Description of physical exercises for the elderly. Methods of physical exercises in the elderly and older

Older people face social challenges

health problems,

lack of attention from the surrounding people.

Let's clarify the names of the age:

  • Old age - 60 - 70 years;
  • Senile age - 70 - 80 years;
  • Long-livers are over 80 years old.

In old age, as a rule, there are many different chronic diseases accumulated throughout life. An aging body gradually loses its ability to produce hormones of "youth" - sex hormones, as well as adrenal hormones, which reduce the likelihood of exacerbations of previously transferred diseases.

There is no doubt that any disease leaves some consequences. In youth, this is not so noticeable, and with age, due to atrophy of organs and the extinction of their functions, the body can hardly cope with stress, immunity decreases, a person gets tired quickly, chronic diseases often worsen, which often have an atypical course with insufficiently pronounced symptoms. Something always hurts. Some women tend to think they have been jinxed. But there is no one to blame.

Life goes on, and you need to strive to improve and strengthen the body, maintain self-care skills, do not let yourself relax: try to do your homework, keep the home clean and tidy and the hygiene of the body, monitor appearance, to be neat and collected (thought out) in order to rationally carry out the necessary things and save time and energy, which “flies” faster and faster with age.

Therapeutic exercise is necessary for the elderly. Indeed, with such most common diseases as osteochondrosis of the spine, osteoporosis of bones, arthrosis, vegetative - vascular dystonia, sleep disorders, hypertension, diseases internal organs, metabolic disorders and other diseases, the body needs compensation (adaptation to internal and external conditions that are important for health and life expectancy).

Skeletal changes in osteoporosis.

When selecting physical activity for the elderly, we take into account that the metabolism is reduced, the content of under-oxidized decay products is increased (fatigue, overwork should not be allowed);

there are changes in the skeleton, an increase in tone and a decrease in muscle strength, posture and gait are disturbed due to a shift in the center of gravity;

possible disorders of cerebral circulation, encephalopathy, problems with coordination of movements and balance;

there may be prolapse of internal organs, urinary incontinence;

reduced vital capacity of the lungs, dystrophy of the heart muscle.

Elderly patients have limited movement of the eyeballs (especially upward), have to turn their head, and may feel dizzy.

We must remember about age-related changes in the psyche. With age, pre-existing character flaws are exacerbated. Emotional lability appears (tearfulness, capriciousness, grouchiness), apathy, there is a reluctance to engage in physical education.

Due to the constant feeling of fatigue and ailments, it can be difficult for older people to exercise. And yet one must force oneself to overcome the malaise and, starting with the most simple exercises gradually increase your physical activity. Physical exercise- an excellent means of preventing disorders of the body, and therapeutic exercises for the elderly improves the quality of life in many diseases, increases self-confidence and improves mood.

Control of the cardiovascular system is very important in order to avoid myocardial infarction.

Required to define heart reserve. To do this, you need to calculate the maximum allowable heart rate at physical activity and heart rate at rest for 1 minute.

HR (heart rate) maximum \u003d 180 - age.

For example, age 62. Maximum heart rate \u003d 180 - 62 \u003d 118 (beats per minute).

Using a stopwatch, we calculate the pulse rate at rest (after 15 minutes of rest) for one minute. Let's say 84 beats per minute.

RS (heart reserve) \u003d maximum heart rate - resting heart rate.

PC = 118 - 84 = 34 beats per minute (100%). This means that the pulse during physical activity should not be higher than 118 beats per minute. And you need to know the reserve of the heart because for people over 60 years old, you should not give a load of 100%.

In old age (60-70 years) we use up to 90% of the heart reserve.

In senile (70 - 80 years) - up to 50%.

Long-livers have no more than 40%.

We approach this gradually, starting with the load

20% individual heart reserve.

So, for example, at the age of 62 years, the reserve of the heart with a resting heart rate of 84 beats per minute is 34 beats per minute - this is 100%.

In the first sessions of therapeutic exercises, you can allow an increase in heart rate by 20% - in this example, by 7 beats per minute.

And in the future, after gradual adaptation to physical activity, it is possible to allow an increase in heart rate up to 90% of the reserve of the heart - in this example, by 30 beats per minute.

So, in this example, at the age of 62 years and with a heart rate at rest of 84 beats per minute in the first lessons, we allow an increase in heart rate by 7 beats per minute (= 91 beats per minute), gradually increasing the load, we allow heart rate to 90% of the heart reserve (by 30 bpm). Heart rate will be up to 114 beats per minute.

Now take a sheet of paper and a pen, a clock with a second hand, sit in a chair for 15 minutes to rest.

1). Write how old are you.

2). Now subtract this figure from 180. Write: "The maximum heart rate is ...".

3). Count the pulse rate for 1 minute by the second hand and write this figure like this: “The pulse at rest is ...”.

4). Calculate the heart reserve using the above formula. (HR (heart reserve) = maximum heart rate - resting heart rate). Write this number.

You can regulate the load from 20% to 90% of the heart reserve by controlling the pulse during exercise.

Lessons by small-group method in the polyclinic.

For older people, classes in a small group method are useful, as this involves communication with peers, which is very popular with older people. But you can do it yourself at home.

Exercises for all muscle groups are used.

The density of classes is 50 - 60%. The rest of the time is used for counting the pulse, showing exercises, changing the starting position, static breathing exercises.

The duration of the lesson is no more than 30 minutes 2-3 times a week.

All starting positions are allowed, but ref. the standing position should not prevail.

Exercises with sharp turns and inclinations are excluded. Dmovements are smooth, the pace is slow.

Be sure to include exercises for balance and vestibular functions.

It is necessary to know what factors predispose to imbalance and sudden falls in the elderly.

  • Tremor of the limbs.
  • Increased reaction time.
  • Weakness of the muscles - extensors of the thigh and lower leg.
  • Orthostatic hypotension (a sudden drop in blood pressure with a quick change in body position from ref. lying position to standing position.
  • Visual and hearing impairments.
  • Shifting the center of gravity forward.
  • The cervical-diaphyseal angle has been changed (from blunt it becomes straight), which reflexively affects cerebral circulation.
  • In men, it is difficult to bring the legs together, in women, on the contrary, spreading the legs apart, which makes it difficult to stabilize when losing balance.

Falls must be avoided, since osteoporosis can lead to bone fractures and other injuries when falling from a height.

Therapeutic exercises for the elderly carried out only when satisfactory condition of the patient.

Contraindication to exercise in a group is urinary incontinence and a categorical refusal of physical education.

Version of the set of exercises for the elderly to copy without pictures.

Let's prepare a ball the size of an orange (or better an orange), a gymnastic stick (the length of the stick is selected as follows: the distance from the left shoulder joint to the fingertips of the right hand straightened to the side or while standing, measure the distance from the floor to the xiphoid process of the sternum, subtract 10 from this figure).

1). "Open - Close" Hands on knees, feet shoulder width apart. 1- Hands to the shoulders (beginning of inhalation). 2- Straighten your arms to the sides, open your palms (inhale). 3- Again brushes to the shoulders (beginning of exhalation). 4- Put the brushes on your knees and lean forward slightly (exhale). 4 times.

2). "Raise your leg." Hold onto the chair seat with your hands. 1- Raise the straightened right leg. 2- Lower in ref. position. 3- Raise the straightened left leg. 4- Return to ref. position. 4 times.

3). " Circular rotations shoulders." Hands to the shoulders, feet shoulder width apart. 1, 2, 3, 4 - Draw one big circle with the elbows. 4 times. Then the same in the opposite direction 4 times.

4). "Step by foot." Hold on to the seat with your hands, legs wide apart. 1 - Put the right foot on the left, tightly squeeze the muscles pelvic floor(inhale). 2 - Return to ref. position (exhale). 3 - Put the left leg on the right, squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor (inhale). 4 - Return to ref. position (exhale). 4 times.

5). "We swing the stick." (Balance exercise). gymnastic stick put vertically with one end on the floor, press the lower end with your feet, spread your knees wide, put your hands on the upper end of the stick on top of each other. 1 - Leaning on a stick, straighten your arms forward, slowly leaning forward so that your head falls between your hands at ear level (exhale). 2 - Return to ref. position (inhale). 6 times slowly.

6). "Put the stick upright." Take the stick between the palms so that the ends of the stick rest against the middle of the palms, lower the stick down (on the hips), feet shoulder-width apart. 1 - Place the stick vertically on the right leg so that the right hand is at the top and the left is at the bottom (inhale), look at the right hand. 2 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 3 - Place the stick vertically on the left leg so that the left hand is at the top and the right is at the bottom (inhale), look at the left hand. 4 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 4 times.

7). "Roll a stick on your back." Press the stick to the back with your elbows, legs apart for stability. Move the stick with your elbows along the back up (inhale) - down (exhale), do not bend over, keep your back straight.

8). Diaphragmatic breathing 6 times. Put your hands on your stomach, bend your legs at the knees. 1 - inhale through the nose, inflating the stomach. 2 - Exhale through your mouth in a thin stream slowly, folding your lips into a tube; stomach "deflates", retract abdominal wall"into yourself".

9). "Ball under the knee." Hands to the sides, the ball (orange) in the right hand, straightened legs together. 1 - Bend the right leg, shift the ball under the knee to the left hand (exhale). 2 - Return to the starting position (inhale), the ball is in the left hand. 3 - Bend the left leg, shift the ball under the knee to the right hand (exhale).

10). "Ball to the other hand with a turn." Hands to the sides, the ball (orange) in the right hand, straightened legs together. 1 - Raise the right hand with the ball and move the ball to the left hand, turn the body to the left, take the ball in the left hand (exhale). 2 - Return to the starting position (inhale). 3 - Also shift the ball to the right hand with the body turning to the right (exhale). 4 - Return to the starting position (inhale). 3 times.

eleven). "The ball in the other hand behind the head." Hands along the body, the ball in the right hand, legs are straightened. 1 - Hands through the sides slide across the floor behind the head, pass the ball to the left hand, without moving the head, raise your eyes towards the ball (inhale). 2 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 3 - Transfer the ball behind the head to the right hand, raise your eyes up (inhale). 4 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 3 times.

12). "Rotate with hands and feet." The arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are in fists, the legs are shoulder-width apart. Slowly and smoothly rotate the fists and feet inward, then in the opposite direction for 4 circles. Repeat again.

13). Arms along the body, legs straightened. 1 - Raise your right hand up and put it on the floor behind your head, at the same time bend your left leg at the knee, sliding your foot along the floor (inhale). 2 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 3 - Raise the left hand up, bend the right leg at the knee, sliding the foot along the floor (inhale).

