. They can only help students complete answer sheets. elementary school. Performance of assignments by adults instead of schoolchildren (including filling in the forms by adults for schoolchildren, filling in answer forms by schoolchildren under the dictation of an adult, etc.) may lead to the cancellation of the results of the team.

Participation in the Olympics is free. Participants pay only the entrance ticket to the museum. All sites participating in the Olympiad have at least one day per month when the participants of the Olympiad can visit them free of charge.


Before registration, participants must familiarize themselves with the rules of the Olympiad, the description of the types of offsets, categories of participation, the Regulations on the Olympiad. During registration, the participant fills in information about himself, selects the category of participation and, if desired, indicates accompanying adults. For the team type of classification, only the captain of the team is registered, indicating in his registration all members of the team.

When registering, the participant confirms that he has read the Rules of the Olympiad. By registering, he undertakes to comply with all rules.

Registration for the Olympiad means that the participant agrees to be photographed and upload his photos to his personal account, so that the jury members use these photos when checking the work.

  • IMPORTANT! After registration, in order to be able to participate in the Olympiad, each participant must upload their title photo to their personal account on the Olympiad website (the "Personal Account" tab, a place for a photo to the left of the participant's data). For an individual classification, a student participating in the Olympiad must be clearly visible in this picture, for a team classification - all members teams declared in the registration. No other people, including classmates, parents and teachers, should be present in the photo. The picture can be taken against any background. The photo will be checked by the jury members. In the event of a change in the composition of the team, the participant must immediately download new photo, which will again be considered by the jury.

    Park entries and endorsement photos will not be reviewed until the team's title photo has been approved. The jury will check the compliance of the schoolchildren who came to the museum with the schoolchildren indicated in the registration. When checking, the confirmation photos and the title photo are compared.

    The planned term for checking the title photos of the teams is 3 days, the allowable period is up to 2 weeks.

Registration takes place according to the rules described on the page.

Fulfillment of tasks in museums, parks and estates

Participants can complete the tasks of correspondence and full-time tours of museums, parks and estates only after passing introductory tour. The introductory round is a pass to the Olympics, if it is not passed, then the results are not taken into account.

Tasks correspondence tour performed on the Internet on the website of the Olympiad. Correspondence tour exists only in museums and estates ( there is only a full-time tour in the parks).

Tasks full-time tour of the parks participants download on their own from the page of the selected park. Participants look for answers in the parks on their own. Park employees and employees are not related to the Olympics and do not know the answers to questions. All photographs taken by a participant in the park must include a traveling animal.
Answers for the parks are uploaded through a special form on the Olympiad website.

Tasks full-time tour of museums and estates Participants receive from museum staff upon presentation of a form downloaded from the site for answering questions of the face-to-face round, on which information about the participant of the Olympiad is printed. The invitation can be downloaded from your personal account or from the page of a specific museum after passing a correspondence tour through it.
Answers to the questions of the face-to-face tour are entered by the participants in the answer sheet and handed over to the museum employee at the exit. It is necessary to complete the tasks in one visit to the museum, take the forms and questions with you, it is not allowed to finish the answers at home. You can answer questions in each museum, park or estate only once per season.

You can visit museums and answer the questions of the Olympiad at the time when the museum receives participants in the Olympiad (this information is published on the page of each museum on the Olympiad website). For some museums, the time of reception of the participants of the Olympiad differs from the opening hours of the museum.
Some museums need pre-entry! The application can be submitted through the form on the page of such a museum or in another way, described in the Features of visiting the museum on its page. Participants who came without an appointment, if it is necessary in this museum, may be denied entry or assignments!
If you want to go to the museum, and the museum accepts only groups, then you can send an application for a visit through the form on the website (on the page of a particular museum, where pre-registration is required). The organizing committee will form groups, inform you about the time of the visit, after which it will be possible to go to the museum.

Museums, parks and estates are, first of all, objects of cultural heritage.
When visiting museums in order to complete the tasks of the Olympiad, participants must follow the rules of conduct in museums and not interfere with other visitors. Museum employees are not obliged to give special attention to the participants of the Olympiad or to allocate separate places for completing tasks or filling out answer forms.

When visiting museums and estates, participants independently look for answers to questions, studying the exposition. The tasks of the Olympiad are compiled in such a way that all answers can be found in the exposition of a museum or estate, that is, participants must answer questions in accordance with the information and materials presented in the museum (estate). The use of third party resources is unacceptable. Guided tours are optional to answer questions (except for those museums that cannot be visited without a tour). If participants choose to visit the museum with a guided tour, then the guide is not obliged to pronounce all the answers to the questions, because. The Olympiad involves an independent search for answers by the participants. Hall attendants and other employees of museums and estates do not help participants complete tasks.

  • When visiting each museum, park and estateyou need to take a photo of the participant of the Olympiad and upload it to your personal account(on the My museums page next to each visited object). The photograph must be taken in such a way that it shows the name of the museum, estate or park where the photograph was taken.For parks, you can take pictures against the background of a stand, a signwith the name of the park or other object by which it will be possible to unambiguously determine in which park the photo was taken. The photos should be clearly visible: for the individual standings - one student, for the team standings - all team members visiting this object. We remind you that at least half of the team members from the team must visit any objects (for teams of 2 and 3 people, the minimum number of team members in the museum is 2 people). If there is an odd number of students in the team, then the rounding goes up!
    In the photograph confirming the visit to the museum, park or estate, all members of the team who came to the museum must be clearly visible (for an individual test, the student must be clearly visible). When checking the photo, the jury checks the composition of the team and the compliance of the individual participant against the uploaded title photo of the participant.
    In the absence of a photo from a park, museum or manor the results of all visits this participant will not be included in the school rankings. In this case, if there is no photo from the park, the results of this visit to the park will not be counted to the participant. If there is no photo from the museum or estate and there are no other violations of the rules when visiting these objects, the results of the visit are counted, but the results of this participant are not taken into account in the rating of schools.
    In other words: all participants of the Olympiad should be photographed in parks, and in museums and estates - only those who want their results to be taken into account in the rating of schools.

Olympiad results

The result of participation in the Olympiad of each participant is his sum of points for museums, estates and parks. Detailed rules for calculating results are available on the Results page. For each object, a maximum of 50 points is given for the internal tour and 5 points for the correspondence tour. In addition, increasing coefficients can be applied to the points of the full-time round, which are published on the website of the Olympiad (the maximum coefficient is 2).

Additional points (other than increasing coefficients) for completeness, originality of the answer, etc. not provided.

The criteria for determining the winners and prize-winners of the Main Stage (Overall standings) are published in the Results section.
The criteria for determining the super winners cannot be published in advance, as the criteria are determined based on the analysis of the statistics of the results of all participants in the Olympiad. Criteria for determining the super winners will be published after publication Final Results The main stage of the Olympics.

The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad are awarded with diplomas, which are issued in electronic form on the website of the Olympiad. Certificates of super winners and certificates of winners and prize-winners of competitions are awarded to participants at the closing of the Olympiad or other specially organized event. All participants at the end of the Olympiad can download a certificate of participation, which displays the achievements of the participant (winner, prize-winner or participant) and the number of points scored by the participant. Certificates for participation in competitions are not issued. Accompanying adults may receive a certificate at the end of the Olympiad by completing the certificate issuance form within the time limit.

Detailed rules for scoring, information about multipliers, list of nominations, etc. can be read on page

The team of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Lyceum “Fifteen-year-old Captain” consisting of Sofya Shustova, Valeria Aleshnikova, Ekaterina Astashova, Sofya Lores and Maria Serova became the winner of the “Museums. Parks. Estates".

It's incredibly cool: visiting museums with friends, gaining knowledge, touching the unexplored pages of books! During the Olympiad, we visited Perovsky Park, the Gulag Museum, the State Museum of the East, the Museum of Russian Lubok and Naive Art and other places. Each of us has discovered something new.

Here's what the team members think.

Aleshnikova Valeria:

– The Olympics helped me develop teamwork skills. I got a visual representation of historical events, personalities. This made it possible to perceive certain aspects of history, science, and culture in a different way.

Astashova Ekaterina:

– Participation in this Olympiad allowed me to discover different parts of Moscow, to get to know this city better. Also, visiting parks and museums contributed to my contact with history: now it is not just a text on the pages of a textbook, but a real pillar of the present, something that still plays an important role in our lives.

We thank the team leader Tatyana Grigorievna Romanova!

Team Members

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29 / 12 / 2017

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14 / 10 / 2019

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The timing of the review of works depends on the museums. As a rule, work forms are checked and processed within 2 weeks from the date of the visit, however, the publication of the results may take 3 or more weeks.

2 weeks are allotted for verification of title photos and confirmation photos.

  • The results of visiting museums, parks and estates are published on the My results page.

2 weeks from the date of sending the answer are given to check the answers and confirmation photos for the parks. Important: The park confirmation photos are not checked until the park answers are uploaded.

The results of the correspondence tour of museums and estates appear immediately after the tour.

The participant can file an appeal through the form in the Personal Account within 3 weeks of receiving the result through a museum, park or manor.


Points are awarded for passing the correspondence museum and full-time museum tours:

  1. Correspondence museum tour - up to 5 points for each block of tasks. Points for the correspondence round are given only in case of successful completion of tasks on the first attempt. Successful execution is considered if the correct answers are given to at least 4 questions. Points for a distance tour are added to the total points for a museum or estate only after the publication of the results of a full-time tour of this object.
  2. Full-time museum tour - up to 50 points for each museum, park or estate.

Bonus points (coefficients that apply to full-time round points) are given for:

  1. Some Museums points can go with a multiplier (maximum multiplier - 2).
  2. Visiting bonus Museums (published periodically on the site).
  3. Visits to those Museums, in which the smallest number of participants came for the previous period of publication of the TOP-20 museums. TOP-20 museums are determined and periodically published on the site (the date of publication and the date of the next publication are indicated).
  4. Visiting Museums, which for the current period (see TOP-20) have received the smallest number of participants (the list of Museums is not known in advance, that is, the participant can, based on the list of museums that are rarely visited over the past periods, guess which Museums few participants will go to).


The nominations are various ways addition of points scored by participants in museums, parks and estates. A large number of nominations (more than 30 in total) gives all participants the opportunity to show themselves in the area that is most interesting to them.

Super winners are determined in the following categories:

  1. Most Active Member (the participant who visited the largest number of objects).
    The number of museums, parks and estates visited by the participant is taken into account (objects can be of their own and older age categories).
  2. The most active member in the network (for the active passage of correspondence museum tours).
    In this nomination, points are summarized for all correspondence tours for museums and estates their age category. The results of correspondence rounds of the older age category are not taken into account.
  3. Fresh air lover (for visiting the largest number of parks and estates).
    In this nomination, the number of visited parks and estates is considered. their age category. Visits to parks and estates of an older age category are not taken into account.
  4. Active contestant (for participation in the largest number of competitions).
  5. Park Connoisseur (for the most points for tasks in the parks).
    In this nomination, points are summed up for all parks. their age category. The results of visits to parks designed only for an older age category are not taken into account.
  6. Manor caretaker(for the highest number of points for tasks in estates).
    In this nomination, points are summed up for all estates. their age category. The results of visiting estates, designed only for an older age category, are not taken into account.
  7. categorical (for the best knowledge of museums (the highest number of points) of a certain category, for example, for literary, historical museums, etc.). If the category includes less than 3 museums, then the results for this category nomination are not summed up. In addition, there may be exception museums that are not taken into account in the results for the nominations of the "Category" group (information about this is placed in the Features of visiting museums).
    In this nomination, points are summed up for all museums. their age category. The results of visiting museums designed only for an older age category are not taken into account.
  8. Route (for passing a certain route with the highest number of points). .

In the future, new nominations will appear.


In addition to summing up the results directly on the results of visiting museums by participants, competitions on various topics (art, literature, photo contests, etc.) are held.

The results of the competitions are summed up at least once a month (for long-term competitions) and at the end of the competitions.

The Olympiad is held by the Department of Education together with the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow. The center is the coordinator of the Olympiad pedagogical excellence of the city of Moscow with the participation of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow. The Museums, Parks, Estates Olympiad 2018 - 2019 will give children studying in schools an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with previously unknown parks, museums and estates of our capital. Surely students are waiting for meeting new people who keep the secrets of these places, and interesting events.

What is the Olympics “Museums. Parks. Estates” 2017–2018?

During this competition, children are accompanied by adults. Together with them, the guys visit the cultural sites of Moscow, included in the list of participants in the competition.

The organizers of each museum or park should prepare entertaining questions and tasks for the participants. But answering them is not easy. First you need to carefully study the exhibitions and expositions that are located on the territory.

Thanks to the Olympics, the children get acquainted with various areas of art, branches of science, the history of the city and what happened in Russia!

Who can take part?

Students of the following age categories can participate in the competition:

  1. Schoolchildren in grades 1-2.
  2. Schoolchildren in grades 3-4.
  3. Schoolchildren in grades 5-7.
  4. Schoolchildren in grades 8-9.
  5. Schoolchildren in grades 10-11.

At the same time, both individual participants and school teams can play.

Stages of the Olympics

The Olympiad consists of several rounds. But they all pass in one stage.

Tour types Member actions
correspondence perform tasks on the official website of the Olympiad
full-time answer questions in museums, parks and estates.
Final bonus game participants who performed well at the main stage of the Olympiad take part in an intellectual game-walk through one of the districts of Moscow.

How to take part in the game?

To play in this competition, you need to complete several simple actions:

  1. Register on the official website of the Olympiad.
  2. Read the instructions very carefully “I have registered! So what's now?"
  3. Strictly follow these rules of the game.

In June 2018, the registration of museums wishing to take part in the Olympics and become venues for its holding is already open.

Information on the registration of schoolchildren will appear in the second half of August.

When will the Olympics be?

The Olympiad runs from October to May this year.

You can visit parks from October 1 to March 31, and museums from November 1 to March 31. This is done so that participants can answer questions in the park during the warm season.

Game results

The results of the Olympiad are summed up according to the results of the Main Stage.

The main stage includes three rounds:

  • introductory tour "Warm-up",
  • Correspondence tour "Museum greeting",
  • full-time tour "Museum Whirlpool".

1. Introductory tour "Warm-up"

The participants of the game must complete the tasks that are published on the website of the Olympiad. If the answers to 6 questions are correct, then the team is assigned a code, which is the team number.

2. Correspondence tour "Museum greeting"

Here the participant must select a museum and answer 5 test questions related to this object. You must answer on the page of the selected museum. To pass this stage, you need to give 4-5 correct answers.

3. Full-time tour "Museum Whirlpool"

At this stage, you need to come to the museum and complete the tasks. Answers to these tasks can be given after the participants carefully study the exhibitions and expositions of the museum.

When visiting each museum, park and estate, you must take a photo of the participant in the Olympiad and upload it to your personal account. The photograph must be taken in such a way that it shows the name of the museum, estate or park where the photograph was taken.

Full-time tour of museums and estates

If the correspondence round is successfully completed, the participant can personal account download Invitation to the Museum.

The invitation contains the name of the museum, information about the participant (team), as well as the face-to-face round answer sheet.

Questions are issued directly in museums and estates. The tasks of the face-to-face tour are designed in such a way that you can find answers to them only on the territory of the cultural object itself.

Full-time tour of the parks

The participant will see the task about parks on the page of the park where he was invited. Answers and photos are also uploaded through a special form.

When determining the result of each participant, his scores for museums, estates and parks are summed up.

Final prize game "I'm walking around Moscow"

Teams are offered entertaining tasks related to some object in Moscow (a monument, a beautiful building, a historically significant place, etc.).

Watch the presentation of the participation of one of the teams in the final bonus game you can here: