Incline bench press in the simulator while sitting. Press from the chest in the hammer - we form the pectoral muscles

Place the bench on the Smith machine so that the bar of the bar is in line with the top of your chest.
Set the slope of the bench at an angle of 30-40 degrees.
Spread your knees and plant your feet firmly on the floor. Press your back, shoulders and buttocks firmly against the bench.
Grab the bar with an overhand grip shoulder-width apart. In the starting position, the forearms are laid aside at an angle of 45 degrees to the body.
Inhale a little deeper than usual, hold your breath and begin to squeeze the bar up.
When you go through the most difficult part of the lift or at the moment of full extension of the arms, make a forced exhalation.
Straightening your arms, try to squeeze the weight even higher, raising your shoulders.
Pause briefly at the top and return to starting position. The speed is moderate, all movements are controlled.

Incline Press in the Smith machine, it powerfully loads the upper parts of the chest when you work with a slightly narrower grip than usual and set the bench at an angle of 30-40 degrees.

Ronnie places his hands on the bar a little wider than shoulder width apart, presses his back firmly against the bench, and does 12 - 15 reps with a relatively light weight, never lingering in one point.


  • Make sure that the angle of inclination is 30-40 degrees. A lower slope shifts the emphasis to the middle of the chest, a higher slope to the deltas.
  • Do not use a grip that is too wide: this prevents the maximum inclusion of the top of the pecs.
  • Always fully extend your arms in the top position! The more complete the extension, the more powerfully the working muscles contract.
  • Do not exhale until you reach the most difficult part of the lift. “Premature” exhalation weakens your position and leads to loss of stabilization, which can cause injury.
  • Don't take too much heavy weight. Excessive load involves the auxiliary muscle groups and forces the buttocks to tear off the bench. For the deltas to work effectively and safely, put your feet on the floor and press your back, shoulders and pelvis to the bench.
  • During the movement, do not strain the press much.
  • As you inhale and hold your breath, the erectors contract to keep your torso and spine in a stable position. A strong contraction of the abs weakens the rectus muscles and causes the shoulders to “round out”.
  • Do the exercise at a moderate pace. Too slow and too fast movements equally overload the joints.
  • The main advantage of the incline press is that it allows you to “highlight” the upper parts of the chest as much as possible.
  • If you want to gain serious volume, always achieve maximum stretch. From the bottom point, I squeeze the barbell up to 99 percent extension of the arms, keeping a constant tension on the chest.
  • I never do "partial" repetitions: they do not give a full contraction, which means they inhibit growth.
  • I like to work with a slightly wider than shoulder grip. But I put my feet exactly shoulder-width apart - for reliable stabilization. » The angle of the bench I set at 40 degrees. When the inclination is more than, say, 45 degrees, it is difficult to achieve a touch of the chest at the bottom point, and the top of the chest is not loaded to the maximum.
  • During the movement, I make sure that the back does not come off the bench - sometimes I even specifically “press” it into the bench. Never arch your back when doing an incline press - this can lead to injury.
  • I work with a relatively light weight that allows you to do 12-15 repetitions - this gives a great “pump”. In addition, the incline press is not my first exercise in the “chest” workout, so there is no need for large weights.
  • It usually takes me 3-4 seconds to repeat. In the first phase of the ascent, the movement is explosive, then I move to a moderate, controlled pace. I never stop at the top.
  • With the incline bench press, I do without a peak contraction, and I do not strain the chest additionally at the top point. In my opinion, this exercise is already quite difficult: it does not need additional “gadgets” to increase the intensity.
  • In the chest complex, the incline bench press in the Smith machine is my third in a row, so I don’t do warm-up sets, but start right away with the “workers”.
  • I “bomb” the chest twice a week according to different schemes: in one version I do the first two exercises with a barbell, in the other with dumbbells.
  • I start working out the chest with a bench press on horizontal bench, then do any of inclined options bench press, then the incline bench press in the Smith machine, and I finish the workout with lying dilutions or crossovers on the blocks. I chest bomb on the first day of my 3-day split.


The main load in this exercise rests on top of the pectoralis major muscles. In addition, the supraspinatus muscle, located between the collarbone and the upper edge of the scapula, the anterior and middle deltas, are involved in the movement, and the triceps are included in the last phase of the extension of the arms.


By the effort of the muscles, the arms move along a trajectory diagonal to the body - speaking in anatomical terms> yari, this leads to abduction and flexion in the shoulder joints.

Squeezing out less than the best that you are capable of - you sacrifice your muscles.

Brief description of the simulator

The pectoral muscle simulator, to which I would like to devote this article, is designed to simulate a dumbbell bench press on an incline bench. It allows you to work with more weight than you normally would with dumbbell presses and therefore provide more stress to the target muscle group. Another advantage of the simulator is that when used correctly, you can reduce the load on the shoulder joints.

In the simulator, you can adjust the height of the handles, which allows you to adapt to arms of any length. The height of the seat is also adjustable - you need to choose it so that the handles are approximately at the level of your shoulders.

Some people believe that the lower we lower the weight, the more the pectoral muscles will be “loaded”. In fact, this is not the case - excessive lowering of the weight will cause the load to be transferred from the pectoral muscles to the shoulder joints, which is highly undesirable, as it increases the risk of injury. Lowering the weight too low also increases the risk of injury to the pectoral muscle itself, so it is not recommended to lower your arms below the level at which your shoulders will be parallel to the ground (that is, in the lowest position, your arms should be bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees) .

Despite the fact that the simulator allows you to work without the help of a partner, when using large weights, help is very desirable. It may be required both when “breaking” the weight and bringing it to its original position (at the very beginning your hands are in the final - lower position), and when the projectile returns to the racks - in order to avoid overstrain in the shoulder joints and prevent excessive stretching of the chest muscles.

Ideal for the technique of Yuri Spasokukotsky

The simulator is an almost ideal solution for training the pectoral muscles according to my method: firstly, it allows you to achieve an extremely targeted load, and secondly, it reduces the risk of injury. Of course, when used correctly!

Newcomers to strength training it is recommended to select a weight with which they can perform approximately 15 repetitions; Three sets are enough to get you started. More experienced athletes may be advised to work in the 5-8 rep range; the first two sets should be warm-up - with a gradual increase in weight, another 2-3 - workers with full load. Rest between sets should be at least 2-3 minutes so that you can fully recover for work with more weight. If you are preparing for a competition, then the number of repetitions in the set can be increased, and the rest between sets can be reduced.

Exercise technique:

1. Sit in the machine and go to the starting position, with the help of a partner or a special pedal to facilitate the weight transfer to the top position.
2. Inhaling air and slowly lower the weight down until your elbows are bent at an angle of exactly 90 degrees.
3. After exhaling, simultaneously press the weight up with a powerful and quick effort.
4. Make sure that the head and the shoulder blades brought together rest against the bench.

Video - Bench press in a lever simulator for pectoral muscles with a weight of 200 kilograms. December 2008

Bench press champion, master of sports in powerlifting Anatoly Baklazhko evaluates the “inclined bench press” simulator designed by his friend Yuri Spasokukotsky.
According to experienced Anatoly, the design is more successful than the "Hammer" version. Comfort in the area shoulder joints plus the feeling of the strongest “pumping” of the upper chest!

How to pump up legs? How to pump up your arms? How to pump up the buttocks?

In order to properly perform this exercise, you need to properly position yourself on an incline bench. The angle of the bench is either fixed or must be 45 to 60 degrees, but no more. Since if the angle of inclination is too large, then there will be a large load on the anterior deltoid muscles, which is not at all necessary for this type of exercise. Video 1: 160 kg

1. You need to sit down so that the upper part of the chest protrudes above the rest of the chest.

2. The feet should be firmly pressed to the floor, and not come off during the exercise.

3. The grip can be taken the same as when doing a barbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench, this is about 70-80 cm. Video 2: in the Smith machine

4. When lowering the bar, inhale; when lowering the bar, exhale.

5. When performing this bench press while lying on an incline bench, you need to lower the bar so that the point of contact falls on the upper chest, since this exercise pumps it.

It is very often difficult to lower the bar in the same place, and even along the same trajectory. Therefore, if possible, do an incline bench press in Smith. This simulator ensures the movement of the bar strictly vertically along the guides, and therefore no oscillatory movements will occur. Video 3: Technique

6. The shoulder blades must be brought together, otherwise the back will be rounded and pulled away from the incline bench. This may result in injury. Often in the gym you can observe such a picture when an extra heavy weight is taken for a person, and in order to lift the barbell, the one who performs the exercise rounds his back in this way. This cannot be done. In general, for good, you need to wear a belt for your back to prevent injury.

7. The head should also be pressed against the incline bench. Video 4:

The number of repetitions for the incline press is about the same as for the rest of the exercises - 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps if you are working on the mass. For a clearer understanding of the technique of performing the exercise, study video 5 -

Let's fix it again - there should not be any wriggling of the body, separation of the back and head from the bench! If possible, perform a bench press in a Smith machine. Otherwise, the result of such an exercise is at least reduced to zero, and as a maximum, you can earn an injury. No need to chase after a lot of weight, having seen enough of other athletes in your gym. You should always select the optimal weight that will allow you to perform this bench press efficiently, and not only. In addition, use dumbbells instead of a barbell and perform an incline dumbbell press, the technique remains the same.

What does the incline bench press do?

One variation on this barbell exercise is the Smith machine incline press. The main purpose of this bench is to develop upper parts chest. But besides this, muscles such as: triceps shoulder, ulna, anterior deltoid muscle, and of course the big one pectoral muscle.

Triceps brachii or triceps consists of three beams, long, middle and side. And speaking quite correctly, then it consists of three heads - long, lateral and medial. The long head originates from the subarticular tubercle of the scapula; the lateral head: from rear surface shoulder; medial head: from the back surface humerus, intermuscular septa. In order for this muscle to be well developed and help you in this bench press, you need to perform french bench pressbecause. This is an isolated arm exercise, specifically for the triceps.

Main function- Due to the long head, the arm moves back and brings the arm to the body. The entire muscle takes part in the extension of the forearm.

pectoralis major muscle lies superficially, covers most of chest. Lowers the raised arm, pulls it forward, simultaneously rotates the key bone inward, with a fixed upper limb raises the ribs. And it is its upper part that works when performing an inclined bench press

Deltoid - superficial muscle shoulder, forming its outer contour. The anterior bundles are involved in the lateral abduction of the arm during external rotation of the shoulder.

Incline Bench Press Benefits

This exercise is designed to develop the lower chest and is performed on a bench with a reverse slope. In order to properly perform such a bench press, it is necessary to lie on the bench in such a way that after the hands with the barbell go down, they fall on the lower part of the chest.

Many gyms have a Smith machine, but not all athletes use this machine, considering it to be ineffective compared to free weight exercises. Let's figure out how to do the bench press while sitting in Smith's car, and what advantages this simulator has.

Smith machine

The design of the Smith simulator (or machine) allows you to perform exercises with only a limited amplitude. Amplitude regulators are special limiters. The essence of the work of the simulator is to provide the athlete with the stability of weights during the performance of a particular exercise. The same limiters perform a safety role - they replace the second person, who, as a rule, monitors your safety during the training process.

Video: The design and functionality of the Smith machine

The main purpose of such a simulator is to perform bench presses in a sitting, lying or standing position, squats and other exercises. The Smith machine allows you to strengthen big muscles and entire muscle groups.

Bench press options in the Smith machine

Your position on the bench in the Smith machine affects which muscles will be pumped during the exercise.

Seated press (classic version) - we work out the shoulders and chest muscles

This kind of bench press allows you to work out your shoulders.

Before proceeding with the bench press in a sitting position, it is necessary to adjust the back of the bench - it should be in an inclination of 80 to 85 degrees (almost vertical angle). The edge of the back should be located approximately under the bar of the bar.

  1. Starting position - sit on the bench so that the neck is located in front of you. Feet firmly on the floor, pelvis and back rest against the back of the bench. Grab the bar straight wide grip(army), elbows look to the sides. We turn the neck in order to remove it from the hooks, and lower it to about the level of the chin.
  2. On exhalation, with shoulder muscles, we squeeze the weight above ourselves, but do not straighten our arms to the end.
  3. On inspiration, we return to the starting position.
  4. We continue to perform bench presses in the Smith machine until the end of the approach.

Beginners are advised to do 8 reps for each of 3 sets. If this is not your first time doing this exercise, you should do 10 reps for 4 sets. Well, for more experienced athletes, 12 repetitions and 4-5 approaches are desirable.

Video: Performing the classic version of the bench press in the Smith machine (lifting the barbell up with a narrow and army grip)

Incline bench press on a bench in the Smith machine

This version of the bench press is performed on an inclined bench at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees. With an incline press, muscle development upper chest area.

  1. Starting position - sit down incline bench so that the bar of the bar is above top chest. The feet are firmly planted on a horizontal surface. We put our head on the back of the bench, we reduce the shoulder blades. We take the neck with a direct wide grip, remove the barbell from the hooks.
  2. While inhaling, gradually lower the barbell until it touches the upper chest.
  3. As you exhale, squeeze it out, but do not straighten your arms to the end.
  4. We return to the starting position.
  5. We continue to perform the bench press until the end of the approach.

Video: Inclined bench press in the Smith machine

Reverse Seated Press

The main load when performing such an exercise falls on the front delta, the secondary one - on the triceps. It is very important to grasp the barbell with a closed grip - when thumb as if closes the grip, it is not recommended to use narrow grip to avoid dropping the neck on your face. The gymnastic bench should be set at an angle of 80 degrees.

  1. Starting position - we sit on a bench, rest against the back with our backs and lower backs, feet stand firmly on a horizontal surface. We take the neck with a direct closed grip, remove it from the hooks.
  2. As you exhale, squeeze the barbell up, but do not straighten your arms to the end.
  3. While inhaling, lower the barbell until it touches the lower part of the collarbone. Elbows should move forward a little.
  4. We continue the exercise until the end of the approach.

The number of repetitions and approaches varies from 10 to 15 and from 3 to 5, respectively, depending on the degree of your physical fitness.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Smith machine

Like any other simulator, the Smith machine has its pros and cons. Let's start with the positives:

  • The simulator is suitable for beginner athletes who are uncertain in their exercises and can easily get injured.
  • During training, the main muscle groups work in the Smith machine, and additional, or secondary ones, are turned off for the period of performing one or another exercise.
  • It becomes possible to perform exercises without an assistant, who most often insures on any other simulators.
  • The Smith machine allows you to well stimulate muscle growth.

Among the disadvantages of this simulator are the following:

  • Considering the second plus of the simulator, you can also find a negative side in it, because with the stable development of large muscles, you can observe the lag of additional ones, which is quite difficult to change in the future. Therefore, it is important to simultaneously conduct training on secondary muscles.
  • Once accustomed to working in a Smith machine, an athlete can unlearn how to perform the same exercises with free weights, and this is fraught with injury.

The correct approach to using the Smith machine will allow you to develop large muscle groups and build muscle mass keeping in mind your health.