14). "Tension - relaxation." Arms along the body, legs straightened. 1 - Squeeze the hands into fists, feet "on yourself", squeeze the buttocks tightly (inhale). 2 - Relax all muscles (exhale). 6 times.

15). "Opposite limbs to the sides." Arms along the body, legs straightened. 1 - Take the right hand, left leg to the sides (inhale). 2 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 3 - Also the left arm, right leg (inhale). 4 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 4 times.

16). Diaphragmatic breathing 6 times. (See exercise No. 8).

We count the pulse for one minute and write it down. (The pulse should not exceed the maximum heart rate).

17). "Put your head in your hands." Arms bent at the elbows, lie in front of you, head raised, look up. 1 - Lower the head on the hands with the right ear, turning it to the left (exhale), relaxation. 2 - Return to the starting position, raise your eyes up (inhale). 3 - Put your head on the hands on the left ear, relax (exhale). 4 - Return to the starting position, eyes look up (inhale). 4 times.

18). "Hands on the pelvis." Arms extended forward, legs straightened. 1 - Put your right hand on the pelvis. 2 - Put your left hand on the pelvis, head and thoracic region lift up, look ahead. 3, 4 - Return to the starting position in reverse order, relaxing. 3 times.

19). "Beach". The head rests on the hands. Alternately - counter flexion and extension of the legs in the knee joints.

20). "Raise opposite limbs." 1 - Raise the right arm forward, left leg back, maintain balance (inhale). 2 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 3 - Raise your left arm, right leg (inhale). 4 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 4 times.

21). "Look at the hand." 1 - Raise your right hand to the side - up, look at it (inhale). 2 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 3 - Raise your left hand to the side - up, look at it (inhale). 4 - Return to the starting position (exhale).

22). "Reach forward." 1 - The right hand slides forward as far as possible, lower the head (exhale). 2 - Return to the starting position (inhale). 3- Left hand slides forward, head down (inhale). 4 - Return to the starting position (inhale). 3 times.

We count the pulse for one minute and write it down. (The pulse should not exceed the maximum heart rate).

23). Lying on the back diaphragmatic breathing 6 times. (See No. 8).

24). "Kitty" (Bend and arch your back).

25). "Fox tail" (Bending of the spine to the right, then to the left).

26). Sitting on a chair, hands hold on to the seat. Rolls from heel to toe.

27). Sitting on a chair, hands on knees. Raise your arms through the sides up (inhale), lower to your knees, lean forward slightly (exhale). 5 times.


1). Self-massage of the back with a roller massager for the back.

2). Train the vestibular apparatus: lying on the bed on your back, bend your knees, turn on your side, lower your legs from the bed and, pushing with your hands, sit on the edge of the bed for a few seconds, stand up (spread your legs shoulder-width apart), straighten up, stand a little, shifting from foot to foot. Now lie down on the bed in reverse order. 3 times in each direction slowly, controlling well-being. Avoid dizziness. You can simplify the task by eliminating standing up.

3). Diaphragmatic breathing 6 times before going to bed. (This exercise helps with the appearance of retrosternal pain in angina pectoris, since the diaphragm, rising and falling, promotes the movement of blood in the systemic circulation, facilitating the work of the heart).

4). Self-massage of hands and fingers. Exercises for the fingers (“Coins” - circular movements with the thumb on the tips of all other fingers, “Shalbans with all fingers in turn”, “Buttons” - press the tips of all fingers with the thumb in turn, “Figures between all fingers”, “Call to yourself with all fingers in turn”, “Straighten each finger in turn from the fist”, “Straighten and spread all fingers - clench your fingers into fists”.

5). Walks with long walking, you can run (breathe only through your nose, if there is not enough air, switch to walking), skiing in winter, swimming in the pool is useful and classes in the health group by age. Remember to control your blood pressure and pulse.

6). Gymnastics for the eyes.

Prepare a ball the size of an orange (or a real orange is better),

gym stick ( gym stick length: the distance from the left shoulder joint to the fingertips of the right arm extended towards the side or while standing, measure the distance from the floor to the xiphoid process of the sternum, subtract 10 from this figure),

chair with backrest and mat.

Let's air the room.

Starting position sitting on a chair.

1). "Open - Close"

Hands on knees, feet shoulder width apart.

1- Hands to the shoulders (beginning of inhalation).

2- Straighten your arms to the sides, open your palms (inhale).

3- Again brushes to the shoulders (beginning of exhalation).

4- Put the brushes on your knees and lean forward slightly (exhale). 4 times.

Initial position.

Once! Start of inhalation.

Two! Inhale.

Three! Start of exhalation.

Four! Deep breath.

2). "Raise your leg."

Hold onto the chair seat with your hands.

1- Raise the straightened right leg.

2- Lower in ref. position.

3- Raise the straightened left leg.

4- Return to ref. position. 4 times.

Initial position.

Once! Raise your right leg. Inhale.

Two! Exhalation.

Three! Left foot! Inhale.

3). "Circular rotation of the shoulders."

Hands to the shoulders, feet shoulder width apart.

1, 2, 3, 4 - Draw one big circle with the elbows. 4 times.

Then the same in the opposite direction 4 times.

Once! Circular rotation of the arms in the shoulder joints.




And repeat on the other side 4 times.

4). "Step by foot."

Hold on to the seat with your hands, legs wide apart.

1 - Put the right foot on the left, tightly squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor (inhale).

2 - Return to ref. position (exhale).

3 - Put the left leg on the right, squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor (inhale).

4 - Return to ref. position (exhale). 4 times.

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart.

Right leg - One! Squeeze the muscles of "patience". Inhale.

Two! Exhalation.

Left leg - Three! Squeeze the muscles of "patience". Inhale.

Four! Exhalation.

5). "We swing the stick."(Balance exercise). Put the gymnastic stick vertically with one end on the floor, press the lower end with your feet, spread your knees wide, put the brushes on the upper end of the stick on top of each other.

1 - Leaning on a stick, straighten your arms forward, slowly leaning forward so that your head falls between your hands at ear level (exhale).

2 - Return to ref. position (inhale). 6 times slowly.

Initial position.

Once! Exhalation.

Two! Inhale. Stick to the chest, Straighten your back.

If dizziness does not bother, then this exercise can be complicated by fixing the lower end of the stick with your feet, and slowly rotate the upper end, leaning deeply forward, then straightening up, bring the upper end of the stick to the sternum (clockwise and counterclockwise).

6). "Put the stick upright."

Take the stick between the palms so that the ends of the stick rest against the middle of the palms, lower the stick down (on the hips), feet shoulder-width apart.

1 - Place the stick vertically on the right leg so that the right hand is at the top and the left is at the bottom (inhale), look at the right hand.

2 - Return to the starting position (exhale).

3 - Place the stick vertically on the left leg so that the left hand is at the top and the right is at the bottom (inhale), look at the left hand.

4 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 4 times.

Initial position. Stick between palms.

Once! Inhale.

Two! Exhalation.

Three! Inhale.

Four! Exhalation.

7). "Roll a stick on your back."

Press the stick to the back with your elbows, legs apart for stability.

Move the stick with your elbows along the back up (inhale) - down (exhale), do not bend over, keep your back straight.

Initial position.

Inhale - stick up.

Exhale - stick down.

We count the pulse for one minute and write it down. (The pulse should not exceed the maximum heart rate).

Let's count the pulse for 1 minute.

Starting position lying on your back.

(Pillow under the head to reduce the risk of high blood pressure).

8). Diaphragmatic breathing 6 times. Put your hands on your stomach, bend your legs at the knees.

1 - inhale through the nose, inflating the stomach.

2 - Exhale through your mouth in a thin stream slowly, folding your lips into a tube; the stomach "deflates", draw the abdominal wall "into yourself".

Diaphragmatic breathing. Inhale through the nose, "inflate" the stomach.

Diaphragmatic breathing. Exhale through your mouth in a thin stream, folding your lips into a tube.

9). "Ball under the knee."

1 - Bend the right leg, shift the ball under the knee to the left hand (exhale).

2 - Return to the starting position (inhale), the ball is in the left hand.

3 - Bend the left leg, shift the ball under the knee to the right hand (exhale).

4 - Return to the starting position (inhale). 3 times.

Once! Transfer the ball to your left hand under your knee. Exhalation.

Two! Inhale. Ball in left hand.

Three! Pass the ball to your right hand under your left knee. Exhalation.

Four! Ref. position. Inhale. Ball in right hand.

10). "Ball to the other hand with a twist".

Hands to the sides, the ball (orange) in the right hand, straightened legs together.

1 - Raise the right hand with the ball and move the ball to the left hand, turn the body to the left, take the ball in the left hand (exhale).

3 - Also shift the ball to the right hand with the body turning to the right (exhale).

4 - Return to the starting position (inhale). 3 times.

Ref. position. Inhale.

Once! Exhalation.

Two! Inhale.

Three! Exhalation.

Four! Ref. position. Inhale.

11). "Ball in the other hand behind the head".

Hands along the body, the ball in the right hand, legs are straightened.

1 - Hands through the sides slide across the floor behind the head, pass the ball to the left hand, without moving the head, raise your eyes towards the ball (inhale).

3 - Transfer the ball behind the head to the right hand, raise your eyes up (inhale).

4 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 3 times.

Ref. position. Ball in right hand.

Once! Hands through the sides up, inhale. Ball in left hand.

Two! lower your arms along the body. Exhalation. Ball in left hand.

Three! Inhale. Ball in the right hand.

Four! Ref. position. Ball in right hand.

12). "Rotate with hands and feet".

The arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are in fists, the legs are shoulder-width apart. Slowly and smoothly rotate the fists and feet inward, then in the opposite direction for 4 circles.

Repeat again.

At the same time, we rotate the hands and feet slowly and efficiently.

At the same time, we rotate the hands and feet slowly in one direction, then in the other direction.

13). "Raise your arm, bend your leg".

1 - Raise your right hand up and put it on the floor behind your head, at the same time bend your left leg at the knee, sliding your foot along the floor (inhale).

2 - Return to the starting position (exhale).

3 - Raise the left hand up, bend the right leg at the knee, sliding the foot along the floor (inhale).

4 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 4 times.

Initial position.

Once! Right arm, left leg! Inhale.

Two! Exhalation.

Three! Left arm, right leg! Inhale.

Four! Exhalation.

14). "Tension - Relaxation". Arms along the body, legs straightened.

1 - Squeeze the hands into fists, feet "on yourself", squeeze the buttocks tightly (inhale).

2 - Relax all muscles (exhale). 6 times.

Once! Squeeze the brushes into fists, feet "on yourself", squeeze the buttocks! Inhale.

Two! Straighten your fingers, stretch your toes. Exhalation.

15). "Opposite limbs to sides".

Arms along the body, legs straightened.

1 - Take the right hand, left leg to the sides (inhale).

2 - Return to the starting position (exhale).

3 - Also the left arm, right leg (inhale).

4 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 4 times.

Initial position.

Once! Inhale. Right arm, left leg!

Two! Exhalation. Initial position.

Three! Inhale. Left arm, right leg!

Four! Exhalation. Initial position.

16). Diaphragmatic breathing 6 times. (See exercise No. 8).

We count the pulse for one minute and write it down. (The pulse should not exceed the maximum heart rate).

Starting position lying on the stomach.

17). "Put your head in your hands."

Arms bent at the elbows, lie in front of you, raise your head, look up.

1 - Lower the head on the hands with the right ear, turning it to the left (exhale), relaxation.

2 - Return to the starting position, raise your eyes up (inhale).

3 - Put your head on the hands on the left ear, relax (exhale).

4 - Return to the starting position, eyes look up (inhale).

4 times.

Initial position. Inhale.

Once! put your head on your right ear. Exhalation.

Two! Inhale. Initial position.

Three! Exhalation. Place your head on your left ear.

Four! Inhale. Initial position.

18). "Hands on the pelvis." Arms extended forward, legs straightened.

1 - Put your right hand on the pelvis.

2 - Put your left hand on the pelvis, raise your head and chest, look forward.

3, 4 - Return to the starting position in reverse order, relaxing. 3 times.

Initial position.

Once! Start of inhalation.

Two! Inhale.

Three! Start of exhalation.

Four! Exhalation.

19). "Beach". The head rests on the hands. Alternately - counter flexion and extension of the legs in the knee joints.

Alternately - the oncoming movement of the legs. The body is relaxed.

Alternately - the oncoming movement of the legs.

The starting position is knee-carpal.

20). "Raise opposite limbs."

1 - Raise the right arm forward, left leg back, maintain balance (inhale).

2 - Return to the starting position (exhale).

3 - Raise your left arm, right leg (inhale).

4 - Return to the starting position (exhale). 4 times.

Initial position.

Once! Inhale.

Two! Exhalation.

Three! Inhale.

21). "Look at the hand."

1 - Raise your right hand to the side - up, look at it (inhale).

2 - Return to the starting position (exhale).

3 - Raise your left hand to the side - up, look at it (inhale).

4 - Return to the starting position (exhale).

Initial position.

Once! Inhale.

Three! Inhale.

22). "Reach forward."

1 - The right hand slides forward as far as possible, lower the head (exhale).

2 - Return to the starting position (inhale).

3 - The left hand slides forward, lower the head (inhale).

4 - Return to the starting position (inhale). 3 times.

Initial position.

When conducting classes, it is necessary to strictly observe the gradualness and sequence of the load. For this exercise, you should select in such a way that each previous one prepares the body for the next one, while at the same time ensuring the alternation of the work of various muscle groups according to the principle of scattered load. More frequent rest, both passive and active, breathing and relaxation exercises should be considered. General developmental exercises should provide a versatile and selective effect on certain muscle groups and joints, sections of the spine. This will allow you to directly influence the development and maintenance of motor qualities, restore or maintain range of motion in the joints, improve coordination and posture.

When performing exercises, special attention must be paid to the correct setting of breathing. It should be combined with movements, be free, without delay. It is necessary to teach students to exhale longer than inhalation, which improves ventilation and blood flow to the heart. As a rule, tilts and turns of the torso, squats, bringing and lowering the arms, raising and bending the legs are carried out on exhalation.

Starting positions must be alternated, excluding those that make it difficult or hold your breath, cause a sharp rush of blood to the head, complicate the execution of movements. A sharp change in standing-lying positions (and vice versa) negatively affects cardiovascular system older people involved in the II and especially in the III group. They are recommended to alternate starting positions as follows: standing, sitting, lying, sitting, standing.

In the course of classes, the reaction of the body to the load is determined by external signs, behavior and well-being of those involved, by the level of working capacity. It should be noted that the focus on the subjective assessment of the load can sometimes be inadequate and lead to negative shifts due to the overestimation of their capabilities by older people. Therefore, when monitoring the intensity and tolerance of the load, it is necessary to focus on heart rate. For this purpose, before the lesson, in the main part and at the end of the final part, the pulse is counted. Its permissible value is 150 beats / min for 40-49-year-olds; 50-59-year-olds - 140 beats / min; 60-year-olds and older - 130 beats / min. The physiological load curve should gradually increase at the beginning of the session, reach its maximum by the middle or in the second third of the main part, and gradually decrease by the end of the session. The density of classes in the first months should not exceed 40-55%, and after six months it can approach 60-65%. In the future, it is recommended to maintain the achieved density in group III, and increase it to 70 and 80%, respectively, in groups II and I.

The effectiveness of classes is determined by medical and pedagogical observations, changes in anthropometric parameters, range of motion in the joints, functional tests of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as medical examinations conducted 2 times a year and according to indications. With the improvement of objective and subjective indicators, positive changes in physical fitness those involved can be transferred to a stronger medical group.


adequate physical activity for the elderly

5. Swimming. In this type of cyclic exercises also

all muscle groups are involved, but due to

horizontal position of the body and the specifics of the aquatic environment

the load on the circulatory system in swimming is less than

while running or skiing. The specifics of the conditions for classes

swimming (high humidity, pool microclimate)

especially beneficial for people with bronchial asthma.

The next group of exercises: acyclic!

1. Morning hygiene exercisescontributes to a more rapid bringing of the body into working condition after waking up, maintaining a high

the level of efficiency during the working day, improving the coordination of the neuromuscular

apparatus, activity of the cardiovascular and

respiratory systems. During morning exercises And

subsequent water procedures activated

activity of skin and muscle receptors,

vestibular apparatus, increased excitability

CNS, which improves the functions of the musculoskeletal

locomotive apparatus and internal organs.

2. Rhythmic gymnastics.Peculiarity rhythmic gymnastics consists in the fact that the pace of movements and the intensity of execution

exercises are set by the rhythm of musical accompaniment. It uses a combination of different tools that affect

organism. Exercises on the ground develop muscle strength and mobility in the joints, running series - endurance, dance - plasticity.

Dear reader, this memo will help you to properly bring up physical activity in old age!

In the elderly and older age, many of the means are used physical education used in adulthood. However, preference should be given tohygienic and natural health factors, as well as those physical exercises that make relatively low demands on the body and can easily be accurately dosed according to the load.

So, let's begin:

affordable and effective tool isbreathing exercises,which has three main purposes:

1. Improve breathing during

performing physical exercises:

ventilate the lungs

eliminate possible

oxygen debt and

help the heart

intensified work.

2. Improve the breathing apparatus and maintain high level its performance.

3. Develop the ability to breathe correctly, thereby providing a constant massaging effect on the internal organs (alimentary tract, liver, etc.).

All types of wellness physical education can be divided into two large groups:cyclic and acyclic exercises.

Cyclic exercises - these are motor acts in which for a long time constantly

The same completed motor cycle is repeated.

Acyclic exercises - the structure of movements does not have a stereotypical cycle and changes during their


First, let's look at cyclic exercises!

1. Aerobics is a system of physical

Exercises, the energy supply of which

Done through the use

Oxygen. Aerobic are only

Those cyclic exercises in which

At least 2/3 of muscle mass is involved


2. In mass physical culture

widely usedwellness

(fast) walking: at

appropriate speed (up to 6.5

km/h) its intensity can

reach the trainer's zone

mode. Speed ​​walking as an independent

a health remedy can be recommended only if there are contraindications to running.

3. Fitness run:The calming effect of running is enhanced by the action of pituitary hormones (endorphins), which are released into the blood during endurance work. Fitness jogging has a significant positive effect on the circulatory system and immunity. The sooner you start training, the greater the body's resistance to cancer.

4. Skiing.This type of cyclic exercise is not inferior to running in its health-improving effect. When skiing, in addition to the muscles of the lower leg and thigh,

muscles are included upper limbs And shoulder girdle, back and abdomen, which requires additional

energy consumption. The hardening effect is also clearly manifested, the body's immunity to colds increases. The load on the joints and the risk of injury when skiing is much less than when running.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the features of exercise for the elderly

    What set of exercises is suitable for people in old age

    What 3 Bubnovsky's secret exercises are suitable for older people with a sore back and arthrosis

    What is the best time to exercise for the elderly

Exercise for the elderly - the only sure way to get rid of complex violations, in addition, they have a number of features, their own specifics. This is due to the fact that such exercises have a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and other systems, the main thing is to take into account the physiology of the body of the elderly.

Therefore, physical education for the elderly should not only be developed taking into account personal preferences, but also completely exclude possible injuries, take into account the peculiarities of recovery processes in the body of an elderly person.

Developing complex exercises when doing physical education for the elderly, it is important to give preference to physical exercises with low requirements for the human body, in addition, such exercises should be easily dosed taking into account the loads.

Physical exercises for the elderly and their characteristics

Today we will talk about the specifics of physical education and sports, their organization for the elderly. First of all, it is necessary to consider the balance between different physical exercises, for example, between running and race walking. Load balancing is, first of all, the selection of such exercises that will help optimize the entire process of training. roving and will help to avoid injuries during training. For older people, this is especially true.

According to statistics Approximately 20% of older people (from 60 years old) are injured. The decrease in physical activity of older people can be explained by the fact that they are constantly afraid of getting injured. Gradually, stereotypes appear, caused not only by this fear, but also by the fact that various irreversible biological and physiological changes begin to occur in the body of an elderly person. enen Yes, it is under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors. Many people think that there is no way out, but in fact, all this can be avoided if physical exercises are dosed, correctly and balanced, among them cardio loads and strength training.

No matter how hard we try, but, to our regret, the aging factors inexorably work on our body and every day negatively affect our health. For example, some factors that affect our aging are simply inevitable, and even if we make every effort, we will not be able to influence them, but even some of the most irreversible processes that have already begun to occur in the body can be controlled and even minimized.

behavioral factor old people:

    Active lifestyle . In complex training programs allowed to use the following exercises: power, cardio loads, stretching exercises, yoga.

    Balanced and first of all proper nutrition , which includes all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients most necessary for the body of an elderly person. For example, for an elderly person, it is important to have enough vitamin D in the diet.

