Husband of Svetlana Zhurova. Biography of Svetlana Zhurova

Quite often you can find information that outstanding athletes left their beloved brainchild and went into big politics. One of these personalities is called Svetlana Zhurova, who won numerous titles at the championships and received awards of national importance. The path was difficult, but the athlete moved through thorns to the stars.

short biography

An outstanding athlete was born in 1972 on January 7. The small homeland is the village of Pavlovo-on-Neva, located in the Leningrad Region.

In 1979, Svetlana Zhurova became a "first-grader" in a secondary school in Kirovsk. Further training took place at the School Olympic reserve No. 2 in St. Petersburg, since 1986

In 1999, Svetlana Zhurova received a red diploma after graduating from the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture. Already at that time, the athlete became a teacher high school. And then earned a master's degree in physical culture.

Svetlana decided not to stop there and got a second higher education at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

In the piggy bank of awards, Zhurova has the Order of Honor, presented to her in 2010. She received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation:

  • in 2007 for active participation in promoting the application and subsequent victory of the city of Sochi for the right to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2014;
  • in 2008 for invaluable assistance in the election campaign for the election of the President of Russia.

Sports achivments

Svetlana Zhurova, whose photo shows a purposeful athlete, has achieved considerable results in her field:

  1. In the period 1991-2006. repeatedly became the Champion of Russia and the USSR.
  2. Numerous awards in speed skating of the Championships of the Russian Federation deserve attention:
  • won gold in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004-05;
  • received silver in 1995, 1999;
  • became a bronze medalist in 1996.
  • The title of World Champion in 1996 added to the treasury of sports awards. Became a silver medalist in 1998-2000. and bronze - in 2001.
  • The World Cup at the usual distance also submitted to the Russian athlete. She managed in 1996 to win a prestigious award. At the World Cup, Svetlana became a multiple winner and winner of the stages in this competition.
  • She won the title of World Champion in speed skating in 2006. She repeatedly won victories and became a prize-winner in this discipline at various distances.
  • Svetlana Zhurova - Olympic champion in Turin in 2006. She failed to win gold in Salt Lake City in 2002. Participated in four winter Olympic Games Oh.
  • In the political arena

    Svetlana Zhurova left speed skating after winning in Turin in 2006.

    March 2007 was marked for the athlete by receiving a deputy mandate from the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region and the post of Chairman of the Commission on Youth Affairs, Physical Education and Sports. After she was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the internal service in 2007, Svetlana became an instructor in the vocational training department. Soon, the athlete received a deputy mandate, as a result of which the performance of duties in the penitentiary system was temporarily terminated.

    In the period from 2007 to 2011, Svetlana served as a deputy of the State Duma. Concurrently, she was Deputy Chairman of the Chief legislature, and also gained membership in the committee on family, women and children.

    In 2011-2016 for the second time received a deputy mandate of the Federal convocation. The next elections on September 18, 2016 became the third sign of people's trust for Svetlana.

    In the political field, the athlete is known as the initiator of 30 bills being considered in the State Duma. And this is not all the merits of Svetlana as a deputy. Her active position does not allow her to remain on the sidelines.

    Personal life

    In 2001, tennis player Artemy Chernenko and Svetlana Zhurova tied the knot. Two years later, they had a son, Yaroslav. In 2009, the second son Ivan was born. After the first birth, the athlete decided to quit speed skating, but pulled herself together and received gold in Turin at the Olympic Games.

    In 2013, Svetlana and Artemy officially divorced for a reason unknown to the general public. However, it was the outstanding athlete who initiated the break in relations. Since the spouses had no material claims against each other, the divorce took place without the usual media hype. The children currently live with their mother.


    Svetlana Zhurova has been professionally skating for 25 years. Although she came out on the ice at the age of 4. It turns out that initially the parents sent little Sveta to a gymnastics circle, where her career did not work out due to an injury. When the skating coach saw the future Olympic champion, he decided to bail her out. Today, the athlete is fond of tennis, golf, skiing skiing and continues to devote time to skating.

    If earlier Svetlana had the opportunity to read a book or listen to music, then after the birth of her children, her greatest happiness is spending time with Yaroslav and Ivan. Her children are also actively involved in sports and are trying to find the only activity that they will like.

    According to Svetlana, she likes to do what benefits. It doesn't matter what area it is. The main thing is to enjoy the work done and observe amazing results.

