Olympic sports. Dates of the competitions at the Olympic Games in Japan

More recently, the schedule for the 2020 Olympics has been officially announced. What disciplines will the games open, and who will be the first champion of the 2020 Olympics?

Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

Back in 2013, Japan won the vote to host the 2020 Olympics. Tokyo by a small margin bypassed:

  • Stambud;
  • Madrid;
  • Buenos Aires.

For the capital of Japan, these games will be the second in history. Tokyo hosted its first Olympiad back in 1964.

Schedule of the Olympiad 2020

2020 Olympic Games kick off July 22 and will run until August 9 inclusive. The Japanese promise to amaze the whole world with the scale of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympiad. The 2020 Olympics schedule is as follows:

Kind of sport Discipline July August
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Water sports swimming TO M M M M M M M M
diving M M M M TO TO M TO M TO M TO M
thin swimming TO TO M TO M
marathon swimming M M
Archery - TO M M M TO TO TO M M
Athletics marathon M M M M M M M M M M
racing walk M M M
Badminton - TO TO TO TO TO TO M M M M
Baseball and Softball baseball TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO M
softball TO TO TO TO TO M
Basketball 3x3 basketball TO TO TO TO M
Canoe slalom TO M M TO M M
sprint TO M TO M TO M
Biking BMX freestyle TO M
bmx racing TO M
Mountain bike M M
road M M M
track M M M M M M M
Horseback Riding dressage TO TO M M
triathlon TO TO TO TO M
show jumping TO M TO M
Fencing - M M M M M M M M M
Gymnastics artistic TO TO M M M M M M M
sports TO M M
trampoline M M
Judo - M M M M M M M M
Karate - M M M
Modern pentathlon - TO M M
Rowing - TO TO TO TO M M M M
Rugby - TO TO M TO TO M
Sailing - TO TO TO TO TO TO M M M M M
Shooting rifle and pistol M M M TO M M TO M
shotgun TO M TO M M
skateboarding a park M M
Street M M
sport climbing - TO TO M M
Surfing - TO TO TO M ? ? ? ?
Table tennis - TO TO M TO TO M M TO TO TO TO M M
taekwondo - M M M M
Tennis - TO TO TO TO TO TO M M M
Triathlon - M M M
Volleyball Beach volleyball TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO M M
Weight-lifting - M M M M M M M M M
Struggle freestyle, Greco-Roman TO M M M M M M

M - medal standings, K - qualification, ? — depending on weather conditions. The schedule of the 2020 Olympiad has been officially approved by the IOC.

Solemn the opening ceremony The Tokyo Olympics will be held on July 24th. Closing of the Olympiad - August 9, 2020.

New sports at the Tokyo Olympics

In 2020, the International Olympic Committee will introduce several new disciplines to the program. You can get acquainted with all of them on our website.

First Olympic champion of 2020

First sets Olympic gold in Tokyo will be played on July 25 among athletes involved in:

  • archery;
  • cycling;
  • fencing;
  • judo;
  • shooting;
  • taekwondo;
  • weightlifting.

It is possible that among the first winners will include our compatriots.

Three of the five sports that can replenish the Olympic program in five years do not promise Russian athletes nothing good.

The Organizing Committee of the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games has proposed to the International Olympic Committee to include several new sports in the competition program: baseball and softball, karate, skateboarding, rock climbing and surfing. The final decision on this issue will be made in Rio de Janeiro at the IOC session in August 2016. "SE" tried to figure out what chances Russian athletes have in these sports.

ROCK CLIMBING. In case of entering the program of the Games in Tokyo, two sets of medals will be played - men's and women's. In which of the disciplines the competition will take place - bouldering, speed or difficulty - is not yet known. It is possible that the starts will be organized in the all-around format. Of the five potential Olympic recruits, rock climbing is the most promising sport for Russia.