    Convenient, comfortable shoes . Shoes and sandals should not have too high kabuki and platforms, heavy and voluminous soles are unacceptable, as this will negatively affect the posture of an elderly person. Preference should be given to light, comfortable shoes that have maximum contact with the ground. If possible, you can walk barefoot on the grass or ground, this will strengthen the muscles of the legs and improve blood circulation.

    Necessary pay close attention to different groups medicines . All because it is possible side effects. To avoid problems, it is necessary to consult with your doctor on all issues. This is the only way to get a guarantee that everything is done correctly and the medicines will not harm a person.

Age biological factor . Aging, a person notices some changes that begin to occur in the body, for example, hearing, vision and clarity of consciousness may deteriorate. In addition, other disorders of the musculoskeletal system are possible, for example, coordination of movements may deteriorate, arthritis or disorders of the vestibular apparatus may appear and, as a result, chronic diseases appear. Training and exercise can serve as preventive measures to help improve overall health, as well as improve immunity, strength and endurance.

External factors . They also need to be taken into account, as this will avoid the potential dangers that surround the elderly 24 hours a day in everyday life. We offer a minimum list of the main external factors:

    winter time. It was at this time that the increased level of injuries, ice appears on the roads;

    rooms with limited space and slippery floors;

    curbs, steps and various irregularities of numerous surfaces;

    the quality of lighting, both indoors and outdoors;

    escalators in supermarkets, elevators, etc.

A set of exercises that can be used to treat and prevent older people with sore legs and back

Posture Improvement Exercise . Fully straightened, you should stand with your back to the wall, touching only your shoulders, the back of your head, your pelvis and heels. Having straightened up, it is necessary to take deep breaths and exhalations within 1-1.5 minutes. Then, moving away from the wall, it is important to straighten up and feel each vertebra.

Walking in place . This is one of the simplest and the right exercises. Keep your feet hip-width apart and straighten your back. Lift your right leg and bend it at an angle of about 90 degrees and after a few seconds, lower it. The same exercise must be done with the left leg. As an effective addition, swing your arms, so the exercise will be even more effective.

Side bends with touches to the floor. To perform this exercise, you need to stand as straight as possible and put your feet shoulder-width apart. After that, tilt to the left with your hand touching the floor and to the right, also straightening up after touching the floor. For each side, repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Steps to the side. Straightening up, you need to take a step to the left, and then to the right. The exercise should be alternated, thus making 10 steps in one direction, and then in the other. To make it easier to navigate in space, you can do head turns with tilts, you can stick to the wall with one hand, using it as a support.

tightrope walking. Putting your foot in front of you, you need to walk along the line, this will allow you to work out coordination of movements. While walking, one foot should be placed in front of the other. Thus, you need to go 1-2 meters forward, and then the same way back. Eyes can be closed, which will also improve the vestibular apparatus.

Exercise "snake". It is necessary to put some chips in one line about a meter apart, plastic bottles or cups. After that, from one end of this line, walk around obstacles in the form of a snake, without touching them, as this will increase the effectiveness of the exercises. In order to complicate these exercises, you can slightly reduce the distance between the obstacles and accelerate in the process of movement.

Walking on toes and heels. The exercise is aimed at the development of the lower limbs. To do this, you need to walk confidently for several minutes on your toes, and then on your heels. To complicate the exercises, you can smoothly turn your head first in one direction and then in the other direction, slowing down your walking.

3 secret exercises for the elderly from Dr. Bubnovsky

There are many techniques and ways to improve health at an older age, but there are exercises that are aimed at doing all this as correctly as possible. For many years in a row professor, doctor medical sciences Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky developed his own system of kinesitherapy, which eventually became the basis of his method of healing and treatment

Kinesitherapy - the ancient Greek word, which consists of two interconnected words - Kinesis - movement and therapia - treatment. This form is therapeutic gymnastics for the elderly, which is aimed at achieving a stable therapeutic result.

In other words, it is a complex of passive and active movements aimed at a stable and lasting result. It was kinesitherapy that became the basic, holistic basis for the development of Dr. Bubnovsky.

Using his experience and best practices, the results of his research, the doctor was able to prove the need to use healing power physical movements for the full treatment of diseases associated with impaired motor activity, while the doctor manages only with physical exercises, that is, he does not use drugs and other medications in his practice.

We invite you to get acquainted with these secret exercises that are addressed to the elderly and will help improve overall well-being.

Such exercises should be performed at least 3-4 times a week or daily. When performing in the room, it should be fresh, it is necessary to open the window, fresh air will help not only improve well-being, but also have a positive effect on the general condition.

First: push-ups from the floor. If a person is physically strong, then you need to start with push-ups from the floor, if there are problems, you can do push-ups from a wall or a chair, as long as there is some kind of support. This exercise will help strengthen the belt of the lower and upper extremities, in parallel, the venous outflow of blood from the brain will improve and the load on the human heart and lungs will decrease. The chair press should be done in 5-10 sets, in series of 5-10 push-ups, depending on physical condition and well-being of the elderly. If it is convenient, then you can do such push-ups from the table, which will also be effective. So the belt of the upper limbs is gradually unloaded and the person can increase the load.

Second: squats with a straight back with support for a fixed support. First you need to go to the door and stand facing its end, holding on to the door handles on both sides. In this case, the legs should be spaced shoulder-width apart, look ahead of you. After correct setting body, it is necessary to sit down while inhaling, and while exhaling, stand up, straightening your back.

Squats are done for 5-10 repetitions in one approach, there may be several, depending on the person's well-being. You need to start with 1-2 approaches and then look at your well-being, so you can bring them up to five.

Third: exercises for the middle part of the body and spine. The exercise in this series is aimed at strengthening the internal organs and, first of all, the intestines, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, spleen, lumbar-thoracic spine of an elderly person. To strengthen all these organs, there is one universal exercise called the “semi-plow”.

To begin, lie on your back, with your hands, focus on a fixed support with the palms of both hands. Then you need to smoothly raise and lower your legs 90 degrees. To achieve a stable positive result, you need to do 5-10 repetitions in one approach. If over time you get the feeling that you can do 15 to 20 repetitions, then this means that you are on the right track.

Video exercises for the elderly with arthrosis

7 tips for older people who decide to do exercise therapy

    Required before class starts get advice from your doctor . Only after that you will be able to conduct classes in the rhythm of life you need.

    The sooner you start exercise and sports, the sooner you feel a surge of energy, cheerfulness and a desire to live a full life without disease will appear.

    Don't start exercising abruptly , before starting, you need to walk a little on the spot, raising your knees high. This will warm up the muscles and joints better, and you will feel a large supply of energy that will help you cope with several sets of exercises.

    Start learning a set of physical exercises with fewer repetitions , for example, 5-7 will be enough and only after 2-3 not divide them can be brought up to 10 with the number of repetitions that you can master yourself.

    Best time for exercise isevening , the benefits to the body will be maximum.

    One hour before the proposed workout and one hour after you can not eat ,You can drink only water in any quantity. For dinner after the event intense exercise, it is advisable to eat cottage cheese, drink kefir, that is, any fermented milk food will do.

    If there is a feeling of discomfort, a sharp headache or muscle pain, then the exercises should be stopped and consult your doctor.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    Round-the-clock care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

After 60 years, everyone gets the opportunity to appreciate all the “charms” of approaching old age: when muscles, bones, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems are no longer the same. That is why power training after 60 are no less important for health and longevity than training in 20 years.

Consequences of not exercising with weights

1. Loss of muscle mass

As soon as you reach the age of 40 or 50, your body begins to steadily lose muscle tissue. This process may be partly due to a decrease in the level of physical activity and the production of anabolic hormones.

As you know, there are 2 types of muscle fibers: type I (“slow” muscle fibers) and type II (“fast” fibers). It is the second type of fibers that is capable of producing a force 2-4 times stronger than the fibers of the first type. Unfortunately, as we age, we lose predominantly "fast" fibers. What do you think happens when we lose muscle fibers that are responsible for strength and power?

2. Loss of functionality

Functionality is one of the most important abilities that makes life easier after 60 and can significantly improve its quality in old age.

Below we will consider step by step how, over time, the loss of strength and power leads to limited functionality, and subsequently to disability.

Stage 1 - muscle pathology

Muscular pathology is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Loss of motor units.
  • Changes in muscle fibers.
  • Amyotrophy.
  • Decreased neuromuscular communication.
  • Slowing down the rate of muscle activation.

Stage 2 - Breaking Functionality

This stage is characterized by a decrease in the speed of movement and strength reproduction.

Stage 3 - functional limitations

At this stage, people take longer to climb stairs and get up from a chair.

Stage 4 - the onset of disability

This is the saddest stage, because without the help of a cane it is difficult for a person to leave the house.

The 4 stages above show how not exercising slowly but surely leads to a decrease in the quality of life.

Training after 60: strength or power?

If you are over 60 years old, strength training in its classical sense is not the best option for you. The optimal type of training for people of age is speed-strength training (power training).

If classical strength training involves performing movements at a slow pace (for example, 3-4 seconds per repetition in the bench press), then speed-strength training means performing exercises at maximum speed.

A number of studies have shown that it is power that is responsible for the ability of older people to cope with daily activities such as walking in the park, walking up stairs, getting up from a chair. Scientists also consider power to be the main ally of functionality.

In 2011, Swiss experts analyzed several studies and concluded that speed-style training gives more benefits for the elderly in terms of functionality than classic strength training.

Training after 60 years: tohow to train power?

Power training involves performing movements at the fastest possible pace. However, this type of training should not be confused with weightlifting training. Power training is a regular workout in gym, which involves lifting weights at maximum speed (of course, with perfect technique).

Most of the studies used simulators rather than free weights. Exercises were performed in 2-3 sets for large muscle groups, which were trained 2-3 days a week. The intensity of training was at the level of 70% of maximum weight, which the subjects could lift, which was 8-10 repetitions per approach.

Training after 60 years:safety

Most of the studies involved older people who did not experience problems with bones, joints, and the cardiovascular system.

If you are not a robust energizer, choose more low level training intensity. Do exercises with a range of not 8-10, but 15-20 repetitions. So you are safe from the possible negative consequences of training.


  • If your age is approaching 60 years or more - do not give up weight training. By limiting your motor activity under the pretext "I'm already old, my bones and heart will not withstand the stress", you are doing yourself a "disservice".
  • Train in a speedy style, so you can improve functionality and provide a more comfortable standard of living in old age.
  • Train your muscles 3 times a week for 2-3 sets of 8-10 or 15-20 reps.
  • Do not forget that each of us is individual. Don't go overboard with the intensity of your workouts.