    It was not difficult to arrange an interview with her. The only problem was time - after all, the athlete usually comes to the city for a short time, and therefore her schedule for communicating with the press is quite tight.

    Still, there were no surprises. Having found the right address in the latitudes of Enlightenment Avenue, easily finding the front door and apartment, I rang the doorbell. They opened it for me - and in front of me stood ...

    “I would like Svetlana,” I murmured in a strangled voice, moving away from the shock.

    Girl, why do you have such frightened eyes? the young man asked. - Yes, Svetlana is here. But she's on TV right now, so she'll have to wait. You are passing.

    While waiting for fellow journalists to “enjoy” the company of the “star” of speed skating, I carefully watched the young man, trying to understand if I was wrong in my guesses. But then he took the cat in his arms and said affectionately:

    - It's good that you have the same name as me.

    What is your name, Murzik? I asked. And then she explained. - Simply, cats are usually called Murziks.

    - No, his name is Tyoma, like me.

    Best of the day

    Now there was no doubt visual memory did not let me down, in front of me really was famous tennis player Artyom Chernenko.

    Sveta, Tyoma and Artyom

    Having told Svetlana briefly everything that happened while she was filming for television, I asked: “Where is Artyom Chernenko from?”

    Here is "took" - Zhurova laughs. - We've been together since May. True, we met much earlier, about two years ago, but they began to meet only in the spring.

    - Soon it should be expected that your Family status change?

    Now I am, as they say, an engaged girl. Artem made an offer, I gave a positive answer, it remains only to set the wedding day.

    - What time are you planning?

    We are going to build a house where we will live. The place has already been determined - it is in Yukki, there is a small village there, many famous and not very famous people live in it. The foundation of the house has been laid, it remains to be built. As soon as we build, we will immediately play a wedding.

    - Will there be any frills like a pool on the site?

    Aha! AND tennis court and an ice track! All of you are kind! (Laughs.) Maximum - there will be a garden, but no vegetable garden. But the frills ... So Tyoma, on the proposal to make a tennis court, said categorically: "No!".

    - You are a skater, Artem is a tennis player. Have you tried playing tennis?

    No, I have nothing to do with tennis, but I have a relationship with Artem. He is my tennis. True, I won’t hide it, sometimes I torment him: “Come on, come on! Show me how to serve!” Once Tyoma taught for an hour ...

    - Success?

    None. In general, I have success in another area, in athletics. Sometimes I even joke about it - I’ll finish with skates, give birth to a child and start practicing athletics. This is my love. Maybe I secretly regret somewhere that I did not devote myself to the "queen of sports".

    - You said: I will give birth to a child. Doesn't this mean that after the Olympics in Salt Lake City you will be done with big sports?

    Probably yes. I'm going to take over the Games gold medal and leave the sport. Because I want a normal family, so that the child runs around the apartment. It's time. For a woman, salvation is in the family. In this regard, the woman is experiencing a departure from big sport much easier than a man. Because there are more worries right away - children, husband ... Men most often have vodka in this regard. And I? I have not decided yet. You will need to complete graduate school, and television is calling.

    - By the way, I always thought that athletes who leave the city for a long time do not have animals. And you have a cat.

    It's just that Artemy Borisovich appeared with the cat. And the cat's name is also Tyoma. And so, we always had cats in our family. As a child, I never said: "Mom, buy a dog!". Always - "Cat to me!". Very often she brought it from the street, washed it and said that he would live with us. Then my sister and I went to school, my mother opened the door, the cat ran away. We returned: "Mom, where is the cat?". And she: "Oh, I don't know, I went for a walk!"

    Passions of the "Queen of Ice"

    As a child, Svetlana lived in Kirovsk, and therefore the choice of where to go was small: skating or gymnastics. Having tried herself on the gymnastic platform, the girl, who was fond of figure skating almost from infancy, went to do what is "closer to the body" - skates ... But not figure skates. After all... figure skating was not in Kirovsk. And the parents simply did not have the opportunity to take the child to distant Leningrad for training.

    - But you still spent a year on gymnastics. Why did they break up with her?

    I had sprains in both legs. And I was small and impressionable, I didn’t tell anyone about it. I just stopped going to training, I thought that I was terminally ill, and I couldn’t play sports at all. Then a skate coach came to our school, looked at me and said: "What good girl! Let's skate!"

    The most "horse" country in the world is Holland. There, becoming a skater is the same as becoming a football player. And it is there that the ten-thousand-strong stadium for speed skating competitions easily gathers a full house. And in Holland there are traditional competitions of cities - the legendary 12-hour run along rivers and canals, in which up to 10,000 fans of this sport take part. The winner becomes a millionaire. Yes, this is not Russia.

    Compared to the average Russian, I live normally. But this "normal" will eventually end. After all, while I speak, I win, at least a little, but they pay. It's not much, but more than my girlfriends - teachers at school - get.

    - Some time ago, your photo with a bird appeared in one of the capital's magazines - a pretty good shot. Was there a desire to retrain from speed skating to a photo model?

    Snapshot? Yes I remember. It was a press conference before the Olympics in Nagano, at the Hunter's Lodge restaurant. It's full of stuffed animals. And the photographers asked the athletes to pose with different animals, and they offered me a bird. I say: come on, I'll kiss her. This is how this photo came about. And so, now I'm trying to "spawn" my page on the Internet, while I posted a lot of my pictures there, maybe I'll start writing something soon.

    What about Playboy?

    There was an interview with Yulia Chepalova (famous skier - ed.), she was offered fifty thousand dollars to star in this magazine, and she refused, said that her husband forbade it. I think Artemy Borisovich will also ban me, even for fifty thousand dollars. But it all depends on the frankness of the photos. Those pictures that are in the Russian "Playboy" are really beautiful, and for fifty thousand you can shoot for them.

    "Recklessness? If only in love!"

    A year ago, Zhurova had a professional contract with a Dutch skating club. However, this season of Light entirely "belongs" to Russia.

    There is a special attitude towards Russians abroad. They do not want to pay us a salary, they believe that we should consider it a blessing that we were simply called. On the other hand, you do not know for what purpose they invite you. Maybe they want you to stop performing. It will be more profitable for them to neutralize you for the sake of their own athletes. Therefore, I said: if you pay me, then I will come to you, but for nothing I can practice at home.

    - You once said that you lack the character to run more long distances than sprint...

    And I always thought that I didn’t have a character, especially a sports one. But when two years ago I ran at the World Championships with six stitches on my leg, the doctors smiled nervously, knowing what kind of injury I had, and my rivals thought that I was just playing the fool: "If she runs, then she is all right!"

    - So, you are prone to rash acts?

    No. I'm a Capricorn. For me, first you need to put everything on the shelves, and then "commit". It seems to me that any woman can be reckless in only one thing - in love. Especially in youth. How we behaved: two workouts a day, hellish loading, and all the same - in the evening by the numbers. That would be all the girls to build and explain what's what. And then I also did not understand that no one needed it, especially for me personally. But how do you explain this to young people?!

    In her native St. Petersburg, the "queen of ice" Svetlana Zhurova is not often - competitions, training camps, flights. But breaks in the season, when you can afford the luxury of visiting the city on the Neva, still happen. So it happened this time too - after the next stage of the World Cup, Sveta came home for a few days.

    It was not difficult to arrange an interview with her. The only problem was time - after all, the athlete usually comes to the city for a short time, and therefore her schedule for communicating with the press is quite tight.

    Still, there were no surprises. Having found the right address in the latitudes of Enlightenment Avenue, easily finding the front door and apartment, I rang the doorbell. They opened it for me - and in front of me stood ...

    “I would like Svetlana,” I murmured in a strangled voice, moving away from the shock.

    Girl, why do you have such frightened eyes? the young man asked. - Yes, Svetlana is here. But she's on TV right now, so she'll have to wait. You are passing.

    While waiting for fellow journalists to “enjoy” the company of the “star” of speed skating, I carefully watched the young man, trying to understand if I was wrong in my guesses. But then he took the cat in his arms and said affectionately:

    - It's good that you have the same name as me.

    What is your name, Murzik? I asked. And then she explained. - Simply, cats are usually called Murziks.

    - No, his name is Tyoma, like me.

    Now there was no doubt, my visual memory did not fail me, in front of me was the famous tennis player Artyom Chernenko.

    Sveta, Tyoma and Artyom

    Having told Svetlana briefly everything that happened while she was filming for television, I asked: “Where is Artyom Chernenko from?”

    Here is "took" - Zhurova laughs. - We've been together since May. True, we met much earlier, about two years ago, but they began to meet only in the spring.

    - In the near future, should we expect your marital status to change?

    Now I am, as they say, an engaged girl. Artem made an offer, I gave a positive answer, it remains only to set the wedding day.

    - What time are you planning?