Very little is known about Olympic climbing. Photo REUTERS

For the last eight years, our team has been the strongest in the world, - says Dmitry Bychkov, president of the Russian Rock Climbing Federation. - In bouldering, Dmitry Sharafutdinov became the world champion three times. We have a whole team of strong athletes in the "speed" discipline - for example, Stas Kokorin, Alina Gaydamakina, Yulia Kaplina, Masha Krasavina. Is our weakness This is the "difficulty" discipline. But even here we have a very strong athletes. So, Dinara Fakhrutdinova became the European champion. All athletes are well prepared as all-rounders. If the competitions are held in the all-around format, it is beneficial for us. Most importantly, a good reserve is growing up, and another generation of Russian climbers will most likely compete at the 2020 Olympics.

SURFING. The President of the Russian Surfing Federation and at the same time one of the strongest surfers in the country, Sergey Rasshivaev, is not too optimistic. When asked what chances Russian athletes have to qualify for the Olympics in Tokyo, Rasshivaev cut off: practically none. In his opinion, athletes will be selected for the Olympic Games at the annual international competitions ISA World Surf Games. Russia has been participating in this tournament for the third year, but neither in the women's nor in the men's individual standings, none of our compatriots has ever entered the top twenty. The highest achievement of the Russians is 17th place in the team standings. At the same time, far from all the strongest surfers of the planet participate in the ISA competitions, recognized by the IOC. If this sport is included in the Olympic program, the competition will intensify.

Surfing is very spectacular, but it requires special climatic conditions. Photo REUTERS

Our federation exists only at its own expense. We don't have any sponsors or government funding, - says Sergey. - There is no clear structure for the training of athletes. All surfers who represent Russia earn money in other areas. This year, only the youth team will go to the ISA World Surfing Games in California, adult athletes refused to perform for financial reasons. This situation is not only with us - it is everywhere, except maybe Australia, the USA and a couple of other countries where surfing is national view sports. Our federation is recognized at the international level, but not within the country. But everything will change once surfing is recognized olympic view.

BASEBALL. This is the only sport proposed by the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee that was previously included in the Olympic program. Baseball was last introduced at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. But in 2020, time may turn back, because the interest in this sport in Japan is enormous. The country has a strong baseball team, developed infrastructure, ready-made stadiums. In total, 6 men's baseball teams and 6 women's softball teams will be able to take part in the Olympics.

It will be problematic for us to get to the Olympics, - says Nikolai Gervasov, head coach of the Russian national teams. - From Europe, one team gets to the Games directly, and two more teams participate in the further selection. That is, you need to be at least in the top three. Russia last year at the European Championship was only eighth. Theoretically, we can rise to sixth place. It's pretty much the same story with the softball team, but women's team the chances are slightly higher. Now the state is helping us, but this assistance is not enough. Training camps are very rare, it is very difficult to prepare.

KARATE. It is assumed that 8 sets of medals - 4 men's and 4 women's - will be played in karate in Tokyo. The first pair - in the discipline of karate kata, and three pairs - in three weight categories in the discipline of karate kumite. The total number of participants who can take part in the Games in this sport is 80 people. The President of the Russian Karate Federation Sergey Sokolovsky spoke about the chances of Russian karatekas to get into this number.

I think the IOC will accept the organizers' proposal regarding karate, because it is the national sport in Japan, explains Sokolovsky. - In this case, Russia will not only be selected for the Games, but will also qualify for medals. There are world-class stars in Russia - for example, Zhenya Plahutin, Ivanna Zaitseva. But the Tokyo Olympics will be held in 2020, by which time our youth will also grow up, who now compete in juniors and cadets. At the last youth world championship we have a champion - Kirill Solopov. The youth team takes an average of 6 - 8 medals at all major international competitions. In karate kata, we also have one of best schools in the world. In this discipline, our guys are European champions and winners of the World Youth Championship.

SKATEBOARDING. It has the most vague prospects of the species proposed by the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee. The question of its inclusion in the program of the Olympic Games was first raised back in 2007. But to this day there is no international skateboarding federation recognized by the IOC. The International Skateboarding Federation and the World Skateboard Federation are competing with each other, and perhaps the IOC will simply join skateboarding to one of the existing federations, as snowboarding once did. The desire to take skateboarding under its wing has already been expressed by the International Roller Sports Federation.

There is also no national skateboarding federation in Russia. Created in 2007, the organization managed to achieve the inclusion of skateboarding in the register of official sports, but was disbanded in 2011. The main reason is the unclear Olympic prospects for skateboarding. The organizer of the Moscow stage of the international World Tournament Cup Skateboarding Alexander Potseluev:

We have two or three skateboarders who skate well and can compete in the street discipline. Of the girls, this is Katya Shengelia. She was even invited to perform at the X-Games in the women's category last year. Of the guys - Yegor Golubev, Maxim Kruglov, Dima Dvoinishnikov. But the most serious skateboarders are Americans and Brazilians. Last year, Yegor Golubev won the World Cap Skateboarding, beating the rising star of world skateboarding, Brazilian Kevin Hoefler, in the final. But to be honest, there is America - it is Major League, and there are all the others. The strongest skateboarders of the planet do not come to the World Cup Skateboarding - they have their own private pool - Street League Skateboarding. This is a commercial project prize fund several times more.


Kind of sport


Sets of medals

Number of athletes


Baseball (men)

144 (6 teams of 24 players)

Softball (women)

90 (6 teams of 15 players)


20 (10 women / 10 men)

60 (30 women / 30 men)


40 (20 women / 20 men)

40 (20 women / 20 men)


Bouldering, speed or difficulty

40 (20 women / 20 men)


Short board

40 (20 women / 20 men)


474 (210 women / 264 men)

The 2020 Summer Olympics are the most important sports event 2020. From July 24 to August 9, athletes from more than 200 countries will compete for awards in football, weightlifting and athletics, volleyball, karate, rhythmic gymnastics, boxing - do not count all the sports in which the participants of the Olympics will compete! Among the applicants for trophies there will be Russians. Along with the Chinese, Americans and British athletes from Russia claim to win in the unofficial medal count!

A large-scale sports event will be held in the summer of 2020. Athletes from around 205 countries will compete for medals from 24 July to 9 August.

Japan will be the host country for the Olympics. Competitions will be held in the capital of the Land of the Rising Sun in Tokyo. Also, part of the competition will be organized in the prefectures of the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido.

The venue for the 2020 Summer Olympics was chosen on September 7, 2013. Tokyo's rivals were Madrid, Istanbul, Rome, Baku, Doha and other respected cities. But only Madrid, Istanbul and Tokyo were admitted to the final vote. As a result, the Japanese capital won with almost a two-fold advantage.

For Tokyo, this is not the first experience of hosting the Olympics. For the first time, the main Japanese city became the center Summer Games in 1964.

Sports at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Participants of the Summer Olympics will compete for sets of awards in several dozen sports.

Watch until the end! - EASTER in 2020

Compared to the previous edition of the Olympics, the competitive program of the Tokyo Games has expanded to include surfing, karate, baseball, skateboarding and rock climbing. In addition, a number of sports such as fencing, table tennis and basketball have new disciplines.

Symbols of the 2020 Summer Olympics

The emblem of the 2020 Summer Olympics is a sphere on a white background, made of dark blue quadrangles of various sizes and shapes. Under the sphere is the inscription "TOKYO 2020", and below it are drawn the traditional Olympic rings.

According to the creators of the emblem, quadrangular figures of various shapes and sizes symbolize the participating countries, which differ from each other in culture, language, mentality, but united into a single whole.

An anime superhero named Miraitova was chosen as the mascot.

This choice should not be surprising. After all, the mascot was chosen by schoolchildren from elementary grades.

Miraitove is paired with another superhero, Someity. But unlike Miraitova, he is the mascot of the 2020 Paralympics.

Summer Olympics 2020 Volunteers

Well, what is a large-scale sports event without volunteers!? About 90,000 volunteers are expected to serve the Games! The selection of volunteers will take place in several stages. The first of them starts in mid-September 2018.

To become a volunteer, you must meet the following criteria:

  • be at least 18 years of age;
  • have a desire to acquire volunteer skills;
  • own minimum set phrases in popular foreign languages;
  • have a free schedule during the Games.

More information can be found on the official website of the 2020 Olympics - www.tokyo2020.org.

2020 Summer Olympics Total Medal Score

China and the United States are vying for victory in the overall medal standings. To a lesser extent, Russia and Great Britain can count on the first line.

Four years ago in Rio de Janeiro became the best Americans. Representatives of the United States won 121 medals, 46 of which were of the highest value.

The second line went to the natives of Great Britain. China rounded out the top three. Russia showed the 4th result. The gap between our country and China was 7 gold awards.

More likely, excellent result Japanese athletes will show. They can not only enter the TOP-5, but also compete for a place in the top three.

Russia at the 2020 Olympics

The eyes of domestic fans, of course, will be turned to the Russians. Our athletes will have a hard time. The competition in world sports is outrageous. The times when domestic athletes stamped one medal after another are gone forever. In addition, the doping scandal, which has been dragging on for many years, will have a detrimental effect. Many of our athletes were disqualified. Huge damage to the image Russian sports. But Russia will try to recover from the consequences of the intrigues of sports officials by the start of the Summer Olympics!

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Before each regular Olympics, disputes flare up about what its competitive program should be. Usually this issue is resolved three years before the Olympic flame is lit, and now it is time to decide who and what medals will be played at the Tokyo Summer Olympics.

This process lasts for years and begins with the fact that the sports presented at the previous Olympics are being reviewed. Wrestling was almost thrown out of this list, but still remained an Olympic discipline. The International Olympic Committee then decides whether new sports need to be added. In the case of Tokyo 2020, baseball, softball, karate, rock climbing, surfing and skateboarding received a residence permit. The inclusion of the last two officials justified the fact that Olympic Movement you need to attract a younger audience.

Further, all sports that have received approval must approve the number of award sets played and the athletes allowed to participate. In April, the International Federations made recommendations to the IOC, which were subject to consideration at the June meeting of the Executive Board. RT earlier about the proposals made and their possible impact on the overall team result of the Russian team.

When forming sports program The Tokyo IOC was guided by several principles. First, the organization took a course on gender equality. Members of the IOC want to equalize men and women in the number of awards played, even if we are talking about exhausting, traumatic and physically difficult disciplines. Secondly, the implementation of the course on the introduction mixed competition even if they are not traditional for a particular sport. Thirdly, the Olympic Games should be rejuvenated by popular younger generation street and extreme species sports. The old principles, formed at the beginning of the 21st century, that the number of disciplines and participants is inflated and needs to be reduced, remain, but now concern traditional sports.

As a result, the new Olympic program will consist of 339 sets of medals instead of 306, as it was at the Rio Olympics. At the same time, it is planned that 11,090 athletes will come to the capital Tokyo, while 11,237 athletes were quartered in Brazil. The share of women's disciplines will increase to 48.8%, and the number of mixed competitions will double.

Swimming received the biggest increase in medals. International Federation aquatic species Sports asked for 12 new disciplines, but received three: the 800-meter freestyle for men, the 1500-meter freestyle for women and the mixed 4 × 100-meter medley relay. The total number of quotas for athletes has been reduced by 22, which is not a critical figure.

For traditional sailing powers, this good news, as there are new opportunities to replenish the medal piggy bank. For Russia, this is a weak reason for joy. In stayer disciplines, domestic swimmers are not at all strong. In the relay, there is a small chance for a medal if you manage to assemble a quartet of the best masters of your style in the world. In recent years, at least one stage has sagged. If Vladimir Morozov (crawl), Evgeniy Rylov (back) and Yulia Efimova (breaststroke) are joined by a fast girl swimming butterfly, then the Olympic medal will become real.

Very conservative Athletics unexpectedly received a bonus in the form of a mixed relay 4 × 400 meters, in which two men and two women will compete. If we forget for a second that the Russians are forbidden to compete en masse in this sport, then the new discipline is unlikely to give reason for optimism. Men's running in Russia is not at the world level to compete with the USA, Jamaica and other Caribbean countries. And due to only fast girls, it will not be possible to pick up medals.

It is worth noting that the IOC at the same time ordered to reduce the number of athletes by 105 people by tightening the qualifying standards. If this will affect the quantitative composition of the Russian team, then not on its medal prospects - strong athletes will qualify anyway. Only those who create extras around the favorites will be left behind.

The most pleasant change for the Russians in the Olympic program was the introduction of two team tournaments in fencing. Now once and for all finished with their rotation, which did not hold water. Previously, at the request of the IOC, men and women had to alternately throw out one of the types of weapons: in Rio there was no women's rapier and men's saber, in London there was no women's saber and men's sword, in Beijing there was no women's sword and men's rapier. When Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov became president of the International Fencing Federation in 2008, he promised to stamp out the practice, which has plagued different athletes every four years. Usmanov got his way, and now everything command disciplines will be presented equally, and Russia will have a real chance to win two extra gold.

Relying on youth, the IOC relies heavily on streetball - 3x3 basketball. Tested on Youth Olympics sport will now become a game for adults. To begin with, tournaments will be organized with the participation of only eight teams, although the world championships gather 20 teams each. The Russians had successful moments in this mini-version of basketball: the men's and women's teams became winners of world championships. If you manage to pass a very tough Olympic selection, in which continental representation will be respected, then medals are quite likely.

Freestyle BMX is also in the trend - competitions in tricks on a small bike. Although the International Cycling Union has not yet held world championships in this discipline, it has already received Olympic status. The right to compete for medals will be given to the nine best riders in the world. Russian athletes can boast of something in this sport: last year, Elizaveta Posadskikh was second at one of the World Cup stages, and Konstantin Andreev and Irek Rizaev rounded out the top eight. But now that freestyle BMX is being introduced to Tokyo, the competition will intensify.

In track cycling, Madison returned the Olympic residence permit, and not only for men, but also for women. Due to the fact that this team race on points, she was deprived of such a status at two Olympics, in Russia she lost popularity. At the last three world championships, domestic cyclists did not even try to compete. It is still hard for girls to even hope for a trip to Tokyo.

A plus for Russia will be the introduction of a team mixed judo tournament. And although girls are not as successful in this sport as men, the chances of Olympic medals from can be assessed as high, although the main favorite will, of course, be the hosts of the upcoming Olympics.

The last team competition in shooting took place in 1924, but now they are returning to the Olympic program. The IOC decided to exclude from it shooting from a large-caliber pistol, rifles from a prone position and double trap, which were purely male disciplines, and replaced them with team mixed tournaments air pistol shooting air rifle and ladder. Some shooters suffered from this decision, while others got the opportunity to win two medals at once. Russian team, which bullet shooting men and women are equally strong, such changes are likely to be beneficial.

Kayaking and canoeing became completely gender equal. In both flatwater and rowing slalom, men and women will have the same disciplines for the first time. Men's 200m Single Canoe and Men's 200m Double Canoe are replaced by Women's 200m Single Canoe and 500m Double Canoe. Women's canoeing is a fairly young sport, but Russia already has medals in it at the last two world championships. And in rowing slalom, where the men's double canoe is replaced by the women's single canoe, there are almost no prospects for domestic rowers. The replacement of the men's lightweight four in rowing with the women's row four will not bring anything either - both of these disciplines do not bring medals to Russia.

Archery received mixed team competitions. Russia has a wonderful women's team, but the men's team failed to qualify for the last two Olympics. If the strong half of the team finally manages to delegate at least one archer to Tokyo, then it’s definitely worth cheering for the Russians in the new tournament. True, gold is likely to get again South Korea leading in this sport.

Mixed competitions have also been introduced in triathlon, although it will be more profitable for Russia if this discipline appears in modern pentathlon. Triathlon is still the fun of Western countries and it still won’t become a new type of program for Russians. Like the mixed table tennis, which will also be held for the first time at the Tokyo Olympics.

Boxing remains the sport in which gender inequality is most visible, but the IOC is working to rectify the situation. Two men's sets of awards will now go to the girls, so the ratio of weight categories will be eight to five. Russian athletes win in boxing less often than men, so these rearrangements of the national team will not bring benefits.

Most sports either remained untouched or received new disciplines, paying for this with symbolic quotas for athletes. But two species can consider themselves affected by the decisions of the executive committee.

Weightlifting received a black mark from the IOC, having lost one male weight category, although the international federation expected to receive one female. In addition total Olympic weightlifters will decrease by 64. This sport has long heard claims for an abundance of doping scandals, and such a reduction in participants and medals can be considered the last warning, followed by a complete expulsion from the Olympic family.

Although wrestling retained its place in the Olympic program, it paid for it with a reduction in quotas. Each weight category now it will be represented by 16 athletes, although in Rio there could have been from 19 to 21. This will even benefit Russian wrestlers, since some will no longer need to conduct an extra bout of the preliminary round. But you will have to fight harder for tickets to the Olympics.

Five sports were included in the program of the 2020 Olympics, which will be held in the Japanese capital Tokyo, at the IOC session: baseball / softball, karate, surfing, rock climbing and skateboarding.

The inclusion of these events will add 18 competitions to the next Olympics, with 474 athletes taking part.

“The Tokyo Games have the potential to be one of the most unique in the history of the Olympics with these five new sports,” Tokyo Mayor Yoshiro Mori said in a statement.

Interestingly, according to the regulations adopted even earlier, these five types will not be mandatory for subsequent Summer Olympics. Each host city of the Games can present five sports for competition in them at its Olympiad.


Men's baseball and its women's variant, softball (more specifically, the "fast-pitch" variant of softball) will not be newcomers to the Olympic program.

Baseball has been a part of the Olympics since 1896, while softball was included in the Olympic program in 1996 at the Atlanta Games.

This is hardly surprising, given that the undisputed favorites in these sports are national teams USA.

This is precisely the flip side of the coin: in 2005, the regular session of the IOC excluded baseball and softball from the Olympic sports due to insufficient popularity in the world.

At the Beijing Games, these types of programs, as regular members of the Olympic family, were presented for the last time, after which they were not in London and will not be in Rio.

Not surprisingly, the organizers of the Tokyo Olympics chose to recommend this particular sport for competition in it at the 2020 Games - Japan is unconditionally second in the world rankings and is unlikely to miss two sets of silver.

Teams of Russia in this type of program absolutely nothing shines. Actually, almost certainly our compatriots will not be represented by either men or women.


Another traditional japanese view sports. Karate has long hoped to be included in the Olympic program on a permanent basis, but could not achieve this.

The issue of including karate in the program of the London Games in 2012 was seriously considered, but this issue was not voted on by the IOC Commission.

The main reasons why karate has never been represented at the Olympics so far is the prohibitively high injury rate and, perhaps more importantly, the presence of too a large number various self-sufficient federations, not united under one auspices.

Nevertheless, the IOC recognized this wrestling as an official Olympic sport in 2015, and now it has authorized its introduction into the 2020 Games program.

As for the Russian prospects, karate may well bring our national team a medal, since it is well developed in the country. Russia has its own world champions, so the ROC should be happy with the inclusion of this event in the competition program in Tokyo.


Surfers around the world have been dreaming of becoming an Olympic sport for a long time. As examples, they cite curling, trampolining, and even fencing and rowing - sports that are much less popular and massive, but firmly entrenched in the Olympic family.

Talk about the possible inclusion of surfing in the program of the Olympics on a permanent basis has been going on for a long time, and the appearance of this sport on a permanent basis at the 2024 Games is quite realistic. Well, in Tokyo there will be a kind of "test of the pen."

It will not be easy for Russian athletes to count on medals here. However, there is still time until 2020. It is possible that surf stars will also appear in our country, since this type of sport is becoming more popular in Russia every year.

Rock climbing

Sport climbing has long been trying to become an Olympic sport. Back in 1995, the IOC officially recognized the international federation UIAA, which at that time controlled this sport.

In 2002, the UIAA filed a dossier for rock climbing to be included in the Turin Olympics, a sport that was perceived more as a winter sport at the time.

This did not happen, and in 2007 the International Federation of Sport Climbing appeared, uniting 68 countries of the world under its auspices.

The popularity of this sport is also growing, and in many countries rock climbing is already included in the school curriculum.


A slightly different situation with skateboarding. Yes, this sport is growing in popularity in the world even faster than rock climbing and windsurfing, and the competition in Tokyo promises to be exciting.

That's just the Russian team so far in this type of program, there is nothing special to count on. If the situation does not change in four years (which is unlikely to happen), then at this celebration of life, the Russian team will be a stranger.

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