Husky kennel sledding. Husky riding as an outdoor activity

For the first time this year, Tsaritsyno organizes dog and reindeer sledding. Here, the sledding season will open on December 22 at noon.

Reindeer, specially brought from the Komi Republic, will be harnessed to national Yakut sleds (narrow sledges), lined with skins from the inside, which will provide warmth and comfort while riding! And the safety will be monitored by experienced mushers in beautiful national clothes, who fully control the animals during the movement.

The sledges (or narrow sledges) will also be harnessed to Siberian Huskies. In one team - from four to eight dogs. Skating will take place under the close supervision of professional cynologists.

The horse-drawn sleigh will be harnessed by a pair of white Percheron horses, which will enchant with their beauty, strength and endurance. The organizers chose this particular breed, as it has a calm disposition.

You can take sleigh rides along the Tsaritsyno every day from December 22 to January 9 from 12:00 to 18:00. After the New Year holidays, visitors to the park will be able to ride according to the same schedule on weekends and holidays. The length of the route for dog and reindeer sledding will be 500 meters, and for horseback riding - up to 700 meters.

2. Izmailovsky Park

Due to snowy weather in Izmailovsky Park, the season of winter sleigh rides is planned to open in December. You can ride a dog sled on weekdays from 12:00 to 20:00, and on weekends and holidays - from 11:00 to 21:00. Visitors to the park will be able to ride horse-drawn sleighs on Fridays from 14:00 to 22:00, on weekends and holidays - from 11:00 to 22:00.

3. Fili

In Fili Park, walks in a festively decorated horse team will be held on weekends from December 22 to January 14 from 10:00 to 14:00.

4. Kuzminki (free sleigh rides)

In Kuzminki Park, dog sledding will take place on the central square on December 28 from 12:00 to 14:00, on December 30 from 15:00 to 21:00 and on January 5 from 12:00 to 14:00.

5. Bauman Garden (free sleigh rides)

In the Bauman Garden, visitors will be able to ride sleds pulled by deer on January 2 from 17:30 to 19:00.

6. Tagansky Park (free sleigh rides)

In Tagansky Park on January 7, free walks on reindeer and dog sleds will be held from 12:00 to 16:00.

7. Sokolniki

And in Sokolniki Park on December 30, a husky park will open, where you can also ride sleds pulled by sled dogs. The exact timetable and cost will be announced after December 20 on the Sokolniki Park website.

8. Square in Olonetskaya proezd

In the park in Olonetsky passage on January 1 from 16:00 to 17:00 it will be possible to ride a dog sled, and on January 2 at the same time - a sleigh pulled by three horses.

Big adventure with husky

Husky Park in Sokolniki is not just a pair of enclosures with dogs. This is a real training center for young travelers, where you can hear the legends of the peoples of the Far North, look into the chum or yaranga, find out what a temple is, and make friends with huskies. In total, there are 16 dogs in the center, which arrived in Sokolniki from the Karelian camp "Big Adventure" by Dmitry Shparo. In the park, it is allowed to play with the dogs on the playground, walk with them through the forest, arrange a photo session or ride on a sled. By the way, they ride in the park only twice a day, at 13:40 and at 15:10, and therefore you need to sign up in advance. Please note that there are weight restrictions: dogs are protected in the center, and large men are not put in the sled.

The main contingent of the park is children aged 5-12. It is for them that the animation program has been developed, which includes a master class in orienteering, making amulets “for good luck”, a photo session and, of course, a dog sledding trip in search of the pole.

Where: Sokolniki Park, 5th Radiation Prosek, vl. 16A (behind the Sokolniki park campsite)

Price: excursion - 300/400 rubles, children under 5 years old free of charge, sledding - 500 rubles. Before going to the park, you must pre-register at [email protected] or by tel. 8-901-725-93-56

Park "Tsaritsyno"

Huskies in the park are based near the main entrance, not far from the Tsaritsyno metro station. It is allowed to ride here even with small children, however, safety precautions are required. For example, you can’t jump off the sled until it comes to a complete stop, and children under 7 years old can get into the sled only if accompanied by an adult.

In the depths of the park you can also ride deer. “Non-resident” animals work in Tsaritsyno - they arrived in Moscow from the Komi Republic. The reindeer ride takes about 5 minutes, but it turns into a real show. Reindeer are harnessed to authentic Yakut sleds, mushers rule in national clothes, shouting mysterious commands along the way.

You can ride here on weekends from 12:00 to 18:00.

Where: st. Dolskaya, 1

Price: 600 r. (for adults), 400 rubles. (for children 3-14 years old accompanied by adults), free for children under 3 years old.

Ethnocultural complex "Husky Land"

On the territory of the Skazka park, husky rides are carried out on weekends. Try to arrive here early: dogs "work" only during daylight hours.

It is much more interesting to become the hero of an animation program. In addition to sledding, it includes a visit to the kennel, rituals in the shaman's house, a visit to the hunter's dwelling, the creation of a magical amulet and playing with puppies. It is forbidden to feed dogs in the center: the animals are on special food. But you can treat deer - in Husky Land they sell thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots for them.

Where: Skazka park, st. Krylatskaya, 18

Price: 550/850 rubles per program. Sledding - 500 rubles per lap.

Husky Park Izmailovo

In winter, the Forest of Wonders playground becomes the most popular on the territory of the vast Izmailovsky park. After all, steep tubing slides are flooded here, bicycle rental is open and a husky park is open. There are no animation programs and shamanic rituals in the center: for 250 rubles you can walk, hug and take plenty of pictures with friendly dogs. Those who dream of riding a sled with the breeze should come to Izmailovo on the weekends: husky rides are only on Saturday and Sunday. None age restrictions- Among the clients of the center were both two-month-old babies and eighty-year-old grandmothers.

Where: Izmailovsky Park, the Forest of Wonders site (northern entrance at the Partizanskaya metro station)

Price: entrance ticket - 250 rubles, sledding - 1000 rubles.

Club of lovers of northern sled dogs "Husky from Kuzminki to Alaska"

Perhaps, this club has the richest selection of programs with the participation of huskies. Quests and birthday parties are organized here, excursions for schoolchildren and dog trekking are held, they offer canicross (jogging with dogs) and a scooter ride with a dog. But most of all in the winter program park - you can try skiing with a fluffy partner, ride along the paths of the park in a tubing, holding a husky on a leash, or go on an hour and a half dog sledding trip in search of Forest Lake.

The youngest (2-8 years old) guests of the club can ride along the alleys of the park on sleds, and older children will be interested in trying themselves as a musher. In the One Day in Alaska program, everyone will learn about the breed, attend a master class in harnessing animals and feel like a driver, racing on a team through a forest or a snowy field.

Where: Kuzminsky Park, st. District, possession 7 with. 2

Price: skiing: 500-1500, communication with dogs - 100 rubles

Husky riding is a fairly popular type of outdoor activity not only for adults, but also for children.

For this, it is not necessary to travel to the North.

Exists a large number of specialized centers where it is possible to ride a dog sled and learn the skills of independent control of the team, having been in the place of the driver.

Most importantly, overpower the fear of. Although in appearance they resemble wolves, but by temperament they are quite good-natured and friendly animals.

Dogs are specially trained to work with people, they have no aggression towards strangers.

IN Lately this breed is mainly for participation in safaris, winter races and for the tourism business (actually for riding tourists).

Mandatory briefing is conducted by a qualified mentor who explains all aspects, safety rules and the basics of team management. In the process of riding, he monitors the safety of both adult riders and children.

The role of a sled dog was given to the Husky a couple of 1000 years ago.

Initially, riding a husky was not perceived as a form of recreation.

And in Russia, not a single trip to the North was complete without reliable helpers - sled dogs.

The peoples of Siberia, the North and the Far East have achieved the greatest skill in riding a husky.

For a long period of time, riding a husky was considered the most optimal way to travel through the vast snowy plains.

In those days, sledding competitions also appeared (it was even planned to establish the corresponding Olympic sport).

Despite their excellent physiological data and natural endurance, huskies are good service dogs.

They do not have a developed sense of ownership, the so-called territoriality, so in the role of a watchdog, a husky is not the best option.

Efforts to awaken these qualities are fraught with mental problems in the pet. Many huskies have a freedom-loving and obstinate disposition, to.

They are insanely good-natured and do not pay attention to any pranks of children.. With their energy and love of life they charge everyone around.

They have a strong herd instinct. In this regard, it is better to have several large pets at once. Although it depends directly on the material capabilities of the owner.

Dogs are harnessed to a sled for several passengers. An alternative is trolleys on rubber wheels in the warm season.

Dogs are controlled not with a whip or reins (as in horseback riding), but with the help of certain commands.

There are several options for sledding: a fan or a plow. In the first case, one dog acts as the leader, and the rest rush after him and drag the sled behind them.

The leader of the pack (the most intelligent dog) listens to the instructions of the musher (driver) and sets the direction of movement for the rest.

In the second case, the dogs are lined up in a team in pairs and two dogs already act as the leader. After the leaders come stronger and pets, and closer to the sleigh they install persistent dogs-tractors.

The minimum number of harnessed dogs in one sled is eight adult pets (over the age of one year).

In order for tourists to be able to ride huskies, the mushers teach the basics of management (although at first glance it is as easy as shelling pears).

First of all, it is worth considering the factor of probable disobedience to the new owner. It is not difficult to master the control technique, but in order to get the location of the leader, you will have to use psychological tricks.

Huskies do not experience discomfort and pain while riding. They really enjoy this process.

Dogs are attached to the sleigh, which comfortably wraps around the chest and body between the front and hind legs.

You can ride a husky with children at low speeds, up to forty kilometers per hour. In competition, they develop significantly greater speed.

Photo gallery

As you can see in the photos, husky riding involves not only harnessed by several dogs, but also solo skiing trips, both for adults and children.

The RIAMO observer found places in the capital and the Moscow region where this winter you can go dog sledding and chat with friendly huskies.

Ethnocultural complex "Husky Park"

In "Husky Park", which is located in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region, they ride not only on a dog sled, but also on a "cheesecake" that will be pulled by huskies, here you can also chat with adult dogs and puppies. In addition, Husky Park has a whole program of acquaintance with northern peoples, their traditions, music, way of life, shamanistic rituals. Guests are invited to meet with the "owners of the northern camp" in national costumes, watch the lighting of a ritual fire, listen to myths and legends, look into the yaranga - the national dwelling of the northern peoples.

Where: Moscow region, Ramensky district, Petrovskoye village

Price: adults - 2800 rubles, children from 3 to 7 years old - 1600 rubles

Kennel "Artemov"

Sledding in this kennel is suitable for confident and athletic people: there are no seated teams, the sledges are driven by one person, and standing up, as in sledding (this also applies to children, the minimum age is from 5 to 6 years). Skating takes place under the supervision of experienced instructors, before which the guest undergoes mandatory training. At the end, visitors are offered to drink tea, chat and take pictures with the dogs, treat them with treats they brought with them. In addition to the Husky, there are also Japanese hunting dog breeds, the Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu.

Where: Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, next to the village fish

Price : 2.5 km - from 2000 to 2500 rubles for 10 - 15 minutes of skiing; 5 km - from 4000 to 5000 rubles for 20 - 25 minutes, respectively.

Ethnopark "Husky Land"

Here they offer to ride a husky in a sled that fits either one adult or an adult with a small child, walk the dog, race, play and take pictures with the friendliest (human-oriented) huskies in the enclosure. A comprehensive entertainment program operates on the territory of the park: acquaintance with the traditions of the peoples of the North, such as shamanism and rock art, an archery master class and a photo shoot. They also ride on a reindeer sled. It is not necessary to purchase a ticket for the husky program, only the selected entertainment is paid for.

Where: Moscow region, Leninsky district, near the village of Ostrov

Price: husky riding - 1000 rubles per person (the length of the route and the time may vary slightly, depending on weather conditions); visiting the husky enclosure - 100 rubles per person (time is not limited); walk with a husky - 500 rubles for a 30-minute walk with one dog, the number of participants is not limited; entertainment program - from 1390 to 1990 rubles.

"Husky Land" in Krylatskoye

Another "Husky Country" is located in the metropolitan park Skazka. Here, myths and legends about the origin of the Husky breed will be told, professional cynologists will demonstrate how to behave properly with dogs. As in other parks, there is access to enclosures for communication with huskies and the option of walking around the park. Husky rides are seated. The park also operates the Troll Cave, the Snow Queen's Castle, a dinosaur park, a tubing slide and other attractions.

Price: two-hour program - from 550 to 850 rubles per person, children under 3 years old - free of charge, skiing 2 - 3 minutes - 500 rubles per person.

Zoofarm "Shikhovo"

Here, guests are driven in a sleigh, so even the smallest can participate. The length of the small trajectory is 450 meters, the ride lasts 3 minutes, the long route is 4.5 km. Single sledges, harnessed by 4 - 6 dogs, pass through the slopes and ascents. A musher drives the dogs, and for an additional fee of 300 rubles, you can try to do it yourself. Guests are offered to warm up with hot tea. The ticket price includes a visit to the petting zoo, where you can communicate with huskies and other pets, as well as riding "cheesecakes" without dogs.

Where: Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, Shikhovo village.

Price: small route - 250 rubles, long route - 3700 rubles (children under 3 years old can ride in a sleigh with a parent for free); obligatory entrance ticket - 250 rubles (adults), 100 rubles (children from 7 to 17 years old), veterans and children under 7 years old - free of charge.

Husky Village "Ruzskaya Alaska"

The longest walks on a husky across the snowy expanses can be made at the Ruzskaya Alaska kennel. Dog riding is carried out both in a sleigh with an experienced musher, and in standing sports sleds. There are also short routes 1.5 - 3 km, and long ones - from 17 - 30 km. On weekends, there are guided tours with stories about sledding and the history of the Husky breed. At the end of the route, guests will find a fire and hot tea from a samovar. On the territory there is a cozy cafe with a fireplace, you can also chat with other pets and buy farm products.

Popular winter entertainment in the Moscow region - riding on sled dogs - handsome huskies. This season, husky parks and dog clubs offer a variety of fun - sledding, master classes, skiing and husky slides, and even "Journey to Alaska". The RIAMO correspondent has compiled a guide to places where you can ride a husky in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Park "Kuzminki-Lyublino"

In the Kuzminki-Lublino park, you can not only ride a dog sled in picturesque places, but also arrange husky rides in the night forest, ride a husky tubing down a hill or ride a husky on skis. The husky tubing program is designed for children from two to eight years old. It includes fast driving on knurled paths, downhill skiing and a mini-sleigh ride.

Older children and adults will be interested in driving through picturesque places Kuzminsky park. The guides will tell you why the sculptures of the Horse Yard are famous, why two stone grottoes were built, and what secret the Orange Greenhouse hides. Among the unusual programs are also "One Day in Alaska" with dog sled races, and "Birthday with Husky" - with barbecue, quests and tea drinking in a warm tent.

Where: Moscow, Kuzminki-Lyublino park, Nahaski club

When: upon prior request by mail [email protected]

What is the price: from 500 to 3000 rubles per person, depending on the program

Husky Park "Northern Wind"

In the North Wind Husky Park, sled dog rides are organized for both children and adults. The standard skiing program includes riding a special sleigh designed for dog sledding, sledding, time for communication with dogs and taking pictures. The park also has a Husky Friendship program, designed for visitors from eight years old. There is a teahouse in the park, where you can warm yourself with tea and mulled wine.

Where: Moscow region, near Khotkovo

When: from 11.00 to 15.00 - groups up to five people, from 10 people - by appointment

What is the price: from 250 rubles (1 circle) to 800 rubles (4 circles)

"Eco Husky Park"

Husky rides together with representatives of the peoples of the north, who will arrange national games, dance master classes, hold interactive rituals with the participation of a Chukchi shaman and give tundra tea to drink, take place all year round in "Eco Husky Park" on Rublyovka. In cost special program also includes a visit to the exhibition of souvenirs of the masters of the north, an excursion to the Chukchi dwelling, a visit to an ethno-shooting gallery, a concert of a folklore ensemble, a walk with a husky on a leash and dog sledding.

Where: Moscow region, the village of Nikolina Gora

When: on weekdays - for corporate and tourist groups from 20 people, Saturday-Sunday, from 12.00 to 17.00 - for everyone

What is the price: skiing - from 500 to 1000 rubles per person, special programs - from 1500 (children's ticket) to 3100 rubles (adult)

Ethnocultural complex "Husky Land"

Dog sledding in the ethno-cultural complex "Husky Land" is organized for visitors of all ages. They ride in a small circle (500 meters) or in a large circle (800 meters). As part of a special program, you can also ride "cheesecakes" from a hill or snowmobiles, transform into a hunter or fisherman to feel like a resident of the north, shoot from a bow in an ethno shooting range or play with a husky in an aviary

Where: Moscow region, Bogdanikha village

When: from 13.00 to 16.00 by appointment

What is the price: skiing - from 500 to 1000 rubles, a special program from 1490 (child) to 2490 rubles (adult)

Kennel "Artemov"

Husky riding along the route of 2.5 km and 5 km in a pine-spruce forest is also organized by the Artemov family kennel. Unlike other places, they only ride one at a time, so the prices are higher. Before skiing, a briefing is necessarily carried out and introduced to the dogs, a walk through the forest takes place under the supervision of an instructor. After skiing, you can take pictures and feed the animals. Husky treats (sausage, cheese or sausages) are allowed to bring with you.

Where: Moscow region, Rybnoye village

When: on weekends, appointment by phone 8 926 553 07 36, 8 903 619 15 42 in 2-3 days, on weekdays - without appointment

What is the price: 15 minutes of skiing from 1500 to 2500 rubles on weekends and holidays, 25-30 minutes of skiing - 3000 rubles (weekdays) and 5000 rubles (weekends and holidays)

All nurseries and parks are advised to come in a warm sportswear and shoes without heels.

Olga Shvenk

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