    We are going to build a house where we will live. The place has already been determined - it is in Yukki, there is a small village there, many famous and not very famous people live in it. The foundation of the house has been laid, it remains to be built. As soon as we build, we will immediately play a wedding.

    - Will there be any frills like a pool on the site?

    Aha! And a tennis court, and an ice track! All of you are kind! (Laughs.) Maximum - there will be a garden, but no vegetable garden. But the frills ... So Tyoma, on the proposal to make a tennis court, said categorically: "No!".

    - You are a skater, Artem is a tennis player. Have you tried playing tennis?

    No, I have nothing to do with tennis, but I have a relationship with Artem. He is my tennis. True, I won’t hide it, sometimes I torment him: “Come on, come on! Show me how to serve!” Once Tyoma taught for an hour ...

    - Success?

    None. In general, I have success in another area, in athletics. Sometimes I even joke about this - I’ll finish with skates, have a baby and start doing athletics. This is my love. Maybe I secretly regret somewhere that I did not devote myself to the "queen of sports".

    - You said: I will give birth to a child. Doesn't this mean that after the Olympics in Salt Lake City you will be done with big sports?

    Probably yes. I'm going to take the gold medal at the Games and leave the sport. Because I want a normal family, so that the child runs around the apartment. It's time. For a woman, salvation is in the family. In this regard, a woman is going through a retirement from big sport much easier than a man. Because there are more worries right away - children, husband ... Men most often have vodka in this regard. And I? I have not decided yet. You will need to complete graduate school, and television is calling.

    - By the way, I always thought that athletes who leave the city for a long time do not have animals. And you have a cat.

    It's just that Artemy Borisovich appeared with the cat. And the cat's name is also Tyoma. And so, we always had cats in our family. As a child, I never said: "Mom, buy a dog!". Always - "Cat to me!". Very often she brought it from the street, washed it and said that he would live with us. Then my sister and I went to school, my mother opened the door, the cat ran away. We returned: "Mom, where is the cat?". And she: "Oh, I don't know, I went for a walk!"

    Passions of the "Queen of Ice"

    As a child, Svetlana lived in Kirovsk, and therefore the choice of where to go was small: speed skating or rhythmic gymnastics. Having tried herself on the gymnastic platform, the girl, who was fond of figure skating almost from infancy, went to do what is "closer to the body" - skates ... But not figure skates. After all... there was no figure skating in Kirovsk. And the parents simply did not have the opportunity to take the child to distant Leningrad for training.

    - But you still spent a year on gymnastics. Why did they break up with her?

    I had sprains in both legs. And I was small and impressionable, I didn’t tell anyone about it. I just stopped going to training, I thought that I was terminally ill, and I couldn’t play sports at all. Then a skate coach came to our school, looked at me and said: "What a good girl! Let's skate!"

    The most "horse" country in the world is Holland. There, becoming a skater is the same as becoming a football player. And it is there that the ten-thousand-strong stadium for speed skating competitions easily gathers a full house. And in Holland there are traditional competitions of cities - the legendary 12-hour run along rivers and canals, in which up to 10,000 fans of this sport take part. The winner becomes a millionaire. Yes, this is not Russia.

    Compared to the average Russian, I live normally. But this "normal" will eventually end. After all, while I speak, I win, at least a little, but they pay. It's not much, but more than my girlfriends - teachers at school - get.

    - Some time ago, your photo with a bird appeared in one of the capital's magazines - a pretty good shot. Was there a desire to retrain from speed skating to a photo model?

    Snapshot? Yes I remember. It was a press conference before the Olympics in Nagano, at the Hunter's Lodge restaurant. It's full of stuffed animals. And the photographers asked the athletes to pose with different animals, and they offered me a bird. I say: come on, I'll kiss her. This is how this photo came about. And so, now I'm trying to "spawn" my page on the Internet, while I posted a lot of my pictures there, maybe I'll start writing something soon.

    What about Playboy?

    There was an interview with Yulia Chepalova (famous skier - ed.), she was offered fifty thousand dollars to star in this magazine, and she refused, said that her husband forbade it. I think Artemy Borisovich will also ban me, even for fifty thousand dollars. But it all depends on the frankness of the photos. Those pictures that are in the Russian "Playboy" are really beautiful, and for fifty thousand you can shoot for them.

    "Recklessness? If only in love!"

    A year ago, Zhurova had a professional contract with a Dutch skating club. However, this season of Light entirely "belongs" to Russia.

    There is a special attitude towards Russians abroad. They do not want to pay us a salary, they believe that we should consider it a blessing that we were simply called. On the other hand, you do not know for what purpose they invite you. Maybe they want you to stop performing. It will be more profitable for them to neutralize you for the sake of their own athletes. Therefore, I said: if you pay me, then I will come to you, but for nothing I can practice at home.

    - You once said that you lack the character to run longer distances than sprints ...

    And I always thought that I didn’t have a character, especially a sports one. But when two years ago I ran at the World Championships with six stitches on my leg, the doctors smiled nervously, knowing what kind of injury I had, and my rivals thought that I was just playing the fool: "If she runs, then she is all right!"

    - So, you are prone to rash acts?

    No. I'm a Capricorn. For me, first you need to put everything on the shelves, and then "commit". It seems to me that any woman can be reckless in only one thing - in love. Especially in youth. How we behaved: two workouts a day, hellish loading, and all the same - in the evening by the numbers. That would be all the girls to build and explain what's what. And then I also did not understand that no one needed it, especially for me personally. But how do you explain this to young people?!

    - Do you remember your first love?

    But how! Also a skater. Now he is studying at the Institute of President Nazarbayev, maybe one day he will become the head of Kazakhstan.

    - Does the feeling of first love differ from subsequent ones?

    In general, every love for me is getting better and better. But my biggest love is Artem.

    - Marlene Dietrich once said that strong women marry weak men...

    Personally, I need one like this (slams his fist on the back of the chair and laughs) ... But seriously, I think that in any case there should be harmony in relationships, nothing should annoy. If something is wrong, then it will someday result in a scandal. And in general, I believe that a strong woman, especially a Russian one, should not have a mumble man. For her, you need to bang your fist on the table, so much so that she "sits down and sits down."

    The name of Svetlana Zhurova is put on a par with the name of the famous compatriot Lydia Skoblikova. Break the record of the last in the number of titles Olympic champion, and Lydia has six of them, so far no one has succeeded in speed skating.


    Svetlana participated in 4 Olympics and took gold only once, but considering general position in this discipline, it is all the more valuable. It is clear why such a purposeful, bright and positive woman was chosen as the ambassador of the Olympic Games in Sochi, and, as the media wrote, “God himself ordered” to become a parliamentarian.

    Childhood and youth

    Svetlana Sergeevna Zhurova was born in the village of Pavlovo-on-Neva, Leningrad Region. Soon the family moved to Kirovsk, where school years Svetlana. From a young age, Zhurova showed great interest in sports, so her parents took the girl to the gymnastics section. But due to a sprain, Svetlana was forced to leave this sport. The girl did not want to quit sports altogether, so she soon enrolled in the speed skating section. Zhurova loved it figure skating, but in the Kirov sports school He was absent.


    Accustomed to giving all her best in all her undertakings, Svetlana soon achieved success. The first coach of the athlete, Yuri Novikov, noted the considerable achievements of the young skater and after 2 years of training, he was convinced that he had a very promising athlete who would be able to reach the heights in sports.

    And so it happened. Svetlana conquered her first peak at the age of 12. She managed to win the championship among her peers at a competition in Leningrad. The girl was immediately taken to the school of the Olympic reserve.


    After graduating from college, Zhurova wanted to get a medical education and tried her luck at the appropriate university, at the faculty of pediatrics, but did not pass the competition. At 21, the girl becomes a student of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture, from which she graduated with honors in 1999. The athlete got a job as an instructor at the State Sports Committee of the USSR. And already in next year purposeful Zhurova had a second diploma, having graduated from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (specialty - state regulation of the market economy).


    Sports biography of Svetlana Zhurova originates in 1988. This year, the athlete was accepted into the national team of Russia and the USSR. For the next 18 years, Zhurova has been the unchanging leader in speed skating. For many years she was one of the top three speed skaters in the world in sprint all-around.

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    Svetlana's perseverance and willpower become almost a legend. It is known that in 2003, a year after the birth of her son, she managed to return to her former sportswear and continued her brilliant ascent to the sports Olympus. Critics consider some of Zhurova's performances to be unique. For example, in 1996, Svetlana managed to win the World Cup with six barely healed scars on her leg.

    In 2006, the athlete becomes absolute champion in sprint all-around at the World Championships in Holland. And less than a month later, Svetlana Zhurova won the Olympics in Turin.

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    Svetlana Zhurova with Olympic champions Alexander Zubkov, Vyacheslav Fetisov and Evgeny Plushenko

    Since 1995, Zhurova worked as a junior inspector of the regime and security department in SIZO No. 4 Federal Service execution of sentences in the Leningrad region. At the competition, she spoke for the internal service of the Federal Penitentiary Service Russian Federation. In 2001, she rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel of the internal service.


    An active life position led the skater to public service. In March 2007, Svetlana Zhurova, who at that time had completed sports career, elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg from United Russia. Deputy Zhurova headed the permanent commission on culture, sports, physical culture and youth policy.

    In December 2007, Svetlana Sergeevna became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation. She is entrusted with the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.


    In the State Duma of the 6th convocation in 2012, Svetlana Zhurova went to the place vacated by the deputy. Since the summer of 2013, she has received the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs. In United Russia, from which the woman ran, she was elected a member of the Supreme Council of the party.

    Despite the serious "male" positions and duties, Svetlana Zhurova is one of the most open and pleasant officials in communication. She rarely refuses journalists who want to interview her, and often appears in various television projects. Zhurova could be seen in the programs “So far, everyone is at home”, “Success stories”, “Good jokes” and many others.

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    Svetlana Zhurova and Yulia Samoilova

    The name of Svetlana Sergeevna was on the sanctions list for her position on the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula to the Russian Federation. Since December 2014, a State Duma deputy cannot visit Canada, and since 2018 - Azerbaijan. In 2012, Svetlana Zhurova hosted a radio broadcast on Ekho Moskvy, acting as a sports writer.

    Personal life

    The personal life of Svetlana Zhurova cracked long before the official divorce from tennis player Artemy Chernenko. During the divorce proceedings in 2013, Svetlana, who initiated the separation, told the court that the relationship with Chernenko ended in 2012.

    Since then, the couple have not lived together. Since the parties did not present any property claims, the judge divorced the athlete from her husband in one meeting. In the marriage of Zhurova and Chernenko, two sons were born - Yaroslav and Ivan. The children stayed with their mother.

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    Svetlana Zhurova with her son and parents

    In 2015, the media started talking about Svetlana's romance with lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, the former common-law husband of actress Maria Shukshina and the father of her sons Foka and Foma. The man allegedly forced the former athlete to start a lawsuit with Artemy for a house and alimony in the amount of over 100 thousand rubles. monthly. The State Duma deputy abandoned her claims when she learned that the new Chernenko family was expecting a child, and then she completely stated that she did not know what was said in court. Zhurova decided that the father himself had the right to decide how much money to allocate for the maintenance of children.

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    Children of Svetlana Zhurova

    An unverified account is maintained on Instagram on behalf of Svetlana. A number of sites published photos of the skater not only in a swimsuit, but also in a very frank topless session for a glossy magazine. According to the champion, the sole purpose of these photo shoots was to show a beautiful muscular body in order to attract young people to go in for speed skating.

    Olympic champion, Russian public and political figure Svetlana Sergeevna Zhurova was born on January 7, 1972 in the village of Pavlovo-on-Neva, Kirov District, Leningrad Region.

    In 1999 she graduated with honors from the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture (now the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism) with the qualification "Master of Physical Education, teacher of higher education." In 2010 she graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, specialization - "state regulation of the market economy".

    Svetlana Zhurova started skating at the age of nine at the Kirov Children's and Youth Sports School under the guidance of coach-teacher Yuri Novikov.

    From 1988 to 2006, he was a member of the USSR/Russia national speed skating team.

    In 2006-2007, Svetlana Zhurova was the director for work with athletes and Olympic ambassadors of the Sochi-2014 Bid Committee.

    In parallel, from 1995 to 2007, Zhurova served in the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, and was an instructor in the vocational training department. In 2006 she received the rank of lieutenant colonel of the internal service. Service in the penitentiary system was suspended in connection with the exercise of parliamentary powers.

    In March 2007, Svetlana Zhurova was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, and served as chairman of the standing commission on youth affairs, culture, tourism, physical culture and sports.

    In March 2013, Zhurova moved from the Federation Council to the State Duma on the free mandate of the United Russia faction transferred to her. In the State Duma of the sixth convocation, since June 2013 she has been the first deputy chairman of the committee on international affairs.

    Zhurova is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Association of Sports Facilities.

    She was awarded the Order of Honor (2010), has the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (2007, 2008), departmental awards.

    Svetlana Zhurova was married to tennis player Artem Chernenko. Educates: Yaroslav (born in 2003) and Ivan (born in 2009).

    The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources