Names for relaxation in kindergarten. Ways of relaxation with children in kindergarten

RELAXATION in the classroom

Purpose of relaxation:performance relaxation exercises promotes calm, the child becomes balanced, and also allows the child to rest after muscular and mental activity. As a result, the child controls himself better, controls his destructive emotions and actions. Relaxation exercises allow the child to master the skills of self-regulation and maintain a more even emotional state.

Relaxation exercise "Let's warm our hands"

Relay baton in hand. Connect the palms and roll the stick. This exercise provides positive impact to internal organs.

Relaxation exercise "Goldfish"

Move: The first option - the child lies on his stomach, the second option - on his back. Arms are straightened, stretched up. The player performs synchronous movements with his legs and arms - as if he is swimming.

Relaxation exercise "Asterisk"

Goals: muscle relaxation; development of general motor skills, spatial orientation.

Additional material for the lesson: stars cut out of paper.

Appeal of an adult to a child: “Look at the sky. There are a lot of stars in the sky. Imagine that you are also a star and you need to make friends with other stars in order to play with them. (The adult places the figures of stars at a distance so that the child can reach them with his left / right hand/ foot, making a certain effort.) Reach for the star with your right / left hand / foot, without changing the position of the body.

Relaxation exercise "Journey"

Goals: improvement of emotional state; development of voluntary attention and imagination; development of vocabulary and oral speech, the ability to listen to one's feelings; strengthening the ability to convey their feelings and sensations in a coherent speech.

Conditions for the lesson: the child sits on a baby pillow with granules

Appeal of an adult to a child: “There is a sky with stars in front of you. One of the stars invites you to visit her in heaven. Imagine that you are sitting on this star. Feel how comfortable you are on it. An asterisk slowly rises into the sky, the wind blows over your face and hair. Breathe easily and deeply. You like to fly and look at the stars: big and small, bright and twinkling, white and yellow, blue and orange. But soon the morning will come, and the star will take you home. Say "thank you" to the star for the trip, wave her hand. Now stretch and straighten up. Tell me what you imagined during your journey on the star. What feelings and sensations did you experience? What magical or miraculous thing happened to you?

Relaxation exercise "Rays of the Sun"

Goals: creation of psychological comfort, positive emotional state; reducing the level of anxiety.

Conditions for classes: the child lies on a soft floor covering.

Appeal of an adult to a child: “Imagine that you are lying on soft warm sand. You are also warm from the sand. The rays of the sun stroke your face, neck, arms, legs. Arms rest, legs rest. Breathe easily and deeply. The rays of the sun glide over the skin. You are very pleased. But it's time to get up, stretch and smile.

Relaxation "Orange (or lemon)"

Stroke: Children lie on their backs, head slightly to one side, arms and legs slightly apart. Ask the children to imagine that an orange has been rolled up to their right hand, have them take the orange in their hand and start squeezing juice out of it (the hand should be clenched into a fist and very tense for 8-10 seconds). “Unclench the fist, roll the orange (some children imagine that they have squeezed the juice), the handle is warm ... soft ... resting ...). Then the orange was rolled up to the left hand. And the same procedure is performed with the left hand. It is advisable to do the exercise 2 times (while changing fruits).

Relaxation "Flower"

Stroke: Stretch up, raising your arms and tensing the muscles of the whole body, depicting how "the flower grows and reaches for the sun." Then successively drop the hands, depicting that “the sun hid and the flower head drooped”, relax the forearms, bending the arms at the elbows - “the stalk broke”, and, relieving tension from the muscles of the back, neck and upper shoulder girdle, passively lean forward, bending your knees - "the flower withered."

Relaxation "Icicle"

Move: From the “squatting” position, slowly rise up, imagining that the icicle is “growing”, raise your hands up and, standing on your toes, try to stretch as much as possible, straining your whole body - the icicle has “grown”. After the speech therapist’s command: “The sun warmed up and the icicle began to melt,” slowly lower your hands, relaxing your whole body, go down, sit on the floor, and then lie down, completely relaxed, “the icicle melted and turned into a puddle.” Pay attention to the pleasant feeling of relaxation.

Stressful situations that arise at work and in the family often lead a person to a bad mood and overstrain. This condition often results in depression. In order to avoid such a situation, psychologists advise learning to relax. It is recommended to use various means of meditation and relaxation. With adults, everything is clear. And what to do if a small child is overexcited and overstressed, who finds it difficult to calm down after active communication and games?

One of the problems of childhood

The nervous system of a child is very far from perfect. This is especially true for children under three years of age. It is difficult for children of this age to exercise control over the processes of inhibition and excitation. nervous system. This can explain restless infant sleep, as well as problems with calming down after active games. First of all, this applies to easily excitable children.

Maintaining the correct daily routine

Exist various ways to calm an excitable child. One of them is the organization of the mode of wakefulness and sleep. Active children can sometimes be difficult to get to bed on a set schedule. In such a situation, it is important to create conditions for a certain daily rhythm for the baby. It is important to carry out all meals, as well as walks, at the same hours. In addition, during the period that precedes the rest, there should not be active classes. Only then will the child get used to a certain regimen.

Physical education and massage

Everyone knows about the benefits of these two components. However, apply to Everyday life massage and physical education are often lazy or simply forgotten. Sport is especially important in raising an active child. Thanks to physical culture the baby is developing intellectually. Sport educates a person in him. For small children, alternation of physical and intellectual exercises or their harmonious combination is very useful.

Relaxing massage is also important for the child. Knowing the technique of such manipulations, with the impact on certain points, you can control the emotional state of the baby in a certain way. Especially miraculous power has a massage of the stacks. They should be kneaded with little effort and “draw” eights on them. The main thing is to find the moment when the child will lie, and not try to run away in search of some activity.


Smells are very powerful. Some of them are able to inspire, others, on the contrary, upset. Aromas affect the sense of smell of a child in the same way as on the body of an adult. However, not all soothing substances are suitable for a little man. In children's practice, chamomile, sage and roses are also used. However, caution is required when using them. So, you should not apply undiluted oils directly to the skin of a child, especially if he is not yet three years old. The most harmless way to use such products are aroma lamps.


The workload of modern preschoolers is sometimes amazing. They attend kindergarten, various circles and sport sections. receiving a large number of information, children get tired both physically and emotionally. At the same time, they need to be in time everywhere. The loads that a child's body experiences negatively affect his health. That is why exercises for this are used in working with preschoolers?

Relaxation came to us from abroad. In the 30-40s of the last century, the technique of muscle relaxation was developed and applied by the psychologist from America E. Jacobson, as well as the neuropathologist from Germany I. Schultz. This technique is based on the fact that science has long proven that there is a certain relationship between our body and mind. It is known that in a stressful state, a person's muscle tone increases. There is also feedback. The removal of mental stress is possible with a decrease muscle tone. This is relaxation. It is both involuntary and voluntary. The second type of relaxation is possible when performing certain exercises.

The meaning of relaxation

What is relaxation for children? This is the most The best way relieving tension (nervous, physical and mental), as well as relaxation, which allows you to eliminate the irritation factor.

Very useful relaxation for children. After doing special exercises the child becomes calm and balanced. He becomes more aware of his feelings. play a big role for children. Toddlers begin to control their own actions and emotions, and also master their feelings. Relaxation allows the little man to concentrate and relieve excitement.

Muscle relaxation exercises are carried out by psychologists working with children. Such classes are part of a wellness course. But at the same time, simple game relaxation for children can be used by educators or parents. Relaxation in this case is caused by special playing tricks, each of which, as a rule, has a figurative name (this can captivate children). Kids perform relaxation exercises, not only copying the movements of the teacher. Children are reincarnated and enter the image given to them. New games are able to interest the child, which allows him to relax well. The effect of the lesson is noticeable immediately by a calm facial expression, rhythmic and even breathing, etc.

Relaxation for children preschool age extremely important. Daily Exercise, included in the daily routine, allow you to achieve a more calm and balanced state. Increased irritability and anger, excessive anxiety and fears, as well as tension are eliminated in children.

The principle of muscle relaxation

What is E. Jacobson's method based on? The principle of this relaxation is quite simple. It is based on the ability of muscles to relax after strong tension. Such relaxation for preschool children is available in the simplest form of play. Exercises involve alternating tension of various muscle groups. At the same time, relaxation of the whole body is very effectively achieved, which has a beneficial effect on the body.

Many sets of exercises have been developed with the help of which relaxation is carried out. You can relax the muscles of the face and shoulder girdle, body and neck. As a rule, they take one or two exercises from a certain block. It takes five to seven minutes to complete the entire complex.

Relaxation exercises

In order to emotionally defuse the child, offer him various games. Below you can find a description of some of them.

We got together for a walk. Hurry, don't fall behind!

Everyone ran a little, our legs got tired.

We'll sit for a while, but then we'll see.

The texts used for relaxation should help the baby create the necessary image, which will allow him to relax most effectively.

Application of special equipment

From the early age every child is familiar with the ball. This item serves him for games and entertainment. Currently, manufacturers offer a fairly wide selection of balls, various in quality, size and color. Relatively recently, a new offer appeared on the consumer market - a fitball, the diameter of which can be from 45 to 70 centimeters. With its help, relaxation is carried out for preschool children. With a fitball, kids begin to practice from the age of four or five. In this case, programs that produce a healing effect can be used. The main purpose of the exercises performed is:

  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • improvement of the motor function of the joints;
  • creation of a strong muscular corset.

All this, in turn, allows you to develop the emotional-volitional and intellectual sphere of the child. In the applied set of exercises, there may be those that contribute to relaxation and relaxation. For example, a child sits on the side of the ball, hugs it with his left or right hand and puts his head on it. This position should be fixed for ten to fifteen seconds.

Relaxation for preschool children can also be performed with the help of alternating muscle tension and relaxation. The child should sit on the floor, pressing as much as possible, as well as clasping the ball with his arms and legs. This position must be maintained for eight to ten seconds. Then the child should relax.

Relaxation and music

Currently, the number of children with various forms of psycho-emotional disorders has significantly increased. The reason for this is the limitation of the social circle of preschoolers and their concentration on computers and televisions. Invaluable assistance in raising a child and improving it mental health music provides. Even ancient healers noted its ability to heal a person from various ailments. For example, the sounds of the violin cheer up, the flute can help with coughing, and the melodies of the viola eliminate neuroses.

Music has a truly fantastic ability to regulate the psycho-emotional state of the child. It helps to overcome feelings of discomfort, expressed by fear, insecurity, confusion and fear. The music of nature also contributes to this. Relaxation is achieved by listening to the rustle of leaves and the singing of birds, the sound of rain and the murmur of a stream. These sounds relieve the baby from worries and fears. They give him confidence and good mood. Experts recommend combining calm melodies and sounds of nature. Relaxation is the most effective.

Relax before bed

Little children love to listen to fairy tales. Parents often read them before bed. However, this does not always help to quickly put the child to bed. The kid begins to make assumptions and ask a lot of questions. In order to prevent this from happening, special relaxing tales are needed. Relaxation for preschool children before going to bed is carried out with them. These stories don't make any sense. Their plot is quite simple and very understandable for a child. A fairy-tale character in such stories should always want to sleep and fall asleep soundly at the end. The voice of the narrator is monotonous and smooth. It soothes and relaxes the baby. He disconnects from the environment and falls asleep.

Coming up with a relaxation fairy tale is not at all difficult. You just need to follow some rules:

  • the child should know the main character of the fairy tale well and love him;
  • the text of the story is composed using simple sentences;
  • repetition of words is important, contributing to peace and relaxation;
  • at the end of the tale, the main character must fall asleep;
  • The speaker's voice must be quiet.

If the same relaxation tale is told many times, then the child will develop a conditioned reflex that allows him to quickly and calmly fall asleep. Much more effective relaxation will come to a soothing melody, as well as to the sounds of nature.

Olesya Burova
The use of relaxation in work with pupils of preschool educational institutions

Target: Preserving the physical and psychological health of preschoolers.


Education educators self-relaxation techniques.

Psychomuscular training.

Training the ability to regulate their behavioral responses.

The development of imagination, figurative thinking.

Removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Calming and organizing excited children (memos).

Creating a positive mood background.

Part 1 Introduction. Theory: "What's happened relaxation. Kinds relaxation»

With the modern rhythm of life, it is very important to be able to relax.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible for us to avoid a lot of everyday stresses.

At the same time, not everyone knows how to recover, relax and cope with piled stresses on their own.

Let's talk about what is relaxation.

Relaxation is, first of all, relaxation, that is, the process opposite to being in a state of stress.

the main task relaxation- stress relief or in other words nervous tension.

During stress, the human body produces stress hormones that mobilize the forces of our body, and allow us to better cope with the task before us.

But these hormones are good only at first.

If a person does not get rid of them in a timely manner, they will begin to suppress the immune system.

The person begins to catch cold often, "wake up" chronic diseases.

In order not to bring yourself to illness, it is necessary to conduct sessions every day. relaxation.

Relaxation does not have side effects, it can relax in just half a minute, does not cause addiction, which is why it is much better than alcohol and various drugs.

Experts are convinced that learning to control your body means learning to control your emotions.

Relaxation can improve the state of the human hormonal background.

methods relaxation designed set, many of them used since antiquity.

The most ancient methods relaxation- admiring the flames and water. In order to calmly relax at sunset by the surf, go to the sea, but with flames it is much easier - just install a fireplace in the house.

There are several types relaxation: active and passive relaxation.



“Lemon.” "Snow Woman"


Anti-stress technique "Verbal still life"

Name. Anti-stress technique "Verbal still life"


The technique is aimed at restoring self-control in a stressful situation. A small story is written on paper - "verbal still life".

Qualities. self control

Everything is simple. You just need to take a sheet of paper (open a notepad or diary on a blank page, create a new text file on your computer) and write ONE sentence. This sentence describes something small, everyday - in a word, still life.

Why one offer? This is really important. When "thoughts are confused", this primarily leads to the fact that a person's inner speech is reduced to short, poorly connected short sentences. By compiling a long, detailed sentence, you will prove to yourself that you can still think tenaciously, competently, thoughtfully.

Still life should not be present human: neither you, nor relatives, nor acquaintances. Don't even start still life words: "I see.", "It seems to me." Still life should be purely DESCRIPTIVE.

For interest, you can count the number of words in the resulting sentences, trying to increase them each time.

Relaxation technique "Blue things"

Name. Relaxation technique "Blue things"


Technique helps to relax, come to a state of balance.

Qualities. Equilibrium

Content. Close your eyes and try to remember in turn the different blue things that you had to deal with in life: blue notebook cover, blue car, blue sky, blue dress. Try not to imagine "blue cover at all", "blue car at all", "blue sky at all". Everything should be specific: "I had such a notebook in the tenth grade", "My friend has such a car."

Blue color relaxes, leads to a state of balance, adjusts to reflection. Remembering 20-30 different blue things, you will notice a change in your state.

Exercise "Rose Bush"

Color meditation.

One of the methods of treatment with color is color meditation. It relieves stress, allows you to forget about problems and troubles, to establish a connection with your inner essence. The state of meditation is both concentration and a relaxed mental state at the same time.

White ball energy

It is very important that the conditions for the first attempts at color meditation be the most favorable. In the future, it won't matter so much. So, you need to choose a quiet, secluded place. You can meditate with quiet music, and in complete silence - as you like. For a special mood, you can light a candle or an aromatic smoking candle.

Healing blue.

It causes a feeling of freshness, promotes vasoconstriction, soothes pain, suppresses inflammation, has an antiseptic effect. Blue color helps with nervous disorders, fatigue and insomnia.

healing yellow

Yellow color cleanses the digestive organs, skin, reduces acidity, helps to remove bile, and restores the level of minerals. It stimulates intellectual abilities.

healing green

This color is refreshing and soothing. It stimulates work of the pituitary gland, strengthens muscles and tissues, has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

healing red

This color helps muscle relaxation, release of heat, stimulates sexual activity. He governs liver and kidney function, circulatory organs, increases the content of hemoglobin in the blood.

healing orange

It increases the vitality of the whole organism, normalizes work spleen and pancreas. Orange color has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, and when bronchial asthma it is useful to combine color meditation with rhythmic gymnastics.

Healing purple

With insomnia, migraine, depression, purple will help you. It will reduce the temperature, reduce pain, help better

Setting for meditation - I am recovering and changing!

endure the hectic pace of life.

2 PART. The use of exercises for relaxation in working with children.

Modern preschoolers are sometimes loaded no less than adults. Visiting a kindergarten, various clubs and sports sections, they get a lot of information, get tired physically and emotionally. After all, you need to be in time everywhere!

Such loads adversely affect the health of children. That is why it is so important in work with preschoolers to use exercises on relaxation.

Active lifestyle, frequent stress in the family and on work often lead to overstrain, bad mood, and as a result - to depression. You need to learn how to relax and use the means relaxation and meditation to combat "overload". But what to do if Small child overstressed, overexcited and difficult to calm down after active games and communication? How to defeat children's hyperexcitability?

For some reason, it is believed that the methods relaxation and meditations are shown only to adults. In fact, this is not entirely true. Yes, frankly, it is difficult to explain to a three-year-old child what meditation is. That's why, relaxation preschool children require a special look and approach. The main thing is to use it correctly and skillfully.

The nervous system of a preschool child is far from perfect. It is difficult for children to control the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system. This explains restless sleep or problems with falling asleep after active games.

For the formation of emotional stability of the child, it is important to teach him to control his body. In the process of development, education and learning, children receive a huge amount of information that they need to learn.

Muscle relaxation exercises faces:

"Naughty cheeks".

Muscle relaxation exercises hands:



Muscle relaxation exercises legs:



Relaxation exercises for everything organism:

"Snow Woman"


"Summer day".

"Slow motion".


Children really like doing such exercises, because they have an element of the game. They quickly learn this difficult ability to relax.

Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked.

Relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, vigor, freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Such a systemic Job allows the child's body to relieve excess stress and restore balance, thereby maintaining health.

4. DRAWING TO MUSIC ... Teachers draw involuntary lines to calm music with their eyes closed. Then join them in a circle (symbol of harmony) and find any objects in blots, coloring them with colored pencils.

5. EVERYTHING YOU ARE GREAT ... The participant is invited to tell about himself some unpleasant incident from childhood, and the rest find the positive features of his actions and They say: "Still, you're great!"

6. GYPSY FORTUNE… As the final stage of my speech, I chose the entourage of the gypsy atmosphere. She dressed up as a gypsy and told fortunes to all participants on the cards. Fortune-telling closely borders on the main topic of the seminar - RELAXATION.

7. Ritual of farewell. Everyone stood in a circle, joined hands, and in a circle each next participant is invited to wish something good, sincere, kind.

On this, dear colleagues, my speech comes to its logical conclusion! I wish you all happiness, good luck in your difficult field and in life in general. Learn to relax, rest! All the best to you!